They have so much free stuff that they burn the clothes they are given:
The Human Relief Foundation… decided to pull the plug after its deputy chief executive Kassim Tokan recently paid a visit to Calais.
The shocked deputy claimed he discovered unwanted clothing and food “being dumped and burnt” by migrants.
Mr Tokan said: “I thought they have valid reason, but most of them they haven’t any valid reason… they want to go [to the UK] to get money, a better economic situation…”
They aren’t fleeing the bad, they are r-strategist hedonists seeking the even better. They will have high long form DRD4 carriage, necessitating high baseline dopamine levels just to feel normal. And they are getting the dopamine they need:
In one case, a stretch limousine costing £3,000 was used to ferry migrants out of the area. Elderly residents in the village which dates back to the 14th century say they are being “overwhelmed” by large numbers of people housed in groups of up to 10.
That is not how you dissuade free-resource seeking rabbit migrants from coming to leech off the population. And you want to dissuade them, for reasons ranging from fiscal responsibility, to crime, to disease.
Even worse, they bring the full suite of r-selected rabbit morals:
Migrant prostitution gangs using UK car washes as brothels.
RUTHLESS migrant gangs are using UK car washes to offer trafficked women for sex.
Police have received a string of complaints from shocked drivers in North Wales who have taken their vehicles to be cleaned and been asked if they are looking for girls while they wait.
They hurt girls, who are viewed as being good for little more than temporary mating opportunities and free resource acquisition. Who are the idiots who want to serve the interests of these animals?
Expecting free resources goes hand in hand with expecting young girls to prostitute themselves for you, just like it goes hand in hand with expecting your victims to just let you steal from them, and government authorities to let you go and give you more freebies. It is a mindset. These are not fine examples of human beings, and the situation is unsustainable. Already it is affecting British attitudes and behaviors:
The results are the highest ever level of hate crimes recorded by the police in the UK.
Police in England and Wales recorded 52,528 hate crimes between 2014 and 2015 – an increase of 18 per cent on the previous year, the Home Office has revealed.
The revelation comes as David Cameron announced that anti-Muslim hate crimes will be recorded in a separate category for the first time by police…
More than 80 per cent of incidents were classified as race hate crimes, with other victims targeted because of their religion, disability and sexual orientation.
This is a broader K-selected in-grouping, in response to resource restriction and perception of threat. People are rebelling against Islam, but they are also getting more practical about wasting resources on out-groups, and seeking to purge the dead weight from their groups so they will be more competitive. One inevitable facet of this will be purging rabbits from the in-group, and one consequent result from that will be rabbits trying hide their rabbitry to avoid being purged from the in-group.
Apocalypse cometh™
[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]
An experiment using intense magnetism on the posterior medial frontal cortex has interesting results; decline in belief in God and increased acceptance of immigrants.