A Letter To My Daughter

This is a really good piece by a Veteran, titled A Letter To My Daughter, highlighting how amygdalae placed under the most extreme stress will adapt to respect the K-virtues as their daughters set out into the dating world.

I can’t really quote one small piece, as it is the entirety of the thing that impresses on one the nature of the mature K amygdala.

All that we are waiting on now is a collapse to clear away the dead wood, and temper the K-strategists in our nations.

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8 years ago

[…] A Letter To My Daughter […]

8 years ago

I do not share your opinion on this “letter.”

The author glosses over the necessity of him instilling honor in his daughter.

Honorable young men are no less rare than honorable young women. In fact, finding a decent young lady who has not imbibed the pathological pop culture feminist BS seems quite difficult.

I look around and all I see are shallow women, tattooed up, riding the alpha carousel, giving away their bodies like 25 cent whores and basically acting like they’re gods.

It was difficult for my sons to find decent women to court. There’s good reason for optimism but only decades of experience will reveal if they chose well and their wives refrain from the temptations & vices offered to them by modern feminist idiocy.

I have advice for my granddaughters, too. It revolves around them making of themselves better women, better future wives & future mothers, not trying to be better cads or workers than men. It rests on Nock’s delineation of the masses and the Remnant, and aspiring to be of the latter.

Sam Eip
Sam Eip
8 years ago

Look for integrity, selflessness, sacrifice, and compassion. Find those who champion justice and fidelity. But above all, seek men who emulate humility and meekness. Do not, as so many others do, be deceived into thinking it is a weakness. Meekness is strength wrapped in humility, my dear daughter. It is strength under control in a world where so many are out of control.

Humility and meekness? That doesn’t sound very K to me. Sounds more like some faggot rabbit. Keep it up and the collapse in going to swallow you whole.

”Mature K amygdala”. Everybody knows you K types are always fucking unconscious girls behind trash dumpsters.

8 years ago

Sadly, this veteran suffers from the uniquely Western delusion that women are able to judge a man’s character. They can’t — no matter how much he tries to educate his daughter toward finding a good husband, she will fall for the imposter every time. That’s why in the old days you could be killed if you spoke to a girl without first introducing yourself to her father.

8 years ago

The basic premise of Karl Marx 1848 “Communist Manifesto” was “To each according to his needs, from each according to his means.” Ignoring the impossibility of implementing this in a classless society without resorting to outright theft let me examine means and especially needs.

There are three needs, food, water and protection from the elements and predators. The biggest predator being Government. All else are luxuries. The political opportunists substitute wants for needs and appeal to envy to implement egalitarianism to make all equal by redistribution of resources by force. This creates a fertile environment for corruption with each competing for ever decreasing resources and the “Rule of Law” degenerates into might makes right. This is why our owners want people control misnamed weapons control.

Of the three needs food is the leading contender for shortages with phosphorous and/or diesel fuel causing shortages of production of food in accordance with Liebig’s Law. Liebig’s Law, “Growth is limited by the scarcest resource, not by the total amount of resources,” For plant growth the scarcest resource is phosphorous. No North American fertilizer company can achieve vertical integration because they have to import some Phosphorus.

Seventy percent of the world’s phosphorous reserves are located in Morocco, twenty percent of the world’s oil in Saudi Arabia. Morocco is a Sunni Kingdom so far friendly to the West. From the standpoint of the Worlds food supply Morocco is the most important county on the planet. The depletion of phosphorous will cause the world’s food and population to decrease on some form of Seneca Cliff to what can be supported by permaculture.
The other entity causing the return to permaculture (excluding extinction) is the depletion of diesel fuel. Diesel fuel can only by be made from crude oil of certain specific gravities. It cannot be made from tight, light oil or the oil sands tar. Volumes and BTU (British Thermal Units) are irreverent since BTU value of gasoline and diesel are much closer than the 106,000hp developed by the Also gasoline engines are 25 to 30% efficient vs. 50% for diesel.
Until the invention of the internal combustion engine gasoline was a waste product dumped in the rivers (before EPA). Gasoline engines eliminated a waste product, provided employment for millions but provide vehicles that basically run around in circles. All the heavy lifting was done by diesel. Industrial agriculture is totally dependent on diesel as well as the military and most transportation of bulk goods.
All the largest diesel engine and the largest practical gasoline engine. Also gasoline engines are 25Until the invention of the internal combustion engine gasoline was a waste product dumped in the rivers (before EPA). Gasoline engines eliminated a waste product, provided employment for millions but provide vehicles that basically run around in circles. All the heavy lifting was done by diesel. Industrial agriculture is totally dependent on diesel as well as the military and most transportation of bulk goods. to 30% efficient vs. 50% for diesel.
Until the invention of the internal combustion engine gasoline was a waste product dumped in the rivers (before EPA). Gasoline engines eliminated a waste product, provided employment for millions but provide vehicles that basically run around in circles. All the heavy lifting was done by diesel. Industrial agriculture is totally dependent on diesel as well as the military and most transportation of bulk goods.
It takes Mother Earth millions of years to make crude oil that can be used to make diesel. This is the real reason for the push to get diesel cars extinct. Flatten Out the Seneca Cliff of the depletion of phosphorous and/or diesel. With the depletion of phosphorus and/or diesel we are back to permaculture and the life style of my heritage, the Old Order Mennonites and a much smaller World population.