“But I will tell you what: the first man that walks in my daughter’s bathroom, he ain’t going to have to worry about surgery.” — Lt. Gen. (ret.) William “Jerry” Boykin
I’m sure there are a great many people who are probably shocked to see that quote from William Boykin, but why should they be? Men have had that sort of protective attitude toward their daughters for as long as anyone can remember. That hasn’t changed, but what has recently changed is the profoundly unhealthy attitude many people in our society have taken towards transsexualism.
Determining what percentage of the population is actually transgender is very difficult. For example, would Bruce Jenner have counted before he started dressing in women’s clothes or not? But, the best estimate puts transgenders at about .3% of the population. However, if you’re talking about people who’ve had hormones and surgery and also dress in the opposite gender’s clothes as opposed to simply “feeling like a woman,” it’s most certainly lower. On the other hand, roughly 50.4% of Americans really are women. That means there are 168 women for every transgender person in America. Even if we accept that a transgender man dressed like a woman would be embarrassed to go into a men’s bathroom, doesn’t it make more sense for him to be uncomfortable than all those women? Why do his rights supersede the rights of so many women who just want to use the bathroom in peace without prying male eyes watching them?
It is a good article, highlighting actual cases where the policy has had terrible repercussions, and how insane it all is.
Although Boykin was a legend in Delta Force, he is also part of the respected and genteel establishment, as a leader in the Family Research Council. When he is talking violence, the Apocalypse is not far off.
The article raises four interesting points, all relating to means of out-grouping liberals and SJW’s over this in an amygdala hijack. First, women out number transgenders and SJWs combined. You can highlight enormous numerical superiority, and how totally outnumbered in society the SJW position is.
Second, the leftist position is stupid, and laughably so. It is not nearly as traumatic for a male transgender to use a man’s locker room, and see genitalia like his own, as it should be for a woman to see a man, dressed as a woman, leering at her naked body in a women’s locker room. This is especially true when male transgenders like Bruce Jenner admit they are still heterosexually oriented. Why anyone would argue that a woman who doesn’t want a normal heterosexual man seeing her naked body in a locker room should be fine with a heterosexual man in a wig ogling her naked body is so beyond logic that no SJW could possibly argue the point and maintain any level of respect from the audience.
Third, transgenders are freakish, and thus naturally out-groupable among humans who have an instinctual desire to associate with the strong and capable. As an instinctual libertarian, I’m usually a live and let live type, but when they begin to intrude on the safety of children then like Boykin, I’d think outright violence was moral, let alone out-grouping. If using human psychology to portray them as a minority of freaks who everyone should shun will keep pedophiles from having legal access to innocent victims, then it is a no brainer. You cannot have grown men allowed into young girl’s locker rooms, undressing with them legally. This would be particularly effective if combined with humor ridiculing everyone involved as a minority of mental defectives that everyone will laugh at.
Finally, there is the issue of protecting children. This is tailor made for creating an amygdala-linkage linking leftism with utter hatred and contempt in anyone who values children’s safety, and especially mothers. These people are making it easy for pedophiles to victimize children. Ignite the hatred of mothers, and you will create an army of women who will reflexively hate the modern leftist freak show.
All of those opportunities, seized properly in front of a leftist in the course of a public debate, would prove amazingly amygdala-hijacking to the leftist.
The truth is, this issue is a prime opportunity for the right to actually turn the populace on leftism. What leftists are promoting runs counter to every instinct of a decent human being. Instead the GOPe, afraid of its own shadow, can’t retreat fast enough.
No wonder people are clamoring for Trump.