A Meditation On The Venezuelan Apocalypse

A good article on what to expect:

We never could have imagined…or prepped for…what happened in Venezuela…

What happened was something entirely different from what we had prepared for…

We prepared for some of the consequences of turmoil, unrest, riots, crime. We were able to hunker down for a while and able to defend ourselves silently and seriously, without having to leave our haven. The scarcity problems started back there around 2013-2014. Those years were the last time I remember we could buy large amounts of wheat flour, corn flour for arepas (yes, those yellow packages you see people fist fighting each other for on the web), pasta, powdered and UHT packaged milk, rice, and other staples.

An economic collapse this long seemed like something that was entirely out of the question. It was entirely unpredictable. I would have expected a pandemics or a coup d’etat long before this hungry zombie-like scenario.

We knew something disturbing was going to happen sooner or later. We could feel it in the atmosphere…but nothing like this. We never thought it would be impossible to find a battery, or engine oil, or gasoline (Jeez, this was an oil-producing country!!) or that kids were going to be endangered in the very door of their schools…

The eggs price has been so inflated this days that a single egg costs more than the minimum wage. A hen produces more than a laborer. Do you remember that stories about the eggs, chocolate, and potatoes acting as currency in the WWII? It is becoming currency here too.

He raises a good point. You can only store so much. You have to plan for self sufficiency after your stores run out. How will you garden? How will you secure it from theft? Can you keep chickens? How will you handle medical needs like medications? How will you pay your taxes? How will you provide value to others so as to accrue value from them in barter?

You need a plan to keep going after your stores run out, because it is not impossible this Apocalypse could last 20-30 years.

The key will be long-term self-sufficiency, and the ability to produce things people want. Eggs are an obvious resource that could be produced easily, and have good barter potential. Vegetables too. The only question is, how do you secure your advantages in the Apocalypse, when anyone with anything will immediately become a target of thieves, who will try to act when you are most vulnerable. A good garden or chicken coop will immediately be a target for nighttime raids, if it is not secured in a fashion that cannot be attacked without alerting you and initiating a defense.

If you approach it right, it will be an interesting intellectual problem that will offer the ability to have real beneficial effects on your life when the Apocalyspe hits.

Spread r/K Theory because the time to prepare is now

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Ned Flanders
Ned Flanders
6 years ago

in a venezuela type situation you gotta focus on the staples. rice-beans-sugar-pasta-vitamins-medicine. trade for other stuff.

too much waste and risk in raising your own chickens whether for eggs or meat unless you’re experienced and have scale.

no right answer though. well i guess you could find out if you did a field trip to rural venezuela

Ned Flanders
Ned Flanders
Reply to  Ned Flanders
6 years ago

and/or stock up on cigarettes. soviet union style.

Reply to  Ned Flanders
6 years ago

You need the chickenshit to fertilize your garden. I just can’t figure out what to feed them in the winter.

6 years ago

And don’t forget, not loosing any weight in such times is a sure tell.

Reply to  rien
6 years ago

Contour game must be strong. I’m learning how to bring my dark circles back with makeup.

6 years ago

I grow a few tobacco plants along with my veggies. Pretty easy to grow once the learning curve is past, and easy to scale up in the second year. The problem is surviving the first year.

6 years ago

The simplest answer on the securing is the big hammer method. Have a plan to organize your neighborhood into a security force to have a big perimeter. In that situation, people will do a lot to have access to eggs, seeds, and someone who can tell them how to make those seeds grow.

The only thing better than a good garden is 50 good gardens scattered around 50 houses that all defend each other.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago


Orania is a private city that is basically the best place on decadent and crime riden South Africa (if you don’t know what is happening there, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ7o1cxqBPU ).

I’d say that the minimum amount of people to have a good chance at survival long term is at least 20, with at least 4 people in full kit at all times (so if you use 8 hours shifts, 12 people, or 60% of them main function is the safety of the group and territory).

Location would ideally be away from any kind of urban center and from any kind of prison facility.

To deal with roaming gangs and a high head count group raid, using the landscape for crowd control and the design of kill boxes is essential.

Mountain Farmer
Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

I agree. The only way to survive is to work with your neighbors. Community is key.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
6 years ago

I’d like to read more on this topic. Farming is kinda the easy thing, relatively speaking. It’s securing yourself that’s the hard part. But I agree, this is where you need to not just be some lone prepper, but moving somewhere where there’s a community of like minded people who can be organised when SHTF.

How do you do that though? Like I said, getting the homestead up and running is relatively easy, but it’s still tough. Doing it *and* finding a community who’re also prepping, and ready to work together? Tougher.

6 years ago

The best method is secure and armed community of like minded fellow. Funny thing, when Return of Kings plan for their meet up about 2 years ago, the TPTB put a stop to that. I wonder why…

6 years ago

Rabbits are going to rabbit. Wolves are going to wolf. The question is, who gives up the ghost first.

6 years ago
Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago


6 years ago

Temporary storage, gardening (seeds can store for several years), organising your neighborhood, defense mechanism, WATER SUPPLY and trading goods are what you need.

I would say overall 2000-3000 bucks of investment if you have a garden. If you have more spare money, get silver. Silver is better than gold since its an industrial necessity and also currently undervalued.

Trading goods are gasoline, lightners, medical supplies, knowledge, skills (fixing a car, first-aid skills, fixing tools, hunting).

6 years ago

In all of the reading I’ve done on this subject there was one thing that stood out: Human beings can live on insects. If it is a long term survival situation where you need to be mobile, where you cannot protect assets, then eating insects is viable. One researcher noted that you can consume your daily calories in about two hours of gathering.

Not that I’ve tried it… yet, but you’d want to know what you can and cannot eat when it comes to insects.