Allen West Breaks the News – Navy Officer Who Shot at Terrorist to be Prosecuted

Allen West highlights a story that needs press.

As reported ten days ago by Western Journalism, “A Navy officer and Marine reportedly returned fire at the shooter who killed five service members in Chattanooga, Tenn., even though current policy does not permit military members to carry firearms on facilities such as those where the attack occurred…

At the time, Western Journalism wrote, Lt. Cmdr. White could face disciplinary action for violating policy about possessing a weapon on the facility that was supposedly a gun-free zone. The investigation into the attack is ongoing, and authorities will not know if White or the Marine hit the shooter until an autopsy and a ballistics report have been completed.

Ladies and gents, resulting from the text message I received yesterday, I can confirm that the United States Navy is bringing charges against Lt. Cmdr Timothy White for illegally discharging a firearm on federal property…

Here’s what needs to happen. Flood the phone of SecNav Ray Mabus and SecDef Carter and ask them whose side they’re. Demand the charges being brought against Lt.Cmdr White be immediately dropped. If those charges are not dropped, I will personally lead the charge to have Carter and Mabus removed from their positions.

West has a great post there, highlighting all of the hypocrisy.

These things are happening because our amygdalae aren’t developed enough to make us act to stop it. As a result the commanders simply appease the cowards and follow the rules, rather than stand up for principle, taking the tough road and doing the right thing.

This too will be rectified by the Apocalypse.

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9 years ago

[…] Allen West Breaks the News – Navy Officer Who Shot at Terrorist to be Prosecuted – […]