News Briefs – 07/07/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.

President Trump is scheduled to appear at his first event with his mystery Vice Presidential running mate later this month during the RNC Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Please, God, let it be William Binney. Though Ben Carson won’t be too bad.

Democrats are breaking out the big guns to oppose the Save Act which would require everyone voting in federal elections be a United States citizen.

Biden DOJ’s classified docs case against Trump paused pending immunity consideration.

Wisconsin Supreme Court reversed themselves – now approve widespread use of mail-in ballot collection drop boxes.

Smitten black girl rejected by Biden who instead stopped to take selfies with old angry white women. This has to be scripted. Even Biden cannot be this stupid.

A Parkinson’s disease specialist has visited the White House residence medical clinic at least nine times since July 2023. Why do I get the impression this is part of the script to, to manipulate us? Otherwise Joe would be meeting him in Delaware.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, who hosts WURD’s “The Source,” and recently interviewed President Joe Biden on the show, said that the questions she asked the President were four that she approved from a list of questions that the White House sent to her.

President Biden’s campaign will no longer feed media outlets questions for future interviews after it was embarrassingly outed for the practice on national television. LOL. Even when they gave the reporter the questions to ask, Biden still flubbed the answers.

2nd local radio host says they were given questions ahead of Biden interview. Normally they would keep their mouths shut, but there is blood in the water, and Cabal appears to want him out.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: It’s time for President Biden to undergo detailed cognitive and neurological testing and share his results. The Cabal doctor has spoken. This asshole knows about the surveillance, and he is no hero. He is not about to say something unapproved.

Hillary Clinton to publish new memoir this fall. She may be thinking she would break down doing a normal campaign, but if Biden ends up out with a month to go, she could do that month easily without breaking down. It reminds me of my all-time favorite rap music video, which I have to confess, I think might have its origins in The Beam:

Biden: I got distracted by Trump ‘shouting’ while I was talking during debate.

‘As long as I gave it my all’: Biden reflects on potentially losing to Trump [MSNBC says Dems are upset at this statement by Biden]. LOL. If things are as they seem, and surveillance gets taken down and outed, all these people will be hunted down by real Americans, and potentially get their skulls split with 5.56. And Biden is just like, “As long as I gave my all, its fine.” He would literally be getting them, and their families, all killed, and he is entirely oblivious, he is so self-absorbed. They all deserve each other.

Historian lays out why Biden still represents the best bet for Democrats.

At the time of Kamala’s birth, her parents were not U.S. citizens, but foreign students. As the daughter of non- citizens; she is an anchor baby. She is NOT eligible to hold the office of President of the United States.

Numerous officials, lawmakers and strategists in President Biden’s own party increasingly see his candidacy as unsustainable — and their private anxieties are slowly but steadily spilling into public view.

Biden can’t stop bleeding support from Dems after ‘sad’ ABC interview.

CNN goes in for the kill, calls on Biden to undergo cognitive testing.

Novelist’s cryptic post to Democratic Senator raises eyebrows. Sounds like two Cabal members, talking to each other in Cabalese.

Wall Street Apes –

Former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Newt Gingrich Says All The Quiet Parts Out Loud

– The system is rigged

– Voting is rigged

– Both parties are paid off

– Not just politicians but millions of people being paid off with tax payer money

– They’ll do anything to stop Trump and more

Fauci’s NIAID hid plans to create mutant Monkeypox virus that ‘could’ve started pandemic.’ How long before the government can kill this asshole as a clear and present danger to the United States?

The shots forced on children to attend school have “negligible or NON-EXISTENT benefits” but “documented side effects.” Supposedly Bill Gates did not vaccinate his kids.

Doctors warn of ‘alarming 3000% increase in unexplained child deaths.’

Chicago shootings: At least 71 shot, 11 fatally, in holiday weekend gun violence across city: police.

Mob of nearly 100 looters ransacks Oakland gas station as store owner says police took hours to respond.

The Mayor of El Cajon, California just revealed that over 250,000 illegals have been dropped into San Diego County in just the last 10 months. They get free healthcare, free sex changes (odd), free college tuitions and a nice 20% down payment on a home loan.

The Department of Veterans Affairs is facing blowback for helping pay out millions of dollars to medical providers who treat illegal immigrants while they are in federal custody — while a backlog of hundreds of thousands of claims from veterans has grown.

New book reveals Kennedys’ shocking treatment of women, just in time to derail JFK Jr. RFK Jr is a leftist, but it is looking like they still fear he is carrying a hardon over his father’s, his uncle’s, and his cousin’s murders. Of course until he talks about the surveillance, he is still carrying water for the conspiracy.

An urgent warning has been issued to all 1.46 billion iPhone users after tech experts uncovered a new cyberattack targeting Apple IDs.

Bishop Strickland: The Vatican is more interested in silencing Viganò than addressing his allegations.

Iran Mullahs drastically accelerate their nuclear program.

Gold stolen in Toronto airport heist now likely overseas, police admit.

Why more French youth are voting for the far right. Why could it possibly be?

Nigeria recalling gold reserves from U.S., U.K. as world increasingly abandons corrupt Western finance pyramid scheme.

Houthi explosive drone boat attacks escalate Red Sea danger.

Church of England scrambles to defend £1 billion for slavery reparations.  Money is power, and they can throw away $1 billion.

In Ukraine, killings of surrendering Russians divide an American-led unit. All of the soldiers who serve, on both sides, are our kind. You can tell the Ukrainians running things are subhuman just by the drone videos they promote. None of our kind would promote that shit, or do this.

Putin’s Russia: first arrests under new anti-LGBT laws mark new era of repression. Like it or not, being permissive to the LGBTQ crew marks the end of a society. And opposing it marks a society for success and thriving.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is advocating a peace deal to end the war in Ukraine, revealed that Russian President Vladimir Putin has made clear that peace talks can only happen after Ukraine essentially surrenders. Fair

Monsanto, Vanguard and BlackRock, together, bought about 17 million hectares in the east and south of Ukraine. in the regions with by far the most fertile soil, not only within Ukraine, but even in this world. So if Russia wins, and takes over, they all get fucked?

President Trump lays out his upcoming executive order for January of 2025, ending citizenship tourism for children of Illegals.

Spread r/K Theory, because our enemy is doomed


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2 months ago

It looks like whoever attacks the site has Sunday off.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I hope so–your site was down for me almost all day.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 months ago

Same here. I just kept getting the multilingual admin login page.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

The Lord prepareth the Shepard by training him to fight Wolves & Lions

2 months ago

RE: KH as the Dem candidate…
FJB gets 25th’ed soon.
KH becomes the nominee.
Big Mike is selected to be VP.
Massive cheating gets them “elected”.
KH is declared ineligible according to the natural born citizen clause.
And…..the Obama machine is back in the WH.

Reply to  Anominous
2 months ago

Steven King couldn’t write a more horrifying tale.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anominous
2 months ago

There is a good chance this is what will happen.

2 months ago

The two Wall Street Apes links, especially the second on Blackrock, are the two most important posts here.

Blackrock isn’t the central cabal, but it is a critical node where they run their operations. Its a big part of how they control “private” corporations.

2 months ago

The comments seem to be working this morning.

A guess on the “we just discovered Biden has cognitive problems!” stuff.

From other items, I think the Cabal is on the eve of a big operation, comparable to COVID in March 2020, but bigger. Some of the leadership are getting cold feet at the last minute.

Either the “Biden” handlers want to delay things and have to be forced out, or they are all in and another faction is maneuvering against the “Biden” group in an effort to delay things.

However, it seems whoever is behind Harris is still aligned with the “Biden” handlers. She could have set the 25th Amendment process in motion like yesterday. Even if she tried and the Cabinet didn’t go along, that would move things forward.

The impressive ability of normies, or maybe its just the blue cult, to ignore what has been right in front of their face is one notable element of this. But also the focus on whether “Biden” should be the Democratic nominee, where the real issue is whether he should have presidential power. The Democrats can always change their rules and address the nominee problem once the 25th Amendment is invoked, and the fact that what is elected in November are electors, not a candidate, also gives them a work around.

Also no one is talking about what happens if “Biden” “dies” in the next few months, probably because there is no chance of that happening unless the script calls for it.

2 months ago

(This is my third try in posting this. Disregard if previous comment made it.)
At the time of Kamala’s birth, her parents were not U.S. citizens, but foreign students. As the daughter of non- citizens; she is an anchor baby. She is NOT eligible to hold the office of President of the United States.

Where’s that Rule of Law thing-ma-jig? —Ohh yeah, the Democrats are all for the Rule of Law—LIKE OUR US MILITARY.

MUH Constitution they shout. The US Military goes on and on and on and on about the sacred Muh Constitution—Yet they did nothing with Hussein was President. The idea that the US Military is for “Muh Constitution” ended when the 101st Airborne Div was sent to desegregate the South–That was the imposition of Jewish Messianism–the getting rid of segregation–the promotion of race-mixing—That Is Jewish Messianism! 

I went to boot camp where my DIs shoved down our throats “We all Bleed Red”—Yeah, that Masonic crap of Tower of Babel ideology of Jewish Messianism! Yeah, Kangaroos, bats and rats also bleed red–but I’m NOT a kangaroo, bat or rat—Screw you!

PHUCK THE US MILITARY. They don’t have the “Rule of Law”. You know how precious your “muh constitution” is when the Kamala-la-la becomes President and the US Military sucks their thumbs! PHUCK the US MILITARY. It’s ALL Fake and Gay. It’s ALL a Joke. And the Biggest Joke is that those uniformed phucks think their a military—You are NOT–you’re mercenaries for Globohomo!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 months ago

You’re really not on the fence on this…

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 months ago

You are on point, but do remember that all military are *brainwashed* in basic training, thus may not be logical at all times. Else they would praise the Bill of Rights rather than the Constitution. The former was neither included initially, nor desired by the so-called framers. The Constitution proper is really just a gussied-up version of Robert’s Rulus of Order. Absent the BOR, it would be no better than the Soviet Union’s constitution, if you’ve ever read that.
Also, how many have read the original Articles of Confederation and the interesting bit about Canada, in I think it is Article #11?

2 months ago

FBI removing Conservatives

That is what one calls “a religious test”! So Christopher Wray, the US Military that supports and defends this government—DON’T GIVE A RAT’S ASS about “muh constitution” or the Bill of Rights. Our government is Marxist–You must HOLD Marxist (read Jewish) values. –or you don’t have a job. They run censorship programs. They take out people.

It’s all gone. Religious Tests are going on at EVERY level across America–even in the seminaries. You don’t get into a Catholic seminary unless you are pro-gay–That is a religious test!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 months ago

And from what I have read in the recent past, Democrats don’t obligate anyone to swear an allegiance to the Constitution. The fix is close to being in place.

Reply to  Festis
2 months ago

The Demonrats are animals. Jack Posobiec just came out with a book on Communists called Unhuman. Marxists are animals. It is their “Will” that is the law–what they say goes. Words have no meaning. They have no morality.
Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them) – Kindle edition by Posobiec, Jack, Lisec, Joshua, Bannon, Stephen K. Politics & Social Sciences Kindle eBooks @
Coming to a street next to you!

2 months ago

“Biden” snubs a black woman on camera while Trump is busy getting photo-ops with black community leaders in the Rust Belt cities and yammering on about how much he did for black unemployment. Trump still won’t get the majority of black voters, but he’ll get enough of them to make a democrat victory impossible. The election is being engineered to be a fifty-state landslide for Trump.

The choice between these two is being engineered to be the easiest in world history. It’s basically the choice between a lovely brunch with friends by a babbling brook with Disney animals in the background or AIDS. For anyone with eyes to see it’s that obvious. The only reason we can kind be sure it’s white hats of some sort is because they are actually trying to get real votes rather than just stuffing ballot boxes or rigging the machines.

Joe Biden Digs Himself in EVEN DEEPER! Commits Cardinal Sin of Democrat Party!

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

You said it boss, even with a victory, it will be a tough slog, and only slightly slow down the disintegration. Not trying to be a downer, but I get a bad feeling about this. Same as the last time.

Reply to  bigD
2 months ago

Agreed about the bad feeling. Seems like they have orchestrated things too minutely up to this point to have it all fall into “disarray”.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Like the last time, we all were sure of a solid victory. These bastards will break every law and come away clean.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  bigD
2 months ago

And part of the reason they got away with it is Trump and his handlers let them.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Kim Dotcom linked to a shorter version of this video and proposed finding her and paying for her to go to a Trump rally.
Then, he posted this, with the note “Someone just posted this. Looks like she did get a hug eventually”:
Trying two links, first via nitter:
[with comments, I hope]
and the video×720/0h8JiIAeMbTtdiAN.mp4?tag=12

2 months ago

I’m not for either wing of the uniparty and would happily see most of them hang while munching on popcorn, I also am forced to conclude that I really wish that we could have a free hand to end the Democratic party first.

Reply to  lowell
2 months ago

Fear not, they will end themselves, unfortunately we will go down with them.

Reply to  bigD
2 months ago

Yay! Wait… what? Oh bugger.

2 months ago

Worth putting on in the background.

Whatifalthist – The 4 Religions Fighting over America

Some guy
Some guy
2 months ago

I prefer a Trump/Flynn 2024 ticket.

Seems there is a filing with the FEC for that.

Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Col. Douglas Mortimer (ret)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

I agree. With a now major push for non citizens to be able to vote the winds blow ill. It wasn’t that long ago that the idea for non citizens to vote was only going to be in local elections they promised. We see how fast that bs blew up to national elections. There has been talk in California of lowing the voting age to 16 and then 14 from that now retired idiot Jackie Speier. Sheer madness. I get the feeling that many normal Dems are appalled but are afraid to voice a concern out of fear. Of course we conservatives can cry bloody murder but get totally ignored and called names. I don’t care about the names but who in the hell gave our civil employees, and reps, the permission to damage the country?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

Ben Carson has a lot of nice things to say–but he is not an Alpha Male. He is not very masculine. He has no leadership qualities. He’s not a leader. He’s got a head on his shoulders; he’s smart–he’s not a leader. And NO I don’t want to be led by any foreigner. I prefer my own. No Tower of Babel for me.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 months ago

Carson is very good choice to “fix” the health(sick) care system in the country. Obama fucked up the whole thing and now we have the worst and most expensive system in the world.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

For anyone jonesing for an ex-mil VP, this vid of Col Macgregor looks an awful lot like a what he’d say interviewing for it.
He’s been unusually pragmatic and realistic about the Mil-Ind complex, and the war in UKR, for quite a while. If he’s DS, he’s under REALLY deep cover

Reply to  Rn
2 months ago

He’s too CCP friendly.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

The co-author of Flynn’s book a few years back was Michael Ledeen. Ledeen is the deepest of deep-state jewish zionist anti-American traitors. He was the ‘macher’ behind the Niger uranium hoax that helped launch us into the second Iraq war and led to Plamegate. His daughter is also burrowed into DoD.
Ledeen has been part of the movement among uber-wealthy Christian and jewish Zionists to **rebuild the Third Temple** with the goal of immanentizing the eschaton.
I raise this point with boo-yah conservatives and get silence. They either don’t care or are on board with accelerating death, destruction, and Apocalypse according to neo-con nutters.

Reply to  Commenter
2 months ago

Sad to hear this info. I thought Gen Flynn would be a great VP and insurance against Trump being assassinated,

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

> I don’t trust Flynn. He has owls on his walls, he was high-up in intelligence, he was buds with McChrystal.

Given his past performance, DJT would be blind to that.

Making catastrophically bad personnel choices is his Achilles heel.

Reply to  Some guy
2 months ago

I really hate all the pandering to blacks. I think if he picks a black VP I will probably just stay home. I wouldn’t vote for Biden regardless, but if my only choice is minority pandering I won’t bother.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Too much is a stake to act like that.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Carson is a quality candidate.

Margaret Thatcher was no diversity hire and was UK’s greatest PM since Churchill (and even he may have been fake). If you want to be focus on race, know that his paternal line is “White”.

Do you prefer a White Traitor over a Black Patriot?

Reply to  Name*
2 months ago

False dichotomy. There are millions and millions of white patriots who would happily fight to the death to stop this machine. The narrative that only foreigners can fill the role is just bullshit.

It’s race pandering because Trump is fundamentally a civnat at best, but is the best hope to get anywhere near the ideal solution of America for Americans and ruled by Americans only.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

I am a patriot, a veteran and a darky.

My ancestors left UK to build an empire. Those that stayed fukked the country good & proper.

You are a fukwit.

Reply to  Some guy
2 months ago

Put this guy for VP

The suspected murderer accused in the slaying of a prominent El Paso lawyer claims the park near the murder scene was a place where satanic rituals took place.

Joseph Angel Alvarez was arrested in connection with the killing of Kauffman and the assault of her husband Daniel Kaufmann.

Despite admitting to shooting Kaufman at least three times during his testimony, Alvarez said he believes he didn’t do anything wrong.

He told the court multiple times murder is wrong but doesn’t believe what he did was murder.

Alvarez even told prosecutors he would not call the shooting a murder but rather an execution.

He stated he knew what he was doing was a state law violation but he did it anyway to follow his revelation from God.

Just some scary mofo who would clean house if Trump went down.

2 months ago

That’s a whole week of not mentioning Gloria Naylor’s 1996. In that week, over the last day, the free download version linked in your comments went bad, i.e., Cabal cunts got it taken down. Now if you mention it, you readers won’t be able to instantly read it, they’ll need to buy it first (new from the publisher much cheaper than used, it turns out) and before then you will have to take the tiny copyright risk and quote MASSIVE passages from it here yourself. You will know which passages, obviously, the passages which describe the exact same surveillance you thought you were the first to describe. If you sitting on your hands was about some jealousy about being “Firrsrt!1!!” then that was a tremendous blunder and you’re doomed. If it was about something else, something worse, like maybe you and your side don’t actually *want* the solidarity because you hope to turn anti-surveillance into a white nationalist right wing thing only, that would be a farrrrrr worse blunder and you’d be wayyyyyy more doomed. If you yourself were Cabal and that’s the reason, well, I need not even specify how doomed you’d be, because infinity is incomprehensible. I thought for surrrrrrre you would recognize the significance of the book. I trusted you. After all this confusion these last few years, I still trusted you. You just lost that trust. Again. You have one more opportunity to regain it, by basically turning your entire blog into a dual Anonymous Conservative & Gloria Naylor’s 1996 blog. I doubt you will, ergo, we are now enemies again. If your motivation for doing nothing was as nefarious as I suspect, then I hope you’re beamed into crippled oblivion this week.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Buzz off.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Shut the !@@$ up you whiney bastard.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

If I write about having survived a tornado….and also share accounts of other people who have experienced tornadoes….the existence of a book about surviving a tornado written by someone 28 years ago….does…what exactly?

Naylor having experienced the surveillance, having lived as a targeted individual–and even being published on the topic–does not create some kind of obligation on AC’s part to share or promote her content.

Totally nonsensical.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Asshat: Do it yourself. AC is doing plenty; infinitely more than you. By your own logic, that makes you Cabal.

2 months ago

Reporting from the Soviet State of Michocaun (formerly known as Michigan):

The MI Legislature–everything controlled by the Demonrats, passed their 82 Billion State budget which included 44 MILLION for Rent subsidies for illegals. Here is only part of the story:

Future Senate bills in MI are about REMOVING Canvassing boards deciding to do recounts–if you think there is malfeseance in an election–You have to go to the District Attorney–(who is democrat). They have changed the laws to make it harder to challenge elections.

And then I attended my local State Representative coffee hour. They are all hard-core demonrats. He skated around the 44 million and talked about other scandals in the budget. You can’t mention illegals. And then the talk went to Biden’s candidacy. Half wanted to keep him–the other half wanted him to go. One person even stood up and said, Biden cold on a slab in the rotunda would be better than Trump! Others goaded others to “Keep to the Democrat Party”. Their hatred of Trump, the narrative they have of him–ohh, its dangerous and wicked. The State of the Union is Disunion. There is no coming together. They were rabid and all of them understood that this election is an existential threat. So do Republicans. Two parties that view this election as an existential threat. –Does not end well. 

Man in the Middle
Man in the Middle
2 months ago

Interesting to think that Kamala Harris may not be eligible to be President due to her parents not being U.S. citizens yet when she was born. Kind of like when Barack Obama was ineligible due to being born in Kenya. Yet somehow, such rules never seem to be enforced, any more than those requiring U.S. citizenship and proof of ID to vote.

Reply to  Man in the Middle
2 months ago

With O’Bummer they lied about where he was born.
It will be a new threshold to do an admitted anchor baby.
But they have one leg across that line by making her VP already.

Reply to  Man in the Middle
2 months ago

Well—Welcome to the Idiocracy, the Hoaxachracy, to Ochlocracy (mob-rule). And the US Military who worships “Muh Constitution” couldn’t care less. America is without virtue–it is in the process of collapsing. One has to read the Tea Leaves–it ain’t gettin’ better. We are in a bad Mad Max movie.

Reply to  Man in the Middle
2 months ago

It would be racist to enforce laws

2 months ago

SHOCK French Exit Poll Shows Far Left Bloc Winning; Right-Wing National Rally Takes Third.

It looks like Q’s marvelous plan is to let them Brandon everywhere.
Brazil already got Lula.
The UK is going to have 5 years of hard Labor and may not survive.
Now France is going to have commies instead of Macron.
I expect Meloni will lose to the commies as well in an election where Salvini should have won.
Is this what “saving Israel for last” means? will Netanyahu lose to the far left in a stolen election after they do it to everyone else first?

I just hope that it’s over for us this year through a Trump victory or a coup/civil war after another theft.

2 months ago

BREAKING: The Leader of the French Popular Front, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, PROMISES that Arabic will become an OFFICIAL language in France after today’s Election Result.

“MANY Muslim brothers have voted for us”.

May God Save France;
For its people won’t.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

God is not going to work on those unwilling. The European is committing Autogenocide. The European is like the swine that ran off the cliff—They adopted Marxism…they adopted liberalism…they forsworn the Catholic Church, the Church of their fathers, they have become Apostate and like the 10 Tribes of Israel lost to history–the European is following the road of the 10 Tribes–The Road of Apostasy.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 months ago

Don’t speak for GOD, especially when the Europeans are being controlled and cheated by usurpers.
And even if the average is how you judge them to be, GOD can purge them and save a remnant.

Last edited 2 months ago by Farcesensitive
2 months ago

The sidebar is gone again.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 months ago

It’s gone again.

2 months ago

Phelps covered a lot of good cases in our comments here, but I think he missed this one:


Five days ago the Supreme Court ruled that criminal convictions must be unanimous, overruling two states, Louisiana and Oregon, which allowed convictions on divided votes. As it says at NBC By a 6-3 vote, the court said the Sixth Amendment right to a jury trial requires unanimous verdicts. The majority opinion by Justice Neil Gorsuch traced the requirement back to English common law. He said the nation’s founders believed verdicts must be unanimous and noted that the Supreme Court recognized the requirement as early as 1898. 

Well, if the Court settled this in 1898, why is it being tried again? And why hasn’t this been applied to Trump and his recent conviction on bundled charges?

Reply to  map
2 months ago

I did cover Erhlinger briefly, and yeah, pointed it at NY v Trump and the “no verdict on the underlying offenses” theory. As to why this happens, trial judges make mistakes. A lot. That’s why the whole appeals process is there, and why it is so robust.

Reply to  map
2 months ago
2 months ago

UAST, not r vs K. Get your kid a dog, not a cat.

2 months ago

> President Biden’s campaign will no longer feed media outlets questions for future interviews after it was embarrassingly outed for the practice on national television

I admit to some confusion here. This has been reported years ago. And before that, Obama’s press people got caught doing it. Even some of the controlled media made mention of it.

So, why is this suddenly mainstream news *now*?