Anti-Immigration Anger Rises as Political K-Selection Approaches

This is the trend, even though right now everyone is fed and has it easy. Imagine what this will be like if digital money in the bank is suddenly rendered worthless, and everyone begins chasing nonexistent cash to buy food that can’t be found. Add in shortage, hunger, worry, crime, savagery, and entitled rabbits demanding special treatment, and you can imagine what it will be like then.

Despite President Obama’s efforts to cool the nation’s views on illegal immigrants storming over the U.S.-Mexico border, Americans have reached a new level of anger over the issue, with most demanding a more aggressive deportation policy — and reversal of a law that grants citizenship to kids of illegals born in the U.S.

A new Rasmussen Reports survey released Monday also finds Americans questioning spending tax dollars on government aid provided to illegal immigrants. A huge 83 percent said that anybody should be required to prove that they are “legally allowed” to be in the country before receiving local, state or federal government services.

Overall, the poll is bad news for the White House because it shows sustained, and in some cases, elevated anger and frustration over the surge in undocumented immigrants in the United States.

For example, 62 percent told the pollster that the U.S. is “not aggressive enough” in deporting those illegally in the United States. Just 15 percent believed the administration’s current policy was “about right” and 16 percent said it was “too aggressive.”

These psychologies are best understood through an addiction paradigm. The more you get addicted to ease, the less harshness it takes to trigger a more in-groupist K-selected attitude, and that will bring the aggressive competitiveness which will rebuild the greatness of this nation.

Already Vox cleaned house at the Hugos, backed by his own army of pissed off K-strategists. Gamergate repelled the SJW Hordes with ease. The tremors are coming more frequently, and they are beginning to shake everyone to the core.

The interesting thing is, this is kind of like the stock market. When everyone is r, that clueless, threat-blind, easy-going psychology everywhere feeds on itself and allows the stock market to maintain highs which are not logically supported. As the turning point arrives, fear feeds fear, and reality impacts upon reality, causing everyone to suddenly get out at once, driving things even lower than logic would normally dictate.

The rabbitry we have built up is allowing the free exchange of resources, and a willingness to provide the Danegeld to the savages to keep them acquiescent. As people get more K-selected now, the ditziness which keeps everyone acting as if nirvana will go on forever will recede, and as it does, tolerance and rabbitry will give way to irritation, indignation, and a demand that our leaders respect our wishes and exhibit loyalty to the decent citizens of this nation. With that will come a burning hatred for the rabbits which will take decades to recede.

America is coming back, and there is nobody who can stop it.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Heywood Jablome
9 years ago

Speaking of the stock market, vulture investors like Yours Truly eagerly await the next crash. When there’s blood on the trading floor and stockbrokers are swan diving from their penthouse suites, people like me quietly snap up stocks with the cash we’ve set aside. I did it in 2008 when the share price of my favorite mutual fund dropped from $20 to $10, and it’s since rebounded to $40. When it crashes again, I’ll buy a shitload more.

When the rabbits panic, find a way to pounce. Resist the urge to run with the crowd. If you plan ahead, expect shocks, and stop to think for a moment when they arrive … you can make a killing.