Thoughts on the Sandy Hook School Shooting

As most do, I look at this Connecticut shooting with horror. Yet again, we see amygdala dysfunction manifesting in the degradation of our societal fabric.

There will be more of this mass shooter stuff in the years to come. For decades now, the natural selection pressure of reality, which culls those with inferior amygdalae as they emerge, has been suspended. As a result, a lot of defectives have been allowed to walk around in their fantasy worlds, without being culled, and yet without enough amygdala stimulation to make them pop. Simultaneously, anti-bullying campaigns will have eliminated the one form of early behavioral training which would have constrained their behavior, and instilled a fear of the public. They will now be conditioned to see their enemy, the populace, as impotent and stupid, instead of something to be feared. Add in Liberal advocacy groups, which seek to see mental patients freed into society as much as possible, and, well, you get the idea.

We now have a bumper crop of defectives, just waiting to yield their noxious little fruit. As resources grow scarce, they will begin to see their defective amydgalae stimulated, and like balloons, one by one, they will probably begin to pop en masse.

This kid did show aspects of amygdala dysfunction. The amygdala is required to operate socially, and is implicated in autism, which he was reportedly diagnosed with. One classmate’s mother described him as, “such a quiet, odd child….a kid that didn’t make eye contact, very introverted, very shy, very odd, very not mainstream.” Another classmate described him as, “like he was always awkward and looking around expecting something or someone to be coming at him. Twitchy, almost.”

Uncontrollable amygdala stimulation alone can produce violence. Charles Whitman, the Texas tower shooter was found on autopsy to have a tumor in his hypothalamus, pressing on his amygdala, disrupting its function. Unless you can endure the pressure of extended amygdala stimulation, while your brain learns to route the stimulation into productive, relief-prodcing action, and consequently quiet the amydgala through a modification of the reality around you, you will probably pop. You will either freeze up, break down, or act out wildly. The massive amount of NPDs today, who have never been bullied by the mob, and have been taught all hardship is a result of unfair victimization, are going to make the world very nasty, as the collapse approaches.

There is a theory many of these individuals are government-programmed Manchurian candidates. I think it is more likely that as we enter political cycles where Liberals gain the power to control events, their mismanagement creates social stresses which act on the populace as amygdala stimulants. Most individuals endure these stresses, their discomfort only manifesting in polls showing the nation as being on the “wrong track.” But among the small cohort of defectives, these stresses act to stimulate the amygdala, and produce violent outbursts.

Obviously, if you want to know why they shoot, you need to understand how the agony of anxiety leads these individuals to learn to bypass their amygdala. It is an attempt to bypass an anxiety which their brains are poorly suited to cope with. Once they begin bypassing their amygdala, by altering what they believe reality is, they begin believing whatever is convenient for themselves, and whatever makes them feel better, rather than exercising and developing their amygdalae. Eventually, anything which doesn’t please them is instantly rejected as untrue, and they modify their read of reality to make it more palatable. As they do this, they become acutely sensitive to any stress they cannot deny, since they are not accustomed to confronting adverse data normally. Clearly, this clown couldn’t think that something was wrong with him, or his brain. Everyone else was defective, and mean, and evil, for hurting him so, and the only way to make things right was to punish them, even if that would invovle destroying himself.

Once these characters are broken, I suspect their childhood peers often pick up on it, and antagonize them. If they do not, these characters will manufacture such insults in their brain, to justify their selfish and twisted behavior. In this case, one classmate said as other children played at recess, this little loser sat off on the side alone, in a red-faced rage, making primal animal noises, apparently enraged at the fun others were having without him.

Since Narcissists are poorly suited to deal with adverse social conditions, bullying them can produce outsized effects, such as wild, stomping tantrums, and other entertaining (to the group) outbursts, though in this case, it seems just the sight of happy children did it. When childhood peers hone in on them and bully them, this has two effects, one good, one bad. The bad effect is that the Narcissist rapidly comes to view other children and peers with hatred, a condition which is carried into adulthood.

The good effect is that the Narcissist is conditioned to fear the mob. In some, this will keep their behavior in check in adulthood, as they never again want to find themselves in the middle of a hostile mob. They will be conditioned to strive to stay on people’s good sides, and fly below the radar, even if they’d rather be malicious. I have little doubt Bob would have either been a spree-killer or a serial killer at some point, were he not conditioned towards terror at the thought of the mob turning upon him. That early conditioning really makes a difference.

In this case, it would appear there was no bullying, so this child was not imbued with a fear of the mob. He grew up all rage and defectiveness directed at others, and no consequence to it. There was no conditioned fear to constrain his behavior. If ever we effectively eliminate all bullying, this type of behavior will increase dramatically among the defectives.

Why do they hate Christmas, and rage then in particular? Narcissists need to be the center of attention. If every Christmas was a celebration of them, and only them, they would be conditioned to love it, or at least find it less miserable than normal. Of course, when you celebrate Christmas, you spread your love to all of your friends and family equally. That is poison to the Narcissist. If the Narcissist gets 1/15th of your love and presents, he will ignore it, and focus on the 14/15th’s in which you ignored him, and gave love and stuff to other people. When he looks around he will see happy people all around him, all mostly ignoring him while lording their presents over him, and he will come to hate the season.

Nothing hurts a Narcissist like seeing others happy, and being miserable themselves. Even worse is if they can’t ruin the Christmases of those around them. Just the sound of Christmas music can send a Narcissist into a rage.

There is only one way to deal with these characters, and it is for good people to kill them. The world is better off without them anyway.

Ironically, idiot Liberals, themselves trapped in the defective fantasy land of an undeveloped amygdala will propose all manner of stupidity to save us from this, all of which will work flawlessly in the fantasy world of their own imaginary amygdala, but all of which will fail miserably in the real world. Disarm everyone and we will all be safe, forever and ever. Better treatment of the mentally ill, emphasizing institutionalizing less, will stop this before it happens, and make the mental patients so happy to be out free, they would never hurt anyone around them. More school safety drills, designed to teach the kids to be good little sheep and await their killer peacefully in locked rooms, without any ability for teachers to resist. More emphasis on telling teachers to disarm, and promote non-violence among society’s defectives. All brilliant, if you live in a fantasy-land.

In the real world, no initiative can stop these defectives from deciding to kill, nor can anyone stop them from getting the guns, once they’ve decided to take scores of lives. No adder-on charge for a high-capacity clip will dissuade a guy who has already come to grips with the fact he will get the death penalty for mass murder. No misdemeanor for having a gun on school property will deter a guy who has already decided to off himself, after killing fifty people. Liberalism is a type of insanity which can only come from somebody more concerned with making themselves feel better about a fantasy in their head, than with actually doing the heavy lifting necessary to protect children.

There is only one thing which can stop the killing. A trained teacher, passing through a background check, placed in every classroom, with a licensed gun. If you can train a cop, you can train a teacher. If you’d let a security guard earning $40K a year to carry a gun, why not a teacher, who earns $100K, and probably undergoes a more rigorous background check?

Of course the sheep in the teacher’s unions, and the Liberal pacifist idiots will complain. But they have weak amygdalae too. Just out-group them, to gin up their anxiety. It works.

“So you don’t care enough about our children’s safety to undergo firearms training yourself, and carry a firearm to protect them? You would rather they die? What kind of person are you?” “What is wrong with you?” “Why would you rather leave our children to die, than take the same course in firearms that the cops take, and step up yourself to protect them?” “Isn’t it the least you could do?” “Are you a coward?” “Why should we trust such a dishonorable coward to teach our children?” “How can you be like that?” “Who would ever trust somebody so detached from reality, and wholly unable to protect these children with anything more than fantasy?”

Of course you can back the emotional argument with logic, but always structure your argument emotionally, to leave opposition to your position as a mark of the Liberal’s inferiority and aberrance, and make it emotionally wrenching to them. Denigrate their proposal as a half-hearted half-measure, unlikely to have any effect.

Use images of the violence in Beslan to set the stage, by shocking their amygdala, while executing a ruthless, unemotional stare, and direct, borderline-threatening eye contact, to prevent their amygdala from shutting off.

“Do any of you even know what happened at the school in Beslan, Russia? The Children weren’t just taken hostage. They were stripped naked, and tortured, raped, sodomized, and molested by the Terrorists, in front of fellow children, for days, while the police tried to figure out how to end the crisis without blowing up the whole auditorium. Like it or not, that not only could happen in one of our schools, it probably will someday. They are soft targets, just waiting to be attacked. Is that what you want, or do you think teachers should be able to defend their students, if they have to? We arm police and warehouse security guards, but not the teachers who are responsible for our children’s safety? Is that responsible? Do you even care enough about this to consider the facts? Do you care enough to allow something which scares you personally, in order to protect children?”

Amygdala shock, followed by out-grouping and status diminishment. Hello Mike Wallace – you now need to pop a few more antidepressants, because your brain just isn’t going to work right after that.

We need to emphasize that Liberal sheep solutions are weak medicine in a world of wolves. Liberals see the r/K psychological dichotomy innately, and are accutely sensitive to being portrayed as helpless prey species, compared to the more capable, K-selected wolves that are Conservatives.

Frame it this way, and no Liberal will know what to do. They will sit there like slack-jawed idiots, just like Mike Wallace, and quickly accede – their brain will have no choice. Suddenly, you have armed teachers, and a public who will see the problem solved, not by Liberal fantasy-think about unicorns and rainbows, where criminals are deterred from mass murder by misdemeanor charges, but by good old American balls to the wall aggression – something all Americans will unite behind when faced with an enemy. Something uniquely Conservative.

There’s logical cases to be made, but this is an emotional battle, and we can easily beat them at it, if we target our attacks that way. Humiliate, denigrate, out-group and ridicule. Since what is at stake is the safety of our children, I hope our leaders do this. The little bastards who perpetrate these evils deserve what good men will give them, if only they have the means and the freedom at hand.

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Robert in Arabia
Robert in Arabia
12 years ago

Glad I found your site.