Another Trump Assassination Attempt, Trump Is Safe And Unharmed

Early reports tried to downplay it oddly as nothing, with this article, pre-update, claiming two people were shooting at each other in a “high crime” area near Trump’s golf course, and he was never in danger:

The Secret Service is responding to a shooting near Donald Trump as he left his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, according to law enforcement sources.

“President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity. No further details at this time,” Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said Sunday afternoon.

Two people exchanged gunfire outside of Trump International Golf Course West Palm Beach. The shooters were targeting each other, and the gunfire was not targeting Trump, the sources said.

Sources said that Trump was never in danger and that the shooting happened in an area outside the club that is known for high crime.

Since then, the story was updated:

Donald Trump has survived a second assassination attempt after a gunman was spotted with an assault rifle near the former president’s golf course on Sunday.

A Secret Service agent opened fire on the man as Trump played golf at Trump International Golf Course West Palm Beach — causing him to flee.

The man, who is in his 50s, was taken into custody by the West Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office after a traffic stop on I-95.

Per John Miller, the suspect got on the golf course while Trump was playing, maneuvered to a treeline overlooking Trump without anyone noticing, and opened fire with an AK-47, and Secret Service was guns up and returning fire with him as he escaped. He missed Trump.

How did that first story even come about? Secret Service exchanged gunfire with this guy. They had a gunfight, on Trump’s own golf course. Who was playing that down, and why?

I would not be able to get anywhere near Donald Trump, even with a handgun, even were I not under surveillance. And even if I wanted desperately to shoot him, I would not bother trying to get on the golf course with a handgun, let alone a rifle. It would be locked down hard to me. And if I did try (and Cabal wanted Trump alive), I would expect Secret Service would pick me up in two seconds, and I would end up intercepted and neutralized.

There is no way Secret Service does not have both hard security and roving covert surveillance locking down that golf course.

I have no doubt you cannot turn on a street which connects to my street, without surveillance knowing, and immediately either identifying who you are and exactly what you are doing, or getting directly on top of you. And I am a nobody.

That each of these characters even try this, and that each, purely by chance, trying it for the first time, without experience, or training, or intelligence support, finds the one miniscule hole Secret Service “accidentally” left open is not plausible. These characters have to be getting guided in through holes created somehow by the American Stasi, and they have to be agents of it.

It is also worth noting, as big a shitbag as Bill Clinton was, and morally reprehensible, as much as he was selling the country out to the Chinese, and lithesome as Hillary was, nobody took a shot at him. If shooters were shooting for hate, Clinton certainly had a lot more gunowners who hated him, and should have had most shootings than Trump.

I think the fact Clinton never had a shooter take a shot at him is evidence that people who hate a politician, even in rare cases, will essentially never decide to be shooters. If you have a shooter, you have an intel operation with organization and funding.

Possible pic of the shooter off 4Chan:

From here:

One post at 4Chan says this is a picture of the shooter’s hide, featuring ceramic plate, a scoped SKS, and a Go-Pro taped up to film the shooting. Cabal does like to have photos for the scrapbook:

Update – Shooter ID’d as Ryan Routh of Hawaii, 58. His Twitter is here.

More 4 Chan minutia:

Zuckerberg wiped his facebook, but a video record is here. Interesting how they cannot allow any independent civilian investigation of these characters.


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Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
5 months ago

These shootings are the direct result of the constant gas lighting by anti Trump politicians and the corrupt media. Folks, it’s way past time to brush things off as mere coincidence. It’s an underground hot war.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
5 months ago

At this point, not so underground anymore.

Carlos the Jackal
Carlos the Jackal
5 months ago

DNC programed drones.
Looking forward to shooting back myself.

5 months ago

Weapon isn’t an AK. Looks like mini-14 with 30 round mag.

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  phelps
5 months ago

Mag looks too curved for a Mini14. Likely an SKS that accepts AK mags.
Such a variant does exist.

Reply to  phelps
5 months ago


Reply to  phelps
5 months ago

Considered dragunuv and sks, but the grip is a sporter grip and there is no pistol grip. That rules out a dragunuv. The curve looks like what I would expect for a 30 rd mini 14. I don’t think it is an sks (I’ve seen those reports in the media) because you can’t top mount a scope like that on an sks.

5 months ago

“TIME’s new cover: How Kamala Harris knocked Donald Trump off course” (9/11/24, for 9/30/24)

5 months ago

I posted this thought in the daily blog but it belongs here.

The assassin used language or at least paraphrased language used by Kamala and The Big Guy. Maybe it’s programming language? “When you hear these phrases, you’ll move into your anssigned action.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 months ago

I’m thinking along the lines of “American Ultra”. Mike is a stoner who for some reason gets sick anytime he leaves his hometown. He works as a clerk at a quick Martin’s some sort. One evening at work a woman shows up and the following occurs:

Victoria Lasseter: “Cherry Progressive, listen. Mandelbrot set is in motion. Echo Choir has been breached.”
Mike Howell: “Is that a lyric from something?”

Soon after Mike notices two guys messing with his junker car in the lot outside the store. He tells them to stop. They approach him. He kills one guy by using a spoon to stab him in the neck. He dispatches the other as well.

He calls his girlfriend in a panic. The girlfriend ends up being revealed as his handler later in the movie.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
5 months ago

“American Ultra” I love that movie. Interesting fact. They fake a disease outbreak from monkeys and at one point a civilian sees one of the people, a CIA operative trying to help Mike who they have identified on TV as a disease carrier, and says, “You fuck monkeys”. How’s that for preprogramming.

5 months ago

comment image

5 months ago

There’s a subliminal reason the “news” agencies are posting photos of the assassin in American flag related clothing. “See, he’s doing patriotic work.”

Just Me
Just Me
5 months ago

Who the hell solicits Afghan soldiers to fight in Ukraine via their Facebook page??
Lunatic or Spook?

5 months ago
Just Me
Just Me
5 months ago

And again, its 2024 and the Feds don’t have anything better than a 2mp camera to take photos?

5 months ago

Where was the government shooter located when Routh was being used as a decoy?

Does Trump in fact have private security who freaked out the government shooter?

5 months ago

His neighbor said he just recently met a girlfriend and moved to Hawaii. I guess he did a good enough job recruiting American kids to go die in Ukraine so he got rewarded.

5 months ago

Trump shooter was in 2022 Azov advertisement: