News Briefs – 11/29/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – British Business “Deaths” Increasing

DFT – Hungary To Close Gas Deal With Türkiye

DFT – Judge Orders Binance CEO To Remain In The US

DFT – Uber Increases Size Of Convertible Bond Offering To $1.5 Billion

DFT – Russia Considers Grain Export Ban

Elon Musk’s ‘Pizzagate’ post sets X ablaze, fuels speculation.

The post:

CIA’s secret office has conducted UFO retrieval missions on at least NINE crash sites around the world, whistleblowers reveal… The CIA has a ‘system in place that can discern UFOs while they’re still cloaked’ and special military units are sent to salvage the wreckage, sources said. Tough to judge. If you assume some truth to it (and maybe that is a mistake) and extrapolate practically, it would make sense intelligence would try to keep power by spiriting the craft into the private sector and locking out Congress, in violation of the law. They probably were even looking to crash crafts, and take them down in hostile attacks. The question is, why would Congress, which is all compromised sexual degenerates, which you would think intelligence owned, stand up to them now? There must be something else…

CIA/Cabal would have made a powerful enemy out of the aliens/whatever possibly, if they were ripping off the aliens/whatever by attacking/crashing/stealing their crafts, and then trying to leverage the power of the technology over us. Our side could have gained an enormously powerful ally simply due to having a common enemy. It is not impossible some craft-owners (supposedly there are several different kinds) would then use their own intel ops and superior tech to move to take control in Congress and of the government, and leverage it to overtake the intel-guys/Cabal who stole their shit and were fucking them over. To that end, disassembling all of Cabal, from pedophile networks to election rigging could end up on the menu. Especially since it is not impossible aliens, as a functional civilization, evolved some measure of pro-social empathy and morals as well. And they might not want to do it by sweeping in, Mars Attacks style, and killing everyone in DC, to avoid freaking us out, but rather would try to make it look like a rival faction of good humans uncovered it through the mechanisms of government and did it. But all you can do is speculate and file it all away as possible. It could all be a psyop too.

Of course, it would mean there is a non-zero probability all the surveillance will be encased in carbonite and sold off to Mangalores as sex-toys. If the aliens need help, they know where to find me. I would not even need a percentage of the sales. Like a jannie, I would do it completely for free.

Tucker interviews Congressman Tim Burchett who says the Intelligence community, in conjunction with contractors at defense companies, have nullified and ignored a law requiring Congress be informed about UFOs, which indicates they are in control of the nation and not the government, and we are no longer a Democracy (or a Republic). Tucker wants the government to find out and reveal if anyone has ever cut deals with the aliens in any way, and says that may be a real possibility. They also say the lost Pentagon money in audits, they believe is being diverted to these programs, and the Pentagon threatened seven of ten witnesses they wanted, into silence.

“The former general registrar of Prince William County, Va., allegedly “altered election results” during the 2020 election, according to court documents recently obtained by Just the News,” however, it “didn’t impact any election outcomes.”

Not impossible he is right. Understand, Chauvin was a cop. He should have been out of reach, to end up killed, and they almost did kill him. And the timing is curious, given the revelation of his autopsy and the FBI. And then there was Epstein, in a federal correctional facility, under cameras. It is entirely possible as this thing unravels, it will try to kill you, especially since our position is so strong. All we need to do is legally reveal its existence to our fellow citizens. We don’t need to break the law, or have people shoot at us, or do anything it could leverage the government against us over, legally. Its only play is to kill. I suspect there is a large segment of the migrants here for that, too, as things unravel, which seems inevitable once this is revealed, which I have said many times, it is on a trajectory to be, whether we do it or not. From Epstein, to cases like Irah Sok, where we really can’t even see why they killed her, but it appears they did, this thing is a massive criminal conspiracy. Train up, so you are dangerous, and hope it will seek a path of least resistance, and go somewhere else. The only thing which I think has stopped it from just taking over the country by force, is the armed citizenry, trained up with firearms. If it were not for that, the country would have been taken by force fully and openly – by a criminal conspiracy – long ago.

Democrat “wins” Louisiana election by ONE VOTE after dead people somehow cast ballots – but there’s no verifiable paper trail thanks to state using faulty voting machines.

Trump won all 50 states if absentee ballots weren’t counted.

Senate intelligence committee (SSCI) leaders have introduced a bill to reauthorize FISA Section 702 *until 2035.* Although it claims to include “reforms,” the bill would actually do more to expand Section 702 surveillance than rein it in.

Breitbart News, as well as Wired, reported that Speaker Johnson and Democrat leaders are considering slipping a reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a defense bill that has little to do with government surveillance.

DOJ ordered a sweep of Trump’s Twitter data for everyone who ‘Liked, Followed or Retweeted’ Trump.

Liz Crokin on Twitter:


A Texas federal judge has ordered the FBI to disclose information on Seth Rich. Judge Amos Mazzant requested they turn over his personal laptop, work laptop, a DVD and a tape drive within 14 days.

The mainstream media told you that Russia hacked the DNC and provided WikiLeaks with the DNC and Podesta E-mails. That’s a proven lie!

There’s evidence that Rich — who went by the name Panda in anonymous online chats — was the source. That means Rich exposed Pizzagate and we never would’ve learned about it if it was not for his sacrifice.

The FBI and the DOJ denied for years that they had any evidence tied to Rich. Also, the FBI previously requested in this case for another 66 years before releasing information on Rich.

Rich was murdered in July of 2016 in a reported “attempted robbery” where nothing was stolen. This was always a false narrative they pushed for their cover story. Rich was a targeted hit, and I reported in 2017 that the D.C. police failed to properly investigate the case to put it lightly. This was a massive coverup!

Julian Assange, who founded Wikileaks, strongly implied Rich was the source and even offered a $20,000 reward for information that would lead to the arrest of those who are responsible for his murder.

Time is up for the Deep State! Nothing will stop the truth about Seth Rich and Pizzagate from coming out. Crimes against children will unite humanity, and mass exposure of Pizzagate will be the final death blow that ends the Satanic pedophile cabal.

If this pans out, it might work its way back to the former Special Forces guy who said he was there when Rich was killed, and it was a pair of MS-13 hitters sent in to rob him, who botched it.

The massive political network founded by the Koch brothers endorsed GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Tuesday.

Vice President Mike Pence considered skipping the congressional count of the 2020 Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, 2021, worrying that his attendance would be “too hurtful” to former President Donald Trump.

Mike Pence trashed President Trump to Special Counsel Jack Smith earlier this year in a closed-door testimony, calling Trump reckless.

Laura Loomer on Twitter:

Not sure anyone else noticed this, but the heavily redacted report that was published by The Florida Bulldog surrounding the suspicious death of Florida Election Crime unit lead Peter Antonacci, who randomly dropped dead outside of @GovRonDeSantis’s office after they were heard arguing, reveals that the CCTV camera outside of DeSantis’s office where the body was found “wasn’t working.”

Here is a link to a story on the case of the guy who died after arguing with DeSantis.

“A whistleblower has come forward with an explosive new trove of documents, rivaling or exceeding the Twitter Files and Facebook Files in scale and importance,” covering “the activities of an “anti-disinformation” group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League, or CTIL, that officially began as the volunteer project of data scientists and defense and intelligence veterans but whose tactics over time appear to have been absorbed into multiple official projects, including those of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).”

Hunter Biden has offered to publicly testify before the House Oversight Committee investigating his business ties, according to a copy of a letter his attorney sent to the panel obtained by The Post, following his being subpoenaed.

Ryan Fournier, the co-founder of Students for Trump, was arrested in North Carolina last week on accusations that he struck a woman in the head with a handgun, records show. He has no comment, probably on advice of an attorney. But you have to factor in we live in an intelligence-op-controlled environment, complete with a domestic Zersetzung unit, and as a Trump supporter he would be a target. Could be he was assaulted and pulled his gun and hit the assaulter in defense, could be nothing happened, and it was all set up out of sight and he found out when he was stopped and arrested.

Biden admin is spending $451 BILLION a year to pay for illegal alien and asylum seeker benefits. This is money they could be embezzling, but instead they are giving it to these illegals to keep them here, because they need them. All evidence is they are here for something, and given they are all military aged males, it is not a stretch to think the Civil War may kick off a day after the election, with all these characters heading to safe houses to pick up their bolt action rifles and 200 rounds of ammo.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas lays out Amnesty plan for 40 million illegal aliens here in the US – “I am hopeful – that Congress will do it.” It is a dangerous time, because we have zero control over them. We don’t elect them, they don’t need us, and their command views us as the enemy.

Mayorkas: There are ’12 million people’ in U.S. illegally who contribute ‘so fundamentally to our country’s well-being.’

Sanctuary City Chicago: Arrests of Venezuelan illegal aliens rise more than 11,000% since 2021.

Human Rights Watch blames Abbott for border fatalities in police pursuits of smugglers.

Amazon announces Q, an AI chatbot for businesses. Why would they choose the name Q, given the obvious association with Q?

Nancy Pelosi’s niece-in-law is a relatively unknown climate policy advisor reportedly tasked with allocating millions of dollars for climate programs devised by the Biden administration, according to E&E News. Pelosi’s son was an executive at some energy company which was doing Hunter-esque energy deals in Ukraine last I heard.

Convicted prostitute, current escort removed from Godley school district groups, including council overseeing Sex-Ed curriculum. It is possible the escort stuff was intelligence work. They could have picked her up at her low point after her initial arrest, she was pretty enough to run against higher-profile johns, she had proven to have the intelligence-op-type do-anything mindset, and she would have been eager for the lift in life. If so, no telling what she was up to at the school. Probably a lot of them out there.

Biden tells 813,000 more Americans he has WIPED their student loan debt: President has now forgiven $127 billion for 3.5 million borrowers – even though the Supreme Court sank his first bid.

Navy medical officer reveals Covax  vaccine related heart issues. “”These numbers are astounding. “Myocarditis up 151%, Ischemic heart disease up 69%, pulmonary heart disease up 62% and Heart Failure is up 973%”

The World Health Organization (WHO) is telling Chinese citizens to wear face masks, keep physical distance, and stay home amid an outbreak of a “mystery respiratory illness.”

Various lockdown and virus prevention policies are being rapidly implemented in China due to the current out-of-control surge of pneumonia that’s broken the system already – Public urged to minimize contacts. They appear to be saying it is Mycoplasma pneumoniae, a bacteria with pretty decent resistance to antibiotics, but which is not easily vaccinated against, which would seem odd if it were a plandemic, as I would think they would want another vaccine party. The Chinese have said it is nothing unusual, just normal pathogens. Either way, could be a sign of weakened immune systems from vaccines, an escaped bioweapon, or a complete scam. What I think very likely is. whatever it is, it is designed for 2024, based on the exact same Covid-timing.

A Doctor at American Thinker says it is most likely either normal flu and nothing, or a scam to try and keep Trump out of office. Never forget, it is absolutely certain they have a fully compromised asset installed as President of the United States. Would they ever allow that asset to just be effortlessly unseated by Trump, and not try something, let alone pull every trick in the book, to get him re-elected?

They are claiming it has reached Washington DC and hospitalizations are rising.

National Christmas Tree falls in front of White House amid high winds.

NYPD calls for ‘elevated vigilance’ during Rockefeller Center tree lighting as pro-Palestinian group plans to ‘flood’ event. That they are trying to turn these groups against each other means we are getting close to them being exposed.

Fox News host Sean Hannity opened up about his friendly relationship with Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom in an interview with the Los Angeles Times. “From the first time we met, we just hit it off.

Woke books bought for huge advances by ‘inexperienced’ editors hired post-George Floyd have FLOPPED, including $500k ‘queer feminist’ novel that’s sold just 3,500 copies and Elliot Page’s $3m transgender memoir.

Sports Illustrated caught using AI generated articles written by fake authors. See, images cost money. If you want to run an image of Jeff Bezos, you have to subscribe to Getty, or one of these image sites, to get access to their pictures so you can run them. But would a reader really know if you made up an image of Bezos, which has no copyright issues, using AI? And from there, if a made up article about a fake story with AI generated pics which nobody would notice was fake because the subject was fluff, were to get you $100,000 in traffic/ad-clicks, while a real story with real pic would make $2,000 but cost $500 for the pic, which will end up proliferating online?

“Non-binary queer” artist and former VICE contributor sentenced for child pornography possession after arranging to meet 9-year-old boy for rape. And I will guarantee, no matter how good, you will never be a Vice contributor.

An exclusively female Catholic college will now allow men who identify as women to enroll, with the school’s revised non-discrimination policy stating that an “inclusive campus experience” is essential to empowering women through education.

Female Catholic college will now allow male transgenders to enroll, with the school’s revised non-discrimination policy stating that an “inclusive campus experience” is essential to empowering women through education, and citing Francis.

Pope to evict Cardinal Burke from Vatican-subsidized apartment, strip him of salary.

European Parliament votes to abolish member states’ veto. So they are preparing to do stuff individual member states would not want to do enough to veto it.

Unfortunately I am not a Class III anon, so I do not know much about machinegun belts, but this one is going around:

A journalist has released a report indicating that six plans to assassinate Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar were given to Mr. Netanyahu but he failed to approve them. 

Irish socialist councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr says Irishmen “terrorists” are the problem – NOT the migrants stabbing children.

“During the special operation, Ukrainian troops repeatedly poisoned food with chemical weapons, which killed at least 15 people, said Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of the RHBZ troops, at a session of the III Congress of Young Scientists.”

A new legal case that could destroy the government head to the Surpeme Court. Basically arguing Congress gave away too much power to the SEC in letting it decide to bring enforcement actions on its own, and the government already lost at the lower level.

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in early December on a case that has the potential to broadly reshape the U.S. tax code and cost the government hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue by looking at the ability to tax unrealized gains.

Recent polls have shown a significant increase in the percentage of gun owners, the amount of gun ownership, and acceptance of the utility of firearms for self-defense.

“Rosalynn Carter’s family said she specifically wanted Melania Trump to know she was invited to the service. In a time of division, she hoped all the first ladies would join in a show of solidarity as her farewell tribute…”

‘Everybody else sucks’: Black Lives Matter leader endorses Trump for 2024.

Moms for America Action endorses Trump for President: Need leaders ‘not afraid to fight.’

Trump wins generic vote big, 30% Democrats back him, regardless of VP pick.

Not only can Trump win, right now he’s the favorite to win.

Spread r/K Theory, because criminal conspiracies kill

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1 year ago

European Parliament votes to abolish member states’ veto. So they are preparing to do stuff individual member states would not want to do enough to veto it.”

This itself will be vetoed, but it could lead to the breakup of the EU.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Or, the Holy Roman/German Empire arises anew. Will the thrones once more arise as well?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Natural Force are already pulling EU apart.

It would have collapsed years ago – if politicians served the people, if there was free speech , if media spoke truth, if opposition was free, if elections were not rigged.

Only the corruption is holding it together

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…ufo’s…The question is, why would Congress, which is all compromised sexual degenerates, which you would think intelligence owned, stand up to them now? There must be something else…”

Just more evidence that the whole ufo alien attack is a huge pile of stinking poop. If it were real they wouldn’t talk about it. This is just “the story” they want to believe.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Number of UAP sightings 2010-2020, total, now greater each year than across that decade (and increasing).

Aliens, then craft per American reverse-engineered. (US Space Force was announcement of previously hidden versus initial formation; ask yourself why necessary).

With breakdown of planetary KM central banking serving as the chosen in fealty to their Elohim “gods” comes also breakdown of perverted science (intentional dead-ends). As with failure of ruble thirty years ago, there’ll be a new round of “Soviet scientists” needing family sustenance (tech for sale), not to mention archival access (Venona, etc).

Mauro Biglino, THE NAKED BIBLE, as start point (mistranslations intentional from Hebrew of the Torah — Old Testament —as record of living under alien occupation; co-existent with the same story from other cultures; both hemispheres). OT is explicit re multiple gods, not single. El-Elyon distinctly a name. Human sacrifice. (Adrenochrome connection). Etc.

Ask yourself, for example, why gold is so valuable. Entertain other than standard (weak) explanations. WEF panicky as they know the boss is back. And they haven’t achieved one world government in time. Agenda 2050 became Agenda 2030. And so forth.

Moon anomalies easiest reference of “hidden under lies”. Moon landings didn’t have to be faked. Just images released. We’re given a projection of that heavenly body to view (surface details perfectly consistent across face, not congruent with a spherical object exhibiting focal fade; projection re-fresh videos available), and reports thru 1910 were of green areas observable. Etc.

“Expect” that every story of human origins and societal development have enormous gaps and mis-directions (who finds it priority to dominate publishing & academia, not to mention MSM & Hollywood?) and leave open to new (hidden) information. What was International Geophysical Year, and how was it possible at literal height of Cold War? Why is Antarctica off-limits to every private individual on Earth? Why does DOD fail every audit?

Anomalies don’t cease, they expand in mass almost exponentially depending on erudition. Heightens evidence of ancient alien invasion explanation via the physical, and in story, as uniting core of MANY “unexplained” mysteries (that not consistent with historical narrative) renders intelligibility for those so inclined.

Wokists emotionally triggered per their non-factual belief system. Rightists by challenging OT in same manner. (Evidence to contrary).

God is not mocked. But corporeal beings having hijacked the role will upset many once knowledge of this is in more general circulation.


Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
1 year ago

This analysis was written shortly after the fedsurrection. It is the fourth part of a series. It contains links to the previous three parts describing the master plan to persecute innocents. Highly recommended:

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…CIA/Cabal would have made a powerful enemy out of the aliens/whatever possibly, if they were ripping off the aliens/whatever by attacking/crashing/stealing their craft…”

Well thank God now that Q has disappeared we now have the aliens to save us.


1 year ago

Rumours suggest the stabbed Dublin girl is already brain dead and only kept alive on a respirator. The mother is denied visitation and banned from talking.

Other rumour suggests that it was the Irish Indian Prime Minister that reversed the Algerian’s deportation order, and this is the reason they are doubling down.


1 year ago

Scott Adams, Tucker Carlson are noticing trends, patterns that a lot of liberal talking heads are calling Trump, Hitler which is a subconscious call to take him out. Well, this morning, my MSN morning feed gave a suggested newsworthy article:

Nobody is coming to save us Opinion by D. Earl Stephens Nobody is coming to save us (
It opens with this line:

It has been 2,575 days since the United States of America cracked in two, and an ill-mannered, racist, narcissistic goon was elected to its highest office.

And then says, “Evil has crashed ashore, and now it is waiting to be served …” From a Navy veteran.
VDH has also sounded the warning. The Democrats are driving themselves into a frenzied pitch of insanity. We are not only living in interesting times–but dangerous times. America is undergoing 5 different Revolutionary systems, a Maoist, a Haitian, French, Russian, Spanish Civil War —all wrapped into one. The Haitian Revolution is akin to Helter Skelter and I’m telling you as a student of the 60s Cultural Revolution–we are going to experience a Helter Skelter 2.0. The key is the transformation of words, redefinitions, and then Lawfare. We have descended into what the ancient Greeks described as Ochlocracy, or Rule of the Club. 

1 year ago

‘National Christmas Tree falls in front of White House amid high winds.’

Must’ve been imitating Biden. The tree would probably make a better President.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Remember when all the flags fell over on stage with Hillary?

1 year ago

Taxing unrealized gains?
Next question is about taxing Carried Interest. Too many big hitters benefit from that, so likely off the table.
Little people do not matter.

1 year ago

For those not on gab

Redclaw had her baby

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Aw, thank you, AC and everyone!

It was a tough delivery but I’m home now. My family is complete just in time for Christmas.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Congratulations Marielle! Best to you and your “complete” family. :^)

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Many years of happy life and health to mother and child.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Congratulations! Wishing you a speedy recovery and a very merry Christmas!

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

All the best Marielle. Hope your new baby brings you a lifetime of joy.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Woah. Congrats.

1 year ago

#Pizzagate is real, people are waking up, so Elon, the genius billionaire who is totally not Cabal, got green light to jump in front of the parade

As for disintegrating belt on NATO MGs, can confirm that matches NATO MG detritus, but cannot confirm all Soviet/Warsaw Pact/Russian belts don’t. So is in fact possible Cabal is just that retarded, but inconclusive

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

I saw something about brass in a crib and just assumed it was as fake as Iraqi soldiers tossing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“”These numbers are astounding. “Myocarditis up 151%, Ischemic heart disease up 69%, pulmonary heart disease up 62% and Heart Failure is up 973%””

There’s about 5 Top Gun jokes I could make. They are distasteful considering many of these Navy guys were forced to get these shots and trusted their doctors, who are supposed to be their comrades/brothers in arms and many Navy operators and aviators are simply too busy to solve global hunger.

Degrading the US military seemed part of their (cabals) plan all along and doesn’t phase them one bit. That suggests extreme bio warfare events will be staged or orchestrated by them in coming years as any military is irrelevant to bio. The outbreaks will range in effect from harmless and superficial to extremely contagious and lethal. Bringing down everything, especially industrial civilization, is a feature of Cabal world, not a side effect.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Irish socialist councillor Lillian Seenoi-Barr says Irishmen “terrorists” are the problem – NOT the migrants stabbing children.”

To a point she is right. Angry, drunk Irishmen are known to terrorize the wicked. It’s called having a wee drop of ‘the creature’. If you’re brown, best leave town. If you’re black, take your ass back.

1 year ago

Just one comment about that crib: Remember, NATO weapons are appearing all over the world. Afghanistan and Ukraine have acquired a reputation for international arms dealing with the influx of NATO weapons. Just pointing that out as a possibility.

Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

I weep for my ancestral homeland. The “Irish” government is at war with its own people. The Irish need to go full revolution. Where’s the IRA types when you need them?

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

Where are the IRA types?….

In Government!

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Mr+Twister
1 year ago

Exactly. The leadership of the NRA were dyed in the wool communists who simply switched sides to the globalists in the EU because there was more money available.

As with the Scots, the “Irish” government has no problem turning Ireland into Pakistan/Nigeria as long as the money is good.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

They were probably all MI 5/6.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago
Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

They can also use AI to revise history.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… Ridley Scott’s “Napolean”

That took 20 seconds on a public AI site.

1 year ago
Marielle Redclaw
1 year ago

I’m already voting for him, Mr. Reich. No need to sell him to me further.

Texas Arcane
1 year ago

See “LEAVE THE WORLD BEHIND” wherever you can find it, AC. It’s the most blatant foreshadowing I have ever seen in popular culture. Somebody in Cabal who knows something had a big input into the script. Julia Roberts, Mahershala Ali, Ethan Hawke … it’s a truly awesome apocalyptic movie. I think we can expect this in our future and it pulls so many streams together BEFORE the United States gets nuked. It’s brilliant in recognizing so many things not in the public filter at present.
I think it is the classic occult forewarning. They have to do it as part of their rituals. If you add up all the things it connects to, it explains so much.
Pay attention to the part about “THE NOISE.” It’s really frightening. The phenomenon of perceiving sound when you are blasted with microwaves from a Direct Energy Weapon is so horrific to contemplate it makes you think of the trumpet of the Apocalypse that the angel blows.
AC, what do you think the odds are that experimenting on Patriots and experimenting on Maui and experimenting period was all just practice for military applications?
Decades ago, Herman Kahn said the best way to win at the game of nuclear war was to utterly destroy your enemy before you even got around to pushing the button. No Mutual Deterrence because your opposition has already been so undermined they can barely source clean water, much less a counterstrike. This is one of the reasons why Civil Defense is so important.
P.S. They actually USE the term “CABAL” in the film several times.

I am not crazy, but you may think I am
I am not crazy, but you may think I am
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Too bad it’s on Netflix.

1 year ago

National Christmas Tree falls in front of White House amid high winds.
Symbolism? Does the first tree fall around Christmas?
If I were Q team, I would be doing all the dirty work in the dead of fucking winter. All the bullshit protesting isn’t going to happen when it’s -20 degrees outside.

1 year ago

There’s that number again….17.
Wisconsin’s governor might have to make his secret email account, and the 17,000 emails he sent through it, public.
The Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty on Tuesday filed a formal request to see the Gov. Tony Evers’ emails.
“WILL filed an open records request for any and all communications in the governor’s office relating to this ‘email’ story, including messages on apps like WhatsApp and Signal. If these requests are not complied with, we will take legal action,” WILL said on social media.
Evers’ office has defended the email account as an “email alias,” that was necessary for “enhanced security.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Bman
1 year ago

Erdogan: Israel will soon be destroyed

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The sands of Time

1 year ago

“Of course, it would mean there is a non-zero probability all the surveillance will be encased in carbonite and sold off to Mangalores as sex-toys. If the aliens need help, they know where to find me. I would not even need a percentage of the sales. Like a jannie, I would do it completely for free.”
Comedy gold, once again! Thank you for your service, AC!

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Praise God, may Satan’s new play toy suffer as much as he deserves.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The world is now a better place.

Why do these people always live so long?

1 year ago

Postal data officer, a voice actor with no postings?

Who else is networking on that site?

1 year ago

I know NATO belts – I was a damned good gunner – and those are them. I don’t know about Soviet belts, however, but I see no reason to distrust that.