Alt-right Loves Asians, SJWs Hate Them

I thought it was interesting that first the NY Times tries to demean the Alt-right attraction to Asian lifestyles when choosing mates and models of civilization to emulate:

…the white-supremacist Asian fetish is no contradiction.

It exists at the intersection of two popular racial myths. First is the idea of the “model minority,” in which Asian-Americans are painted as all hard-working, high-achieving and sufficiently well-behaved to assimilate. If Asians are the model minority — if that is how nonwhites can find acceptance in white America — then perhaps that opens the door to acceptance from white supremacists.

The second myth is that of the subservient, hypersexual Asian woman. The white-supremacist fetish combines those ideas and highlights a tension within the project of white supremacism as America grows more diverse — a reality that white nationalists condemn as “white genocide.” The new, ugly truth? Maintaining white power may require some compromises on white purity.

The problem I see young alt-right guys trying to solve is how to find a wife who hasn’t slept around so much that she will think nothing of leaving them, taking half of their property and income, and splitting up their family because feminists on TV tell them they need to put their career first, and do whatever feels fun.

Then there was this article at National Review:

Why Social-Justice Warriors Think It’s Okay to Be Racist Towards Asians

Asian Americans deal with prejudice, but the dogmas of social justice maintain that they are racially privileged.

It happens all too often to Americans of Asian ancestry. They are walking home on a crowded street, and someone bumps into them and shouts, “Go back to China!” When it happened last year to Michael Luo, a New York Times journalist, he started the hashtag #ThisIs2016, and Asian-Americans shared their stories.

It happened to Jeff Sessions’s granddaughter at his confirmation hearing on January 10. When MTV News writer Ira Madison III saw an Asian-American girl, the child of John Walk and Ruth Sessions Walk, sitting in her grandfather’s lap, his first thought was to write, “Sessions, sir, kindly return this Asian baby to the Toys ‘R’ Us you stole her from.”

As the New York Times’ Luo told CNN about his Twitter campaign, “It’s resonating because Asian Americans have this feeling that racism against them is not taken as seriously as other groups.” The dominant narrative promoted by SJWs almost always divides everyone into two camps — black and white — and makes no allowance for individualism, to say nothing of ignoring the fastest growing race in the nation: Asians…

That’s why no one wants to talk about the fact that Asian Americans with similar qualifications have a much harder time getting into college — with an effect that would equal losing 140 points on the SAT and 3.4 on the ACT than students of other races. There’s no movement against violence that has a disproportionate effect on destroying Asian American–owned businesses. Asian Americans are shouted down at college safe spaces when they try to discuss their experience of racism directed at them from African Americans. Even the wokest liberal cultural sites employ few Asian Americans.

It is true SJWs always love to discriminate against Asians. I remember a guy who had to send his straight-A son to Ireland to go to med school, because an Asian competing for med school slots would always lose out to the Nambian immigrant with C average in a communications major who had a history of cannibalism and serial killing in his home country before coming to America. That academic discrimination is a sign of a broader attitude.

I see this as deeper than merely advantages and privilege. If Asian women were just as successful, but all rode the cock carousel and single-parented little mullato children by five different fathers as they “Muh Career”-ed their life path, I think the SJWs would welcome them into their fold, and you’d see a lot less interest in them by the alt-right. In short the problem the left has with Asians is that they are not degenerates.

Asians are naturally K-strategists, and I think even as the Alt-right has a strong in-grouping urge to mate within race, they see that K-strategy and it is attractive enough to them to overcome the natural in-grouping urge. Likewise, leftists see that K-strategy and even as they want to import foreigners and advantage them over local natives, they cannot look past that K-strategy to open their hearts to the Asians.

It is interesting to me. Even without being told about r/K, everyone aligns up along lines of r/K instinctually, even ideologies – and it seems r/K has the power to overcome every other identifier, from race to religion. This points to the fact that if we can clearly outline r/K to the masses, then when the resources constrict, everyone goes K, and the pogroms begin, all races and ethnicities may naturally unite to purge the r-strategy from our species.

Tell everything about r/K Theory, because there is no race but K

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7 years ago

Isn’t there a bit of projection going on here?

Aren’t Jewish men and white liberal men more likely to go with Asian women?
Amy Chua wrote about this in her book. Harvard is full of Asian women who are pursued by Liberal Jewish men.

Also, why would status-seeking Asian women go with Alt Right guys who are likely to face all sorts of career risks? If Asian women are a bunch of materialistic opportunists, they are far more likely to go with Jewish guys… like the Chinese girl who married Zuckerberg.

This Asian Fetish thing is more Jewish or white liberal.

This article by this Asian lady seems to be warning Asians not to get close to ‘white nationalism’ because it’s bad. Just stick to Jewish guys or Liberal white guys.

Most Alt Right types steer clear of Asian women. Maybe some Alt Lite and Coservative Inc types go for them. But Alt Right guys are for racial unity, and they believe white men and white women should stick together. Most Alt Right men disdain Derbyshire’s Asian wife.

Now, it may be true that SJW types aren’t sympathetic to Asians as a ‘victim group’. But they are more likely to sexually pair off with them.

Colleges are mostly proggy, and lots of Asians become proggies in colleges. And these proggy Asian girls end up hooking with proggy cuck white men or with Jews.

Alt Right men aren’t into Asian women(except for maybe flings). What they fear is that white girls with jungle fever will go black. And even if these white girls do come back to white community, what white guy would want to bang a white chick who’s been conquered by bigger black dongs?

Cecil Henry
7 years ago

Asian ‘Americans’ and other non-Whites in America are not dealing with prejudice.

They are dealing with and resenting the reality that Whites have ethnic interests and rights to protect and promote, include the right to control their nations.

It is the denial of this reality, and the resentment of it by non-Whites, that presents itself as ‘prejudice’

The prejudice and problem is the attack on the ethnic homelands and interests of Whites.

Such a basic fact cannot even be stated today with apoplexy. That must change.

7 years ago

I’m sympathetic and I understand the desire aspect. But it does create complications. This is why men, especially White men have to understand the enemy at least in this department, is feminism. If you can’t breed kids that look like you then what are you even fighting for? It’s like going back to Globalism 1.0 because we didn’t like Globalism 3.0. There are kill shots, sociologically to feminism. Maybe the GE can help, or at least young men can learn his ways- sort of like a second father. Other than every man learning tier one game all the other solutions are violent or involve polygamy (and thus further violence).

For White men it could boil down to this, if you want a piece, a White piece, prepare for WAR. Bye the way, Slavs beat the shit out of any foreigner dating a Slav girl in their countries so this wouldn’t really be a new phenomena. Just beat the shit out of foreigners, it’s kinda fun hearing their heads go ‘thunk’ on pavement. Good times.

Duke Norfolk
Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

Too bad they weren’t around to give that beating to Jared, eh?

Reply to  Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

He became a meatspace operator- just not the kind he thought he’d be.

7 years ago

American colleges and universities have been using a racial quota system for quite a long time. The details are available in books like “The Bell Curve” by Murray and Herrenstein and “The End of Racism” by D’Souza. But that may come to an end soon due to the development of online learning. The old educational model could quickly go the way of the dinosaur if online education becomes the new standard. A Harvard professor thinks so;

7 years ago

A random thought.

r-selection favors minimal parental investment in offspring, driving down to the paradigm of the single mother, both in animal and human models.

K-selection favors maximal investment in (fit) offspring, driving up to at least two-parent investment.

But what we see in wolf packs and historical low-resources human communities is investment in children at a level above the nuclear pair bond. The pack extended family, or even clan are invested in the rearing of children.

Does K-selection investment in offspring truly favor the monogamous pair bond, or does it favor something larger still?