News Briefs – 10/07/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


An attempted Islamic terror attack at a church in Texas was thwarted by private security which fired on the attackers, who fled. Two suspects with AKs so far, unidentified, and still outstanding. More here.

FBI, DHS warn of possible terror attacks in the U.S. on Oct. 7 anniversary.

Way in the back of Elon Musk’s brain are some seriously fucked-up neural circuits:

The natural tendency is to write these things off as aberrations, and disregard them. The reality is these moments, when you say, “That is weird…,” – that is the programming underneath, which they keep hidden from you, emerging just for a moment. I am not even sure Elon’s ride-along is not peering out there.

When I was younger, I had a moment like that with Bob, the ultra-malignant narcissist associated with my family. This was long before I really understood what was going on with him, and had dug down to try to understand his programming. He assumed a bizarre body posture, hunched over starting at the waist, beyond anything you could imagine as if nipples were inches from the front of his hips, his facial expression contorted into a grimace, beyond all reasonable expectation, his shoulders pinched together and shrugged up, and his movements became ultra-stiff and choppy, like Alec Baldwin, only worse. It was clear, something weird was happening in his brain, to the point I wondered if he was having some kind of brain seizure, because he looked like a robot shorting out. It passed, and although I wondered, if you had followed all the nerves making the muscles contract that way, back into his brain, what you would have found about what was tripping them, I assumed it was just one small corner of his brain which was rarely activated, and disregarded it as an aberration. Now, I realize, that was “the real him” which he was hiding from everyone, his back hunched over braced in defense as he felt under attack, and panicked at where the next onslaught would come from, and raging at everyone. For a few moments, his mask had fallen. He was always like that inside, and he almost always hid it. I suspect Elon is probably off like that too.

How did this burn in with Elon? Here, Musk appears to once again be a child, forced to greet a leader male of much higher status, whose interactions with him have inculcated both a fear and hatred response, but whom he needs to acknowledge, even as he wants to kill him. It took a lot of interactions to create these neural pathways, so obviously, given the repetition and time duration required,  this is most likely a reenactment of his greeting his father, though I would think it was exacerbated by periods of bullying, to help get the expression burned in that deeply. I don’t think he dislikes Trump, I just think the aura of the meeting triggered all these neurons, and he went on autopilot, and reenacted the program which he executed as a child when he would greet his father. The extent of the “extreme pressure” Sanpaku though, says his relationship with his father was just all kind of fucked up:

I would advise Trump to be careful with him. That is an emotional state, and that strongly expressed, I would think if the right buttons get pressed, as easily as Elon would make such an inappropriate expression, he could do other illogical destructive things on a spur of the moment with no ability to see their illogicality or inappropriateness, be it leaking damaging material he happened across to the media, or trying to set Trump up to be impeached or even assassinated. A sane person, in that moment would have smiled warmly and politely, or even just feigned warmth. Elon had no such sanity about him, no ability to even mimic it, and he will be like that any time some (to us random) stimuli which remind him of that childhood frame present themselves. Of course Cabal will know that, and I would assume that fear/hatred and ability to just grimace and shake hands, instead of fighting, is why Cabal took him on as an agent. As dangerous as he is to Trump, he will be controllable through fear for them.

More on Elon’s past, from here where a biographer who researched him explains pretty much exactly what I saw the instant I looked at that expression:

He was beaten up on the playground all the time. I mean seriously, I mean beaten up once where they pushed him down the concrete steps and bloodied his face so much his brother said he couldn’t recognize him, and he was in the hospital for almost a week. But that was mild compared to the scars that were psychological from his father, because when he came home from the hospital. His father made him stand upright for a couple of hours. And berated him and took the side of the boy who had beaten him up and told Elon, “You will never amount to anything because you are a loser and it is all your fault.”

I did not see the father siding with the bullies against Elon. In retrospect I should have thought it a possibility due to the extremeness of the sanpaku, but who would see that? I think the lesson is, never assume in these circles you can say anything, no matter how assholish, is impossible, or even improbable.

Goes on to say Elon’s response to all this was to bury himself in superhero comics, and imagine himself the superhero, just given power out of the blue, and then setting about on changing the world. He was molded for this. That is basically his life.

Now the real headfuck – I would bet he was not a sperg who was inherently dislikable. I’ll bet he was a very smart kid, who was observed to be without the psychological limits other kids had, and I will bet there was a niceness, an innocence, even an empathy about him, and those bullies were sent in and told to do that to him. I would not be surprised they would have grown up somewhere else, but their parents were told to move to Elon’s school district, and they were enrolled in Elon’s school, by a local intelligence command at the school, which wanted to make sure they wrangled this one successfully, and they spared no expense or effort, and were not gentle about it.

It makes him dangerous though. He was betrayed by almost everyone. He was lowered into the psychological depths, during a crucial developmental period. M. Scott Peck’s research on demonic possession indicated that was how evil would get control, and enter the person. In the cases of possession he worked, it appeared that as the child was in those depths, the enemy would present themselves as a friend, and offer to save the child from it all, and that was how the worst cases of possession came to be. Elon may very well have something inside him, pulling his reins.

I do not know the man, but I would be very careful around him, and make sure his access to information and power to do damage was limited. It does not show when he is riding high, but he has issues.

And I don’t want to condemn him. Everybody who encounters that type of thing, which bends them as a kid can reject the dark path. As I sit here, unable to not fight the system, getting tapped in the head all night as I do this, I never went with evil, but I am undoubtedly bent in ways others are not. But you would have to be careful around him. That expression just might be who he really is all the time, inside, at least when dealing with guys like Trump, who occupy a position of authority. You can’t know without a lot more examination, and seeing him under extraordinary stress, to see who takes over the show when it hits.

More on Elon here:

Elon said, “I don’t know if you know this, but Puff is an investor in Twitter. You know, he’s a good friend of mine. We text a lot.”

Jeffrey Epstein was in regular contact with Elon’s brother Kimbal Musk, who serves on the boards of Tesla and SpaceX. Who had previously dated one of Epstein’s girls.

His dad married his stepdaughter whom he had raised since she was 4 and now they’re having kids together.

Elon’s grandfather was a leader in the Technocracy New World Order movement in the US and Canada in the 1930’s, backed by Rothschild and Rockefeller. They wanted an authoritarian one world government of technocrats.

And again, I have no idea if he is turned and working for Trump or not. He could be one of the good guys now for all I know. But there is no harm in knowing everything.

Elon Musk says FEMA’s inability to help Helene victims part of an agenda to ‘disenfranchise’ voters.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas snapped shopping for luxury clothing as hurricane ravages North Carolina. Supposedly random citizen sitting, photo’s him as he is carrying his shopping bag, presumably while pretending to futz around on his phone. Notice Mayorkas is looking right at him, obviously aware this is what is going on, because he knows about the surveillance, and he has seen this trick too many times to count. They all know.

FEMA abandons devastated NC town residents because they can’t drive around ‘road closed’ sign: ‘Nobody’s been bringing in supplies except civilians.’

Harris slammed for pledging millions to Lebanon as North Carolina suffers. $157 million to Lebanon, just like that.

Harris will appear in a whirlwind of interviews, with friendly outlets.

NY Times tries to sell Harris’ gun banning as pro-freedom, in that it is freeing everyone from gun violence, and at the same time not affecting her status as pro-Second Amendment.



Joe Biden accused of trying to ‘destroy’ Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign. Biden basically said she has helped his administration, and all the leftists are saying that because his administration was such a disaster, he must be trying to sabotage her.

Grooming allegations against Tim Walz by former student. Caught an exchange student from Kazakhstan, befriended him, got him alone, gave him chocolates, made him  listen to a spiel about gay people, told him he had a feminine side, groped him, may have forced sex, they don’t discuss it, but threatened if he did not go along, he would be kicked out of the program and thus deported. Victim has sought psych help. Could not tell you where this will go, obviously. But he is awful at being a politician. I would guess he made up for that by being totally controlled, and blackmailed with something of unusual odiousness.

FEMA has spent $1 billion and counting on Illegals. Supposedly. Someone noted the overall agency budget is $37 billion, and they are saying they are broke, though it is conceivable $36 billion was stolen outright and only $1 billion went to illegals.

New Migrant Caravan coming north, first under Mexico’s new President:

Trump supporter Elon Musk offers massive $30/hr hourly pay with performance bonuses, to those working to increase voter turnout. Be interesting to apply, just to see. I would guess this is one of those jobs that if you are running surveillance on neighbors, it will hire you in an instant, but if you are not in the conspiracy, it will tell you it already has enough people in your area, but thanks anyway, anon.

This one is on Elon’s account so they should not be able to weasel out of it, but somehow I would expect you would see some weaseling.

GEICO is terminating insurance coverage of Tesla Cybertrucks, saying “This type of vehicle doesn’t meet our tnderwriting guidelines.”

Pennsylvania Supreme Court takes up GOP challenge to defective mail-in ballot curing.

RNC sues Fulton county elections director for refusing to hire Republican poll workers.

‘Tren de Aragua’ migrant gangbangers busted for pistol-whipping woman during $75K jewelry heist in Texas.

P. Diddy sex trafficking ring allegedly involves the hotel, banking, pharmaceutical industries.

Long Martin Armstrong piece bemoaning how we cannot change our path, but the interesting datapoint is his computer is predicting WWIII kicks off in 2025. If Trump is in office, I do not see how it does, but if he loses, then yeah, that sounds about right. I just hope Q’s plan did not include 4 years of Harris and Russia nuking the US back to the stone age, so we would learn firsthand how bad the Democrat party is before patriots reestablish our Constitutional republic.

ZeroHedge – A historic short squeeze in oil has only begun.

Los Angeles 7-Elevens are being targeted by violent flashmobs which beat the owners and loot the stores. Video of one at the Tweet. Dude with the concrete block should have gotten domed on the spot, Rittenhouse-style.

Ghost Guns coming up on the Supreme Court’s new docket.

Study shows Covid ‘vaccines’ cause a variety of mental diseases.

Iran cancels ALL FLIGHTS amid fears of fresh missile bombardment on Israel.

US to give Israel ‘compensation’ if it hits acceptable targets in Iran – report.

Hezbollah appoints a 3rd new leader and now he’s reported dead.

Iranian general who vowed to ‘see dead bodies of Americans all over the Middle East’ possibly killed in Israeli airstrike.

Kamala Harris won’t say if Netanyahu is a close ally.

A New Zealand Navy vessel ran aground in Samoa while surveying a reef, caught fire, and sank. All crew rescued, but a cool $100 mil is at the bottom of the ocean.

The female Captain:

The captain of the New Zealand auxiliary ship Manawanui, who ran it onto the reefs of the island of Samoa, causing it to sink, had no experience of commanding large ships and got the job under the gender quota, as she was an open lesbian…

A “leftist” writer shares a fascinating feminist perspective on the costs we need to endure so we can access the womanly genius in battle:

When you read that, did you think, “Wow, those leftists/feminists/DEI-hires are stupid?” Would it make more sense if I told you both of them have Swiss bank accounts, and the CCP, or some other actor hostile to the interests of regular Americans, had deposited $2 million in each account? Would their writings then make sense? Don’t let Cabal create a bogus-reality-bias in you – listen to that little voice telling you something is wrong. People, even leftists, are not this stupid. We are being infiltrated by the enemy, and the enemy is running intelligence ops. This is what intelligence ops look like. It is one of our own, loyal to us, who just sabotages everything out of innocent foolishness.

Criminals rake it in as violent crimes soar in Sweden.

Ukraine will never join NATO on my watch, says Slovakia PM Fico.

Our HIMARS system is now less than 10% effective since Russian Electronic Warfare has figured out how to defeat it.

Ukraine is failing to recruit even 20% of what it needs to maintain the fight against Russia, even as conscription officers are kidnapping men with medical problems which grant then exemptions, and sending them off to the front.

Out of 50 recruits sent to reinforce Ugledar, only 4 reached their positions—all of whom deserted during the first rotation. This stark reality reveals deeper issues within Ukraine’s military, which is increasingly demoralized at the front, with replacements comprised of unwilling and uncommitted conscripts.

Happy Birthday to a true loyal warrior and patriot, President Vladimir Putin. His nation may not be my country, but I can respect my kind:

K-strategists the world over are fans:

Democrats fear Kamala Harris being increasingly MIA during campaign home stretch: ‘What the f— are y’all doing?’

Campaign estimates more than 105,000 people attended Trump’s return rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Send people to, because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, despite it having no effect

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