News Briefs – 07/06/2024



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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The fix is in: Washington state abolishes residency requirement for voter registration.

In this video: Heritage investigation finds 10% of illegal aliens investigated are registered to vote.

Wisconsin Supreme Court says ballot drop boxes can again be used.

On the Supreme Court, Coney-Barrett proves to be quite the little turncoat cunt. She wants to prosecute Trump, she wants the book thrown at the Jan 6th protestors.

Jack Smith and Fani Willis have ‘little left’ to throw at Trump after immunity ruling.

Biden tells ABC News debate was a “bad episode,” doesn’t agree to independent neurological exam.

Joe Biden says he will beat Trump ‘again in 2020.’

Daily Mail – Biden spouts 107 word stream of gibberish when asked why he performed so poorly at Trump debate.

Members of Congress and top Democratic operatives told POLITICO shortly after Biden’s sit down with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos aired that the president was more energetic and forceful than he was on stage during last week’s showdown with Donald Trump — but it likely won’t be enough to tame the panic.

Democratic strategist David Axelrod warned that President Biden is “dangerously out of touch” with voters on the issue of his age and health following Biden’s highly anticipated sit-down interview on ABC News.

Pollster Nate Silver, the founder of ABC’s FiveThirtyEight, called for President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 White House race after making “incoherent comments” in his first postdebate interview Friday.

What did reporters who cover the White House know, and when did they know it? The question of the media’s role in hiding Biden’s mental decline is taking center stage.

Liberal reporter reveals Democrats secretly wonder who’s running America after seeing Biden.

Biden says only the ‘Lord Almighty’ could oust him from race in ABC News interview.

Biden, campaigning in Wisconsin, defies calls to drop out: “Completely ruling that out.”

White House officials say President Biden will have the stamina for next week’s NATO summit.

Hollywood donors ‘furious’ at movie mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg for ‘age-washing’ Biden and making him look less decrepit and incapable than he was, before a suitable replacement could be found.

Democratic donors divided on what comes next, buying Biden more time. Many experts say, if Biden refuses to step aside, he is the nominee. With one exception:

Invoking the 25th Amendment is Constitutional — and Democrats’ best hope.

Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.) is attempting to assemble a group of Democratic senators to ask President Biden to exit the presidential race.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: It’s time for President Biden to undergo detailed cognitive and neurological testing and share his results.

This remains unverified by mainstream media, though today that means nothing. Chanel Rion indicates it is possibly false.

Giddy Kamala Harris calls Biden ‘vice president’ at July 4 event, as growing calls for him to step down stoke rumors she’ll be 2024 nominee.

Hillary Clinton’s feminist Broadway musical disrupted by ‘radical, anti-racist, queer’ protesters. Tougher and tougher lately to tell what is Babylon Bee, and what is real.

A U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson confirmed that dozens of illegal aliens who were accused of violently storming the border in El Paso were released into the United States.

@WallStreetApes – Interview with the Mayor of El Cajon, California in San Diego Country revealed that illegal migrants are getting free 20% down on homes.

Facebook stock, $META, has now risen 287% since Representative Dan Crenshaw bought in.

This girl’s signature accomplishment was getting drunk and getting interviewed, where she said her signature sex move was to give “the old “Hawk Tuah,” and spit on that thing.” Remember that 4Chan post about how the guy did the study for CIA, which showed once one monkey attained high status, all the other monkey’s would subconsciously absorb all the quirks and behaviors and personality of that monkey, and he now saw CIA was creating top monkeys who were idiots and clueless, so all the other monkeys would become stupid and clueless? I present to you, the latest top monkey, “Hawk Tuah girl.” They will now make this girl a multimillionaire. I am sure Redclaw is getting bimbofied, as we speak, just looking at her.

One of the things which dawned on me was due to real estate investments, my family was set to have a decent nest egg. Had I fallen for any of the Cabal bimbos they sent in, when that money fell to me, their bimbo would have been set to walk off with half of it instantly, simply through divorce, or she could have wasted it prior to that. I suspect if you want a steady supply of women looking for marriage, be outside the conspiracy, and have your family gain a nice little nest egg. The surveillance will notice, and send in a steady supply of women looking for “love.” It will be interesting to find out what percentage of these failed marriages involved a Cabal honeypot sent to derail someone from a real relationship or reproducing.

RFK Jr. promises full transparency on 9/11 attacks if President, vows not to ‘take sides.’

The Treasury Department banned Greece-based spyware vendor Intellexa, the maker of spyware used to target government officials, reporters and activists, deploying “first-of-its-kind” sanctions against sellers of commercial spyware. 

Remember, this site said, if you are worried about the virus, mask up, wash your hands, and wait to see how the vaccine worked in other people, as they had not tested it well enough. We try not to steer you wrong here:

Study: Vaccines had “NO beneficial effects.”

Covid shots 200 times more likely to cause blood clots in brain.

A Nashville, Tennessee, judge ruled on Thursday night that shooter Audrey Hale’s writings cannot be released to the public in a move supported by the victims’ families.

Chicago shootings: At least 56 shot, 11 fatally, in holiday weekend gun violence across city: police.

A man robbed a person at gunpoint on the CTA Red Line while using a translator app, according to Chicago police.

Thugs in California begin to target assisted living homes, some reports suggest as many as 30 seniors attacked in less than a week from one facility.

Illegal alien gets kidney transplant on taxpayers’ dime after stealing the identity of an American.

California advances first-in-nation plan to set water budgets for cities statewide.

Outmigration cost California $24B in departed incomes as poorer people move in.

Health officials issued an urgent warning after a train carrying toxic materials derailed and exploded into a fireball in North Dakota.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò excommunicated from Catholic Church for opposing Pope Francis.

A Mexican woman believed to be a witch with cartel ties, was killed after she tried to snatch an 18-month-old out his parents’ arms with the stated intent of killing the child as sacrifice to the patron saint of cartels.

France set to deploy 30,000 Police ahead of parliamentary election.

Oh, Dutch-Bros, not like this:

They “belong to intelligence”:

Trump ally Nigel Farage elected to British parliament for first time.

Britain: Anti-Israel politician George Galloway loses parliament seat.

Parliament has five new independent Pro-Gaza MPs – including Jeremy Corbyn – who won seats after squeezing the Labour vote in Muslim areas by campaigning for a Free Palestine.

While some of Europe tilts right, British voters turn left to Labour Party and a new prime minister. They still act like elections are real and not totally rigged.

NATO members agree to give Ukraine $43 billion in military aid for 2025.

Russia’s popularity with Americans is growing. According to Pew Research.


Vending machines selling gun ammunition at Alabama grocery stores. I always like to add some good news to raise spirits;

Soros-funded PAC shuts off the money tap to his favorite prosecutors as they face Electoral uncertainty.

Poll: Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris by more than he leads Joe Biden. Kamala is said to be the leading candidate to replace Biden now, probably mostly because she will be able to tap into the cash Biden has raised. I suspect however Biden will tough it out, and probably be the nominee, and all of this is the show, designed to increase Trump’s margin of popularity, perhaps to then have Biden win, and show the nation our elections are entirely fake.

Trump leads Biden 43 to 41% in New Jersey in head-to-head race.

Spread r/K Theory, because ammo vending machines are an idea whose time has come


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2 months ago

The sidebar is gone again.

2 months ago

While some of Europe tilts right, British voters turn left to Labour Party and a new prime minister. They still act like elections are real and not totally rigged.

It’s a lie that way too.
Right wing voters stayed home or voted Reform.
Labor did worse than ever before, it’s just that the Tories did even worse.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 months ago

Conservative votes did NOT stay home. They out-voted Labour.

Labour received 33.7%.Conservative + Reform received 38%
The vote was split because 2/3rds still listen to “Conservative Party” words, rather than their actions.

The “Conservative Party” is a 3 Card Trick scam.

The good news is 14% are now awake. I believed it to be 5%

Last edited 2 months ago by Name*
2 months ago

It occurred to me.
Not only did the Immunity ruling saying Congress may not criminalize legitimate uses of a President’s core powers mean that Trump is free to fire any and all Executive Branch employees, it also means that the law criminalizing budget Impoundment is also overturned.

Just Me
Just Me
2 months ago

“The Fix is In: Washington State Abolishes Residency Requirement for Voter Registration“
Not exactly what I got out of the story.
They changed the requirement from being a resident for 30 days, to same day registration.

Reply to  Just Me
2 months ago

“Hi, my name is Jose Valdez, I just moved today to Washington State from the Texas border; I have yet to move into my government provided apartment; but here is my new address; and I want to vote today for Senior Biden.”
Democrat precinct judge: “Welcome to Washington State, please use voting booth number two on your right.”

Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

Then go to every other precinct in the county.

Reply to  Just Me
2 months ago

Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.

2 months ago

White House officials say President Biden will have the stamina for next week’s NATO summit.

Which means they’ll up the Ritalin dosage.

And it looks like my problems with connecting to the site have temporarily waned.

2 months ago

Polistra’s Mill again has an interesting perspective on the “Biden” demential issues:

“Politicians are praising or mocking a new proposal from Biden, per party instructions. He says he can do the job if he doesn’t need to work in the evening.

“If we take the job description in the 1787 constitution, a president could work from home.

“His actual duties are (1) approve or veto bills sent from Congress; (2) send appointments for top officials to Congress, so Congress can approve or veto them; (3) send an annual report to Congress.

“That’s it. Before 1850 those tasks could have been done without leaving the White House, via special messenger. After 1850 the messenger would be replaced by a secure telegraph line from the White House to the Capitol, which would become a teletype line in 1930 and a web connection in 1980.

“Presidents are “expected” to do a lot of other crap, solely for party campaign purposes. The other crap is not part of the assigned job description.

“Simplify, simplify, simplify.

“In the last few decades presidents have done very little of their assigned duties. Congress mooshes up all laws into one giant Blackmail Omnibus, designed to punish the president if he dares to veto it. The appointments are developed by staffers, requiring no work by the president. And the letter to Congress has been replaced by an absurd political event which does NOT fulfill the original purpose.

“So in reality we don’t need a human in the office at all. The president could be replaced by a Gmail forwarding function. Automatically approve the annual Blackmail Omnibus as soon as it comes in, automatically pass along the appointments determined by the staff.

“Footnote: I guess ‘commanding the armed forces’ is another duty, but we know that presidents are nowhere near the command chain in the modern era. As it happens, Lincoln managed his mass genocide from the White House telegraph office, thus showing that my list of tech steps isn’t just alt-history.”

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

A lot of the “extra” stuff the President does is a result of Lincoln setting himself up as dictator during the Civil War. He usurped the power of Congress and ruled by executive order. Congress, fractured by the loss of the southern states, and with troops loyal to Lincoln occupying DC, went along with it.

After the war, Congress realized that they didn’t *have* to do things that might reflect badly on them. Later Presidents began filling in those legislative gaps, using Lincoln as precedent. So now Congress expects the President to address various things on his own.

But the Constitutional limits of Presidential power are still significantly less than what an incumbent President, by collusion with Congress and the parties, actually wields.

2 months ago

The “Why Men Have Abandoned Marriage Forever” meme posted in the links.

This deserves a more in depth comment, but I’m not sure if this gets through when the site is under attack. And I’d rather write up the international crisis, which may break as early as in a week and make this irrelevant.

Any MGTOW (men going their own way, basically men should avoid co-habiting with women, either in marriage or long term relationships) discussion on Reddit gets nuked as soon as it appears. The excuse is that this is misogyny, not to be tolerated, though complaints about males are.

Quora, despite being a normie thing, is more lenient and I did two looks at the Quora essays on the topic, once about a decade ago, and one more recently. I remember that the pro-MGTOW Quora essays a decade ago often were written by misogyists and men who couldn’t get girlfriends. Looking at the more recent ones, there has been a change. The writers are pretty much married men and men who have been in several long term relationships who are writing that they have done this and it doesn’t make sense anymore (for men), and a few female writers who agree with them. Actually I don’t think long term relationships make sense for most women in 2024, but men get some extra curve balls. One writer even said that this is what the Cabal (he didn’t use the term) wants.

But I think using surveillance assets to pretty much control the dating scene is a real thing, and for targeted individuals who are not already married, the surveillance is an additional reason to stay away from long term relationships for the time being. For women too, but I think men are especially vulnerable.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Finding a mate was never easy. Half of men born did not reproduce. In nature, males fight to the death to reproduce.

Get fit and if there are no suitable partners in your area or country, go to where there are. There are millions of good women out there. And if western men don’t seek them out, Africans, Muslims and South Asians will.

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

Marry the man. Get him cleaned out by Divorce or false accusations of domestic violence.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Obviously avoid such a woman

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

>Actually I don’t think long term relationships make sense for most women in 2024, but men get some extra curve balls.stay away from long term relationships

What even is raising kids? Dumbass take of the millenia here. Yes, pump out more fucked up broken home goblins raised by single moms and raped by all 700 stepdads wandering through the killing fields, that will improve society. Or better yet, just stop reproducing and die you high-intelligence genetic passer-ons.

If you believe the game is so fucked that your take is literally all qulality men give up on family building, child rearing, etc and go be a hermit in the woods you may legitimately find more happiness suck starting a shotgun. It will at least remove this brain rot argument from the gene pool.

2 months ago

(AC don’t post if this is a duplicate comment)

Now for your moment of zen.

Unfortunately, George Galloway lost re-election by 1,440 votes, but while he is still relevant, here is George Galloway at the Oxford Union, mostly about Jews:

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

George Galloway joining Reform would be a game changer.

There is no longer a battle of left vs right. There is only Cabal vs Freedom.

2 months ago

Last comment on the UK elections.

Marginal Revolution has an unusually good comment thread, with commentators zeroing in on why MAGA is trying to run candidates in Republican primaries in the USA, but in the UK the British equivalent of MAGA has to set up their own party, splitting the vote on the right and allowing Labour to form a government, but this is probably the best strategy for them:

Off Guardian comment thread, where the first half dozen commentators argue that Farage was a key part of the operation to make sure Starmer was installed, first as leader of the Labour Party, and then as Prime Minister:

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

“Farage was a key part of the operation to make sure Starmer was installed”

Maybe, maybe not. What we know is, Farage & Trump give voice to the people. Once that becomes loud enough, it cannot be ignored.

On the other hand, the Conservatives are exposed as Distraction Scammers and they worked Hand in Glove with Labour, Blair and Obama.

The entire party is Cabal. To achieve that they control candidate selection, just like the CCP. It is not possible for members to choose candidates.

The problem is sleeping conservatives people still think the “Conservative Party” is actually conservative.

The Conservative Party split the vote. There are still people that listen to what they say but ignore what they do.

2 months ago

It’s interesting that the Communists in the 20th Century was Heavily Nobility in Western Europe and Russia:

Che Guevara himself was descended from Blue bloods. Champagne Socialists always led the Communists it looks like.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

The family of that Estonian harridan Kaja Kallas has somehow always been at the top of Estonia:

  • 1st Estonian Republic
  • Nazi secret police
  • Soviet regime
  • EU regime

Her father was powerful in the communist party, even though his wife was daughter of the Nazi secret police chief. Its odd because that would be enough to mark his card for any government job.

comment image

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

Not unusual. Karl Marx himself was a fraud, being a Rothschild and a controlled opposition.

2 months ago

RE: “Hawk Tuah” girl

I went the better part of a week having no idea what that was, and then I caught the vid. Her friend presents as nice and relatable while Blondie however is obviously on the program of saying whatever outrageous shit she can to get male attention. Apparently she has shot down any mention of OnlyFans which would be a quick payout and instead will probably now be a regular on the dating podcasts, maybe even overlap into the manosphere stuff. She’s just there to keep the focus on fornication instead of proper courtship.