News Briefs – 10/10/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Warner Bros Discovery Max Launches Sports Tier

DFT – Green Transition May Cost 1 Million Coal Jobs

DFT – Country Garden Holdings Hires Advisors For Potential Debt Restructuring

DFT – Oil Pares Gains After Monday’s Surge

DFT – US Imports From Russia Jump, Despite Sanctions

New BootStrappy – DIY DIODE LASER ENGRAVER – Part 1

Joe Biden’s younger brother Frank admits naked selfie on GuysWithiPhones gay dating site is genuine. ‘My phone must have been hacked.’ The Anthony Wiener defense. Sure I have pictures of myself buck naked, but I only took those for me. I wonder if Hunter and Uncle Jim will now bond over their shared fascination with Dick Pics. “You do that too? I had no idea! We could have been talking about this all along?”

These are our leaders, because you had to be doing stuff like this to get placed in these positions. As a grown man, Joe is pinching little 8-year-old girl’s nipples just to hurt them, molesting his daughter in the shower, French kissing his grand-daughter, and groping and sniffing anyone he can get his hands on. Hunter is molesting his brother’s daughter while smoking crack, on video, and now the brother is cruising gay dating sites. If you did that, surveillance saw it and you got lifted up. That is why Biden is President, and you do not stand any chance of ever occupying that office. It is also why the United States is on a path to destruction. Again, the weak point of failure is the surveillance. If we get rid of that, we might end up somewhere that we are not looking at an endless stream genital pictures from these freaks as we try to find something interesting on 4Chan.

I am guessing those who read Ben Shapiro will not see this one any time soon – On Twitter –

BREAKING — Egyptian Intelligence Minister called Netanyahu ten days before Hamas attack and warned him of “something unusual, a terrible operation” that was about to take place from Gaza.

Egyptians were “surprised by the indifference shown by Netanyahu”.

— Yedioth Ahranoth

More – 

NEW: Egyptian intel source insists that Cairo warned Israel about Hamas offensive 10 days beforehand despite a denial by Netanyahu

“We do not deviate even an inch from what we said to a number of international media, including the Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth,” the source says

“It was made clear to us on the Egyptian side that Israel, for its own reasons, prefers to focus on the West Bank and it was explained to us that Israel’s ‘eyes’ along the Strip are open and reporting all the time.“

Post article on Israel being warned by Egypt.

Our kind is in every group, and citizens of all stripes are awakening to the threat of the intelligence services – that and the knowledge that the media everywhere is compromised : “There are Israelis who believe that members of the Shin Bet and the IDF helped Hamas to murder, kidnap and abuse our sons and daughters. Whoever publishes these slanderous words is collaborating with the enemy” 

All over the world, it is like a mass awakening. The awakening will lead to a recognition of an enemy, and I suspect that enemy will strike out, in a last ditch effort to preserve its cushy position. It will be interesting times.

We will need to somehow open eyes before the conspiracy gets events going though, as it appears their goal is some kind of Holy War Crusade –  Footage of Senior Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahar calling for world domination has resurfaced online. “The entire planet will be under our law, there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors.”

Israel issues emergency directive to ‘allow’ citizens to arm themselves. ‘Too little, too late.’ Disarming them worked exactly as intended.

Biden confirms at least 11 Americans…dead, US citizens ‘likely’…hostages…Hamas threatens to kill 1 prisoner for every Israeli airstrike.

Sen. Marco Rubio on why we will be funding this fake war –

The reason military aid to Israel will not face some of the obstacles Ukraine aid has faced is because back in December of 2020 we passed my bill authorizing a minimum of $3.3 billion a year in aid for 8 years (2021-2028) Because of our bill the administration already has pre-existing authority to provide substantial defense aid without any new congressional action.

Israel has sent 80 percent of their artillery ammunition to Ukraine.

Senior White House official John Kirby sheds a tear live on CNN when the speaker talks about kidnapped Israeli children and deaths. With an acting job like that, his job is secure. Do not think he is unaware that intel is running all of this, and the people who pay him did it.

The meme of a hypocritical Jew, or is this just a Cabal spokesperson mouthing Cabal’s narrative of the day in each case, and not really giving a fuck about any of it so long as the money is deposited in his account?

Trump hammers Biden over Hamas attack claiming he ‘BETRAYED’ Israel and blasts $6 billion Iran ‘ransom’ while calling to reinstate travel ban from ‘terror-afflicted countries.’

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) signaled Monday that he is open to being a consensus Speaker candidate if House Republicans cannot decide who will lead the legislative body. Shouldn’t the consensus Speaker be Trump?

A majority of Republicans in the United States today would like to see the next Speaker of the House to be “loyal” to President Donald J. Trump.

Biden interviewed as part of special counsel investigation into classified documents.

When you really need an entire team of therapists to help you cope with living in a shithole, but you cannot afford it – New Yorkers are ditching therapists for psychics: ‘I just kind of gave up.’

A video of a man who claims a Military aged Migrant told him that the UN paid the man and gave him a card + a phone then told him to await for orders. Something to look into due to how many people are flooding in through borders of U.S. Not impossible. They are not going to tell these people the truth, or who they work for. They will not get a name of the higher up in the conspiracy who runs things, or even have the conspiracy explained to them. Its organizational flowsheet would probably require a two semester graduate-level university course to process anyway. They would get told what they needed, to understand just enough to operate. Clearly they are bringing them here for something. It could be kinetic action. It looks like the surveillance will ultimately come to light. If it does, it will turn into real Americans vs the surveillance. To win, the surveillance will need direct action shock troops, because the harmless-looking soccer moms, man-bunned soyboys, and geriatrics it uses to look harmless and avoid surveillance detection, do not look to me like they will be killing the other 90 percent of real Americans. This could fit with a plausible plan for surveillance to survive. It would mean a sudden shift to the East German model of governance, with the migrants as the strong arm of the Secret Police. At this point I am sleeping under lead dental X-ray aprons and sheet steel, and I would not be surprised if I end up in a gunfight at some point. Nothing would surprise me now.

Biden admin has let 99% of illegals stay in US since 2021.

Biden’s military looks to illegals to boost recruiting levels. What is fascinating is we are watching Roman history, re-enacted for real, exactly as it was back then, and all of these things which were portrayed as just organic, or a product of apathy, were actually probably being engineered there as well, by the same “thing.”

Army goes after elite warriors- plans to cut Special Operation Forces by nearly 3,000. Thankfully, eliminating all these Nazi fascists who refuse to wear high heels will allow them to hire more homos and trannies.

Retired Gen. and former CIA Director Michael Hayden apparently just called dor the death of a U.S. Senator.

Vietnamese government agents apparently targeted several U.S. lawmakers and journalists with spyware using public posts on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, according to an investigation by Amnesty International and a consortium of media outlets.

Anne Heche’s grave, somebody chose a one-eye’d picture:

US gives more than $4.1 billion in grants for LGBT initiatives worldwide.

Cindy McCain, John McCain’s widow, meets with the Pope, and gives him a demon idol of Soyoko Mana, who carries a knife and a crook to catch children, whom she eats.  Little inside joke between the two of them there.

Pope Francis blames America First: Denounces Americans’ “irresponsible lifestyles” for the ruination of the planet.

Priest: St. Gallen Mafia prelates were named by suspected Freemason Cardinal Baggio.

Underneath an illegal excavation house, a subterranean city is revealed. I wonder how long it took surveillance to pinpoint the digging noise that was fucking up their listening in everyone’s houses?

Ecuador says six suspects arrested for presidential candidate assassination are Colombian.

Slovakia’s outgoing government has halted security assistance for Ukraine.

A little girl in Russia wrote to Vladimir Putin asking for a puppy, Putin sends her a puppy. The Russian President knows what is important in life. I remember the President of Turkmenistan giving him a puppy, and when he presented it, he picked it up by the nape of the neck, which looked uncomfortable for the puppy. Putin jumped up out of his chair to take it, and immediately held it like a baby and kissed it, You could see the puppy relax and get happy:

As expected, Robert Kennedy Jr. announces he is leaving the Democrat Party to run as an independent candidate in 2024.

President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in a series of recent swing state and national polls.

President Trump once again dominating Biden by double digits in new poll.

President Trump Delivers Remarks in Wolfeboro, NH – 10/9/23:


Spread r/K Theory, because the dogs know

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11 months ago

“Cindy McCain, John McCain’s widow, meets with the Pope, and gives him a demon idol of Soyoko Mana, who carries a knife and a crook to catch children, whom she eats. Little inside joke between the two of them there.”

This is a global cult. There’s a similar thing in Switzerland’s capital city:

The Child Eater of Bern

A nearly 500-year-old sculpture depicts a man eating a sack of babies, and no one is sure why.

The fountain sculpture towers above the ground, a baby half stuffed into the giant’s mouth, and a sack full of three alarmed tots slung over his shoulder presumably for later snacking. The unsettling sculpture is no modern work of art; built in 1546, it is one of the oldest fountains in the city of Bern.

Stephen Morris
Stephen Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Kinda puts a whole new spin on the pagan origin myth of Chronos eating all the babies only for them to eventually rise up and slay him.

11 months ago

“Biden’s military looks to illegals to boost recruiting levels. What is fascinating is we are watching Roman history, re-enacted for real, exactly as it was back then, and all of these things which were portrayed as just organic, or a product of apathy, were actually probably being engineered there as well, by the same ‘thing.'”

Cabal justifying itself in Batman Begins (2005):

Wayne: You’re going to destroy millions of lives.
Ducard: Only a cynical man would call what these people have “lives,” Wayne. Crime. Despair. This was not how man was supposed to live. The League of Shadows has been a check against human corruption for thousands of years. We sacked Rome, loaded trade ships with plague rats, burned London to the ground. Every time a civilization reaches the pinnacle of its decadence, we return to restore the balance.
Wayne: Gotham isn’t beyond saving. Give me more time. There are good people here.
Ducard: You are defending a city so corrupt, we have infiltrated every level of its infrastructure. When I found you in that jail, you were lost. But I believed in you. I took away your fear, and showed you a path. You were my greatest student. It should be you standing by my side, saving the world.
Wayne: I’ll be standing where I belong: between you, and the people of Gotham.
Ducard: No one can save Gotham. [nods to henchmen, who begin vandalizing the house and set it on fire] When a forest grows too wild, a purging fire is inevitable and natural. Tomorrow, the world will watch in horror as its greatest city destroys itself. The movement back to harmony will be unstoppable this time.
Wayne: You’ve attacked Gotham before?
Ducard: Of course. Over the ages, our weapons have grown more sophisticated. With Gotham, we tried a new one – economics. But we underestimated certain of Gotham’s citizens [unintentionally prophetic Trump reference?]. Such as your parents. Gunned down by one of the very people they were trying to help. Create enough hunger, and everyone becomes a criminal. Their deaths galvanized the city into saving itself, and Gotham has limped on ever since. We are back to finish the job. And this time, no misguided idealists will get in the way. Like your father, you lack the courage to do all that is necessary.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Great comparison.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Jewish tikkun olam “heal the world” philosophy. It all stems from their master, Satan.

God is explicit in that this world is fallen and all men will fall short of His glory; anyone who believes paradise can be created by man is of the enemy and not to be trusted.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Great comment. We know that the God of the bible uses evil to destroy wayward humanity again and again. Abandoning them to there own vices. Doesn’t mean the good ones stop fighting evil.

11 months ago

From the Daily Mail:
“A senior Hamas commander has warned that his terrorist group sees domination of Israel as only the beginning – as Israel took its revenge on Hamas for the death of 900 of its citizens in this weekend’s attacks.
The dead included 11 Americans, Joe Biden confirmed on Monday.”.

900. 11. Looks like 9/11 comms to me.

teo toon
teo toon
11 months ago

Of Yakovolf (volf is wolf; yak as in yak, yak, yak? Hence Yakovolf mean yakking wolf):
My comment is what I left on my Fb page:

basic law taught – or should have been — at your mother’s knee–: “What is good for the gander is good for the goose,” or “Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander;” hence what is sauce for Americans is sauce for the Jews.

In fact, out of politeness I didn’t write: “what is sauce for Whites, be we American or European, is sauce for the Jews.”
The Jew can take his Tikkun olam and shove it up his collective ass.
The Synagogue of Stan has identified itself; let the blind who will not see tumble into the ditch; that ditch is their self-dug mass grave.

Last edited 11 months ago by teo toon
Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  teo toon
11 months ago

The Synagogue of Stan”

LOL! Reminds me of that wizard named Tim in Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

11 months ago

> Israel issues emergency directive to ‘allow’ citizens to arm themselves. ‘Too little, too late.’

Israel may be in the Middle East, but it’s a European country. That’s where most of its population came from, bringing their European ideas with them.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
11 months ago

“At this point I am sleeping under lead dental X-ray aprons and sheet steel,”

So the sheet steel worked, no more burns I hope?
About the Anne Heche tombstone: No months or days, just years. That’s weird.

Last edited 11 months ago by Kentucky Gent
Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

So argies are irrelevant, and mericans are relevant.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

I am new to the tech, and have no idea what is normal,”

I kept thinking, as I read your comment, too bad he doesn’t have a baseline of what is “normal”, without cabal operating any tech in his area.

The invisible ‘clouds’ might not be clouds, just non-homogeneous air. By that, I mean air pockets not at the same temperature as the bulk of the atmosphere is.

This phenomenon is common in large bodies of water. IIRC, the term for it in water is “thermoclines”, a pocket of warm water surrounded by cooler water, or vice versa. It’s a known problem for sonar operation, where the sonar ping will bounce of the boundary of the thermocline, so you cannot “see” what’s in it.

Danger Semiconductor
Danger Semiconductor
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

That hole in the clouds is interesting. Can you estimate from memory how fast it tracked, and whether it did so in a constant fashion? The tracking rate could give us an estimate on orbital altitude, if it’s space-based.

11 months ago

> Pope Francis blames America First: Denounces Americans’ “irresponsible lifestyles” for the ruination of the planet.

That’s not the first time a Pope has singled out Americans as a special problem for the Catholic Church. The search engines only want to give results about Francis, but there was another Pope in the 1800s who wrote an official policy statement chastising American Catholics, who he (probably rightfully) believed were more loyal to America than the Papacy.

Apparently the Papacy has a short memory, or else they’re so full of themselves they don’t recognize the lessons taught by Philip II, Henry VIII, and other heads of state who didn’t care to have their power challenged.

Reply to  TRX
11 months ago

The Papacy and American Catholics will not exist in five years.

Reply to  TRX
11 months ago

As a Catholic, I have a tough time understanding believing Protestants. If the Bible says that Jesus Christ built His Church upon the rock of Peter and I believed that Church failed, I wouldn’t go believing in another religion based on the Bible that Church gave me. I would just believe nothing and go about my life trying to make it as pleasant as humanly possible until I took a dirt nap. I’d totally be Protestant if it meant I could keep my stuff and live unmolested but I wouldn’t believe any of it, maybe just that it contained some reasonably good guidelines for a civilized society. But Catholics do believe that Jesus Christ Himself left us His Vicar on earth in the person of the Pope and that the Church can not and will not fail, you probably can understand why that person would be more loyal to the Vicar of Christ than Joe Biden, right? I just think that would be simple to understand. And Jorge is no Vicar of Christ on earth, he does not profess Christianity, at all. Those rulers were in error to believe they possessed power unchallengeable by the Pope and they likely learned a hard lesson that will last for eternity.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Jesus Christ is the Rock, not Peter, who thrice denied our Lord.

Catholics are Satan’s minions.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

As a nationalist fervent catholic told me one day, WE ARE THE CHURCH, NOT THE BUILDINGS, BUT WE THE BELIEVERS ARE THE CHURCH

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

I would imagine that most believing Christians disagree with your interpretation of what Christ building His Church upon the rock of Peter means.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

That’s not what Christ said.
He said Peter was an example of the rock of faith that his church was built on.
Protestants actually have faith like Peter so they don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater just because of the long history of Papal corruption.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

That’s Protestantism is known as a Judaizing heresy.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

aaaaand…there’s your error. Jesus built the church UPON HIMSELF. Jesus is the rock. No earthly human could EVER be the rock. ALL have sinned and ALL need a savior (yes, even your precious Mary).

If you honestly believe the God of the universe would trust His church to a mere human, then I’m afraid there’s not much hope left. You (yes YOU) will have to be literally “broken on the rock (of Christ)” in order to have your eyes opened. It could also be that you have not actually been converted nor actually received the Holy Spirit because if you HAD, you would discern spiritual things and it sure seems like you have NOT discerned spiritual things. You are like Nicodemus who believed he was “of the church” and did all the things and followed all the little rules (many of which were extra biblical, much like Catholicism) and what did Jesus say to him: “you must be born again”. Confused Nicodemus horribly…to the point where he actually imagined coming out of the womb of his mother again.

I sincerely hope that you figure this out before Jesus comes back because by then it will be too late. People will cry out to the rocks to fall on them from the brightness of His coming.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

OH…and by the by, you have the same ADDITIONAL error (that many MANY churches have today) in that you believe “the church” is the physical buildings, the hierarchical church structure (of fallible men, including and ESPECIALLY fallible popes) and you believe that all of that nonsense is “THE CHURCH”. In reality, the church is simply God’s people throughout all time. Whether they had a building to worship in, or worshiped in their homes or worshiped SINGLY (yes, sometimes it happens), God DOES have a church on earth.

Mankind, in all his scheming and self-important wisdom, thinks that he can organize and setup all kinds of MAN-MADE institutions, rules, order, and other BS and call THAT the church.

Nope. Never. Never has been and never will be.

Reply to  selbs
11 months ago

Some of the people who have become disgusted with their churches have joined the ‘ecclesia’ movement. They have the Book, containing the Word. It wasn’t written in some secret code for the priesthood; they were perfectly capable of reading it for themselves, and discussing it with friends and their families, without the need for some overriding authority to “interpret” it for them.

Alas, most people seem to be happy to either complain about their church, or just drop out entirely. Actually reading the book for themselves requires thinking; that is hard, not like sitting on a pew zoning out while some preacher talks.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

“If the Bible says that Jesus Christ built His Church upon the rock of Peter”

Jesus meant the Orthodox church.

Reply to  Ed
11 months ago

And you know that how?

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Popes/religious bigshots. Especially one who appears to be filled with so much self righteousness. The guy creeps me out. And besides, he’s just a man. No amount of pageantry and palatial surroundings make him anymore close to God than anyone else.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

My faith is not in an establishment based in the mortal, fallen world. It’s in the eternal perfection of God and Jesus Christ.

If there is observable evil in the church, observable deviations from Christ’s commandments, I will not follow it. If you think that makes me a heretic then so be it.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Re: “…the Bible says that Jesus Christ built His Church upon the rock of Peter and I believed that Church failed…”

This is a common misreading that can easily be corrected with a little study of Greek:

Jesus referred to Peter as petros (“…thou art petros…”), which has no definite article before it and means “a little stone” or “a rock”. In contrast, petra (“…and upon this petra I will build my church…”), has a definite article before it and means “the large rock” or “the bedrock”. In this specific context and parallelism between the two words, petra then means “the bedrock out of which a little stone or a rock is hewn”.

Throughout the OT and NT, who represents this bedrock? Jesus Christ Himself. So Jesus was, in essence, making a pun to promise us that He will build His church upon Himself, an everlasting foundation.

Another interesting tidbit: Some believe that, in person, Jesus likely pointed to Peter when saying “petros” and pointed to Himself when saying “petra”, as in “…this rock…”.

Hope this helps clarify the issue for some.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
11 months ago

Vill quote you in a substack free article anon, thanks and may God bless you and keep you!

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  TRX
11 months ago

Yes, bergoglio is a closet liberal and socialist, as he was a peronist militant before joining the argentinian clergy. The issue is, its common in argentina for almost all people to want to get a job, hating on businesses, as well as profits from capital, and the best jobs are those at government. This is also why the country is so fucked up. So part of the gov funded jobs here are in the clergy, as per article 2 of the argentinian constitution, the government subsidies the catholic church while also being extremely common for the socialists and liberals to get into government thanks to being elected by the populace, and when hired, per article 14 of the argentinian constitution, they cant be fired, so the political parties here are used since their founding to hiring all their militants into the federal government, even those who dont believe in the ideology but have at least fiscaliced one election.
Even I tried to get that way. Failed due to the vax persecution, as I held my ground, and Im too conservative and freedom minded for this society. Got welfare though, which is also given on a political basis. Was just one more case of there being no free lunches. I explain this stuff and more in my books. Welfare lasted for a year, as again, I was in conflict and am in conflict as the elites here are enslavers, and hate, are enemies of, those of us that are and want to continue being, free people. I invested said welfare into my books so far instead of wasting it like a retarded.

Last edited 11 months ago by Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  TRX
11 months ago

Maybe TRX you should read it more carefully:
Americanism (heresy) – Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core

America is Gnostic. The Puritans were Gnostic. This is why us Catholics teach that “Error has no rights”—because all error leads to death. Catholicism interdicted the Jews–the Prots gave them free speech–and now, one can see the fruits of that–America is now a Marxist state. Gnosticism is Nihilism. That is why everything in America is disintegrating.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
11 months ago

If error has no rights then the Catholic church has had no rights for many centuries, long before the Reformation.

11 months ago

> Slovakia’s outgoing government has halted security assistance for Ukraine.

Expect Zelensky’s rhetoric and demands to get even more strident now.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  TRX
11 months ago

[cue gay Ukronazi man saying BITCH, the 10 hour version]


11 months ago

> Army goes after elite warriors- plans to cut Special Operation Forces by nearly 3,000.

Note they’ve already cut the necessary qualifications at least once, in order to allow women to pass the physical tests.

They don’t just want *some* women. They’re pushing for 50% or more women. Because equity, or something.

Pretty soon, an SF patch will mean about as much as making varsity on a high school sportsball team.

Reply to  TRX
11 months ago

For alleged feminists, they sure do love seeing women get drilled in the skull with 7.62s, don’t they? The whole inversion of morality thing is really, really sickening when allowed to metastasize this far.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Don’t worry, they’ll be moved up the chain rather rapidly. They will make the decisions that get men killed.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

That’s usually what happens. I know several guys who retired early out of disgust, seeing female newbies rapidly promoted over them, despite not even being able to do the job.

Reply to  TRX
11 months ago

There are currently zero females going through the Q course.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
11 months ago

The Q course?


Reply to  SteveRogers42
11 months ago

Or is it?

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  TRX
11 months ago

The Asiatic mafias want to kill america anon

Pablo Villizzianto
11 months ago

Anon, may this go to cabal skulldudgery?
Argie financial and monetary internal functioning works to favour bribes to the elected politicians and their accomplices at all levels.
Source: An influential liberal journalist, Bracesco
The entire dollar market in Argentina is organized to maintain a bribes ( coimas in argentinian informal parlance) system for the official party.
The dollar in a single market would mean the end of problems and the end of the bribes ( coimas).
Massa directly prefers corruption to financial stability.

11 months ago

While most of the noise will be about the Middle East now, some additional important information about the American labor market came out in the last month. Its hard to find links to accurate information. A Google search produces literally only old mainstream media stories about how strong the economy is during the Biden administration.

And one piece of information points to cabal or surveillance control of the job market. I want to get these links out here in a post and close the tabs on my browser, so I’m just posting this now.

First, the government since at least the older Bush administration has been using a mixture of statistical methods and outright lying to make the economy seem stronger than it was, and this became really marked during the Biden administration. Unfortunately, the most comprehensive article I found on this was a pure propaganda article, but its very statistics focus and I have seen the same numbers show up in more mainstream sources, so here it is:

Basically the Biden administration has made a practice of putting out employment data, and then revising it downwards a year later, and the last one was something like 325,000 jobs. Worse, these are just the seasonally adjusted estimates, and according to other articles the raw (unadjusted) date is really bad.

This next one is a bigger deal. Its an article about Robert Stark, but I’ve seen the statistics he discusses posted elsewhere. The Stark article is just unusually comprehensive:

The bottom line is that Bloomberg News reported that in 2020-21 S & P 100 companies (basically, Corporate) hired about 302,000 non-white workers and only 20,000 white workers. So in that period only 20,000 whites got hired by corporations. This includes both white women and white men, so you can guess how many of these hires were white men.

So if you are a white man, you can pretty much forget about getting hired at a large American corporation. I am living on savings, but have been feeling guilty about not doing more of a job search, but it looks like I shouldn’t bother and maybe try to start a business instead, given this data.

The Cabal angle is that to impose the exact same hiring practices among one hundred corporations, that this has to be co-ordinated. In fact we know it is being co-ordinated using Blackrock and its ESG policies. Its not a free market.

Reply to  Ed
11 months ago

The obvious and the most important consequence is that these corporations are losing their ability to carry out their primary purpose, to serve their customers and their markets. The same is true for US military, which is why the US will lose its next war and it will be one-sided ass-whooping. Vox has written about this for years.

Reply to  Ed
11 months ago

Walter John Williams has a great sight detailing fake govt statistics:
I subscribed at one time but it has been a few years.

11 months ago

> I remember the President of Turkmenistan giving him a puppy, and when he presented it, he picked it up by the nape of the neck, which looked uncomfortable for the puppy.

The Turkmen are Muslims, and Muslims don’t like dogs. Apparently Mohammad didn’t like them, so dogs are ungood.

> Putin jumped up out of his chair to take it, and immediately held it like a baby and kissed it, You could see the puppy relax and get happy:

Russian attitudes toward dogs vary. The Soviets grabbed a stray terrier off the streets of Moscow, named her Laika, and shot her into space in Sputnik 2. There were no plans to bring her back alive, which was good because the life-support system failed within hours of achieving orbit. Otherwise she would probably have burned alive like Vladimir Komorov when the parachutes on his Soyuz capsule failed to deploy on re-entry.

Reply to  TRX
11 months ago

NASA and our military did the same, to chimps. Science marches on. At least no one used kittens or baby chicks.

Pablo Villizzianto
11 months ago

AC another on skulldudgery, this vill be fun.

Yesterday a jew implied to me on twitter, that he believes that the holy war casus belli is ok, justified, usable, in this century.

Please, let discuss this, because as we notice, israel in reality, believes that the casus belli “holy war”, is usable in this century, and lends a right to conquer land, blockade, ransack, genocide, and more.

Please, lets discuss this, Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: There is no casus belli holy war in the 21st century, and it is unverifiable that it is the tomb of “king david”. Nor will I tolerate an insane person insulting me.
I already responded to a “friend on Twitter” message, so I’m sending you the same thing I sent him.

The jew’s answer: Go ahead and read another pdf

11 months ago

‘As expected, Robert Kennedy Jr. announces he is leaving the Democrat Party to run as an independent candidate in 2024.’

He’s a backbencher as is, and that voice of his isn’t going to help.

teo toon
teo toon
11 months ago

Now we know the Jews really do own America:
comment image
From Lame Cherry:

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter….In case you did not know, Tel Aviv has a nuclear powered aircraft carrier in the USS GERALD FORD. It is has been ordered deployed for the false flag Jewish War which has just been launched to order US troops to fight for Tel Aviv against Iran….This blog warned you that the Ukraine sold most of the US weapons to Hamas and Hezbollah. This Pentagon arms sale was engineered like the 6 billion which Obama Biden just sent to Tehran to fund this war.

The new USS Libertyx2

11 months ago

All over the world, it is like a mass awakening. The awakening will lead to a recognition of an enemy, and I suspect that enemy will strike out, in a last ditch effort to preserve its cushy position. It will be interesting times.”
1) There already is a mass awakening.
2) They already are striking out.
3) We already have a digital currency and are eating ze bugs.
4) Nobody owns anything. Your bank and your government owns everything. Your entertainment is streaming. Your stuff is leased or on loan.
I don’t know why people keep on insisting that things are “coming”. It’s all right here, right now.
Start acting accordingly.

11 months ago

Anne Heche’s grave, somebody chose a one-eye’d picture”
And the butterfly on top to boot. In other words, Monarch MKULTRA programming.

TruthSeeker Bear
TruthSeeker Bear
11 months ago

I cannot help but wonder if the event that took place this past Friday is the event we’re not supposed to discuss or take sides on. The one the 4chan anon spoke of. It is certainly of the scale that most people get drawn into discussing it.
If he was being truthful and a major mkultra global psyop was to take place and his handlers saw he warned others (because surveillance abounds), then it’s also possible they pushed the date back. Or (if he was even telling the truth) it was never planned for that Friday.
Of course, we also know the enemy likes to announce their plans and give us “warning” as part of their belief that they have to tell us what they’re doing so, if we go along with it, it’s our fault. So, if this is it, he may not have been divulging the plans for altruistic reasons after all.
Idk. Just a thought that crossed my mind.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

“The plan is the same. Build our audience. Expose the surveillance. Make everyone know. Identify the network, draw the lines, and let the conflict go overt, rather than regular America just taking it in the ass all the time and being told they just have gas.”

Several things.
1) Consider the rate or speed anon
2) Also, be brave on discusing the casus belli, both the cabal, and the israelis, are pushing a holy war casus belli. Socialists, and liberals, have, are and will continue pushing an ideologic war casus bellis. All of them for religious or religious like, ideological, reasons. It has a potential I think you are missing.
3) I think I failed in communicating and theretofore, discussing my intuitive vision for this opportunity. I was thinking, that considering both here in this forum, as well as the unions in Argentina, as well as the socialists and the conservatives in my country just doesn’t get what I want, maybe I have failed communicating it, as I have made no effort to make it completely explicit, as my wishes are quite complex.

So please, may you help me by telling me how you perceive my intent ( what I want ) with this book ? 

The rest of the forum is also welcomed with comments and suggestions

Thanks in advance 

4) 17 are also de points of the 2030 agenda

Reply to  TruthSeeker Bear
11 months ago

I had the same thought, this does seem to be the event we were supposed to ignore.

But I find it interesting that its not just really fringy commentators saying it was a false flag this time. I think they finally overdid these things.

Reply to  Ed
11 months ago

Green flag rather than False flag.

11 months ago

the weak point of failure is the surveillance. If we get rid of that, we might end up somewhere that we are not looking at an endless stream genital pictures from these freaks as we try to find something interesting on 4Chan.”


11 months ago

comment image?resize=1024,682&quality=75&strip=all

11 months ago


went to “minimal site” from the address bar at top, got to RKP fine, but trying the surv. page summary link at top from there, and also the link at top of sidebar list, got 404 both times. Attempted address shows but from here the address is and it connects, thought you would want to know of this “feature”, they just never quit, do they?

Thanks for all you do.

11 months ago

@Anonymous Conservative (1:45-7:12)

Someone I know says they heard from the Lord, “Biden is dead,” and that He Himself would take charge in this time for everyone’s safety. Dutch Sheet’s team member had a dream that points to Kamala about to take the President’s power, due to this sudden event, but then the military would arrest the wicked, unleashing the Storm. Praying Medic (Dave) repeatedly stated that this would the best time for the military in the U.S. to act. Therefore, be on the watch and pray/prepare!

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Reminder that if a self-proclaimed “prophet” is wrong even once, they are eternally discredited. I’ve heard this kind of shit for years now, so count me into the false prophecy camp on this one chief.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

The world is ending, take it to the bank. Some day that is.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

The world seems to be ending for anyone caught in the usual normal disasters

11 months ago

If you hold dual citizenship, you are neither American or what ever. You can only serve one master. Just my opinion.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Dual Citizenship means one or another, is a flag of convenience.
Doesnt stop you being American, unless the US Passport is the Flag of Convenience.

Stephen Morris
Stephen Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

At the very least all dual citizen members of Congress should be ejected immediately. All in government bureaucracy also.

Reply to  Stephen Morris
11 months ago

The practice needs to be banned and any of them not thrown out must be forced to choose.
Unfortunately we can’t do anything about the countries that offer certain people immediate citizenship at the drop of a hat.

Marielle Redclaw
11 months ago

With jews and their neocon patsies calling for genocide in Gaza (including the use of nukes), I will laugh in the face of anyone bringing up “muh holocaust” ever again. How much death and misery have their NGOs enabling migration into white nations caused?

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
11 months ago

¿ Have you screencapped and archived, at,, and maybe an online folder for sharing?
I want to have the hiper specific cases of them calling for genocide to bring it up later here in argentinian politics, and as Im in argentina, twitter just doesn’t bring me up those same people it showed you, so please, ¿may you take the time to make a folder of them calling for genocides, and share it here at AC’s forum, or can email it to me at ? Can be shared by any cloud hosting service that isnt an accomplice of people calling for war crimes, genocide, mass murders, and other dangerous “nazi communist” attacks.
You could look them up in your browsing historial, it could help you at it.

I want to have it to tell them that I am not an accomplice or participant of genocides

Last edited 11 months ago by Pablo Villizzianto
11 months ago

Word is that those cuts to SOCOM will not involve any actual trigger-pullers. If those cuts happen, they will be in Civil Affairs, PsyOps, and various types of support troops.

11 months ago

Some intellectuals are anything but professorial these days:

On X (formerly known as Twitter) Victorian Socialists tweeted “Solidarity to the Palestinian Resistance” mere hours after the Hamas attacks.




— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) October 7, 2023

Dr Peterson, a clinical psychologist and public intellectual, slammed the party’s tweet and dubbed the group “murderous, anti-Semitic rats”.

Victorian Socialists are a left-wing political party who campaign on a platform of “a radical redistribution of wealth and power” in Australia.

Dr. Eli David is known as one of Twitter’s biggest plandemic critics and often posted funny memes. Now there’s a radical change of tone. [screenshot; see the Notes section of Texas Arcane’s Substack for his comments.]

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Speaking of Nazis, why wasn’t Antifa getting all up in the face of those jerks waving Nazi flags at those pro Hamas demonstrations?

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Same people?

11 months ago

Why the west?

comment image?width=487&height=490

Reply to  Farcesensitive
11 months ago

No Arab country wants them. We shouldn’t want them either.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Palestinians can live anywhere, but they cannot take citizenship of another Arab country.

They dont accept them to keep the wound open.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

yahoodi, balfour and rothschild evited them and made the wound. israel aso makes it fester. they should all address this with their sincere emotions and money. peacefully.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Farcesensitive
11 months ago

Why not Madagascar?

If history’s going rhyme, it needs more beatboxing and rapper chicks in the videos.

(((((They))))) got big plans and (((((they))))) cannot lie
You Western policy activists can’t deny
When (((((they))))) plant a false flag you get sprung


11 months ago

TY to the poster who put up the link to The Great Taking.

I consider this MUST reading to understand what is planned (maybe, probably) in the near future.

I spoke to an ordinary, normal person who taught himself investing. He has made a comfortable amount over the years. When I told him what I learned from The Great Taking, I was surprised to find out he knew about and understood everything. IOW, that the system is set up to leave people like him with nothing, and no recourse. All stolen, legally, by those who control us. His pov was: what can I do about it?

We will wake up one morning soon with nothing, everything stolen from us, bereft. And it will be clear, there is nothing that can be done about it, or could have been done about it, given our total lack of influence.


Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

>We will wake up one morning soon with nothing, everything stolen from us, bereft. And it will be clear, there is nothing that can be done about it, or could have been done about it, given our total lack of influence.

Go doom somewhere else. There are paths out, but if this is your mindset then you’re already done.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Did you read it?

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Are you trying to stop open discussion?

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Does that include Trustafarians?

I do hope so.

Reply to  Mr+Twister
11 months ago

Be careful what you wish for.

They will be poor just like us but it wont make it better for us.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

In Lebanon the Bank Bail In mean even the wealthy could only draw $100 per week. Try making taxes, mortgage & car payments with that

11 months ago

Israel has sent 80 percent of their artillery ammunition to Ukraine.

This is a misunderstanding that confuses US stockpiles in Israel with Israeli stockpiles.

11 months ago

“The meme of a hypocritical Jew, or is this just a Cabal spokesperson mouthing Cabal’s narrative of the day in each case, and not really giving a fuck about any of it so long as the money is deposited in his account?”


Reply to  Farcesensitive
11 months ago

It’s all about managing the debt.

11 months ago

“Vietnamese government agents apparently targeted several U.S. lawmakers and journalists with spyware using public posts on X.”

On behalf of China, no doubt. What I have long suspected is that the territorial disputes between the two countries are theater. Vietnam is little China and is secretly run by Beijing.

11 months ago

A toxin found in food, drinks and other everyday items lingers longer in the bodies of kids with autism and ADHD, a study suggests.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical compound that has been dubbed a ‘gender-bending’ chemical because of its ties to hormonal and sexual problems.
Now, researchers from Rowan University and Rutgers University in New Jersey have found that kids with autism and ADHD cannot expel BPA from their bodies as quickly as neurotypical kids. BPA has been linked to both conditions previously, though this is the first to find that kids with ADHD and autism have a harder time eliminating the chemical.

Pablo Villizzianto
Reply to  Farcesensitive
11 months ago

May end up buying this, think about it anon. Plus damages the germline, which means both the producers of it as well all who uses it could be politically punished if conquering political power, as well as being a nice reason to prohibit, and 3. even consider it a poison, usable as a means of a cold war against a targeted population.

General's Addition
General's Addition
11 months ago

“When you really need an entire team of therapists to help you cope with living in a shithole, but you cannot afford it – New Yorkers are ditching therapists for psychics: ‘I just kind of gave up.’”

The late R Lee Ermey would have made a great therapist for Noo Yahk!

Yeah, grand old Noo Yahk, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere!

So now they make it somewhere else!


11 months ago

I was banned from a conservative website today for saying I refuse to play the outrage game about the Hamas attack. We are expected to be outraged at all the right things, and then like clockwork, we are. No thought given to why we care so much about Israel but not violence in Africa, South America, or Asia. Only violence in Israel gets us righties viscerally angry. It is really depressing. No one cares that we have imported an army of millions of military aged males. No one cares that we are operating under a generational crushing debt load. No one cares that we were forced to take injections that are killing thousands. But oh boy, kidnap a few Israeli models and it is OUTRAGEOUS WE MUST DO SOMETHING.

Conditioned Response is a real thing.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

Same playbook as muh Russia… (etc)

11 months ago

To kill fruit flies it requires a little fruit fly psychology. And the uh, media from which they feed.
It’s still worth avoiding they know where you live, although theoretically and practically, there is an industry with redundant information on who is dangerous, how and where they live. still
Sanitation is worthwhile.

11 months ago

Nord Stream 2.0? Finland-Estonia Undersea Pipeline In Baltic “Has Been Deliberately Damaged”