IRS Still Harassing Conservative Groups

Not surprising:

A federal court ruled Friday that the Internal Revenue Service has not yet demonstrated that officials stopped targeting Tea Party groups in a decision that excoriated the tax agency for its “discriminatory” treatment of conservative organizations.

“This is a blistering rebuke to the IRS and its defenders,” Walter Olson, senior fellow at the Cato Institute Center for Constitutional Studies, said of the court’s ruling. “It takes on squarely the defense the IRS had raised in this case which is, ‘Whatever happened, we promise not to do it again.'”

“The court goes through and systematically takes that apart in a way that’s very damaging to the IRS’s overall defense,” he added.

The only thing which produces good is amygdala. If there is enough amygdala, you get “might-makes-right.” Might-makes-right yields good more often than not because among people, good is more common than bad. As a result the strong who are good make the immoral too fearful to transgress.

As amygdala wanes, the sane and considerate tend to prefer appeasement to violence, to maintain the peace. Once that happens, the despotic, normally a small cohort of weaklings and cowards, are no longer kept constrained by the threat of violence. Instead they sense this weakness and step up to take power by threatening violence themselves. Under these conditions, only the immoral will take advantage of a system which will not punish them for oppressing others. Just like that the balance shifts to the immoral despots.

Until true suffering becomes more common, this will not be rectified in any real sense.

We can only hope that circumstances are so bad now that even Trump can’t possibly save the nation from collapse.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Conservatives, Conspiracy, Decline, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] IRS Still Harassing Conservative Groups […]

Sam Eip
Sam Eip
8 years ago

Okay Doctor Doomsday, walk me through your Aristotelian argument. Assuming that the only thing which produces good is amygdala, how does this equate to “might-makes-right”? Admittedly I am too weak intellectually to suffer through one of your books so you’re going to have to water it down for me: good is more common than bad because amygdala causes everybody to cower? Is that sort of your point; that were it not for cowardice we would be less civil?

Furthermore it is immoral to take advantage of individuals that display evidence of an active amygdala? Is that what you’re saying? Why appeasement or violence; aren’t there other social conditions? Can’t one be content in the pursuit of art and intellect or are we simply conditioned to abate our interactions?

Is it natural to behave with adversarial dissent? Is that what you admire about the orange clown?

Robert What?
Robert What?
8 years ago

It is understandable that the Left and the Cucks hate and fear Trump so much. They have been cheering along a rogue, lawless administration because they basically agree with the administration’s aims. Now the visualize, maybe subconsciously, that same lawlessness in the hands of a Trump administration. All of the sudden they might not like the precedents that have been set.

8 years ago

We can only hope that we’ll get one last breath of fresh air before the plunge.

8 years ago

“We can only hope that circumstances are so bad now that even Trump can’t possibly save the nation from collapse.”‘
Excellent surmise . Having watched Trump moving wastefully to the middle, I have begun to believe it would be best if Clinton won . What good would be gained having Trump win while the criminal mainstream media and politicians continue to lash at him. With Clinton winning that night in November, I can happily load and lock, and sleep well.

Sam Eip
Sam Eip
Reply to  davecydell
8 years ago

The criminal mainstream media? Isn’t that rather cliché, the mainstream media is a criminal organization? Could it be perhaps that you are out of sync with the mainstream? There is nothing criminal about that. Am I any closer to understanding the OP when I surmise that our amygdala drives us to fantasize about shooting those that we’re out of sync with?

Don’t you suspect that it’s time to stop being a little crybaby and grow up? There are all kinds of media. What is the mainstream media, the most prevalent common consensus? Are you really going to tell me that you and you’re like-minded buddies are being exploited by a criminal enterprise that spreads misinformation for the sake of some masked illuminati? Do you really think that you and your buddies are really smart and nobody else can keep up with you? Is that your view of society?

Face it; the facts are right in front of you. Donald Trump is the result of a corrupt political party that panders to misfits. For ten years we’ve had the Tea Party where you can’t be republican enough. First there were the Rinos and now there are the Cuckservatives. Any hint of compromise or concession spells defeat. Hence Donald Trump is your candidate. We’ll let me tell you something: he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance. Come November 8 the election is going to be over by 11:00 PM Eastern Time; just like in 2012. The media isn’t going to tell you that because they can’t afford to be accused of causing people to stay home. They can’t be held responsible for any party losing the election. On Election Day morning they are going to tell you that it is going to be a close race but, trust me; it will all be over as soon as the polls close in California. Donald Trump the president??? Bwaaah!!!

Of course you will accuse the mainstream media and everybody else of being blindsided by a secret society of fuzzy rabbit fairy faggots and continue fantasizing about shooting liberals in compensation for your lost hopes and dreams. Let me ask you quite frankly what do you think is going to happen if Donald Trump is elected? What’s he going to do; mail you a winning lottery ticket?

8 years ago

“Might-makes-right yields good more often than not because among people, good is more common than bad. As a result the strong who are good make the immoral too fearful to transgress.”

I disagree. Being stronger, more aggressive than your neighbor doesn’t make you right if you decide you can take his stuff. And unfortunately, history shows that human nature, barring any restraint, is quite of selfish and evil.

Western Civilization was made possible by the spread of Christianity. Western Civilization is crumbling because Christianity is being watered down, corrupted, and/or altogether abandoned.

The r/K theory provides the best explanation for the cyclical nature of, rise and fall of nations and civilizations. The virtue of K rests in the fact that K has “skin in the game,” may have the motivation and intelligence to realize that building a society based on law just might be in his best interest and that of his family, and tribe. However, K in the wrong hands, or K without a balance of power, ain’t gonna be no picnic.

Sam Eip
Sam Eip
Reply to  Rosalys
8 years ago

Western Civilization was made possible by the spread of Christianity.

No, I think what we call Western Civilization is predominately attributed to the ancient Greeks. In fact, Western Civilization can be traced back to Mesopotamia some 5000 years before Christianity. But overall I believe it is widely accepted that the Greek contribution was the greatest. Christianity itself is laden in Hellenistic tradition; “Christ” of course is a Greek word.

Christianity offers very little original ideas; virgin birth, the son of god, resurrection – all of these proceeded Christianity for thousands of years. Our laws, science, art and philosophies are more of a Greco/Roman nature than Judaic.

You guys are living in a fantasy world. The things you say are ridiculous. Sorry, but there is evidently nothing of merit to be found here. You’re just a bunch of quacks that play with guns and think that you’re somehow superior despite your inability to reason, In fact it has been suggested here that reason is supplanted by instinct or rather instinct is genuine and reason is merely a doting impracticality.

Western Civilization was made possible by the spread of Christianity. Give me a break! Roman Civilization spread Christianity. We are more Roman than Christian. How does Christianity today resemble Christianity of Paul’s time?

8 years ago

The part I disagree with you about is that the good in people being more prevalent than evil.

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” – Jeremiah 17:9