Antonin Scalia Was In A Democrat Town When He Passed

Interesting background to the Democrat controlled town where Antonin Scalia passed away. A man’s daughter, Melanie, was found dead on train tracks, and he thought it was murder, but the authorities involved all declared it suicide without investigating:

The cast of characters we dealt with are notable. Rod Ponton represented Glyn Robert Chambers in 1992, the co-defendant and confidential informant of former Presidio County Sheriff Rick Thompson, who was arrested for transporting a ton of cocaine in a sheriff horse trailer. He is now serving a life sentence. Mr. Ponton won election as District Attorney narrowly in a Democratic primary. He is also the Texas DA that refuses to reopen a case in Fort Stockton, Texas, where a woman named Sonia J. Cacy was convicted with outdated forensic science of murdering her uncle in 1993 by arson. Mr. Ponton has asked Attorney General Gregg Abbott (yes, that Gregg Abbott) to assist in blocking a reopening of the case. He has his own criminal past. There are stories that he starves his horses, stories that he has a past of sexual assaults that have never been prosecuted, and other lurid rumors. When his name is mentioned, people use words like snake and scum. I have heard many people say, “If Rod Ponton is speaking, he’s lying.”

Ponton’s Investigator, Kevin Ficke, was convicted of tampering with evidence while employed with the Uvalde Sheriff Department in 1992, and served four years probation. He sued Hays County for wrongful termination after quitting because the Hays County DA questioned his credibility, and lost(pdf). Interestingly, his wife was charged in Guadalupe County for forging prescriptions before he accepted the position in west Texas. It appears this led to the closure and eviction of a non-profit children’s shelter they were running…

My sister and I and other members of our family talked to the Justice of the Peace, Cinderela Guevara (yes, that i??s her real name). When we asked if a rape kit had been ordered, she seemed surprised. She said she had only ordered a toxicology report. We did not understand until later that she meant she had only ordered a toxicology report and not an autopsy. She later tried to say that it was Dr. Contin’??s suggestion because she thought the cause of death was obvious. My sister asked her at one meeting, “??With all due respect, Judge, how do you know she wasn’t already dead when she was hit by the train?” Ms. Guevara said nothing to that and just stared nervously at my sister. Had the possibility never entered her mind? What was called an autopsy report, so they could insist that an autopsy had been performed, were two pages signed by Dr. Contin on the evening of August 8, 2013, stating that “after investigation” it was determined that Melaney “intentionally placed herself on the tracks” and the cause of death was suicide. It appears that Dr. Contin only did a superficial visual examination and never took any samples or tissues, other than from the liver (approximately 8 hours after her death on a summer night) for the toxicology report. After researching the finding, we found that samples should not be taken from the liver, especially after physical trauma, because of the possibility of contamination.

The Union Pacific Railroad claims representative told our attorney that if they had known an autopsy had not been ordered they would have paid for one. We, of course, would have offered to pay for one if anyone had told us there was no autopsy ordered. We believed an autopsy had been performed and had my daughter’??s body cremated. Unfortunately, her husband’s family wanted everything over with as soon as possible and asked to have it done immediately. That was our collective mistake, but we were all so much in grief that everything was passing in a daze and the ramifications did not become clear for some time.

My sister and my daughter’??s paternal aunt and I went to see Cinderela Guevara several times. I went to see her alone two times. I am very lucky I never called her, I just showed up by myself and she saw me.

When she was alone with me, Ms. Guevara asked about my religious beliefs several times. We spoke about the Catholic faith and on September 3, 2013, when I met with her, she told me that she had prayed to God for an answer as to whether it was suicide or not and asked God to give her an answer in the video. She said she did not receive an answer as to that, but she did receive an answer from God. She stated to me that God told her that, yes this was a tragedy, but the true tragedy was that Melaney had died without accepting Jesus Christ as her savior…

I told Rod Ponton, Kevin Ficke and Chief Deputy Nunez about Presidio County Deputy Sheriff Mitchell Garcia and his reputation for following women in his vehicles, whether they were walking, bicycling or driving. I gave them names of women who told me they had been followed, and said we had discovered that he had followed Melaney. I told Chief Deputy Nunez on September 29, 2013 and he said a notarized statement was required to file a complaint, but no one had ever submitted one. Although he did say he had heard of a woman who would not file one, it had been reported by someone else and that was no??t allowed. I told him the women were all afraid of being further harassed and he said he did not believe the people of Marfa were afraid of law enforcement, and that they should not be…

These officials are all Democrats.

The author wrote that article on the liberal site Daily Kos, and he admits to a history of depression while implying that inherent to it is a desire to hurt the loved ones around you, so I’d say he is a little suspect himself. But I do find it interesting Justice Scalia was in a Democrat-run area, with a history of possibly doing lax investigative work when he passed. Chance favors the prepared?

Meanwhile even WaPo has noticed that a seasoned homicide investigator is calling the investigators out:

“As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy was ordered for Justice Scalia,” William O. Ritchie, former head of criminal investigations for D.C. police, wrote in a post on Facebook on Sunday…

“How can the Marshal say, without a thorough post mortem, that he was not injected with an illegal substance that would simulate a heart attack…”

“Did the US Marshal check for petechial hemorrhage in his eyes or under his lips that would have suggested suffocation? Did the US Marshal smell his breath for any unusual odor that might suggest poisoning? My gut tells me there is something fishy going on in Texas.”

If things do spiral out of control, I’d advise steering clear of any area stupid enough to hire Democrats to run it. Chances are, you will find either evil or incompetence (or maybe a little of both), and neither is helpful to the cause. No sense in tempting fate with needless journeys into the belly of the beast.

Some places will have more Apocalypse than others.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

You’ve said before you don’t believe Scalia was murdered. But the way you keep writting about it says otherwise. It’s certainly very fishy.

I myself believe it was definetly murder, but that’s easy for me to say because I’m a shameless tinfoiler.

As a side note, have you ever considered writing about the link between r/K and conspiracy theorists? It seems to me the paranoia involved in the tinfoil community is suggestive of larger amygdala. Also the term “conspiracy theorist” was popularised by the CIA after the JFK assasination, to keep people from looking to closely into it. They spread this conspiracy theory out-grouping attack thru the media and it was highly effective on the r-strategist majority. Yet still, the odd K person out there remained who was willing to out-group himself by associating with the conspiracy theorists. Willing to risk out-grouping because they considered it moral.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

I’m seeing memes and jokes about Scalia in my feed. It’s sickening that some liberals are actually celebrating his death. You just don’t see that kind of behavior with conservatives.

This kinda thing just reinforces to me how right you are with this r/K theory. You’re doing good work here and it’s probably for the best that you maintain your credibility and not give in to tinfoilery.


Michael Wittmann
Michael Wittmann
9 years ago

Oh, hell.

I was really hoping that this wasn’t going to get any uglier than it already was.

It does have the potential to make politics more interesting in the immediate future. Whatever the facts of Scalia’s death, I wonder how many high level government officials are scrolling through their Enemies Lists at this moment and reflecting that if a Supreme Court Justice can die under unknown circumstances without an autopsy, how hard could it be to arrange for their least favorite person to have a “heart attack” without any investigation afterward?

9 years ago

I wasn’t a tin foil hatter until after 9-11 where building #7, not hit by a plane, and having fires on only three or four floors fell the same speed as a rock dropped in mid air for around 108 feet. This is impossible. A building held up by steel columns can’t fall the same speed as a rock dropped in mid air. Even molten steel columns, which they weren’t, has some resistance to falling and would fall slower than the rock. See for yourself. Here’s a video taken between one and two hours before building #7 fell. There’s around three floors on fire.

(Watch the reporter pan up at 2:54. You can clearly see the whole building is not on fire. This side shown is the North side of building #7. Later you can see the fires mostly around three or four floors only and in isolated spots.)
If the fires were hot enough to melt steel then why isn’t the glass in the windows melted? Glass melts at an extremely lower temperature that steel. Ever put a metal can and a glass bottle in a campfire? The glass bottle melts but the steel can will still be intact. These fires were no hotter than a campfire.
Here’s a video of reporters going into building #7 AFTER the North tower supposedly fell on it and destroyed it sufficiently enough for it to collapse completely. Look at :54 you see the #7 for the building on the door.

Now you’ve seen video of the inside where there is NO massive damage to make all four sides of the building fall. You want pictures of the back? Here’s a picture of the South side of building #7, facing the North tower, after it had fallen. There is no huge gaping hole. There is no massive fire going all the way up the building. So you can’t say it’s the other side and we have plenty of video and pictures of the North side of build #7 pictures with no damage at all. NIST has had to release a lot of video due the FOIA.

They’re lying. I don’t believe a word they say. The whole business with the Chief justice is just too convenient. If they’ll kill thousands what’s one more.

Marc Bahn
Marc Bahn
9 years ago

Paranoid, AC is killing any credibility he had. Note “comments off” on some of his stuff.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

Well the one just following this one has comments off at the moment “Was there a motive to kill Antonin Scalia?”

I would have put this comment there if it had allowed
“the death of a 79 year old can be common, but it still behooves us to be sure it is natural, and not man made. Man made death is homicide at the least and perhaps even murder. It is not in appropriate to have done a physical examination by a professional who would know what to look for in this case of an unexplained death.”

I’m not saying that it is anything other than innocent, as we have no direct evidence to the contrary, but part of that reason we have no direct evidence to the contrary is because certain easily and commonly done procedures haven’t been.

Marc Bahn
Marc Bahn
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

Right now, two posted after this one. Not that I blame you.

Seriously, you write excellent stuff on narcissism, but you should stay out of politics.

9 years ago

[…] Scalia was in a Democrat town when he […]