News Briefs – 12/10/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Analysts Say Panama And Suez Canal Threats Endanger Global Shipping

DFT – Jamie Dimon Calls For Banning Crypto

DFT – Elon Musk To Reinstate Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones

DFT – Exports Of Russian Fuel Soar Off Ended Export Restrictions

DFT – Japanese GDP Plunges As Real Wages Continue To Decline

The modified FISA-702 reauthorization bill (HR 6611) has passed the House – the changes have expanded federal surveillance of Americans.

Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. was on such good terms with Jeffrey Epstein that he had free use of the billionaire pedophile’s Manhattan office in 1993 — and partied with him at The Pierre, The Post has learned. Is the media trying to take RFK down because he is a threat to the order? Is it just couching him as Cabal’s outsider candidate? Was he caught by Epstein, and is working for Cabal, like Teddy? Why would he mention the CIA killing his father and uncle, if so? Why won’t he talk about the surveillance if not? The dude on here who told me he was going to kill me, whatever name he is posting under, does go schizo from time to time, but he was right about RFK’s wife probably being a Cabal plant, linked up with Ghislaine. RFK’s comment, that they had some kind of relationship he didn’t understand was how these Cabal types will look to targets. You know they know each other better than they are letting on, but you are not really sure how they know each other.

James Comer tells CNN Hunter Biden was indicted to ‘protect him’ from the House investigation.

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s new media company has begun building its base of paying subscribers as it moves toward launch, its chief executive told Reuters. Another gatekeeper. They are trying to build a new “outsider” media fast, using their own insiders, rebranded. It means something is coming out which will upset the old order.

@TuckerCarlson Ep. 47: “Gonzalo Lira is an American citizen who’s been tortured in a Ukrainian prison since July, for the crime of criticizing Zelensky. Biden officials approve of this, because they’d like to apply the same standard here. The media agree.” He is still a gatekeeper, even though he is telling us what we want to hear.

Elon Musk challenges Zelensky to explain why American citizen Gonzalo Lira is being held in Ukrainian prison.

Billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk is considering reinstating right-wing personality Alex Jones on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. They are going to reveal stuff, and they need to replatform him in preparation, so his gatekeeping can be as big as posible.

Elon Musk’s AI is super-woke.

Billboards plastered with ‘New York City Welcomes Immigrants’ pop up in El Paso – as new photos show Big Apple overwhelmed with African migrants and Mayor Eric Adams begs for federal funds.

Kevin McCarthy vows to support Trump, says he’s open to serving in a Trump cabinet ‘in the right position.’ Doesn’t he worry it will just make Trump’s cabinet look like a restrictive country club?

Four in ten Democrats agree with removing statues of George Washington.

Illegals can fly without valid IDs.

Want to beat the stock market? Just copy Congress! Politicians’ trades perform twice as well as market average and Nancy Pelosi’s portfolio has grown by 50 PERCENT in 2023.

US military should recruit more non-citizens, including illegal immigrants, US senator says with new bill.

Historic buildings in Baltimore are in danger – from human pee wreaking havoc on them.

Some disturbing Tweets getting traction show disabilities are rising rapidly, and people note, morbidity leads mortality, indicating we may yet see waves of deaths from the vax as time goes on. I know bringing the immune system in and letting it slowly degrade things like the heart and the liver are not good over spans of time measured in years, as it exhausts the ability of the tissues to replenish themselves. The first sign will be degradation. And none of this looks at fertility.

Disabilities, employed women, 16-64.

Disabilities, 16 and over, population and civilian workforce.

Now BIDEN’S ex-Covid advisor admits pandemic may have been caused by a Wuhan lab leak – and warns there’s a 50% chance of another pandemic by 2050.

Canadian journalist who advocated draconian vaxx-passport mandates dies mysteriously at 33.

Far-left British television personality Piers Morgan has contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated and receiving a booster shot two years ago, and blamed the ‘anti-vaccination’ community for his infection.

Scientists have drawn a link between the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine and a “spike” in cases of a rare disease that can leave its victims paralysed – Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).

Two minute video, not really worth your time, just documents Jack Posobiec claiming Microchip told him he would create Q before it happened, and everything, even nailing John McCain’s time of death on the death certificate perfectly, was a coincidence.

After all that, Omid Scobie’s controversial book on the royals from the perspective of Harry and Meghan, only sold 9,000 copies in America during its first week, despite a massive media push. 

The Biden administration has used an emergency authority to allow the sale of about 14,000 tank shells to Israel without congressional review, the Pentagon said on Saturday.

An American-Muslim advocacy group condemned President Biden’s move to bypass Congress to sell thousands of tank shells to Israel, saying the administration’s decision was “an affront to democracy and an act of moral insanity.”

Russia said that reports of proposals to flood the tunnels were shocking and warned that “if done, this will be a war crime.” The whole thing now is young Israelis, who were not attacking Gaza, going in and trying to kill young Gazans who were not the ones trying to kill Israelis, but who now are trying to kill the young Israelis who had no problem with them two months ago, while the real architects of October 7th on both sides, are in the wind, and not under any threat. I never got Smedley Butler saying it was all a racket when I was a kid, but boy, do I now.

Italy’s female PM is a neurotic headcase, and proud of it:

Spooked by Nigel Farage, Sunak goes hard on immigration.

The discovery that two agents from Spain’s CNI intelligence service were bribed to provide classified information to the United States has led to an unprecedented situation between Madrid and Washington.

Philippines accuses China of shooting water cannon at its boats.

New US aid for Ukraine by year-end seems increasingly of out reach as GOP ties it to border security.

Crew of “Andromeda” yacht, which is believed to be involved in the Nord Stream pipeline attack, was checked by Polish officials before the explosion: “Our American friends were also on-site,” Polish agents told German publisher WELT.

Thanks to the incredible activism of @NatlGunRights members, the so-called “Undetectable Firearms Act of 1988” sunsets [Last Night] at 11:59 pm!

Spread r/K Theory, because they are giving every9one guns for a reason

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1 year ago

Japanese GDP Plunges As Real Wages Continue To Decline

That’s a repeat from yesterday.

1 year ago

‘Canadian journalist who advocated draconian vaxx-passport mandates dies mysteriously at 33.’

In the words of Nelson Mandela Muntz…

1 year ago

Herbal Hope: Traditional Chinese Medicine Shows Success in Treating Heart Failure in Clinical Trial

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Linus Pauling showed proper dousing with vitamin C could repair the heart as a friend who started him on the Linus Pauling Heart Cure path was dying of congestive heart failure and after using his protocol died 17 years later of an unrelated problem.

1 year ago

Have watched House of Cards on Netflix through most of season 5. The show is fundamentally and obviously misleading because the total context is party politics. In that respect, it is the same as the original, British version.

Nevertheless, it is very entertaining from our side’s pov. Bill and Hillary Clinton (in the guise of the Underwoods) are completely, amazingly skewered. Cabal tactics are wonderfully (if inadequately) depicted.

The series is a genuine lesson for normies. Hard to understand why they made it, unless the goal was to implant the idea that reality is just a fictional “conspiracy theory.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I ejected in season 3 because it got really dark and slow (Netflix seems to like that pace). I did see the clips where he went to a Bohemian Grove type secret society cult thing.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

“canadian-journalist-who-advocated-draconian-vaxx-passport-mandates dies”
Good. I hope it hurt too.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

I wish no one a greased slide into Hell since that will be more than painful enough.

1 year ago

Re: Carlson as gatekeeper

I do not necessarily disagree, but I cannot recall a single thing since his firing which could assist Cabal, quite the opposite. He appears sincere and credible, although I am too much of a softy.

Cabal is losing a lot of ground with Carlson currently. If the loss is tactical to gain a gatekeeper, it is hard to see success. Seems to me that people on our side have been shedding implicit trust in anyone (except VSG) and TC will be dropped by us if he starts sounding bogus.

Anyway, and I am a softy, I do harbor a little more hope because of TC.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I agree, as well as the fact that Trump continues to be seen in public with Tucker, as well as multiple interviews granted to Tucker.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Denial of the national election fraud?
Referring to “Jan 6th rioting”?

1 year ago

AC was on top of this long ago

Twitter is just a giant holding pen to allow gatekeepers to do their jobs

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I totally understand the gatekeeper argument, and the Icke link repeats that argument, emphasizing Musk, for whom I have zero hope. My point was somewhat different. 1) In establishing the supposed gatekeepers, Cabal is losing a lot of ground and paying a high price, and is ironically doing a very effective job in nurturing anti-Cabal consciousness; 2) anti-Cabal consciousness has grown to the point where actual gatekeeping is seen for what is so much so that the gatekeeping tactic is becoming futile; 3) I have hope that TC is not a gatekeeper, am inclined to think he is not, but also believe he will be dropped like a hot potato when he starts to deviate from the truth.

1 year ago

I made an anti-UNWEF meme. If you like it, please take and share.

Reply to  Aurini
1 year ago

I will definitely be sharing that. Thank you.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

Kevin McCarthy vows to support Trump, says he’s open to serving in a Trump cabinet ‘in the right position.’ Doesn’t he worry it will just make Trump’s cabinet look like a restrictive country club?”

Maybe he worries about that, but where better to sabotage Trump than from within his own administration? This movie sucked in 2017, and if McCarthy gets his sequel in 2025 it will suck again.

1 year ago

BTW regarding House of Cards: the Chief of Staff Doug Stamper is James Carville, played a little off so as not to be blatantly obvious, but the face and skull are the giveaways.

Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

Hey AC,

Three of my responses to Wooderson were spammed. When I posted the first time, I saw the awaiting approval message, but I refresh just in case as I’ve been spammed before. I tried another time and the same thing happened. I tried a third time but I got instantly logged out. I tried a fourth time and it disappeared upon refresh for the third time.

The link to Wooderson’s comment in question is

It was a long response, so I think it might have been spammed due to length. But it was also quite personal in nature, specifically about my childhood. I can’t help but suspect that someone’s trying to keep people like us, and perhaps specifically women like Wooderson, from developing real peer-type relationships. I say that bit about women because I’ve found that, unlike highly gifted men, highly gifted women can can unlock higher levels of their potential with the right relationships. Women are, by nature, more relational. I’ve found that a single highly gifted woman in a group/organization can enable things impossible for any number of highly gifted men.

Last edited 1 year ago by Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Thanks, AC. I see that they are on your approval queue now. I’ll edit two of them out once you approve them.

1 year ago

Schizo? I’m flattered! These days that’s as much of a compliment as based. I wish I were actually schizo. I’d feel less remorse for misunderstanding and overreacting to extremely confusing, terrifying, and infuriating situations.

1 year ago


Might be gatekeeping for a different purpose than the usual gatekeeping. Like holding back a herd of goons you know will instantly pounce on the enemy as soon as they understand enough of the Ugliest Truth, but you want to make sure the attack isn’t premature and chaotic, so you gradually ease them into the deep end of the pool and thereby ensure a cohesive, rational, and totally-successful collective response. The reverse of boiling a frog. Or the inverse, converse, obverse, whatever.

1 year ago

You showed up in my wordpress feed. Haven’t seen that for a long time.

1 year ago

What’s our ‘uncanny valley’ gal from Finland been up to lately?

There’s way too much insanity to summarize, but here’s the Sharon Stone bit:

While in Los Angeles she joined the Basic Instinct actress, 65, for a lunch at the Finnish Consulate. Sharon invited for her was activism work. 
It appears the pair became fast friends after discussing democracy, human rights, and equal opportunities over lunch.
Sanna shared a snap of the unlikely pair, Sharon gushed: ‘You are so cool so smart and so beautiful. That must be too tough for the men to cope with,’.

Now I’m not so sure about Sharon Stone’s claimed IQ of 154 anymore.

Sanna Marin, former Finnish PM shares snaps from ‘travels lately’ as she poses in a bikini and visits Notre-Dame

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Weird look of Finn PM.
Is her neck quite long and massive? Do you see just a trace brow ridge. I couldn’t find a clear video of her gait, but I didn’t look too far.
Is that odd look describable as a male energy? Will have to try the male vs female skull overlays; that should tell for sure. But, hey, since all the others are inverted, why wouldn’t this one be?

Last edited 1 year ago by Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Macacque Mentality reports multiple comments sent to spam and then being logged out when trying again.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“who with the capability would brute force the pass just to send random comments to spam or trash?”

Some fat neck beard dipping his gas station burrito into liquid cheese, who laughs at all of us condescendingly, but is too stupid to even know what resources are at his disposal.

Gammas gonna gamma. If you can help the secret kings feel like kings in secret they’ll labour away at the most idiotic tasks as if they’re slave labour. He probably feels super important for doing something over a 3 day period that his boss could have done in 5 minutes, if he’d bothered to tell him. They’re basically an army of semi-intelligent undead.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

There are passwords that take N*A level cracking so are good for a decent amount of time. Begin with using at least 16 characters – the more the better. You can also use several services that monitor your site and report every admin login. One effective approach is create a unique key phrase, one that you will remember and use the first and last letters of each word, so pick non repetitive letter words while substituting a number and special character in key places.
Some people forget that it may not be the site that is compromised but your local machine so when you change the password on one, change it on the other. So, if you get X number of days before problems, change your passwords on X-1 days. Just a few thoughts.

1 year ago
1 year ago

I heard from X22 Report which is a mouthpiece for Q very likely is the same faction Tucker Carlson is working for.

They want controlled information release because to do otherwise wouldn’t be believable or lead to too much cognitive dissonance and subsequent insanity.

They want to peel back the curtain carefully so people can properly transition to the new paradigm of Truth.

Or they are a Thermidorian faction of Cabal that is opposed to the Old Guard. I notice that they ban words against the LGBT+ groups on X or Twitter.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Everything is about moving the Overton window, since people only pay attention or give any credence to things that fit within that window for them. Gradually moving it is very effective. Doing something too drastic might shatter the window and actually cause the person to close themselves down since they are overwhelmed.

Last edited 1 year ago by I am not crazy, but you may think I am
1 year ago

X or Twitter still bans words against LGBT+ even if coded:

1 year ago

In which there is a doubling down on abortion. But they time by Abortion pills:

1 year ago

This evil woman replied. Because of the abortion pills. You will never know if your wife killed your children:

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Only if you are not paying attention, which is a whole discussion in itself. There are symptoms of both pregnancy and using the pills.


Oh. That is interesting. I think even using such pills needs to be banned as murder.

Manufacturers of abortifacents need to be completely destroyed.

1 year ago
Initial Reports that Israel has given the Lebanese Government and Military a “48-Hour Ultimatum” to begin Negotiations on an Agreement to return Hezbollah to their Positions which were agreed upon by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, or else the IDF will launch a Military Operation to Destroy any and all Hezbollah Infrastructure in Southern Lebanon up to the Litani River.

1 year ago

Ok…this is a must-read article that was cross-posted on Texas Arcane’s substack.
Talk about providing fantastic evidence for a position.

1 year ago

Surveillance tech from the early cold war.

How Russian children and the KGB trolled America for years