A Good Leftist Amygdala Hijack Over Trump

I was thinking about the glorifying memes Military members are using for President Trump and Secretary of Defense Mattis official portraits.

If you run into a leftist attacking President Trump, a good amygdala hijack would be to point out that the Military supports President Trump. Follow it up immediately with a question, like, “You don’t oppose the members of our armed services, who are protecting us overseas, from having a say in who the President is, do you? Why do you want to attack them, and their choice for our President? Do you think they are inferior? Do you oppose them too? Do you have a problem with them?”

This is the classic leftist tactic of out-grouping. Leftists know that with the recent history of terrorism the military is sacrosanct among the populace. To the leftist, being socially aligned with an anti-military identity is like having the entire nation aligned against them. At that point, they will either need to accept Trump, or allow themselves to be out-grouped with the nation. It will be incredibly stressful to the leftist amygdala, in a way they are highly familiar with, because it is how they try to stress those around them.

If I were on President Trump’s staff, I would arrange a few visits to the combat arms areas of Military bases now, so the media would have to run video on the news of a humble President Trump surrounded by throngs of cheering and ebullient young members of the US Armed Forces who love him wildly and relish being able to meet him. Just that imagery would begin to force liberal amygdalae to adapt to feel aversive stimulus at the idea of opposing President Trump. In time, if he can build that aversive stimulus enough, it could one day begin to drive acceptance, or if extreme enough, even embrace.

Spread r/K Theory, because people will love it as much as President Trump

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8 years ago

[…] A Good Leftist Amygdala Hijack Over Trump […]

8 years ago