A Thought On Planned Parenthood

People were complaining about the $500 Million in the Omnibus Spending Bill that was given to Planned Parenthood. I generally assume President Trump operates with a knowledge that there are certain core constituencies which he will need to govern and be reelected, and the pro-life cohort of his supporters is one such constituency.

That assumption makes me think he will be hesitant to do something like allocate $500 million to something like Planned Parenthood (even though the money was forbidden from being spent on abortion), unless he was going to hit them somewhere else. Especially since it is almost a certainty that a sizable portion of that money will be spent specifically on attacking the Trump administration.

Then I was looking at this graph of money into Planned Parenthood back in 2015 (present total yearly inflow is now up to 1.46 billion, with a government apportionment of $543 million):

Which supposedly is allocated as follows:

So 3/4s of their monies are spent on contraception and STD treatments, services which are also being provided by Federal Community Health Centers, of which there are 20 for every Planned Parenthood Center.

Now this sounds paranoid, but looking at that, and knowing how the Cabal has penetrated everything, especially anything with some form of licensure/certification like accounting which would ostensibly have oversight and be supplying those official numbers in the annual report, it is not impossible that Planned Parenthood could be a money-laundering operation for whatever the private sector Cabal is that is actually running our government for personal profit. They receive private funds of unknown origin as contributions and acquire government largess from taxpayers, and then output it all to a prearranged network of established machine entities, thereby funneling it into legal profits.

It would be interesting to cut Planned Parenthood’s funds at some point entirely, and track STD rates and pregnancies in the areas where Planned Parenthood supposedly supplies services. I would bet if there was any uptick, it would be barely noticeable, and there might very well be no change at all, given there will be up to 20 or more Federal Health Clinics nearby providing the same services. Which would raise the question of where all this money is going, and what it is being spent on.

If Planned Parenthood is another Clinton-Foundation type entity within the portfolio of the Cabal, it is not impossible that they will end up snared in the storm and the Great Awakening, which would make funding them now moot. That would make sense of President Trump allowing their funding now.

File it away as a possibility. The truth is, I suspect if we all knew how the money from our government was really flowing in this world, and the power structures built around us to facilitate it, we would all be blown away at how much of the world which we are told exists is actually just a Matrix-like false reality designed to keep us copacetic as the Cabal takes whatever it wants.

Spread r/K Theory, because you are a slave, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch – prison for your mind…

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7 years ago

Well said.
You might be interested in this: http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/165365965/its-happening

And this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFFnT9JaG2g -> SES: an army of no-background check required for the hire executives with access to ALL INTELLIGENCE, who nobody knows how much they make (and they are the most well paid federal employees there are), that the POTUS CANNOT FIRE.
This right here, these 10000 parasites are a very important part of the deep state.

Also watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdFPR_c8qBk -> Includes documentation so autists an kindly dig.

7 years ago

Good catch AC. Leftist money laundering schemes are like herpes, once you go left you’ll never get rid of them.

7 years ago

The stats are misleading. They come up with the 3 percent because they compare “all services” to the number of abortions per year. Services include STD tasting, pregnancy tests, contraception etc.They provide close to 9 1/2 million services a year and 325,000 abortions.
If they compare the number of abortions per year to the number of clients (2.5 million), the number is more like 1 person out of 8 gets an abortion.

7 years ago


March For Our Lives is a recruiting operation for Antifa.

Deep State is weaponizing the youth against the country by using the Alt-Left to radicalize them. Read the content of the panphlet, they are trying to incite a racial war so a civil war starts. SHARE THIS INFO EVERYWHERE.

7 years ago

Who does planned parenthood hurt the most, r’s or K’s ?

Seems reasonable to me that it reduces the number of r’s more than it reduces the number of K’s.

Brian B
Brian B
Reply to  rien
6 years ago

The r psychology is like a plague that keeps on spreading. If there are r factors in the environment it will create more r selected people. So while your statement is true to an extent it does not take into account that PP itself is responsible for spreading the r psychology. It’s the other side of the coin.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

This issue did cross my mind a couple of times last night, and the more I think about it, the more I am convinced that K’s should support planned parenthood.

If you think about it, its the ONLY program that would actually decrease the number of future leftist. All other programs increase it. Completely cancelling PP would be bad.

But if somebody wants to meme PP and make it unpalatable to the left: offer a bonus for each abortion while mentioning that every liberal should do it.

There is a fine line somewhere, where the availability of abortions is actually damaging the K-strategy. Namely when society is predominantly K. In that case a ban on abortion will keep the society K. But right now where a very large part of society is r-selected, K’s should push every measure they have to prevent future r’s.

Another program would be assisted dying. I think it should be made completely free of charge. For every age. As amygdala’s get triggered, and they want to end the pain? why not help them? why force them on society to do more damage?

7 years ago

The second PP graph is not telling the whole story.

When you go to the doctor, and your temp is taken, your blood preasere, height and weight. Each of those is a “service”

If you look at it as revenue. About 1/3 is abortions. So 3% of what they do makes 33% of the revenue.

This may not change your argument. But it does change the first sentence after both the graphs. I think in dollar terms, the sti+contraception is less than 1/3 of income

Onlooker from Troy
Onlooker from Troy
Reply to  ACThinker
6 years ago

Yes, it’s pure flim flam. Clearly we need stats on how much money is spent on each of those categories. That would tell a much different story.

6 years ago

What is more likely?

A) Some 3D chess game is afoot to take out PP
B) Trump is a fake Republican
C) Sorting out military funding was urgent enough to justify some compromises, because something is going to happen in a matter of months.

6 years ago

This pretty much sums up some of my thoughts re: Omnibus and Trump signing it.

Whooped em again, eh Josie?


6 years ago

I’m skeptical about using PP to launder money, or secretly finance anything. If you’re looking to covertly move money, you don’t choose a lightening rod like PP. You’d choose something that bores even it’s supporters, like the Federal Railroad Administration or the National Institute of Standards and Technology (both funded at the $1-2Billion level. Or you choose an organization that gives out money – the National Institute for Health has a $30Billion+ budget!