Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Archival material of Cabal – Redditors unwittingly conduct surveillance detection maneuvers by trying to get alone in their cars, but end up puzzled by the fact other cars constantly show up around them, even when they think they should be alone.
Former senior Presidential advisor claims CIA briefed him on ‘otherworld technologies.’ Says Jeff Bezos’ grandfather was one of the scientists brought in to reverse engineer UFOs.
Newsmax Greg Kelly: George W. Bush – is contemplating an endorsement of Kamala Harris. I wish I knew what was in those programs at the funeral. It must have been a hoot if GW still has a hard-on over it. They all saw it so instantly it had to be a picture. GHW with a mistress? A little boy? Barbra, revealed in all his glory as a pre-op tranny?
Agents of the conspiracy in CIA wanted to see just how well their Havana weapon worked:
Ohio investigators looking into suspect voter registrations tied to left-wing firm: ‘This is fraud.’
Democrats are freaking out over Republicans’ efforts to stop illegal aliens from voting.
FBI Says: Butler shooter’s motive unclear, but he definitely wasn’t politically motivated. Sounds like a contract hitter, raising the question of who hired him.
Joe Biden enjoys the beach on 9th day of two-week summer vacation. Gone for two weeks, and nobody will notice he is missing.
Joe Biden appears to be done pretending to be President.
CNN will not be releasing the full transcript of all 18-minutes (total) of the interview with Kamala Harris. How do they only have 18 minutes of footage?
Kamala’s husband tries to start a USA chant, but her Democrat supporters were not having it.
Officials from Aurora, about nine miles east of Denver, told Fox News Digital the Tren de Aragua gang has gained a strong foothold in their city, commandeering apartment complexes and drumming up violent crime and sex trafficking. – Aurora City Council Member Danielle Jurinsky :
“We currently have entire complexes under gang control — complexes where staff have been beaten up, they’ve been threatened, their families have been threatened [and] complexes where there are no staff left on the property. These complexes are being run by this Tren de Aragua gang.”
Wonderful plan.
Illegal immigrants try to hijack California school buses. Kidnap gangs will be up next on the menu.
FBI has mishandled reporting of child sexual abuse investigations, watchdog says. Seemed kind of obvious when Rudy delivered them the video of Hunter molesting his brother’s underaged daughter while high on crack during a raid on Rudy’s home, and they refused to take the video.
The City of San Francisco, where Vice President Kamala Harris started her political career, is set to evaluate roughly 100 monuments to determine whether they should be removed or replaced. They became monuments because they meant something to America. This is a non-American, foreign conspiracy actively driven to destroy that. This is a war, and the only vulnerable part you can expose and injure it with, the only battle you can engage with them in right now, is exposing the surveillance.
California legislature passes bill banning voter ID laws. These people are criminals and enemies of the state.
Texas State Fair attempts to ban guns.
Data expert says COVID shots triggered explosive surge in kidney failures. Kidneys filter the blood, so if you have vax particles floating around it is not beyond expectation to think a lot will settle in the kidneys, and cause kidney cells to look foreign to the immune system as foreign immunogenic proteins begin emerging on their surfaces.
Netflix star, 41, drops from a heart attack and dies suddenly on beach as friends pay heartbreaking tributes to ‘incredible actor.’ 41 year olds drop dead all the time.
Bill Gates files lawsuit against Florida after DeSantis bans his fake meat.
NY Attorney General Letitia James has revealed that Nancy Pelosi is her godmother. It is a small club, and you ain’t in it.
Biden-Harris refused to stop Houthi attacks on ships to avoid offending Iran.
Spanish mother burns daughter’s rapist alive after he taunts her during release day.
Putin and Kim Jong Un’s new alliance is proving to be a win-win.
EU hands over Russian money to aid Ukraine.
CIA admits to ‘conversations’ over Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk Region.
Ukraine says US-made F-16 fighter jet crashed, killing a top pilot. One alternate story out there is Ukraine did a promotional video which compromised the location of the jets by showing a building in the background, and Russia hit the hangers, taking both a jet and a pilot while they were on the ground.
People’s deputy from the party “Servant of the People” Maryana Bezugla claims that the crashed F-16 fighter jet was mistakenly shot down by Ukrainian forces. They say a Patriot missile took it out.
The alleged perpetrator of the Nord Stream sabotage fled from Poland to Ukraine in a diplomatic car. There must be damning evidence of CIA/USGov involvement, and they really feel a need to divert attention if they are blaming the Ukrainians. If CIA/USGov’s fingerprints were not all over it, this would never see the light of day, and it would have remained a huge mystery.
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says peace talks with Ukraine are no longer an option.
US troops found in neutral Moldova near the Ukraine border tell a farmer they are there to help.
Senate races tighten as GOP challengers in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania surge.
Send people to, because if other people see it, we win
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Thank you!
1000 foreign invaders in 100 squads of 10 each could take over 100 schools simultaneously across the country creating a massive Beslan which would dwarf 9-11 in consequence.
All in service to Cabal, and no power save the direct intervention of God could prevent the resulting evil.
Cabal would never, as it would give a non-debatable justification for local militias and concerned citizens to start taking direct action against their local invaders.
They’re slow and insidious, not that bold. In the USA you’re far more likely to see a false flag of “right wing extremists” ethnically cleansing a school than foreign invaders, as it pushes more of their desired narratives at this point in time.
“NY Attorney General Letitia James has revealed that Nancy Pelosi is her godmother. It is a small club, and you ain’t in it.”
Another one:
“Surprising Christian Bale fact: he is Gloria Steinem’s stepson. His now-deceased father married the feminist author in 2000.”
There’s so much to unpack in Gloria Steinem’s Wiki that I’ll just include the cover of the first issue of her magazine.
Info not in Steinem’s Wiki:
“The eight armed Durga is a major Hindu goddess, worshipped as a principal aspect of the mother goddess Mahadevi. She is associated with protection, strength, motherhood, destruction, and wars.”
Destruction. Wars.
“The City of San Francisco, where Vice President Kamala Harris started her political career, is set to evaluate roughly 100 monuments to determine whether they should be removed or replaced.”
This is more than just a culture / race war. This is religious / demonic, too.
“Medusa statue in New York pays tribute to Me Too -”
A goddess from Greek mythology, “a woman with living snakes in place of hair” – this statue is holding the head of a decapitated man.
This is not an isolated case:
This is very far from the atheist / ‘rationalist’ views of ‘lib’ or ‘centrist’ commoners.
Pic related.
This statue is an inversion of the legend of Perseus, who slew Medusa and decapitated her. There are many statues of the classic tale, like this one by Cellini:
> Newsmax Greg Kelly: George W. Bush – is contemplating an endorsement of Kamala Harris.
Is this surprising? GWB publicly stated he would not vote for Trump in 2016 and in 2020, even though he was the Party candidate. I don’t remember if he actually endorsed Hillary! or Biden, but he spoke highly of both.
Bush is one of the “senior Republicans” who was outraged then the floor voted Trump in instead of their pre-chosen candidate.
> Callous Biden showed his true colors by tanning at the beach on the anniversary of his Afghanistan withdrawal horror.
Aw, c’,mon, man! Give his handlers some credit!
Do you really think they could keep him functional enough not to be an embarrassment during a ceremony he didn’t want to attend anyway?
Much better for him to be at the beach where he’s less likely to commit some disastrous faux pas.
> CNN will not be releasing the full transcript of all 18-minutes (total) of the interview with Kamala Harris. How do they only have 18 minutes of footage?
Maybe that’s all they had left after editing out the word salad, cackling, hand-waving, and head-jerking.
She reminds me of those Youtube “presenters” who dance around like someone off-camera is poking at them with a cattle prod.
Regarding Tren de Aragua takeover in Aurora, Colorado two insightful comments on the Conservative Treehouse.
Commenter Ragle Gumm
“People in the witness protection program need the government to
protect them so they would be very inclined to vote democrat. So, they
stuck a lot of them in Aurora to support the democratic ticket. Clever
power move.
I bet when that Republican mayoral candidate won, Coffman, then it
was decided a more forceful voter drive was needed, ie, TdA gangs taking
over parts of the city. If those parts of city vote blue and uniparty
wins then TdA will prey upon us, without any police action to oppose
them, as payment for helping the establishment. You KNOW that is the deal.”
“I do not think that we are interpreting this correctly. The TdA is
taking over housing and expanding their grip. This tells me that people
are beginning to vote for Trump so the gangs must brutally take over in
short order and give the correctly filled ballots for the election. This
takeover is occurring before the election and the powers that be have
decided that the bad press it generates is outweighed by the expediency
of winning the election at all cost. To maintain power, the uniparty
will give away our land to Satan if Satan will fill out the ballots
correctly. Yes, that is the tiger they are riding now. It is beyond
absolute desperation. TdA knows the deal.
It took a while for me to catch on to this fact. Back in the day, the
mid 90’s, I lived in another city close to Durham and used to go to
downtown Durham to a small movie house called Carolina Theater. You can
catch different films of all kinds, at least, back then. Well, to get
there I had to travel through a black neighborhood, which was adjacent
to downtown. Over the years, hispanics moved into the black neighborhood
and I thought that it was because rent is cheap. The blacks are mired
in poverty there and I now speculate that they started to vote more
republican in order to change things to allow their advancement, break
their cycle of poverty. That is, as soon as the blacks became unreliable
voters for the establishment they are replaced. You see this in Compton
California and Chicago and throughout the nation. The blacks are being
replaced, displaced and cast aside — in all 50 states — for more
agreeable people wrt the establishment. Just like that. And, it is not
just the blacks being pushed away. All of us are at this point.
The establishment has struck a bargain with the devil. They will get
what they want, but, at an enormous cost to be reckoned later. I just
hope that the nation can survive their supremely unwise choice, a choice
that they had to make to preserve their corruption, that is, influence
and affluence.
What you are watching is a democratic voter drive and the powers that be will accelerate it. There is an election to win.”
WRT blacks being replaced by Hispanics…
Are you sure Hispanics are going to vote “correctly”?
I don’t buy the angle of “we have to have people at the physical address to take delivery of individual ballots to cheat” angle. It makes no sense you would waste all the effort and attract all that attention when you could just have those ballots rerouted and all delivered to one warehouse, filled out by an unrelated team of fraudsters, and returned without ever risking a real human seeing or intercepting the op in situ.
Why would they have to intercept the ballots when they print the ballots and control the machines that count the ballots? It’s normie bait.
I will say, however, it’s long been my theory that there are massive gatherings of witness protection people in tight geographic locations. It makes far more sense to have them all together for ease of security, and you’d just tell everyone that everyone else wasn’t in it too. People would get to practice their cover on other people who are more focused on practicing their cover too rather than trying to sniff out your lies. Weird that the person is perceptive enough to see that truth but dumb enough to think there is physical grabbing of individual ballots to commit the fraud, when the infrastructure is so obviously more complex than that.
That is a SUPERB hypothesis about Witness Protection People collected in clusters. Entire towns, neighborhoods, exotic islands, etc. Makes nooooo logistical/economic sense to protect isolated singletons. It’s where I suspect a lot of celebs who are coerced into faking their deaths get herded to, also, like a Fake Dead Celeb Compound. I wonder if Hyannis or Graceland or Neverland might be such places, but if they aren’t, that might be a template. But even bigger, perhaps, if we’re talking about a Cabal “Underground” Open-Air Dungeon, of sorts, for their assets. Like, maybe 5 square miles of, say, Portland Oregon. Or…maybe all the yuppies/hipsters who had gentrified/colonized Southie to death were ALL ASSIGNED THERE by Cabal. Worth brainstorming your hypothesis and its adjacent possibilities WAY MORE.
That makes a lot of sense. It would be pointless to have to station US Marshalls in locations all over the country just to be able to drop in or respond to an emergency for a sole protected witness in an isolated location.
See the TV series The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan.
That is a show my Cabal Kid GATE crypto-Jew ex-girlfriend Amy Lawless LOOOOOOOVED. Like, OBSESSED with it for a while. I never watched it, barely noticed the gist. But from what I gather it is their PLAYBOOK FOR HOW TO GASLIGHT AND CONTAIN GOD. I have seen the part where #1 gives a speech and they all start parroting him mindlessly, with little diabolical twists that invert/pervert the point/meaning. That is LITERALLY HAPPENING LATELY, in ways I cannot go into without sounding schizo.
According to Jovan Pulitzer, who is the only one I know of to have covered this, identity documents are created from real people. The identity documents are then tied to fake addresses, which in one example he gave was a parking lot. The fake addresses are then put on the fake mail in ballots, which are filled out in warehouses or whatever.
The real people are used to create the identity documents, but neither live at the fake addresses nor physically vote.
There is more to this. For example, why they need real people to create the fake IDs in the first place. Also, why the real people have to be migrants, though maybe if they used even cooperative American citizens, there is the risk of the citizen trying to provide an identity document for some legit reason in their non-surveillance life, so they want people already living in the criminal underground.
> North Carolina becomes latest battleground state to block request by RFK Jr. to remove his name from 2024 ballot.
I don’t see why this is an issue. They think his followers are so stupid they’re going to vote for him anyway even though he’s withdrawn from the race and is endorsing someone else?
How stupid do they think voters are? Wait, never mind, that was a stupid question.
> Newsmax Greg Kelly: George W. Bush – is contemplating an endorsement of Kamala Harris.
“Imma gunna make an announcement of the announcement I might make later.”
What an astonishing new press tactic!
It’s interesting Redditors are starting to notice the surveillance. That’s an average day for me.
The other day, on my way home from work, I stopped for beer. I walked into the grocery store and saw some of the self-check-out lanes were open. Great, I thought. In the time it took me to walk 3 more aisles and select a beer and walk back (less than a minute), all the self-check-out registers were taken and somebody was in line. Where the fuck do they all come from in under 60 seconds? It happens every time, no matter what time of day I’m there. Without fail. It’s mathematically impossible for it to be random. But we’ve all discussed this before.
Last week we took a trip. On the way back, there was a bitch in a blue Honda slightly behind me. Every time I came up on a truck moving slow, she would speed up and pass me. I had to hit the brakes, speed up, pass the truck and pass the bitch, and get back in the right lane. Then I came up on another truck and the process repeated. She did it to me like 5 times. I finally lost her at the next interchange, but another car took over the process.
They have that focusing on them specifically because they post on Reddit.
My entire childhood my family would note the phenomenon of what we called “being the trendsetters.” We’d go out for dinner or grocery shopping, etc, and the store would be dead when we got there. Immediate seating, no lines at checkout, etc. Within 10 minutes it would be packed to the gills.
My parents are still resistant to the reality, mentioning it as a funny coincidence all the time. We know what it is here, and it’s the most bizarre thing in the world that they find us so interesting to surround.
Not talked about enough: how they are able to appear almost as if out of nowhere.
So, are the DA’s office and the police hopelessly incompetent, or have they already been paid off?
This kind of thing doesn’t happen overnight, not without official sanction.
Narcos have taken over many small towns on both sides of the border by suborning the city governments and police. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on a larger city too.
“CNN will not be releasing the full transcript of all 18-minutes (total) of the interview with Kamala Harris. How do they only have 18 minutes of footage?”
17 minutes of interview plus 33 seconds of intro and 33 seconds of outro ?
They lost the other 666 minutes, they were hoping to cut it down to a 9:11 minute special but just couldn’t miss any of the juicy goodness she was talking about!
Hey if someone has multiple government audit files showing slush fund use likely by cabal where would the best place to release them be?
Tough to say. I would make sure however I did it, that first, it would be done from an independent computer, like in a library, or one of those computers some hospitals have set up in waiting areas to allow family to google stuff. And two, I would try to lose any surveillance before doing it there.
I would also assume as of posting this here, somebody already knows you have it and is looking into you and assigning additional coverage.
I think that they are moving in on me because of it so my question is more of a hypothetical, who would actually publish it? Tried calling Congressional Committee but nothing back from staffers.
Just tell him to POST IT HERE, IMMEDIATELY! The stupidest thing imto do in the world is announce that you proverbially have Information That Will Lead To The Arrest Of Hillary Clinton. Just puke up whatever you have to AC, RIGHT HERE!!!!!
I would say that, except if it is really killer, I suspect it would be wiped before I saw it. Like it or not, this site is not fully under my control.
As many places as you can.
You have to pray that one of them doesn’t sit on it.
There is a website that collates all the evidence of fraud in the 2020 election. Of course, the search engines are all burying it under a mile-high pile of ‘no fraud’ stories, and for some reason I can’t even access Yandex to look for it there.
Can anyone points me to it? I’d like to have it handy for the people who keep insisting that the elections are completely above board. I know, it’s pointless, but I still would like to have it.
Proverbs 12:9 Better is a man of humble standing who works for himself than one who plays the great man but lacks bread.
I had it bookmarked in the past. I’ll see if I can find it and share it here.
That proverb is garbage. You know who INSERTED most proverbs, right?
“Illegal immigrants try to hijack California school buses.”
The link is to a New York Post story, and this appears to be something that is actually happening.
Consider this. Why would a criminal gang try to hijack a school bus? How could this possibly benefit the gang?
Governments operate school busses in whatever country these people come from, including in gang controlled neighborhoods, without incident, because there is absolutely no reason for gangs to attack them.
Trafficking, I would guess.
The prophecy will be fulfilled:
Kidnapping for ransom.
A show of dominance.
“FBI Says: Butler shooter’s motive unclear, but he definitely wasn’t politically motivated. Sounds like a contract hitter, raising the question of who hired him.”
I’m not ready to believe he was even the primary shooter.
Pollster Richard Baris and Robert Barnes did a two hour forty minute podcast a few days ago.
If you have the time, its informative as a “state of the 2020 election” update, and gives a lot of information about why Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr. are working together, something that has been in the works for years, and why it is only happening now:
This is not why I am posting a link. I’m posting the link because this item came up:
“NY Attorney General Letitia James has revealed that Nancy Pelosi is her godmother.”
Remember the Jessie Smollett (sp?) scam? The one where the C list actor fakes a racial incident? Baris describes the actor’s ties to Nancy Pelosi and other well known Democratic operatives, and how the scam was created to help get some legislation pending at the time through Congress.
That is how these things work.
I remember right after the Jussie Smollet debacle anti-lynching legislation was passed.
An old interview of RFK, Jr. popped up on youtube for me, and he had to be in his mid-20’s or so, and he said he has aways thought of himself as a New Yorker. So, he has probably worked with Trump a very, very long time.
From Martin Armstrong:
Tom Luongo with Alex Krainer, mostly Krainer:
Eighty minutes, and Luongo said during it that this is the most substantial podcast he has put up in awhile.
The key information in this one is that the usual suspect invested heavily in Ukraine government debt. Ukraine defaulted this year. This was swept under the rug with the usual extend and pretend agreement.
However, to make the agreement work, they needed much more “aid” from the United States, and a full court press was needed in March 2020 to get Mike Johnson and Congress to approve the aid package. Otherwise the entire world financial system would have collapsed. This was another iteration of the 2008 and 2009 bailouts, again they had to pull out all the stops to get Congressonal approval of the 2008 one.
The UK government is all in on this (, and this is another clue to the sudden push to replace Sunak with Starmer the first week of July, when they could have run the Cabal friendly Sunak government to the end of this year.
Krainer and I agree that we are very close to flipping over the card table time, to the extent that I will really have to go back and rethink things if this doesn’t happen, and there is something critical for them with Ukraine that we don’t understand.
Ukraine is Khazarian HQ, might be the issue. And that might entail some wildly-paranormal shit. (But then again, where ISN’T there wildly-paranormal shit going on.)
I think people reading this know that politicians are actors, but Z blog has more arguments about this today:
I prepared a job search earlier this year, and I noticed that career advice in books and websites is now basically “fake your resume”, while they still avoid saying that directly, so this has spread into other areas than besides politics.
Perhaps the politicians are the real actors, and the real power behind the throne are literal actors, like Bradley Whitford? [shrug] Maybe in this case of Lincoln the usually-accurate Miles Mathis was wrong, and the Booth family were the ringleaders of whatever (real or faked/coerced) assassination there was?
Regarding fake your resume.
I think the way to think about this is not about honesty/dishonesty but about “cultural” differences.
Nowadays the culture in the corporate West(perhaps other places) is compliance, NPCness, and honesty is not really a “thing”, because people care about box checking etc. Afaict this is bigger in the US than most
The idea is, you can say whatever you want in your resume. This is the “implicit” culture. Therefore, if you don’t say good things, you are incompetent or deficient or something. The going goes, they think you are too dumb(or not a team player?) to figure out what to write down. They don’t even think in terms of honesty or dishonesty. (perhaps, if you write down things which are trivially debunked, you will be punished, less so for “dishonesty” but “stupidity”, again you can say anything you want so why say something which is easily debunked)
The flipside is if you are in a non corporate environment ie one where the workplace is actually like family you probably should switch cultures and actually tell the truth
Martin Armstrong:
I had U.S. History I&II in the late sixties: I had to listen to pig swill from the ‘teachers’; the worst was an idiot whom previous classes called “Willie the Rat.” The experience taught me that memorizers of this swill were so invested in the false narrative because of the energy spent in order to obtain an “A” that they maintain these false narratives for the rest of their lives.
If you are able to invest a few bucks, I recommend two books:
The Graves of Academe by Richard Mitchell: he explains how teachers’ education has destroyed our thinking capacity for decades. If you have kids, this should enable you to figure out a way to overcome his ‘training’.
Pragmatic Thinking & Learning by Andy Hunt.
Both these books are part of my personal permanent library.
Note that photons don’t decay, so those entangled photons are likely passed from mother to child.
I’ve long held that our nervous systems aren’t self contained machines. They are quantum antennas for your soul, which lives Somewhere Else.
Isn’t there a flash of light, too, when the sperm fertilizes the egg?
Supposedly our cells emit photons, so probably.
It wouldn’t surprise me.
Amazing. Could be much more than it appears, and it appears amazing.
I’ve not considered this, and is as good an explanation of the relationship between the soul and the body that I have seen.
Yeah. Your spirit extends from Eternity through the quantum realm???? or the micro scale and hits that antenna which then results in macro scale action like moving your body. Information goes back the other way too.
However, like a radio, damage or alterations to the antenna can effect the end result.
Getting concussed, having a high fever, low blood sugar, getting drunk…all effect the antenna, and they effect the body as well so info in and out gets messed with.
Hunh, sounds somewhat similar to our host’s talk of The Beam. Although the Beam is more macroscale, and not as fundamental although as he describes it, it can definitely damage the receiver.
This also supports the Eastern Orthodox belief that not all thoughts originate internally.
I would go further and say that this is explicit apostolic doctrine. If the children of God resist temptation through divine grace, then the children of the devil succumb to temptation through infernal damnation.
“CNN will not be releasing the full transcript of all 18-minutes (total) of the interview with Kamala Harris.”
The interview was over an hour, of which viewers were shown 18 minutes. Its been standard practice for news organization to show only selected parts of their interviews, which they use to make subjects they like look good, and subjects they don’t like look bad.
I didn’t see and probably won’t see the interview, but caught the end of Matt Taibbi’s and Walter Kirn’s take (on youtube), and read about it, so I think I got the gist.
The thing is that I remember Kamala Harris being interviewed on 60 minutes, either earlier this year or last year. And I don’t remember anything remarkable about this. They put her in a good light, but it was a normal interview. Nor apparently was there anything unusual in her media appearances as California Senator and Attorney General. People seriously thought this woman would be the Democratic presidential nominee at one time.
So apparently this appearance produced more word salad, but only word salad, and she had to have someone with her. Taibbi and Kirn speculated that something is wrong with her that we are not being told.
Has she been getting beamed to control her, and they have been overdoing it? They wouldn’t want her starting the 25th Amendment process or otherwise going off the reservation.
Walz too, he is still a state governor and was a congressman, and should be more convincing in his public appearances.
“something wrong with her”
My longshot pet theory is that she’s a Q mole.
That reddit link is chock full of people describing nosy neighbors who don’t appear to have jobs, yet own late model vehicles with heavy tints. Also a lot of talk of sudden activity in out of the way places where they were expecting to be alone. This feels like I’m in the Twilight Zone and I’m going through yet another part of the “red pill” process. I thought I was done with that. I’ve recently begun to look through Google Street view images and have noticed way too many parked cars with doors open and men standing beside them ducking away as the car passes. They’re not in urban areas with lots of youths who could be engaged in drug seeking activities, but rather in out of the way, middle of nowhere places such as in West Virginia. Even through the Google blurring of faces, you can still see that they’re older, often grey haired people dressed in normal middle class clothes. I have to ask myself, how many times have I done that sort of thing in my own life. The answer is hardly ever. Maybe once every blue moon if I’m meeting someone somewhere and I get there first, but really the answer is mostly never. Why am I seeing it all over the place now that I’m looking for it. That’s not a question, but rather a statement because the answer is becoming clear.
Your r/K selection answer never bothered me in the slightest. If anything, it only bothered my pride a little bit because I should have figured it out before I had to read it. It answered questions and brought closure to questions that were bothering me for decades. This, THIS, however, has opened up a whole new can of worms. When I read you years ago back when you were spending a lot of time bifurcating faces in order to read people’s true emotional states versus their masks they want to present to the world, I kind of brushed off your talk of this as perhaps someone who was a little bit paranoid. No offense. Now, I’m not so sure. It means that a lot of people aren’t the kind of evil that I had always assumed, which is an evil of sloth and indifference. This is active participation among a huge swath of our population. That changes everything.
My read on surveillance is pretty solid. Before Google Steetview, I held out hope it was just around me, but that has now pushed me to the final realization that the world really is Darwinian. The people who win are not the people who think, “This person is a friend, I could never betray them, and plant a camera in their bedroom to film them and their wife, so command would promote be up the chain and I will get another $50,000 per year from my fake surveillance job.” The people who win are the people who say, “If I don’t plant that camera, somebody else will, and they will get my $50,000 per year. Plus, he would plant it on me, if conditions were reversed, and he is not one of my fellow surveillance people, so screw him.”
There are just lot of those people out there, and governments want that control, there is no cost to taking it since none of us could believe it would exist, and so they have all taken it. The Stasi was not an aberration. What was the aberration was the masses of people outside the building, as things fell, saying “Fuck this, we’re going in!” and flooding past security, catching the people inside who stayed behind to burn files, and telling them they were going home, and those files were not getting burned.
I think since then, every nation in the West has a Stasi, and it they are all watching everyone. And there is no shortage of people willing to fill that role, even in America. Somehow, the economics works out when you are taxing the whole nation, and can get control of the whole economy, down to the local level.
The downside is, it means you cannot just start a business, hit on a big idea, and make it big. Once it goes this far, they cannot allow that, because it would allow you money, which translates to power. And they are just in so deep, they cannot risk you maybe using that power to expose them.
What still surprises me is the programming of the kids though. When I was a kid, I was as blindly loyal as they came. I had friends who were afraid they were going to get jumped, after school, and there was no doubt of whether I’d be there with them. I had no idea how many, or who, or how big, but I was there with bells on. Thick or thin, you took what came with your friends. They all took that loyalty, but none of them ever even hinted I might have any sort of problem. And not even any odd hint of remorse, or melancholy, or wanting to do something.
And they all knew. In retrospect, I was some kind of curiosity, a kind of notorious novelty they were all working. But it was never even close to any one of them pulling me aside, and whispering a quick warning to me.
Whatever they teach those kids, we are the outsiders and untouchables, their group is the only thing they belong to, and there are walls between us which will never be breached.
“walls between us which will never be breached”
Stop being so pessimistic-cynical-nihilistic. Look up the term “self-fulfilling prophecy” if you forget what it means. All we the halfway-normal people need is ONE, just ONE, Stasi traitor to snitch publicly, and WHOOSH, the whole surveillance system collapses thereafter. JUST ONE. How do I know this? THE ASCH CONFORMITY EXPERIMENT. All we need is ONE. So, maybe phrase things more tentatively, per your usual wise approach.
Wow. That’s all true, and incredibly sad.
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about “collective intelligence”, and the concept Dawkins promoted of “superorganisms”. If you examine some of these “superorganisms” as you would a person, one must conclude that they are psychopaths, exhibiting all three “dark triad” personality traits.
Cabal, as an “organism”, deserves the death penalty. It needs to be put down like a rabid dog. Its member individuals…? Can any be saved?
Change my mind.
“Change my mind.”
CAREFUL what you wish for. (We get to say “CAREFUL”, too, not just Cabal.) Because your undeservedly-certain answer is a self-fulfilling prophecy, i.e., your failure to try guarantees there will be none. And if none can be saved, then, well, I hate to do the commie whataboutism thing, but: WHAT ABOUT YOU. Yes, their sins are worse. What about YOUR many, many AMERICA-DESTROYING, GOD-FIGHTING sins? Hmm? Lots of ways to change a mind. Both intellectual ways, and physical ways.
The problem is every one of them looked at September 11th, and knew, beyond all doubt, that it occurred at the hands of their command, which would have known all about the hijackers and what they were up to, and which at the least allowed it, because their command wanted it. And that is the warm fuzzy version, which portrays them all as ignorant of the fact their intel operation was controlling all outcomes, and planning all outcomes, and if it happened, their command planned and controlled it.
Think back to September 11th, and how you felt as a normal, empathetic American. They felt none of that. And they all kept silent as we sent our absolute best overseas on unrelated bullshit wars, to come back maimed and killed. They would see a guy doused in diesel and set alight in an IED blast, and that was fine, so long as they got to zap people they didn’t like by night and play junior spy by day.
IMO, they are some kind of secret society which is raised to view everyone outside it as an enemy, and of no value, and disposable for their pleasure. There is a wall between them and us which I do not think can be breached. If it could, it would have somewhere. There would be some guy who felt bad about killing Bill Binney’s wife with cancer, some whistleblower revealing the files on who is raping the girls in Texas, or why they murdered Irah Sok.
I suspect that they all undergo some kind of very effective brainwashing from childhood, probably based on MK Ultra, which so conditions them, none of them, not a one, can physically break with that thing.
I see them on Free Republic LARPing as Americans, and they get outraged anyone would dare bring up the surveillance and talk about it. I should just resign myself to being beamed the rest of my life, so they can watch the hot couple down the street fucking on the hidden cam they placed in their bedroom, and gossip about the pretty lady’s love life at the end of the block. They are not human.
Like it or not, your choices with them will be treat them as human, and end up right back here, with their secret society feeling it has a human right to zap people in the head with beams if they oppose the conspiracy’s total control of their lives, from who they marry to what they spend every day on – or treat them like rabid dogs, get rid of the whole mass, and maybe end up with one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all, made up of decent people who respect each other’s freedom and privacy.
I do not think you get to pick any middle ground. And I say that as someone who is among the most reasonable, maximum-happiness guys who you will ever run into. On this subject, I am Genghis Khan, because there is just no other way.
No mercy for traitors.
Mercy for those who may be less guilty due to MK-Ultra programming etc. is something only GOD can judge and grant, we can’t, we owe it to all the real people and our future generations.
Who said anything about treating them as human? They have all forfeited their human rights. (Their HUMAN rights, let alone their constitutional rights.) Including the right to breathe. But that gives the rest of us an opportunity to try an approach to saving AT LEAST ONE of them (JUST ONE would probably initiate a cascading failure of their Asch Conformity) with an approach way, wayyyyyyy more hardcore than even Torquemada could stomach, let alone Jesus. Leading up to that, as you and the rest of us continue the inevitable exposure of their not-so-fucking-secret-anymore Parallel Stasi World, that may put enough PSYCHOLOGICAL pressure on the ones programmed to never crack or snitch, their weakest links, perhaps an elderly Stasi cunt finally afraid of God’s Wrath, perhaps an 18-year-old kid whose programming didn’t quite stick, etc. And yes, the threat of imminent civil war might flush out the First Stasi Snitch, too. So I am not suggesting that we hold hands and sing Kumbaya at them. They need to know they’re about to be wiped out. But as that threshold nears, KEEP YOUR MIND OPEN to unexpected developments, like one of them caving and spilling the beans SUCCESSFULLY, i.e., some may have tried before but got squashed before they could spread the word to normies, due to whatever sci-fi Super-Panopticon Shit their side has. Or perhaps they were recaptured by The Mind Control Beam, or whatever. I have DATED Cabal Kids I went to school with, and I can attest that they DO have SOME amount of conscience, however pathologically partitioned. Partitioned, compartmentalized…like *direct* MK Ultra conditioning might create. But that’s ALSO how we could win, NOT JUST with megadeaths which will INEVITABLY kill a SHITLOAD of innocent YOUNG kids and BABIES. Call it the Warm Bodies scenario, where like the movie one of them is miraculously/”miraculously” turned into one of us. Turned BACK into one of us. They may not qualify as human beings today, the adults, but ONCE UPON A TIME, they were 4 years old, 8 years old, etc. If one of them can be rehabbed, then that is PROOF OF CONCEPT that it might be possible for the others. Mind you, my idea for rehabilitating them involves EXTREME and UNRELENTING pain of all sorts, physical, psychological. NON-TERMINAL torture that even Marquis de Sade might consider uncouth. So, if what’s driving your Tunnel Vision of Killing Them All is the desire for revenge, then I get that. I want revenge against them, too. But that’s just it: YOU KILLING THEM would DEPRIVE ME of my revenge. In fact, you Hard Men Horny To Kill Them would be depriving MANY people like us of revenge, because there would only be ONE PERSON who gets the satisfaction of killing a Cabal Stasi traitor, and that one person might not even know who they’re killing. Whereas MY VISION of Redeeming Them With Unspeakable Non-Lethal Agonies would allow for MANY victimized people to feel that satisfaction, either by spectating or by participating. Imagine a miles-long line of people waiting for their chance to cause Bill Gates to shriek in terror and pain. Versus one of you rightoids PERMANENTLY MONOPOLIZING that golden opportunity for catharsis and closure. It’s quite greedy, Your Way, when you really think about it. No?
It is not catharsis. Honestly my amygdala is deadened beyond needing that. It is simple logic. It is like a narcissist creating the bypass for stress by creating a false reality. Once he has done that, it is near impossible to get rid of the bypass because it is being used constantly.
These people have shown a taste for this, and then tasted it. They will always seek it out.
I think this guy might be one of them, the way he’s panicking and spewing evil and heresy to try to trick us.
He’s threatened to kill me and my family twice, or maybe three times. And yet he comes up with good things which are useful too.
You have to view a lot of what is on here just like data which we are all intaking, all of it given to us by God, for His purpose. Even outright agents of Cabal have come on here, posting stuff to me which was clearly some play they had come up with to fuck with me and warn me off. And yet when I took what they gave me, and chased it, it led me, through a roundabout way, to stuff which was so devastating to their conspiracy the next shopping trip I had them flooding the parking lot and obviously lining the wall of the store as I got out of my car, glaring at me, as some kind of message I had gone too far. With what they themselves had given me.
We have a very powerful force which is behind us, to the point even when they strike at us, it boomerangs on them ten times as hard. Go with the flow, and let it all happen. It will work out for us in the end.
Everything here is interesting, if looked at the right way.
Oh, it’s that guy.
Definitely take whatever good you can from anywhere, but I stand by what I said, he’s one of them.
“He’s one of them.” What AC must know already because he ACTUALLY pays attention to ALL my posts for YEARS now, is that THEY TRIED to MAKE ME one of them. They corrupted most/all of my family, they surrounded me with fake friends who stabbed me in the back, they sent MULTIPLE top-shelf crypto-Jewish girlfriends my way to longhouse me. They tried to entice me with meager career opportunities which I (THANK GOD) “neglected” because I was lazy and/or I unconsciously sensed it was ultimately a trap, BENEATH me. After the Colbs conspired with my EVIL, HIDEOUSLY-CORRUPTED half-sister Lucy in 2008 to permanently ruin me by sectioning me a la Harley getting Kanye sectioned, the fake friends up to that point all backed off, very quietly, as if they were HIDING and IN DANGER OF THEIR LIVES if they said the wrong thing to me thereafter. So I got steered into ANOTHER milieu with MORE fake friends and FAKE love interests, but I generally gave up on Normal Life Expectations after 2008, like Diogenes. The malevolent Jews & Commies who run the psych industrial complex tried sectioning me a few more times after that, once in November of 2016 at the peak of Pizzagate, multiple times in 2020 during the peak of Plandemic Hysteria. I have been surveilled MORE THAN ANYONE IN HISTORY, and I have been persecuted MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE and WORSE than anyone else excepting the dead and permanently imprisoned and physically tortured. I recounted all/most of this shit before, repeatedly, HERE, in AC’s blog comments. AC has surely contacted Kratman a long time ago to vet me, and Kratman probably told AC I’m a schizo or whatever, AS A COVER STORY, from Kratman’s own SICK AND DEMENTED perspective. (He is still in DEEEEEEEEEP shit himself for BETRAYING ME, no matter what “greater good” it was for.) AC has seen me doxx myself over and over. AC has seen my lonnnnnnnng series of GOOD IDEAS, often GENIUS ideas. AC understands that tempers flare, and AC understands that we have ALL sometimes been sinners and at least UNCONSCIOUS traitors to America/God so naturally violent threats are bound to fly around occasionally in the confusion. YOUUUUUUUUUU, Farce, are either MALEVOLENTLY stupid orrrrrrrrrr — you are ACCUCONFESSING. Why is your handle “Farce”-based, anyway? Is this just some sick fucking joke to you? Where do you ACTUALLY live? Tel Aviv?
I will say, I am not sure if they are physically damaging my brain, and changing it, or if I am just increasingly detaching from any sense the randos I run into are normal people and not here to control me for some cunts behind mahogany desks somewhere, or if I am short enough on cognitive horsepower I am abandoning my modelling of how others think to try and focus on survival mode, but I am getting increasingly dismissive and irritable with newbies. And when I read old writings, they feel clearer and more flowing than I am capable of now.
I could see in fifteen years sounding like this guy and just not giving a fuck. I never before realized it takes energy to be patient, but as you run lower on energy, you begin to see the least effort is simply reacting however you react, and you see yourself begin to do it.
This guy can be a pain, particularly when he begins fighting with everyone, and threatening to kill you, but he did come up with Naylor and he is the guy who has a shadowy human following the woman and her child on the cover of American Stasi.
That said, Hamlet, please try to get along with Farce, or at least not fight with him. Both of you are on the same side, and this does not help attract newbies here.
“I am getting increasingly dismissive and irritable with newbies”
To use a martial arts analogy, grandmasters don’t spend their time teaching newbies. They spend their time Training younger masters to master their craft so they can better teach newbies. And writing training timeless training manuals like American Stasi.
Might be unavoidable for you but for anyone in a similar situation, just try boost your metabolism by eating way more calories(3k+/day) and stressing less. Ray Peat is the guy to go for.
Vengeance is the LORD’s.
Let GOD sort them out.
Your vision is evil.
There is also the spiritual side of the situation. No, I don’t mean that you risk Spiritually Becoming Them, as evil as they are, if you Kill Them All, although that is a HUGE risk, one I would try like *HELL* to avoid. I mean something far weirder and far more practical. I noticed the mini-discussion about the flash of light at conception, so you and your readers KNOW that the world is STILL, to a large extent, INCOMPREHENSIBLY paranormal, to us, so far. We don’t REALLY know quite what the fuck is going on, regarding the PHYSICS of our world. What that means, is that there could be a cyclical trap we should ABSOLUTELY avoid. I kept and keep recommending Infinite Jest FOR A REASON. One of the Midpoint Climaxes of the book is when a Radical Canadian Separatist Terrorist is gruesomely killed by a fiercer rival, by having a sharpened broom shoved up his ass and through his mouth. When he dies, his SPIRIT/GHOST/WRAITH is *released* to CONTINUE HIS QUEST/WAR in another form, now UNBOUNDED by our normal physics. The character’s last name is Antitoi, I think the first name is Lucien. But he might as well be Evil Obi-Wan at that point, and similarly if you Kill Them All, all the Stasi ground surveillance saboteurs and other treasonous, demonically-possessed creeps, that is all you might wind up doing, as you THINK you are finally earning us Peace From Their Satanic Interference — you might be making what’s REALLY fueling their evil MORE POWERFUL THAN WE CAN POSSIBLY, at the moment, IMAGINE. Which might help explain, in addition to Rothschild Puppeteering and Timelord Shenanigans and whatever else is happening, why the wars against evil have hitherto ALWAYS failed in the end, if when the Good Guys killed the Baddies all they’re doing is CRYSTALIZING and LIBERATING the evil souls to psychologically torment/troll/influence the living with NO LIMITS. Something to think about, and WORRY about. Your vision of a future free from their schemes and sick games is ABSOLUTELY wonderful. It would GENUINELY be a shame if your lust to wipe them out ironically and tragically ONLY MADE THEM AND THEIR EVIL STRONGER. Yes? Why did Jesus prescribe EXORCISMS, rather than the death penalty? (With the exception of drowning kid-harmers with a big weight around their necks…I guess even Jesus was so overwhelmed by a desire to punish such creeps that he might have forgotten the Obi-Wan Backfire scenario?)
GOD commands us to kill those worthy of death and leave everything else up to him.
I’m not talking about their eternal judgement, that’s up to GOD who knows everything about them and how they were raised etc.
I’m talking about salvaging any to keep in our society.
You can’t do it, when they start to lose they will try to switch sides and beg to be allowed to stay, but in almost all cases it will be fake and they just want to go into hiding and start to rebuild, we can’t risk it for the one or two in the whole country who might be sincere.
Let GOD sort them out.
“Let GOD sort them out.” Good idea, if AC is right that they are neurologically incorrigible. Ah, but wait…what about their KIDS? These traitors have babies and young kids. They might as well be human shields, and they are INNOCENT human shields. Actually innocent. So, you would be killing innocents. And not even TRYING any other strategies to avoid that. You’d be killing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of babies and kids, probably. Just as a matter of, uh, collateral damage. But you would know in advance that their deaths would be inevitable in your Kill Them All campaign. And so, my question to YOU is: How will GOD be sorting YOU out? Not in your favor, is my guess. Kratman’s Caliphate has a scene where some young protagonist supposedly shits the bed because he balks at blowing up a bridge because the Lizard People have stacked umpteen thousand innocent kids on it, as human shields, and then that supposedly-naive hesitation allows for the Space Dinosaurs to overrun that region. Kratman was sending the message you rightoids, AC and Farce, are implying here: “Gotta kill a shitload of innocent kids in order to defeat evil.” I wonder how God is going to sort out Kratman. My guess is: Eternal torture. How about you fellas? Are you masochistic enough where Literally Eternal Torture sounds like a Good Time? I wouldn’t look forward to it, if I were you. I would, if I were you, FRANTICALLY brainstorm ways to avoid killing those kids and babies. Like, right fucking now, start brainstorming those ways, start figuring out non-bloodbath paths to victory. Right. Mother. Fucking. Now. Capiche?
First, nobody is saying kill innocent kids or babies. You are introducing that, and it was never there. And IMO, you are mapping things out and demanding everything be set in stone far before anything had even happened. We are going to have to get into what is coming, and as in life, do the best we can as it comes at us.
That said, I grew up around the kids of this thing, and IMO, there was a psychopathy about many of them. Maybe it is the culture, maybe how they are raised, or maybe it has been decades of this thing probing the schools to find the psychopaths and recruiting them into this thing, and they are now something different biologically. I don’t know. But I know they took one look at me, ID’d my “type,” and I was instantly the enemy to be contained and restrained. They know more than us, and they certainly feel their kind is something very different from us.
It is weird to absorb all the programing about how you have to be good to function in society, and evil is punished, but then see firsthand, if I had sadistically beaten the little kid they sent in to fight me, or probably raped a few of the girls they sent to me, I’d be parked in Epstein’s beach house, or be a Governor or Senator. It is nothing like you are told. Hunter succeeded because he would molest his brother’s daughter. That is all this thing.
Like it or not, IMO the entire conspiracy is some sort or Army of lucifer/satan, kids included once they join it. Its purpose is to seek out evil and elevate it, and find those with empathy and goodness and suppress them. The kids knew this IMO, and embraced their role in it as soldiers. You can see it on the GATE threads. Those kids were all like me, they were honest, caring seekers, and the rest of their lives are spent under the boot of this thing, and they never even knew there was a battle, which is how this thing likes it.
If the kids in it turn on it, and try to fight it, nobody is saying they come to harm. But if they are supporting operations, I do not see how God wants us to surrender this earth to the rest of the conspiracy to preserve that. IMO by ten or eleven, I suspect most have given themselves to the conspiracy, and I am not sure there isn’t some element of possession by then. I know Bob was possessed, I saw his ridealong come out and take over to laugh at me once, and I would assume that happened way early in his life, like by six or seven, from his life story. He was presented with some deal back then, and took it enthusiastically. And that does something. Blackens something inside the person.
I am not even sure what these things are we are dealing with any more, but at the end of the day, God will guide us. It is up to us to jump in the fight, and do the best we can at any moment in time, and then hope He is forgiving when the time comes to judge us.
You are getting worked up about details, and we have not even fully exposed the surveillance yet, let alone kicked off the broader war of our kind against it.
The details are IMPLIED AND INEVITABLE, if you do not EXPAND YOUR THINKING. By the way, HOW DARRRRRRRRRRE you publish Farce’s accusation while STILL censoring MINE. Who the FUUUUUUUUCK do YOUUUU still think YOUUUUUUU are. Whoever it is you think you are, you are STILL due for one of the RUDEST AWAKENINGS OF ALL TIME, and if you don’t do wayyyyyyy, wayyyyyyy morrrrrrrre to PREEMPTIVELY AVOID KILLING KIDS/BABIES, then ALL MY PREVIOUS THREATS TO YOU *WILL* BE ENFORCED. Keep it up, asshole. Keep it up. Go for it. Try me. Test me. I FUCKING DARE YOU.
Maybe because I’ve never threatened his life or done any of the other deranged things you do while showing clear signs I’m right.
Kamala, I would like to see the transcripts/court recordings of any trial that she actually prosecuted herself. I bet there are none. Much like Obama’s stellar college records that somehow are totally inaccessible or simply non existent. She did fries and cashier at a McDonalds? No one says they “did fries” or “did cashier”, they would say they worked the food prep, or actually flipped the burgers, bagged the fries, and handled the cash transactions and expand on it, on the resume. She sounds absolutely uneducated. Anyone ask her which McD” she worked at because it would more than likely still be in operation? Has the owner or any former employees jumped to the fore to validate the claim? When asked if she had been to the border she just laughingly said “I haven’t been to Europe either” when she specifically stated on her resume that she indeed had extensive travel to several countries/continents, including Europe. This person is not real in the sense that her so called experience in anything is a glaringly empty folder with a very impressive tab.
Excellent point. She cannot speak intelligently extemporaneously, which is supposed to be foundational to the practice of law.
Good points. I bet, like Barry, she doesn’t have a college transcript.
If she is not an improbable Q mole, then her NSA handler, Montel Williams, yes, THAT Montel Williams, look him up on Wikipedia, must be evil and puppeteering/pimping her from the very beginning of their contact.
We’re winning but the ATF will be allowed to try again. Let me cut through the bullshit so that we can actually get to the problem-
1) Of course braces are a way to get around the tax stamps and all the administrative hassle involved, including the requirement to inform the ATF every time that firearm crosses state lines or that the buyer get fingerprinted literally for every stamp even when submitting multiple stamp applications AT THE SAME TIME.
2) ATF was just fine with braces as a work-around for over a decade because it dropped their paperwork load. This led to the sale of literally tens of millions of the damn things.
3) It’s quite obvious that the new boss wanted to passive-aggressively attack the gun culture and the easiest way to do this was to change the rules to cut out the work-around that ATF itself had fostered.
4) Oh, yeah, back to requirement to report to ATF every time you want to take an NFA item across state lines – where does this power come from? Where do they get the authority to charge someone with a felony for not doing this? Pretty sure that it’s regulatory, not statutory – they can throw you in a cage because they decided they can throw you in a cage, not because congress handed them that power via law.
5)The laws in question were designed around essentially 19th century firearms designs and even hiccuped because the original machine gun – the Gattling Gun – is not actually covered. It doesn’t even meet the statutory definition of a firearm because it doesn’t have a trigger. This is why every now and again you see a manufacturer come out with 19th century gattling design that uses a detachable box magazine and hand crank but not some kind of motor and belt-feed like a 20th century MINIGUN.
ATF will allow people to use the 19th century version as a range toy, but try to sell the current tech version out there and you are going to prison. It’s obviously a firearm and with a high cyclic rate, but not according the statute, so ATF just pretends and everybody goes along with it.
ANY split receiver design as employed most famously on the AR-10/15? Not a firearm because it does not meet the definition in the statute, but ATF pretends and if you contradict them you go to prison.
6) Which brings us to 80%s – where does ATF get the power to determine when something has become a firearm component? Also, once ATF has written the rule why are they allowed to change it more than a decade later?
I have an unmachined block of 7075-T6 that’s going to be machined into a 2011 frame at some future date, but could easily be machined into something else much sooner depending on my priorities at that moment. Is that piece of barstock already a firearms component because I fully intend to manufacture it into a serialized pistol frame? If not, at what point in the manufacturing process does it become so?
Also, does the statute require me to go through a background check to possess the item, or does it specify only if I am PURCHASING the completed item manufactured by another party?
The PROBLEM at the heart of all of this is that to merely do their job they are REQUIRED to abuse their regulatory authority. If they can’t make up their own rules ATF no point to it’s existence because technology moves faster than the legal language.
The ATF’s Weaponized Ambiguity is Under Fire
> Study: Illegal aliens cost taxpayers $150 billion in just one year. The argument that illegal aliens pay taxes too is a lie.
Congress has only sent $61.3 billion to Ukraine since the beginning of the year.
The news has also whined about how Ukraine has lost 5 million citizens since 2020.
We can help!
I propose that, instead of sending money, we sent Ukraine fresh replacement (tax paying! diverse! enriching!) citizens to replace its losses. In fact, let’s replace three for every one they’ve lost! That would be 15 million New Ukrainians supercharging their culture and workforce.
Those nasty Rooskies wouldn’t have a chance against that.
I think you underestimate “mortal minds”, so I’ll post that other Supermeme.
Here’s another Supermeme, from the Woo end of the pool, but RELEVANT. “Fresh out the oven”, as they say, today.
> Biden-Harris refused to stop Houthi attacks on ships to avoid offending Iran.
Not like 1801, when President Thomas Jefferson sent the Navy to the Barbary Coast to bitch-slap pirates sponsored by the Ottoman Empire.
President James Madison had to do it again in 1815, because the pirates were slow learners.
> Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says peace talks with Ukraine are no longer an option.
Yep. Tighten the screws some more.
This reminds me of Nixon and Kissinger’s “shuttle diplomacy” with the Viet Cong.
> EU hands over Russian money to aid Ukraine.
Brussels – and London – are going to have to come up with quite a few billions of restitution when Ukraine folds. And if Russia works the system properly, they’ll get damages too.
Oh well, that’s what taxpayers are for. None of the pols will be inconvenienced in any way.
Excuse me, what is this “government” idea good for, again? Whatever it is, it doesn’t seem to be working.
> Putin and Kim Jong Un’s new alliance is proving to be a win-win.
The Norks get rubles they can spend in Russia, but the big bonus is legitimacy, with a major power treating them as a partner. The Norks would probably pay though the nose just for that; making money off it too is just a bonus.
> CIA admits to ‘conversations’ over Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk Region.
And what authority does the CIA have for doing this? They’ve been officially reprimanded for that sort of thing before.
I guess the guys who got burned by CIA activities in Cambodia and Laos in the Southeast Asia in the 1960s are long-retired. Same for Chile, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic in South America.
> Spanish mother burns daughter’s rapist alive after he taunts her during release day.
Not new news, but a story worth re-linking, even if the authorities did arrest the mother. Stupid pedo found out what “FAFO” means.
“Give a man a fire and he’s warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he’s warm for the rest of his life.”
— Terry Pratchett
> Texas State Fair attempts to ban guns.
The Arkansas State Fair puts up the signs every year, even though this is a Constitutional Carry state.
> Oklahoma leglisture
Since his loss in June, McCortney said he’s been contacted by as many voters who didn’t believe there was a problem in his race, and therefore stayed home.
“In my race I have had an incredible number of people — the people that I worked with, the people that were engaged, the people I was shoulder to shoulder fighting on issues with — who, on some level admitted to me they didn’t think there was any way I would lose, and so they didn’t vote,” he said.
The article frankly makes both contenders look like RINOs. And whatever he was doing with his campaign funds, it wasn’t persuading people to come in and, you know, do that ‘voting’ thing.
He supposedly spent a big chunk of money on electioneering. Maybe he should have taken a tack that was well-known back in the days of the Roman Republic, updated for the 21st century. Hire a bunch of food trucks to park at every polling place, and give away “free” tacos, BBQ, or whatever to every person who could show an “I Voted!” sticker.
RFK Jr’s VP pick drops killer Trump Derangement Syndrome Commercial
All this checks out.
How Brits Really View Americans
Chris Williamson
I post at weird times because I’m in the Beijing time zone. But I know you review these posts when you get around to it.
First is a little insight on how ground surveillance likely operates. This is all speculative, as I have not been invited into their little club (at least not explicitly), not have I ever had any intimate conversations with ground surveillance about their operations.
This is just a thought experiment I engaged in after what looked like a rather “goofy” interaction with the ground surveillance here. (I’m sure you can figure out which country based on my IP address. I’ll leave it to others to guess.)
Let’s say you’re rather young, maybe a teen or even a child, and you’re bequeathed a set of walkie-talkies, and let loose to “play spy” in your neighborhood. There’s already a bunch of other kids, some of whom you know, playing the same “game” on the same radio channel.
Can you imagine the typical kid in such a situation? You’re hanging around, bored, chattering about mostly useless stuff with your pals. You have these neato encrypted comms and you’re in on a lark that all the “normies” around you are totally unaware of. Considering the crassness of many average teen punks, it’s easy to imaging them deciding to have a little “fun” with random strangers on the street.
“Let’s spook that bald guy in the plaid shorts. I bet we could get him to totally freak out.”
Next thing you know, they’re playing with their mark like a cat plays with a mouse before eating it. Never mind the guy might be terrified by the end of the encounter. I’m sure in their twisted rationalizations he probably deserved it.
This is such an obvious and likely scenario, I can’t understand why it doesn’t come up in online conversations about gangstalking. There’s always some ignoramus butting in with “why would they target you? You’re not special.” Well, maybe it’s because you’re not special that they’re targeting you! It’s because little punks out on a lark will bully someone they think cannot or will not fight back! Isn’t that obvious?
There was a 4chan thread on this, recently, which even had a plug for posted in it, where some chucklehead chimed in with the “you’re not special” argument. I can’t post past the firewall from where I’m at, and I’m so frustrated that I couldn’t answer. I’m just hoping to be of some help, letting people know that the surveillance is out there. I know that this a necessary step towards our freedom from the “Cabal”.
So far, I have identified the following reasons for people being targeted for gangstalking by cabal:
1. They are a potential leader – intelligent, moral, and persuasive. These people a sniffed out to see if they can be roped into corruption and turned into “made men” for the cabal.
2. They may not exhibit the characteristics above, but they come from a family whose lineage has been trouble for the cabal in the past.
3. They’re normal folk who happened to see something, or come across some information, which would be damaging to cabal, and must be neutralized.
4. They are somewhat unstable, and might be twisted into a “wind up toy” for the cabal to use in one of its terror operations.
5. They might exhibit amoral or Machiavellian qualities which indicate they could be able to be invited into the ranks of ground level operatives. Note that these people, and even those who have had their ticket already punched, are walking a tightrope. They would be eliminated if they squealed.
6. They are simply nobodies, whom no one would defend or miss, and make for good target practice. While being toyed with, they could drift into category 4 or 5 above.
The ignorance of those who naively claim that gangstalking isn’t real is deserving of the greatest mockery, if it might possible jar their thinking and awareness into becoming conscious of this poisonous cabal which has sunk its claws into our lives. It’s going to fall, one day.
Yeah, that may have been me posting that plug. 😉 I recently did that.
Thank you!
GRRRRRREAT comment. Remember the Spy Kids movie franchise? Gee, what a cute idea, normies thought. Meanwhile, it was probably owned by every Cabal household and watched in a sick Life-Affirming Secret-Reinforcing way by LITERAL spy kids. “No one knows I’m a Spy Kid”, like the party wallflower meme, except the kid has a subtle evil smirk, and instead of a wallflower he’s more like a fly on the wall, a BUG, a PLANT. Conditioning kids to keep these secrets would take MASSIVE, IMMERSIVE conditioning/programming, reinforced constantly. A sense of innate superiority would have to be instilled, contempt for the normies with some “This one is cool” exceptions who might be targeted for recruitment later, and a FIERCE loyalty to The Family, bolstered by CRUEL punishment if violated, the Family Uber Alles, the Cult, the…oh, right, The Tribe, lol. BUT NOT *JUST* THEM, duh, of course. Boston Latin School, even in the 1990s, let alone this century, was SWARMING with Asian Cabal Spy Kids. Were they Jewish? Some, sure, maybe many, secretly. As pointed out by Miles Mathis, “Lee” might be a variant of “Levi”, e.g., Bruce Lee was LITERALLY a Jew. “Chan”, I fear, as a Chandler, could be an abbreviation of Chandler, or as Mathis logically suggests, a variant of Cohen. But then, they could also often just be Maoist Cabal Commies, what a DEMENTED fucking cult THAT can be, mind control up the ass. Anyway, you are *absolutely correct* to wonder why Gangstalking Discourse doesn’t talk more about kids playing Mind Games just for the sick fun of it. But you know who does? Gloria Naylor, in her barely-fictionalized memoir 1996, which you should read, entirely and closely, because it’s short, ASAP. Here:
I’ve missed weeks of the comment section. Apologies if this is stupid/has already been suggested.
AC, build a comfortably AC sized box, wrap it heavily with saran wrap and aluminum foil, hook up air flow in/out, and see if this helps with the Beaming.
Saran is solid/dense to impede magnetic field flow, aluminum foil reroutes magnetic field to flow elsewhere.
Sam humorously suggested wrapping your head in saran wrap and aluminum foil a while ago. An AC sized box wrapped in saran and aluminum foil is cheap in both terms of money and time to construct. Small investment for some potential relief.
I have no idea if this would help with any of the various forms of The Beam, but try a grounding sheet or a grounding mat under your bottom sheet. It’s doing something for me and I’ve never had such deep, restorative sleep.
God bless you AC!
Thank you!
“Saran is solid/dense to impede magnetic field flow, aluminum foil reroutes magnetic field to flow elsewhere.”
Uh … no!
“Simulation” NOT that Reality Itself is a simulation, but that Society is a simulation of a Society, the Economy is a simulation of an Economy, elections are a simulation of elections. I wish more rightoids had been way more curious about the INTERESTING commie-ish ideas, like that French philosopher’s Simulacrum idea. SOME Postmodernists were brainstorming some GENUINELY liberating concepts, whether it was despite themselves or not. The Situationists were REALLY interesting. Buy Nothing Day and the entire Adbusters approach was a POWERFUL idea. But we all got bamboozled into rejecting all that “made-up nonsense” as Communism, which it might have been, to a large degree, but THOSE types were verrrrrry often NOT WRONG ENOUGH.
Polis is attempting to gaslight everyone, calling it “imagination.”
Colorado Gov Reveals Jaw-Dropping Response to Claims of Violent Venezuelan Gang Seizing Apartment Complex
Meanwhile, this is on X:
There is a video out there showing a Target parking lot strewn with litter and trash, like they dumped the dumpsters out and people were driving crazy around the parking lot and almost hit the guys recording, it seemed like it was two or three black guys, one recording and they said it the immigrants doing it and how crazy it was.
I wondered if the video was back from BLM days, as they targeted Targets, but then the guy is out there obviously recording live with his friends. So??
Probably gonna get crazy. And the politicians, (except for some random town/suburb council members who don’t have much power or resources to deal with the issue), are gonna try to gaslight the people and call you a bigot over complaining…even if you are black or hispanic and complain.
Venezuela In Complete Blackout