Amygdala Deterioration and the Death of Beauty

Evil Genius asks:

How do you think this fits into Cabal?

Amazing video. It basically highlights how culture used to seek beauty – in art, in philosophy, in architecture, in everything. And yet, today all of that seems to emphasize ugliness, and disgust, and shocking horror. We have lost beauty.

I used to think that as an amygdala deteriorated, and the pain it applied grew weaker, everything we think of as human deteriorated. Thus if you have a strong amygdala, it kept you in line. It fired off so much pain when your sock drawer was disordered that it drove you to perfectly align all your socks, and you become almost obsessive/compulsive about perfection in every area, to avoid those pangs of amygdala. Boot camp, and Drill Instructors like R. Lee Ermey, spent weeks just exercising amygdalae to produce that. And once you had an amygdala like that, you would so enjoy relief from that amygdala that you would seek out and strive for beautiful art, that offered pleasure and relaxation.

Shocking, disgusting, ugly art would trigger that amygdala too much and be rejected. As your amygdala weakened and deadened however, as in r-strategists, it would actually desire being activated just to feel something (maybe even a primitive, evolved urge to exercise it to prevent its total loss). Then art aimed to shock, disgust, and so on would be tolerated, or even craved by that amygdala. It is sort of like how a high K seeks a beautiful feminine woman whose visage relaxes amygdala, whereas an extremely deteriorated r-amygdala requires a tranny with piercings and purple hair and male genitalia and sadomasochism to shock it to life.

But now I am not so sure that the deterioration of art was all r/K in action. Somebody, with enormous control, has been presenting stimuli to the masses, with a goal of manipulating amygdala-function. Shocking reality TV with car crashes and real life shootings, disgusting art, trannies, hatred for nation, hatred for success, injustices in the legal system everywhere you look, corruption in government, and so on – it all almost forces you to turn off your amygdala after a while. Even the stupidity of leftists is unbearable these days. Even stranger, when we look back to Rome, we can kind of see the exact same thing in the Colosseum, where real life gladiators battled to the death and humans were fed to lions for a crowd’s amusement.

I was watching the news, and the leftist news anchors had to insert their own commentary, castigating the evil H-high School kids who maliciously surrounded and tormented that innocent Native American war hero. Suddenly I’m wondering how much stupid you could cram into a twenty second period – and these are people telling others what to think. And they preened as they denigrated those innocent kids, as if they were signaling their great intellect and morality. It was too much of an irritation and violation of expectation.

I couldn’t take it and flipped the channel. But if you can’t get away from it, the brain’s natural defense is to turn off the amygdala. In short, you will, without trying, see your brain change itself, and deaden its own amygdala response to approximate the dysfunction which is naturally present in r. It has to, in order to tolerate the world. And as it does, look at what happens to society.

“The Founders would have been shooting by now.” I have seen that quote everywhere. And the Founders would have been shooting. Their amygdala could not have tolerated things today. But look at how we have been worn down. That 10 year old drag queen is being forced to pose, dressed as a girl, for photos with a grown man made up like a woman – who is totally naked next to the child – and the media is celebrating it as some sort of great societal victory. You have to turn your amygdala off, just to function day to day without cutting a bloody swath through society.

I am beginning to think just as ugly, shocking art is the realm of amygdala-dysfunction, if you control the culture and swamp it in ugly, shocking art, with fingers inserted in the ends of penises, and feces smeared on paintings, and pedophilia, and so on, you can degrade the amygdala’s function and force r on even those who would naturally be resistant. Indeed, it may be that those who are most K, and who most recoil from that imagery will either break down and remove themselves from society, or they will have to go r, because their brain will be less able to tolerate it than most. And it is everywhere. Soldiers who volunteered to serve kill a terrorist and end up imprisoned for life. Cops shoot a criminal and get imprisoned, as the criminal is given millions as if they won a lottery ticket. Corrupt politicians do anything criminal, and never even get investigated – and they get lauded as wonderful leaders and almost elected President. Laws get passed telling innocent people they are criminals, and leftist citizens cheer. Laws get passed telling parents that male sexual deviants have a right to get naked in locker rooms with their young daughters, and if they speak out about it, it is hate speech and they will be prosecuted. Illegal foreigners kill our citizens, and other citizens take the foreigner’s sides and help them break the laws we all agreed on. The one man who stepped up to try and turn the tide is portrayed as the public’s number one enemy by the media with false story after false story. I could go on almost forever with all the amygdala-over-stimulation in society. You cannot function in that environment with a normal amygdala. You have to degenerate.

There is a way back, and it is a return to classicism in everything, from religion, to morality, to nationalism and in-grouping, to art and culture. But it will require the Great Awakening, because if you don’t control the mechanisms by which these things are elevated in the public discourse, and you don’t have decent people presenting it to the public in a decent fashion, you are helpless to control how the population’s brains will develop. And I am afraid it may even take a generation to see the whole of society come back. But it can be done, if we can purge the malevolent force that is in control now.

I hope the Great Awakening is coming. But if it isn’t we are going to continue onward, to the collapse, and the reset will happen, albeit through much more unpleasant means. You cannot stop K.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the old ways can be the best ways, because they have survived the test of time

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, ITZ, Morals, Nationalism, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

Is there any concise literature on amygdala-strengthening? Can it be summed up in just avoidance of excessive dopamin releases?

6 years ago

I think there is a good reason for the 3 Transcendentals:

Goodness, Beauty and Truth. I think the Trinity are inseparable and each of the 3 cannot exist without the other ultimately.

God is all 3 to the Max.

And its no coincidence that ugliness plays its role in facilitating evil. Especially of the deliberate kind as your have expounded in your post.

6 years ago

”I am beginning to think just as ugly, shocking art is the realm of amygdala-dysfunction, if you control the culture and swamp it in ugly, shocking art, with fingers inserted in the ends of penises, and feces smeared on paintings, and pedophilia, and so on, you can degrade the amygdala’s function and force r on even those who would naturally be resistant.”

”You have to turn your amygdala off, just to function day to day without cutting a bloody swath through society.”

And that angst would have to be used to tear down physical ugliness present in our art and architecture and replace them with beautiful alternatives. Aesthetically pleasing structures to replace the horror of our current hellscape cities.

Alongside going after the Cabal.

In order to undo what your observed in your article.

6 years ago

I love how you, in your writings, can take what I see and feel, lasso it all together, and make me perfectly aware of exactly what’s going on.
Ugly architecture has been on my front burner. I live in a historic city. There is a lot of the old beauty still around. But honestly, every new building that goes up is uglier, plainer and more crappy than the last. Why? Is it cheaper? Do the artisans not exist anymore? I’m not sure how this fits into the Cabal, but my senses tell me it’s all part of the dumbing down, the push to accept mediocrity and to embrace sameness. I hate it.

The video was fantastic. Makes me want to change course in my homeschooling and concentrate on exposing my daughter to beauty, above all. Thank you for drawing attention to this.

6 years ago

I’m all in favor of T”he Great Culling” that’s coming.

Grandpa Barsoap
Grandpa Barsoap
6 years ago

What is blocking your amygdala from naming the Jew directly?

6 years ago

Beauty is a Greek thing. As early as Hesiod, he writes that “Greeks are lovers of the beautiful”. In describing the Spartans, Xenophon calls the Spartans “Kaloskagathia”, that term “kaloskagathia” literally means “The Beautiful and the Good”. This is important that any educated man has a Classical education and is infused with the values and ideas of the ancient Greeks. Hellenism forms the basis of Western Culture. Beauty requires three laws: symmetry, proportion, and harmony.

Modern Republicanism ended Western Civilization. We live now under Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevism and its inherent culture of nihilism. This culture is based on hate and therefore ugliness in art. Beauty requires discipline and rules. Nihilism and anarchism rejects beauty and purposely adopts ugliness because it destroys the past. Man is freed from rules.

Funny that the Jewess Ayn Rand in both of her books Atlas Shrugged and Fountainhead refers sadly to this changing of the guard toward ugliness in architecture where the old Classical, Neoclassical architects were sidelined and the Modernists promoted. Modernism is the culture of Judeo-Masonic-Bolshevism. Modern-this and Modern-that is just Marxist Art. Modernism is a code word for Marxism and the Jewish value of deconstructionism. What Ayn Rand catalogues is the ending of building in the classical style and the emergence of modern architecture which is shithole ugly anti-art.

Robert What?
6 years ago

I’m convinced a collapse is inevitable. The only question is whether it will be a quick merciful collapse, or a long drawn out decades or even centuries long collapse?

6 years ago

Great post.

For the last two-and-a-half years, each day I’ve been posting a different painting on my Fakebook acct. It’s essentially the only thing I do there now. So far, up to about 950 paintings. NONE are modernist or post-modernist. I refuse to post that crap. 99% of them were done prior to 1900, with a lot being from the 15th and 17th century. The whole motif is to show how beautiful art once was. Some people catch on to this. When I meet them in meatspace, they’ll comment on how they like my postings, and then ask me why I do it. I do not have any art background–just the opposite as my undergrad was STEM. So this has been a learning process for me as well. But when I tell them of how I want to show them true beauty, which is quite rare and hard to find in modern art, I generally get a blank stare in response. While some get it, most do not. I think when I approach my 1000th painting, I’m going to also add a link to the video you’ve presented here, as it hits the nail squarely on the head.

Another good video (and there several) speaks on the ugliness of architecture.

James K.
James K.
6 years ago

I have often referred to our public art as “beacons of dissociation.” Some think I’m just being humorous, but it’s the bitter truth. Our public art that is purchased by our cities more often than not has little or nothing to do with the communities that it is displayed in. It’s usually abstract forms made by an artist who isn’t from the community. It has no connection whatsoever to the life of the community. It conveys no history, it reinforces no connections amongst the people, it gives no sense of identity. It’s interchangeable with the public art in any other American city. When combined with the savagery in which historical statues have been torn down in recent years (always a symbolic act of conquest and destruction), this is quite notable.

Community art should contribute to the building of community. Throughout history, in every culture, the art on display in public has always utilized local materials and local talents and expressed local meaning. Beauty is more than merely esthetically pleasing. Good art does more than please our sense of proportion. It gives meaning and is so powerful that it is the first thing that invaders wish to destroy.

Even if Trump is successful, the challenge of rebuilding functional communities in terms of raising a new generation of artists and teachers, and rediscovering our history, will take AT LEAST a generation. Probably two. And you can bet that the Cabal remnants will be fighting it every step of the way unless a powerful and forceful case is made for bringing back so much that has been lost. And most of the even the red-pilled really have no idea how much has been lost.

Related to this, look into the activities of local historical museums in your communities. You’ll find that many have been engaged in all kinds of activities that have nothing to do with history. If you ever come across a community where history is conspicuously ignored or even seemingly erased, you can bet it was done on purpose. It is the removal of evidence, of intelligence. That intelligence should inform you of how the current powerful people/families came to power.

If your community has no apparent long-term families of more than a generation or two, something is wrong.

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
6 years ago

You’re so close, but you either don’t see it or you can’t say it yet.

I knew a guy with cancer. His best friend suggested he start eating right and exercising regularly, which he did. Nevertheless, the guy died. Because he had cancer.

We can all reposition our amygdalas, but as long as our culture is cancerous it ain’t gonna matter. And who’s controlling all our art? Who runs all our museums, our media, our sports and music industries? Who controls all our money?

Hint: it’s the same people who control our pornography and child sex trafficking industries. The same people whose rabbis suck babies’ pee-pees. The same people who wallowed in the “divine decadence” of the Weimar Republic. The same people who slaughtered 66 million Russian Christians. And the people who betrayed Moses and Jesus and God Himself, the people whom Christ named Sons of Satan.

r/K is a distraction from the real Barbarians at our gate, the ones so filled with animus toward Christians that their self-loathing consumes them, and in the process, us. Debauchery is genetic.

As long as there’s a Jew anywhere in America, this patient — our nation — will never get well. Just ask the 109 countries that figured it out before us.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Amy Armadillo
6 years ago

Actually, you’re wrong. It’s impossible for everything we’ve seen to be organized just by Jewish people; they lack the numbers to reach into all of those areas and into law enforcement and military. Simply not enough of them. There needs to be another, larger group to which some Jews are merely playing along with.

Reply to  Amy Armadillo
6 years ago

I agree with AC when he says that there might be more than just Judaism behind the cabal, but one thing is certain, Jewish collective power is a tool of the cabal, as is Islam in the West among all their other tools in their tool box.

Judaism and Islam are culturally incompatible with the West and the US constitution (both are political doctrine disguised as religion, and Judaism is racially supremacist. You can learn more about this fact here: ).

I think that both are going to be peacefully banned from the West for all the right reasons, including the safety and freedom of non-subversive and non-criminal racial and religious Jews (although the religious Jews will have to accept that their “religion” is not accepted and is not allowed public places of gathering anymore).

In my opinion, the peaceful and fair solution to this issue of Jewish group subversion of Western nations is:
Educate the general population world-wide about the Jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all Jewish interest groups in the West;
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to Israel;
Ban Islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban Judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

6 years ago


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Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
6 years ago

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