Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – UN Report Forecasts World Trade To Decline
DFT – Argentina Begins Shock Therapy With Peso Devaluation
DFT – Apple Changed Policy To Require Subpoena To Release Push Notification Data From iPhone Users
DFT – Chanel Says Luxury Goods Sellers Will Find Difficult Times Ahead
DFT – Russian AI Tractor Company Says Future Of AI Farming Is Here
We will be moving this News Brief to the main domain in the near future, so you will find this at, instead of I have a lot going on right now, and it will take time to make sure it goes right, so not right away. I will try to redirect people from /blog to there, but if that doesn’t work, just go to the main domain.
Predictive programming? New Civil War movie coming.
September 11th just happened to coincide with the start of the TV Show “The Agency,” about the CIA fighting terrorist and the series “24” with Kiefer Sutherland.
Understand, the Fantasy Camp Federal Law Enforcement of FBI, who would be the good guys, who joined to fight crime and stop terrorism (and would probably be clueless like we were fifteen years ago about the subversion of the US) is in a war already right now, against some non-fantasy camp intel operation which is Havana’ing its agents, in their homes, and probably hitting their wives and children. You do not irradiate FBI Agents, and they decide to just take it, and there is nothing that they can do.
FBI’s Fantasy Camp, and the Fantasy Camp military/Spec-Ops (which has lost fellow soldiers to the fake wars of the non-fantasy camp intel op, and probably hates it as well) and Fantasy Camp Intel, is almost certainly massively outgunned technologically by whatever this is.
The ground surveillance is surely not Fantasy Camp either, as I have been hit with either Havana or something like Havana by them. They will almost certainly be the same people hitting the Miami FBI Agents. And they are another aspect our side faces in this war, which will need to be dealt with, if America is to return to even a vestige of the Myth we were told about how it worked.
The only advantage the non-Fantasy Camp side has, is 90-120 million American gunowners, who if told the truth, and brought on board by the Fantasy Campers, would swarm over and kill everything on the non-fantasy camp side, in a moment. Imagine, the good FBI and US Mil coming out, with Trump, no less, making everything known, and saying it needs something dealt with now, and there are no longer any rules or laws. And even giving names, photos, car descriptions, license plates, and addresses
I have no idea where this is going. But I hope it is not to a place where everyone, from a teenaged shitposter on Twitter to the head of an FBI field office, has to fear being struck in the night, by The Beam™. I think we all have to agree, there is no cost it would not be worth paying, to spare future generations from that, even if we never lived to see the benefit ourselves.
The movie seems awfully strangely timed. I have to think it is somehow significant and related to current events, even if only as a threat to somebody.
Still think the Fantasy Camp Law Enforcement is not acting against the non-Fantasy Camp Intel/surveillance? I have seen these fake plates all surrounding me, blowing in the breeze, on the highway. Look at all the cops they rolled out as a show of force, supposedly just to get some soccer moms who bought fake plates on Ebay, and know, Detective Miosotis Familia was killed by the fake-platers they are arresting.
The Senate defeated an attempt to remove the FISA extension from the NDAA on Wednesday before voting to pass the bill. It now goes to the House.
Here are the U.S. senators who voted to go with FISA authorization in the annual NDAA.
“FBI agents abused America’s surveillance apparatus to open a groundless counter-intelligence campaign against a Republican presidential candidate. Despite the abuses, years of calls for reform, the Senate is presented w/ NDAA that continues the status-quo.”
“Since the FBI demonstrated a willingness to evade the rules to spy on an aid to a presidential candidate, we should not be surprised that Carter Page was far from the only victim of FISA authorities.”
“The Senate will sweep this under the rug. We will have no reform. They have known for five years that this is coming up, and they are not going to do a thing to reform it”
“Congress needs to do their job. We had 5yrs to think about this. As we all know, FBI abused the immense power conferred by FISA to subvert a Republican presidential campaign. Imagine the chilling effect of the government investigating political campaigns”
“The order was ultimately found to be misleading. You would think this would have led to scandal. You would think this would lead to punishment. But no one was ever really punished for this”
“These aren’t errors, honest mistakes. These are abuse. The audacity to dupe, manipulate secret #FISA court demonstrates misconduct were not accidents, but the arrogance that results when secretive, one-sided process assures agencies will never be challenged.”
Wyden to block national security director nominee until agency discloses surveillance of Americans.
House votes to formalize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.
Grassley says he has seen ‘no evidence’ of wrongdoing in GOP Biden probe. Not really what he has said – “I’m going to take the same position that I’ve taken since 2019 that all I can say is there’s some indication, maybe some compromise with China particularly, but I have no evidence of it,” adding the facts “haven’t taken me to that point where I can say that the president’s guilty of anything.” That will make him look more moderate when the facts do come out. and he votes to Impeach. If Biden lives that long, which from how he looks, and the added stress weighing on his body, may have a double occupying his office by the time that plays out.
Hunter Biden will not sit for deposition by GOP, says father not ‘financially’ involved in his business. He thinks they cannot prove the money he gave dad was linked to anything Dad did.
Milwaukee county DA refused to probe 354 potential cases of illegal voting.
I think back to the Cabal girls, I crossed paths with, who were so open that even the really pretty ones, set off threatening warning bells, that something was odd:
My issue was some sort of bloodline thing, I think, which led them to see my genes as a threat that needed to be controlled and suppressed. Ask yourself, is his wife really this crazy, or might she work for something which sees his genes as a threat too? You just can’t know with this thing out there. I was so close to dying one day without even knowing. Without the internet, I might never have figured it out, and would still think it impossible.
San Francisco was cleaned up for Xi’s visit. now, things are back to normal, with feces and homeless drug addicts everywhere. Still think you are electing your leaders?
Two Chicago suburbs rejected busloads of immigrants that arrived from El Paso, Texas, over the past week. “…police allowed the immigrants to get off the bus if there was someone picking them up, but officers threatened to impound the bus and arrest the driver for endangering the passengers if he let them out…”
Rand Paul raises eyebrows with comments on Fauci’s link to CIA. Fauci has said a lot of dumb shit, with no shame. He might not be a doctor, and just be an actor. I have said it before, but I have seen two doctors, who online you would think were doctors, but whom I walked out of the office with an undeniable perception that they were not actual MD’s and had not studied medicine, based on ridiculously clueless things they said, and strange behaviors. One actually pretended to flip back through the records in what would have been my chart if I had ever seen him before (I had not), as we talked, and when I got a look at what he was looking at, I shit you not, it was a sheaf of 20-30 blank papers in a manila folder which he had pretended to read interestedly. Not even lined paper. It was like he grabbed it out of a copier before seeing me, as a prop. He supposedly was chief of medicine at a hospital, according to what I had read of him online, and it was his picture on the website. You see why I wonder if we might be getting served customized internets, and why I assume everything is a psyop. (Update, I just looked him up, and he is still practicing. His last three ratings were two one stars, and one two star rating. One said he has his nurses do everything. Another said he was aggressive when challenged over something he said.)
An Austrian doctor says that roughly ten percent of the people she injected with the Covid Vax have come back to her suffering from side effects. Bear in mind, degradation of things like liver, heart, or kidneys usually will not produce symptoms until you reach a pretty advanced state of affairs, due to them being designed with excess capacity. If many people are experiencing autoimmune degradation of those systems, it may not show for a few more years, and then begin to hit all at once.
New Mexico Governor pushing ban on AR-15s, other semiautomatics. It may be a last push before a final Supreme Court disposition. If she can ban them now, even for a month, and force them to be turned in, then they can all be destroyed, and it is irreversible once the final ruling comes down.
BREAKING: In Hill press conference, Hunter Biden just tore up his father’s defense of corruption allegations by arguing he was not “financially” involved in his business deals — a tacit admission Joe Biden was involved in other ways, directly contradicting Joe’s blanket denials
House sources say that Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell–as a member of the Judiciary Committee,which subpoenaed Hunter Biden–“aided and abetted” a crime this morning when he worked with Hunter’s lawyer Abbe Lowell to help Hunter flout the subpoena in contempt of Congress
UPDATE: Democratic Rep. Swalwell admits he reserved space outside Congress for Hunter Biden to deliver his press conference,thereby facilitating Hunter’s defiance of a congressional subpoena –>Hill sources tell me GOP leadership may file ethics complaint
Biden does not look well. Pale and frail.
BREAKING: House formally approves Biden impeachment inquiry, 221-212. Vote gives investigators enhanced subpoena powers — including over White House staff — PLUS access to grand jury information as part of historic “grand inquest of the nation”
By voting to pass resolution officially launching impeachment inquiry of Biden, House has gained enhanced, urgent investigative powers recognized by courts, inclg:
— subpoenaing WH staff
— access to grand jury info
— gathering info in foreign countries (Ukraine, Switzerland)House Impeachment Inquiry could use former FBI forensic accountants to audit the Biden family bank account records, and trace the money trail through the labyrinth of shells, cut-outs and pass-throughs — including foreign tax havens and overseas accounts
Tucker Carlson joins free speech video platform Rumble.
Former CNN host Don Lemon turned heads after revealing that he now watches conservative news, adding that he “cut the cord” on mainstream media outlets. He wants people to know he is watching super-conservative Ben Shapiro. You can see they are in a club together. They are not enemies.
Is the Bud Light boycott breaking? Kid Rock says he’s drinking it again as Dana White hypes beer to Tucker Carlson. If it was a stock swindle by the elites, it was well played.
Curious observation on Twitter:
Etsy is Discovered to Have Suspicious High Priced “Child” Items on their Website and now their Stock Falls and They’re Laying off 11% of their Employees
Harvard had defamation lawyers threaten journalists looking into Claudine Gay’s plagiarism.
Rashida Tlaib: White House criticizing me will ‘increase hate’ but no one can police what I say ‘as a Palestinian.’ Not an American.
US delays sale of assault rifles to Israel over settler violence-sources.
Jewish-American comedian Jerry Seinfeld has been targeted by pro-Hamas protesters who gathered outside the Landmark Theatre in Syracuse, New York to protest Seinfeld’s stand-up show over his support for Israel. Notice, I will bet all of the characters who put this together on both sides were working together in high school to build files on the other kids. They are a team, against us.
Ten Israeli soldiers aged 19 to 35, including a high-ranking battalion commander, are killed and three injured in worst loss of life for the IDF in a single day since Gaza war broke out. Again, our kind, being killed by our kind, in a war created by people who view all of us as the enemy.
NSFW – Now that Britain is diversified, entertainment is right outside everyone’s window – (woman opens her drapes to find an Indian or Paki Migrant masturbating furiously as he looks in her living room). He doesn’t stop once he get caught. You owe me for not letting you click. Some things are best left unseen.
Migrants are impoverishing European countries, which have had to increase budgets for everything from Police to social services to support them. Numbers at the link, but not surprising or anything new. American Police spending up 241 percent, and it is still an animal house.
Our favorite CIA tranny decided big boobs, even the strap-on kind, were not all they were cracked up to be:
There is a before/after meme in there somewhere, but it is all too tiresome to come up with one now. Looks like the Ukrainian gravy train is coming to an end now for real though. Once CIA pulls out the trannies and they stop dressing up, you know Globohomo is done.
Zelensky tells U.S. lawmakers he is willing to raise military conscription age above 40.
Col. Macgregor: Russians capturing Ukraine soldiers in their 70s and children as young as 13.
NICS November, 2023: Third-highest gun sales, fourth-highest background checks.
‘San Francisco was cleaned up for Xi’s visit. now, things are back to normal, with feces and homeless drug addicts everywhere.’
Abidin’ catering to China at the expense of Americans. Pretty much sums it up.
“Decimate”: reduce by 10%.
Sounds like (implies) “devastate”.
You used to have to be good with English to become a reporter. Now you’re just inserted (when you’re not an AI)
Enormity versus enormous. People don’t care about words.
You can get fired if you say “niggardly.” People don’t care about words. Even our side regularly uses some deformed version of vaccination.
That’s happened. About 20 years ago, somebody used that word in its proper context in a speech. The collective left was up in arms, and didn’t care that they were too stupid to open a dictionary. The guy lost his job over it.
Reduce by 10% in a particularly horrific and shocking manner. While not a fatal level of destruction, it’s one which is not easily forgotten.
It can also mean to reduce to 10%.
‘Trump more than doubles his support among Black voters, decimating the argument that he can’t win the general.’
Even a prominent member of the Rhode Island chapter of BLM begrudgingly admitted that he might vote for Trump next year. Things like the migrant infestation of Chicago have proven to black voters that the Democrat party views them as pawns and cogs.
“Things like the migrant infestation of Chicago have proven to black voters that the Democrat party views them as pawns and cogs.”
And it only took about 200 years!
Javier Milei administration puts the AFI (Argentine Intelligence Agency) under federal intervention by presidential decree
The spy agency will be under complete intervention for the next two years, with the interventor (whose name has yet to be released) a lawyer by the name Silvestre SÍVORI being able to expand it once to two more years.
All changes are decreed to be of a public character and with the explicit overview of congress.
Here is what puzzles me about the FISA/4thAm criminality. In all the years it has been known, I have not seen a single request/demand from our side or anyone else to get the details of the actual surveillance.
I fully understand, there are legal obstacles and arbitrary resistance as well. But more telling than the criminal behavior behind getting the surveillance, is the behavior in executing. Who, what, when, were, how and why? For example, what did they see and hear connected with Page?
The possible/probable futility in making the request does not mean it should not be made. Knowing and understanding what was done and obtained would give us a huge insight into what the intentions were.
> The White House is hosting nearly 100 lawmakers from around the country on Wednesday to work on how their states can try to reduce gun violence.
“Reduce gun violence.” Translation: violate your Constitutional rights with unconstitutional and invalid lawmaking.
Exactly. I don’t know what the count is now, but 20 years ago there were over 20,000 gun laws on the books, but prosecutors wouldn’t use them. And now with Soros prosecutors just letting violent offenders back onto the street, the solution is to just use the damned gun laws already on the books against the violent offenders. But they’re a private army and we’re the targets of their calls against “gun violence”.
> Biden does not look well. Pale and frail.
Which one? The one with attached earlobes, the one without, or the one with the mask that doesn’t fit right?
> House votes to formalize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.
Took them long enough. I expect the opposing party will start impeachment proceedings the day after the election, starting in 2024.
Re: Bill’s hilarious criticism of Hill (could not sell vagina on a troop train)
Sorry for the repetition on House of Cards. When watched understanding the Underwoods are the Clintons, the series is very funny. You just know the main actors (Spacey and Wright) are playing them to perfection. Two very different personalities united by murderous sociopathy. Two ultimately vapid people whose deepest insight is that criminality is profitable.
The series is fundamentally misleading because there is no Cabal. But every Cabal technique is there, just wrongly attributed to “just politics.”
> Is the Bud Light boycott breaking? Kid Rock says he’s drinking it again as Dana White hypes beer to Tucker Carlson. If it was a stock swindle by the elites, it was well played.
They either took the shilling or were weasels all along. Either way, they’ve publicly put themselves in LGBTQXYZ++ camp. Though most people will somehow forget this in a week or so.
I don’t know if the average human has the memory of a goldfish, or if exposure to antisocial media simply writes over their programming. But it’s annoying to deal with people who can’t remember the last “talking point”, much less the ones before that. They must live in some kind of Groundbog Day world, where everything is always the same, as far as they know.
I feel your pain, bro.
> The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and National Counterterrorism Center, cited the ongoing Israel–Hamas war as a potential trigger for attacks during the holidays.
Next, the CDC or FEMA will tell us to buy sheet plastic and duct tape to defend against biological weapon attacks.
“I’ve seen this movie before…”
LOL, yup. But if you wrap the sheet plastic around your head a few times, and duct tape it around your neck, then it won’t be the bio weapons that kill you.
Er, I mean, the bio weapons won’t kill you 😉
Yes, I do know about gatekeeping etc etc, but I like Rumble a lot. I can believe what I want, assess things, be interested. Navigating is the best I have seen.
The “My Feed” function is great – – many people worth watching gathered together chronologically.
I have accounts on BitChute and Rumble, but I still predominately use YouTube. I hate the company, but I follow some useful channels. I use the other two to follow the voices that have been kicked off of YT.
So this case is about the “obstructing a legal proceeding” charges. The petitioner (alleged insurrectionist) argues that the way the courts are interpreting the law is illegally broad, and that they are reading a law about not destroying corporate evidence (the law was passed in a anti-corporate construction law ala Enron) to include, well, whatever they want to.
They make very strong arguments based on long-standing statute interpretation law, and also on the grounds that the only two other times this law was enforced… it was on corporations that destroyed evidence.
I think this one is strong and might even draw a 9-0 ruling to overturn the broad interpretation.
If so, then neither is linotype, let alone the computerized printing system.
“you owe me for not letting you click”
Thank you. You are in my prayers.
FBI field agents wouldn’t be getting zapped unless FBI HQ approved it or at the very least didn’t care. I’m fairly certain FO heads are political animals too. These are the guys who thought it prudent to raid Trump and co. remember that? FBI as an organization is at best 50 / 50, with the head thoroughly converged. Fantasy camp FBI is in a mouse wheel right now, pretty much only allowed to go after right wingers.
“is his wife really this crazy, or might she work for something which sees his genes as a threat too?”
Most Cabal types seem childless, hate children and want to encourage activities that would prevent large, traditional families from forming in the future. There is no genetic “darwinian” explanation for this behavior as the cabal operators usually eliminate their own dna too. That pretty much only leaves wild conspiracy theory like reptilians or body snatchers, and religion (specifically Christianity) as the logical explanations. It’s scary to think demons are real, and can occupy human bodies, but it is looking truer every day.
Cabal families do plenty of breeding. In fact, they view their cabal activities as making the world better for their children. That consists of having low ranking cabal operators take out non cabal families. But they also put controls on the operator level families and tend to hobble at least one or more of their children so that the family always remains weakened.
The people you are thinking of are real low level cabal operators who aren’t given permission to breed and encourage non cabal people to not breed either. Obviously these people have no influence on higher ranking cabal families.
“and then begin to hit all at once.”
Yep. If things get spicy, grid down or even just a long depression many millions will just die as things get more stressful. It’s an insurance policy to prevent mass uprisings. These people will barely be able to walk around a grocery store, much less march 10 miles with a 40 lb. rucksack. Even though it’s soft kill, the kill is still present.
“Civil War” movie: 3 term president? That reminds me, where IS nuke football nowadays?
-Bad guy is Ron Swanson/Trump, so I guess we’re supposed to root for side w/unexplained advanced equipment, AKA #Cabal
The three term president is Obama: he is in his third term.
Apparently, Ron Swanson’s acting led to a new meme template that is growing in popularity among the right wing.
Yeah, figured.
“He doesn’t stop once he gets caught.”
If she closes the blinds it’s a hate crime. 20 years in the slammer. I wish I was joking.
How it started:
How it’s going:
It gets worse from here Brits.
AC, when you wrote “The only advantage the non-Fantasy Camp side has, is 90-120 million American gunowners…” did you mean “The only advantage the Fantasy Camp side has, is 90-120 million American gunowners..” I thought the Fantasy Camp side is the good guys.
Yes. My bad.
“Predictive programming? New Civil War movie coming.”
If there is an internecine conflict within Cabal and the “white hats” decide activating the American people is their only shot at victory, CW2 may actually spark off.
Glass half full: the chaos here in the North American Theater of Operations may interfere/suspend normal everyday bureaucracy. I don’t plan to renew vehicle registration or insurance, wear a seatbelt or obey speed limits when bullets are flying. How about taxes, firearms regulations, or whatever mandates are thrown at us? How many revenue agents (police) will bother harassing us with citations and will you even bother pulling over if they come up behind you flashing their lights?
Agree. Just how far will they let the ants swarm? Can’t be having a break in the revenues coming in
At this point, I’m pretty sure that ‘They Live’ is more of a ‘reveal’ than a ‘science fiction horror movie’…I’m just going to ‘drop the mic’ and exit stage right.
When it came out, They Live was a dark, dystopian vision. Nowadays, it’s a Hallmark channel glimpse at more halcyon days in a kinder, gentler America. Our current rulers are far scarier than the aliens running things in that movie.
AC, check this article out, it absolutely goes here
The “Gilbert Goons” a gang on teens assaulting other teens, they even killed a kid at a halloween party
Read the whole article, this thing glows of the machine
God bless & Merry Christmas!
Thank you for this, and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and all here! 🙂
Merry Christmas, Farce. I really appreciate all you do here.
How to stop Dropbox from sharing your personal files with OpenAI
Congress Passes Legislation Blocking Future Presidents from Exiting NATO Without Senate Approval
That’s unconstitutional.
Tell me about how great the plan is again, Q.
Jews try to financially destroy Musk.
Q is still a problem for cabal, otherwise they wouldn’t be ramping up a false-flag campaign to blame on Q. But here we are, with a website that violates Q’s rules for communiques corresponding to low level terror/sabotage.
Power outage in New York.
RE: Civil War movie
I would caution everybody to avoid jumping to conclusions about the plot, remember we all did that with Far Cry 5 and it turned out to be a pretty damn good game. The libs were all hyped on being able to kill Trump supporters, most of us thought they were going to get their wish, only to end up with all the townsfolk just being your average normies and the game having nothing to do with current day politics.
Cleaning away all the evidence, in the Idaho murder case.
Speaking of predictive programming, I watched the new movie “Leave the World Behind” with Ethan Hawke and Julia Roberts. It’s about a family that AirBnB’s a luxury home on the outskirts of New York for a little weekend getaway. Things start to fall apart when the owner of the home shows up asking to stay having driven all night from the city.
It has some very interesting elements in it:
1) The youngest daughter’s total obsession with the TV show “Friends” and how she desperately wants to see the last episode.
2) Tesla’s hacked and used as weapons to block access to a highway.
3) A directed energy weapon that causes one of the character’s teeth to fall out. It announces its presence through a very loud boom that cascades across an entire area. Kevin Bacon cameos as a survivalist who explains that this is similar to the weapon used in Cuba.
4) The owner of the house worked for clients who used to joke about working for a secret Cabal.
Movie is worth a watch.
TY for review! Been debating whether to watch.
Interesting given that it is an Obummer production
My wife watched it last night. She said it was stupid. I’m not planning to watch.
Miles Mathis has a review of this movie:
The cover ups begin:
I wish you would delete the, “xanatos gambit” part of the quote in the blog intro. It just sounds gay. The comments here are great because of the older guys not these hipster goof young guys here telling me I’m a nazi for eating meat and spreading this 4chan fag troll bullshit vibe. Or maybe I’m getting the feel from AI bots. Don’t know what a xanatos gambit is but it sounds stupid like anime nerd shit when you’re talking about some really serious subjects. The survival of our Constitution for one.
Come on, it’s not that bad.
It references a situation made so that any way an opponent tries to counter still winds up a win for the attacked. “RED DWARF” had such a situation with the Justice Field, I believe it was called, where is you hit somebody (or stabbed etc.) the exact thing happened to the perp rather than the attempted victim. In the end, one guy had a weapon in his skull after trying to put it into his opponent.
Why fight if you always get what’s dealt out coming back to you.
Not too long ago, this was just a joke meme.