r/K Reaches a Milestone – First Holiday Fistfight

Just wanted to note that I received the first account ever of an r/K discussion precipitating a holiday gathering melee. I don’t want to go into too many details, but the reader began to explain the idea at a table full of liberals, his relatives grew enraged, two jumped up, the fistfight began, food flew, and then other relatives had to jump in and separate everyone. Talk about a Hallmark moment. I actually felt a tear run down my face.

Knowing leftists as I do, this is certainly not the only family fistfight this has precipitated. r/K Theory has this effect on leftists. It is so humiliating that they need to both deny it and ignore it to escape the amygdala angst of the humiliation Yet it is so brilliant and aligned with common sense that it can’t be denied, and so shockingly interesting that it can’t be ignored. As an amygdala hijack it simultaneously flags itself with relevance, armors itself with truth, and shocks with its humiliating portrayal of leftists. Together it amps up leftist amygdala angst, and when applied with sufficient force the only way to stop the hijack is for the leftist to do it manually, by stopping the person talking about it with force.

This is why we are here. The day that this has to be covered in Polysci 101, is the day leftists will need to escape politics. They will have no other choice.

Thank you to everyone who has helped spread this to this point, and helped r/K achieve this milestone. Without you, that family gathering would never have devolved into a brash fistfight, and this idea would have no chance of achieving all of the good it could produce.

Apocalypse begins, one holiday gathering at a time.

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8 years ago

You should make a patronizing pop-up book explaining the theory to liberals, intended as a gift.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Reading age of 10.

8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

I miss the days when the Texas lege would devolve into fistfights. The last one we had was in in the late 80s, IIRC, although we almost had one last year over abortion.

I think that society was better when everyone knew that there were some things you could say that, while legal, would get you punched in your fucking face.


8 years ago

The book points out a similarity between Marxism and r/k theory if I remember correctly. In that it provides a vast explanation for world events which is internally consistent and makes the other side look like a bunch of evil greedy assholes (with Marxism it was capitalists and religious people). It’s hard for me to imagine the reverse where conservatives are viewed as the enlightened, “progressive” class and the liberals as weak, short-sighted, evil and stupid.