News Briefs – 07/04/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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USA Today – “I don’t know who’s running the country, but it’s definitely not Joe Biden.”

ABC shifts Biden interview with Stephanopoulos from Sunday Morning, when Biden would have been better to Friday, primetime, at night, when he is likely to be sundowning, and less cogent.  Those are Cabal orders to make him look as incompetent as possible so he can be replaced.

AP headline: Biden at 81: Sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful.

Senior Biden campaign officials are quietly pushing Kamala Harris as the top choice to replace Joe Biden if he drops out of the 2024 presidential race. You’d think it makes it less likely they will kick Biden out, as nobody thinks she is anything but an embarrassment. However Harris appears to be one of CIA’s most owned assets:

From Twitter:

Worth noting Kamala Harris was on the Senate Intelligence Committee — the organ of Congress that oversees the CIA — before she was plucked to be Biden’s VP.

And both the DNC & GOP wings of the CIA applauded her there.

That position, doing oversight of CIA is among the most carefully meted out.

Charlie Kirk:

We have confirmation from inside sources that leftist GOTV groups are STOPPING ALL GOTV while they are lining up the switch to Kamala.

Campaign is working to rebrand and identify the likely VP nod and starting efforts to rebrand to the black community who have disdain for Biden in key states.

Video: Trump on Biden he’s “quitting the race.. I got him out” he’s an “old broken-down pile of cr-p.” I think this is brilliant reverse psychology, designed to keep Biden in the race. If it is, Trump’s use of it is interesting, as it implies that one, Biden could drop out and Trump feels the need to take action to prevent that, and two, the two of them would have to have real hostility for Trump to think this would work. Biden needs to see it, and feel such anger, he is driven to stay in the race. So it seems when Trump leaves office, there will be no back slaps, and loving hugs, as with Bush and the Clintons, or Bush and the Obamas. Still strange if Biden could drop out, because that would imply a lack of full control by whoever is scripting this phase.

Boston Globe editorial board calls for Biden to bow out of race following ‘historically bad’ debate.

Billionaire Democrat donor Reed Hastings, 63 is asking Biden to step aside after his disastrous debate.

Daily Mail Poll finds most voters believe Biden’s bad performance was due to him suffering from dementia.

Democrats begin to consider Harris at the top of their ticket. Picking her for VP in 2020 was genius. Had Biden picked somebody credible, he would already be gone.

Joe Biden: “Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can — as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running … no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win.”

Privately, Biden tells key ally he’s considering departing the Presidential race if his next few appearances do not go well.

25 House Dems plan to call for Biden to drop out.

In the Democrat race to replace Biden, Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary warns: One high-tax, hard-left, job-killing lunatic (ie, like Gavin Newsom) would make Joe seem economically literate… and turn America into Venezuela.

“Biden had another “episode” on this campaign staff call. He was talking about the WH chief of staff and couldn’t remember his name. Took a long pause and there was awkward silence on the line.”

Pete Buttigieg on Kamala’s shortlist for VP, along with Gretchen Whitmer, per WH official. Buttigieg and Ramaswamy still front and center in the political script. I wonder what they each did for Cabal intel to get put here?

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Heritage Foundation vows to make it ‘extraordinarily difficult’ to replace Biden on the ballot.

Leftists have unraveled the plot – Biden did so poorly because the Russians, possibly with the complicity of Donald Trump, used the Havana Syndrome weapon on Biden. Some of the people ridiculing the idea are calling it “The Beam,” which is funny, as you have ot think they red this site. A more interesting proposition I heard was Democrats handling his dosing purposely gave Biden the wrong levels of drugs to sabotage him, because Management wants to put somebody else in there, since Biden is doing so poorly.

Leftie judge in Wisconsin alters election law — rules indefinitely confined voters can download ballots online without a voter ID.

‘What the hell is happening?’: Aides alarmed at Hunter Biden’s presence in WH meetings.

Trump lawyer Will Scharf points out that Trump is not a convicted felon until he’s sentenced and that sentencing has been delayed and possibly cancelled all together.

Biden White House staff is largest since Nixon, costs taxpayers $225 million.

At the GOP’s Missouri state convention in Springfield, Trump-supporting members of the GOP took over and prevented RINOs in the state from setting the agenda and the delegates for the RNC, however now the Republican National Convention Committee on Contests ruled Friday that the Party must replace 54 of the national convention delegates and alternates which were already picked.

The Libertarian Party of Colorado announced Tuesday night that it has partnered with the campaign of independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Ex-US Attorney suggests Biden ‘take advantage’ of new Immunity ‘Power’ to ‘protect American democracy’ from Trump. Their definition of Democracy is something different from the standard definition.

Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter, who won a $148 million judgment against Rudy Giuliani, want his bankruptcy case thrown out. Rudy is pimping a promo code for MyPillow on his Twitter. I am not sure the $200 per month is going to be much help.

X owner Elon Musk called out Vice President Kamala Harris for “lying” about former President Trump’s position on a national abortion ban in an online post.

California is now the first state to charge an 11-percent excise tax for guns & ammunition.

US judge blocks Biden rule adding gender identity protections to healthcare.

Drug fight toughens as Mexican cartels ramp up operations in Hawaii.

Wife, 69, is killed in front of her horrified husband after armed robbers attack them at upmarket Newport Beach mall before she is dragged into a parking lot and run over by suspect’s white Toyota.

Venezuelan illegal who raped and murdered 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray is son of Maduro regime official. ie, a Cabal intel asset. If Venezuela were at odds with the West, (I have no idea if that is real) I would look at Dad as a CIA asset.

Controversial rapper M.I.A. launches clothing line that ‘protects from 5G dust.’ Appears designed to block EMF and rf, and counter gangstalking tech.

Sean Combs is the subject of a federal criminal investigation.

Crossdressing luggage snatcher and ex-Biden official Sam Brinton gets sweetheart plea deal.

Daily Caller headline: Michelle Obama Has A Big Package For Democrats This Election Season.

Jeff Bezos aims to sell another $5 billion of Amazon stock, after earlier selling spree.

China expanding spy bases on Cuba.

In Britain, an inheritance tax raid to “redistribute” wealth is a possibility for a Labour government if it gets into power.

Married Colombian communist president Petro caught on camera with trans woman (biological male). People think it unusual, like how could somebody in such a high position be a degenerate. In fact he is in that high position because he was a degenerate, and everything is run by a conspiracy which preferentially places degenerates surveillance finds, because they are controllable. I was reading some piece recently which said, “why is it the people who were successful in high school as kids, end up failing in life, and the losers end up succeeding?” The article was highlighting cases of it. And I am thinking, who do you recruit into a conspiracy which subverts freedom, and the meritocracy it produces, by promising to award them “success” in life? The natural gazelle, who does not need you to succeed in a free environment, and who would thus benefit from freedom? Or do you recruit the losers who stand no chance of succeeding, unless your conspiracy can eradicate freedom? Everything is backwards, because of the unseen conspiracy.

Nine Ukrainian jets destroyed in 24 hours, Russia’s military says.

Ukraine may default on massive debt as early as August.

Global confidence in Zelensky has ‘declined significantly’ — poll.

Hillary tells Russian pranksters pretending to be a former Ukrainian President that they should dig up dirt on Trump because he is a very dangerous man.

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Five minute video with Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko reveals epic Ukrainian corruption with billions and billions of western aid stolen by politicians and officials. Cabal views that money as Cabal’s. You know they would not send the money there to be stolen by strangers if they could steal here, unless what was going there would end up with them anyway because it is all the same operation across national lines. What never ceases to surprise me is how many seemingly normal people in the ground operation seem to be of the opinion such organized crime is perfectly fine, so long as they are doing it.

Ukraine to be told it is too corrupt to join Nato.

Russian oil and gas revenue soars 41% in first half, data shows.

Trump considers deal with Putin to end Ukraine conflict.

Rapper Waka Flocka Flame was performing at the Club Sky in Salt Lake City, when he was heard telling his Democratic Party supporting fans: ‘All Joe Biden voters, get out of my concert. We’re gonna party right now for T24’– referencing GOP candidate Donald Trump’s 2024 Presidential campaign.

Poll: Donald Trump beating Joe Biden in New Jersey.

Trump leads Biden in new polls by New York Times, Wall Street Journal.

Spread r/K Theory, because you do not want Michelle Obama’s package


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3 months ago

X Re-Joins Pro-Censorship Advertisers’ Alliance

3 months ago

My chips are still on RFK for the replacement.

I would have no way to decide it was true, but if it’s not RFK I’ll always wonder if me getting the idea out there when I did might have made them change the plan.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

The Cabal probably thought they knew Trump. The oligarchs ruled Putin, until they did not, is what I’ve heard. So yeah, if I were a Cabal leader, I’d be worried.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 months ago

“The oligarchs ruled Putin, until they did not, is what I’ve heard.”

Its unclear, but its starting to look like this is the case with Xi as well.

On the other hand, they hated Lula in Brazil and jailed him, and then suddenly supported him. Either they flipped him in jail or killed him and replaced him with a double. But for some reason they are letting Brazil to still align with Russia and China.

3 months ago

‘Controversial rapper M.I.A. launches clothing line that ‘protects from 5G dust.’’

Lifelong metalhead myself, and I think “Paper Planes” is pretty catchy. I believe she was wearing a Metallica shirt in the music video too.

3 months ago

Supreme Court Rejects Challenge to Power of Federal Agency to Set Workplace Rules

3 months ago

We have confirmation from inside sources that leftist GOTV groups are STOPPING ALL GOTV while they are lining up the switch to Kamala.

When you hear GOTV, mentally translate that to “vote fraud.”

3 months ago

>USA Today – “I don’t know who’s running the country, but it’s definitely not Joe Biden.”
Everything’s a conspiracy theory until these asshats say it, right? Like the lableak. Or the vaxdead. I fucking hate the media.

3 months ago

I still think that “Biden” is a CIA operation, original a proof of concept operation from the 1960s that was repurposed to keep Obama under control, and that “Jill Biden”, “Hunter Biden”, and “Jim Biden” the aliases of the agents now running the operation. The dementia is partly a humiliation exercise and partly to keep people from interacting too much with the actors playing “Biden”.

This sounds crazy, but its the most succinct explanation that I can find. Its the only one that meets Okham’s criteria.

The alternatives are a puppet president, like they had between the attempted assassination of Reagan and Trump coming in, or a president that they basically negotiate with over what they want and have to control by other means, which I think was the case with LBJ, Nixon, Carter, and Trump, and maybe to some extent Reagan and GHW Bush. They don’t want to go back to this unless they absolutely have to. Even a puppet President might wander off the reservation, as Macron sometimes does, though they usually prevent this by making sure stupid people are in the position (Macron is actually quite smart and this causes problems).

With the war, they may have decided they need a more charismatic Prez for wartime, which means going back to the old ways, so they are telling the “Biden” actors to play up the dementia to keep their options open.

I don’t think the “donors” and Congresspeople quoted in the article are being given a script. They are pretty low level Cabal people and told to vote a certain way, sometimes to say certain things, and direct their money, which is not reallly there, to this or that account. They are probably genuinely clueless and are being allowed to babble since that fits with the overall strategy.

Judge Merchan delays Trump’s sentencing until September following SCOTUS Presidential immunity ruling.

I also think Trump was sent in to negotiate with the main Cabal, probably be a dissident faction, and not to take down the Cabal. Negotiations are underway to make Trump the wartime leader. This means going back to the negotiated administration model, but may be worth it if Trump gets on board with the war and can take the American right, which is patriotic and tend to support these things, with him. This is about keeping the options open as long as possible.

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

‘…the actors playing “Biden”.’

Biden being a series of performers in ‘advanced disguise system’ masks is too far-fetched to consider even for a second, right? But there’s evidence that convincing ones have been around for a long time….

Take this 1982 video of ‘Paul McCartney’:

At 12:07, after appearing to realize that the interviewer has spotted something amiss, Paul slyly fingers the alarming and growing rips at the right corner of his mouth. At 12:45 he quickly brushes interviewer’s concern aside: “It’s OK,” he mumbles after wincing.

At the very end of the interview, he quips: “[Working with Stevie Wonder] stretched me a bit – which was great for me.” He had every right to be so cocky. “That’s Paul in a rubber mask” wouldn’t have occured to many Australian viewers in 1982.

Even it’s the “real Paul” concealing terrible disfigurement, and not some duplicate, he’s using a sophisticated albeit malfunctioning form of concealment that ordinarily would move naturalistically with the real flesh beneath. 42 years ago. Think of the advancements that have since been made in rubber face tech! Perhaps real time voice modification too; does “Biden in the room” sound the same as “Biden on the TV”?

‘Democratic politics’ is just another branch of showbiz so if even back then there was a Plastic Mac, why not a Plastic Prez now?


That dotard on the stage was Biden #4. I doubt Biden #1 is even alive now.

Last edited 3 months ago by PI
Reply to  PI
2 months ago

This comment is one I didn’t see before.

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

Yuor theory about Trump doesn’t fit the facts.
Neither he nor MAGA will get on the war wagon.

3 months ago

The site and comments have been down increasingly often, which plays into my suspicion that another big operation will be unleashed this month.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

I haven’t been able to put a pattern together, but it seems like your site was reliable for a few months and then it started crapping out again. They can’t stop the signal.

3 months ago

About my previous comment, Cabal/ Deep State/ Hydra began the infiltration of the USA in the 1950s. By 1963 they felt confident enough to put his successors on notice. Until 1981 or 1989 there was a period of negotiation between the Prez and the Cabal allowing the Prez to get some of his program through (but they ejected Nixon and Carter anyway), but by 1989 they were putting in people who had directly worked with the CIA as their puppets.

Trump was an attempt by a dissident faction to return to the negotiation period. “Biden” was an attempt by the Cabal to have no one at all as their puppet, just a series of actors in masks. Harris would be a return to the CIA connected puppet model.

3 months ago

The British are voting today in their “election”.

David Lindsay:

The Sun endorsed Keir Starmer after most postal votes on Merseyside had already been returned, and too late for any candidate against the Labour Party to put out a leaflet in Liverpool or its environs.”

“Well, how about that?”


“I am not firing on all cylinders, nor will I be for quite some time, but this General Election has no possible outcome that would not make the case for my ongoing projects, most immediately my weekly magazine and my thinktank. Having initiated so much, I shall not have the right not to play my part in providing the necessary extraparliamentary support for the small number of MPs who sought to strengthen families and communities by securing economic equality and international peace through the democratic political control of the means to those ends, including national and parliamentary sovereignty. If no one did, then we see in France what would fill the vacuum.

“Here at North Durham, we have the privilege of being able to vote for Chris Bradburn, who has already made himself a presence in community campaigning and with whom I look forward to working, as best I could, for many years to come. Vote for the Workers Party of Britain wherever you can, then for those Independents whom it had endorsed, then for other Left Independents, and then for the SDP. None of those is standing at Clacton, so vote there for Nigel Farage so that he and George Galloway could back each other up in daring to state the obvious about Ukraine. If you considered that a good enough reason to vote for Reform UK anywhere else where none of those other options presented itself, then I would not blame you.

“The entry of Andrew Feinstein into the British electoral process ought to be huge news. He is vastly better qualified than his Labour opponent at Holborn and St Pancras. Next door at Islington North, Jeremy Corbyn could end this week as the Father of the House. And if a party returns at least one MP, then no vote for it, anywhere, has been wasted. Short Money is £19,401.20 for every seat won at the most recent General Election, plus £38.75 for every 200 votes gained, with a further £213,132.53 in travel expenses divided among the Opposition parties on the same basis. It would not be your possibly ropey local candidate who decided what to do with that money. It would be the Leader. George is on course to hold Rochdale. Vote for the Workers Party.”

But I agree with Peter Hitchens on this. We know what is coming, and the best option is a tactical vote against Labour regardless.

Also see this essay in Spiked:

Reply to  Ed
2 months ago

This comment is another one I didn’t see before.

3 months ago

The appearance of Joe Biden is uncanny in person, according to this reporter.

Reply to  wooderson
2 months ago

I’m not sure if I saw this comment before.

3 months ago

The problem comes and goes all day now.
And the sidebar is gone again.

3 months ago

I am watching the UK election result through the BBC feed.

Labour are getting their expected landslide in terms of seats, not so much in terms of votes. The Scottish Nationalists have collapsed, which is well deserved, given how much they f—ed up Scotland. Of the well known renegade MPs, Corbyn and Farage both got elected in results that got declared within minutes of each other and my posting this. It appears that Galloway did not make it, and I am still waiting to here the result for Andrew Bridgen.

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago
explains why the system of voting is responsible for Labour having a runaway absolute majority at 412 seats, instead of only 221 seats with only 35% voting for them. And Reform gets a total of 4 seats, despite 14% of the vote, while Liberal Democrats at 12% yet got 71 seats.
That’s ridiculous results.

3 months ago

For my forefathers, your sacrifices are remembered on this day.
Here’s a quote for Independence Day, AC.
“Independence begins with the end of surveillance.”
It is truly pathetic what this holiday has turned into. It’s literally Amerimutt fireworks day.

3 months ago
3 months ago

Brazilian police indict ex-President Bolsonaro in undeclared diamonds case

2 months ago

Anyone else blocked by a “Word Blog” sign in verification today (from 7/3/24_ ? Looks like the site is back to normal ( writing this today 7/10/24)

Reply to  Orlok
2 months ago

It comes and goes all day for days now.
AC is working on a fix.