Alex Jones’s Bureau Chief Banned At Youtube

The Conservative purge continues:

It’s been a wild week for InfoWars’s DC bureau chief Jerome Corsi. On Tuesday, Corsi, a proponent of the QAnon and Obama birther conspiracies, was riding high after being printed in USA Today, the country’s highest-circulating paper. Today, he was kicked off YouTube for life.

Terminations usually require three “strikes,” each strike removing features from a channel and putting it in worse standing until they resolve several months later, assuming no further strikes are given. Irate tweets since his termination include a screenshot showing Corsi received his first two strikes—both for harassment and/or bullying—on the 20th and 26th of this month. We’ve reached out to YouTube for information on what the final straw was.

Jones himself is one strike away, and we find out the Southern Poverty Law Center is one of the contractors Youtube is using to determine who stays and who goes:

The Southern Poverty Law Center is assisting YouTube in policing content on their platform, The Daily Caller has learned.

The left-wing nonprofit — which has more recently come under fire for labeling legitimate conservative organizations as “hate groups” — is one of the more than 100 nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and government agencies in YouTube’s “Trusted Flaggers” program, a source with knowledge of the arrangement told TheDC.

The SPLC and other program members help police YouTube for extremist content, ranging from so-called hate speech to terrorist recruiting videos.

All of the groups in the program have confidentiality agreements, a spokesperson for Google, YouTube’s parent company, previously told TheDC. A handful of YouTube’s “Trusted Flaggers,” including the Anti-Defamation League and No Hate Speech — a European organization focused on combatting intolerance — have gone public with their participation in the program. The vast majority of the groups in the program have remained hidden behind their confidentiality agreements.

So Twitter and Youtube just happen to both, independently, be purging right-wing accounts, including the most important, at exactly the same time. Even Scott Adams sees his Periscopes being throttled. Obviously this is coordinated, but by whom?

Here is a thought. Maybe the purge is not some organic event naturally growing out of leftist panic and desire for control. Maybe the purge was directly ordered by Deep State, and is a tactical removal of potentially viral accounts that could help spread a viral piece of data, like some drop from Q or some release from Trump.

In that context the leak of SPLC as one of the entities could be misdirection, to make people think this is the traditional left vs right battle, when in reality it is something much deeper and more disturbing, coming straight from the non-partisan CIA handlers running the internet properties belonging to the Deep State.

Notice, there have been articles describing this as accidental, and a temporary overreach, implying it may be undone at some point. It is possible something big is heading for release soon, and Deep State is merely trying to enact a temporary elimination of right-wing virality influencers to limit its spread, and cause it to hit slower and less violently. After that, they may try to open up these platforms again, after issuing an apologetic Mea Culpa.

After all, I am sure Deep State does not want to allow too much of an opportunity for alternatives to open up by driving too many highly-followed accounts out into the wild, in search of a home. Deep State’s enemies must have something big in the offing in order for Deep State to take this risk to the degree they have already.

On the bright side, whatever is coming is probably huge, and will make for a thrilling period, at least for a while. On the down side, this development might lead Trump to delay it, to either force the platforms to reopen these viral-influencer’s accounts, or risk losing these big names and thereby empower alternatives, and weaken the power of Deep State’s machinery.

Then again, a good plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed in a week. Perhaps enough damage has already been done.

May we live in interesting times.

Tell your friends about r/K Theory, because everything is being shut down

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Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

Is Alex Jones a conservative? I wonder if he’s not the turd in the punchbowl to “show” all libtards how ridiculous conservatives can be. I look at him as controlled opposition.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous White Male
6 years ago

Alex Jones & Infowars work for the (((Chameleons))) and have been heavily pushing the West v Islam conflict. Go on YouTube and type in Paul Joseph Watson on the JQ. These people are paid shills and should be hung for their warmongering.

6 years ago

The 1000-pound gorilla in the room is Facebook, arguably more important than both Twitter and YT combined. Have they been purging new-right accounts lately? It seems like whatever may drop soon would still spread like wildfire on Facebook unless they have better control over the algorithms there so they don’t have to be as blatant about axing popular personalities.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

On 8Chan there has been discussions about what Q meant by “10 days of darkness”. Various comments including the internet going down for 10 days and even all media including TV and DJT communicating with people via the Emergency Broadcast System

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Excerpt from Q crumb on 03/04.

WHO wrote the singular censorship algorithm?
WHO deployed the algorithm?
WHO instructed them to deploy the algorithm?
SAME embed across multiple platforms.

It’s clearly coordinated. Another one asks why anyone trusts the mega tech companies’ social media platforms.

6 years ago

I think the Deep State is trying to silence the right so dems get the senate on 2018 and they can then move to impeach DJT. Also, the ZOG adl and splc is clearly Deep State (my intuition tells me the very core of deep state is the ZOG masterminds in Israel). I don’t think there is really “left vs right” when we talk about organizations and parties, 90% of the left is deep statists and all the RINOs and NeoCons are too.

PS: although I don’t doubt there are K-selective jews in Israel that only want to live their own life and dislike the jewry being perpetrated on the West by their fellow merchants, I have an hunch that the ZOG masterminds in Israel pretend they don’t like Soros and the other globalists but work with them and see Israel as a merely sacrificial nation to be used as a pawn/stepping stone in order to achieve global world domination via the socialist NWO. Any sensible zionist of good faith would agree that the West is being taken advantage of by Israel and that Western foreign aid to Israel and non-Western countries has to stop.

Also, people with double nationalities should NEVER be allowed to hold influential places on any country, no servant has 2 masters.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
6 years ago

Lembrador you are correct. The left v right issue is a false paradigm. Notice how (((chameleons))) lead the left, and now they are involved in the alt right. Death to ZOG!

Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

Vox Popoli writes about this:
“In case you haven’t noticed, it is utterly useless to appeal to the ideological purists who run these Big Social platforms. No amount of reason is going to sway them. So stop relying upon them! If you notice, I used Freestartr instead of Kickstarter and Bitchute instead of Youtube for Voxiversity. If even 10 percent of the Right would stop bitching and wailing and whining about their inevitable ill-treatment at the hands of the Left and publicly support the alternative platforms instead, we would have a fully functional Alt-Tech ecosystem before the end of 2018.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Why not both?

You have the useful idiots/ideological purists at the lower levels and middle management and the more aware (on a need to know basis of course) higher levels know more or less what is up (these are the Alinsky radicals).

So you have:
1) Funding coming from See Eye Hay funded companies (they tell gen pop these are angel investors) that run the operations on the funded companies (Deep State);
2) Top level public faces (Bezos, Faceberg, etc) and higher level management who know more or less what is up and know better not to ask questions or get suicided via heart attack or car crash (Alinsky Radicals);
3) Low level ideological purists who think they are fighting the nahtzies with their code monkey-ing and SJW bullshit (Useful Idiots).

At least that is what makes the most sense to me on a logic level.

6 years ago

Alt-platform or else the new right is gone in 6 months.
If nobody knows you’re gone, then nobody knows.
No man is an island.

Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago

Instead of / Use this:

Reddit -> Voat
Facebook -> Steemit
Twitter -> Gab
YouTube -> AND/OR Bit Chute
GMail -> Proton Mail
KickStarter -> Freestartr

The gist, I think is to use the non-censoring platforms as HQ and where you post first your content and then using the popular deep state controled platforms as battlegrounds to try and redpill the non-retard normies that use those platforms. You won’t convert no retard useful idiots, Alinsky radicals or deep statists with your redpilling on the popular platforms, but you will get some people to get curious and start on their journey towards redpilling themselves.

And on the popular platforms, its a cat and mouse game dodging the bans and censorship.

Curtis Mouser I
Curtis Mouser I
6 years ago

Undoubtedly deep state. Like why are comic superheroes & tech show presenters all female. They have almost no interest in subject.

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…I think they are entirely owned by Deep State, which is why their platform succeeded…”

I believe this and also that the Jews in Israel, Europe and here run things. I believe they are able to do so by two means.
1.They stick together mostly. They’re really, really similar to the Mafia and it’s structure. As long as they have White countries to prey on they don’t bother each other so much. They’re not all the same just like the Mafia but the Mafia did hold meetings between the various families to delineate conflicts. The average small Jew mostly knows this. Maybe not every single one but I would be surprised if they didn’t. I believe they’re lying when they say they don;t understand the goals of the big Jews or how it’s effecting White countries. They don’t talk about it just like people didn’t talk about the Mafia.
2. They own the only system of banking that is allowed to print money from nothing on the planet except for a few countries. I think the Japanese and the Chinese have their own central banks. Other countries that try this are attacked. There’s an article that sums up the whole system in one page that’s fantastic.

World Domination–it has a nice ring, doesn’t it? Here’s how to achieve it in 5 steps:

Since the Central Banks are mostly owned by Jews or controlled by them they are at the center of money flows of everything. They can make large sums of money just from the skim of getting a little taste of every financial flow there is. They use this to buy media like Amazon, Facebook, Google. Look at how much money these companies lost over the years. It’s vast, enormous sums. The banks lent and bought their stocks and in turn this mean other investments like pension funds did the same. I don’t think Amazon has EVER turned a profit. That’s extraordinary for a company to stay alive this long with no profit. The goal of Amazon and these other companies is to out spend the competition then own everything after all have fallen. Then they will have total monopoly profits.

Reply to  Sam J.
6 years ago

The disastrous policies enacted by ECB have been executed by Japan years before. You might be interested in watching this documentary about central banking:

“Prince of Yen: Central Bank Truth”

When all of this shit explodes in our faces (Pension Fund Crisis/Sovereign Debt Crisis), true SHTF will start.

Also, start reading everyday, you’ll be glad you did.