This is a list of moments from the Bernie/Biden debate above, which I felt were significant, written for anyone President Trump has monitoring this site, who might want to pass it on to the debate research team. It is probably 20 minutes of debate to watch out of the two hour debate. Might not be much, but I’ve read the subject is of interest to his prep team, so I will throw my own analysis in there in the event it might find its way to them, and help somewhere.
This may be too much minutia to be rewarding to regular readers, but maybe it will be of interest.
One thing I would preface this with is an observation – Biden’s brain is slowing down, leading him to want to accomplish more than his brain is capable of. There is a reason that produces anger. Frustration is an excellent source of producing anger, and it arises quite simply from being unable to accomplish an objective, especially when you feel you should be able to. I once had to do some fine work with safety goggles, and the only goggles I had on hand were scuffed, and reduced my visual clarity considerably, which reduced my ability to perform the job I had to perform. I noticed as I got frustrated, my mood shifted considerably toward anger, which would have affected all of my interactions, just because I was being thwarted by a physical debility. Biden’s brain cannot work fast, and in this debate he appears to get irritated when his brain tries to follow some complex train of thought, I assume because he is unable to follow it, and that frustrates him, producing anger.
Also, Biden is a lifelong narcissist, so he is well adapted to trying to hide it. It makes it more difficult to analyze him, but if you look close you can see the triggering.
Here are the interesting points:
12 minutes – Bernie is talking fast, casting criticism after criticism after criticism, and it appears Biden is not following everything Bernie says. Biden is so zoned out that he snaps to attention when Bernie says, “one of the reasons,” at 12:30, as that is the level at which he is following Bernie – that statement was all that he processed, rather than the details of what Bernie is saying, which he is letting pass by.
12:50 Biden is getting irritated, it would seem by Bernie ignoring what Biden is saying about everything being free, and going back to the subject of the need for Medicare for all. Like most narcissists, Biden expects to be listened to, and for his word to be the last word on the subject. When what he has said is just ignored by Bernie, and Bernie continues to talk about his subject, Biden feels frustrated and insulted, and when he has to repeat himself, it makes him frustrated, and that makes him angry.
42:20 Bernie hijacks Biden by seizing dominance with “you join me” while denigrating by saying Joe had an idea 30 years ago, and then calling Joe out on SuperPACs, which may be a sore point for Joe because he feels like a hypocrite, or Joe doesn’t know anything about his campaign’s financing and he can’t defend against the charge. Biden displays the narcissist deflection-stress laugh to hide the fact the attack hit. Biden may be hijackable over his being a dinosaur whose time had passed, or over the issue of his SuperPacs. Narcissists, being strangely competitive with everyone, are often hijackable when they get older, and see young people enjoying their youth and opportunity, and they have to accept their time has passed and they cannot compete with them. Hijacks may include, visions of young guys whose time has come, such as emphasizing Trump hit his moment at exactly the right time and is just beginning to embark on his historic moment in American history while Biden missed his chance and was left behind, or anything which highlights that Joe has been around since cars were a new thing, and he hasn’t accomplished anything in that time, and now it is the opportunity for others to do what he failed at. Also, SuperPACs and Joe’s hypocrisy over them may be a sore point.
42:50 While being hijacked, Biden attempts an attack with an open lie about Bernie having nine SuperPACs, backed by a bluff to expose the details of a sin which he assumes Bernie either knows about, or would assume he was guilty of. Bernie calls his bluff, and he deflects with “C’mon man.” Hijacked twice, Biden goes silent and passive. (I assume this means Biden knows nothing of his own campaign’s financing, and he assumed Bernie knew nothing of his own financing. So he could launch this bluff, and Bernie would be hijacked by it. When Bernie denied it, he doubled down, threatened to go point by point, and when Bernie called his bluff again, Biden realized he had just blown it and looked like a complete tool. That amygdala-snap temporarily shut him up and made him hesitant to attack. This is reminiscent of when Martha Radditz and Hillary Clinton tried to team up and attack President Trump together in the second Presidential debate of 2016, and President Trump broke out the “Special Prosecutor” amygdala hijack, and immediately snapped both their amygdalae and shut them both up in moments. You can control people with their amygdalae, even if that control is not obvious to everyone at the time.
43:20 – His face looks like his brain function is degraded, and he is having trouble keeping up. He talks quickly after this, which may be another tell that can be used to assess his stress level.
44:50 Getting triggered, Joe Biden tries to call Bernie a liar to amygdala hijack him, using Politifact as an appeal to authority. (So Biden is probably hijacked by appeals to authority as support for hijacks.) Bernie is unafffected, and has a counter-hijack all prepared. Biden attempts to deflect with an outright lie
45:30 Bernie spikes Joe’s amygdala by saying “Why don’t you tell the truth right here?,” implying Joe is a liar. Joe, because he got spiked, got reckless and asks “Why am I rated 96% by the Social Security Organization?,” which I will bet is a lie he made up. I could find no organization online rating people on Social Security, let alone something labeled “The Social Security Organization.” Had Bernie pressed him on that, I bet he would have increased his hijack.
46:30 Bernie catches Joe with his own words, and that hijacks Joe immensely, precipitating a “C’mon Bernie.” This may be supported below at 54:30, when a term Bernie says which causes Joe’s head to snap is the phrase “Circular Logic,” implying Joe is sensitive to the use of his own words to demonstrate his hypocrisy. Memorizing Joe’s own quotes that highlight his hypocrisy, and their sources, so the crowd can easily confirm them may be a potent amygdala hijack to wrack Joe’s brain. Given his history of pandering, it would be simply to turn him into a Mitt-Romney-Two-Face.
Joe also tends to avert his eyes, and look down at his podium when his amygdala becomes overstimulated. On several occasions, my Narcissist, when trying to hijack people, would demand they look at him when he was talking, I suspect this was because when he was under stress, he knew looking down would diminish the hijacking effect (eye contact increases amygdala activation in fMRI studies). Getting Joe to look at you when hijacking him, or even criticizing him for looking down (as if he doesn’t take an issue seriously) may exacerbate the amygdala-stimulation. For example, President Trump saying, “Don’t look down, a serious leader would recognize this is an important issue. Pay attention to it,” would send Joe stratospheric, and make him look up which would amplify the effect.
49:20 – Bernie is hammering on Bowles-Simpson and the fact it shows Joe wanted to cut Social Security. Joe was not as sensitive to it on the first hits earlier in the debate, but his amygdala seems more responsive as Bernie keeps hitting him with it. If Joe were a normal cogent narcissist, I would say he has now been sensitized to it, and saying something like, “As Bernie pointed out, Joe was a big fan of Bowles-Simpson, and what it was going to do to Social Security” would trigger his amygdala, but I doubt his mind can remember from day to day enough to store currently formed amygdala hijacks. Still, it might trigger him a little. I would cite Bernie having done it to both give him a sensation of being out-grouped, and try and compensate for his diminished cognition in recalling it here. All of Bernie’s attacks in this debate should be viewed as insight into how a rabbit mind on Bernie’s campaign, prepping Bernie for this, would project out how to trigger the rabbit mind of Biden. Also interesting is something which doesn’t bother Biden initially can become more effecting as time goes on, possibly because he is more triggered by his frustration in making the issue go away, than the issue itself.
52:50 – Joe is getting hijacked, by Bernie implying that Joe changing his position on issues shows Joe was wrong on the issues. Narcissists hate people telling them they are wrong. In their mind they are perfect and never wrong. By changing his positions, Joe has shown even he feels he was wrong, and Bernie pointing this out elicits deflection laughs from Joe to distract everyone from his irritation. President Trump highlighting how big it has been of Joe to admit he was wrong so many times, by changing his positions over the years so many times, and yet still it shows even Joe realizes he gets things wrong quite often, will irritate Joe immensely, and as I have long said, amygdala hijacks are cumulative. Add in using his own words against him with easily confirmable quotes on everything from immigration to budget issues, and it would amplify the effects. The more defection-laughs you elicit from Joe, the more he will transition from deflection-laughs to outright anger and frustration. And as you pile hijacks on once he is in the anger and frustration phase, the more you will transition him to outright mental failure.
54:30 Bernie points out Biden’s inconsistencies, and the words “circular logic” hit Biden’s amygdala hard , causing his head to snap, possibly indicating a sensitivity to the idea of his own words or logic being used against him. That is possibly an outgrowth of his brain failing, and him recognizing he does not have the ability to map out all possible aspects of his own argument due to some lack of full understanding of it. He heard Bernie cite the “circular logic” of his statement, and experienced a narcissist’s amygdala pang at the thought he had just said something that would betray his own ignorance of his own argument. He is mentally braced for impact, until Bernie explains the fallacy in Biden’s story, at which point he does a deflection laugh. This was the beginning of a blistering attack, and at 54:41 you get another very facially bifurcated deflection laugh, but Bernie pushes on, even lecturing Joe about leadership from a position of superiority. By 55:00 Joe has averted his eyes and is focusing on the podium, at 55:04, Bernie asks Joe if he has heard of the Defense of Marriage Act, and Joe is so detached he fails to register the question for a moment, and Bernie has to snap him into the moment, before Joe’s brain can catch up and realize he has been addressed. By 55:49 Joe actually has to shake his head suddenly from side to side for a microsecond, as if clearing out cobwebs, to try and clear out what is happening inside his brain. The stress is visible on his face from 56:30-56:50, and his defensiveness and stress level is obvious.
He ends his defense with the word “leadership,” perhaps revealing what attack most affected him. So opening an attack with some short statement that indicates he has just contradicted his own argument may offer a good amygdala-jarring, to start an escalating hijack cycle of using his own words against him. Add in lecturing from a position of accomplishment and superiority (which President Trump is unusually designed for by nature of his accomplishments), highlighting out-grouping decisions and positions, after out-grouping decisions and positions, and even making jokes to get the crowd laughing at some aspect of Joe’s inferiority, with a stillface here and there, and Joe will be approaching levels of non compos mentis never before seen, before the night is out. You just push through the deflection-laugh, the eye aversion, and don’t let off, and then hit him even harder as he transitions to anger and frustration.
57:30-57:35 – A significant trait of Joe is seen here – he will put up a strong bluff front trying to refute an allegation as if he is going to fight, but he lacks the fortitude to brawl about it, and retreats with no effort. So when Biden aggressively says, “That isn’t a different record,” and Bernie strongly rejects his statement and says it is a different record, before continuing, Joe’s response is to look down at the podium chastened, and go into hiding.
57:42 Biden responds with gesticulation and a deflection laugh when Bernie brings up how he is funded by wealthy people and billionaires. So that point is triggering to him, possibly more because the fact he is funded by those people makes him feel inferior by comparison, as much as the fact the left-wing audience will not like it. Hypocrisy over campaign funding may be an issue, but given Joe is a narcissist, I would not in any way play the victim, such as by saying he had much more money, or was spending more. Rather I would just hit the corruption and hypocrisy angles, and focus everything on all forms of inferiority.
Biden’s amygdala gets a reprieve here, and they both spend some time attacking President Trump, and Bernie’s assault on Biden backs off. I would have been curious to see how Biden’s amygdala would have fared, had he continued to be assaulted for another 30 or 40 minutes aggressively. But during this period, his amygdala refuels, as the immediate energy consumption level drops below the energy supply levels.
1:27:08 Biden employs the laugh deflection when Bernie criticizes his plan, instead of a tangible defense, possibly because he legitimately didn’t know whether his plan did or didn’t do what Bernie said. It is worth keeping in mind, Biden may not really be able to process and remember that much about what his staff has assembled as a plan. And then when Biden then engages at 1:27:35, he is angry again. For Biden, laugh deflections are outward manifestations of amygdala-triggering, and can be followed by agitation/anger if the hijacking persists through them. Here, his anger was triggered by Bernie denigrating and criticizing his plan, and then Bernie’s presentation of himself as an expert by comparison. Biden needs to feel like he is viewed as an experienced expert who is in control, and any presentation by an individual that presupposes Biden is clueless or ignorant, and someone else is an expert by comparison, is triggering. My narcissist, who was a psychological clone of Biden today, would get very angry when, in his words, people ignored him and acted as if he “was just another shithead over here!,” (said while waving his arms over his head) instead of portraying him to all as the respected and revered expert he felt he should be recognized as, so his amygdala could relax.
1:27:02 – Bernie uses hand motions – a note on hand motions – magicians have found straight line hand motions do not occupy amygdala, as the brain clocks the straight movement, judges it predictable, and disregards it. Hand motions that follow a curving motion are judged unpredictable by the amygdala and they lock its focus, preventing the brain from diverting focus to other things. No idea how useful they would be in debate, but Bernie is using them, so he might be using projection, and thinking that the use of hand motions by others makes him feel less in control.
1:28:30 – 1:29:00 Biden is triggered again, deflection laughs at the beginning, and averts his eyes down to lower amygdala. But the hijacks have not been consistent enough for long enough to erode his function significantly. So it is probably best to keep the pressure on him, and not offer him reprieves by talking about common enemies, or offering him any narcissistic supply in the from of compliments, or acknowledgements of his capability or status, or any statements of unity with him on anything, unless another political factor would outweigh the hijacking angle.
Things that hijacked Biden:
- Being disregarded, and having what he thought was a retort have no effect at all, frustrating him.
- Being portrayed as a hypocrite
- Having his own words used to highlight his lack of consistency in purpose or logic (his getting the prosecutor in Ukraine fired by withholding aid is prime material.)
- Being old, and having missed his moment.
- Being told to do something, as if a subservient inferior.
- Being portrayed as ignorant, incapable, wrong, having screwed things up, or being low-status.
- Being caught in a lie, being identified as a liar by an “authority,” or having the audience told to go online and see hard evidence of his having lied. (appeals to authority and hard confirmation)
- Complex detailed mechanism descriptions he can’t follow.
- Being portrayed as a clueless neophyte, and contrasted against an expert who holds forth on what Biden should know, if he were to become an expert one day.
Biden’s tells –
- Deflection laugh
- Eye aversion.
- Hand in his pocket to look casual and unbothered, while facing his opponent.
- Talking quickly, or having trouble saying things properly.
- Head shaking, as if overwhelmed
Biden’s defenses –
- Bald-faced lie bluff.
- “I don’t want a big back and forth,” to avoid the complexities of a subject he doesn’t know much about (so turn that into a debate about the minutia of the issue)
Biden will feel an almost uncontrollable urge to fiercely deny anything presented as a negative position in the past, regardless of its accuracy. If you make it seem negative enough to tell the truth, you can trap him hard, early on, into a bigger lie. You have to make it so not lying is a substantial denigration of his narcissist self-image, and that is all he sees at the outset. He can then be walked around to admitting he lied, if you make adhering to the lie in the face of imminently arriving evidence even more of a negative in his mind.
Doing this to narcissists is kind of like spies recruiting assets. They start with small bad outcomes to make their target do small bad things, and walk the target up from a small bad thing, to a bigger bad thing, to a bigger thing. With the narcissist, they are always avoiding the bad thing that will trigger their amygdala, but they can be focused so they won’t see too far ahead. So you make the lie the lesser of two small bad things, (lie vs truth). Then you make doubling down on the lie a smaller bad thing than admitting they lied. Then you make admitting the truth the way to avoid the bigger bad thing of getting caught in the lie. Narcissists will not think far enough ahead to realize that by admitting the truth, they will be admitting they lied earlier.
An example script – “Everyone who wants to be known as an expert should XXX. Not having XXX would make you unfit for office, and a pathetic person. Do you have XXX?” (Done right, Biden will say yes, even if he does not.) You could cement it by saying, “Of course, everyone does,” to offer him amygdala-relaxation. He will want to reaffirm, and a narcissist will even rewrite his history in his mind to say, “Well I should have XXX because I am the type of guy who would.” If you can then backtrack, and say, “Wait, if we check the record on google, that is what it will say?” You finish by presenting the arrival of the evidence as unavoidable, so in the narcissist mind, it goes from being truthful and inferior vs lying and being superior, to getting caught lying vs telling the truth. Then they will tell the truth, and you will have two contradictory statements right there to throw in their face.
For material to hijack Biden with, researchers should look for things Biden did when democrats were still halfway normal, which will be anathema to the looney bin that is the party today, so he will have a motivation to make that first lie. Find quotes he made, bills he supported, and so on, which are specific and can be easily googled or found on twitter or facebook or youtube. Criminal justice reform, racial stuff, anti LGBT, entitlements, immigration, and economic stuff are all prime candidates. Get multiples in one debate, and it can be amplified on the spot and he can be crowned the Mitt Romney of the radical left right there.
The only risk might be he would look too doddering, and it might look like taking advantage of an invalid. Especially if he gets really hijacked, looks spaced out for an extended period, and leaves his mouth open in confusion/mental exhaustion (my Narcissist’s tendency).
Biden will also be sensitive to the reactions of the crowd. If Democrats can stack the crowd with lefties who cheer what he says and boo Trump, he will gain strength from that. And if Trump supporters in the crowd laugh at him, in a way that says the crowd likes the President, similarly it will depress his mental function further.
We are actually lucky the Democrats killed off Bernie’s candidacy, as he would have been a much more effective advocate for leftism. Biden is a soft leftist because he wants to be liked. He was the little kid who got addicted to people liking him, and getting liked began to become his game. This makes him an insecure person, who is always trying to be what people want, and who panics where you demonstrate where any position he has held is something which might not be popular today, or where he is untrustworthy. In a nation where the government has been violently wrenched by Cabal from moderate-patriotic-capitalist, to hard core anti-American/socialist by the hidden hand of Cabal, this guarantees a myriad of ways to hijack the weak-willed individual who is always trying to shift position to patronize that ever-changing populace. He will fear being such a shapeshifter itself will make him unlikable. It also facilitates portraying the patronizer as dishonest, weak and groveling, as his very core of who he is can be shown to be malleable goo from year to year, based on what he thinks people want to hear. People don’t see that as leadership material.
Bernie is different. His leftism is borne of a hatred and anger directed against everyone. He was the little kid who was ostracized, was never going to be accepted, got bitter, and hated everyone for it. As an adult, Bernie always wanted to fuck people over. So in a nation where the Democrat Party’s mores have been shifting like sands in a desert sandstorm, Bernie has actually demonstrated enormous fortitude of mores and purpose. Because his goal was always fucking people over, he has always held the positions that are the foundational Democrat Party positions today. Every year, year to year, he has held the exact same positions – the positions which would maximally fuck over the most people, and most effectively strip happiness from those who have attained it by destroying our economies, our cultural traditions, and our nations.
This aides him in debate as well, because where every year, Joe drops to his knees, and offers legislative blow jobs to anybody who will like him, Bernie’s attitude is much more Alpha. He doesn’t give a fuck what anyone wants him to do. Even though he is basically the economic and cultural version of a serial killer psychologically, his “take it or leave it” attitude make him look honest in mien. Combined with his constant stands on positions, this makes him look trustworthy, even as he is striving to destroy everything all of us hold dear, specifically to fuck us over.
Thank God he will be too old to run again after this.
Bernie is one of a kind. The diverse “Bernie school” dems coming up can’t pull off what he can in terms of fooling slighted normies, even though they want to screw people over just as hard. How Democrats will pine for him in a few years and despair at the opportunity they -permanently- missed. They will need a Democrat group to blame. Let’s help them find that group.
Speaking of Bernie:
Video: Bernie Sanders’ campaign video was entirely about the Holocaust, not one word about Americans. Welcome to the D party.
Image about the Bernie ad:

Notice that 95% of the Jews in the US are pro-Israel (so although Bernie pretends to try to go against Israel’s wishes, he is pandering to a 95% pro-Israel audience): – “American Jews, Politics and Israel”
95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…
Research conducted in 2013 by Pew showed that 76% of Jews (identified by religion) said they were at least somewhat emotionally attached to Israel. In addition, almost half said that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish (with most of the rest saying it is important although not essential) and nearly half reported that they had personally traveled to Israel.
My apologies for off topic but…
@Mycroft Jones said a friend of his had stage 4 cancer here.
September 1, 2020 at 5:22 pm
I gave him a link to this site I found and while looking at it to clear out the massive amount of links I have open I saw this. He’s talking about stage 4 cancers in this article. He should have a look at this.
10 Cases of Complete Remission from Advanced Cancers after using Supplements or Repurposed Drugs
This is extraordinary and it is what the vast amount of research our government should be doing. They should be trying all of these because lots and lots of people die from cancer. I think or at least it appears that they refuse to do diligent research of the enormous amounts of cures that don’t cost $10,000 per drug treatment because they are either beholden to the drug companies or are cashing in themselves. It’s a scandal. These savages are destroying the faith in government that could be a positive force for many, many millions of people if we could just get some in that aren’t crooks. Note that these are case files with some actual refereed papers attached.
have a relative who beat stage 4 cancer.
1st: standard chemo + intermittent fasting, then Tarceva (drug from Roche) + intermittent fasting.
The fasting was not doctor ordered by a by-product of condition.
Interesting research on fasting’s effect on cancer treatments.
YMMV. do your own research and come to your own conclusions. Good luck
On the list of things that hijack Biden: they’re all issues of pride. As I’ve written here before, Pride is the root of all evil not caused by lust. As we learn more and about the Satanism behind leftists and Cabal, hopefully it will open many’s eyes to the pride in their own selves, so they may cast aside that pride and receive instead God’s grace.
The examples of hijacking you give here are extremely useful. If ever you update your Narcissists book, please consider including more real life examples like these.
so IOW, Biden is a fragile, weak, confused, lying little old bitch who PDJT can destroy at will.
agree with all of that – it’s obvious – so why the hell would the dems pick him as candidate? yeah yeah, “anybody but Bernie.” there were other choices besides Biden. trot Beto or Mayor Gay Pete out there to take one for the team/build his resume. yeah, he’d still lose, but a young man can fling lots more mud than Joe can, and it won’t *crush* the party like the upcoming Trumpslide is going to. if they chose him with the full intention of a bait &-switch replacement after the convention, WTF are they waiting for? every day is golden and irreplaceable; every day a landslide of ‘GOP also takes the House AND Senate’ becomes more & more inevitable……. yet Biden’s still up there reading from teleprompters in wheat fields and pissing himself.
nothing makes sense. we’re missing something here.
Agree entirely. The only thing I can think is Q penetrated the indirect, hidden comms of Cabal, and began sending messages down the chain to do things that will destroy the Democrats. The cabalites don’t know, they just get orders and follow them, because for the last seven decades, or however long it has been, those who didn’t follow the orders ended up dead or ruined.
That makes sense. Q has cracked the cabal code and somewhere around 20% of cabal comms are compromised/Q’d. Still, all are seen.
“…nothing makes sense. we’re missing something here…”
They might want Trump in office because they will totally destroy the economy and they want a Republican in office.
This could be countered if Trump has the balls. Take over all the assets the banks got worth ,essentially, zero interest loans and repurpose them to pay off US federal sending and slash taxes to near zero.
We could also Force the FED to buy all outstanding or most bonds. They own over half right now and just zero them out. That’s what Japan and China do with their central banks.
I don’t see inflation being a problem if you’re in a depression.