Antifa Throws Urine

Would any right-wing protestor ever think to do this?

In their efforts to drive political opponents from the public square, self-described “anti-fascists” (or “antifa”) are utilizing a disgusting and degrading weapon: human urine.

In just the latest instance of weaponized urine, counter-protesters demonstrating against a free speech rally in Boston on Saturday flung urine-filled bottles at police officers trying to maintain order amidst an already tense political climate.

The Boston Police Department sent out a message on Twitter urging demonstrators not to assault officers with urine, but it’s unclear if it had any effect. Boston Police Commissioner William Evans stated at a press conference later that day that protesters successfully hit officers with their urine-filled projectiles.

“I’m sorry to report that we did have some bottles thrown at our officers that did have urine in it. A couple of our officers were hit with that,” Evans said. “They were hit with a lot of stuff today…”

The use of urine appears to be a trademark tactic of self-described “anti-fascist” demonstrators.

This is a leftist thing. You have to wonder if it isn’t instinctual. Migrant psychologies move to a new area, and then expose the indigenous peoples there to all manner of diseases to which they will probably be immunologically naïve.

We think a lot of our behaviors have thought behind them, but increasingly I am thinking that particularly among the left, instincts are fully running the show.

And those instincts are designed to get everyone else killed.

Spread r/K Theory, because you don’t want to get infected by a leftist

This entry was posted in Decline, Disgust, ITZ, Liberals, Morals, Pandemic, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Like chimps throwing crap.. and don’t forget rabbits low disgust threshold…

7 years ago

Let’s get Antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:

Let’s also get George Soros what he deserves for financing violent domestic terrorist groups:
Sign and share please!

7 years ago

I think it is a little simpler. One of the easiest to measure differences between conservatives and liberals is disgust factor. If you are measuring it with fMRIs, you take out the aculturated reporting anomalies (like, you really are disgusted by watching two guys make out, but you report that you aren’t) and it ends up being almost entirely genetic. Exposure teaches you how to deal with the disgust, but doesn’t make it go away. Urine is still disgusting if you have a working disgust factor.

Liberals don’t. They simply aren’t disgusted by Animal Markers (stuff like urine and blood and vomit and faeces that remind us that we are animals) so for them, pissing in a bottle and carrying it around and throwing it on people is no more disgusting than throwing paint on someone.

7 years ago

They’re disgusting little creatures with little to no restraint. Sweep them up and throw them away.