News Briefs – 07/03/2024


Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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Judge Merchan delays Trump’s sentencing until September following SCOTUS Presidential immunity ruling.

Biden’s corrupt DOJ will pursue lawfare cases against Trump past election day in a race against the clock before inauguration day if he wins.

Joe Biden told donors at a fundraiser at a private home in McLean, Virginia Tuesday evening that he simply travelled too much before the debate and as a result, “almost fell asleep on stage” during his debacle with President Trump last Thursday.

Pelosi: This is not a normal election, Trump must be stopped.

Key Democrat donors threaten to pull plug if Biden doesn’t resign, as furious party insiders reveal ‘worst fears’ about ailing president have now been confirmed: ‘How stupid do they think we are?’

Democratic donors give Biden a two-week grace period for polls to fall after debate.

Harris running closer to Trump than Biden in new CNN poll. Literally any tool could have been President if they could have simply signed on with the conspiracy and given it enough blackmail. Everyone we thought was successful was just pretending. An the really smart and capable never got close to the office.

Poll suggests Michelle Obama would beat Trump by 11 points. Hillary waited so she could find out how much more she would need to have her fake poll show her winning by, so she would outdo Big Mike.

Why Kamala Harris would be Biden’s likeliest replacement. They say bypassing her would offend women and blacks, however Michelle is black and most think she is a women on the left. If it was that big a deal, it is possible this might point to her being recruited.

‘We gon’ blow the party up’: Delegate warns black women will destroy dems if they choose ‘white man over Kamala.’ Kamala will never be it as nobody likes her.

Then again –Kamala Harris set to inherit $240M in Democrat funds if Biden drops out — transfer tricky for any other candidate: sources.

“I think it’s a legitimate question to say, is this an episode, or is this a condition?” — Pelosi questions Biden’s mental state.

Twenty-five House Democrats reportedly preparing to call for Biden to end re-election effort: ‘The dam has broken.’

Convicted felon Hunter Biden sits in on West Wing meetings with President. 

WH staffers reportedly ‘scared shitless’ of erratic Biden, tiptoe around ‘isolated’ president during briefings: ‘Not a pleasant person to be around.’ What happens with these old narcissists is everything on them is falling apart, and they are comparing it all to everyone else, all of the time. So they look old and unattractive, and then they see the girls in the office chattering and looking over some young guy who looks like Brad Pitt, and they are overtaken with jealousy. He should be the one the girls are all hot for. Then their life is over and at the end, and they see all these young kids, with their whole lives ahead of them, able to do anything coming up the ladder. They can’t walk up a flight of stairs, and they look over and some Secret Service guy is flying up a staircase two steps at a time, a picture of health. They get in a debate with Donald Trump, and Trump makes them look like a tool, and it should be them making other people look like tools. Everything drives them nuts, and they end up in a perpetual rage, which then causes any minor thing to provoke a wild outburst. Given Biden has previously shown a propensity to assuage his amygdala by pinching some young girl’s nipple to hurt her, we probably do not want to know all of the details about everything going on around him, especially with his granddaughters, given how that family works.

USA Today poll: 41% of Democrats want Joe Biden to quit.

Nearly 70 percent of progressive voters say President Biden should suspend his campaign after last week’s debate performance, a new survey found.

Tapper blasts Democrats’ Orwellian tactics trying to convince public to ‘not believe what you saw’ at debate.

Posobiec – “Chuck Todd asked Doug Burgum if he would ever do business with Donald Trump Doug Burgum, “I don’t think so. I just think that it’s important that you’re judged by the company you keep.” This isn’t some gotcha, it was just last year.”

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum’s history of selling out to China, kowtowing to Bill Gates, supporting transgenderism, and hating Trump is revealed.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. an independent candidate for president, was recently accused of sexual assault, according to a new report from Vanity Fair.

Trump golf courses’ liquor licenses not renewed after conviction.

Republican on powerful House committee says GOP has the votes to hold Garland in inherent contempt.

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani disbarred following criminal indictments.

Illegals getting more gun rights than Americans as Police departments hire them, give them full carry, and access to Law Enforcement only weapons. What is not mentioned is that they are almost certainly Cabal ground assets working for the conspiracy.

Illegal migrant accused of raping teen released on $500 bail — despite pleas from border officials.

51.6 million people in America today are foreign born, and it is reshaping the South.

Illegal aliens have been convicted of more than 66,000 crimes under Biden’s watch. That is in this environment, when nothing is enforced, and nobody will arrest illegals.

New report: The FBI organized Neo-Nazi rallies to lure, identify citizens.

An FBI supervisor is blowing the whistle on his own organization, alleging to the Justice Department’s chief watchdog and Congress that the bureau has been improperly suspending or revoking the security clearances of agents it believes hold conservative political views.

US will pay Moderna $176 million to develop MRNA bird flu vaccine.+

One of the 229 people diagnosed with Monkeypox in Ireland during the recent outbreak had 75 different sexual partners in the 21 days before they developed symptoms of the disease, a new study has revealed.

Horror as elderly woman, 74, is killed after being pushed in front of San Francisco BART train by homeless man. We can tell her family it had to be this way.

The Supreme Court announced Tuesday that it will not yet review challenges to an Illinois ban on certain types of semi-automatic weapons, attachments and magazines, effectively leaving the law in place while lower courts decide the cases, though in a statement Thomas noted the Court is going to have to decisively rule on what constitutes a bearable weapon protected by the Second Amendment.

A retired Marine General who once oversaw all training across the Marine Corps and who recently was in Ukraine to review that nation’s military training was found dead on Twentynine Palms training center. No details about it released, NCIS investigating. He was big proponent of funding Ukraine and travelled over there, so involved in that operation.

The Vatican’s ex-auditor general Libero Milone told the @australian newspaper today that Cardinal George Pell’s death last year remains “shrouded in mystery.”

Judge rejects Biden admin bid to dismiss lawsuit over ‘illegal and dangerous’ $1.5 billion Palestinian payment plan.

12-year-old disabled girl gang raped by at least 8 boys in Spain who will not be lawfully liable due to their status as minors.

Putin mulls arming Houthis with cruise missiles: report. They will say this, but I would bet the story is Cabal-media bullshit, and Putin wouldn’t consider it, even though he should.

Poll: Joe Biden 7 times more popular with Ukrainians than Donald Trump.

US announces more than $2 billion package for Ukraine.

Defense Secretary Austin says the US will provide $2.3 billion more in military aid to Ukraine.

Louisiana passed a slate of 11 different election integrity bills during its 2024 legislative session.

Sirens blare for Biden’s campaign as Trump inches ahead in state GOP hasn’t won in 24 years – New Hampshire.

President Joe Biden’s support among moderates has plummeted by 20 points in New Hampshire after his poor debate performance last week, according to a new poll.

Initial post-debate polls show Biden losing ground to Trump. Of course it is not impossible this is the counter-conspiracy’s plan, and “Biden” is an actor doing a portrayal designed to produce this effect. I rate it low on the probability index, however this is an intelligence-operation-driven environment, and in such an environment, when chance favors the enemy, it is not chance, but rather is a scheme. And here, “chance” is happening over and over and over again, which has to be organized.

CNN Post-debate Poll – Trump +6.

Polymarkets Betting – Trump has a 66 percent chance of winning and Republicans have a 73 percent chance of winning Senate. Won’t mean much of the election machinery is rigged though.

Donald Trump’s campaign says it hauled in $111 million in June.

Spread r/K Theory, because the country is getting redder by the day


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3 months ago

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Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

TLDR if cabal didn’t exist we wouldn’t have to wage war against government because it would actually be staffed by real humans who a.) care about their countrymen, or b.) are at least afraid of being voted out of office.
Anyone at his level knows and could just say that cabal exists and should be destroyed. Refusal to do so is suspect at best.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 months ago

If cabal didn’t exist we would have a giant government of unelected bureaucrats with unlimited power.
Even without cabal they are just handicaps on the country.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Brett Weinstein addressed this and explained how corporations evolve to be evil. Purely thru evolutionary principles, he nailed that the groups with less ethics/morals will dominate and out-compete, and since corporations don’t age out, the long term effect is the survivors are the bad ones.
The same is true of government agencies, and they have force too.
RFK is an idiot most of the time.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Define ‘public interest’; who is the ‘public’ and what is its ‘interest’: these are terms as vague and pliable as the terms ‘national security’ and ‘our democracy’. Yes, the court needs to keep a jaundiced eye and such regulations.

Reply to  Teo Toon
3 months ago

“Public”=”Their ‘democracy'”.

3 months ago

There is also a story out there with pictures of RFK eating roasted dog.

Unsettling photo appears to show RFK Jr. with barbequed carcass of dog

I think it’s Camela’s people leaking dirt to derail the RFK plan so she can try to force them to use her.
But RFK solves the ballot access problem and she will not.
Ballot access is far more important to them than money.

Fed Up
Fed Up
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Goat, not dog, according to other reports quoting RFK, Jr.

Reply to  Fed Up
3 months ago

Yeah, the article explains why people say he’s lying based on the anatomy.
But it doesn’t really matter, he’s cabal scum.
What matters is that someone is putting out these stories to try to keep him from replacing Biden.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Who gives a shit. Biden, Kamala, Big Mike, Cankles, Gruesome. Being right about RFK means nothing unless you have access to offshore betting sites. Let’s figure out how we can congregate in person in numbers that are meaningful. Redclaw and her family deserve it so does mine. Let’s shift the analysis from a finished USA to a meaningful conversation about where we go to find eachother. Nobody’s going to deport 50 million illegals. You’re in a dreamworld. Lowell lives there too. If the SHTF then nobody wants to live in that world and if you do then good luck and goodbye. Buy gold, buy crypto? Booze would be my preferred store of assets in that construct.

Reply to  Leverage
3 months ago

Take your blackpills somewhere else.

We all need to prepare for the worst and work towards the best.

Reply to  Leverage
3 months ago

Booze, bullets, and acreage. And most importantly people.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Leverage
3 months ago

Most people would have benefitted from listening to Owen Benjamin these last 5 years!

He’s batting 1000
Eg. He called Covid a fake in FEBRUARY 2020

he was right on that
He’s growing his own food
He’s got 4 boys
Trad wife

he’s funny as fuck as well.

Reply to  Mr Twister
3 months ago

I think anons knew about COVID Dec/Jan… way before the MSM announced it.

We thought we were informed and ahead of the curve. Turned out we were played.

3 months ago

An article for anons’ casual reading, of interest within the article is the missing amonia nitrate “product” lost enroute that is still… missing. Cabal does early groundwork to steal assets (funds, materials etc)out of systems for off books missions. News stories whether of an honest reporting of an oopsie incident, or a seeding narrative story way in advance for plausibility of a narrative is always occuring around us. The macro msm fodder news Mr. A.C. briefs us here is almost as important as these on the ground events and stories occurring around us out there in flyover lands and in those plebes’ non green zones. Be noticing things around you Anons, so as to be very aware and staying frosty out there.

3 months ago

‘One of the 229 people diagnosed with Monkeypox in Ireland during the recent outbreak had 75 different sexual partners in the 21 days before they developed symptoms of the disease, a new study has revealed.’

Faggots are literally a public health hazard.

Please fill in this field
Please fill in this field
3 months ago

Pelosi: This is not a normal election, Trump must be stopped.

Didnt the Q shitposter say something similar?

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
3 months ago

“Why Kamala Harris would be Biden’s likeliest replacement. They say bypassing her would offend women and blacks, however Michelle is black….”

More importantly, Big Mike is ADOS, which carries far more weight in the African American community than being a mulatto descended from former slave owners in the Islands.

3 months ago


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Harrison Bergeron was a manual, it turns out. Vonnegut was either a whistleblower or his cult popularity was an evil psyop. Not just that story, but almost all his stories. I’m now guessing Vonnegut was an evil psyop, but it’s almost a 50/50 toss-up, because blowing the whistle would look a lot like Vonnegut’s books, too. “Kilroy” was from Quincy, by the way. Vonnegut’s son Mark is a doctor, and appears to have been beamed…or he’s an evil douche, too. Ambiguous, and so far indeterminate.

3 months ago

I’m curious about this “I think I am saved by faith alone.”

I’m wondering how this meshes with 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’  Matthew 7:21-23

I would like to know how this works. For instance Psalm 86:9 “…all the nations whom you have made”—with the anti-racism ideology amongst all the Protestants. Isn’t Psalm 86:9 a statement that nations are the Will of God–yet Protestants who have “saved by faith alone” are dismantling them. Am I saved by Faith alone while I’m dissolving, allowing tons of immigration and attacking racists, i.e. anti-racism ideology is about dissolving one’s nation. 

Saved by Faith, but I must also do The Will of the Father, right? What’s the purpose of Christianity if we are not respectful of God’s Will. How does this work? Faith makes me do the Will of the Father by Instinct? I don’t need to know the Will of the Father?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 months ago

Matthew 7:21 describes ppl who appear to do works in Jesus name – even miraculous works – but are ultimately rejected because they didn’t have true friendship with God.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 months ago

Well, I am not remotely an expert, but…one thing you could note in the verse is that they boasted of the works they had done for God.
Two, King David, Man after God’s own heart, gets his war buddy assassinated so he can steal the man’s wife. We are all very fallible.
Three, as our host, and the Bible would say, there are a lot of wolves out there in sheep skins. There are those who willingly serve evil, or have a contorted notion of good, and push their ideas. The question for me is how contorted can another man be, and still be a brother. To me, its obvious that a man can be a nation destroying idiot, and still be Christian.
This is a path new to me in some regards, but I think that God will lead you. He does say to read the Bible, and He also says that His Word will be a light for our feet, which to my mind means short distance ahead.
I spend my days waiting and slowly growing by Faith. It is impatient, but the tryhard was no longer working so well for me.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
3 months ago

You’re cherry picking to prove YOUR point, not reading to understand God’s point. Key words: “workers of lawlessness (or of iniquity in KJV)” and Jesus saying “I never knew you.”

They claimed their works alone would save them, despite their refusal to believe in Christ and His offer of salvation. God knows anything you can possibly do in this mortal realm is meaningless compared to His glory, and he knows even the most extravagant sacrifice you could ever imagine is nothing to God’s capabilities. He simply wants your faith in Him as your test, true faith, not a faith based in “maybe if I act good enough I’ll buy my way to heaven with actions” faith.

Jesus repeatedly tells you to do good works as a way of bringing the message to people and to ease the suffering of mortality, not as the means to earn salvation. If you think you can do deeds to earn your spot with God you’re not listening to the point of Jesus’ life and sacrifice being as the necessary cleansing of the slate of human shortcomings.

God tried a works based salvation system, see how that went time and again for the Old Testament Jews. Given favor over and over only to fall short of God’s will every time.

3 months ago

Phelps, interested in your take: If Q was real, would this not be foundational? If Q was a psyop, why this ruling?

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
3 months ago

I don’t know that anyone like Q is involved. This is just the nature of the parties — I’ve said for decades that when Republicans know what the rules are, they win. The only way for Democrats to win anything is to change the rules faster than the Republicans can figure out what the rules are. The Democrats changed the rules to come after Trump, which caused the Republicans (and the Justices) to sit down and figure out what the rules actually are.

Reply to  phelps
3 months ago

Sadly, Trump and others believe there are rules. There aren’t.
It’s a facade.

Reply to  scruffy
3 months ago

There are rules.

First, the appearance of Rules, is requirement to pacify the plebs. While the Rules are ignored & broken, they cannot cross certain lines, lest the plebs awaken.
Secondly, Cabal follow a religion, and that religion has rules. Vampires cannot enter without permission. Even the Devil has Rules.

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
3 months ago

I’m not Phelps, but this is an excellent round up, and it makes a point that struck me.

In 2020 the judicial branch did nothing to stop the lockdowns and hygiene theater, with the exception of a couple of federal judges, despite none of these rules being enacted by federal, state, or local legislatures. Contrary to the belief of many, Trump’s contribution to the hysteria was pretty much Warp Speed (which may actually have helped end it), and giving Fauci a platform, and Congress, probably unconstitutionally, threw money into the system. The lockdown and mask stuff were degrees issued by various agencies, usually but not always health agencies.

The judicial branch neither stopped this nor the election steal (I agree with Tom Renz that the election steal was less important than the lockdowns and mask stuff, though still important.)

Then in 2021 the Supreme Court ruled against the rent moratorium at their second opportunity, on the grounds that the Center of Disease Control had no authority to interfere with the rental market. Then in early 2022 they ruled in National Federation of Independent Business et. all vs. the Labor Department, OSHA, et. all that OSHA could not mandate vaccines on private businesses, though other rulings allowed for some mandates.

Both rulings came too late after the moratorium and mandates had done great damage to the real estate market, and people’s health and career prospects.

However, it appears that after allowing the Deep State to run round yelling “yee yee” and setting everything on fire, a majority finally started getting fed up. They appeared to fall for the “everything will return to normal under Biden” argument, and then things started getting worse.

So they are starting to tackle the Deep State. We have to see how the Deep State retaliates and if Congress actually starts doing something helpful (House of Representatives hearings have been useful, but they are taking longer than the Supreme Court to get their act together).

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

With the current split on the Supreme Court, it’s at best 4-5 against the Deep State, at very best. Don’t be fooled. Roberts and Barrett aren’t going to help.

3 months ago

There seems to be some minor updates in the Bryan Kohberger case the past few weeks. Basically the defense is accusing the state of not giving them everything during discovery and only giving them evidence piece by piece. The defense is rejecting this claim saying they’ve given over hundreds of documents and pictures and terabytes of police interviews and CCTV footage. A former police officer and founder of a company which specializes in geolocation of cell data testified that 2-3% of the data is missing. He said he needs ALL the data to pinpoint where Kohberger was during the murders. The defense has also been arguing for a change of venue but the prosecution says because of the national and international attention this case has it won’t make any difference. One article said that both the defense and prosecution are working towards a trial date in June 2025 and the judge anticipates the trial will take about 3 months.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

Maybe it’s like Terminator.
Some AI or demon told them to eliminate the mother of a future child.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Something is happening and Dolly DID have braces

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Last edited 3 months ago by Name*
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 months ago

I agree those killings are very strange and if we take it as a given that Cabal was involved it still seems puzzling why they were chosen. Like you said they seem like mostly harmless normie girls. My best guess is that it wasn’t really the girls that were targeted, it was their potential children. For reasons we can’t really grasp but Cabal seems to place some special importance on certain bloodlines or genetics or something and it doesn’t seem to only be related to IQ or health. Maybe they didn’t want these girls to reproduce. If it’s not something along those lines then I’m stumped and default to sadism and chaotic evil.

3 months ago

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3 months ago
Last edited 3 months ago by teotoon
Reply to  teotoon
2 months ago

It’s Captain ChristaJoe Pikeden

3 months ago

Robert Barnes made a point that was interesting, though it depends on “Biden” being a real person who really has dementia.

The Duran echoed the point and their video is only twenty minutes, so go with that:

Judge Merchan delays Trump’s sentencing until September following SCOTUS Presidential immunity ruling.

The point was that if “Biden” was left as President, but someone else was the Democratic nominee, “Biden” would know he was on the way out and potentially facing criminal liability, and ramp up both the corruption and the insanity from 11 on the dial to something like 15.

This means that if there really was a real person named Biden as President, and it was not the code name of a CIA operation, and he had dementia, the best course for the Democrats would be to nominate Biden for President and invoke the 25th Amendment and make Harris the Acting President, not what is being discussed, which is the reverse. The Vice Presidential nomination could go to Harris, or someone else. There would be a publicity campaign that even though “Biden” is on the ballot, the plan is to keep invoking the 25th Amendment until “Biden” resigns or dies, and its actually the Vice Presidential nominee who would be the real President.

There are enough regular Donks and Never Trumpers that this could work. Just have Vice Presidential debates and not Presidential debates.

3 months ago

I still think that “Biden” is a CIA operation, original a proof of concept operation from the 1960s that was repurposed to keep Obama under control, and that “Jill Biden”, “Hunter Biden”, and “Jim Biden” the aliases of the agents now running the operation. The dementia is partly a humiliation exercise and partly to keep people from interacting too much with the actors playing “Biden”.

This sounds crazy, but its the most succinct explanation that I can find. Its the only one that meets Okham’s criteria.

The alternatives are a puppet president, like they had between the attempted assassination of Reagan and Trump coming in, or a president that they basically negotiate with over what they want and have to control by other means, which I think was the case with LBJ, Nixon, Carter, and Trump, and maybe to some extent Reagan and GHW Bush. They don’t want to go back to this unless they absolutely have to. Even a puppet President might wander off the reservation, as Macron sometimes does, though they usually prevent this by making sure stupid people are in the position (Macron is actually quite smart and this causes problems).

With the war, they may have decided they need a more charismatic Prez for wartime, which means going back to the old ways, so they are telling the “Biden” actors to play up the dementia to keep their options open.

I don’t think the “donors” and Congresspeople quoted in the article are being given a script. They are pretty low level Cabal people and told to vote a certain way, sometimes to say certain things, and direct their money, which is not reallly there, to this or that account. They are probably genuinely clueless and are being allowed to babble since that fits with the overall strategy.

Judge Merchan delays Trump’s sentencing until September following SCOTUS Presidential immunity ruling.

I also think Trump was sent in to negotiate with the main Cabal, probably be a dissident faction, and not to take down the Cabal. Negotiations are underway to make Trump the wartime leader. This means going back to the negotiated administration model, but may be worth it if Trump gets on board with the war and can take the American right, which is patriotic and tend to support these things, with him. This is about keeping the options open as long as possible.

Reply to  Ed
3 months ago

I disagree about Trump.
He’s not going to start a war, he’s going to end them.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

Yeah, you need to use Occam’s razor, the idea that the Biden family is a CIA op is already lost by that.
Your speculations continue down a rabbit hole countered by facts like Trump is antiwar (willing to use covert ops, but not war) and fought his own military advisors who then lied to him and kept things up. You somehow speculate that Trump is the opposite. So you fail Occam’s razor.

3 months ago

Best Guess as how they’ll do it. All their options are bad, but doing it it this way at least gives them some chance, better than no chance. It also sets a very VERY useful precedent, which the Uniparty will gleefully put to use in 2026.

Step 1: biden’s cabinet goes off on him, declares 25th Amendment. “This is too important to let politics win” AAUI – too lazy to check – congress is mostly a spectator on this deal. Cabinet drives all. biden & Edith shuffle off to scranton, kamala goes twerking into the Oval Office.
Step 2, possible but not probable: “a miracle” (LOL) occurs, and kamala wins the election.
Step 3: Trump wins beyond the margin of fraud, commences to do the things he specializes in. a) kick ass and take names, at a rate about 5% of the effectiveness of Argentina’s Milei b) refuses to admit a mistake or learn from past mistakes c) so his cabinet will consist of all the same DS asswipes as before, all eager to be the first to stab him in the back d) sometime pre-election 2026, a manufactured crisis will arise. Trump will say harsh or truthful things. His cabinet will erupt in horror: “A bridge too far! My God!! He’s lost it! This is too important to let the politics win!” e) and then the Deep State will 25th TRUMP. See how that works?

Reply to  anonymous
3 months ago

Good post, and why the Vice Presidential selection is really important this year. The lineup Trump is talking about seems evenly divided between Cabal/ Deep State types and people who are probably OK.

Robert Barnes said that if the selection is one of the Cabal/ Deep State types, it means Trump and the Cabal made a deal.

Reply to  anonymous
3 months ago

Trump is not going to fail to learn that badly.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

You hope. I sadly see few signs of that.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 months ago

I see. Can you name 1 good pick he made for AG? SecDef? SecState? FBI/CIA director? ‘Cause I can’t. Those are kinda key posts, and he filled them with DS scum or useless nitwits. Then replaced them with more of the same! He never once quit kissing Fauci’s ass, did he. Or Jared’s, come to think of it. He DID make a fine fine pick for his first USSC selection, it’s true: The Establishment was **horrified** at a non-ivy-league guy as a USSC justice, and Gorsuch is freakin’ balls of titanium brilliant…. but then he quit doing that. He let China Mitch and Chamber of Commerce Percy and our worthless senate of deep state whores & biden clones pick the others. Anyone here feel safe knowing they’ve got Pussyboy Kavanaugh and Crazy-Eyes Coney watching over the Constitution for us? Has Trump ever once suggested in any way that those 2 candyass lightweight jerkoffs were mistakes? No, of course not. “Alpha Males don’t MAKE mistakes!”

3 months ago

That map at the end of the links looks like the real Electoral Vote map in 2020, if the ballots had been counted honestly.

3 months ago

Going to the main blog page gave me this error at the top of the page:

Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for /hermes/bosnacweb08/bosnacweb08bd/b219/ipg.anonymousconservativ/blog/wp-content/cache/supercache/ in /hermes/bosnacweb08/bosnacweb08bd/b219/ipg.anonymousconservativ/blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase2.php on line 209

3 months ago

SCOTUS opinions finishing off the deepstate may have been timed for the anniversary (July 2nd):

Garfield Assassination Causes Creation of Civil Service System

3 months ago

Via Vox:

“The economist Frederick Farah has pointed out that

‘over the past few decades, we have seen that whatever majority is in power, it implements roughly the same policies, leading to the deterioration of working conditions and stable employment, the dismantling of public services, increased poverty, the reduction of the country’s industrial base, strategic vulnerability and the rise of populism.'”