A Possible Visual Examination of Cabal’s Defunding By President Trump

For obvious reasons, Cabal’s massive intelligence/surveillance operations are of keen interest to me. I was digging around and saw this, on a private covert-operations/private-intelligence company:

I don’t see any word of what happened to it, or any acquisition news. It appears that either it just went entirely defunct overnight, going from $70 million in revenue to nothing in one quarter for some reason, or it reorganized into something else to conceal whatever it is up to.

Then I checked out Security Industry Specialists, which was mentioned in this video, as one of the contractors involved in the massive surveillance state/psychological-experimentations being deployed on American citizens:

That is $100 Million right off the top of their business. Then I clicked through to a bunch of competitors, which you can look up if you are that interested:

These are just a few of the major companies which field intelligence and surveillance operations domestically, and they have lost over $3 billion in revenues in just a couple of quarters. In some cases, hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue evaporated, or 3/4’s of their revenue was just gone all of a sudden. You can dig around, and find many others. These could be acquisitions, but I see some such companies recover small amounts of revenue for a quarter, which seems as if their ultimate employer liberated some funds to pay them, but not enough to maintain operations for long because their revenues drop off even greater the next quarter.

I see no similar companies with revenues increasing in an amount which might indicate an acquisition of these lost revenues, and I see other companies with much smaller losses at the same time, as if they had minor contracts to keep them on the reservation which were pulled at the same time. At the same time legitimate companies like Kroll show small increases in business, so it does not seem like the legitimate security/investigative sector is hurting. And of course, under Trump our economy is exploding, so it is not an economic downturn driving the trend.

Just an interesting data-point, given that Trump appears to be defunding the Deep-State/Cabal and closing up the border, and when you look at some of the organizations which would provide Cabal with necessary security/surveillance/intelligence/control operations within the domestic US, you see this trend.

And for reference, here is Fusion GPS, which seemed unharmed by the publicity surrounding its involvement in the Trump Pee Dossier, but which suddenly saw its revenues drop off by almost 3/4’s, right around the same time as everyone else:

You could probably track Cabal’s network just through the loss of business that has occurred as Trump began closing the border and shutting off the government purse strings.

Spread r/K Theory, because this is the pain.

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Intel, Politics, Surveillance, Treason, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

It would be interesting to track this data over the 80s/90s through 2001 and then when Obama was elected.

6 years ago

> Fusion GPS

Have you dealt with the whole “fusion center as deniable intelligence community” thing yet? I still haven’t had time to bore all the way through the archives.

It looks like the “fusion centers” started to allow police and Feds to obtain information by methods that they were statutorily forbidden, and they’ve branched out from there.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Fusion centers are absolutely a thing. What goes on above the rank and file agents trying to work cases is beyond my pay grade.

Reply to  Spectrely
6 years ago

In DC the FBI uses them to get access to cameras and intel that DC police gather. Since FBI can’t put cameras all over, they are provided for by the FBI and fusion centers are “supported” by the FBI. Just a way to get the video footage of all the police cameras so that the FBI can look at it as well. Working around what should be checks and balances.

No Name
No Name
6 years ago

So, we have thousands of operators who were making a good living who are now freed up to do other things and are likely very desperate for a paycheck. That could either be really good or really bad.

6 years ago

Huh. West Palm Beach. Just north of… Broward County. Ko-inky-dink?

Homestead Tuck
Homestead Tuck
6 years ago

Wow AC. This is a new direction that I’ve not seen explored on social media or the chans. Excellent discovery! Still praying daily for you, GEOTUS and his family, and all Patriots working to expose this beast. Found a blogsite called “The Q Tree” the other day and there was an excellent article 3 or 4 days back on Trump accomplishments. Interesting take I’ve not seen before. Check it out- might be Daily Brief material. (My apologies- not able to link) WWG1WGA

6 years ago

Asset forfeiture, via E.O.? One can only hope! Bman and THX, spot on. Am seeing a decline…

Robert What?
6 years ago

@AC, I’m not quite sure what you mean when you say “Trump is defunding the Deep State”. How is Trump defunding the Deep State? Do you have an example?

Nona Yo Sum
Nona Yo Sum
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago
Reply to  Robert What?
6 years ago

Not to mention his defunding of the Communist UN, by pulling the US out of UNESCO & the UNCHR

Likewise his non signing of the Paris CC scam. .

Both of those mean less $$$ for the Cabal.

6 years ago