Africa In Midst Of Famine

Not surprising:

More than 5 million Somalians are already on the brink of famine, according to aid agency Plan International, and it expects an official declaration by April…

Last week South Sudan declared a famine in areas of the country’s south, where civil war has displaced thousands of people, disrupted crop planting and led to economic collapse.

Several other countries across eastern Africa face severe food shortages in the weeks and months ahead, if not famine.

More than 20 million people are in urgent need of food in Somalia, South Sudan, Kenya, Nigeria and Ethiopia, according to Plan Australia.

In Yemen, around half a million children suffer from advanced malnutrition, and up to 7 million people need urgent food aid.

K begins in the poorest, least educated areas, and moves like a wave up the social hierarchy toward the first world. As the initial resource shortage first begins, the r-strategists flee, seeking refuge in the least conflict-prone, resource-rich areas. As it progresses, the newly arrived r-strategists will drain resources from their new homelands, speeding the arrival of K there as well.

This is the K-shift, and it has only been held at bay by debt spending. But that same debt-spending savior will eventually make the ultimate K-shift much, much more aggressive, when it finally hits. I would not expect any flavor of multiculturalism to survive what finally comes, and I will be surprised if there is not ultimately retaliation against anyone associated with the left.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because K-selection is coming our way

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8 years ago

[…] Africa In Midst Of Famine […]

The Docent
The Docent
8 years ago

The Horn of Africa presents a situation unique from other third world countries: there is a huge “industry” (for lack of a better word) that has grown up to provide food and medical aid to the region over the last 30 to 40 years. Consequently, K couldn’t hit Africa until the West cuts off food and medical assistance (I don’t expect China, India, or the Gulf States–all of which lease or own large swaths of agricultural land in those African nations–to do anything). Even that might not be sufficient because, in that region, fellow countrymen dying of starvation does not create the same angst as it would among Westerners, for instance. As you’ve noted, rabbits will gladly graze right next to their dead kin–it does not upset them.

8 years ago

Off-topic but Ace has a post with a Maslow-style analysis of K-selection

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
8 years ago

Oh, no! Somalia, Haiti, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore (insert any black controlled area) can’t feed themselves! We must save them from themselves!. Never ending funds for never ending rabbits.