News Briefs – 03/18/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Here, at 5:12, President Trump says April 2nd will be “liberation day” for our country, when we take our country back.

A Rhode Island doctor who is an assistant professor at Brown University’s medical school has been deported to Lebanon even though a judge had issued an order blocking the U.S. visa holder’s immediate removal from the country, according to court papers.

Musk did a podcast with Ted Cruz, noting there were twice as many credit cards in some departments as there were employees, with millions of credit cards, each with a $10,000 limit, and a lot of departments bought thousands of software licenses, presumably from companies like Microsoft, but not one employee ever logged in to use the software:

Full interview here. More:

So far, Musk has found 14 “magic money computers,” mostly in Treasury, but also in HHS and DOD, which can send out payments, but do not need to get the money from anywhere to send it out, they just issue payments and increase the size of the bank account they send the magic money too.

Department of Education is laundering money back to the Democrat Party | Less than 25% of $280 billion is spent educating students.

Stephen Miller calls Former FBI counsel Andrew Weissman a ‘moron’ and a ‘degenerate.’ Possible reference to a blackmail file on him which was what allowed him into such a high position in FBI?

The mother of a girl attending an Illinois middle school said that after her daughter refused to change her clothes in front of a biological boy who identified as a transgender girl, school officials stepped in and forced her to do so.

Article III Project, War Room and Rep. Brandon Gill move to Impeach Obama Judge Boasberg.

The shift from reading to consuming video content may have diminished human intelligence, research finds.

I slept out of water as part of an experiment recently. I have done so maybe three times since I began sleeping underwater last March. It is odd, because I almost get the feeling the beaming is by an AI or something, because I will lay back, and under the shielding around my head, it is like one of those science fiction shows, where the heroes are in some city protected by an energy shield, and alien battlecruisers are raining fire down on the shields. All over the shielding around my head, in this case the interior portion, which was the lead blanket, as if coming from an arc of about 90 degrees around me, it sounds like a cacophony of impacts from BB guns, so aggressive the individual impacts simply sound like a rapid spattering. It goes that way for a minute or two when I first lay down, and then dies back. From then on, every turn or body adjustment triggers a spattering for twenty or thirty seconds, and then it dies off over ten seconds or so. But it is every time I move, so either somebody is watching me assiduously, or, it feels more likely, it is somehow automated.

Anyway, with respect to this article, I can do eight hours like that, and despite the protection, wake up tired and groggy, and spend that day dull and sluggish. Or I can sleep just two to four hours underwater, and wake up clear and refreshed, at least until I sit in one spot, and the beaming begins.

We are going to find we evolved to sleep in a primitive state of nature, for very short periods under adverse environmental circumstances, and wake up refreshed and highly capable. I suspect the present condition, of needing seven to nine hours of sleep for most people, will be traced to malfeasance harming them as they sleep, purposely, so they will be less capable on awakening. New Scientist kind of agrees:

The United States Department of Defense has confirmed the deployment of three aircraft carriers towards the Middle East. Some think we will attack Iran.

US to hold Iran directly responsible for any further Houthi attacks, Trump says.

Speaking at Hillsdale College, Erik Prince says we have not in fact degraded the Russian military, we have simply chewed up a lot of their equipment, while making the Russian Army itself vastly smarter and more skilled at defeating us:

“The thing that the Russians are very good at is electronic warfare,” Prince stated, emphasizing that advanced American weaponry, such as Javelin missiles, HIMARS, and Copperhead guided artillery shells, often become ineffective within weeks. “It works for a week or two, and the Russians figure how to jam the navigation or the command link, and the stuff goes blind.”

“First of all, don’t listen to the idiot politicians that say, yeah, we’ve degraded the Russian army. No, we have chewed up a lot of material. The Russian army has gotten infinitely smarter.”

He pointed to the rapid improvements in Russian counter-artillery capabilities, contrasting the response time between early 2022 and now. “If you shot at a Russian, with artillery in March or April of 2022, it would take them an hour and a half to shoot back accurately. Now, about two minutes, which means if you shoot at them, you better be in your vehicle and hauling ass because they’re going to get you otherwise.”

A presidential decree issued by President Vladimir Putin has granted an American hedge fund permission to trade in the securities of Russian firms, loosening previously imposed sanctions as relations between Russia and the United States thaw. Americans investing in Russian success. You can imagine the response of Zelensky, now stripped of American support and funding.


RIP Mark Klein, the engineer who exposed US domestic spying ops after wiring it up.

This is a dude who would not make any money were there no conspiracy, and he is sensing the party may be over:

Fani Willis was ordered to pay $54,000 in attorneys’ fees for ‘intentionally’ violating open records laws in her bogus RICO case against Trump.

The Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) that Elon Musk oversees is responsible for aggressively downsizing the workforce in federal government, yet DOGE is set to grow to about 200 employees, up from about 100 federal workers who currently work on the team.

Send people to, because the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is self-evident

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News Briefs – 03/17/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Vox Day expands on a comment here:

The world you live in is not the world in which you were taught to believe, a world that is purely material, in which Science determines truth, in which free and democratic elections establish governments, where Accidents and Great Men dictate the course of history, in which the press is the Fourth Estate holding governments accountable, and in which America is a noble idea rather than a nation comprised of the posterity of the American revolutionaries…

But the truth is coming out. And the secret army of the wicked are terrified and desperate, because they know full well that they merit even less mercy than the Romans showed Carthage, than the Reconquistadors showed al-Andalus, or than the Conquistadors showed the Aztec Empire.

What they have done to Americans is worse, far worse, than anything the National Socialists ever did, and continued for far longer. One way or another, judgment is coming for them. And eventually, an even more final judgment will be pronounced upon them, in a court in which no advocate will speak for them.

This is true. And it is worth noting, from all I have seen, they seem to think substantially differently from us, which I think will make the panic far more pronounced, meaning there may be more fireworks than we would think, using our own thought processes to model the conspiracy’s end. I have written before about them laughing at me, when they were riding high. I literally would be looking in a mirror, wondering how it was I looked funny, because over and over, I would walk in somewhere, and people who were there would look up at me, and laugh reflexively when they saw me.

I spent my youth in fights, which were now obviously set up by this thing. But at the time, they seemed to arise out of nowhere, with no rhyme or reason behind them, so I had adapted to, everywhere I went, expecting violence and wearing a game face to meet it. It did not feel like people should have been laughing reflexively when they saw me. But they were. I can only conclude they were laughing at how clueless I was, being smart, and yet having fully bought all of the lies, and being fully under this thing’s thumb, being beamed every night, with no clue of any of it. It was so funny to them, that professional surveillance would break demeanor and laugh in my face when I walked into places.

And you see it today. They still seem to think, they hit me in the head hard enough, threaten to kill me and then knock me out behind the wheel, and I will just cave and offer up everything they ever wanted on a platter to them, to save myself. I cannot even fathom how they could think that, even as a matriarchic organization. I am just even angrier, and even more determined that nobody is getting anything of what they want, for free.

And likewise, if I undertook a conspiracy to screw over all my neighbors, beam every clueless innocent person with potential, and rob the entire nation blind, and I got caught, I would take a deep drag on a cigarette, and ask those arresting me what took them so long when they showed up to arrest me. I do not think the people in this conspiracy will be the same when the hammer drops. I would assume anything is possible, because I do not think they think like us.

Donald Trump, after becoming reportedly disillusioned with the Secret Service after the Butler attack, has opted to pay out-of-pocket for a private security team, with Christian Craighead, a former SAS soldier celebrated for his heroism during the 2019 Nairobi DusitD2 terror attack taking a central role. If this is real this would be done in consultation with the leadership of the operation Trump is a part of, likely in response to credible threats.

DOGE chain of command revealed in court filing, showing Musk is not the boss, ,nor does he even work at DOGE.

An explanation, using the Department of Education, showing how every agency was laundering and churning most of their budgets back into the private sector:

The federal government issued roughly $1.1 trillion of improper Medicaid payments over the last decade – a whopping $8,200 per U.S. household.

More than 200 alleged Venezuelan gang members have been deported from the US to a supermax prison in El Salvador, even as a US judge blocked the removals.“Oopsie… Too late,” posted [Salvadoran President] Bukele on social media, making fun of the judge’s ruling.” There is also a video of the arrival of some of the gang members.

From medical examiners to law enforcement investigators, you cannot assume anyone is not in the conspiracy and willing to run cover or cede to its power. Nothing may be what it seems:

60% of Columbia University’s Students Are International Students. Could be foreign assets of the surveillance helping to build files and gather blackmail on the American student body. I was surrounded by such foreign students in the small, elite program which I had been guided into, and I think many were brought there just for me. In retrospect there were numerous instances of kids knowing things they should not have known, and strange synchronicities which stood out to me as weird, even though I did not know what they were at the time.

Ruthless sibling leaders of Zeta cartel charged in US; face death penalty.

Video interview with Trump – Trump provides an update on he releases of Epstein and other classified files: ‘It’s moving along rapidly.’ He says weeks, but the bottom line is, it will happen when the plan wants it to happen. And none of it will begin to have a millionth the happening qualities of the first arrest of a Congressperson or Senator for raiding the Treasury in the amount of tens or hundreds of millions, or in the case of Stacey Abrams, billions. And that will pale in relation to the exposure of the fact your neighbors thought it funny they were in the shadows fucking up people’s health with beaming and ruining life opportunities, and nobody had any idea. And I suspect that will pale in comparison to what will happen if the score settling begins to reach the critical mass where there are too many murders to solve, and killing begins to become something most men have done at least a few times. Because nobody is going to feel bad about the surveillance going away.

Humans may be able to grow new teeth within just 5 years.

An upcoming 60 Minutes investigation into the drone sightings that took place toward the end of 2024 promises to reveal more about the government’s knowledge and response to the still largely-unexplained phenomena. Teases Pentagon officials were baffled.

Gag order imposed on case related to Shin Bet activities against employee in Netanyahu’s office. Not really clear beyond domestic intelligence was operating against an employee in Netanyahu’s office, as well as what sounds like a protestor against Netanyahu, and they have told the media they are forbidden to talk about it.

U.S. launches strikes at Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The Houthis attacked the USS Harry S. Truman, Trump responds with additional airstrikes.

Majority of UK electoral districts prefer Farage over Keir Starmer as Prime Minister.

Multiple videos appear to show the Serbian government using LRAD-type acoustic weapons to clear protestors from streets. Another video here:

Panama in nationwide blackout after an explosion inside one of the generators at the La Chorrera Thermoelectric Power Plant. We are drawing up invasion plans, over the Canal. Maybe a taste of what happens if you displease the God Emperor?

French Member of the European Parliament, Raphael Glucksmann, wants US to return Statue of Liberty to France.

Erik Prince says, Russia can now jam navigation of Javelin missiles, HIMARS, and Copperheads (guided artillery shells).

SpaceX is sending an Optimus robot to Mars next year.

Stranded astronauts thank Trump and Elon for not doing what Biden did and just leaving them up there.

Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem announces 7 MORE MILES of border wall is being built starting today.

2026 map looks awful for democrats; as three more Senators are quitting.

Democrat party approval rating falls to record low of 29%;lowest ever recorded by CNN, dating back 30+ years. Q did indicate when they were done, the Democrat party would be left in wreckage.

Trump wins golf championship a day after ordering strikes on Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen.

Trump ties for highest approval he’s ever had — as more Americans say US is on right track than any time in 20 years: poll.

Send people to, because Freedom is worth any cost

Posted in News Briefs | 11 Comments

News Briefs – 03/16/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


In the comments, Sam says:

And if this judge was appointed to cases that broke the rules find whoever did this and arrest them for whatever they can. Treason maybe?

I think it is coming. All of it is coming. It is just there is so much of it. The Secretary of State just came out and said 83% of an entire government department, all of our foreign aid, was fraudulent. And you are going to see that through the WHOLE government. SSA, HHS, SBA, Education, VA, Energy, anywhere there was money, you will find the vast majority was being siphoned off. That is now beyond question.

So somebody was robbing the United States BLIND. On a scale which is unimaginable, and which was enough to cripple the national treasury, to the point it had to borrow a trillion per year. So that begs the question, where was the FBI? The premier domestic intelligence/Law Enforcement Agency had no idea we were being robbed $100 billion at a time? Obviously they would know. And they let it happen. Why? People like us here, were found by the surveillance as children, and the entire machine set about trying to divert us and waste our lives, so we would never be in FBI. That way, the entire Bureau could be populated with criminals in the conspiracy who would know to turn a blind eye.

And so it went down the ladder. The former Mayor of New York and the former NYPD Police Chief personally walked into the Delaware State PD headquarters with Hunter’s laptop files and played a video of Hunter, buck naked, banging his brother’s underaged child/daughter while smoking crack. Video evidence of drug use, and incest, and child molestation – and it was still ongoing. There was a minor child, a girl, actively being molested still. And the Police had no choice but to stand down. Epstein, Jimmy Saville, Disney, you’ve seen it all over. They are all entirely above the law because everything was corrupted.

So you need law enforcement to arrest them, but the FBI was already aware of it and populated with the soldiers of the criminal empire. To the point they would let 9/11 happen, because their criminal bosses wanted it to happen. That is how an intelligence operation would organize it, because it is so effective.

And even if you manage to get all of the criminals arrested, here, the judicial system is obviously not working randomly as intended, so it will not convict and sentence them to any punishment, but nobody can do anything about that either.

And then there is the surveillance on all of us, tracking every child, intervening in everyone’s lives, hitting even Trump staffers with Havana Syndrome on White House grounds, hitting Cabinet level officials, even hitting me, as far down the ladder as I am. And I am still certain there is a linkage between plane overflights and heart attacks because it is beaming everyone uniformly as part of an organized and well-funded program, in an effort to keep everyone degraded and struggling, so nobody can ever challenge it.

Look back far enough in my archives, and you will see me, long before I was talking about surveillance here, talking about how when I helped my friend with the service business, and we went into an ultra-elite residential neighborhood with people worth eight and nine figures, we felt physically different – more energized, more healthy, more happy, and more motivated. We were working our asses off physically there, and yet we were more energized and pumped up than we would be on our days off, in regular neighborhoods. I was 19 and marveling at how that neighborhood changed us physically. I thought it must have been a psychological effect of the clean landscaping or something, but now, I think it was something else.

This thing is everywhere – to the point nothing you have seen so far should have happened. USAID should still be filing its bank accounts with cash, the news media should still be respected, and there should be nobody talking about illegal surveillance. The fact you are hearing about it all means, zero doubt, something happened and the dam is giving way.

But there is so much, everywhere, clearly it will be a complex process to take it all down, and they will try to hit everyone at once, as much as possible. Me, I would give it to the grassroots, unleash everybody, and let the heads fall where they may.

But they have decided to do it differently, and clearly they will get their chance first. What I think is a safe bet is, once things start, it will be a tsunami of takedowns. I do not think it goes piecemeal. But because of that, it will need to be so many arrests and prosecutions, it will be a long time setting up.

But I do think at this point it is a safe bet that a day of days is coming, and it will mark the end of the surveillance, at least in its current form, and the return of vastly more freedom for most Americans.

U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) officials said several members of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) arrived unannounced with FBI agents on Saturday but were denied access to the building after being approached by their counsel.

Trump invokes 18th century law to speed deportations, judge stalls it hours later.

The U.S. was to send 300 Tren de Aragua gangsters to El Salvado, where they would face a fate worse than death.

Obama judge orders Trump admin to turn around planes deporting Venezuelan gang members, and bring them back to the US. Makes you wonder if there is still some hope among some of activating the migrants and triggering a civil war at some future critical point.

IRS workers ‘paralyzed’ by DOGE’s massive cuts claim Elon Musk’s budget busters are reshaping the agency.

Why did the State Department (taxpayers) pay for Hillary Clinton’s 5-star hotel room and rental vehicles in France in 2024 when she was attending an event for the Clinton Foundation?

These could be more significant than we know. A security clearance might lead to them having an FBI SCIF like Perkins Coie, and having a SCIF might mean a secure linkage to other SCIFs, like in New Zealand, or another Five Eyes country, and the ability to transfer classified materials without a record of them exiting the SCIF. Trump is not pulling these punitively. There is some way they were being used to harm national security, or gain access to data improperly for some improper purpose.

Stephen Ireland, founder of an LGBTQ+ pride organization, was found guilty of r*ping a 12-year-old boy.

Cuomo continues to deflect blame over admin’s disastrous COVID-19 nursing home directive in half-baked apology.

China’s invasion barges seen operating in shocking photos.

French court allows Telegram founder Durov to leave country — AFP. They had ostensibly arrested him for the spread of child porn on Telegram, but you can be what they really wanted was a back door.

Prince Harry’s visa file to be made public after bombshell ruling by judge amid claims he lied about drug use.

Tens of thousands rally in Serbia’s capital for anti-graft rally.

It is disingenuous to pretend that is Muslims taking over. That was the conspiracy using its full control and installing them in high positions as a way of sabotaging out societies on the way out the door. In my probability matrix the most likely scenario is the conspiracy intended to make the jump to the East, and enter China, where it would wield power from the shadows through poppets and milk the nation dry, the way it had in so many empires before. That is why ten years ago Vox Day posted the notice from the head of some Jewish group, telling his followers it was time to head to China, because the West was no longer destined for greatness. They moved the manufacturing over there, the tech over there, and all that was left was to collapse the West on their way out the door. I think the Chinese took it all, and at the last moment, barred the doors and refused to let the conspiracy enter. Which left the conspiracy with nothing, except a west which had a timebomb counting down to its total destruction. So we got The Plan, to flood the West with migrants too fast, before expelling them all, and rebuilding Western greatness in record time. Essentially they turned up the heat so the water would boil faster and the frog would jump out. I will not be surprised if there is a war with China on the horizon, once the West is reestablished, either, since I would assume the conspiracy is still holding a grudge. To that end, now that the conspiracy is trapped here, I would expect those Muslims in Europe to be dealt with too.

In this next one, notice how this type of violence not only makes the world a better place, it is the only way to make the world a better place in places like this:

Crazed maniac Zelensky keeps pushing for WWIII — Brags that new long range missiles can hit Moscow.

Reportedly, anonymous sources within Kash Patel’s FBI have described as “surreal” and “whacky” his plan to have his agents train in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). In my experience, people skilled in all forms of violence will tend to be open, upfront, and trustworthy, and you get what you see with them, even if it is occasionally a blatant fuck you. Once someone lacks the ability to do violence, or worse, fears it, they will feed their natural competitive energies into sneakiness and backstabbing, which they will see as justified due to their weakness. That the FBI is aghast they might have to, for a short period, even gain a passing familiarity with violence in all its forms is a disturbing commentary on the culture of the Bureau. It is what I would expect from an Agency which would allow gangstalking and Beaming in America, and which undoubtedly knew, at least in some parts, that 9/11 was coming. It should be entirely dismantled.

Rep. Brandon Gill introduces act to effectively BAN China & other adversaries buying U.S. farmland.

Trump signs order to dismantle seven federal agencies focused on media, libraries, homelessness.

This is no good for an infiltrating intelligence operation:

Send people to, because you want somebody with cognitive ability


Posted in News Briefs | 38 Comments

News Briefs – 03/15/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Vox Day covers “The First Color Revolution.” Once you have been lied to this much, it is difficult to know where the boundaries of reality lay. IMO, the degree of organization and thoroughness required to maintain this many lies, and keep a population, with UHIQs like Vox, totally in the dark for decades, if not centuries, means there could be a massive weirdness going on at the top. I have seen Cabal’s flunkies. I am not sure they are this capable. I am just saying, it could get weirder still at the top.

Trump at DOJ:

The American people have given us a mandate… just a far-reaching investigation is what they are demnding into the corruptions of our system… We will expel the rogue actors and corrupt forces from our government, we will expose and very much expose their eggreguious crimes and severe misconduct of which was levels, and you have never seen anything like it – it is going to be legendary – it is also going to be legendary for the people who are able to seek it out and seek justice. We will assure that such abuses will never again happen in our country.

US Capitol Police Chief steps down after Roger Stone blasts whistleblower testimony on his show.

The Internal Revenue Service’s top lawyer has reportedly been demoted as Elon Musk’s DOGE agency continues its push to get access to confidential taxpayer data.

Trump admin asks Supreme Court to allow executive order on birthright citizenship to partially take effect.

Key Biden aide suspected of exceeding authority by using Autopen to sign official documents.

Grassley, Johnson release records showing FBI obtained Trump, Pence cell phones, conducted sweeping interviews to advance anti-Trump Arctic Frost investigation.

From here on judge Merchan randomly catching Trump cases:

‘For these type of cases, the way it’s supposed to work is that there is a panel of 24 judges, and they are all put in rotation and randomly assigned these types of cases. Judge Merchan is not on that panel. That’s because he’s not a judge. He’s an acting judge.

The only way he could have caught this case was to be specifically assigned to it. There was no chance of him being randomly selected.

The wild thing is that according to the left and the department of justice, judge Merchan was not only randomly selected to be the judge in this trial, but he was also randomly selected to be the judge in the Trump Organization case, and he was randomly selected to be the judge in the Steve Bannon case.

So judge Merchan, a judge that is not in the pool of 24 judges that is supposed to catch these cases, a judge that is not an actual judge, but an acting judge caught all 3 Trump related cases randomly. This is a judge who gives heavily to an organization very plainly named Stop Trump, and a judge whose daughter makes tens of millions of dollars every year promoting Democrats.’

Ashley Biden in hot water because her non-profit claimed it only brought in $170,000, and neglected to mention Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s non-profit had donated $250.000, all while Biden was President.

A reporter hit President Trump with a microphone and he stared a hole through her

Protests erupt in Tennessee House as bill advances to bar illegal migrants from public schools.

This idea feels forced, mainly because you are seeing it promoted by accounts with large followings:

When I see these things, I assume it is not the big accounts really being threatened, but rather the big accounts are being told to read these lines in the script because surveillance is doing this to smaller accounts you will never hear of because they are suppressed, and it wants them to get the pizza deliveries and freak out in their isolation. The bottom line is you are at war and will take damage. For now you just have to eat it, and wait until the tide turns, and hopefully the conspiracy is stripped of its government influence and technological toys, and everyone is outed and revealed in the “reconciliation” procedures. I strongly suspect we will all know exactly who is who before all is said and done, and all the dynamics will be different. Just, for now, we are going to get the shit end of the stick. Accept it, take it, and move forward.

Newsmax had agreed to pay $40 million to Smartmatic in a settlement stemming from a defamation lawsuit regarding the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

Popular acne skin care products recalled over potentially cancer-causing benzene contamination.

A Chinese lab is continuing to receive funds from the U.S. to conduct cruel studies on beagles, according to contracts obtained by the nonprofit White Coat Waste Project and shared with the New York Post.

Trump set to ban people from 43 countries from travelling to the US including Russia and Belarus – with nations warned they will stay on banned list ‘if governments do not address deficiencies within 60 days.’

Great video of a homo Ukrainian nationalist getting couped on the street. He apparently was a sadist who was into punishing young guys who didn’t want to be conscripted, by forcibly sodomizing them. Somebody tracked him down and meted out justice, in the best fashion possible. This one will warm your heart. And given how real patriotic Ukrainians are taking matters into their own hands (like the mother who strapped on a suicide vest and took out six recruiters at the local recruiting station), were I Zelensky, I would not feel safe. At some point, some parent will come for him. Hopefully it will look something like this.

This dude who got killed had quite the backstory:

Unfortunately the shooter is in custody:


Ukrainian troops think Trump and Putin were colluding when the US withdrew military aid and intelligence sharing, because Russia was prepared to capitalize on it, and they all hate Elon Musk, who gave them Starlink, and made their resistance possible.

Putin urges Kiev to order troops in Kursk Region to surrender, saying he was “sympathetic” to Donald Trump’s call on Moscow to spare the Ukrainian soldiers’ lives.

MSNBC bigwigs leaked layoffs plan in stunning gaffe — and staffer found grim ‘kill list’ morning of bloodbath.

MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell reveals he’s taking a week off — citing exhaustion from Trump’s presidency.

A federal judge refused Friday to block the destruction of classified documents as part of the building cleanout at the U.S. Agency for International Development.

Send people to, because sometimes violence is the only answer


Posted in News Briefs | 30 Comments

News Briefs – 03/14/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


“Because the border of Canada and the U.S. was established through treaties between the United States and Great Britain, it was not submitted to the UN for official recognition, as the UN was not in existence at the time.”

The Department of Government Efficiency announced on Thursday that they’d ‘terminated’ another 239 government contracts with a total ceiling value of $1.7 billion, including $400,000 to educate transgender, BIPOC and queer farmers about food justice. They must have laughed with each other as they came up with these bogus grants.

President Donald Trump will deliver a major speech at the Justice Department on Friday, fueling rumors that pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s files could finally be released. Trump however indicates no:

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) caved on supporting a Republican spending bill that would keep the government from shutting down, and will be voting for cloture.

DOJ must now investigate unexplained 6.3 million 2020 Democrat votes.

Federal judge rules Trump must reinstate many fired federal employees.

New York State Attorney General Letitia James and a coalition of twenty other Democrat state attorneys general (and the District of Columbia AG) filed suit on Thursday against the Trump administration to stop the reduction in force (RIF) layoffs of just under half the department’s over 4,000 workers.

The former U.S. pardon attorney, Elizabeth G. Oyer, was terminated Friday after she opposed restoring actor Mel Gibson’s rights to carry a gun, her spokesperson and two Justice Department officials familiar with the matter told NBC News.

Stacey Abrams really, really, wants ‘her’ $2 billion from Biden’s EPA slush fund.

John Fetterman, asked about whether Senate Republicans have the votes to pass the so-called continuing resolution, said he was not at the Senate lunch earlier this week where it was discussed, noting, “I wasn’t present. I didn’t go to the lunch,” because he wanted Chipotle instead. “But then I was worried about explosive diarrhea with Chipotle then too,” the senator added. Normal for him, or is his brain not fully operational still because of the stroke?

Joe Biden received information about Obama Briefings, Situation Room meetings, policy memos about foreign nations, including Iraq, all sent to his personal email address while he was Vice-President.

Pirate Bay co-founder dies – Swedish businessman Carl Lundstrom has perished in a plane crash in Slovenia.

Accident? Or not an accident? Once you start letting the medical establishment take control of your body biochemically, you are really in danger, because this conspiracy is rife throughout the medical world, from nurses to the most “elite” doctors:

Anybody know the hand-sign-language for “What the fuck are you trying to say here?”:

Brian Kohberger will argue the real killer of the Idaho college girls planted his DNA at the scene. I would believe it. The best part of the article? Read this:

At the time of the murders, roommates Dylan Mortensen and Bethany Funke were also inside the home.

In the early hours of the morning, Mortensen came face-to-face with a masked intruder with ‘bushy eyebrows’ in the property who walked past her doorway on the second floor and headed towards the back sliding door moments after the murders, according to court documents.

The terrified roommate then sent a series of panicked texts to her Funke and her slain roommates moments later.

Only Funke answered as their other friends were already dead.

‘No one is answering,’ Mortensen texted Funke at around 4.22am, before sending two unanswered texts to Goncalves.

‘I’m not kidding o [sic] am so freaked out,’ Mortensen said in another text.

In one of her replies, Funke told Mortensen to run downstairs to her bedroom on the first floor

In a separate court filing, it was revealed that Mortensen did go down to Funke’s room and the two young women ultimately fell asleep.

The next morning, they tried calling and texting their roommates again but still got no answer, court documents show.

At 11.58am, a chaotic 911 call was placed from Funke’s cellphone after Kernodle’s body was found.

The distressing transcript of the call, released for the first time last week, reveals Funke, Mortensen and two others told the dispatcher Kernodle was ‘passed out’ and ‘not waking up.’

‘Oh and they saw some man in their house last night,’ one of the callers said.

Totally sounds legit. There was so much blood, it leaked through the walls and was running down the outside of the house, but they thought she was passed out. Based on my experience, and given Kaylee was obviously a target, I would bet those two girls were surveillance themselves, installed in the house as close cover on Kaylee, and they opened the door to what, from DNA evidence, looks like a team of hitters who entered to do the work with knives, and who gave special attention to Kaylee, who was told by her stalker the previous night on camera, “They’re gonna get you for this Kaylee.” I doubt though the girls knew why they were supposed to open the door, though. Why did this happen? Why did I have surveillance kid-spies in my kindergarten class assigned to me? Only this thing will know.

Alaskan volcano may erupt soon, 300,000 live nearby.

Strange picture from Mars on NASA’s website:

The missing part apparently contains a Tic Tac, though I am unclear if the scale is such it is a 50 ft Tic Tac, or a 2″ Tic Tac:

An extrapolated rendition:

Could still be geological and the extrapolated rendition is off, but why it was censored is the mystery.

Made me laugh on 4Chan:

American Airlines flight catches on fire at Denver International Airport, passengers seen running through the smoke. Video at the link shows what appears to be the fire under the plane, as if fuel leaked out on the ground under the plane and caught fire there.

Basically, the mRNA is cooked up in bacteria, and the bacterial DNA is not separated/extracted in significant amount since it is very similar to the mRNA. So it comes out with the mRNA for the Spike protein, meaning you will be injecting in a ton of bacterial DNA in each Vax shot, some of which can get in your genes, some of which could get turned into proteins, and so on, Just a mess. And it didn’t have to be. The old tech worked fine. But instead, they used this:

Note also, I said from the very beginning, looking at the vax under a microscope was retard-tier – you needed to sequence it.


This is based on the fact the guy has a UK security clearance, and thus is in British security, in the US at a college organizing protests. But what it misses is there are no countries anymore – just the conspiracy which has infiltrated and subverted all Western governments under the command of the conspiracy. The protest this guy organized would have been filled with US domestic surveillance assets who were spying on real Americans at that school.

Interesting, were they testing some procedures, and using the migrants to do it?

Justin Trudeau has just made his final departure, after resigning as Prime Minister of Canada. He’s not returning.

EU seeks to intensify immigrant deportations.

The European Commission estimates the total level of unused savings of EU citizens at 10 trillion Euros, and it intends to find ways to mobilise this money to finance its plans to militarise Europe and support the European military-industrial complex, according to a statement by European Commissioner for Financial Services and the Savings and Investment Union Maria Luís Albuquerque.

Russian forces strike Ukrainian troops from the rear in Kursk by moving through gas pipeline.

Russia says it has retaken Sudzha, biggest town in the Kursk region controlled by Ukraine.

Ukraine out of ATACMS — AP.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Thursday he didn’t support an immediate cease-fire in Ukraine, calling for more discussion on a permanent end to the war as Moscow’s army made rapid gains toward expelling Kyiv’s forces from its Kursk region.

Washington and Moscow are in talks on a major deal, with Americans purchasing the Nord Stream pipelines, that would allow for the resumption of Russian energy exports.

Several states seek end to property taxes: Shouldn’t have to ‘rent from the government.’

The creator behind the proposal to issue $5,000 “DOGE dividend” stimulus checks to American taxpayers has updated the eligibility requirements, saying anyone who files a federal income tax return and pays federal income tax would qualify.

Iconic Trump photo, decried by journalists as ‘dangerous’ propaganda, wins journalism award.

Send people to, because experimentation is the foundation of advancement

Posted in News Briefs | 114 Comments

News Briefs – 03/13/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Technically Perkins Coie sought a temporary restraining order to put a hold on Trump’s barring of them from being able to access sensitive government buildings, and it did not affect the security clearance aspect of Trump’s order, but still, egregious.

Kash Patel’s FBI arrested an allegedly corrupt federal government official, Serina Baker-Hill, a career federal employee who serves as the director of the U.S. Customs and Border Protectio. She was charged with executing a scheme to defraud the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and lying to federal agents.

You know that Hamas-supporting student Trump is deporting? He has a British security clearance. And he is organizing protests in America, as a “leader” and “influencer.”

Senate Democrats haven’t even surrendered yet on a government shutdown — but already White House officials are gloating about making them eat crow, almost taunting them to vote “no.”

Data shows that half of 2019 donations to ActBlue came from untraceable ‘unemployed’ donors.

Chuck Grassley targets NGOs who raked in $9 billion helping Biden funnel children into the U.S.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced today that it has stopped placement of unaccompanied alien children in shelters operated by Southwest Key Programs Inc. (Southwest Key) and has moved all children there to other shelters to prevent their sexual abuse and harassment.

Illegal migrants cost Florida $660 million in unpaid hospital bills.

Cartels are using FPV (First Person View) drone bombs just south of the border.

Green Berets looking for FPV drones to help them clear hostile cave complexes.

FBI hands over Jan. 6 pipe bomb documents to House Republicans, letter says. Kash is sitting on a mountain of knowledge about criminality. If he does not report it and begin the process of purging it, and the Cabal then reveals it, he will be seen as complicit. He has to take action.

Democrats and the D.C. Board of Elections are pushing to allow noncitizens — including potential foreign spies — to vote in local elections.

Climate group funded by Bill Gates slashes staff in major retreat. Looks like those USAID cuts are hitting hard.

Former Barclays boss Jes Staley had sex with a member of serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s staff, the banker told a court on the third day of his evidence as he appeals against a proposed financial services ban.

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, the senior Democratic senator from New Hampshire, has announced she will not run for reelection in 2026, creating an open-seat race in a battleground state.

Stranded NASA astronauts suffer another setback as Elon’s Musk’s SpaceX rocket launch is delayed.

Push for Trump to de-annex Puerto Rico gaining momentum in DC.

Amazon forest felled to build 4-lane super-highway t ease traffic for climate summit.

Ecuador’s president on Tuesday announced an alliance with the founder of US security contractor Blackwater, Erik Prince, as the government seeks to crack down on spiraling violence related to drug trafficking.

Rodrigo Duterte in ICC custody after arrival in the Netherlands.

Germany’s foreign intelligence agency (BND)obtained evidence in the early days of the pandemic that convinced it that Covid-19 originated in a laboratory, Die Zeit and Sueddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) newspapers reported, but Berlin then decided to keep the conclusion secret out of fear of a possible mistake and potential political fallout.

Trump to issue a fine to every shipper who delivers to the US using a Chinese-made containership, while there will be no fines for US-built containerships.

I do not know Greenland’s politics, but I always assume when intelligence is operative (and it appears to always be operative, everywhere) the outcomes you see are engineered:

Kiev timed ‘barbaric attack’ on civilians to coincide with ceasefire talks — Moscow. One last attempt to thwart Trump without him knowing it

The Kremlin said on Wednesday it would review details from Washington about a proposal for a 30-day ceasefire in Ukraine before responding, while U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio hoped a deal would be struck within days.

A single report thus far, from an unknown source, says Russia rejected it.

‘Ukraine will not recognize any territory occupied by Russia’: Zelensky. Puts the kibosh on any territorial concessions.

GE Aerospace announced on Tuesday a nearly $1 billion investment in U.S. manufacturing, the latest company to do so under the Trump administration.

EPA Chief Lee Zeldin announces biggest regulation wipeout in US history.

Alina Habba says we will not her aything for a while, but prosecutions are being prepared:

Send people to, because good things come to those who wait

Posted in News Briefs | 37 Comments

News Briefs – 03/12/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Ed – There is no way t get anything to me securely. I cannot whisper in my house without it being transcribed and added to my official file. I would try, as well as the Wayback Machine, and save it to my local machine, just to try to preserve things for future generations. But you are under this as well because you are here, and they know exactly what we are talking about. It is very difficult to operate under these conditions, which is why I advocate for a mass bum-rush of surveillance through exposure, to get it taken down as much as possible, before our side advances in any other direction.

USAID official issues stunning order to remaining staffers: shred and burn all your documents, including classified ones. Not surprising if you see the surveillance. Most of those people look like normal people. They don’t seem like the types of people to loot the pockets of a guy having a seizure on the sidewalk. But they all know, their operation is absolutely no different from what you would see if the mafia managed to get in position to do to the US government what it does to garbage carting companies. And they are all cool with beaming the neighbor, if he doesn’t support them basically robbing the entire nation blind. The most amazing thing about what is going on, is how many people were nodding and agreeing every time society said how bad crime was, before they went out and served a criminal organization they had pledged their life to. And yet, in a high=trust society, absent a dedicated organization whose sole mission is to counter such things, such a circumstance may be unavoidable.

Elon Musk: We’re Giving Billions Of Taxpayer Dollars To NGOs That Are Essentially Scams.

Trump administration cancels more than 200K government credit cards. Appears to be just the beginning, as DOGE gos about reviewing 4.6 million credit cards it has found. Great way to pay off people for side gigs in surveillance.

InfoWars reporter shot dead outside his apartment after possibly interrupting burglars: Police. Interrupting tech installing devices in his house?

Tesla vandalism cases under investigation by FBI Seattle.

So, this dude was in charge of the Police response to the Las Vegas shooting, ran Maui when everyone was burned out of their homes, and he was covering up gang-rapes in Vegas, probably of brilliant young girls carrying genius genes the conspiracy felt threatened by, and he was tied in with Diddy who was being run as an Epstein figure in the Rap/Hip-Hop/Sports/Celebrity world by the Israeli MEGA network’s music producer division.

Govt releases list of withheld docs in Seth Rich investigation, indicates case from 2016 is still an “ongoing Law Enforcement investigation.”

Secretary of Education Linda McMahon ordered Reduction in Force layoffs targeting roughly half the Department of Education’s over-4,000 employees, effective March 21. She said Trump ordered her to put herself out of a job by completely dismantling the department, and this was the first step.

Concerned Catholics request investigation into how government funding was used by the USCCB, Catholic Dioceses, Catholic Charities, Catholic Relief Services, and all NGOs.

Trump’s Tariff plan gets the ultimate endorsement:

Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchett has proposed a bill allowing Americans to use a shotgun to shoot down drones above their property. Presently they are classed as aircraft, albeit unmanned. Regardless it is a major felony to engage one, viewed in the eyes of the law similarly to crashing a manned aircraft. As I understand it, you cannot even buy your own drone and shoot it down legally.

Gavin Newsom secretly funded a monument to himself inside San Francisco city hall.

Memo reveals JFK probed CIA to release UFO files 10 days before assassination.

NY Post notices dopamine agonists can cause hypersexuality and deviant sexual behavior. In Evopsych we noted the relation of this to r/K. Enter a safe, dopamine-eliciting environment of free resources, and it would pay for your sexual behavior to become more r-like.

Trump retaliates against Ontario’s “electricity” tariff, threatens to “permanently shutdown” Canadian carmakers, pushes 51st state idea.

Canada folds to Trump and CANCELS bombshell electricity tariff after president’s trade war escalation.

Israeli drone strike kills Hezbollah’s air defense commander in Lebanon.

Former Philippines President Duterte ‘forcibly taken’ on plane bound for The Hague.

Poland “would be eager” to reclaim former territory, given the chance, spokesman Dmitry Peskov has claimed.

The polling station in Greenland’s capital closed Tuesday in a parliamentary election that will determine the leaders who will confront U.S. President Donald Trump’s effort to take control of the strategically placed Arctic country.

Ukrainian group Molfar that slandered J.D. Vance, Elon Musk, and American Writers and politicians is funded by USAID dollars.

The fact that only Moscow cared about the fate of US blogger Gonzalo Lira, who died in a Ukrainian prison last year, is a sign of the “deepest crisis” affecting the international bodies that are supposed to protect journalists, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted.

Trump gets Ukraine to agree to a 30-day ceasefire to allow for negotiations to end the war. Moscow now must agree for it to go into effect.

Trump says US and Russia to hold imminent talks on Ukraine — Reuters.

Trump and Russia say they likely will talk this week.

Rosie O’Donnell has self-deported and fled to Ireland following the election of President Trump.

Kennedy rattles food companies with vow to rid food of artificial dyes.

University of Maine loses federal funding for letting male trannies compete against women in sports.

Voter ID may be on the ballot statewide in California in 2026.

Federal Judge Timothy McFadden, a Trump appointee to the district court in Washington, refused on Tuesday to order the Trump administration to restart money flowing to Catholic groups supporting open borders and unlimited migration into the United States.

The House stopgap funding bill passed Tuesday night would force D.C. officials to rapidly cut $1.1 billion in local government spending over the next six months by effectively canceling the District’s active 2025 budget and forcing the city to return to its fiscal 2024 spending levels.

Send people to, because it s good to win, and get rid of Rosie O’Donnell too.

Posted in News Briefs | 58 Comments

News Briefs – 03/11/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


A reporter for conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ InfoWars, Jamie White, was brutally murdered outside his south Austin apartment late on Sunday night. Not much information. Might have been beaten, stabbed, or shot. No idea who did it. Jones blames the Soros prosecutor. A graphic from 4Chan which notes he had just implicated Victoria Nuland in an assassination plot against Trump:


The federal government’s Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a whopping $1.1 trillion in improper payments over the last decade, according to a new outside analysis.

‘Bigger than Watergate’: How Stacey Abrams was gifted $7 billion of YOUR money.

Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) said Monday on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” that the U.S. Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) was ruining people’s lives.

President Trump said Monday he will “lead the charge” to oust Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) for his refusal to support Republicans’ government funding bill. He opposed the continuing resolution, as did Rand Paul.

A Democrat calls on any able-bodied assassin to take Trump out now:

Elon Musk says IPs in the Ukraine area launched a massive attack which took down Twitter.

Rashida Tlaib becomes the lone House lawmaker opposing a bill cracking down on Mexican cartels’ border tunnel system.

Tucker Carlson interviews Chris Cuomo. I didn’t watch the whole thing, Cuomo is a bit of a tool, and not interesting. But at about 53:00 they briefly mention UFOs, and Tucker indicates his current understanding is after all the money spent, they do not know what they are, or where they come from, but they know they are not Russian or Chinese. Just another datapoint.

New documentary with 30+ high-ranking U.S. officials claims the govt. has been collecting UFOs since the 1940s. Trailer is here:

UAPs and surveillance are likely somehow related, whether through the same command, or simply each is interested in tracking what the other is looking at, so they end up traveling together, which is why my relative had the glowing green cloud floating in their house. If there is a higher intelligence on the planet, standard operating procedure would be to identify traitors among us who would be eager to work for it – gathering intelligence on us and helping it control our society, as it built up the network.

A federal judge in Texas ordered in a FOIA case against the F.B.I. that the bureau must produce an index of the contents of Seth Rich’s laptop computers, including the specific files it is holding, by Monday, reports Joe Lauria.

A startup has created a lab where AI runs its own experiments.

A Portuguese-flagged cargo ship carrying cyanide smashed into a US military oil tanker causing a ‘massive fireball’ off the Yorkshire coast, and the US government will not rule out a cyber-hijacking of the cargo ship.

Former President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines was arrested Tuesday morning in Manila on an International Criminal Court warrant for crimes against humanity over his bloody war on drugs.

Dutch MP Marcel de Graaff has urged the European Union to halt arms supplies to Ukraine, advocating for the country’s swift defeat to save lives in its conflict with Russia.

In Syria, over 8,000 Syrian Alawites flee to a Russian base amid jihadist killings: ‘We need Russian protection.’ Russians as the good guys, and America as the heel. Amazing how this conspiracy can take a nation of good people overall, and turn it evil. In this video, Jack Posobiec notes, “We still have 2,000 American soldiers on the ground In Syria,” but hen evil rises, Christians do not feel they can run to the American base.

Kremlin urges swift action to curb violence in Syria.

JD Vance’s cousin fought for Globohomo in Ukraine. I have never liked Vance. Either his cousin is a complete imbecile, or there is more going on with the family than we are aware.

Ukraine officials meet with U.K officials to plan strategy against USA delegation for Tuesday talks in Saudi Arabia.

Odell Beckham Jr. and comedian Druski accused of raping victim in amended Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs lawsuit.

German intel chief Bruno Kahl has claimed an early resolution to the conflict between Moscow and Kiev could amplify security threats to the EU, so the EU should strive to keep Ukraine in a state of war as long as possible, regardless of the costs to Ukraine.

Fox News video – US special envoy Steve Witkoff said Monday, “Zelensky sent a letter to the president. He apologized for that whole incident that happened in the Oval Office.”

The White House is reportedly considering ending the price cap on Russian oil as part of a potential peace deal.

The United States is tonight poised to lift its ban on military aid and intelligence support for Ukraine after a plea by Sir Keir Starmer. If anything, Trump should have withdrawn even more from Ukraine after Strmer asked him to stop.

DC begins dismantling Black Lives Matter Plaza after pressure from Trump administration.

Trump hoping to complete southern border wall by 2029: Vance.

The U.S. House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance, under the leadership of Chairman Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), held a committee hearing focused on the right of law-abiding Americans to protect themselves.

German multinational Siemens has announced a massive $10 billion investment in the United States, strengthening American manufacturing, AI, and job creation.

Democratic Party’s image in weakest position since Reagan-Bush era, CNN political analyst says.

President Trump:

For the first time in fifteen months, the job gains for native-born Americans exceeded the job gains for migrant and foreign workers. Employment for native-born workers went up by 284K while foreign born workers went down by 87K.

Send people to, because the only easy day is yesterday

Posted in News Briefs | 100 Comments

News Briefs – 03/10/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

We have an advertiser, The Daily Financial Trends – a financial news aggregator.

If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Tucker Carlson staffer foils bomb plot on Nashville Federal Courthouse. Another Targeted Individual who wanted to stop what he called his nightly “torture.” His Twitter is here, and surprisingly is still up. Apparently he had been threatening to firebomb the courthouse for some time, and his surveillance would just call his parents and ask them to ask him to stop. You do have to wonder how many people they are overtly beaming now. Here, this case looks like they were trying to windup-toy him, keeping him out and about, while zapping him to provoke action.

The big puzzle, when you see the gangstalking, is the sheer size of it. There are so many people, it permeates so much, and it is operational 24/7. Right now, somebody is watching me in my house, and adjusting my beaming. It makes no sense, and indeed was still a bit of a puzzle to me, until I began to see maybe 80-90% of our government revenue and borrowing is being siphoned off by this machine. These are not all individual criminals, who all hit on the idea of using underaged borrower identities and fake socials. Nor is this thing, which kept dead people’s identities alive in the Social Security System and used those identities for fraudulent forgivable loans, limited in its professional-grade intelligence penetration of our entire government. It is one network, which is draining all these streams of funds away, and routing them eventually to the machine of which it is a part. It makes me think more and more, the trajectory is clear. We are heading to full exposure and a takedown of the networks. We will know freedom. And do not think we are here, perfectly positioned for capitalizing on this, entirely by chance. Trust unto God.

You did not even need to be a citizen to get an SBA loan:

Daily Mail – “Kashyap ‘Kash’ Patel, 45, known for his close relationship with MAGA politics, has demanded sweeping loyalty tests and extensive vetting procedures for the agency’s staff, indicating the FBI’s latest leader may not fully trust the agency he was named to lead.”

More evidence you may not be looking at Kayfabe, and the risks to Trump are high:

The conspiracy appears to be trying to continue its pressure on Trump:

I hope when the shit touches off, Trump sees to it everyone who in any way aided the conspiracy is gone. There will be no sharing the world with them, if this is what they do.

The US Department of Health and Human Services(HHS) has reportedly offered its 80,000 employees a $25,000 voluntary buyout to encourage resignations as part of President Donald Trump’s initiative to reduce the federal workforce.

Workers at the U.S. African Development Foundation, a self-described independent agency, refused to let into its building the agency’s new acting director on Wednesday.

Daily Mail is still trying to sell Trump as a Russian agent based off the fact he will not adhere to Globohomo orthodoxy, so he must be working for Russia.

Another article on JFK noting there were two prior assassination attempts with eerie similarities to the hit in Dallas, the turn in front of the Depository building was a last minute alteration, and the driver was specifically told to slow down right when the shots were fired.

US Government threw a bunch of ranchers off their land, saying their ranching was endangering a desert Tortoise, but now it is letting developers bulldoze over the same land to build homes, hotels, and shopping malls.

U.S. Secret Service shoots armed man near White House after confrontation.


AOC teams up with Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna for bill capping credit card interest at 10%. They are all in the same club. If I was in there, no way would I trust any Democrat, nor would I offer them good press by letting them work on some grand idea I had. It would be war, 24/7, and deep down I would want them all to die. Then again, I would feel the same about just about all the Republicans, too.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass is deleting her text messages, thus defeating efforts by media organizations to obtain them as government communications subject to public records requests, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Man flies drone into North Korea from China to capture incredible footage but everyone’s pointing out the same thing – There are no people on the streets. Kind of strange.

Shocking images from Syria as Biden-supported Islamists massacre over 1000 Alawites, Christians and Druze.

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said Sunday that the government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Israel Katz, is working to establish a “migration administration” that will oversee the exodus of Palestinian residents from the Gaza Strip. Far from a done deal, they have no nations which would take them. Officially Trump still maintains the US will take it over after the exodus, but that has irritated the rest of the Mideast, which wants to go with an Egyptian plan that would rebuild it with the Gazans there. Feels like Trump threw a monkey wrench in the Israeli plan with his assertion of US ownership as part of it, as a way to give some oxygen to the Egyptian proposal.

Israel cuts off all electricity to Gaza.

Justin Trudeau was reduced to tears at a press conference on Thursday night, after reports of a profanity-laden phone call with Donald Trump. Makes you wonder if his leaving has to do with the conspiracy which elevated him falling. Maybe this next guy is going to be their version of Biden, before they shift to a common-sense leader.

Canada’s liberal party chooses Mark Carney to replace Justin Trudeau – Carney says, “Canada never, ever will be part of America.” I thought the plan always was to just take the best parts, so he is technically not wrong.

Protests erupt as anti-NATO Romanian presidential candidate Calin Georgescu booted from the election. Globohomo is flexing.

In the battle for Hampstead Heath, distraught British dogwalkers launch a campaign to ‘take back’ the notorious cruising beauty spot – as furious gay activists insist anonymous open air sex is a ‘cultural right’ and lead a ‘sodomites march’ to defend it. Violence is not always wrong, and teaching it is only empowers those upon whom it should rightly be visited.

German policymakers are increasingly concerned that the US could remotely disable F-35 fighter jets being delivered to Berlin in the event of a crisis, mirroring its recent decision to freeze intelligence and military support to Ukraine, Bild reported on Saturday.

Trump considering pulling 35,000 US troops out of Germany as President becoming ‘increasingly frustrated’ with Europe.

Former Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, leader of the left-globalist Social Democrat party, has thrown her support behind a radical proposal that, if enacted into law, would see the state mandate the redistribution of migrant populations from alien cultures into areas with higher numbers of native Swedes.

Tech titan Elon Musk has suggested crippling sanctions on Ukraine’s oligarchs is the key to halting the nation’s bloody conflict with Russia.

It is tempting to see those people as stupid, but they are not. When I was in high school, I was continually frustrated with my “friends” who were not simply putting in the basic effort in their schooling to get at least average grades, and go to a decent college to set themselves up for life. I thought the game was you put in the effort to perform at least a base performance in those years, to set you up for life. Many of them though, seemed to scoff at school, get grades averaging between C and D, and then they all went to some local community college. I thought at the time they seemed capable enough to get Bs and C’s and get a real bachelors degree, and it was a failure to understand how things worked. Of course it was not, and as I was bothering myself over their circumstances, they were reporting back to a command who I am pretty sure was beaming me at night to try and suppress my ability to perform, so it would be more in line with my “friends'” performance. These people all know.

Ukraine strikes market in Russian town with HIMARS. They are not even pretending to try and hit military targets now.

Ukraine’s losses mounting due to US intel freeze — Time.

The Russian army’s advance in the Kursk region against Ukrainian troops is threatening Kyiv’s only territorial bargaining card at a critical time in the war.

US pushing to soften anti-Russia language in G7 document — Bloomberg.

Secretary Hegseth says the DOD does not do ‘climate change crap.’

President Donald Trump has talked of Canada becoming the 51st state, and half of American voters would be OK with it if any of our northern neighbor’s provinces wanted to leave Canada.

Manufacturing is roaring back u0nder President Donald J. Trump.

Send people to, because you need manufacturing for war

Posted in News Briefs | 109 Comments

News Briefs – 03/09/2025



Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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If you have clicked on the page for this News Brief, this is a link that will take you directly to the comments section.

“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.


Ellen rambling on about how sorry she is about something which has gone on far too long, which has seen people murdered:

For it to be what we think, she would have to be human, and have some sort of good in her, so I think it much more likely she makes a vague statement like this, just to rile our side for publicity.

Kash Patel is holed up in Las Vegas in a home in one of the most elite gated communities, which is owned by some GOP megadonor, and he wants to run the FBI mostly from there. His family is rich enough he could buy a home anywhere, but it is like he needs that specific spot. Makes you wonder if you could escape the beam by getting deep enough in some specific places in a few gated communities.

Biden-backed green group wired $651 million in taxpayer money to credit union accounts. The EPA says it now has no oversight of the funds.

The Trump administration has directed nonprofits involved in a $20 billion Biden-era climate initiative to turn over records to the FBI and appear in federal court later this month, according to two people who were granted anonymity for fear of reprisal.

For years, the CIA has categorically denied the existence of secret prisons—or black sites—on U.S. soil. However, a now-deleted list of government-owned properties suggests that the agency may have indeed owned a facility used for secretive operations within the US.

Kristi Noem shared that two of the DHS leakers who were giving operational information in advance of immigration enforcement actions have been identified for prosecution.

Some House members have mental faculties so diminished they can no longer do their jobs — and others are voting drunk or high, according to Politico interviews with lawmakers.

Trump judge delivers big win to administration — Greenlights ICE raids on school grounds.

US CDC plans study into vaccines and autism, sources say.

A federal appeals court has upheld a decision requiring Amish school children to be vaccinated in New York, against their religious beliefs.

Did Capitol Police let a gun get into a room where the President was only feet away from the carrier?

Trump mulls pulling US troops out of Germany — Telegraph.

US ‘to cease all future military exercises in Europe.’

Ukraine loses access to US commercial satellites.

Upwards of 10,000 Ukrainian troops are at risk of encirclement along the Kursk front as a result of recent Russian advances that have choked remaining supply lines and escape points.

Zelenskyy Calls for an Air and Sea Truce as Interim Proposal for Ceasefire Ahead of Talks With U.S Team in Saudi Arabia.

Send people to, because there is often a calm before a Storm

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