An Interesting Comment From Over At Conservative Treehouse

What follows is a comment from over at Conservative Treehouse here, which was very interesting, indicating we have seen a very organized coup of the government which was precisely timed. The format is a little confusing, but the jist is fascinating. I am reposting the comment here as there is no good way to link to it there, where it is buried among over 500 comments.

It gives you a flavor for all these people, who are just like the strange individuals who follow you around through grocery stores and post offices, all knowing some sort of secret which would be mind-blowing to us, and all so opposed to us, that secret never, even leaks.


Ad Rem may get upset with me reposting tonight,

Yet I feel I must try to make sense of Tucker’s show, and what regitiger found out awhile ago. I had my own connections just yesterday morning. Read as much as you can muster…

“PS this might be why the police officer interviewed by Tucker last night got no orders to evacuate the Chambers. Maybe Chansley was not yet in place?

Time stamp of the call…

Subject: In response to regitiger’s comment last night…

I was triggered (or tigered!) by regitiger’s comment last night and thought to send. Not sure if this is anything to further research or not. You all may have tools at your disposal for time stamps.

Let me know if you would like me to further research if you cannot easily put time stamps on Chansley and the exodus by Congress from the building.

Thanks, WSB

March 7, 2023 11:08 pm

(rerun for your consideration)
I think most (not all, but a large number ) of people are totally missing what happened ..and why this happened on jan 6.
I am going to try my best to outline the events that day…blast past the commonly held assumptions and get right down to the core corruption.

I will present this as a series of questions and answers.

q1: how do you prevent congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes?
a: it requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an “emergency”…An “emergency” that invokes special house rules.
facts: remember, carefully…focus please…remember…just moments..literally 3 minutes before two representatives issued a vote for motions to suspend the certification the House members were “informed” by capitol police and other “agents” that a protest was about to breach the chambers. It was at this time that key people: pence, pelosi, schumer, mcconnell can be seen being walked out and escorted from the chamber. This effectively halted the Entire Chamber Process.

q2: why was it necessary to halt the chamber process
a2: the crisis was created to eliminate the motion challenges to halt the certification and to begin voting to look into voting irregularities and fraud

facts: the two motions were completely legal and constitutional under at least two constitutionally recognized procedures…procedures
that would REQUIRE the house to pause the certification and then vote to determine whether the motions of suspend could move forward.

q3: what was so important to refuse this motion and the subsequent votes to suspend the electoral certification
a3: it was important to remove that process entirely and continue the fraud and certify the fraud with no detractors on record. This effectively gives no standing for a scotus ruling appeal! understand this. If those two motions, even just one had successfully been voted EVEN IF THE MOTIONS were DENIED IN VOTE, this gives those who presented them with STANDING FOR A CONSTITUTIONAL LEGAL ARGUMENT BEFORE SCOTUS. Understand this.

q4: could this have been done some other way other than creating a crisis/protest?
a4: unlikely….In order to prevent those two motions, requires that speaker of the house, minority leaders, and the president of the congress (vice president of the united states: pence), to NOT BE PRESENT IN THE CHAMBERS. Once the capitol police and other “law enforcements agents” informed the speaker and these three other individuals, pelosi UNILATERALLY UNDER EMERGENCY RULES, suspended the business of the congress. This protest was necessary ..the crisis was created..because there is no other way to suspend the business of certification UNILATERALLY. By creating a crisis…invokes emergency procedures. No other circumstances other than war or mass simultaneous explosive diaahrea can create such unilateral speaker delivered suspension of the certification.

q5: Why did the motions, once that the speaker RECONVENED congress, move forward back again to the floor for votes? Why were members dissallowed to even consider putting forward ANY motions to the floor in when the chamber business was reopened?
a5: the speaker initiated the NEW sessions under special emergency rules. These rules abandon and make it clear that the ONLY purpose of the new session was to EXPEDITE the certification and dismiss all prior regular session procedural rules. This is why those two motions to table votes to consider a debate and pause to the certifications of state vote electors never happened later that evening when the house business was reconvened!

q6: Other than new rules, emergency rules, what other peculiar things occurred when the speaker reconvened?
a6: members were allowed to “vote” in proxy…remotely…not being present…(you can use your imagination about what conditions were placed on ALL members during this time to prevent anyone from “getting out of line”. Also clearly, it was at THIS NEW SESSION that VP Pence, President of Congress, would also have no ability to even consider pausing the electoral certification…because there was no motions of disagreements on the matter. So in a technical legal claim, he is correct that he had no constitutional authority to address any issues of fraud or doubts about electoral irregularities. But this completely dismisses the FACT that congress created rules in this crisis/emergency that never allowed them to be floored!
understand what happened in jan 6…don’t get hung up on viking impostors, stolen pelosi computers, podium heists, and complicit capitol police.

understand the process and what happened and what WAS NOT ALLOWED TO HAPPEN
this was a coup….it was a very organized and carefully planned coup. VP Pence without a doubt as well as most members of the house were quite aware of how the certification was going to be MANAGED.

it would require new rules to prevent the debate clause from occurring!

so they created an emergency.

noting: I understand why many people have great interest in debunking the j6 event…I get that. I think it is important to dissect and examine the events of that day.

but please…step back and understand WHY these things happened…examine the chain of events in congress…why those two motions that would have at least paused the certification THAT WOULD GIVE VP PENCE THE CONSTITUTIONALLY RECOGNIZED POWER TO MOVE TO SUSPEND THE ELECTORAL CERTIFICATION AND THEN EXAMINE THE IRREGULARITIES AND CLAIMS OF FRAUD!

at the very center of this coup stands Pence…the same individual who also spoiled President Trump’s first opportunities in the earlies hours of his Presidency just 4 years prior, when he created and facilitated the removal of LTGEN Flynn. I will not spend much time on this thread explaining why LTGEN Flynn was so important to President Trump and why the IC was so afraid he would have advisory power to the President. That I will leave for another day, another time. But understand this clearly: MIKE PENCE WAS AND IS WORKING FOR THE MOST CORRUPT CRIMINAL TREASONOUS PEOPLE IN GOVERNMENT.

protip: if you really want to get a true understanding of this matter videos of protesters walking in the capitol is not going to address them. Actual video and time line records of events and the specific actions taken by the speaker just moments before TWO MAJOR ELECTORAL ALTERING MOTIONS WERE ABOUT TO BE FLOORED. This crisis was developed just in time with a precise coordination to prevent those two motions to be entered into the chamber record. The two motions do not exist. The emergency powers established in the new session made sure they never could be entered. The emergency powers could never happen without a crisis…

God Bless America

Taq, Rickrolled by Jesus
March 7, 2023 11:13 pm

 Reply to  regitiger
Excellent comment.



March 7, 2023 11:23 pm

 Reply to  regitiger
Who in Congress was going to propose the motions you mention?



March 8, 2023 12:16 am

 Reply to  akaPatience
A few were cut off.



March 8, 2023 12:31 am

 Reply to  akaPatience
May I correct my earlier statement. I believe there were objections sponsored by at least one senator, but somehow these were either not accepted or predisposed by the emergency change in procedures.
What would be a great tool is to have a compilation of proceedings inside the Capitol that day, a play-by-play of the events in the chamber. I have not seen that.



March 8, 2023 12:43 am

 Reply to  WSB
I’m fuzzy too, but I remember that more than one state had alternate slates of electors sent and I recall someone in the process of presenting objections when they pulled the plug.



March 8, 2023 1:04 am

 Reply to  WSB
I have forwarded the material to sundance. I have also shared this information with all of my representatives.
I started this effort years ago.

To date, no one and I mean no one has replied.

It’s as if everyone that can expose it that has a larger platform is either disinterested, or suspiciously withdrawn from the issue.
I made several comments about this over the years right here at CTH, on article threads that are relevant to the topic.

I was watching the certification live that day. I recorded it ALL on every channel. I was doing this because no matter what happened that day, I KNEW IT WOULD BE A PROFOUND AND SIGNIFICANT EVENT TO REMEMBER. I never in my wildest imagination (and I have a pretty vivid imagination..always have), expected to see the unmistakable perfectly timed “coincidences” that occured ….

one member raise a motion….(with another in waiting for his turn)…those two motions were well known and advertised. These were motions to vote for a pause in the certification to examine electoral vote fraud and irregularities. I can’t speak to the veracity and substance of those motions. They were never allowed to even be floored. it was at that exact moment that the house chambers were suspended and 4 of the key members, pence, pelosi, schumer and mcconnel were escorted OUT right after inititating the end of the session. Effectively, this resulted in that motion never being floored…at all.

and then when reconvended, under special emergency rules, inexplicably those two motions (and perhaps more..we will never know..or will WE?) were not even attempted to be motioned.
that was not just peculiar to me.

It all started to make more sense when I did some study on constitutional law AND THE HISTORY of specific special authorities given to president of the congress…pence in this case. Not only did he have the authority and power to suspend the certification..but the duty to address the motion in the same sense that it becomes vital to the debate clause. There really is no more higher significance of weight given to the debate clause than the certification of the votes. This was more than odd to me the way that the media and pence framed their narrative: Pence would not have the constitutional power to suspend certification.

and then it hits me…like the obvious clue that was there all the time. he was right.

but the reason he is right, is because there WAS NO MOTION ON THE FLOOR TO CAUSE HIM TO SUSPEND!

understanding this, happened for me about 4 or 5 months after this jan 6 day. I took me this long to examine the facts, look at the video it to the arguments made by several leading constitutional academics…and again, inexplicably even some that I respect seemed to dodge that central reality. the motions were never allowed to be floored in the re-convened house rules later that evening. most would not even venture to address the exotically coincidence that the moment those two members would stand to place the motion before the house, that the house speaker…pelosi AND Pence, ended the session…effectively blocking the motions from being heard in normal house rules.

It’s been a journey for me. I journey that was initiated because I am just a simple but curious person. Perhaps even to a point where I get obsessive in those efforts. Many days and nights combing over the details. praying and trying to make sense of what makes little sense. With over 6 states having serious well known and obvious defects in the voting process…some more credible to believe ..some less…but one would not expect the house would be so deliberate in marching past the motions that were definitely going to be present to slow this process down and take the time to get it right…even IF the claims never reached a intersection that would change the outcome.

There are two possibilities:

millions of people, against all the odds, hitting all time records even past obama and clinton, voted for a navel gazing ambulatory pathological racist moron. And chose Joe Malarkey as their leader

this was a coup…a conspiracy…and a treasonous manipulation regime change because President Trump could not be controlled by the deep state and globalists who OWN AND OPERATE WASHINGTON DC.


The only way for THE PEOPLE to gain power in this country is to force the transfer of it.
if truth isn’t the fuel and vehicle, we will just be replacing deck chairs and hitting the next series of expected ice bergs.
knowing the truth is not enough. but it is truth that makes it a righteous cause.

God Bless America

March 8, 2023 1:53 pm

 Reply to  regitiger

Regitiger, I am so glad you responded to me, and I hope you receive my response. From your posts, I began adding 2+2 and may be getting 4.

It has always bothered me that the recordings in the chambers and the exodus have never been repeated on our lame stream media. Now I believe I know why.

Your were seeing the crux of the coup. I also watched real time. The timeline and time stamps will be important. We may have been focusing on the perimeter of the coup and not realizing the closer interworkings.

I am going to try to concisely describe my hypothesis. Bear with me, and I will also try to bring your notes and my thoughts to today’s Presidential thread for others to help crowd source.

I believe this was all a time-sensitive operation that President Trump mucked up for the traitors. And it shows…everywhere. If true, we would need to collect info to back up my thesis.

QAnon Shaman may have been the point man. Jacob Chansley, AKA Jake Angeli.

Many at CTH were watching him closely during the Giuiliani hearings in the states that stopped counting on Election Night and seated two different slates of electors.

Chansley was an actor. He had his own webpage on Backstage. Whether crisis actor or voice-over actor, he also has Naval training, and is a self-declared ecofascist.

Chansley placed himself in photos with Giuliani, Chanel Rion, and Berni Kerik at the very least on 11/30/20. I can no longer find the photo with Chanel Rion but you probably get the point (maybe someone can find in archive). Who paid for him to travel and install himself in these photos? Other reports have him attending Trump rallies, yet he also attended BLM rallies. He may have been trying to set himself up as a Trump supporter just for the 1/6/21 event.

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Then we see him with Nancy Pelosi’s son right before he was ‘invited in’ to the Capitol. Why?

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Nancy’s son was filming as was John Sullivan.

Then we saw him on CCTV in the building being led to different rooms as Tucker presented on Monday. He ended up being led to one of the chambers, an emergency was declared and everyone was escorted out.

Meanwhile, President Trump told everyone to march peacefully to the Capitol but also made remarks that ‘it’s going to be wild’. His speech, though, was ‘delayed’ by a half an hour. Yet the elector certification was NOT delayed. This is why we can see how off the provocateurs’ actions were. They preceded most of the Trump supporters even showing up at the Capitol.

Pelosi, Pence, McConnell and Schumer were on a schedule they could NOT change. The ‘guy in the horns’ may have been the marker for them to make their move to declare that emergency they needed. And who was the group of officers leading him around?

“Based on Chief Sund’s timeline, the riot at the Capitol began more than thirty minutes before Trump finished his speech, and long before he made the only comment that Democrats pointed to in order to back up their baseless claim that the president “encouraged” insurrection.”

Bottom line, Chansley may have been in training for this event all along. He was sentenced to 41 months from January 9, 2021, which means he could be released from prison AFTER the next election, unless good behavior is awarded. I think he may have been given this sentence so he cannot talk until after the next election.

At any rate, it would be interesting to investigate this aspect, have all of his communications subpoenaed to confirm if this guy was a hired hand for a timed event on January 6, 2021.

Additionally, why did Tucker dwell on this piece as his first presentation…which might just go to the heart of Schumer and McConnell’s angst?

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1 year ago

Thanks so much for posting this. Vox surmised that Trump had the rally as cover for his family leaving the White House safely. At the time that made sense to me, but this explanation above supersedes that with the emergency as a de facto blocking of motions to suspend. So possible Trump was playing into their hands they thought, but then he threw off the schedule.
Look forward to the autistes breaking down the timeline of all this. And wondering if Trump’s delay in his speech threw off the planned bomb also.

1 year ago

If this theory is correct, it again implies our side is so incompetent, weak-willed, cowardly and ineffective that they just took it like a bitch and allowed it to happen. The entire threat was gammas playing word magic and saying “uhm actually I made a new rule that says I win, you lose, so you lose Trump lololololol” and literally NO ONE said “fuck the rules, we’re examining the fraud despite your crying.”

Our alleged best and brightest got folded by gamma special boy word trickery and, rather than rolling 500 Blackhawks full of spec ops hitters to glass the entire usurping body or leveling the capitol building with as many missiles as it took to make sure to decapitate the coup in real time, they just took their pants off, bent over, and pre-lubed for entry.

If our “allies” keep playing by the rules that the enemy takes joy in trouncing we’re done. Someone has to flip the card table and start smoking cheaters.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

May I suggest you are woefully underestimating the numbers and embedded institutional power of #Cabal

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Our alleged best and brightest got folded by gamma special boy word trickery,”
Don’t knock it until you’ve been on the receiving end. Special boy word trickery can cost you thousands in legal bills. It can get your YouTube channel shut down, under multiple false, incoherent, and mutually-contradictory claims. It can get your supposed right-wing audience to turn on you and smear your reputation, despite all the claims being patently false.
I speak from personal experience.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That may happen, but if it does it will have to be timed and prepared for correctly.

I think thet Trump had to let them win in order to let Putin invade Ukraine.

1 year ago

This explains a lot I had been wondering about that day, if true. I do remember that at least one person was going to object to the certification and I was always confused afterwards why that never materialized when Congress eventually reconvened. It’s interesting that that would make Pence technically correct about not having any power to stop or pause this process. Lying is hard even for the best so it’s much easier to be “technically correct” or to leave information out when trying to mislead people. Definitely comments and ideas worth noting and preserving thank you AC.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

>It’s interesting that that would make Pence technically correct about not having any power to stop or pause this process.

No power to stop it? Guns exist. The fact no one did anything to physically stop it after the enemy made their intentions clear means they’re all in on it.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

This fits Pence’s personality and public persona perfectly:
He’s “too clean”, and can’t even look like he lies. You know, the guy who won’t even stand at a Capitol Starbucks with a female coworker, lest someone wonder.

But that weird, big ass black fly knew. Mike’s full of shit, the kind you can’t wash off, as it’s emanating from his soul up through that flawless physical persona.

He’s the perfect guy to be the face of the lie. That isn’t a lie, and mask the technical truth and obscuring the facts so you foolishly, all of your own free will, believe a lie Pence never said.

1 year ago

I want to see timestamps of when the magnetic doors opened. Then I want to see who ordered it.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

Bottom line, Chansley may have been in training for this event all along. He was sentenced to 41 months from January 9, 2021, which means he could be released from prison AFTER the next election, unless good behavior is awarded. I think he may have been given this sentence so he cannot talk until after the next election.

Why assume Chansley is in prison and not enjoying a quiet 41 months holiday out of sight and in disguise?

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

I do not assume he is in prison. Remember Chansley was sent to AZ. After complaining about food and diet? Hmmm.

1 year ago

How long in advance was 1/6/2021 scheduled to be the day of certification? Because the Cabal gameplanners always seem to have multiple goals, and it’s funny how “Assault at the Capitol on January 6th” preempted recognition of the sexual assault at the Capitol on January 6th in 2015, when Biden pinched Maria Piacesi on live national television. (Statute of limitations still not expired on that, by the way.) Piacesi was contacted on TikTok the same week as 1/6/2021. Interesting “coincidences” all around.

1 year ago

Thanks AC for this! Great Catch! Thank you so very much!

1 year ago

If the writers used English it much say something, but it’s just word salad to me.