News Briefs – 07/23/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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Using magnetic fields at a distance to manipulate different areas of the brain precisely to affect emotion and motivations in mice. Presently they are using mice genetically engineered to be more sensitive, but it sounds like they will eventually get it to work on regular mice. The surveillance has something which slows your brain down, and makes thinking more of an effort, as you feel sleepier. I am thinking that time they spun the compass, may have been them powering up a number of emitters somewhere nearby, which they are able to somehow use with interference effects, maybe by pulsing them to create waves. It might also be why in the audio of the tapping event, it sounded like an MRI firing up in the background. You also heard that same humming sound in the tweet of the video, by the girl, who was in the midst of hearing voices. They might set up like a giant MRI on the house to pinpoint exactly where people are inside it, for precisely targeting their tech. Regardless, if this tech is not in your house now, it will be soon. And what they have is probably a few decades beyond this. These things are insidious, because the people who love it the most are universally the least moral and trustworthy out there.

Geo-tracking data from various devices suggests thiat Crooks had been in close proximity to key sites, including the FBI headquarters.

Secret Service Director claims there are no recordings of radio traffic from Trump assassination attempt.

Local Pennsylvania police officers told members of Congress that they were not allowed into a Secret Service command center at former President Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13.

Authorities saw gunman on roof 18 minutes before Trump stepped on stage.

Representative Mike Waltz (R-FL) questions Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle over “the dog that didn’t bark.” Most major law enforcement investigations would have daily press briefings and Q&A’s, like Kalstrom’s regular availabilities during the TWA Flight 800 investigation. But not today. They feel these things are no longer any business of our’s.

Senator Josh Hawley – Whistleblowers tell me law enforcement personnel were in fact STATIONED to the roof the day of the Trump rally, but abandoned it, citing the heat. Seems a small probability they abandoned it, and just by chance that day a shooter happened by and chose that spot.

SS Director might be purposely giving Cabal a backdoor into SS comms:

Top Dems threatened to forcibly remove Biden from office unless he resigned, set him up to fail at Trump debate: Sources say. It is said he felt betrayed and wronged. I wonder if endorsing Harris was a fuck you to the party. A sort of, “Now try and win with this cunt, who everybody hates.”

Pelosi told Biden ‘They could do this the easy way or the hard way’ to make him quit the race. Most interesting is, they did not push him until after Trump’s assassination failed. It is like they knew it was coming, and if it went off, Biden could stay, but once it failed, they all knew it was over, and he had to go.

Harris secures delegates, becomes presumptive nominee. But she did not become a natural born citizen.

FEC chair predicts legal challenges if Kamala Harris tries to access Biden’s war chest: ‘It’s really complicated.’

Kamala Harris got away with it as VP – She should not be allowed to get away with it as the Commander in Chief – Trump should challenge her Constitutional eligibility.

Biden cancels nine trips, extends Delaware stay after dropping out of 2024 race.

Biden COVID symptoms ‘almost resolved completely,’ doctor says. Doctor says he is on Paxlovid, which, if any of this can be believed, is noted for knocking back the virus temporarily, then the patient goes off it, and suddenly the virus reemerges.

President Joe Biden will hold no public events all week to explain why he stepped aside, according to the White House schedule released Monday.

Biden’s surprise conference call to old campaign staff is labelled FAKE after viewers spot Kamala begin to refer to Biden’s portion of the call as a recording, before she catches herself.

Loomer says he is declining fast and will die soon.

Daily Mail – Kamala Harris’s rambling ‘word salad’ speeches may be a symptom of a little-known but common psychological condition called logorrhoea — also known as verbal diarrhoea. 

The Texas Democratic Party on Monday accused presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of using faulty signatures to try and make the Texas ballot this fall. Would Democrats lie?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is mired in another scandal, as he floated the idea of endorsing Donald Trump’s presidency in exchange for a future job at the White House, four sources told the Washington Post.

Mexican authorities are escorting more than 3,000 migrants who began trekking their way north as part of a new migrant caravan, with each of the participants having the ultimate goal of reaching the U.S. border and requesting asylum or some other form of protected status.

Ford converts electric vehicle factory to build gasoline-powered pickups.

A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of alzheimer’s disease.

Crowdstrike Chief Security Officer was unloading thousands of shares of Crowdstrike BEFORE the “IT apocalypse” struck. He spent 24 years with the FBI before taking the job.

MUSK: “I was tricked into giving puberty blockers to my son. These are sterilization drugs. My son Xavier is dead. They call it deadnaming for a reason. Killed by the woke mind virus. This is the reason I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus.” This happened in 2020. How do you get tricked like that, if you are some sort of tech super-genius like Musk? Would you fall for that? Also remember a lot of these characters have to sacrifice a loved one to get in, and it seems some use the tranny path as a sort of hack of the system, where the relative does not actually need to die.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu landed in the United States on Monday, with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris both absent to greet him upon arrival.

Vice President Kamala Harris will meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House at some point during his visit to the U.S., but Joe Biden will not.

Vice President Kamala Harris has reportedly refused to preside over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress on Wednesday.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly requesting a meeting with former President Donald Trump due to Biden’s absence.

Blinkin – Iran “one or two” weeks away from having a nuke,

Australian tourist reportedly gang raped in Paris by five “African-type individuals.”

Paris Olympics opening ceremony to celebrate immigration by mocking cliched France. These things are happening because an intelligence operation launched an organized conspiracy to infiltrate and take over all these leadership positions, about which we never gave a flying fuck. But it turns out they were important.

French lawmakers cry foul after suspected ballot-stuffing in National Assembly.

The wealthy are getting ready to leave Switzerland over a 50% inheritance tax for climate. These things affect the non-Cabal millionaire, if there even are any left, but Cabal millionaires just get more money back from the conspiracy later.

German spy agency ‘too short-staffed to deal with Russian threats.’ They are too busy dealing with AfD and the surge of K-selection.

NASA scientist says patented ‘EXODUS EFFECT’ propellantless propulsion drive that defies physics is ready to go to space.

Supreme Court orders New York to respond to Missouri lawsuit over Trump ‘lawfare’ this week.

Kamala Harris would lose at least two states Biden won in 2020 if election were held today: polls.

Vice President Kamala Harris maintains a lower favorability rating than President Joe Biden, RealClearPolitics polling average found on Monday.

Senate GOP memo: Kamala Harris dooms down-ballot Democrats.

Trump up 9 points on Kamala nationwide per just released poll.

Spread r/K Theory, because retribution is a beautiful thing

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2 months ago

The wealthy are getting ready to leave Switzerland over a 50% inheritance tax for climate. These things affect the non-Cabal millionaire, if there even are any left, but Cabal millionaires just get more money back from the conspiracy later.

I guess Vox will have to migrate again.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

I thought he was in the Italian Alps.

Reply to  Diogenes
2 months ago

I’m pretty sure he’s talked about being in Switzerland more recently.
At the very least he has parts of his business there.
Italy isn’t looking too good lately either.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Go East young man

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Farce you’re a good person but you lack foresight. China will not implode. RFK Jr will not be grandfathered in. If GOD exists in the LDS Bible then everything works out for believers in the Hereafter.
No disrespect meant towards you in the slightest. The joos got out-jood in China. RFK Jr will not be installed at Demo Convention. Netanyahu is having a private meeting with Trump on Friday? He will make sure The Donald understands how things work and be brought to heel.
Personally I’m a big fan of yours. You bring the Why Files as well as other alt media to the comment section. You’re a true patriot.
Your hard-on for VD is understood. I’m no fan of China but VD’s analysis of current and past events is very sound. China is not so much the enemy as is Israel. The Chinese seek out weakness and flaws in their quest for domination over those they see as barbarians. Israel created by Rothschild and The Royals is a den of vipers that needs to be defanged.

Reply to  Leverage
2 months ago

We’ll have to agree to disagree on China, I’m confident time will prove me right and I get more confident all the time.

I’m well aware I could be wrong about RFK, either because I was always wrong or because they changed the plan when I got my theory out there.
But there’s still a good chance they will ditch Camela and go with RFK.

China is an equal threat to the Western cabal and all its components.

Trump is not going to bend the knee to Netanyahu, especially not after Netanyahu rushed to congratulate Biden so soon after the steal while the efforts to contest it were still strong.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 months ago

Top Dems threatened to forcibly remove Biden from office unless he resigned, set him up to fail at Trump debate: Sources say. It is said he felt betrayed and wronged. I wonder if endorsing Harris was a fuck you to the party. A sort of, “Now try and win with this cunt, who everybody hates.
Possible but Alex Soros/Huma endorsed Kamala too right after Biden did. That means she’s team Clinton in some way which explains why Obama refused to endorse her.
Blatant power struggle within the Dems between the Clinton/Obama factions. Hillary has the upper hand for now at least.

2 months ago

Everything you have been taught is a lie. Do you want the truth? Can you handle the truth? Read American Stasi and find out.

Anon in Asia

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 months ago

Biden COVID symptoms ‘almost resolved completely,’ doctor says. Doctor says he is on Paxlovid, which, if any of this can be believed, is noted for knocking back the virus temporarily, then the patient goes off it, and suddenly the virus reemerges.

If Covid is the official reason given for Biden shuffling off this mortal coil I’m going to laugh my ass off. What a fitting tribute for the worthlessness of the vaccines he mandated.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
2 months ago

Kamala’s ‘word salad’ is more likely diagnosed as Tokerrhoea.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
2 months ago

Do you mean CockerrHo-ea?

2 months ago
Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 months ago

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu landed in the United States on Monday, with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris both absent to greet him upon arrival.
Vice President Kamala Harris has reportedly refused to preside over Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress on Wednesday.
Not surprising. Dems have always treated Netanyahu like shit. Obama in particular.
The mutual disdain between Netanyahu and Obama goes way back, and the animosity apparent today has been years in the making.
There’s no shortage of examples: that time Netanyahu lectured Obama on Israeli history. That time Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy chuckled over how much they didn’t like Netanyahu. The time, in 2010, when Vice President Biden was blindsided on a trip to Israel by an Interior Ministry announcement of new housing units for Jews in East Jerusalem. And who can forget when senior Obama officials reportedly called Netanyahu “chickens–t” and “Aspergery”?

2 months ago

French lawmakers cry foul after suspected ballot-stuffing in National Assembly.

It was the vote for Speaker and the deputy speakers, which for some reason is done by secret ballot. Its their version of the recent fights over the speakership in the US House of Representatives.

Martin Armstrong posted that his own site has been under attack.

2 months ago

This is a mental illness: TikTokker has breakdown over Biden being forced out
Oh, and will someone please name the gender and sex of this creature.

Last edited 2 months ago by teotoon
Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

tiktoker trying to gain views. total twit.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

Do Masonic Lodges provide complimentery manicures for aspiring members these days?

2 months ago

So I’ve argued that “Biden” isn’t a real person. The announced death of “Biden” would prove me wrong.


There is something I can’t understand. So its very important now that the Democrats and media (same thing) unite behind Kamala Harris being the Democratic nominee, because “Biden” is incapacitated and maybe dead or dying, but she can’t be President or at least Acting President?

So “Biden” is dead, and you are going to conceal it like he is the first Emperor of China or Numerian ( What on Earth is supposed to be accomplished by that highly illegal and risky maneuver? Announce to the public that “Biden” is dead, or if he is a real person and dying, and can’t resign because he is dying, invoke the 25th Amendment transfer of power.

The Republicans are right to be raising this issue. They are probably inadvertently enabling a nuclear war, but the legislators have sworn an oath to uphold the constitution too, and I’m not a believer in trying to play 4D chess when you don’t know the rules.

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

It already was a crack house. Plus Billy and JFK got tons of bj’s there.

2 months ago

I wonder if endorsing Harris was a fuck you to the party. A sort of, “Now try and win with this cunt, who everybody hates.”

Biden didnt endorse Harris.

The letter wasn’t official White House paper. The signature was fake.

It is a Coup d’Etat

2 months ago

If they can drag Anne Heche away kicking & screaming in view of cameras, Biden has no chance

Reply to  Anonynnous
2 months ago

Yeah, seriously… who is like the Beast, and who can make war with it?

Reply to  Anonynnous
2 months ago

Anne Heche wasn’t dragged away kicking and screaming, she was badly burned in an auto accident she caused, still alive but seriously injured, likely due to her drug use, and multiple partners confirm her OWN self-admitted mental issues.
If you want to use examples of people unfairly silenced and arrested, lots of good examples. Don’t use bad ones.

Mostly Anonymous
Mostly Anonymous
Reply to  scruffy
2 months ago

for context
comment image

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  scruffy
2 months ago

She was alive and kicking as they wheeled her into a fake ambulance with a sheet over her like she was dead.

Reply to  Bid3n Didn't Win
2 months ago

and who were the guys dressed as construction workers?

Reply to  scruffy
2 months ago

We have our own eyes, FYI. Our eyes do not lie. We know it. You should probably quit whatever you expected to accomplish.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

she’s so high on drugs, she’s likely thrashing not aware she’s so burned… she could have been passed out and come to… and it wasn’t about smoke, she’s burned badly, they likely wrapped her in sheet to prevent skin from being abraided in moving, but hey… glad you’re an EMT.

2 months ago

Blinkin – Iran “one or two” weeks away from having a nuke,

What class of garbage is that?

What do they have left to do, put it in a box?

Reply to  Anonynnous
2 months ago

It appears to be the never ending story. Some day maybe, but not in the next couple of weeks unless we provide them with what they need to get it done. And when they do? Not sure what would happen. N. Korea has some. So far no attacks. It’s suicide and everyone knows it.

2 months ago

Chris Tyson, Mr Beast’s transgender friend, is being accused of viewing/supporting pedophilic content online and allegedly had inappropriate conversations with a 13 year old fan with plans to meet when he turned 16. This YouTube channel has a few videos on the topic and so far I’ve only watched the one I’m about to link and another video detailing how he tried to get the info out but based on this video alone the information seems pretty solid.

Couple things that I think are interesting to note is that the guy who made the video is involved with Turning Point and Charlie Kirk. They have some kind of club or training camp or something this guy is part of. Another thing I thought was interesting was the amount of people this guy said he went to to share this information. He contacted news outlets like Daily Mail, he went to various popular and/or notorious ecelebs including Chris Chan and Leafy, he contacted Tyson’s ex wife, he even contacted Chris Hansen through Cameo. Almost no one responded and those that did said stuff like “show me what evidence you have” and then ghosted him. It seems strange to me that the internet is usually so addicted to drama and yet no one wanted a piece of this. Make of it what you will.

2 months ago

From Bebo, rumours suggest 22 French & British soldiers killed in Ukraine, including 18 members of SAS.

2 months ago

The Texas Democratic Party on Monday accused presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. of using faulty signatures to try and make the Texas ballot this fall. Would Democrats lie?

Fake news. (When I say fake news, I don’t mean it is false, I mean it isn’t news because it is normal and not a news story. It’s dog-bites-man.)
Every petition of every sort gets challenged in this way, and every petition ends up with signatures that cannot be verified. It’s standard practice for petitioners to get 125-150% of the signatures required because they know that some number of them will be challenged and removed. It’s the normal process.

2 months ago

Supreme Court orders New York to respond to Missouri lawsuit over Trump ‘lawfare’ this week.

This one is an Original Jurisdiction case, and frankly, I don’t know much about that procedure. That means I don’t know if there are any implications to read into this, or if this is just normal procedure. For example, I don’t think the SCOTUS has to grant cert on Original Jurisdiction, so I think that whole process is out.
What I’m reading indicates that the SCOTUS almost always appoints a Special Master to oversee a trial of any fact questions, and then recommends to the SCOTUS how they should rule. Then, they can (but don’t have to) have oral arguments like normal and rule. It seems like this is the normal first step towards that Special Master trial. Given that it’s a regular case now, and not an appeal, the next step is for NY to move to dismiss after they file their reply.

2 months ago

> Mexican authorities are escorting more than 3,000 migrants who began trekking their way north as part of a new migrant caravan, with each of the participants having the ultimate goal of reaching the U.S. border and requesting asylum or some other form of protected status.

“Come right in! Welcome! Now strip off all your clothes, put on the prison uniform, and get on the bus to Happy Fun Labor Camp #217. Your case is scheduled for arbitration in five years. Have a nice day!”

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Use Mexicans to build The Wall.

2 months ago

> Loomer says he is declining fast and will die soon.

He’s 81 and has been exhibiting clear symptoms of dementia for at least five years. Nobody is going to bet that he makes it much longer.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

I’ll bet it, if the odds get steep enough. nobody knows anything. you’ll recall Carter went into hospice 13 months ago, and he’s still with us. (pls, Lord: DO NOT WANT)

still and all: despite being a world-class pedo piece of shit and a crook on the scale of “Harry Truman, the richest man in the senate” {surely y’all didn’t fall for that ‘Truman: man of the people’ con? who you think LBJ leaned ‘make the government work for you!’ from?} the one – and only – thing I’ll give him is this: he clearly made a lifelong commitment to physical fitness 50+ years ago, and in all that time in the public eye, NO ONE has ever seen him carrying so much as an ounce of fat. like Jen Aniston: love her or hate her, she’s always in fantastic shape. the discipline is actually impressive – and people in that kind of shape often hang on long after they should have croaked. again: give me good enough odds, I’ll take that bet.

Last edited 2 months ago by anonymous
2 months ago

> Ford converts electric vehicle factory to build gasoline-powered pickups.

“The government subsidy money ran out, so now we have to make something we can sell before the shareholders start howling for our blood.”

2 months ago

> Crowdstrike Chief Security Officer was unloading thousands of shares of Crowdstrike BEFORE the “IT apocalypse” struck. He spent 24 years with the FBI before taking the job.

Sounds like “insider trading” to me. But will the SEC deign to notice?

“These rules for us, those rules for you.”

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Worse, it shows premeditation and not an accident.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

it shows premeditation by 3 letter agencies

2 months ago

> How do you get tricked like that, if you are some sort of tech super-genius like Musk?

“High IQ” and “dumbass” are separate things. And smart people are more likely to have high values of dumbass than average people.

Almost everyone had had the experience of talking with someone who was really, really sharp… until suddenly you’re pulling back and thinking “whaaaat?” when utter drivel starts coming out.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Musk is a moron frontman.
Everything he is given credit for is done by someone else behind the scenes.

Anyone with real brains can watch him for a few minutes and see he’s a low IQ doper.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

“…Anyone with real brains can watch him for a few minutes and see he’s a low IQ doper.”

I have real brains and have seen most of his interviews and have seen his factories and many interviews of people who worked with him that have “undeniable” technical talent and all of them show you have no idea what you are talking about. So are all these people, AI expert programmers, rocket science engineers, computer processor design engineers (Jim Keller and I defy you to pretend he’s a fool), business executives, muti-decade efficiency experts in auto and other manufacturing(Munro & Associates and Autoline After Hours), are all of us are idiots and you are the genius that sees through him or is it that you are the idiot that has no idea what he is talking about? Which is it?

Why don’t you ever provide even the slightest evidence that what you say about him is true other than your “feels”. Your “feels” will surely lead us to the truth you say. And before you gift us more of your “supposedly gifted feels” read the link below and dispute real facts.

Look these people up, see what they have done. The idea that he could not have done what he did is belayed by the evidence at hand in that, what is, is. Hard to argue with things that work. I have followed and written down all the steps he took and all of them are perfectly plausible and he most certainly is not a fool. I do not believe it is possible for him to have moved as fast as he has and his companies being as technically competent as they are without him being very gifted and putting in LOTs of hours to make things happen. If he is comped, how come all these other CEO’s like Boeing as so useless? Huge amounts of the corporate leadership in the US are completely useless, but he has constantly stayed on top despite taking on tasks that had an extremely high level of failure. And he is still at it.

If you want to know where he got his money from and his background I have a LOT of the actual data here,

Without all the hand waving bullshit I hear about him backed by…nothing. Nothing at all.

The fact is he started zip2, was bought out, started a company that merged with and became paypal. Peter Thiel booted him as CEO when he left on his honeymoon, BUT, his stock was already vested and when insider Thiel sold out to ebay he made a huge shit load of money which he promptly invested in rocket ships and electric cars. All the support he has received is from known avenues of funding, including taking advantage of benefits from US congressional subsidies that were passed before he even came to the country. Subsidies made to make a domestic US launch system US and not Russian and electric cars to end oil dependency. And you can not deny he has done just that. You may not like the results, but they are what they are and do work. The rest of the investment he has received came AFTER he built working vehicles and spacecraft from various hedge and other funds. They saw value there and the ones that invested make hundreds of billions of dollars.
A lot of people agree that being independent in space launches is super important, and also a lot of people agree that having electric cars so as to not be dependent on imported oil is of prime strategic importance. I think so too, and I’m in good company no matter whether you like it or not.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

“…You have a kid, and I propose giving him drugs which will prevent him from going through puberty. Would you do it?…”

How do you know this? He said he was tricked. Note, really note, he has been working 80-100 hours a week. He does not monitor his kids. His wife should have done more. He said,

“…Elon Musk says he was “tricked” into allowing one of his children who transitioned from male to female to take puberty blockers.
The chief executive of Tesla and Space X claimed he had been told his child, formally named Xavier, “might commit suicide” if he was not allowed to undergo gender transition….”

And once again, you have zero evidence that he has not done every thing attributed to him. None. There is a verified time line and a story behind all he has done that makes sense and does not appear to be contrived. I notice that in most every case where they do what you said, prop someone up, they say stupid things and do stupid things and there are all sorts of holes in the story. I’ve seen none of that in Musk. Maybe it’s there, maybe he is some sort of agent but I give him the benefit of doubt because, the story matches the evidence and a big part is I approve very much the things he has doe technically. So even if he is an agent, I believe society has benefitted from his actions. And to cut off the buffoonirtes they have computers in gas cars that can shut them off just like electric, so that’s NOT a reason to dis them.

I also believe a lot of the criticism of him is to denigrate and demoralize White people. Same as the fake, “fake moon” stuff. Lots of blowhard “pronouncements” that this is this and that is that, with nothing but fake non-facts and a lot of serious stupidity. I really hate this. Really, really hate this. So if I don’t see any malfeasance or can verify that the criticism is wrong, I say so. I notice very strongly that no one, no one at all, has been able to go through all the stuff I dug up and prove any of it not true. I notice that no one can disprove that a very large cohort of highly technical people that have worked with him say he is very effective at getting things done. In fact I see not one iota of data that proves he is anything but what he says he is.

It’s just all “feels”. Well I think this, and I think that, and no one can this and no one can that, but the truth is that the people critiquing him know that “they” can not do these things so they say he can’t. There are people in history that have tremendous things. It’s not often, but they are there, and he is one of them. I myself could never do what he has done, but I understand it. I have read what and how he said he was going to do what he did, and I fully understand the exact techniques he is using. Maybe others can’t see this. I have also read a great deal of the same exact books he talks about and see where he got his ideas from as I have had, some, of the same thoughts. So he makes sense to me, and what he is doing makes sense.

The only glitch I can see in what he is doing, and have said it before, is what if he is a Jew and is making rockets to move the Jews off of earth and then blast all the rest of us. This is of course nuts but…I believe Jews would do this if they thought they could get away with it. We see exactly what the Jews think about others in Gaza. In many times in history. Every chance they get, they kill as many people as they can.

There are signs that are counter to this. A big one is the Jew that took OpenAI away from him. That doesn’t sound like someone working for them or being one of them. I do think he must be very careful because if they believe he is a big threat they will kill him. I’m sure he probably knows this.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 months ago

I want to point out something. AC has said repeatedly that this “cabal” thing has been around forever. So does that mean Henry Ford was boosted by cabal??? Andrew Carnegie??? Even Rockefeller?

Now maybe you all jump in here and say Rockefeller…yah controlled. How did he get so rich. If you look at the common narrative, Rockefeller did all sorts of shady evil shit to corral the oil market but, that’s not the reason he got rich. Not that he was an angel but didn’t any of you wonder just how the hell he got all these hard assed railroad guys to give him subsidies per barrel of oil sent on their railroads? Well I did. It bothered me so much that I looked until I found the answer. Rockefeller owned the patent for steel tank railroad cars. That’s right. And seeing as how oil, before Rockefeller, was sent in actual wooden barrels, you can see the huge, outsized advantage he has shipping oil. No one could get close to his prices and if they tried he could cut prices until they were bankrupt. His floor price in transportation was way below anyone else. From that he consolidated and built large very modern refineries that put out a standard (standard oil, get it) product that people could count on. Remember, old gas pumps had glass jars on them because most gasoline was so poorly refined that it was junk. Rockefeller vastly improved the whole entire chain from drilling to distribution and watched every single penny on the way.

Musk is doing exactly the same, he has stated that he studied Ford, Rockefeller and Carnegie. All of them did the same. Watch every penny. Rapid improvement. And bring in house as much production in the chain as you can to control all aspects of production.

My point is though is readily evident that a bunch of fools are boosted by cabal to places pf prominence, not everyone is and there are things that slip by them. Mainly because they are by and large are a bunch of fools.
Musk slipped by them by investing in stuff that everyone thought was batshit crazy, but made it work. He also, still, gives his reasoning as being he wants to go to Mars, but notice he said not a damn thing about satellites until he had a very good, low cost launch system and all of sudden he is launching vast numbers of satellites that cost wise, if you can launch cheap, destroy the economics of building hundreds of thousands of towers and all the infrastructure that you don’t need with satellites. He also said nothing about phone service until he had launched a good deal of internet satellites. Now he’s talking phones. How much you want to bet eventually, depending on regulatory approval, he goes into broadcast TV. We’re talking many, many billions of dollars.

He also didn’t say too much about self driving cabs until he was far along on his self driving software. The profits in this are also very high.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

“You are a genius IQ”

No. Not even remotely. I’m lower level engineering IQ and since I’m getting older even less. But I am insatiably curious and tend to look up all sorts of stuff that no one else really follows through on. So I know a lot of bizarre stuff, of little importance, but, of some use here and there.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

>Also remember a lot of these characters have to sacrifice a loved one to get in, and it seems some use the tranny path as a sort of hack of the system, where the relative does not actually need to die.

Now that you mention it, it does seem like Xavier really hates Elon. Ostensibly because he’s anti trans but if this is true this could be the real reason.

2 months ago

I want to hammer the math/tech/ai research thing again.

All of our scientific publishing runs through Robert Maxwell’s publishing houses. Robert Maxwell is associated with Britain, and with Israel. Neither of them are American. These publishing houses act as a sort of a whale shark. They swallow all the ideas, and filter for the few good ones. However, they know all of the mainstream, paid up, structural thinkers.

Aaron Schwartz, nice student, finds a way to publish academic articles so that poor students can read the journal articles. The government stacks up this bizarre case. I mean, it’s just a layer cake of charges from all these different agencies with all sorts of odd arguments. This nice young man who thinks information should be free ends up killing himself. Litigation is stressful. Also,do we actually know that he killed himself? I have questions.

Now, throw in something like Google search being broken. Regular people doing anything search are using broken tools. The other search engines are not vernacular, basically. Some are curated, so there’s information that people cannot search and correlate and synthesize.

We know, from history, that Britain behaves very badly in the face of invention. We know, from history, that rabbis behave very badly for othter thoughts. The enlightenment meant that the state restrained rabbis from killing each other. We know America wrote it’s founding laws to be very careful about speech, thought, belief, weapons. It wasn’t theoretical. These people were the children of people who suffered at the hands of oppressors.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

While I’m at it, refugee is a created word for Huguenots being run out of France. The Huguenots were the native populations in southwest France who have technical inclinations. Anything that Europe gets lit about from the Neolithic is from this region, French side or Spanish side.

The absolutely murderous French regime, helmed by a Hapsburg, starved and burned these people out. It was illegal for a regular person to read a Bible. I mean, information control at its finest. The house styles are still built on trying to stay private from government ‘dragons’ patrolling the streets to see if light seeped out of the windows at night. If light, then suspected Bible readers.

I’m not getting into the religious or political bits. I’m just pointing out the information control flow system in place. Information control flow is willing to kill people who aren’t upholding whatever belief the central political regime holds.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

“The absolutely murderous French regime, helmed by a Hapsburg,”

Pendant alert.

The French and the Hapsburgs were enemies in the sixteenth century. The French ruling house and the Hapsburgs became allies after 1660 and started inter-marrying, but that was a long way away.

I checked, and the only connection is that Charles IX married a Hapsburg. The wars stared with the death of Henri II, who married a Medici. During the wars, his sons were the (pretty nominal) kings of France, with Catherine de Medici usually as regent. Charles IX, as stated, married a Hapsburg. Francis II married a Stuart whose mother was a Guise, and Henri III married a Guise.

The arch-Catholic side, and the ones responsible for the massacres of Protestants, were led by the Guises. They were connected with the noble (cabal) Italian family of d’Este, but not the Hapsburgs. The French kings at the time actually tried to be neutral, and one was assassinated for not being a fanatical Catholic.

Felipe II intervened to supoort the Guise faction, but it was to extend the war and weaken France, and his intervention came late after the wars were underway for some time.

Its tempting to blame everything bad in continental European history on the Hapsburgs, but the French elites were capable of screwing things up on their own.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Thank you.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

dont worry about “getting into the religious or political bits”.

They started it.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

After Hurricane Katrina, the media was telling people that “refugee” was an insult, and people just accepted that at face value. I know of a couple of fights over it the “insult”.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

I came across some information on Aaron Schwartz a few years back. His suicide was doubtful as his waist was about 30″ (thin guy) and yet he somehow hung himself with his belt.

There are also allegations he came across some of Negroponte’s illegal child type content on MIT’s servers, which is why they Epsteined him.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

So information flow control, plus tech, meets pedophiles?

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

Pretty much. MIT is apparently part of the pedo network. Ba’al Gates gave Epstein a donation to give to MIT for reasons I don’t think we understand. Why Gates couldn’t have given the money directly makes no sense. Why did Epstein have to be in the middle of it?

Reply to  EricTheAwful
2 months ago

He was overly charged for copying science papers (ala scigen), he was facing massive years for a nothing ‘crime’ he freely admitted he had done. The reason for the charges and the intensity is the real question… who did he piss off, who wanted him silenced?

2 months ago

> Blinkin – Iran “one or two” weeks away from having a nuke,—They’ve been one or two weeks away for… probably a quarter of a century now. Their separation plants got bombed by the Israelis, and then the plants got hit with computer viruses, but they’ve had a long time to make enough fissionables.
Considering there’s no known case of a nuke that failed to go “boom”, they’ve probably been quietly building bombs to a known-good configuration. Just like Israel, there’s no need to test them; almost all tests are for political leverage or the ego of the weaponeers. In the US program, nobody took you seriously as a weaponeer unless you had at least one “shot” of your own, even if it was a meaningless variation on a previous test.
Iran’s official entry into the nuclear club will happen when their leadership decides it’s most advantageous to them. But it would be foolish to think they don’t already have an ample supply of big bangs at hand.

Last edited 2 months ago by TRX
English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

Whilst it is possible Iran has been building secret nuke weapons, they don’t really need them. Given their massive inventory of missiles Iran could theoretically destroy Israel via massive bombardment.

Israel cannot pick up Tel Aviv and move it. Ditto with the Dimona nuclear reactor and other places. Israel has no strategic depth so massive salvoes of missiles will create major damage to Israeli infrastructure and the Israeli economy. And let’s not forget Hezbollah has an alleged massive missile inventory also.

It’s not looking good for Israel. I believe they will use nukes during the upcoming confrontation with Iran/Hezbollah. This just means that jews all over the world will be attacked wherever they are. Too bad!

Last edited 2 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  English Tom
2 months ago

Gross & disgusting take. Did you know you’d grow up to be a hateful bigot when you were young?

2 months ago

> German spy agency ‘too short-staffed to deal with Russian threats.’ They are too busy dealing with AfD and the surge of K-selection.


Also note that, historically, the only Germans who ever amounted to anything in the spy business were the East Germans, who nailed it. (maybe Communism is good for something after all?)

The West Germans, the National Socialists, and the German Empire were… I guess they don’t actually qualify as incompetent, but they were definitely second-rate.

2 months ago

> Vice President Kamala Harris maintains a lower favorability rating than President Joe Biden, RealClearPolitics polling average found on Monday.

That could hardly be news even to the most rabid Democrat.

“In other news, water is wet…”

2 months ago

> NASA scientist says patented ‘EXODUS EFFECT’ propellantless propulsion drive that defies physics is ready to go to space.

I would be absolutely thrilled if it works, but I’m not going to hold my breath.

As far as patents go, last I looked, “propellantless propulsion” would be in the general category of nutball things the USPTO will not grant patents for. Either that has changed, or the actual patent is for some specific part of their drive, not the whole thing.

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
Reply to  TRX
2 months ago

There are plenty of patents that you might think as being a bit “out there” that classified at US Government request for reasons of National (In) Security

2 months ago

“The wealthy are getting ready to leave Switzerland over a 50% inheritance tax for climate.”

This tax is not law. There’s going to be a vote first.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
2 months ago

If anyone needs a laugh this guy trolled a dem protest with a puppet:

2 months ago
microtubules, brain energetics, directed energy, changing mental states

2 months ago

>abandoned cause of heat
They actually have admitted to using EM heat rays before.

2 months ago

>Iran nuke
Is that the original 2 more weeks? I feel they have been saying that for years now.

2 months ago


English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Very interesting.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Ho Lee Fuk that’s weird

Mostly Anonymous
Mostly Anonymous
Reply to  Rizzo
2 months ago


a non 0
a non 0
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Won’t work, needs a virgin, right? Talk about disqualified…

Mostly Anonymous
Mostly Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

the name is no accident, which means the parents are in on it. She is born & bred cabal

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
2 months ago

I don’t know if anyone else posted this. Trump said the biden/Harris team failed to protect him and he “took a bullet for democracy,” proving once again he is a master troll.

2 months ago

Reposting because I messed up the link:

Another Hidden Camera Discovered in SoCal Neighborhood
The device, like others found recently, was spotted in bushes and positioned to view homes and homeowners’ routines, apparently to aid burglars.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Why not? Burglars can use cheap off-the-shelf technology too.

Judging from various news reports, burglary is evolving into organized groups now, not just random tweekers.

2 months ago

The Hidden Hand by Greta at Love Off Grid
What You Don’t Notice Can Hurt YouRead on Substack

Last edited 2 months ago by AnonL
Reply to  AnonL
2 months ago

I noticed three distinct groups at the Trump assassination. One group were people who came to the rally and were shocked and horrified by the assassination attempt. A second group appeared to expect an assassination attempt, but were shocked by its failure. The third group is what fascinates me. These are the people who seemed to know there would be an assassination attempt, but are oddly calm and unsurprised by its failure

How do you know there is an assassination attempt planned, but manipulate the situation so it fails? It’s like knowing a sporting event has been fixed and you flip the fix the other way, but at the same time you leak details of the original plan to get all the gamblers and betting agencies to placing odds based on the original plan. It’s a double double cross. The thing I can’t figure out is how they fixed the assassination attempt because that Austin Investment firm lost a lot of money for a lot of connected heavy hitters who were betting on Trump dieing.

It’s a crazy, crazy world.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
2 months ago

This is just really sad:

22 year old Democrat npc on an atv runs over 80 year old man putting up a Trump sign on his front lawn. Npc then calls police to confess and shoots himself in the head. It’s too bad we can’t all just get along and vote for whoever you like or, you know, put up a Trump sign and not be targeted for murder. J6 supporters rotting unjustly in jail, all the various crimes against Trump supporters, and of course, shooting the candidate himself, we’re pretty much at the point where anyone who believes in trump ought to be prepared to defend themselves at all times. And, of course, a Trump supporter who mag dumps some asshole attacking him can expect the maximum penalty while antifa can burn and pillage with impunity. Fuck this clown world.

2 months ago

comment image


2 months ago

What I THINK is coming in the next ten years regarding the NFA-

1)It ain’t going anywhere.

2) Short barreled long guns will be taken off of it.

3) So will silencers.

4) Machine guns will stay. The machine gun registry will probably be reopened, but the government will continue to exercise control over them and SCOTUS will do whatever mental gymnastics are required to make it happen.

The Trap That Could Unravel the Entire NFA
Washington Gun Law

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Good enough.
But I hope for much more.
The 2ndA goes far beyond guns, even if we follow the current SCOTUS jargon and look only at man portable (bearable) arms.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago


2 months ago

This is how I believe Musk got ‘tricked’ 6th grade son has a woke dude teacher who pushes the trans propaganda on the students. Thankfully, my son doesn’t buy into it. His friend challenged the teacher on the trans ideology and the teacher tells them that if the gender pretenders can’t get the surgery they want, they might unalive themselves and it would be the fault of all who tried to stop him. So I bet they scared Musk into thinking if he didn’t sign off on the trans pills, he’d be responsible for his own kids life. Of course the woke folks don’t admit what happens when they go through the surgery, realize it doesn’t work, they’re still miserable and want to change back.

Reply to  Leanne
2 months ago

Could be.

When looking at Musk, you have to bear two things in mind:

A) he was raised in South Africa and Canada

B) by the time he started spending much time in America he was wealthy, and therefore has had very little contact with people outside “the leetz” other than employees.

So what goes on inside his head might be very different than for a normal American.

Reply to  TRX
2 months ago
  1. his son (suicide) was transgendered as per cabal rules
  2. he wears a satanist costume
  3. he appears to be Pol Pott’s son

more red flags than a Cambodian Khmer Rouge Parade

2 months ago

Whatfinger has fixed their community page so you can send them a link to American Stasi there again.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

AC… a blurb for your book, if it’s not too late. If you use several, this could go at the end of the list:
“Who’s watching YOU?”

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

That line slay not need to be attributed, since it serves as a summary from the author or publisher, under a list. Otherwise, suburban will do.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

A crucial caveat, with two earth-shaking examples!
Do not imagine that people who are much more intelligent than you are “get” everything. If you are one of the top intellects, strive to identify your blind spots, ’cause everybody’s got ’em.
1.) When you hear about “a right that shall not be infringed, what is the first thing that ought to come to mind?
(Answer: “Gee, I wonder how many rights *have* been infringed, and would they have even been mentioned?”
2.) Given that there are more parasitic entities on this planet than non-parasites; given that humans are mammels; given that if you own or raise farm or household animals, the frst thing that a veterinarian will want to know is about your anti-parasite program…
HOW SCUM when YOU visit a doctor, the first words from his lips are not: “When’s the last time you were wormed?”
This last one is especially important for truthers, patriots, conned-servatives, and conspiracy people BECAUSE:
A. Parasites are numerous and everywhere, spread easily, and everybody has them, no matter what govt and pharma shills may claim.
B. Parasites cause many diseases and create suitable terrains in which other diseases readily develop.
C. Parasite infestations cause or lead to loss of energy and ambition…lower IQ…negative attitude and behavior… and much more, including total incapacitattion and DEATH!
D. Parasites eat and lust after sugars, carbs, and nasty (poisonous) food additives and ingredients.
E. Cabal vectors and factions are known to “kneecap” promising childrem and leaders during early years in the government schools.
F. Cabal corporations have ‘weaponized’ your Parasites and pump you fuller and ever fuller of sugar, carbs, and food additives, thus feeding and ‘curating’ those parasites.
G. Do you imagine that the Cabal’s health care system shills would ever warn you about parasites? Or would they assure you that ‘Parasites are only a danger in other parts of the world.” You human mammal, you! (!)

Last edited 2 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 months ago

Take the wormpill, anon!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  🌲🌲
2 months ago

The horse paste works better and is cheaper. Plus the zog has supposedly put out a pill form containing cyanide and fluoride.