News Briefs – 10/15/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


I don’t know, anon, you said a guy grabbing himself was inappropriate, but I think cutting the hand off made it worse…

I realized if you are going to sport the brand in the winter, a T-shirt won’t do it, and you really need a hoodie. Unfortunately these things end up being almost $60 per. It is what it is. I know I have to get all this up for sale, I have just been tied up with the book, which came back from the printer, but the pictures printed too dark, so I have had to go through pulling them and lightening them. Plus I found like another 25 or 30 typos. Should be done in a day or so and then I will turn my attention to the swag.

The funny thing is, Gangstalkees will wear that proudly, because it is basically the way every American will see the surveillance, if we can get to go mainstream. And if you want it to go mainstream, everybody has to notice it, and if you want it noticed, nothing will cause noticing of the text like seeing that guy shaking his noodle at you in the produce aisle, as he is looking at you through his binoculars. I actually got a big surge in traffic from just a minor shopping run through a few stores, though I assume it was mostly surveillance.

Also, I cannot convey how funny it is to see 90% of the surveillance informers look mortified at the exposure of what they are doing, aghast at the total give-no-fucks of a bemused target, and seeing that characterization of them, displayed in public. I saw one whose whole day was clearly ruined. The other 5-10% seem like professional intel, and they just look at you, shaking their head like one more asshole they have to corral. Good luck with that, numnuts. And I am sure more tapping on the head is going to help.

Also, I will get on it shortly, for my Austin Powers fan friend.

In comments that added further fuel to fears of an authoritarian crackdown if he recaptures the White House, the Republican nominee said the military or national guard should be deployed against opponents that he called “the enemy within.” Surveillance was cool with 9/11, and they are basically behind all the criminality now. If there is an enemy within, it is them. I think one good way to get to live in a country that is not a covert dictatorial shithole would be to have the military round them all up, and do the internment camp thing, until you can boot them all out, or otherwise neutralize them.


Must read thread by the apartment management company which lays out exactly how they have lost control of the apartment buildings they owned to a Venezuelan Prison Gang of all things. Absolutely infuriating. Nobody in government cares, because one, nobody is being elected anymore, the conspiracy is just installing them, and two, the conspiracy wants this. And no American could slip in there and deal with it by capping a Venezuelan prison gang member here or there to clean it up themselves piece by piece, because the surveillance wants this, and will shut down any attempt to meet the violence with violence. Those in power, and their informants in the domestic surveillance, are the sworn enemies of every real American – they hate you, and they are trying to fuck you over and enslave you, more so than any foreign soldier or radical terrorist ever has been an enemy. Again, if you want to fight this, being known to everyone in the nation is the only thing which this conspiracy will fear. It thrives, so long as real America does not know where the battlelines are drawn, everyone is in the dark, and the members of the conspiracy can continue to pretend they are fellow Americans.

Famed ‘Plagiarism Hunter’ busts Kamala Harris book: ‘copied virtually an entire Wikipedia article,’ ‘fabricated a source reference.’

New York Times admits Kamala Harris plagiarized, claims passages were ‘not serious.’

‘Chameleon Kamala’ attempts Jamaican accent during an interview.

Kamala Harris accused of ‘worst word salad’ yet with bizarre explanation about constellations.

As Bill Clinton hit the campaign trail for Kamala Harris with just three weeks to go until Election Day. The former president admitted Kamala Harris is responsible for the murder of Laken Riley. Killed by an illegal Kamala let in and protected.

Kamala Harris, fearing the loss of Black support, offers more freebies.

CNN’s Harry Enten stunned by the “tremendous drop” in young Black male support for Democrats.

Tim Walz called to eliminate spending on National Missile Defense.

Mark Cuban, photo’d at a Kamala Harris event by Getty, is seen in the photo with some kind of earpiece wire traveling into his ear.

Tensions are rising between President Joe Biden’s administration and Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign, with Biden’s senior staffers being labeled as too “in their feelings” to fully support Harris after he was pushed out of the race.

Kamala Harris could join podcaster Joe Rogan for an interview – sources.

Suppose there was a conspiracy which had been infiltrating HR departments, to control hiring, across the business sector, and suppose this flood of migrants was the conspiracy bringing its global assets to the US to integrate them into the Domestic Intelligence network, and they were giving them the jobs of Americans to support them. What would the pattern of hiring look like?

Diddy accused of raping 2 women, molesting boy, 16, & sexually assaulting 3 men in new lawsuit amid sex trafficking case.

Election interference: Google hiding Conservative news on election 23 pages deep.

New migrant caravan headed north trying to beat the possible arrival of a Trump administration.

An MS-13 leader, Elmer Alas Candray, is on trial in Virginia for his involvement in six brutal murders, including the execution of a 19-year-old waitress shot 16 times, leaving her unrecognizable.

UFO ‘mother ships’ released swarms of smaller crafts over US Air Force base, says security expert. In some of these drone cases, they are probing Lockheed Martin’s Skunkworks, the drones cannot be attacked with the normal electronic warfare means which would normally work, and worse, the drones appear to want to be seen, and are taunting base personnel.

The long, murky friendship of Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Barr.

Biden-Harris regime paves way for bureaucrats to take gender-confused kids from ‘non-affirming’ parents.

Baltimore City student passes 3 classes in four years, ranks near top half of class with 0.13 GPA.

NY Gov. signs bill requiring gun dealers to post signs warning about dangers of firearm ownership.

Israel to target Iran’s military; Netanyahu agrees not to hit oil, nuclear.

Polish democracy leader Lech Walesa says a Trump victory would be a ‘misfortune’ for the world. All of these motherfuckers are revealing they were part of the treasonous Cabal.

Asylum seeker, 28, ‘rapes 10-year-old girl and gets her pregnant’ in controversial migrant centre in Italy. This is what they prefer to Trump.

Biden warns Iran that killing Trump would be an act of war.i

An 80-year-old former officer with East Germany’s feared Stasi secret police has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for the murder of a Polish firefighter at a Berlin border crossing 50 years ago.

North Koreans are now fighting in Ukraine, says Zelensky.

Russia has recaptured villages in its western borderlands that Ukraine invaded over the summer, threatening Kyiv’s hold on territory it views as crucial leverage for pushing Moscow toward negotiations to end the war.

Blundering Tim Walz dragging down Harris campaign — while brilliant JD Vance helps Trump surge.

Las Vegas Review-Journal endorses Donald Trump for president.

There’s a trend growing in the commonwealth of Virginia that indicates the Old Dominion might actually be in play for Donald Trump, which is very bad news indeed for Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party.

Over the past few days several polls have come out showing what can only be described as a collapse of Harris’s numbers as pollsters adjust their polls to reflect reality on election day. The prevailing wisdom is Joe fucked over the Democrats by endorsing her. But I think it more likely someone other than Joe cast her in the script, and needed a plot device to put her in the role plausibly. The problem was, the script needed a definite, massive loser, and she was perfectly typecast, but if Democrats honestly wanted to win, they would never have chosen her. So a means was needed to put her plausibly in the role of Presidential candidate, despite the fact the powers that be would have chosen anyone else over her. To that end, Joe endorsing her out of spite was perfect. The only odd thing is, I do not think the beaming of Biden in Las Vegas was made up. It was too nuanced, and went over too many people’s heads. I think he was beamed. Which would make me think him being forced out was real. It all makes me wonder if the script writers knew all of that, and made him pick Kamala four years ago, knowing they were doing to need a dud now, and would only be able to insert her in the role by forcing him out, up to and including via The Beam, and that this is how their script would play out. That would be some next level, intel-manipulation of events.

Rasmussen shows Trump up by 3 in Pennsylvania.

Trump enjoys numerous paths to victory weeks from election day.

Even the liberal media is talking about a ‘landslide’ victory for Trump.

Latest Polymarket Election odds:

Send people to, because the enemy within has got to go

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21 hours ago

“Suppose there was a conspiracy which had been infiltrating HR departments, to control hiring, across the business sector, and suppose this flood of migrants was the conspiracy bringing its global assets to the US to integrate them into the Domestic Intelligence network, and they were giving them the jobs of Americans to support them. What would the pattern of hiring look like?”

What you are describing is the white collar version of the Aurora Colorado apartment seizure.

On October 8th, I posted on this site what seems to be the most complete analysis of the Cabal operations yet:

Their lowest level teams are fifteen person cells. Or the street cells, the Surveillance, are fifteen men, with only the top two people known to centralized command, and the others recruited by the two two, and given minimal direction. These seem to have gotten placed in the USA in a big way about the time of the Patriot Act, in the early 00s.

But there are office cells, to gain control of private companies, government agencies, and non-profits, with more centralized control. They are less random and violent, but more critical to the operation, and these were in place to a large extent as far back as the 1950s, with a big push in the 1990s. But a big part of the goal is also vandalism, to make sure that talented people never get career traction.

Keep that model in mind, and in the 2020s they stepped of infiltration of actual military assets, to provide backup if they wind up with a more open war.

20 hours ago

The thing to realize about Kamala Harris is that several opportunities were passed up to make her president of the United States, going back to 2019-20 when she was the front-runner in the Democratic primary for awhile. They could have rigged the primaries and general election for anyone other than “Biden”.

She could be President or at least Acting President NOW, and would be in a stronger position in the election campaign as the actual incumbent. So “Biden” is too infirm to campaign, but not to do the government work as President.

I think the reasonable call is that Kamala Harris becoming President is just not the Cabal play. She would otherwise be President now. Meaning she gets swapped out before the electors vote.

My best guess is that the campaign is a distraction, since the American election plan was to remove Trump from the equation, either by jailing him or killing him, and then “Biden” could run against Nikki Haley or someone like her. That was the actual plan, and then it collapsed and they didn’t have a backup, so they are basically stalling and I don’t think they have come up with a new plan yet.

20 hours ago

who will be the Democrat nominee for President now? Is it too late to switch her out? I feel for those early voters who already cast their ballots for Harris-Walz. Will they feel upset at being disenfranchised? Or will the TV tell them to have a different emotion?

20 hours ago

Small stickers that can be stuck say on fuel pumps and entrances to stores.
Just saying that is.
All’s you got to do is burn it into a few enough braincells then it goes logarithmic. After all the 1st successful revolt against human slavery employed a highly successful sticker campaign at the towne taverns, pounds and centers of the time.

20 hours ago

Potentially, just saying, a can of spray paint and “hang all gangstalkers” has a lot of potential too. Just saying.

20 hours ago

Time to make an “election” call. I got 2020 wrong, since I didn’t think there would be a vote at all, but called in September 2022 that they were going for another election steal, and that happened.

You have to do Opfor analysis on a secret organization, and you have to have some understanding of the structure and objectives. There is a general direction of causing more chaos and degradation. But I think there is a sense of wanting to keep control of the “collective west” to use as a platform to conquer Russia and get back on top in China, where i think their control slipped badly in 2022. MAGA is their top internal threat in the “collective west”.

However, we have the original plan for the 2024 US elections. They knew they were coming up, and had to have had a plan. And we know that they tried to put Trump in jail, and then to kill him. That was the plan. And they you run a neo-con as the GOP nominee. And I think they expected the general war with Russia, and maybe with China, to have gotten started already. For some reason it didn’t.

Another changed factor is the stepped up infiltration of armed gangs of military aged males into the USA in the last four years, Latin American gangs but also Chinese special forces, since the Shanghai clique still can draw on Chinese security assets, and the idea is to put the American situation to bed before dealing with China.

But this should tell us that the original plan wasn’t to repeat the 2020 steal. I think they realized that they wouldn’t get the normiecon cooperation as much as in 2020. The people in that group who are still on board with the program have already openly endorsed Harris. That election was close enough even with going all out, and having much of the Republican establishment with them. So the plan was to remove Trump, with the gangs as a backup, and the voting would hopefully be held in wartime conditions anyway.

There is no new plan yet, so they are going to wind up letting the voting happen in November. But I think the direction things are going in is a dusty finish. Muddy the waters so much that no one has a clear idea of the presidential winner, and the same will be done with control of the House of Representatives, though pulling that off in the Senate will be harder.

So this time there will be a steal, with both the presidency and the House of Representatives, but enough of an obvious sh–show that red efforts to counter it in the courts and legislatures actually get traction this time. Then the blues and media accuse the reds of stealing the election. And they will do other stuff to create chaos. Eventually you get two rival presidential swearing in ceremonies on January 20th, and the civil war kicks off from there. And an American civil war turns into a world war within months. There was a notion of doing this in 2020 as well, but this time they has been more preparation for a war.

20 hours ago

It appears the problem lies with all the agents operators, actors, and hatchet-men, and who work under contracts paid out, for the various order of the dragon bloodlines, black nobility and order of the black sun, Jesuits etc, they are legion, the ones who handle all the downline orders. It seems the money is begun running out, talking ready easily accrued hard cash. Lot of promises. More failure to pay out than payouts. It is these people who do the dirty for those who deem themselves overlords of earth. It is long very old downline as history shows. The downlines themselves possess a certain special caveat within that structure of global domination. But it’s weakness its need for money and control, without money to pay the downlines everything stops. It is an very intriguing thing. “Been around for a long long time”, as Mick Jagger put it.

20 hours ago

Bruce Charlton intervened in the fight between Miles Mathis and Ron Unz:

Mathis himself posted a new essay in his defense, but I think Charlton’s defense is quite stronger. Key excerpt:

“Mathis’s basic perspective could be regarded as motivated by the true conviction that most of what we think we know, comes (very much) second-hand and via extremely corrupt (and indeed purposively evil) institutions and media. 

“Therefore most of what we think we know (even at a very basic level of “facts”) is either completely false and fabricated, or else so profoundly (and calculatingly) distorted by selectivity and suppression to be grossly misleading.   

“This message is not just true, but extremely important yet very widely neglected. It amounts to the advocacy by Mathis of a far more autonomous and self-responsible way of relating to the world than nearly-always happens.”

Basically, if this is a poison the well intel op, its a misconceived one, since what is gained with associating “conspiracy theory” with crazy ideas is outweighed in the training to be disbelieve media accounts, and come up with your own independent interpretations of events.

And much the same could be said of QAnon, which I am convinced was a poison the well intel op, but it meant publicizing that pedophila was running rampant in elite circles. Some of the Unz commentators made a similar point that if intel are running “poison the well” operations, its a bad strategy for them.

20 hours ago

Sidebar is AWOL.

a n
a n
19 hours ago

I think that headline should have been “Kamala will put out for black men…”

a n
a n
19 hours ago


18 hours ago

I don’t know, anon, you said a guy grabbing himself was inappropriate, but I think cutting the hand off made it worse…

I was highly skeptical with the first post about the idea of junk-man on the shirt, but seeing how you actually laid out the final product I think it’s really effective. Consider my mind changed, AC.

18 hours ago

Must read thread by the apartment management company which lays out exactly how they have lost control of the apartment buildings they owned to a Venezuelan Prison Gang of all things.

Let’s follow a hypothetical where the common folk finally stop being cattle and start taking the fight to obvious and open foreign invasion forces:

If you had satellite-connected live streaming helmet cams live-feeding video of an assault to clear out the compound, how does Cabal react to that without revealing their hand too obviously? They would have to roll SWAT to contain the perimeter at the very least. If SWAT cooperated with the Venezuelan invaders to kill you without engaging the invaders, you’d have live video evidence of local police working hand-in-hand with the enemy. If they engage and eliminate the invaders, problem solved. If they pull out the tech and black hole your signals, they reveal their hand in working to cover up the operation. If they just wait it out on the perimeter, problem solved as you can clean out the trash without interference.

Will you be killed or spend life in prison? Possibly. I think average Joe American sees ANYONE really standing up to the obvious government-invader coalition and maybe doesn’t let you become the poster boy of anti-vigilante action by the government. But do you think the homies at Lexington and Concord didn’t see the threat, the possibility of death, and choose the fight regardless?

As with the broader picture of Cabal and surveillance, it really does seem that going kinetic (with legal backing and approval by whatever legal means are required, of course. We don’t advocate for vigilante violence here!) is the only way out of the mess. The question is just how to execute that path properly knowing the scope of the enemy’s intel op.

17 hours ago

RE: the apartment gang
According to their story every single government official and the media were all in lockstep in ignoring the problem. That can’t happen without a stasi.

15 hours ago

Lol AC you’re wild. Was this all an elaborate plot to get people to wear a dude looking like he’s wankin’ it on our backs? Talk about long game hahaha If this wasn’t such a serious topic and me seeing and experiencing it with my own eyes I’d write you off.

15 hours ago

I get the shock value of the guy grabbing himself I would just feel weird going out to dinner wearing it. I guess I would also feel weird if I actually knew who was surveillance around me at any given time. I dunno. Need an alternate design that is something totally different for people who don’t want to wear the guy grabbing himself. Like an evil looking drone with red lights outside the silhouette of a house maybe. Or a guy in a car taking pictures of someone walking. I’m not a designer these are probably stupid.

12 hours ago

Sidebar went on sabbatical again!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 hours ago

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

Just Me
Just Me
11 hours ago

It’s 4:51pm. The Sidebar has evacuated.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
10 hours ago

Sorry, AC, I cannot wear something with what looks like a dude committing sexual sin on himself.