Apocalypse Approaches – Speech Suppression

Britain arrests a man over a Facebook post criticizing migrants:

British police have promised not to tolerate any speech that could cause offence on social media regarding Syrian migrants, after arresting a man for Facebook comments made about recent arrivals on his small Scottish Island…

A police spokesman was unequivocal, that any harsh criticism of the Muslim influx would not be “tolerated”. Inspector Ewan Wilson from Dunoon police office told the Guardian following the arrest:

“I hope that the arrest of this individual sends a clear message that Police Scotland will not tolerate any form of activity which could incite hatred and provoke offensive comments on social media”.

This is leftists seeing their amygdalae entering a higher gear. They have plenty to freak out at, including stories like this:

Another case which send shock-waves across the continent saw a ten-year-old boy raped by a 20-year-old Iraqi migrant in a swimming pool in Austria.

The attacker claimed he raped the boy because he had ‘too much sexual energy’ and it was a ‘sexual emergency.’

The victim had to be hospitalised with serious injuries and his mother, herself an immigrant who came from Serbia in the 90s, said regrets teaching her children to be welcoming to migrants.

Migrants are r-strategists, programmed to rape indiscriminately.

Interestingly, for all we have heard of migrant sex attacks, they are only 1% of total migrant crime:

Nearly one in five offences committed by migrants or refugees in Germany last year were violent crimes, such as assaults, robberies or ‘threatening behaviour’.

However, despite reports of sex mob attacks and public molestation cases involving asylum seekers across Germany, just one per cent of crimes committed by migrants were sex crimes.

And that is with police and government actively trying to cover up migrant crime.

The rabbit’s amygdala is trained to avoid problems rather than confront them, so as it enters a higher gear in response to all of this, their amygdala seeks to quiet itself by stopping the people who are gearing up to confront the problem, in a vain hope all the upset can be avoided if it is not looked at or acknowledged. The more they try to suppress free speech, the more activated their amygdalae are.

The panic of the left, from shadowbans at Twitter, to screams for trigger warnings by feminists, to all the cases detailed in these articles – it is all a sign of the building angst which is exercising amygdalae, and molding the general population into K-strategists. All of it is growing amygdalae throughout the population, and making normal people more conservative, even as the leftists break down and try to make one last stab at seizing control.

All of it is a good sign that we are on a path to the return of freedom.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Europe, Immigration, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]