News Briefs – 07/08/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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J.J. Carrell, former US Border Deputy Patrol Agent for 22 years confirming illegals are getting MAXIMUM social security payout. They’re being paid more money from social security than an American who’s worked their whole life. If true, sounds like they are going to purposefully crash Social Security, as part of fucking up the entire country. And remember, these migrants are surveillance, so even though they are getting the full amount, they have likely been told to skim some percentage, and then forward the rest on to Cabal command, probably making it look like a remittance, so it goes from one bank in one country, to another bank in another country, making tracking it nearly impossible.

Joe Biden is probably hiding the fact he has Parkinson’s with dementia from you. If you are reading this site, it is no secret. But the media is starting to cover it.

Four more Democrats in Congress call for Biden to step aside in the 2024 race.

Leftists melt down after New York Post warns Kamala Harris would be a ‘DEI President.

Black radio host fired for allowing Biden White House to send scripted questions.

Biden’s hand was noticeably shaking during a campaign stop in Philly on Sunday.

Staff provides Biden with instructions ‘on how to enter and exit a room’ with large print and pics ahead of events: report.

James Comer reveals White House doctor was involved in Biden business deals, demands he testify. Don’t tell me this was purely coincidence, so now they can question the doctor.

Marco Rubio demolishes Dana Bash when she alleges that is is Trump who would weaponize DOJ. Again, it is too perfect to not be a script.

Just 1 in 4 voters think President Biden could stay AWAKE through another Cuban Missile Crisis, almost half fear his age increases chance of an attack.

Democrats are growing increasingly nervous that President Biden’s campaign is sinking after his disastrous debate performance — and their hopes of retaining the Senate and retaking the House in November could sink along with it.

Joe Biden’s upcoming fundraiser in Wisconsin cancelled – donors who committed to giving large sums withdrew after first debate.

REPORT: “Sh*t is going to hit the fan” when congress returns Monday – All eyes on Nancy Pelosi as dems want Biden gone by the end of the week.

Roughly 99 percent of illegal aliens and border crossers are living freely across the United States as President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) monitors fewer than 1.5 percent of the nation’s illegal population, a report states.

Taxpayers are not only funding the border crisis, but they are also paying for numerous free services illegal foreign nationals receive, according to a new report published by the House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement.

Migrant crime roundup: War criminals, traffickers, and a Chick-fil-A double murder.

Major U.S. banks are reporting a spike in credit card fraud linked to the mass border invasion under Biden’s open-border policy as criminal migrants from Venezuela and other countries have formed bank fraud rings across the country, victimizing American cardholders.

Biden flies previously deported Cameroonians BACK in to US.

One of the least discussed aspects of the interview with President Joe Biden last night was his declaration that two of the nine justices are not long for the Court.

The FBI blocked the conviction of Patriot Front’s frontman Thomas Ryan Rousseau.

Government also allows them to ride around in the back of U-Hauls, which legally is a no-no.

The Michigan State Capitol, both House and Senate, received bomb threats, and staffers are openly wondering and worrying if this is yet another FBI False Flag event meant to distract from Democrat Joe Biden’s horrible poll numbers.

Experts reveal the REAL reason UFOs ‘target high-speed planes and warheads.’ Interesting to see the same UFO tracking fighter jets today clocking the Concorde years back.

Mike Heslin, the actor best known for “Special Ops: Lioness,” has died at  30, and doctors have no explanation.=

A new peer-reviewed study concludes that all cause deaths were higher for those vaccinated with one and two doses compared to the unvaccinated.

Chicago shootings: At least 98 shot, 17 fatally, in citywide holiday weekend gun violence.

President of the NEA says to “preserve our democracy” NEA must win all the things (elections.)

Nearly a third of all adults are not doing enough physical activity. They are probably doing surveillance. And they are NGMI. Make sure you are physically capable. History appears about to call on you.

Secret international discussions have resulted in governments across the world imposing identical export controls on quantum computers, while refusing to disclose the scientific rationale behind the regulations. 

Cardinal Pell was inadequately embalmed, he was left undressed and his nose had been broken.

France’s left pulls off shocking comeback finishing first in parliamentary elections. OMG anons. The polls were completely wrong, and the real election did exactly the opposite. I guess you will just have to accept it.

Real civil war is coming. There will be no excuse if you have not procured a battle rifle and body armor,

French Jews express fear after far-left election victories. If “The Jews” were running things, I do not think they would hand Europe, which the Jews need, to Muslims. If this were allowed to continue for a few decades, you might have radical Muslim caliphates with Nukes, able to strike Israel.

French Antifa leader Raphaël Arnault, classified as a threat to the French state by the security services has been elected Member of Parliament.

Sweden’s parliament has unanimously approved a series of amendments to the country’s hate speech regulations which will make Holocaust denial and distortion illegal.

Conservative champion Viktor Orbán takes over European Union presidency – Hungarian PM vows to ‘Make Europe Great Again.’

A Russian satellite likely suffered a “low-intensity explosion” that created hundreds of pieces of debris in low Earth orbit, according to one company’s analysis. Supposedly not an active satellite, but could have been a test of some new Cabal-tech, or Russia testing a new toy.

Three weeks before Trump and Biden sparred over their respective golf games at last Thursday’s presidential debate, “The Courses at Andrews” Air Force Base hosted a charity golf tournament for wounded Ukrainian veterans of the neo-Nazi Azov movement.

Ukrainian missiles would not have hit Russian cities, including Sevastopol, without direct US involvement in targeting, and Moscow will respond “in the foreseeable future,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday.

Ukraine tells the West it feels its Navy should have submarines.

Russia’s economy is so hot that the World Bank upgraded it to a ‘high-income country.’

Spread r/K Theory, because if our elections are not real, nobody’s elections are real.

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2 months ago

I posted this yesterday, but I’ve been thinking about the sudden discovery that “Biden” has dementia, and this is what I’ve come up with.

Cabal has something risky, and big, lined up, which I think they have to do strategically. It was originally going to launch in 2025, but they moved it up to not only 2024, but this month, hence the snap British and French elections to clear out of the way. As upper to mid level Cabal people were brought in on the operation as it was about to launch, people got cold feet.

The group that got cold feet included either the people running “Biden”, or the Democratic party machine hacks. It could the “Biden” group is all in, and the Democratic Party machine hacks are trying to remove “Biden” to stop this, or its the “Biden” handlers that got cold feet.

The mainstream media is supporting the “remove Biden because he has dementia movement, which is a clue. It could be that the mainstream media is controlled by the Democratic and no one else, which I will buy. But I think the Cabal has more direct control of the mainstream media, which means that it is the “Biden” handlers who are the obstacle.

Now another key point is that the Harris handlers are aligned with the “Biden” handlers. She is not setting the 25th Amendment process in motion, and definitely could do that, and arguably its her constitutional duty to do that. And if she is really a normal ambitious pol, she would have done this already. As long as the Harris handlers and the “Biden” handlers stick together, there is no way to get rid of “Biden”. The Democratic nomination is irrelevant because he is still “President” for six months without the 25th Amendment process being triggered, and whatever it is the Cabal wants to do has to happen now.

I’m thinking that this will cause the next big thing to be delayed.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Biden’s decline has been obvious to anyone that follows the politics. It has become overly obvious to the world now and they truly are in a tough spot. They don’t like KH, she is just a fail safe in the same way that Biden was for Obama. Some have said Biden was security for getting whites to vote for Obama. The same can be said for KH. She, like Biden, only got 1-3% of the vote during the primary season when they ran for POTUS, so no one really wanted them. One thing for sure, they will do their damnedest to screw things up so bad, that Trump will essentially be hamstrung to get anything done. EO’s not with standing of course. Get ready folks. May God be with you.

2 months ago

‘Chicago shootings: At least 98 shot, 17 fatally, in citywide holiday weekend gun violence.’

Why not rename it Chi-Congo?

Reply to  Maniac
2 months ago

Why not indeed.

2 months ago

Quick take on the French elections, since I am still going through the results.

The Marine Le Pen group, the National Rally (RN) and its allies, got a third of the votes in the first round. There was a release of fake news that this would turn into a second round majority, which was never going to happen and political scientists pointed this out. The populist left alliance around Melanchon and the Macronists cross-endorsed each other against the Le Pen grouping, and their alliances had combined for half the first round vote. The RN was never going to get many votes in the second round from people who had backed the New Popular Front or the Macronist supporters, Ensemble, in the first round.

What wound up happening is that the RN and their allies increased their share of the vote from 33% in the first round to 37% in the second round, which is actually not bad given the media campaign against them. Everyone else bandwagoned into backing NFP or Ensemble.

The 2022 legislative elections was historical, since in the past the French would give a newly elected President a National Assembly majority. For the first time, this didn’t happen, with the populist left and populist right increased their numbers of deputies and no one got a majority. The 2024 election just confirmed the 2022 result. No one got a majority, and Macron supporters lost even more ground.

Macon’s allies, Ensemble, lost 86 seats compared to 2022 and went from a majority before the 2022 election to just under a third of the seats. It seems the country club Republicans, called the Republicans, lost seats too but its hard to tell since they split into three groups during the campaign. The National Rally gained 36 seats and now have 125. They held 8 seats before 2022. The left wing alliance, the New Popular Front, gained 49 seats from its predecessor and not have 180. No alliance has even close to a majority.

The New Popular Front is actually an alliance between four parties, the Communists (pretty hard core), France Unbowed (populist and Melanchon’s party) and the fake left Socialists and Greens. My prediction is that Macron appoints Francois Hollande, he predecessor as President and former boss, as Prime Minister and he assembles a coalition of most or all of the Ensemble parties, plus the Socialist and Greens. In the past two years the coalition was Ensemble with the tacit support of the Republicans. Melanchon will be left in the cold. This won’t change anything except Macron, who started in politics as a Socialist finance minister, will have to pretend to be more left in ideology.

People, your pet political faction is alternative and needs a majority to get through, a third of the electorate doesn’t do it. Its a race between the normies waking up and the Cabal being able to bring in a new electorate from abroad, or just up and not running these “elections.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I don’t have Alexa or any other listening electronics like that, I keep my cell phone in another room away from my landline (I use that exclusively) and I don’t have a camera in my monitor. I actually use a large screen TV for a monitor. I do realize that my comments, emails, and purchases, are being recorded and stored somewhere but I make sure not to promote any kind of violence or illegality. Some things just go without being said. People will know what to do when the time comes I’m sure. Not saying I would, I’m old and feeble and have no firearms, sharp edged devices, heavy bludgeoning items, punji sticks buried in the boundaries of my small property, bear traps disguised as children’s toys, or anything of a closely related nuclear detonation device. But my teeth are good.

Reply to  Festis
2 months ago

Wait a minute, your teeth are not dentures? See to that immediately!

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Only a small few realize how screwed they all are.

2 months ago

Seems to me, registering illegal immigrant to vote, is a crime.
But registering illegal immigrant to vote for a specific party, is Treason.

Reply to  Name*
2 months ago

Damn straight it’s a crime. But what’s a law to the left? It’s feelings that count. Laws are for little people.

2 months ago

Comparing the Wikipedia pages for the 2022 and 2024 results, I see that the Marine Le Pen party, the National Rally (NR) by itself got 19% of the vote in the first round in 2022, and 29% in the first round in 2024. In the second round, they dipped and 2022 and increased slightly in 2024, likely the result of being in more second round contests in 2024. They elected 37 deputies with outright majorities in 2024, which they have to start doing since the other parties always combine against them in the second round. They went from something like half a dozen deputies before 2020 to 88, then to 125.

These are good results, its just a question of whether its too little, too late. This is without adding in allied parties, but in 2024 Marine Le Pen cannibalized several other “far right” parties that had decent results in 2022 and all but disappeared in 2024.

Macron started a new party in 2017, which goes by a new name in each election. It is allied with a small number of other parties, usually three, and the alliance now goes by the name “Ensemble”. They lost a lot of ground and their majority in the National Assembly in 2022. They benefit from being supposedly positioned in the “center” and getting a lot of votes in the second round from supports of parties who didn’t make it to the second round in the relevant district.

In 2022 this group pulled a quarter of the vote in the first round and 38% in the second round. In 2024 they pulled a fifth of the vote in the first round and a quarter in the second round. They elected 245 deputies in 2022, a drop of 105, and elected 159 in 2024. So whatever Macron thought he was trying to do obviously failed and the air is going out of the balloon. He will probably try to broaden his coalition by detaching the Socialists and Greens from Melanchon, which means dealing with his old boss, Hollande.

Melanchon formed an alliance of his own party (le France Insoume, difficult to translate into English), the Communists, the Socialists, and the Greens. The alliance was called NUPES (New Ecological Social and People’s Union) in 2022 and the less clunky NFP (New Popular Front) in 2024. A previous Popular Front governed France briefly in the 1930s and is mostly still well regarded. They also got a quarter of the vote in 2022 in the first round, increased to 31% in the second round, and elected 131 deputies. In 2024 they got 28% of the vote in the first round, dropping to 25% in the second round. The difference is that made an alliance with Macron in 2024 and pulled their candidates from a ton of districts, resulting in fewer votes aggregate. But the alliance enabled them to elect 180 deputies this time. But half of these are Socialists and Greens, who are likely to defect to a Macron assembled coalition, and again I think this is what will wind up happening.

2 months ago

The “SHOCKING” wages of colonization and subjugation of hundreds of millions of humans:

  1. A French marketplace has dark people (aka settlers) –
  2. Which had something to do with this:
  3. “Until after World War II, almost none of the Africans living in the colonies of France were citizens of France. Rather, they were “French subjects,” lacking rights before the law, property ownership rights, rights to travel, dissent, or vote.” –

The French colonizers are not giving up:

  1. Several coup attempts against Ibrahim Traore –
  2. So, decent people have sent help –

Shocking but True: If violent extremists destroy countries such as Ukraine and Burkina Faso, in order to save themselves, humans will cross borders in great numbers.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  NonyTI
2 months ago

This tactic is what Steve Sailer calls “Invade the world, invite the world.”

Globalists have been using it for decades.

Reply to  NonyTI
2 months ago

Do or do not.
If you’re going to have imperial colonies keep them imperial colonies, don’t grant them citizenship.
Compromises like that always fail.
And certainly don’t open your borders to anyone, least of all people you held as subjects.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Better and more humane alternatives might be:

  1. Don’t colonize people
  2. Don’t enslave people
  3. Don’t genocide people
  4. Don’t bring “freedom and democracy” to people

In short, don’t be a murderous, destructive, avaricious, hypocritical, and supremely evil world-class asshole.

Reply to  NonyTI
2 months ago

Right, that would be Do Not.

Reply to  NonyTI
2 months ago

Globalists do this without consent of the people they rule over.

You honestly believe they actually wanted this? And the mass immigration?

Reply to  NonyTI
2 months ago

Have very restrictive immigration & refugee policies.

Texas Arcane
2 months ago

The polls have not agreed with the results for fifty years.
I am starting to think it’s all been fake a long, long time.

2 months ago

I do not think they would hand Europe, which the Jews need, to Muslims.

Come on AC, the entire reason the Jewish “golem” myth exists is because they have a propensity for exactly that type of over-reaching, ultimately self-sabotaging behavior.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

AC, to the extent we know who sits at the top of the Cabal pyramid, Jews are most definitely there.

Besides the Rothschilds, the English aristocracy in particular is riddled with Jewish intermarriages going back generations.

The top of the hierarchy is definitely Jewish, but not exclusively, or even majority, Jewish, at least based on the information we have now.

But make no mistake, the tribe has definitely played a significant role in civilizational upheaval and collapse, and has done so for millenia.

There is no way to avoid that reality if one is serious about looking this catastrophe in the face.

Is every Jewish person responsible for this? Of course not, nor should they shoulder the brunt of what is happening, unless they are directly involved at some level, and that hold true for people of any ethnic category.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

The Jews have been aiding the Muhammedens at least since the 700s when they conquered Spain and I’d be shocked if they weren’t involved in the creation of the cult of Muhammed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Those at the top want to make things bad enough to drive them all to Israel.
Then they will try to put the genie back in the bottle.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Like the monkey trying to put the cork back in the pig.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

A huge number are now fleeing Israel. In fact, there is a distinct possibility Israel may cease to exist soon (one can but hope)!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

It really is amazing to see things apparently playing out like Revelations. It blows my mind.

Boston red
Boston red
Reply to  Jeroth
2 months ago

When you’re walking in a pasture and you step in a pile, don’t be surprised. You made the decision to walk there. As it is said, shit happens.

2 months ago

If “The Jews” were running things, I do not think they would hand Europe, which the Jews need, to Muslims. If this were allowed to continue for a few decades, you might have radical Muslim caliphates with Nukes, able to strike Israel.

Watch: Muslim Palestinians cheer as the popular Muslim preacher vows to conquer Europe and impose Islam on the entire Western world.

He is literally calling for the re-establishment of ISIS in order to commit genocide against non-Muslims in Europe “for the sake of Allah (the God of Islam)”.

Masses of Palestinian Muslims took part in this rally against France and against the West. They admit that they hate the West (ie, the Christian world) but at the same time they accept billions of dollars every year as “foreign aid” from France, Britain, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, etc.

Last edited 2 months ago by B_MC
Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  B_MC
2 months ago

Israel also hates the West and accepts hundreds of billions in aid from the U.S.

Israel has benefited from more American tax dollars than any other nation on earth, and that’s not even counting the bribery/extortion of most members of congress on both sides of the aisle.

Remember the U.S.S. Liberty. Remember Epstein. Remember AIPAC. Remember 9/11.

The U.S. military invaded and occupied Iraq and Afghanistan for 20 fucking years because the mostly Jewish neocons, in alliance with Bush and Cheney, decided that was the best course of action for the deep state and its coffers, and Israel just happened to benefit directly from all of it.

Let’s get real.

2 months ago

The Cabal developed an effective system of political management for the representative governments of the “collective West” and elsewhere. The core of this was the recruitment, gaslighting, bribery, and blackmail of the elected representatives themselves, the big flaw of representative government as opposed to direct democracy.

The system was used to make sure all Western governments committed to policies in favor of globalization, mass migration from the “global South” to the “collective West”, and financialization and de-industrialization, and against white men, particularly working class white men, heterosexual relationships, and friendship in general. All western governments, starting in the 1990s, pursued these policies, regardless of which party was supposedly in government.

A core feature of this system is that if there were multiple political parties, their leadership would all be Cabal controlled and would all enact the Agenda once in power. Opposition parties could sometimes pretend to oppose the Agenda (which was unpopular, but sadly normal people will tend go along with what the powerful want to get along), or not, it didn’t make much difference.

The first crack in the system happened in the United States, with presidential primary challenges by Trump in the Republican primaries, and Sanders in the Democratic primaries, both at least pretending to be populist. The Sanders left populist challenge was handled successfully, with Sanders himself, or a replacement double, being brought into the fold. The Trump or MAGA challenge, not so much, and its arguably a bigger problem for them in 2016.

The second crack was in France. I think the strategic problem in France is that the Cabal normally relies on people of middling or even lower than average intelligence for its political sock puppets, and the man they selected in France, Emmanuel Macron, is actually pretty smart and sometimes goes off script. Macron assembled a giant coalition of pretty much the entire 1980s French political spectrum, and scored a big electoral success in 2017. Even then, this was thin, since his and their first round support didn’t crack a third of the vote and they relied heavily on corralling second round preferences. Already they faced a left populist coalition assembled by Jean-Pierre Melanchon and Marine le Pen succeeding in building support for the party she inherited from her father. The strategic problem in that they put all their eggs in one basket, which was Macronism. As Macronism lost support, the only alternative for voters were populist groups on the outside on the left and the right, which the Cabal doesn’t want. Expect an attempt to bring at least part of the populist left on board.

The third crack happened this year in Britain. Basically, the lack of difference between the Cabal Conservatives and Cabal Labour became too obvious. The Brexit issue delayed the revelation, but after Brexit both supported Cabal policies on the Covid lockdowns, “vaccines”, migration, and Ukraine and it just became too obvious. In the snap 2024 elections, almost half of the normal Conservative voters switched to the Reform protest party, and while Labour did not lose support, it failed to increase it, and lost enough support with what had been their core voters that two senior Labour politicians lost re-election.

This isn’t a collapse, its a leak. Its more like the air going out of a balloon.

I’ve argued this earlier, but strategically they should have abandoned the “elections” yesterday. Its costing them more to maintain the system than what they gain in legitimacy. And in the USA they rely heavily on ballot stuffing, and that is becoming so obvious that they are losing the legitimacy anyway.

2 months ago

Sundance post that appeared yesterday, and explains everything in a short essay:

“have noted several times in the past few years that the nature of our relationship with government seems to have shifted. Specifically, We The People now appear to be in an abusive relationship with government. In all abusive relationships there is a common set of behaviors; the DC control system is following a familiar pattern. My recent research trips helped me to understand exactly how severe and deep this shift has become.”

Certain abusers distort reality in the mind of their victims through gaslighting. Essentially manipulative and strategic lying, to make the abused think something, perhaps even their reality, is completely different. Our government institutions and those who control the information flow into media have been doing exactly that. The examples are numerous, but the deliberateness began to take a severe tone with the COVID-19 fiats.

“In my opinion, it was our willingness to buy into the false frameworks surrounding the COVID-19 hysteria, that really opened the eyes of possibility in the mind of powerful people within our government. We accepted too much; we allowed too much; we willingly accepted an almost totalitarian state in response.”

“Granted, in other countries it was worse; yet still, in the USA where our DNA is forged in the fire of being suspicious of government, three-quarters of the population took an untested experimental, gene modifying “vaccine.” In hindsight, it is stunning to consider.”

Courtesy of Burning platform. Read the whole thing.

2 months ago

Just 1 in 4 voters think President Biden could stay AWAKE through another Cuban Missile Crisis, almost half fear his age increases chance of an attack.

This happens more than we think. Kissinger famously bragged that because of Watergate, Nixon was deep in depression and wouldn’t leave his room during the Yom Kippur War, and told Kissinger to just “handle it.” We almost got into WW3 while Kissinger was handling it (because Brezhnev got drunk and sent a plane full of Spetsnaz towards Israel without anyone else in Russian command knowing about it.)

2 months ago

Ah yes… the Cuban Missile Crisis…

Cuba, a nation that is such a threat to the United States that a third of Cuban territory is a giant US military base.

Reply to  map
2 months ago

It wasn’t Cuba, it was the basing of Russian nukes 90 miles from the US. Turned out it was just a bargaining chip to get the US to remove missiles in Turkey. Read a little bit about it. No disrespect.

Reply to  Notagain
2 months ago

It would have been trivially easy to take the Island over during Bay of Pigs, but cabal wants that hive of communism just off out shore.
JFK kneecapped the invasion and provided no support from out base.
Obviously a cabal faction war with Bush and the CIA.

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Notagain
2 months ago

I know the story of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

2 months ago

There are Parkinson’s drugs that affect Alzheimer’s dementia, specifically one I read about that flushes the channels and can give someone with mild Alzheimer’s an hour to an hour and a half of no symptoms. But it’s not good to use long term, it’s only for emergencies, the more you use it the less effect it has. And when you get to moderate dementia, it can only get you back to ‘mild’ at best.
When I find the name of the drug again I’ll post it here. Obviously, Parkinson’s Dementia and Alzheimer’s Dementia are closely related. And Parkinson’s disease, in general, is indicative of drug use – that’s what happened to Robin Williams with his related ‘lewy body dementia’.. Take a lot of drugs when you’re young, you’ve exhausted and injured the areas that when you’re old, are the first things to fail. Biden the elder wasn’t known for being famous into the drug scene, but I’m sure there was plenty of nose candy around him and available and the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Just had less self-restraint.
I have long presumed that this drug was one of the things they were using on Biden, to go with the doubles and face masks and so on. That would be a related explanation for why a Parkinson’s doctor would be involved.

2 months ago

Comments are working, though its back to my just seeing my own comments for much of the day. I know other people have posted comments.

Here is the Duran commentary on the French legislative elections. Mercouris gives a good overview of the French two round system, and describes “the marriage between the Frankenstein monster and the zombie” that stopped the National Rally. He speculates that they were being too clever by half and should have just let the RN form the next government.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I also had several rather detailed comments disappear over the course of the last several days, but I just brushed it off as a consequence of the attack.

Everything seems back to normal though.

2 months ago
An Englishman in Afghanistan is saying that the German government is not repatriating the Afghan refugees. The Afghan government welcomes them back. He also says that soldiers of the West visit Afghanistan safely.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

Quoting Lord Miles: “There is no reason someone should be a refugee from Afghanistan.”

IOW, the whole “refugee” thing is a scam. Bolsters AC’s idea of the so-called refugees being cabal assets.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  AnonL
2 months ago

The refugee thing was always a scam. It is the Cloward Piven strategy in action. The muds are here so that people (natives of the West) turn on them when the economy and everything else in our societies turns to shit.

The natives attack the refugees, there is mass violence and disorder and the state gets to initiate Martial Law, and probably round up undesirables, like the people who read this blog, at the same time.

The old divide and rule strategy has been used for countless millennia because it works.

Last edited 2 months ago by English Tom
Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

The Taliban Twitter looked pretty based

2 months ago

> A Russian satellite likely suffered a “low-intensity explosion” that created hundreds of pieces of debris in low Earth orbit,

I wondered what there would be on a legitimate satellite that might explode, but I remembered that some satellites have attitude control rockets, and some have rocket engines powerful enough to significantly change their orbits. That has been a thing since the early Keyhole spy satellites in the 1960s.

So, fuel/oxidizer leakage or an ignition failure would be a believable explanation. Back in the early days, a lot of rockets kaboomed on the launch pad when ignition didn’t start properly.

2 months ago

> Ukraine tells the West it feels its Navy should have submarines.

And, obviously, the West should pay for them. Some of the fancy nuclear would would be nice. And definitely the missile payloads. And out of the goodness of our hearts, the West should pay for maintenance, too.

2 months ago

> Conservative champion Viktor Orbán takes over European Union presidency – Hungarian PM vows to ‘Make Europe Great Again.’

But… but… the Major News Media told us Orban was a has-been, rejected for his neo-Nazi Trumpist views on borders, immigration, and national defense.

Oh, the horror! How was this allowed to happen?!

2 months ago

We know we’re watching a “Get Rid of Biden” script, but where is it going? So many possibilities. Jon Rappaport has an interesting take on it. Here’s a preview to stimulate the imagination. Hmmm…?
After Biden’s planned failure, could this happen next?Jon Rappoport
Jul 8
Ultimately, who set up Biden?
Some say Democrat insiders. I think it would have come from higher up:
I’ll use the handy label “Globalists.”
Imagine this. Under pressure from Obama and others, Biden declares he will not run in 2024. Trump, in jail (?), beats Gavin Newsom in the fall.
It becomes the Winter of George Floyd. Riots from coast to coast.
Embroidered with bird flu human-outbreak claims.
Trump declares a national emergency, sends US troops into major cities to quell the riots. Millions of people start calling him HITLER.
The situation in America becomes untenable.
Quietly, a few “leaders” sit down with Trump and present him a list of demands:
The southern border will remain partially open. There will be no massive drilling and extraction of oil domestically. Trump’s DOJ will not move into cities and prosecute DAs and prosecutors who are letting serious felons walk…
In return, these “leaders” tell Trump they’ll make the massive riots fade out and go away.

Reply to  AnonL
2 months ago

He won’t take such a deal.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  AnonL
2 months ago

Utter nonsense

Reply to  AnonL
2 months ago

There will be no riots in the winter. It’s not riot season, and the Blacks don’t like to be out when it’s cold.

Just take a look at the news. If you have warm weather in Chicago, 103 shootings. How many shootings in January? Hot weather in the cities spells trouble. Summer is riot season.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

January is for Juicy Smouyay, according to his press secretary Chris Rock.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Hear ye all.
Anonymous has decreed it so.

Reply to  AnonL
2 months ago

The whole point of this is to make it seem like everyone is out to get Biden and “make him” more cornered, before the election. IMO, it’s Trump and him for November.

2 months ago

At Whatfinger:

Please Note: We got hit with a massive attack bomb in the last 24 hrs – Hackers did a number on our articles, jumbling up words, messing up links as well… sorry about that to all. One whole subdomain (community) is still down. Security is on it, and we had to hire help to stop the crap going on. Bleeding us dry. All links below are working….  If anyone can help us out, we just got a big bill and need help ASAP – please use form below. Whatfinger volunteers for all jobs isn’t working at the security level. Thank you to all who pointed out the issues, we are on it all now. Please help if you can even if just $5. – Sgt Pat, and all volunteers.