Another Case Study in How Rabbits Sexualize Children

In r-selection, children being familiarized with mating at an early age is a good thing that parents want to see:

Physical attacks in Germany on Activists Who Oppose the Sexualization of Children…

What has happened in the last two weeks against two well-known pro-family activists in Germany, is showing worrying parallels.

On October 14th, a play called FEAR premiered in Berlin. In it, people known for publically speaking out against the sexualization of children and gender ideology are the protagonists: Birgit Kelle, Gabriele Kuby, Hedwig von Bevoerfoerde, Beatrix von Storch and Frauke Petry. Actors appear on stage under their names with pictures of them covering their faces, behaving as hateful and aggressive zombies.

Two people who have seen the play have quoted sentences like: “Shoot zombies right in their face, as only then, they will be really dead.”

A week later, Beatrix von Storch was the victim of an arson attack on her car. Another week later, Hedwig von Beverfoerde’s car was burnt and the fire spread to one of the buildings of their family company and was completely destroyed. The next day, an anonymous letter appeared on the internet, saying that she was the target of this attack because she is the organizer of the regular demonstrations in Stuttgart against the implementation of an aggressive LGBT school curriculum. Her family company’s address was the one used for registering the demonstrations with the police.

Catholic Blogger and philosopher Dr. Josef Bordat reported and commented on this arson attack and was immediately target of several death threats. He has suspended his blog temporarily out of fear of physical attacks.

Rabbits need rabbitry. Here, the r-selected rabbits are supporting the sexual indoctrination of children as aggressively as most K-selected parents would oppose it for their own children. Threaten rabbitry in the society and they will feel like we would feel if we were forced to be disloyal to friends. They can not abide by it, and if they feel they can act out against the moral people without consequence, they will.

It will end quickly once the moral people begin acting out back. The one thing that rabbits cannot abide by more than anything else is consequences, especially violent consequences. However until the wolves turn violent and check the rabbit outbursts, the rabbit piques of fit will only get worse, placing everyone involved on a collision course toward violence, all due to the rabbit’s addict-like inability to reach a balance of comfort and consequence.

Add in a touch of economic restriction and dopamine reduction at the right time, and it could all conflagrate at once.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

It seems the mass migration came in the nick of time to force a K-selection on the local populace.

9 years ago

I see the inevitable logic here. Rabbits have a high r in the population equation, thus their strategy is to breed and breed no matter what. Wolves are close to the carrying capacity so are inherently focused on maintaining their levels, even at the cost of violence against immigrating wolves. If there is any downside to the K approach I suppose it would have to be that. In the end however r is unstable and K is stable.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
9 years ago

If this r/K theory is correct, why is it that the “rabbits” aren’t breeding very much? Lots of sex, sure. But not much breeding.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

I go back and forth on whether we will reach that point though. I would expect some kind of economic tightening or maybe a collapse of the dollar before that point arrives in 50 or 100 years.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

White rabbits will probably be nearly or completely extinct in the future.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
Reply to  Mycroft Jones
9 years ago

you are forgetting the single mothers. in Canada the magic number is three kids to get the best of the benefits, a three bedroom apartment or house. these people live in horror of what will become when the first reaches 18 years as then the benefits might start to decrease.

9 years ago

[…] Another Case Study in How Rabbits Sexualize Children | […]

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
9 years ago

in Canada, Ontario in particular the liberal provincial government headed by a lesbian is forcing early sex ed (it really looks like sexual grooming since it involves kindergarten and grade one). the curriculum is widely thought to come from a friend of the premier who is now in prison for pedophilia.

with our recent election of a full blown idiot as prime minister (and incidentally very close to the lesbian premier) to call him retarded is an understatement. we are still barreling down the sewer pipe of leftism.