New York Mag says EBT is never used to buy delicious food:
The concept of the food-stamp queen was first proffered by Ronald Reagan during a 1976 campaign speech. “In Chicago, they found a woman who holds the record,” he told the assembled crowd. “She used 80 names, 30 addresses, 15 telephone numbers to collect food stamps, Social Security, veterans’ benefits for four nonexistent deceased veteran husbands, as well as welfare. Her tax-free cash income alone has been running $150,000 a year.” Reagan’s story turned out to be a gross exaggeration of a minor case of welfare fraud, but since their patron saint conjured her up, conservatives have been unable to rid themselves of the image of the food-stamp queen. And despite her nonexistence, they’ve tried over and over again to stamp her out.
Their latest attempt takes the form of a bill introduced by New York senator Patty Ritchie designed to keep people from using New York’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program to buy things like expensive steaks, lobster, decorated cakes, or energy drinks. “The goal of this legislation is to improve dietary quality and reduce obesity,” as well as to “restrict the abuse of the program,” reads the bill’s memo…
The Republican fear of “abuse” of food stamps to purchase “luxury items” is founded on a decades-old and highly unrealistic stigma.
Of course the welfare queen was real, and it is the liberals denying it who are the liars:
Four decades later, Reagan’s soliloquies on welfare fraud are often remembered as shameless demagoguery. Many accounts report that Reagan coined the term “welfare queen,” and that this woman in Chicago was a fictional character. In 2007, the New York Times’ Paul Krugman wrote that “the bogus story of the Cadillac-driving welfare queen [was] a gross exaggeration of a minor case of welfare fraud.” MSNBC’s Chris Matthews says the whole thing is racist malarkey—a coded reference to black indolence and criminality designed to appeal to working-class whites.
Though Reagan was known to stretch the truth, he did not invent that woman in Chicago. Her name was Linda Taylor, and it was the Chicago Tribune, not the GOP politician, who dubbed her the “welfare queen.” It was the Tribune, too, that lavished attention on Taylor’s jewelry, furs, and Cadillac—all of which were real.
There is no shortage of pictures online, taken at grocery stores, over the steak and seafood sections, showing signs advertising that the foods are EBT-eligible.
It is tempting to just say this is liberals lying, but it is almost certainly something deeper. Their brains are programmed. Programmed with an innate perception of how things are – programmed to only see the world they are designed for. Data points which contradict that view are blocked by a filter in the brain which actually recoils so violently at truth it forces the brain to deny it to shut off the pain. Even bright liberals, confronted by truth, feel such cognitive revulsion their brain lies to them, and tells them it isn’t true, just to relieve the pain. Even a Nobel Prize winning NY Times reporter can’t honestly see the world around him.
This blindness would be adaptive still, were it not for birth control and abortion, because it drives the r-selected strategy, at all costs, even when truth, logic, and reason would otherwise make them abandon it. If there were no birth control and abortion, hippie girls would still be pumping out 10 baby rabbits by age 26, and continuing to pump them out after that.
The lesson of the story is, even as Apocalypse approaches, rabbits will continue to rabbit right up until the end.