Amygdala Hijack In Action – Sentencing Day

An interesting video of an extreme amygdala hijack:

Notice how at the end, her eyes are open, but that connection to the outside world which we associate with being conscious is turned off. That connection to the world is performed by the amygdala. Her amygdala went into such high revs it exhausted all energy and oxygen reserves, and the blood supply feeding it could not replenish it fast enough to continue operations. I have wondered if the sensation of panic we all can feel, is the brain’s emotional interpretation of something in the amygdala akin to an extreme muscle burn you might get when weight lifting. In your muscle it burns, in your amygdala it feels like panic. and just as you can develop the circulation to your muscle to delay the onset of that burn, you can exercise the amygdala, and develop its ability to be nourished by blood flow, as well as develop its ability to down regulate its own activity level.

But in cases like this, the amygdala is being overloaded to the point it is about to experience hypoxia as if from a stroke, complete with the threat of tissue actually dying as it would in a stroke due to oxygen and nutrient deficiency. The brain detects this, and forces a hard shutdown and reboot to preserve the structure. While the amygdala is cooling off during the shutdown, the victim is essentially turned off, even though other parts of the brain may have sufficient oxygen and nutrients to continue their own operations. Listen to her head hit the table. She was lights out.

My guess is, since it seems this woman was being convicted of trying to kill her husband, her amygdala started out weak, and that is what drove her inability to cope with her boyfriend’s continued existence and life. She had to try and kill him, because not doing it threatened to give her this sort of an amygdala overload and what I assume is an intolerable sensation of panic, horror, and extreme cognitive discomfort. I would not be surprised if this was not the first time that happened to her. In many cases we have looked at previously, such an individual will wave off any medical care with a “That happens all the time, I’m fine,” attitude.

Personally, if I went lights out like that I would assume it was a sign of something serious, but in her case, my guess is she has experienced it enough to know that after the reboot she will be fine.

Leftism is much the same. Leftists want government control of everything, and refuse to see clear realities like the effects of importing the populations of shithole countries because their amygdalae cannot process the negativity of the real world, where hard decisions must be made. So the leftists insist on imposing their fantasy of a perfect world, with no negativity, on everybody, even at the end of a gun barrel, and even while standing over the mass graves they have filled. At the end of the day, the alternative – facing a world where adversity is the norm and you can’t give everybody everything, is so overwhelming to the leftists that their amygdalae would torture them if they were forced to confront that reality.

But it means leftists are unusually sensitive to the amygdala hijack. Hit their triggers, watch them overload, hit them again, and as they seek relief by trying to upset you, laugh it off and trigger their amygdala again. Warp their mind, spin it in circles, leave them no way to alleviate the angst, and watch as their amygdala approaches the redline, and eventually crosses over it. This can be done to them.

If you have been watching closely, you know that is the way of the God Emperor, and it has proven quite successful for him. Embrace it, and make it happen.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because it is amygdala stimulating to the left.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Anxiety, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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Wallace Porter
Wallace Porter
6 years ago

Hitler blocked the train windows when travelling through the Germany his policies had devastated.

Reply to  Wallace Porter
2 years ago

Hitler’s notorious fits of uncontrolled rage are also evidence of a weak amygdala.

6 years ago

It’s interesting because I’ve read your description of the amygdala high jack and what I’ve pictured is exactly like this. I see it sometimes in my own children when they are tired and overstimulated (usually on vacation) and their whims are thwarted in some way. It not a temper tantrum like we see in the stores that mortify parents – it’s almost like a seizure from the fury of it all. My daughter would hold her breath and turn blue with her father if he prevented her from doing something she shouldn’t. I don’t know what’s more concerning – that my infant and toddler have the amygdala of leftists or that so many adults are walking around with children’s amygdala.

6 years ago

I noticed how stiff her body seemed. Just like HRC when they threw her into the scooby van on 9/11/2016.

6 years ago

sure she wasnt acting?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

The sobbing at the end, “HELP HER!” is the cherry on top Yeah, rabbit mom/sister/lover, help the murderer not have to suffer for one moment! We have unlimited resources, turn on the tap!

Meanwhile the K bailiffs are like “Here we go again Another deviant who is shocked–Shocked! I tell you!–at the injustice of it all….”

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
2 years ago

Cascading amygdala overload is why leftists instinctively mob together when one of their number sets off the ‘REEEEEE!!!’ distress signal.

Reply to  Throgmorton
1 year ago


Thomas Bridgeland
6 years ago

Funny how cool everyone was. Even her lawyer barely reacted. They have seen it a lot.