The GOPe Has Apparently Accepted Defeat

Now they are burning the city on their way out:

Congress Votes To Fund Nearly 300,000 Visas For Muslim Migrants In One Year…

The House passed Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, negotiated with Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) A majority of House Republicans voted for the measure, which fully funds Obama’s refugee resettlement operation, all Mideast immigration programs, Sanctuary Cities, Obama’s continued executive amnesty for DREAMers, and the resettlement of illegal aliens within the U.S. interior.

In perhaps a display of loyalty to Ryan, three-fifths of the Republican conference supported his legislation, and even gave him a standing ovation following the bill’s passage.

In passing this legislation, the House has approved funding for the issuance of nearly three hundred thousand visas to migrants from Muslim countries in the next year alone…

As a result, Ryan’s House-passed omnibus will bring in nearly 300,000 Muslim migrants in the next 12 months alone, including roughly 170,000 who will be permanently resettled within the country. In a December 3rd letter to administration officials, Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and Ted Cruz explained that the permanent resettlement of 170,000 Muslim migrants will be on top of the already huge inflow of temporary Muslim migrants…

Notice how since Trump showed up, this drives us to action much more. We have adapted to the idea that somebody should fight for us, and victory is within reach. Before, we might have been enraged, but there was a fatalism about the idea. Now, we begin thinking about how best to destroy what is left of the GOPe after Trump wins. We want to take action – right now, and we know we are going to kick ass somehow.

Trump’s best bet is to create a rallying cry of “Burn it all down,” or better yet, “Delenda Est,” and follow it with a solemn promise to campaign every two years for a full slate of non-establishment candidates throughout the House and the Senate, so electing Trump becomes analogous to striking a deathblow to the machine. If he can morph the choice between him and Cruz into eradicating the GOPe, or giving it a lifeline to continue, he might stand a better chance than he already does. He would probably draw in a load of Democrats and independents who hate the system as well. In fighting the machine, it would be like allying himself against an enemy with a 15% approval rating.

When the GOP tries to rally around Cruz, to defeat Trump, they would just be making Trump’s point for him. At this point, be it Apocalypse or Trump, it is clear that America will never be great again, until the GOPe is purged from this nation.

The only thing I know for sure is, it will happen.

Apocalypse cometh™

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8 years ago

A truism among libertarians like myself is that both parties are useless and not in favor of freedom or morality. But I think this highlights something more. I think in the end we have a one-party system made up of a group of elites in Washington, D.C., who believe they can make the best decisions for a vast territory of hundreds of millions of people, and whose relationship to each other is not opposition but mutual camaraderie in a quest to pillage, lie, and steal as much as they possibly can before any collapse.

8 years ago

What I really don’t get is… why? What do they think they will gain from this? AC, you’ve made the point about r-selected folks introducing predators into the environment instinctually, but what are these people actually telling themselves? In their heads, what’s the narrative.

I mean, if I were in charge of a ridiculously prosperous civilization that enabled me to live a life of unearned luxury indefinitely, I would do everything I could to shore it up at every turn. A rational parasite wants the host to get fat and comfortable, not lean and angry. How can they benefit from making sure that the lynch mobs target them first, instead of just riding the wave of populism now? Being the first to convert brings many advantages.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

It’s just… why would you dynamite the only thing keeping you rich, fat, and safe from lynch mobs? They have to know that turning America into Brazil Norte will not only hurt the base but destroy their futures and those of their children. It’s so blindingly irrational. Even if you’re an evil bastard with no principles whatsoever, siding with the winning team is a no-brainer. Patriotism and greedy self-preservation both support a wealthy, prosperous America.

Reply to  Calvin
8 years ago

In terms of individual behavior, I think my ‘yellow-blindness’ theory might help explain it. Take the standard situational awareness scale and rip out Condition Yellow, Also, Orange should probably be changed to Pink but that’s something to go into later.

To the yellow-blind/r-selected mind, the ability to recognize and process threats while remaining calm is inconceivable. This is why they constantly confuse threat recognition with fear and hate: it is exactly where they will go themselves if they acknowledge a possible threat. They know that, and being terrified of that possibility, take the alternative: refuse to acknowledge the threat.

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

You know the old saying that the simplest solution is probably correct. Maybe they’re being blackmailed. Wouldn’t need all of them. Maybe 20 or 30 at the top that pressure the lower ones. The less Senior could be blackmailed with the odd one night stand with a prostitute. I’m not saying I know this for a fact but in a post you have later I have links to investigations that the intelligence service stopped that highly suggest something going on. Even the dimmest bulb in the Republican party knows mass immigration will disenfranchise his constitutes and him eventually.