News Briefs – 03/03/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Covid Chronicles gave us a shout out here in an article which is an excellent roundup of the more interesting events of this period – The American Stasi is Under Attack: Five Alarm Fire!

Cabal’s brownshirt thugs try to crash into JD Vance on the slopes, while he is skiing with his family in Vermont, but it looks like a Secret Service Agent was just a little too good, and took the thug out before impact. That was an organized op to film an assault on a duly elected Vice President. Every one of them should be getting hauled in as if they were an assassin.

Vance family moved to undisclosed location after hundreds of pro-Ukraine protesters swarm ski resort ahead of vacation. Why didn’t they kill him though? They had access on the slopes. He is part of destroying this criminal conspiracy which is obviously stealing trillions from us. Why send some boobs to bump into him and film it, instead of a windup toy who would take him out and send a decisive message to everyone opposing the criminal conspiracy? They seem to have done it before. Why not now?

DOGE to release initial findings within the Department of Defense tomorrow. Bear in mind Trump has a State of the Union in front of Congress on the 4th, which has been rumored to possibly be a big reveal of all the findings DOGE’s AI has been generating since Trump took over. It is interesting, in that it is possible in the week or two it has been at it, a good AI on good hardware could have done a full audit, which it would take teams of humans a year, or two, or four to do. Interesting times.

I have a feeling these next two are going to be big:

12 points Musk and Rogan covered which most people should know.

The hallmark of this thing are the brownshirts – the irregulars which fight without uniforms. It makes sense a set percentage of these could need to be specially interrogated to find out their deal. It does not make sense a migrant who could be flown home is first flow to here for “processing.” It is a good indicator some kind of outright war we are not seeing is going on.

Elon Musk appears to back US withdrawing from NATO and the UN.

Everything is a psyop, it is tough to know how much to believe, and I do not have time to research this myself, but this writer claims to have looked for records of Kash’s new squeeze’s parents, and found there were no records in places where there should have been, and she might be a Mossad honeypot. She appears to be Armenian. The Kardashians are also Armenia. Significance unknown.

Congressional reporter for Vanity Fair leaks planned ICE raids in DC suburbs, warns targets to avoid highways.

Men in Black? The FBI’s secret UAP investigations date to 1947 Roswell and are ongoing.

Federal judge blocks Trump order pulling federal funds from organizations offering child sex changes.

Bondi is catching a lot of flack online for being a Bushie who fucked up the Epstein file release, while spending all her time doing interviews, and promising to fire the FBI Agents who hid files from her, but not criminally charge and prosecute them. She also blocked Loomer for criticizing her:

I don’t take any specific position on it, but just post what is going on. At this level, if releasing the Epstein files now was critical, she and the people she loved would get beamed until she did. For whatever reason, the release is either unimportant or it is timed to come out later, IMO. If she were an infiltrator and it was important, Trump would deal with it.

Illinois Gov Pritzker is complaining the federal government is just not releasing federal funds to his state due to him offering free medical care to illegals with federal funds:

It is now ILLEGAL to sell gas powered lawnmowers in California:

10,000 illegals using the same exact Social Security number voted in Arizona 2020 presidential elections.

A short clip of the actor who played Deebo trying to describe something in Hollywood which seems to be a required right of passage, but he seems to cut himself short and it is not really clear what he means beyond the fact they make them wear dresses. Dave Chappelle noted they did the same thing with him, coming in and telling him he would wear a dress in the next scene, and then getting really angry with him when he would not. They tried to tell him everyone did it, and he responded, “Then that bit is played out son” or something like that, and he indicated they got really angry at that, and didn’t forgive him. The Rock has worn a couple of dresses, as a Tooth fairy, and at an awards show. John Cena wore a dress and high heels. Batista I think wore one once. Not sure what Deebo is talking about, but it seemed real significant to him.

Huma Abedin, Alex Soros send out save-the-date cards for their wedding — as buzz builds Bezos, Sanchez could marry same month. He is a billionaire, but he latches on to the toothy ex of Anthony Weiner, who is pretty clearly some kind of intel operator?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office acknowledged Saturday that the premier’s intelligence officer had received an Israel Defense Forces memo detailing suspicious Hamas activity three hours before the terror group’s October 7, 2023, invasion and onslaught, and didn’t pass it on. They all knew it was coming.

Germany’s Bundesbank posts biggest loss in its history.

Very dangerous, as it would allow for a Gulf of Tonkin incident very easily – one which would invoke Article V of the NATO Treaty and trigger an instant global war against Russia. Peacekeepers should be from a non-NATO country. British elite spooks are as bad as American spooks – they are all dangerous psychopaths and traitors.

This next guy is a classic manufactured narrative-pusher, so this is the script:

Did Ukraine already sign a precious metals deal with the UK back in January?

Here DNI Gabbard highlights Zelensky has suspended elections, banned political opposition parties and used his Department of Justice to seize the assets of everyone who opposes him, and the left acts like that is OK, meaning since we are at war with Russia, the left should support us suspending elections and the Constitution, and using the Department of Justice to seize the assets of our political opposition here. It is a very good argument.

Top US official National Security Advisor Mike Waltz says Zelensky may need to go – Washington wants to see a leader in Kiev who can “deal with the Russians and end this war.”

US Commerce Secretary Howard Lutnick said Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky was given a clear message during his meeting with US President Donald Trump on Friday, that further financial support hinges on Ukraine’s willingness to negotiate peace.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has said Ukraine will never be strong enough to negotiate from a position of power, so Bratislava will no longer provide military or financial aid to Kiev, while calling for an immediate ceasefire in the country.

US investors are backing a plan to activate Russia’s Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline, the Financial Times has reported.

Suppressed .22LR Glock 44 on full auto:

India’s first medical clinic for transgender people has shut operations in three cities after US President Donald Trump stopped foreign aid to it. Damn it, anon. Why are you not willing to pay for that?

US Virgin Islands to Ease Unconstitutional Gun Restrictions?

Send people to, because we are not responsible for the trannies


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News Briefs – 03/02/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Surveillance knocked me out while driving the car today. So that knockout beam is portable and they using it on the road. I record everywhere I go on multiple dashcams, so if I get burned in, one of my relatives will be contacting people from Farce to Vox with my real ID. If posting here stops, rally over at Farce’s site, and maybe you can get the relative to pull the dashcam video for yesterday. You will hear me telling a passenger the beam they are hitting me with at night my be fucking up my head, and making my brain prone to turn off during the day – an observation borne of what I was feeling in the moment, where I was so tired, I was kind of slipping into sleep for moments, with my eyes open. Next thing, the cam will show the car drifting across the road to the other oncoming lane, before my passenger yelled, I came back and recovered. The car in front of me will then peel off, and just like that I will no longer be tired, or drifting out. The fact they made it look like the car in front of me makes me think it is probably installed somewhere in my car, but who knows.

They had been threatening this for a while. Here was one example, an email I got out of the blue from somebody I never heard from before, which came around the time they started doing this while I was driving a couple of months ago:


I did not realize there was any more to the american stasi site after you had finished the book. I saw you or someone had posted a link to the site concerning the guy down in NYC the other day.

I will have to go back and see what else is new over there.

But anyway, I saw a reference to this guy Jeff Rense last night. You may know him. He has or had a radio show that was about conspiracies and stuff. Kind of a funny looking guy. I went go have a look at his website because I didn’t know he was still working, and I saw he had posted this page just a couple of days ago i guess.

In case you were interested and didn’t see it, I just thought I would point it out.

“I did not ‘fall asleep’ at the wheel and drift off the road. I was FULLY alert. Until something shut off my brain and instantly knocked me out at the wheel. Yes, ‘they’ have emf and laser beam weapons that are highly accurate and are used at distance to do exactly that. These weapons have been around since the 1980s.”

Then further down in the article he alleges that something woke him from a coma after the crash to tell them not to do brain surgery on him.

I immediately was thinking of your site when I started reading this.

I responded, ignoring the subtext, which I recognized, but making clear God wants me here in this battle, so I am here to the end:

On 12/7/2024 at 9:58 PM, ac wrote:
I hope American Stasi will serve as a repository of Cabal-related
surveillance stories, so I will add to it here and there. Some will be additional material you have seen, but some will be newer stuff.

On the Rense story, I don’t doubt they can do that. I get knocked out all the time in the house.

At the end of the day. I have Zero doubt God put me here for this.
Everything, from the nature I was born with, to seeing predators attack animals I fed as a little kid back when I was helpless, to encountering the bullies they sent in as a teenager when I was not helpless, to signs God has given me more recently, it has all set me on this path, in a way I
could not stop if I wanted to. And add to that the timing. I could have done this in the eighties, or nineties, or oughts, or teens, and it would have been shoveling shit against the tide. But the way God worked it, I see no way the timing, just as everything is getting revealed, just as everyone realizes all of this is possible, even probable, is coincidental.

I have no doubt what I set in motion will piggyback that, and all of this will come out soon.

I have no idea if I follow this through to the end, and am part of what I hope will be a massive trigger-pulling melee some day, or if I burn in before then, and just help my kind reach that point. Honestly I do not care. I understand Live Free Or Die, and I am not living willingly under evil and being disloyal to my kind.

I wanted a good fight when I was a kid. God gave me one. I trust He will take care of what I cannot, and I will accomplish what He wants, whatever that is.

Thanks for the link and the support.



Their response:

Thanks for your work. I am sure you are right about being in the place you need to be when you need to be there.
I have seen that many times myself.

I just have been listening to a podcast while I was eating my dinner. It is a conversation between a guy named Dick Allgire who does remote viewing, and another guy called ‘Jean Claude’ something.

I dont know really who Jean Claude is, but within this podcast, he said that he is a former somewhat high-up goverment official type. The other guy Dick Allgire, I have seen his videos here and there. He does remote viewing, but interspersed in his videos are many references to his kind of controllers or handlers. He doesnt say who they are, but he is very up-front that he is on a leash.

I took the time to type out a few sentences that this guy Dick Allgire was saying [because i dont know how to get a transcript from rumble], which I will stick at the end of this email for context, but this is kind of the money shot-

that got the attention of certain people, and everyone with an apptitude in any faculty- medicine, technology, music, arts, literature, remote viewing-
people of capabilities are at the very least watched and for the most part guided and for the most part brought on board.

I feel like he is basically describing your same stasi organization, but he is kind of an insider and thinks it is good.

The other salient remark in my little transcript is that this guy says that he, clif high, and several other kind of fringe podcast type people all are also on the inside of this little organization.

that got the attention of certain people, and everyone with an apptitude in any faculty- medicine, technology, music, arts, literature, remote viewing-
people of capabilities are at the very least watched and for the most part guided and for the most part brought on board.
civilization moves forward… the people who run this place they plan a hundred years in advance.
what we have here with the dept of gov efficiency is we’re coming to a new time when technology is going to be used for administration, for governmance.
the purpose of government is to count um to count the product, human beings are the greatest natural resource on earth and the product of our output is a commercial enterprise.
the reason we have counties in every country is to do the counting, they count the output.
we’re coming to a time when this can all be done with blockchain distributed ledger technology.
so what they did was, they use corporations to parse out technology little by little, like ibm international business machines that for over a century has put technology out.
[talks about how technology has to be built up over time.]
one of the ways and this is really going to disturb people because im an influencer, i was told about all this seven years ago.
what we’re seeing now was laid out to me over seven years ago, and part of this was cryptocurrencies.
i was told ‘dick, the financial system is going to go digital, you can be very comfortable, because of your remote viewing.
it should allow you to just be able to think your thoughts, do your remote viewing, and live in a comfortable place, and not think about money and just learn about cryptos’, and i did and i am’
i met you and i met jsnip , i knew clif, i met bix. bix came to maui, i flew over and spent the day with bix and learned about cyptos from him.
so now we dont have to worry about money.
but the way it was given to us, this can be hard for people to take is
‘oh we’re going to bring down the evil bankers, oh the money lenders, these evil people who took over our system by printing money out of nothing and took over the government.
they are not the top of the pyramid.’

I am not sure what I am supposed to take from that. As far as I am concerned, even if that were true (and it is probably psyop), but if it were true, there is no life of any meaning to be made among people who would put into power, and make rich and happy, guys who are fucking their own brother’s daughters while smoking crack. I would rather be poor, and live among men with honor than live rich among the degenerates they promote like the Bidens.

You can tell a lot about people by what they assume of others. Here, the machine assumes if it shows it will kill me if I continue, I will willingly don my own shackles for it, and then beg it to be allowed to torture some innocent for it, to save myself.

It tells me, if we can expose the surveillance, they probably cannot imagine what that will bring. There only advantage is the fact we are asleep. If we awaken our kind, I do not think the tech will be enough to stop all of us, vs all of their weaker minds and spirits.

The plan is the same – tell everyone about Until then, be aware domestic surveillance in the United States is now hitting people with some kind of energy beam while they are driving to shut off their brain and cause accidents, so if you begin to feel yourself just wildly tired behind the wheel, to the point your brain is shutting off uncontrollably, and especially if your eyes feel weird and begin kind of jerking/spasming for just an instant every twenty or thirty seconds, without your control, pull over and take a nap. It seems sleep, even just a few minutes, can give you enough juice to stay awake. And you need to stay away from the cars around you as much as you can, in the event it is coming from them. Beyond that, trust unto God. At the end of the day, they are nothing compared to Him, and His plans for you.

I am still firmly convinced, God has our back, and not theirs, and we will win.

Don Jr links on Twitter to a thread of videos of Ukrainian recruiters grabbing innocent men off the streets to ship them to the front, without training, in handcuffs, to face off with the Russians. It even highlights the cowardice of the recruiters, all of whom should be killed just for their cowardice. I honestly hope Putin now rolls into Kiev, and avenges these innocent kids. Zelensky and all of his deputies cannot be murdered brutally enough by the Russians for my tastes. But Don Jr would not tweet anything which went against the policy objectives of the President, so I think it safe to assume the US is done with Zelensky, and will be getting its access to Ukrainian rare earths through a deal with Russia. It is nice to see our government finally reject evil and side with good.

Guantanamo Bay has massively expanded, with over 175 new structures built in weeks under Donald Trump.

Elon Musk revealed on Joe Rogan’s podcast that he’d uncovered the Social Security Administration to be the ‘biggest Ponzi scheme of all time’ during his time at DOGE.

Haitian man charged in NC triple murder flew into US under Biden migrant flights program: ICE. Does anybody know how I could get a job with the people who imported this asshole? Importing guys like this into this beautiful country so they could stab innocent people sounds like the type of thing I want to spend my life doing. If I could just help the people who imported this guy by getting them coffee, my life would be so fulfilling.

Shades of Randy Quaid’s story of Hollywood agents who belonged to the “Celebrity Star-Whackers” forging his deeds and stealing his properties, before trying to kill him to cover it up:

Elon Musk announces birth of ‘14th’ child: a son named Seldon Lycurgus, with Shivon Zilis, a Canadian executive at Neuralink, his neurotechnology firm. Oddly enough all these women are Jewish, though I do not know if it is significant.

The Pentagon is deploying a Stryker Brigade Combat Team and a General Support Aviation Battalion to the southwestern border, accelerating efforts to fulfill President Donald J. Trump’s directive to bolster military support in securing the U.S. — Mexico border.

Today, the U.S. Department of Education launched EndDEI.Ed.Gov, a public portal for parents, students, teachers, and the broader community to submit reports of discrimination based on race or sex in publicly-funded K-12 schools due to DEI policies.

Former Republican congresswoman Mia Love is dying from glioblastoma, a type of brain cancer. IIRC, Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Robert Novak, Beau Biden, and that is just off the top of my head. I will bet you anything that is some kind of device deployed by domestic surveillance, and it is on everyone associated with politics. Because they focus their shit on your head.

This asshole, who funneled COVID patients into nursing homes at the behest of the criminal conspiracy we should all want to serve, thinks he will be President at some point because the Democrats have nobody else:

Meta sued for allegedly favouring foreign workers over US citizens; case could impact H-1B visa hiring.

Google Chrome users warned to delete 16 popular extensions due to ‘malicious’ threat risk.

Ezra Cohen asks:

An Ontario man who called a trio of ‘drag queen story hour’ performers “groomers” has been ordered to pay them $380,000 in restitution, in a landmark decision that will shape anti-LGBTQ speech in Canada for years to come.

NHS is spending more than £100million a year on transgender treatments, enough to hire 2,500 nurses.

NATO tells Zelenskiy to restore relationship with Trump. Kind of a clueless order. Trump would not have done what was done, unless he felt the abject hatred for Zelensky any decent person should feel. It is amazing to me, if this is real, the head of NATO cannot grasp that kind of hatred is impossible to turn off.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer met with visiting Ukrainian President Zelensky, said Ukraine has “full backing across the United Kingdom.”

The UK has pledged a £2.26bn loan to Ukraine, which Zelenskyy said will be used for weapons production, and paid back with revenues from frozen Russian assets. So basically Britain is going to give Zelensky £2.26bn of British taxpayer money, which the government should have no right to give to anyone but British citizens, so Zelensky can keep shipping young Ukrainians off to the front in handcuffs to be killed by Russians, and then the UK will steal Russia’s interest on its bank accounts, and claim it pays off the “loans.” How the fuck are we even allies with a government of literal criminals like that?

Voters massively back Trump approach to ending Ukraine war:

Norwegian fuel supplier refuses U.S. warships over Ukraine. It turns out they are profiting massively from the embargo on Russian fuels, and fear Trump will end the war.

Marco Rubio explains that everything had already been worked out before Zelensky even walked into the Oval Office and all he had to do was sign.

The entire team of US President Donald Trump has unanimously advised him to stop any negotiations with Vladimir Zelensky after the heated exchange in the White House on Friday, US National Security Advisor Mike Waltz said.

After receiving hundreds of billions of dollars in US aid, coming to the White House on Friday with more demands, and disrespecting President Trump, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is doubling down and demanding more US support on social media.

Zelensky is done — former CIA analyst.

Ukraine routinely bucks US interests at the UN — despite receiving $175B: State Department data.

After Zelensky’s Ungrateful and Impertinent Display at the Oval Office, Trump Team and DOGE Move Swiftly To Audit Hundreds of Billions in US Aid to Ukraine.

DNI: Zelensky has just banned ANOTHER opposition party and taken over TV station.

Putin to FSB: Some Western elites will attempt to sabotage US-Russia rapprochement. Their efforts must be thwarted.

The kicker is, God willing, Putin will own Ukraine’s rare earths too, soon, so one deal will cover all of them:

CIA proxy agency NED confirms its funding has been suspended, forcing it to “halt all partner support.”

State Department Completes Foreign Funding Review, Identifying 15,000 Grants Worth $60 Billion for Elimination.

Send people to, because evil never rests



Posted in News Briefs | 14 Comments

News Briefs – 03/01/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Over at Tex’s substack, you have a couple of amazingly written ghost stories here, and here (in order), except they are not about ghosts, and they actually occurred. In a comment he wrote: “I myself do not claim to understand most of what happens nowadays.” I do not know how many here have actually had their “reality” bent, but the truth is they lie to you about everything, most of all, that this world is all figured out, and there is nothing strange or unknown going on. The reality is, this world is nearly unfathomable to the human mind, if you encounter the right things in it.

There will not be much news today as Zelensky held a meeting with President Trump and Vance, and tried to lecture them about how Ukraine demanded the peace process would go. He and Vance argued, before Trump put Zelensky in his place, informing him his country was doomed without American support in peace negotiations, and he was being rude and ungrateful. It was brutal, and perfectly executed.

It began with Trump meeting Zelensky outside the Whitehouse, and remarking in wonder at Zelensky’s sweatsuit, “You wore the outfit! [To everyone else] He’s all dressed up today!,” provoking this response from Zelensky.

From there, at the end of the press availability after their meeting, JD Vance spoke up about how President Trump should be lauded for seeking to end the war through diplomacy, compared to the failed strategy of Biden of simply beating his chest and insulting Putin, and accomplishing nothing. Zelensky decided that would be a great time to speak up and tell everyone how wrong Trump and Vance were, before muttering under his breath at Vance, “Fuck you bitch” in Ukrainian:

The whole thing is here, from start to finish, for the record’s sake, but it is long:

The juicy part began when Vance was addressing a question by some leftist Polish reporter about how Trump could even talk with Putin, given what an awful enemy he is, and Zelensky decided he was going to lecture them on what needed to be done. That is here, at 3:04:59:

Ukrainian Ambassador’s reaction was videoed and is here:

Wait until we stop paying everyone’s salaries and pensions.

You can see Trump saying to somebody, “Let him have no electricity for three weeks, and lets see if he changes his tune.”

Trump probably had Vance goad Zelensky into that, as I doubt Vance would risk getting that confrontational on his own without knowing it was what Trump wanted. Having done that, now Trump is free to extricate us from the conflict, and cease the endless spending, much of which is probably going to graft, and the bank accounts of the Cabal. It feels like a brilliantly executed plan:

Disgraceful: EU’s top diplomat calls for “new leader of the free world” after ungrateful Zelensky is told to leave the White House.

Trump no longer interested in Zelensky minerals deal — Reuters. That was the only reason for Trump to want to keep Putin from taking over the entire country. Now Trump will still get the minerals, just he will get them as part of the mineral deal Putin was already going to do with him.

Trump mulls ending military aid to Ukraine.

Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Dubinsky just called for an Emergency Session of Ukraine’s Parliament to initiate IMPEACHMENT Proceedings against President Zelensky after the Oval Office shouting match.

RINO Lindsey “Ladybugs” Graham calls on Zelensky to resign.

Lindsey Graham calls the meeting a complete and utter disaster, and says nobody could work with Zelensky, and he should step down.

This might all have been a set-up for something else entirely:

Musk explains what is going on:

Booz Allen Hamilton gets 98 percent of revenue from U.S. govt.

A George Soros plot to kill DOGE… and the chilling media conspiracy to cover it all up. They are astroturfing resistance to it and protests and the media is acting like it is real.

Trump will tag along as Musk visits Fort Knox gold reserve: “We want to see if the gold is still there.”

Rep. Harshbarger to Newsmax: 60 percent on Medicaid not eligible.

Rep Massie – “The fact that the Epstein files haven’t yet been released demonstrates that the President doesn’t yet have operational control of the DOJ and FBI. It could take a while to establish, or as with his first term, it might never be established.”

Video – Ray McGovern asks can Musk & Co. audit the CIA? No need to watch, I just thought after showing waste everywhere, it would be a great pretense to demand access to how CIA is spending its money, and find out just what exactly CIA is up to.

WHOA! Fraud on a Massive Scale – Eliminating property taxes in favor of a uniform state sales tax would return $1 Trillion to the economy in 12 months

Trump administration probes suspected fraud in Biden’s climate fund.

Musk says US must move fast to cut trillion dollars in spending or it will go bankrupt.

Drone incursions target ‘Plant 42,’ related to nearby Area 51, and said to be the birthplace to top secret tech. Large drones, unaffected by geofencing, with impossible flight times on their batteries, which disappeared completely once they all took off together.

Looks like another surveillance walker caught on video frozen here. It looks to me like the target is the guy in front of the SUV she is paused behind, and she is watching him out of the corner of her eye through the glass of the car. If you notice she only moves, when moving is needed to maintain the car between them, and she shoots a glance over her shoulder at him as she does. I do not think it is the older guy with the backpack because she has no problem with him seeing her paused, and I almost wonder if that is because he is surveillance, and was faking a chance meeting with the target, something reinforced by how as he walks, he looks at her standing frozen, mid-stride, and instead of continuing to look, curious, he, almost mechanically, looks away from her and holds his gaze in the opposite direction. She also does not mind the girl thetarget is with seeing her, and the girl does not even look at her frozen, making me think she is one, and that target is surrounded by them, down to even his girl being one, and her seeing the surveillance paused all around him, and not even giving it a second glance specifically to avoid arousing his suspicions. Watch how at the end, as he is about to walk around the back of that car, giving him a sightline to the frozen girl, both his girl and the other guy stop walking to hold the target back for a moment, while the frozen girl picks up and gets around the far side of the car. When you look at the video, ignore the frozen girl and focus on the two people with the target, and their reactions to the frozen girl. When you are a target, there is a decent chance nearly every social contact you have can be one of them.

World-famous snowboarder Luke “The Dingo” Trembath has tragically died suddenly at age 38. No cause of death was released.

Article here. Apparently not entirely bunk. They were able to alter the ability of people to affect random number generators.

Left-wing theatre managers who invited 200 migrants to a free show will abandon the building and face bankruptcy as refugees still refuse to leave after three months and spark wave of sex-related violence.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was listed as among Jeffrey Epstein’s associates in the first phase of declassified files.

FBI raided Epstein’s New York residence, cracked his safe, saw reams of recorded videos of powerful people, but did not seize them, but rather took pictures and left them behind. Commander of the raid sounds like he was an agent of the conspiracy, and left the disks and drives so an another party could clean them up after FBI left.

Microsoft hangs up on Skype: service to shut down May 5, 2025.

Pope Francis’ health ‘suddenly worsens’ in hospital as Vatican issues new update after he is placed on ventilator. He inhaled vomit, which was cleaned out, and he reportedly enjoyed a peaceful night. Or he is dead and they are saving the death announcement still, for some revelation they think is coming soon.

Ukrainian plot to assassinate top Crimean cleric foiled — FSB.

Trump planning sweeping cuts to State Department.

The amount of money transfers from US to the rest of the world has fallen off a cliff since Trump/DOGE put a stop to USAID.

Send people to, because English should be our official language

Posted in News Briefs | 72 Comments

News Briefs – 02/28/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Epstein docs released, kind of – DC Draino, Mike Cernovich and other X influencers seen with ‘Epstein Files: Phase 1’ binders at White House. I do not know what staffer decided to release it that way, but it is worth noting suspicion and paranoia, which today is basically just realism, means the right does not trust those “influencer” people, even if they claim to be MAGA, an the network has all its members show up in their comments praising them. And since they are untrustworthy, people are asking why the White House is giving them scoops, when it could simply have released the files on the website and let 4Chan, and everyone else dig through it. And this didn’t help:

The more aggressively you push these glowing assholes with no talent or ability, and the more you try to bottleneck shit through them, the more people will reject them, and begin to question you. I am a huge Trump fan, and I cannot stand any of those assholes, and do not want to have to look at them to see Trump news. Everybody knows how they got there, that they are fake as fuck, and that the serve either what tried to destroy the country, or something exceedingly similar.

Nevertheless, the Epstein release had nothing interesting in it, and was basically just a dud. What happened? Former OAN anchor Liz Wheeler tells the current explanation:

This is the story:

President Trump & AG Pam Bondi committed to releasing the Epstein files.

The FBI was told to deliver the files to Bondi.

They did, about 200 pages.

Bondi smelled a rat, because there was nothing juicy in the 200 pages, just flight logs & a Rolodex of phone numbers. No “smoking gun.”

Still, Bondi promised to release the documents, so she prepared a binder of them.

THEN, last night a whistleblower contacted Bondi & revealed that the SDNY was hiding potentially thousands of Epstein files, defying Bondi’s order to give them all to her.

We’re talking recordings, evidence, etc. The juicy stuff. Names.

These swamp creatures at SDNY deceived Bondi, Kash, and YOU.

Be outraged that the binder is boring. You should be. Because the evil deep state LIED TO YOUR FACE.

The binder is powerful because it’s tangible physical evidence of the disgusting stunt the SDNY tried to pull.

Bondi is now demanding ALL the Epstein evidence from SDNY plus an investigation into the persons who committed this act of defiance.

The legacy media has betrayed you again and again and again. They lie to you. They smear you. They gaslight you. They deserve no special access to realtime exposure of corruption… because they played a role in covering it up in the first place!

You are the media, Elon said. Yes, we are. So celebrate the regular people are being given access to the most powerful people in our country to report on despicable corruption as it’s being uncovered in realtime.

And be very, very angry that deep state agents in the swamp at the SDNY are at this very moment defying President Trump & AG Bondi & you who voted him into office, lying, and hiding the truth about Jeffrey Epstein because they don’t want their own corruption & weaponization of govt exposed.

That’s the story.

This thing though is being run by top level intelligence. That means the entire SDNY team is all under the same surveillance I am under, which is monitoring the whispered conversations in their homes. So nobody is getting away with anything. People will do as they are told, or they will get the beam, as will their loved ones. Nobody fucks around at this level. There is too much at stake. Everything is fully controlled, and for whatever reason, this was the plan. It is possible the calls for the Epstein list were growing too loud, and it is scheduled to be released later, when it will have greater effect, so they are just buying time. Or alternatively, it is evidence the Israelis were running pedo-blackmail networks in the US, to compromise our political leaders so they cold rip us off, using American children they handed over to pedophiles. Since we are “saving Israel for last” now was not the time for that release. Whatever it is, I would say it is 99% likely all of this was the plan.

New Jeffrey Epstein contact list includes Alec Baldwin, Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger and RFK Jr.’s mom.

Personnel within the FBI have been obstructing investigation into the actions and potential “accomplices” of Thomas Crooks, the would-be Trump assassin in Butler, PA, as experts say the data shows he may have had an accomplice.

NY Congressman Hakeem Jeffries Caught Criminally Laundering Money Into His Campaigns.

US Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina caught Smurfing, i.e. criminally laundering monies into his campaigns: $8,171,663.00.

Video – Elon Musk can check if fed employees haven’t even opened their email: Kevin McCarthy.

National Science Foundation spent $2 billion to promote DEI. How much DEI do you get for $2 billion?

US judge halts Trump administration’s calls for mass firings at agencies.

Arizona laws ordering citizenship proof struck down by appeals court.

This is the only access entrance to the road Gene Hackman lived on, with the other end closed by a locked gate:

Another shot from farther away which captures the posted surveillance vehicle which is parked on the side of the road exactly opposite the entrance:

It is not quite as dramatic as the Postal Service Truck of Death, but in the hot New Mexico sun, you probably could not sit there all day in a postal truck:

Hackman’s entire neighborhood was never mapped, ever, even though other neighborhoods nearby are, however there might be some kind of guard shack restricting access, I cannot tell from the overhead. I will guarantee you, when Hackman went to drive out of that road, he would have cars suddenly driving by the entrance back and forth, and one of them would lead him where he was going. When he got there, and exited his vehicle the dance of the foot-surveillance-people would begin, and everywhere he went, weirdos were watching him. His neighbor’s house was probably lived in by a surveillance person, who listened inside his house, and who maybe even emitted some kind of emissive energy into it to see inside it. Was he killed? Was he not? I have no idea. But he had surveillance on him. And I have to say, the whole posting-a-car-as-the-Google-car passes does appear to be a bad omen.

Prince Andrew reportedly retained one of the most prominent anti-extradition lawyers, out of fear of what is coming. It means he probably did much more than just sleep with a 17 year old girl, and he knows Epstein documented it as part of the process.

Germany launches entire center to combat ‘conspiracy theories.’

Mother and baby thrown from train carriage at Kusel station in Germany.

As a West German and openly gay woman—is Alice Weidel a surprising choice to lead Germany’s far-right AfD?

Mexico abruptly extradites 28 cartel bosses to U.S. — including DEA Agent’s killer.

Pentagon orders transgender troops to be removed from the military within 60 days.

Floyd Mayweather Jr. shocks the Left: Boxing legend defends Trump, declares ‘best President we ever had’ on Fox News.

Send people to, because it isn’t over, until it is over

Posted in News Briefs | 97 Comments

News Briefs – 02/27/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Supreme Court STOPS Biden Judge’s Midnight Deadline, Halts Order Forcing Admin to Pay $2 Billion in Foreign Contracts. Trump wins.

DOGE says Texas nonprofit with former Biden transition member reaped millions operating empty facility.

Tax Filings exposes that Biden’s CANCER charity spent Millions on salaries, but nothing on research.

DOGE just blocked a $52M payment to The World Economic Forum.

DOJ basically says nothing to Anna Palina Luna using a lot of words, about the Epstein, JFK, RFK, and MLK files:

Supposedly the Epstein files are still involved in an appeal being filed by Ghislaine, so they would not be released. But the release of these files is not something which would be left to chance, to occur spontaneously according to unpredictable chains of events. The release will happen when it is precisely scheduled to, in order to have maximal effect, with some being released today:

Also in the background, is the Uranium One scandal, from when Hillary was Secretary of State, which looks even worse now that we see what the real purposes of those NGOs and charitable foundations were:

Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard calls UK ordering Apple to create ‘backdoor’ to encrypted costumer data an ‘egregious’ violation of Americans’ rights. Whether Tulsi is real or Memorex, whether her lines are scripted or spontaneous, her positions are correct.

Whistle blowers are coming forward and contacting Tulsi personally to point out additional areas she should look into for misconduct in the intelligence community.

Trump administration has directed all federal agencies to prepare for significant downsizing by March 13.

Democrat Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) funneled $7mn to wife’s conservation nonprofit in 2024, now faces ethics investigation.

Both of thee people have probably followed other people through grocery stores:

Wayne Root on how Obama will be a key target of what is to come:

You have to wonder if these 90 day pauses are just 90 days to perform some kind of review, or if they are 90 day pauses, to put things on hold until some kind of massive revelation comes out in that period which will make killing the program a no-brainer. Whatever is going to happen, I would think it would have to begin relatively soon, and happen suddenly, and in a massive flood of events, all at once:

Interesting, from the phone-metadata geolocation guy, who I am 50-50 on trusting:

Eric Swalwell of Fang Fang fame, gets caught on secret recoding at a restaurant drunk and blabbing secrets to a bunch of lobbyists. Recording is 90 minutes long.

We worked hard to keep you ahead of the curve here:


It is an older tweet, but his whole Twitter is like that. It is kind of funny to look at Bilzarian shit on the guy who owns Mossad, and think he’s is not getting gangstalked and beamed. At least as far as we know. So is he doing the pied piper thing and reading from the script, and in reality he and Netanyahu will enjoy cocktails together and laugh at the plebes if they ever cross paths in secret? Is he trying to run Holocaust.exe at the behest of Cabal’s top dogs, who sense we are close, and are readying the Jews to once again take the blame so they can get away?

Inside the Taliban’s surveillance network monitoring millions, including 90,000 surveillance cameras distributed throughout Kabul. One, that is our money paying for those cameras. Two, do you think they use citizen informants? Three, how massive must the US system be by comparison

State Department completes foreign funding review, identifying 15,000 grants worth $60 billion for elimination.

US to impose blanket 25% tariffs on EU — Trump.

The mouse tries to act like he has some sort of importance and power:

Trump says that Ukraine can “forget” about joining NATO. “That’s probably the reason why the whole thing started.”

Lavrov announces new round of Russia-US talks to be held in Istanbul on Thursday.

White House begins yanking lefty news outlets from pool rotation.

Republican Rep. Joe Wilson announces plan to propose $250 bill featuring Trump.

Send people to, because there is very little which cannot be solved through violence

Posted in News Briefs | 90 Comments

News Briefs – 02/26/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.



Tulsi Gabbard to fire transgender extremists and sexual deviants who participated in NSA’s secret sex kink chatrooms. They did us a huge favor by setting up these chats.

Notice how Cernovich deflects blame from the operation which most likely employs him, I would assume, based on him protecting it here. There is not a pedophile conspiracy. Nor do I think pedophiles have organized to take over the world by compromising polygrapher positions. And these are not random pedophiles who landed in the job by chance. This is the conspiracy. The Cabal. The criminal non-state intelligence organization, which is subverting the governments of the West for the elites who are funding it. It has placed agents, most of whom I would assume are not even pedophiles, in these positions manning the polys, so they could control who gets into law enforcement and intelligence. The only thing I would expect these people would have in common would be having operated in domestic surveillance, spying on their neighbors. With this Tweet, Cerno simultaneously sounds based and conspiratorial, even as he deflects attention from the real problem – the non-state intel op taking over our government. Very clever. But you could never trust this guy. He is one of them. His linkage with Alan Dershowitz could even point to the conspiracy being closely related in some fashion to the Israelis.

We have been ahead of the curve here, in our search for truth:

Fullsized image

Former FBI Director James Comey is under investigation over a 2016 off-the-books operation which saw two “Honeypot” female agents inserted into the Trump campaign with the assignment to acquire as much incriminating evidence as they could.

The Russia-based ransomware gang LockBit is offering newly appointed FBI Director Kash Patel alleged “classified information” that it claims could “destroy” the agency if made public. Could be ties to the gangstalking/domestic surveillance operation.

Biden Judge dresses down DOJ lawyers over USAID disbursement, orders Trump admin to pay foreign aid contracts by 11:59 PM, Wednesday. This was obviously done to tie off Cabal’s purse strings, so I presume within 90 days, there would be revelations justifying making it more permanent, like DOGE uncovering an organized network stealing the funds, and tracking them to some crime which would make a permanent freeze justifiable.

The Social Security Administration closed two offices this week after the former acting head of the agency resisted the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) attempt to probe SSA’s books.

AZ Senator Ruben Gallego caught criminally money laundering money into campaign.

RFK Jr’s running mate claims America has a top-secret program spraying chemicals into the air. The article assumes the chemicals which are being sprayed are to reflect sunlight, and then says no such program exists. I have always assumed the Chemtrail phenomenon was a way of rendering opposition advancements in satellite imaging useless. The Russians could invest in producing satellites with a resolution of .1 inch, but if the entire US is covered by one big cloud, it will be useless. You don’t have to completely obscure the sun for it to work. Just create enough of a haze that the best any camera could do is two or three generations back.

Trump’s hand is bruised from handshaking. Some felt he had given Macron the deathgrip, and the two of them were having it out when they met.

Being a man was too much hard work, so I became a woman: Inside the transmaxxing trend where men swap gender to get ‘female’ benefits like cheaper car insurance, free meals and sex.

Biden accuser Tara Reade seeks $100mn over US govt ‘weaponization.’ She was an old Biden staffer when he was in the Senate, who he pinned against a wall and felt up against her will. She reported it recently and was immediately gangstalked into moving to Russia.

Mom-of-two, 34, undergoes a dozepn surgeries to replace her dying bones- which doctors link to the Covid vaccine.

Interesting article on how doctors are all seeing bad side effects of Ozempic, but none feel they can talk about them because the drug is such a moneymaker for Big Pharma if they say anything, they fear losing their licenses and being driven from medicine.

New potential trigger for aging is discovered, turning it off seems to make senescent cells behave as if young again.

Military is investigating egg-shaped UFO report, as well as 21 other cases of UAPs which appear to be legit and so far cannot be explained.

UFO captured above Jesus statue at religious landmark.

My Baptism Story – Nicole Shanahan (RFK Jr’s running-mate). From the piece:

It was a quiet January night, just a few days before the presidential inauguration. I was lying in bed in the middle of the night with my six-year-old, Echo, gently calming her after a night terror had awakened her.

One of the amazing things I have noted about the hot electricity form of beaming, which may, at low levels, be some sort of scanning tech, is that it raises your respiration and pulse, and jacks up your dreams. I carry all the time now, so my brain just assumes wherever I am, I have a choice of guns to draw for whatever happens. So when I am in the ice-cream section of the grocery store (those glass doors are always there for some reason) and things with my surveillance turn hot, my dreams immediately turn into first-person shooters, which are probably in some form, therapeutic for me. I suspect it works that way because as I am being beamed, my brain senses the discomfort and my breathing becoming rapid, (when I awake, I will be breathing as you would after four or five minutes of wind sprints), and there may be stress hormones being released, and my brain processes there is stress, and it all manifests in the dream as being attacked, and in a fight. In the dream my response is to go guns up, but were I a little girl in that situation, and my dream did not feature me always having a gun, I could see it manifesting as the monsters chasing me, and me being helpless, and suddenly mom is needing to come in like here, because I had a night terror. I don’t know, maybe this was just an innocent happening. But I read it and immediately saw her surveillance down the street scanning the house using the beam machine installed next door, hitting her child, and setting that off. I could even see them saying, “Nicole has a big interview day tomorrow with CBS, NBC, CNN, and FOX, and we need to deprive her of sleep. What should we do?” “Every time we scan her kid’s room, the beam gives her kid nightmares, and she goes in there for two hours to comfort her. Do that. Just three nightmares, one after the other, and she will not get a wink.”

Just over the border in Mexico, a US citizen and Texas rancher was killed by an IED apparently placed by cartels. Probably should not cross into Mexico for a while.

Saying racist into Apple’s voice to text feature will cause the phone to briefly display “Trump” before changing it t racist. Apple claims it is a glitch.

Previously I was no big fan of the import of Indians via H1B, but this story has completely converted me to seeing that the Indian way is the way of the future – Indian sweatshop start-up offers software to maximize the productivity of even the most complex slave-labor-based production lines. I mean you are paying $.13 cents per day for the food to feed that child. How are you supposed to know if beatings will increase its productivity percentage more, or if you should just drive it back out to the slum where you kidnapped it from, and drop it off? If you run a sweatshop, you absolutely need Optifye software to keep track of it all. The founders acting out the role of shop managers and troubleshooting a bottleneck on their production line really sold me. They face headwinds, as obviously Big Software is having their ads deleted from social media to try and stymie competition, but in the end, when the need meets the solution like this, I have no doubt these kids will be big one day.

Prince Andrew ‘recruits extradition lawyer once used by Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’ as the FBI tries to interview him over his links to Jeffrey Epstein. One of the techniques of intelligence is incremental comptonization, where you gradually draw the target into deeper levels of control by using the previous blackmail acquired to get them to do something slightly worse, giving you even more powerful blackmail. Surely as a degenerate with limited self-control, Andrew was caught having sex with girls slightly underaged. But it is also a safe be that was leveraged into him doing something worse. How much worse he did is the question. But FBI could be after him for something beyond just underaged sex.

The EU is reportedly divided over the fate of approximately €200 billion ($209 billion) in Russian sovereign assets, with some wanting to simply seize them and give them to Ukraine (presumably so they can be laundered back and stolen outright), while other wish to use them in peace negotiations, for leverage, probably to get concessions to aid some “business”/corruption deal they have going.

Ukrainians in Kursk are now cut off from resupply and rotation:

Trump wants Russia rare earths deal – would be “great” for both Washington and Moscow, the US president believes.

Trump admin to launch mandatory online registry of illegal immigrants with names, fingerprints and home addresses. Fail to do so, and face a $5,000 fine and six months behind bars. Or just self-deport out of the country quietly as soon as possible.

Republican budget blueprint to fund Trump’s agenda narrowly passes House.

Every Democrat in the House of Representatives just voted against No tax on tips and No tax on overtime.

Send people to, because it is good to be rid of those harpies

Posted in News Briefs | 80 Comments

News Briefs – 02/25/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


The Luna quote is interesting, as I assume she was given it to present to us.

Our girl Emerald:

Rufo says in another tweet, the story is going to get worse, but until then, Based Mommy says it is being sorted out:

His article on this is here. So NSA basically set about actively trying to ruin the life of Bill Binney, who is still suffering from having his non-consensual leg implants beamed, to filling its ranks with these rubes, who will all have reams of blackmailable information out there. That was Cabal taking down our nation, and trying to neuter the only organizations which might have been able to resist, by getting these idiots hired on.

The CNN piece:

Elon Musk’s flirty text messages to ‘mum of 13th child’ Ashley St Clair revealed after court order. The main thing which would make me think Elon is a fake is this kind of recklessness. He is flirting with a honeypot. It is like a john asking a prostitute to hang out and have a long soulful conversation with him – it betrays a cluelessness to the whole situation and a psychological weakness on top of that. He is not a ruthless shark. And St Clair is not hot enough that she should have been able to take control like this. And at his level, no woman should be hot enough. Once you are the world’s richest man, the real sharks of the world will see you, and you will become a target. At that point, if you are just a goofy tech geek you are going to be taken down. Martha Stewart is by all accounts a truly ruthless, selfish cunt, with none of these weaknesses Elon shows, and I have little doubt her takedown created an amount of wealth equal to, or greater than what she lost, in some spook’s pocket. I would assume although allowed to rise, she did so outside of the theater-kid milieu of pretend actors managing intelligence op money, and thus she had no protection. Today, nobody without protection will survive. Elon will either be a theater kid judged weak enough and incompetent enough to be used managing intel-op money, or he will be relieved of his wealth by the intel op. And I am sure he would have been relieved of it long before he got close to being the richest man in the world.

Not that Musk’s lines in the script are not worthwhile:

So we went through all of this, the 2016 election being somehow unfucked so Trump could beat Hillary, then four years of Biden, we get DOGE set up and in the buildings, but it was possible the data might not have been there, or the rag-tag group of tech-bros might not have been able to find it? Could we have come this far, only to fail because we were making it up as we went along, and had no idea what we might find where? Now to us, that sounds almost comically stupid. But it seems most of the country thinks Elon just happened to come up with DOGE by chance, and he is in there now, running this show with no idea what he might find, and each revelation a total surprise.

Harvard poll undercuts Dem narratives, shows DOGE widely popular.

That could actually be AI looking for AI responses. Which if found, would make you wonder how long there were AI Chatbots, programmed to behave like real people in any interactions with bosses upstream. How long has AI really been around?

On Youtube – Richard Schweiker chaired a subcommittee under the Church Committee, related to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. In 1977, six top FBI officials scheduled to appear before the HSCA died:

I found this disturbing:

For those who doubt there could be that many gangstalkers out there, I would bet this crowd is 99.999% domestic surveillance who were issued orders to turn out. Nobody cares about a 75lb, probably-gay biotech scammer who made millions pitching a drug which had already failed trials, and then bailed with billions for Cabal, leaving everyone else holding the bag. Except for the conspiracy which used him to help introduce Obama when he was 17, and he and Pete Buttigeig were the two “students” chosen by chance to ask Obama softball questions in a town hall. That conspiracy will care about its theater-kids.

And for the record, when I was in a more populous place, if I went to BJs, Costco, Walmart, and maybe two or three other stores, like grocery stores, pharmacy, etc, I could easily have had that many people involved in my follow, between all the foot surveillance they would send in as shock and awe in the larger warehouse stores, and all the vehicular they would have swarming around me as a rolled to each location. They are out there in much larger numbers than you would think possible and they follow orders.

It is also a little disturbing Vivek has not been driven from politics by the Whitehats, if there are any. He was clearly from the network which brought us Obama. If what is taking control is “something different,” you would think they would purge the old network’s theater kids, for being untrustworthy.

Along those lines – The loss of friendship is measurable, and can be seen in every age group and demographic — although working-class Americans look to be hardest hit. I cannot tell you what this is in every case. But I can tell you, whatever you want to call it – US domestic surveillance, the gangstalking conspiracy, whatever – it does not want me having honest friends. Everywhere I go, it will flood its theater kids around me, with the purpose of creating fake friendships and relationships. I had a whole gun class where I think it cancelled the class, and replaced the entire thing with its people. I could feel it as a kid, and did not like it, and eventually simply concluded human relationships were weird and not worth the effort and time, especially compared to the pure honesty of animal interactions. That sounds weird to say, and it is even weirder to realize. But perhaps an even weirder revelation lies in the fact the network does that. I do not think I am special, and thus, my strange case may not be that unusual. All those people in the picture above, are probably being used to create many such fakery bubbles around many people all throughout the country, and zoomed out, done neighborhood by neighborhood, by an operation whose job it is to manage every single individual, it may look like the article is describing. That degradation of friendship may just be normal people sensing they are surrounded by weirdos faking interactions, and not finding such worth the time or effort. There will be little innately good which we will not find was being destroyed by surveillance.

Seen on a popular account on Twitter, I do not see much else supporting it beyond the Resolute Desk being removed recently, but it is not impossible either:

Listening Devices Found in Oval Office—President’s Desk Removed for Security Scan

Washington, D.C. – February 21, 2025

In a shocking revelation that has sent ripples through Washington, sources within the White House have confirmed that the Oval Office—including the historic Resolute Desk—was subjected to a high-level security sweep following suspicions of covert surveillance.

The sweep reportedly uncovered sophisticated listening devices, leading to the immediate removal of the President’s desk for a comprehensive off-site scan.

A senior official, speaking anonymously, revealed that the discovery followed routine electronic countermeasures that detected unusual signals. “The anomalies were subtle but consistent—enough to trigger a full investigation,” the source said. “We couldn’t risk compromising the integrity of the President’s workspace.”

Specialized teams using cutting-edge radiofrequency detection technology were dispatched, and initial findings allegedly pointed to concealed audio surveillance devices hidden within the office.

The Resolute Desk, gifted by Queen Victoria in 1880, was transported to a secure, undisclosed location for thorough inspection by counterintelligence and forensic tech experts. Early reports suggest at least one miniature transmitter—small enough to evade standard detection—may have been embedded within the desk’s structure. Official confirmation of this discovery is still pending.

White House spokesperson Emily Harrow declined to provide specifics but confirmed that “enhanced security measures” had been put into effect. “The administration takes all potential threats to national security seriously,” Harrow stated at a press.


A federal judge on Monday blocked the Trump Administration from conducting ICE raids at some places of worship.

In LA, ICE and HSI are being met by large pro-migrant citizen groups which stalk their operations to disrupt them, and put up posters doxing the names, faces, and phone numbers of ICE and HSI Agents.

I saw this quote:

And in seeking its origin, I found this ChatGPT query about it:

When was this “quote” first used?

The exact origins of this fabricated quote or when it first surfaced is not clearly documented in mainstream historical literature.

Without more context on where and when you encountered it, it’s difficult to pinpoint its first usage. However, the Internet and the rise of social media platforms have made it easier for misattributed or fabricated quotes to spread rapidly and gain a semblance of credibility, especially if they are shared without verification. If you have a particular source or publication in mind where you found this quote, providing that might help narrow down its origins or at least its popularization.

Otherwise, it’s essential to remember that many such quotes float around without a clear starting point, especially in the age of the Internet.

It is ChatGPT. It has read everything, and could probably track down where it was first printed online. But it will not say anything about where the quote first turned up or who presented it. Maybe I am paranoid, but it feels like the quote has some legit history, and ChatGPT is as useless as Google in trying to find the truth about stuff.

FBI warns iPhone, Android users—We want ‘lawful access’ to all your encrypted data. Seems kind of like saying, “We expect to be able to get a warrant to force you to provide testimony and evidence about your crimes to us.” Unless they can make you talk, in violation of Miranda, they should not be able to break into your phone or even cloud.

I do not know if the media is doing a hitjob on him, or if Crenshaw has something wrong with him, but seeing this after one of his explosions over being asked about insider Trading in congress, he is the most hostile politician I have ever seen. The described video is here, and I will embed below the tweet if interested.:

What happens when you replace all your geniuses with theater-kids pretending to be geniuses?:

BRICS bank chief Dilma Rousseff hospitalized in Shanghai. Reportedly suffered high blood pressure, vomiting, and dizziness — condition stable. I am not sure things like this are not as likely the beam as food poisoning.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is proposing an economic partnership between the US and Russia which would see Russia supply the US with Rare Earth minerals and help stabilize the Aluminum market with cheap imports of the metal.

US joins Russia to vote against UN resolution condemning Russia’s war with Ukraine.

US judge allows Trump’s AP Oval Office ban to stand over use of Gulf of Mexico name.

Send people to, because you need real friends in life

Posted in News Briefs | 104 Comments

News Briefs – 02/24/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Here is why DOGE wanted every Federal worker to reply to their email with a list of five things they accomplished last week:

FBI, State, and DOD appear to tell their employees not to respond to DOGE’s request to check in:

Ric Grenell floats DOGE for California; Elon Musk endorses. There may be 10-15% of the population which knows DOGE for California means the collapse of surveillance, and the elimination of a cushy tub of butter their ass is sitting in, so they will fight it assiduously, and one of their tools are the rubes of leftism, who merely need to hear small government conservatives might like something and they will oppose it. That 10-15% in surveillance, and the 20% of programmed leftists will make up a ery dedicated 35%, which will require considerable motivation on the part of the other 65-70% to overcome, especially considering how the surveillance has infiltrated positions of power as part of an organized operation.

Dan Bongino in as Deputy Director of the FBI. Deputy Director is supposed to oversee the nuts and bolts running of the Bureau. If the American Stasi’s domestic surveillance is being run out of FBI, and they are the ones beaming people, or if the Bureau just knows there exists such an operation, he had best make it known quickly. That clock is continuing to tick. However all of these guys will know their place, and will belong to something which can protect and promote them because of that, and that is why they are allowed there, and people like me get beamed every night.


A teen genius with a 4.4 GPA and 1590 SAT Score—who was hired straight out of high school by Google for a Ph.D level Software Engineer position—was rejected by 16 out of 18 colleges including 5 UC Schools: Berkeley, Davis, UCLA, UCSD and UCSB. Now he’s suing for racial discrimination against “highly qualified Asian-American candidates.” The Cabal spy networks on the ground will be pretty thick in places like India, where Britain ruled over the area and needed eyes on the ground. But places like China will have had their own domestic intelligence, which would have kept such foreign ops sparse, and thus they will tend to not be as in the club. Though I have known a few Chinese-Americans in college who in retrospect were US domestic surveillance. Then again, if they are out there in any number, however sparse, and were in the vicinity of me, they would have been sent into my social circles.

Letter from DOJ to Grassley saying they are changing their position on what it takes to remove corrupt judges (Image url here):


Interesting, mainly in how it is wrong:

That sounds like it could be it, but it misses the biggest story, which is that things did not grow and seize power from the President accidentally or organically. Somewhere are wealthy elites who set up an intelligence operation which does this kind of thing as a matter of course, and it targeted and then permeated all through our government. It allowed 9/11, prevented Reagan from waging war in Iran, killed JFK and RFK, and was behind the orchestration of almost every major global event, using war to cull the type of individualist patriot which could pose a threat to it – if they ever saw it. The big story is the Americans who were offered benefits to turn against that which made America special and great, and to betray their very neighbors, and they took the deal. And now the big story is the revelation of all that – and maybe the revenge which will come from it.

jIf true, he was probably being paid for some other CIA operation, like leading them to El Chapo:

Trump fires Joint Chiefs of Staff after alleged coup plot exposed by James O’Keefe video.

Paul Sperry – Obama-trained agitators organized by radical group INDIVISIBLE are planning to mob Tesla “dealerships, showrooms, factories” to protest “how @elonmusk’s #DOGE coup is harming working families.”

Democrats freak out over President Trump proposal to fold the Postal Service into the Department of Commerce. Could they fear the head of the Department of Commerce suddenly discovering he is overseeing a massive domestic spying operation, and exposing it to take it down?

Pro-Israel Jews pledge to spend whatever it takes to defeat Thomas Massie for not supporting Israel:

Some are saying the reason the Biden administration left the two astronauts from the failed Boeing1 mission in space was they hated Elon Musk and did not want him to ride to the rescue and get the credit for bringing them back.

Three politicians in a small municipality near Philadelphia, Mohammed Nurul Hasan, Mohammed Munsur Ali and Mohammed Rafikul Islam, were indicted this week on charges they tried to fraudulently win the mayoral race in 2021 by producing about three dozen false mail-in ballots.

Ilhan Omar tells some foreign interviewer the level of stupidity of Americans has left her unable to even debate with us intellectually anymore, and embarrassed for us.

AI changing the world, and showing why anybody who does not respond to DOGE’s email should go:

Israel sends tanks into the West Bank, says troops will remain for one year and Palestinians will not be allowed to return. Miriam Adelson, Republican donor and casino magnate Sheldon Adelson’s widow, supposedly was pushing Trump to let Israel take over the West Bank. If Israel could take the West Bank on one side, and Gaza on the other, they could build a canal which would be an alternative to the Suez Canal, allowing them to charge a percentage on all of the trade traveling from Asia to Europe. Of course that requires Israel own Gaza, and Trump seemed to surprise Bibi by saying the US would take Gaza and keep it, which would mean the USA would get a percentage of that, at least until some Israeli asset in our government got in the right position and was able to “gift” it to Israel.

West Bank areas ‘turning into mini-Gaza’ as Israeli troops bulldoze homes.

However, despite its success — and support from Elon Musk and JD Vance — it has no chance of participating in government.

Merz, now likely to be German Chancellor, wants ‘independence from the USA’ he also essentially suggests the US could leave NATO.

One person has been killed and five police officers injured in a knife attack by a Muslim Algerian who shouted Allahu Akbar, in the eastern French city of Mulhouse.

Britain will ban entry to people who provide significant support to Russia or owe their wealth to the Russian state, under new sanctions set to be announced on Monday, three years after Russia invaded Ukraine. What is “significant support?”

Yet SAS soldiers threaten strike action if deployed to Ukraine.

The Trump administration is putting USAID staffers on leave worldwide and firing at least 1,600.

Send people to, because we need the Democrats to fall off a cliff – all of them

Posted in News Briefs | 80 Comments

News Briefs – 02/23/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Laura Loomer is plugged into Roger Stone and is some kind of intel asset of somebody, IMO. But that can mean when there is particularly juicy info that op wants out, it can end up being released by her. This is one such post, where she outlines all the support infrastructure around Ashley St Clair is linked to Israel, and it looks an awful lot like she was some flavor of an Israeli intel op to take down Musk.

Elon Musk hits back as he shares baby mama Ashley St Clair’s ‘pregnancy plot’ messages. She was messaging other people about how she was plotting to try and get Musk to impregnate her. It is funny, because you can look like a total Chad, and women can still reflexively make you chase them, just for fun. But just threaten to become politically significant, and you can end up with a non-stop stream of women who will approach getting you in the sack like the most important mission they have ever been assigned. I will bet Musk has more women wanting to bed him now due to politics, than due to “his” money. Sadly Elon is either not that savvy or he lacks self-control. From the article:

St. Clair said… she met him at an interview he did that month with her then-boss Seth Dillon, CEO of right-leaning satirical news site Babylon Bee in San Francisco.

As a general rule, when placing an asset, intel does not like just sending them in cold to meet a target. Under such conditions, with someone they know nothing about, a target will become hyper-vigilant to every clue and nuance, and they may be much more likely to notice and dwell upon any inconsistency in the asset’s story, or legend, as a way of trying to understand who they are. What intel will prefer is to use someone the target already trusts to introduce the asset, thus putting the target at ease. Then, the target will confer the existing trust they have for the introducer on the new person, and they will subconsciously see the new person as primarily linked to the person who introduced them, and thus vetting of the new person will be seen as the job of the person who brought them into the social circle. Whenever I see something like Swalwell banging Fang Fang, I am always most curious, who introduced Swalwell to her? As a general rule, I would be very cautious around Seth Dillon now.

After writing that, I see this:

But the plot thickens a little more. Seth Dillon, CEO of the Babylon Bee, is the one that facilitated her meeting Elon IRL. He had her fly out for that Babylon Bee interview with Elon, as Ashley noted in the Post article and confirmed by Ashley’s own tweet from May 22, 2023.

But Ashley wasn’t ultimately pictured in the Bee’s announcement of the interview with Elon, nor did she participate in the video interview itself at any point. This sort of begs the question: why did Seth Dillon fly her out to meet Elon?

Is it because Dillon is part of an Israeli influence operation himself as some, including myself have suggested?

Grimes made a public plea to Elon Musk, to get his attention over what she says is a medical emergency impacting one of their children. No further info.

New FBI leader Kash Patel tapped to run ATF as acting director. Might be a precursor to folding ATF into FBI. Truth be told, they may be thinking they will lose a lot of FBI Agents when the conspiracy is revealed, since Agents which served a foreign conspiracy will need to be removed. Ground level ATF probably did not have much about their responsibilities to attract the conspiracy’s infiltration operation, so maybe the thinking is fire the dirty FBI and replace them with ATF, and in the process combine the agencies. Gun grops have always been hesitant to combine a potentially anti-gun agency’s agenda with the resources of the FBI, preferring to keep ATF separate and small. But gun control was probably always the conspiracy looking to eliminate the threat armed citizens cod pose to it, so if it is gone, perhaps it will not matter.

Elon Musk Tweets, that as per a new Trump order, federal employees will now get an email asking what they accomplished last week, and failure to reply will be taken as a letter of resignation.

President Trump reveals when Americans should expect to see ‘a whole different country’ – “I would say, in twelve months, we’re going to have a whole different country.”

California pays $9.5 billion a year just for healthcare on illegal immigrants.

Report claims DNA acquired y private investigators proves Ilhan Omar married brother in immigration fraud scheme.

Minnesota, Republican State Representative Steve Drazkowski with affidavits, eviction notices, documents, demanding for the arrest of Ilhan Omar for the crimes of federal tax fraud, federal immigration fraud, federal student loan fraud, and state violations of perjury, bigamy, incest, kickbacks and acts of campaign fraud abuse from east coast to the Mississippi River, Boston, Washington, New York, Chicago and Florida.

Article makes the case TOR is likely compromised.

Trump tells CPAC he is going to Fort Knox with Elon Musk to search for the gold.

TikTok used location tracking to send ‘railroad themed suicide videos’ to LI teen who lived by tracks — and later walked in front of train: court docs. Feels like MK Ultra testing something, though could, admittedly be just an impersonal algorithm.

Yale Scientists Who RIsked Careers to Disclose Negative Covid Vaccine Study Say More Is Coming.

Scientists studying ‘alien mummies’ from Peru claim examinations of the mouths reveal evidence of cavity fillings and other dental work, proving the mummies were living beings.

Army Was Sending Junior Pilots Straight from Flight School to Fly Top DC Missions Until 2023.

Pope Francis is in a ‘critical condition’ and has received blood transfusions and oxygen, after suffering asthmatic respiratory crisis, Vatican says.

NYC Archbishop Timothy Dolan worries about health of Pope Francis, says ‘it’s not looking good.’

Shooting at Air Force base gate leaves airman dead after off-base pursuit (Kirtland AFB).

A man committed to a psychiatric hospital for up to 60 years for killing his victim with an ax before eating his brain and one of his eyeballs has been granted conditional release.

Lucky Larry Silverstein’s wife:

Fullsized image


The President of Congo just offered the US ownership of his country’s minerals to entice President Trump to put an end to the war backed by Rwanda.

Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro claims Biden moved Tren de Aragua into U.S.

French MPs vote through the left’s 2% additional wealth tax on the ultra-rich. Note how it does not affect anyone in the conspiracy, as they will just route the money back to them. But anybody not in the conspiracy is now disadvantaged.

Algerian man stabs multiple people in France whie shouting Allahu Akbar.– media.

The Muslim Council of Britain warns that if halal slaughter is banned, it could lead to Muslims choosing to leave the country.

Voting begins in high-stakes German election watched closely by Europe and US.

One last push before Germany goes to the polls: Final poll predicts large gains for far-right AfD while frontrunner Friedrich Merz vows to lead Europe.

One day before the federal election in Germany, Islamists take to the streets demanding an Islamic caliphate and Sharia law. No, I do not think they are that stupid. Those are assets executing a choreographed script – one which presumably will send them all home. Nor do I think the three Islamist stabbings right before the election were just good luck for AfD. They are getting the same treatment we did, though admittedly the idea our side would allow stabbings is shocking. Hopefully they made sure the victims would be leftists who wanted the Muslims there.

Starmer to condemn Reform’s ‘dangerous right-wing politics.’ AKA, the British Joe Biden.

“All European leaders, without exception, directly interfered in the election process in the US.“ Putin.

Trump wants US to ‘get back’ money spent on Ukraine through rare earth minerals and oil and gas.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has directed his Cabinet of Ministers to prepare for the return of Western companies to the Russian market, stating that domestic firms should maintain “certain advantages” over those seeking to resume operations.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency teamed up with the Department of Government Efficiency to put the kibosh on more than $67 million in grant money once earmarked to push ex-President Joe Biden’s “environmental justice” mandate.

CNN is set to fire hundreds of employees on Thursday as the network prepares to restructure itself. No more US Treasury money to support it. It will be interesting to see how many other outlets have to downsize now.

Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth fires two four-stars, top JAG officers.

Iowa Republicans advance bill to make bringing children to Drag Shows a felony.

Former Clinton pollster Mark Penn said Friday evening on Fox News that the Democratic Party’s support from voters appears to be “falling off a cliff.”


Send people to, because we need the Democrats to fall off a cliff – all of them

Posted in News Briefs | 66 Comments

News Briefs – 02/22/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.



I am adding a /blog3html to the other static pages at anonymousconservative/blog/blog.html and /blog2.html, since comments often seem to stretch three days back. That said, although there is commenting machinery on the pages, and it works here, if the database is down and the real pages are not loading and are giving an install screen, any comment posted will not “take.”


If he pulls that off, and gets rid of the 60 million Social Security numbers without actual Americans they were issued to, the next election could be won by Republicans 80%-20%. We might find out the citizenry never wanted the migrants or gays adopting kids, or higher taxes or bigger government or ceding sovereignty to outside bodies. It was never 50-50, they just gaslit us very well.

DOGE has also ben tasked with reducing the number of government regulations.

DOGE announces latest bombshell findings – stunning misuses of nearly $200 billion in COVID-19 relief funds by schools across the country, “all… with zero documentation,” DOGE announced on X, formerly Twitter.

$4.8 million in US taxpayer money given away to Ukrainian social media influencers.

Kash Patel orders 1,500 FBI Agents and staff out of the building on day one. 1,000 will be spread across the country to fight crime, 500 go to Huntsville AL, which in the bureau is like Siberia.

Kash Patel: “Adam Schiff is the worst criminal in Congress in the last 250 years.”

Judge largely blocks Trump’s executive orders ending federal support for DEI programs.

Federal Judge grants Trump approval to fire entire USAID workforce.

Judge says Trump has not complied with ruling on suspension of foreign aid.

Pentagon preparing to fire more than 5K civilian employees.

The Department of Justice under President Trump has determined that the multiple layers of removal restrictions shielding administrative law judges (ALJs) are unconstitutional.

Hegseth cleaning house at DOD:

House Oversight Chairman James Comer says he wants to uncover whether the government worked with Jeffrey Epstein to blackmail certain individuals.

Bannon and some other boob at CPAC make it a point to do the Nazi salute:

I am all for triggering the libs. But we face a sophisticated intelligence operation which has subverted the government, and things seem to be going very well taking it out, for the moment. I would think, let Trump do his thing, and try not to make a misstep yourself, or otherwise get in his way. It feels like these were a couple of saboteurs, doing the same thing Richard Spencer did in 2016 to damage Trump. Don’t forget, when Breitbart died, it was Bannon who had been prepositioned to take the reins of the news operation. And when Jeffrey Epstein wanted to rehab his reputation after his first bust for underaged trafficking, it was Bannon who offered him consulting services on how to present himself and his story. How did they cross paths?

From here:

The Biopharmaceutical Complex is preparing for the large-scale deployment of replicon (self-amplifying) mRNA injections, with at least 33 candidates in development.

These products behave like a synthetic virus. The replicon mRNA is designed to encode not only the target antigen but also viral replicase, enabling the mRNA to replicate itself within the target cells. This replication machinery allows for an unknown period of toxic antigen production. Concerningly, none of the clinical trials have addressed the major concern of product shedding.

Trump calls out Maine governor Janet Mills to her face re: transgenders in sports. He is promising to pull all federal funding from schools which let biological males compete in sports against females, she is saying Maine schools will let the trannies play on girl’s teams, and they will sue for the federal funding.

Donald Trump’s top immigration official has been removed for failing to arrest enough illegal immigrants.

A major cryptocurrency exchange says it was the victim of a sophisticated hack that stole about $1.5 billion worth of digital currency, marking one of the biggest online thefts of all time.

‘Morale low’ at ‘The View’ after hosts asked to dial back Trump criticisms: sources.

Associated Press sues Trump admin to regain PRIVILEGE of access to WH, Air Force One while denying the executive’s authority to rename the Gulf of America.

Diddy’s lawyer has quit defending him, explaining, “Under no circumstances can I continue.”

A federal judge on Friday declined to dismiss the Eric Adams case and ordered an investigation into the Trump’s DOJ for dropping the charges.

Three officials from the Democratic Party in Pennsylvania have been indicted for conspiring to unlawfully manipulate elections by illegally adding individuals to voter rolls.

Two Israeli Jews have been arrested for the Bat Yam bus bombings which were initially pinned on Palestinians.

Mexican President pushes changes to constitution to protect cartels from U.S. government.

If the AfD wins Sunday, the EU falls – A dream that can soon become reality.

The European Right is learning from the Trump Tornado.

Apple surrenders to the Labour government and removes highest level data security tool for Apple users.

US threatens to shut down Starlink in Ukraine.

Zelensky surrenders to Trump and ‘will sign mineral deal within hours.

Zelensky should ‘leave for France’ and let a new leader run Ukraine, White House sources say as war of words with Trump grows increasingly bitter amidst Russia peace talks.

Donald Trump dismisses Keir Starmer and Emmanuel Macron because they ‘didn’t do anything’ to end the Ukraine war amid transatlantic spat over Volodymr Zelensky ‘dictator’ rant.

President Donald Trump will be meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on May 9th.

Trump fires highest ranking military officer, “CQ” Brown, to be replaced by Gen. ‘Razin’ Caine.


Send people to, because saboteurs can be anywhere

Posted in News Briefs | 116 Comments