News Briefs – 10/05/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Goldman Forecasts Oil Falling Off Demand Destruction Over The Next Quarter

DFT – Rivian Falls On Disappointing News

DFT – Raimondo Calls For Expanded Controls On Tech Transfers

DFT – Russian Oil Exports Jump 24% In One Week

DFT – East Asian Growth To Slow Due To US Protectionism

There is talk the girlfriend of the guy stabbed to death yesterday was uncooperative with Police. She is in an “All Cops Are Bastards” shirt in one photo, and apparently is assigned to play the role of a BLM activist by the conspiracy. The crazy thing is, in a pinch she could call up her command, and they can simply flash some credential to cops, and make them ignore criminality and go away. Whatever her operation is tied into, even as it is getting people killed, killing cops like Miosotis Familia, and maybe even involved in serial killings, or covering up serial killings, it is also like some sort of supreme federal authority over law enforcement.

Numerous defense attorneys representing January 6 defendants are perplexed in discovering that potential jurors are being recalled or “recycled.” The juries are rigged, they just had too many cases, and not enough assets who could show up every day, so they began reusing them, rather than have some honest trials go 180 degrees opposite to the rigged ones. I told you Cabal would take that position which determines who gets called to jury duty, and use it to only call trusted ground assets for important trials. Although even I would have assumed they would have more than enough ground assets to not need to recycle jurors. Still, nothing worked the way you thought, and apparently even the worst assumed version was not as bad as the reality.

J6 prosecutor who went on a stabbing spree freed same day.

Donald Trump is willing to serve as House Speaker.

Marjorie Taylor Greene endorses Donald Trump for Speaker of the House.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise announces he is running for Speaker.

Catfight – Loomer attacks Boebert for letting McCarthy buy her off with campaign cash in return for not pushing to kick him out.

Lindsey Graham almost as unpopular in SC as Joe Biden, new poll shows.

Former head of NYPD Captain’s union Roy Richter found dead in New York home. Supposedly suicide by gun in the mouth on his wife’s birthday.

Donald Trump followers targeted by FBI as 2024 election nears – Creates ‘MAGA’ extremist category.

Doug Larsen ND senator who called for long term mRNA damage study killed in ‘freak’ plane crash.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams asks judge to SUSPEND ‘right to shelter’ law after more than 122K migrants flooded into city in a year – while critics fear the move will cause street homelessness to ‘balloon to a level unseen in our city since the Great Depression.’

At least 11 illegal alien men are accused of having been involved in a house of horrors in the small town of Bemidji, Minnesota, where at least three young girls were drugged, tied up, and gang raped, according to local law enforcement.

Officials in the city and county of Denver, Colorado, asked Texas border towns to distribute flyers aimed at discouraging migrants from traveling to the Mile High Sanctuary City after crossing the border from Mexico.

A self-professed “Comp Sci, Politics and Finance Nerd” claims to have discovered a list of blacklisted websites that OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4 will not draw from, for reasons such as “conspiracy theories” and “hate speech” — a list that includes Breitbart News and other conservative outlets like theEpoch Times.

The city of Chicago released surveillance camera footage Tuesday of an anti-violence “peacekeeper” participating in the violent beating and robbery of a driver in Little Village on May 26.

CVS store shelves bare as thieves in DC plan robberies around delivery times, workers say.

It is now standard operating procedure the moment there is a crime for Police to go to Google and Apple and pull all the phones which were at that spot, since all the phones are constantly beaming their GPS coordinates to Apple and Google. Why is google keeping complete tracking details on us? Advertising? Do you really believe that, anon?

The Biden administration said it is forgiving $9 billion in student debt for 125,000 borrowers.

Democrat Sen Menendez’s wife hit, killed pedestrian while driving in 2018: reports. A video news report here. Looks like she may have been texting or fucking with her phone.

Archbishop Viganò: Catholics must seriously consider the possibility that Francis isn’t the pope.

Reclaim Party founder Laurence Fox has been arrested for encouraging the vandalism of London’s ULEZ traffic cameras.

800 climate spy cameras damaged or stolen as London revolts against green agenda. Or, the camera company is Cabal and all the Blade Runners are Cabal ground forces giving the company a continuous flow of government funding for replacing the cameras.

In Sweden, migrant gangs now make more money bilking the government’s subsidy program with fraud than they make from narcotics sales.

France: A dramatic rise in rapes by Muslim migrants.

Death threats force family of AfD leader Alice Weidel into hiding.

Another AfD leader attacked with a syringe at a rally. Not ideological. These are operatives.

A few weeks back another AfD politician was swarmed and beaten viscously by a group of migrants.

The Biden administration’s now-suspended Iran envoy Robert Malley helped to fund, support, and direct a high-level Iranian intelligence operation designed to influence the United States and allied governments, according to a trove of purloined Iranian government emails.

Lindsey Ladybugs Graham says if Republicans want border security they will have to support more funding for Ukraine.

Hungary’s foreign minister hints that Budapest will continue blocking EU military aid to Ukraine.

Ukraine is ‘freaking out’ as McCarthy chaos threatens US aid.

Biden suggests he has a path around Congress to get more aid to Ukraine and plans major speech.

More than 50 left-wing activists marched across Capitol Hill on Wednesday to protest the war in Ukraine and call on lawmakers to push the Biden administration to negotiate an end to the war.

Bernie Sanders has almost 10 activists who tried to meet with him to discuss Peace in Ukraine arrested. The police handcuffed activists simply for holding a sign quoting Bernie in 2022 when he said we needed diplomatic solutions. Now he says we need weapons & endless slaughter.

Left-wing protestors in Germany call for an end to the war in Ukraine.

Lockheed Martin boasts to investors: Ukraine war fueling “$10 billion of opportunities … now to the end of the decade.

The wife of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, Elena, spent more than $1 million on Cartier jewelry in New York — The Nation writes.

Zelensky’s wife gives a brief glimpse into what it is like to be an agent of Cabal:

Florida law that upset LGBT activists goes into effect, allowing the death penalty for child rapists.

Mayorkas cites ‘immediate need’ to waive regulations, build border wall in Texas as immigration surges.

The Biden administration announced they waived 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow border wall construction on Wednesday, marking the administration’s first use of a sweeping executive power employed often during the Trump presidency. This is strange. Unless he has in all the assets they need, and now needs to establish himself as doing something for 2024.

Hakeem Jeffries staffers cleaned out Pelosi’s office, hauled away her belongings in bags as room was re-keyed. This is different from the normal Uniparty procedure. Some speculate she was supposed to help save McCarthy, and this is retaliation. However maybe it could signal a turning tide.

House Republicans have told Rep. Steny Hoyer to vacate his Capitol hideaway office, the former majority leader’s office confirmed Wednesday.

‘Electoral landslide’ is coming: Top pollster sees potential Trump blow-out of Biden next year.

Spread r/K Theory, because once intel shows up, it corrupts everything, because it has to

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Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

Catholics are already ahead of him…

1 year ago

regarding reactions to something horrifying happening, such as the stabbing of one’s boyfriend….. I have had the unfortunate experience of having “freeze in place” (rather than fight or flight) reactions to sudden, shocking and horrifying events. And then, this is misinterpreted by the helpful authorities as being blase and uncaring. They somehow expected me to either get combative/angry, or break down sobbing or freaking out. Instead, I appeared cool as a cucumber but my description of my reaction is “cool on the outside, screaming on the inside” and it’s honestly a state of shock. I have long wondered if this is what’s going on with some of the people who have a “hit and run” accident. It is a form of dissociation that happens in an instant, that is a state of shock whereby you just start acting automatically, probably appearing entirely outwardly rational to observers, but inside you are not at all in control of your thoughts or feelings.
I’m not saying that in this case this is what happened or that the girlfriend is not a member of the “team,” but I definitely am not one of those insider, surveillance people and I’ve had this type of reaction a few times, and otherwise live an entirely normal, functioning and rational life with appropriate emotions and behaviors.
What is hard in the moment that this reaction is happening is that I have great difficulty in conveying to the authorities that I am actually in a state of shock, because I appear to be acting rationally, just not in the emotional way they expect, so they misinterpret me as being uncaring, cool, and not taking the situation seriously.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Would you have refused to give the authorities a description of the murderer of your boyfriend/husband in such a state?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It’s all just so impossibly weird.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

No. I would have calmly given the description. If they were looking closely, they might have noticed my hands trembling uncontrollably. But I do not lose the ability to speak coherently when I am in this state.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

She was clear headed enough to order the black female to go after the assailant.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Wouldn’t open. What was it?

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

A painting of schlock TV artist Bob Ross captioned “what if Bob Ross were a serial killer and his paintings were of places where he hid the body”

Happy now?

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

This should work:

comment image?ex=6531b9f5&is=651f44f5&hm=fa09b4b2226dc63cd7fd61538e0d5e121924d972b983cf73730f213630b761fb&=&width=697&height=646

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

A meme asking the question “What if Bob Ross was s serial killer and his paintings were of places he hid the bodies?”

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

It was a picture of Bob Ross with text asking the question, what if bob ross was a serial killer, and his paintings are the locations of where he hid the bodies.

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

>>Numerous defense attorneys representing January 6 defendants are perplexed in discovering that potential jurors are being recalled or “recycled.”
Prima facie — or should I say prima fascist — evidence the Cabal is in charge and these repeats are their foot soldiers.

1 year ago

‘There is talk the girlfriend of the guy stabbed to death yesterday was uncooperative with Police.’

She may be Cabal, but there are other factors at play here.

One is the ethnic sadomasochism that is so prominent in White Leftists like her. The attacker appears to be one of “the usual suspects” and her thought process after the assault was probably, “What do you expect?” I’m inclined to think she’s a Feminist as well, hence her calloused indifference to her boyfriend dying on the sidewalk. He was probably emasculated like so many Liberal males tend to be, and no matter what they say, women hate limp-wristed faggots.

1 year ago

‘Archbishop Viganò: Catholics must seriously consider the possibility that Francis isn’t the pope.’

Better still, they should seriously consider the possibility that he’s the False Prophet of Revelations.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Better still, consider the possibility that the church has been corrupted and absolutely demonic for centuries.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Vatican has had issues for sure.

But when “3 or more are gathered in my name, I shall be there”.

and the Freemason’s issue with the Catholic church is a huge recommendation.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

He wishes he were that important. Just a retard faggot following the orders of someone in the shadows with far more pull, when he could at any point follow Jesus Christ and God and receive real blessings.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Actually…the pope is the literal whore of babylon, drunk with the blood of the saints…but yeah…

The false prophet will probably be (stay with me here), Trump. If he somehow “joins” with catholicism, then he will indeed be the false prophet.

But this is an entire study in itself.

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

You can be describing any politician or known figure in the Western World

1 year ago

Archbishop Viganò: Catholics must seriously consider the possibility that Francis isn’t the pope.

This is a much more subtle and sophisticated argument than it first appears.

Among tradcaths, there are a variety of “sedevacantist” going around saying the election of Francis was not legitimate, for various reasons. Sometimes they say all the papal elections since the 1960s were not legitimate. They all sound frankly over-legalistitc and crazy, and are sort of the tradcath equivalent of “Trump will be reinstalled in the White House any day now” arguments. I had suspected they were Deep State poison the well material designed to discredit traditionalism.

I’m a Protestant, so if I decide its better to ignore what the Pope says, I just ignore what the Pope says. I don’t really care if all the paperwork was done correctly when the last Papal election took place.

Vigano acknowledges the sedevacantist viewpoint, but that is not his argument. His argument is that the tenure of Francis as Pope has been so detrimental to the Catholic Church, that you would naturally think he was put in place in a compromised election, to destroy the Church. He doesn’t really engage in the details on the transition. He does mention an “influential Italian”, who sounds like the senior Cabal person assigned to control the Catholic Church.

In 2020, in person services in Catholic and other churches were cancelled, including for Easter and Pentecost. Nothing like this had ever happened in history, even during plagues, but they did this and Francis made a series of statements indicating he supported the Great Reset. You would think this would be the leading complaint against the Papacy, but no this event has been memory holed, even with the critics of Francis:

My theory of what happened is even crazier than the sedevacantist one. I don’t think they manipulated the College of Cardinals, and got the existing Pope to resign, to install a ringer Pope in 2013 so that six years later he would close the Easter and Pentecost services. That takes a level of foresight and planning that even the most well organized Satanists would not be capable of. Too many things can go wrong with that plan. There is no evidence that the call to go forward with the Covid operation was made before 2019.

I think they just kidnapped the Pope and installed a double. This would actually be a simpler and easier operation than manipulating over a hundred Cardinals. But consider this. Once they decided to go ahead with the covid psyop, they needed the churches to cooperate. They couldn’t pull it off with churches holding in person services as normal. The Pope denouncing the whole thing would cause the operation to collapse. If the Pope cooperated, they were confident they could get the other churches to fall in line, which was what was happened. And even if they had installed a ticket taker or even one of their agents, he might have gotten cold feet. I don’t see a way to do that without installing a double. And then the sedevacantist stuff makes sense as a poison the well information operation to cover for what actually happened.

I think “Biden” is the same deal, they couldn’t afford to take the chance of using one of their ticket takers in that role at that time.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

I just can’t get past how Francis looks exactly like Prighozin. I mean exactly. Identical twins aren’t as exact at that age.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

So what?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Again, I’ve prayed for your spiritual well-being. And I’ll take this charitably as a genuine question.

I don’t know. It is remarkable. Far more than a likeness. And I am a believer in physiognomy. And genetics.

I have seen an image where the faces of each of the two are split and then the halves are connected. It is shocking.

comment image%3Fsize%3D1280x1280%26quality%3D95%26sign%3Df52ca80ad6259fd19f63a8890b786309%26c_uniq_tag%3DJacEuPaY3B4d58_HmJyPfagV7ArzZ26bNUmRqaM1wlw%26type%3Dalbum&lr=10129&pos=10&rpt=simage&text=”prigozhin%20pope%20francis”%20twins

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This might work.

comment image?size=1280×1280&quality=95&sign=f52ca80ad6259fd19f63a8890b786309&c_uniq_tag=JacEuPaY3B4d58_HmJyPfagV7ArzZ26bNUmRqaM1wlw&type=album

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

So what? So let’s dance!

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

1909 income tax, 1913 federal reserve, whether or not Lenin actually said this, the plan to crush us between the millstones of taxes and inflation is 100 years old.
the current effort to erase the European heritage of the USA began with the Hart-Cellar act of 1965 with legal immigration. They tried before and got shut down in 1924. The current illegal flood is just the final act. That’s 50 years ago.
Vatican II was 1958. So 65 years ago, the movement that has now culminated in the current “chose the wide path” pope is coming to fruition.
TPTB think long term. They spent a long time infiltrating the Catholic church before Vatican II.
6 years is just a quick sneeze to them.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

The communists — or probably more properly, the real power players behind the communists — put 1000s of sleeper agents into the priesthood in the early 20th century, as testified to by Bella Dodd. Ms Dodd was a former communist party member who converted and later testified to this truth. At the time, communists used to recruit homosexuals as agents, so the vast majority of those communist agents were also homos.
A few decades later, the homos took control of the schools and the seminaries, such that, by the time of Vatican 2, they had almost complete control and started to squeeze out good priests. And, yes, their ultimate aim was to bring down The Church from within by putting one of their own on the Throne of Saint Peter.
If you don’t believe that, I’d recommend two books:
1) Goodbye, Good Men by Michael Rose, which details the rampant homosexuality within the Catholic seminaries and schools. Published in 2002, just prior to the sexual abuse scandals broke.
2) Windswept House, by Malichi Martin, which details the plans by Satanists to force the real or current Pope to resign so that they could instal one of their own as Pope. Martin always claimed the novel was a Roman a Clef, and was, like, 95% non-fiction written as thinly veiled fiction. I read it when it was new in hard cover back in 1996 and it read as pretty far out back then. Turns out it was shockingly prescient.
So, no, this kind of decades and centuries long planning is absolutely NOT beyond the powers that serve the God of This World.
For more on Windswept House, check out the following links:

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Whelp, they got Call Me Jorge blog, dang it. He had links and links about that lying scum Malachi Martin. Malachi Martin acted as a representative of the Jews in NY to participants in Vatican II to prepare Nostra Aetate. He also claimed in an interview that during Christ’s Passion He was sodomized. This is not true and only a sick individual who hates our Lord and wears a real tiny hat would say such a thing. That lying pos wrote Wind Swept House purely as controlled opposition. To make faithful Catholics believe that even though their entire religion was being shredded and inverted before their eyes, it was a “deep church” that was doing it and a weak and ineffectual Pope was still standing in the breach, pray for him, pray for him. Bullshit, he was a fake pope, not a pope, we’ve got no pope. That is not the Catholic Church being inverted before our eyes by “deep church,” it’s a false religion pretending to be the Church and Malachi Martin who was part Jewish, that’s why he was named Malachi according to an interview, ran cover and “traditional” Catholics are still falling for it. There are only Catholics, that’s it, not traditional or nothing else, Catholics or non-Catholic. If you people do not believe that Christ could found a Church with an infallible head why do you believe anything else that He said? He told us that Peter was the Rock, and I’m sure He is disappointed to see people who profess to be Catholic following around some anti-Catholic clowns because they claim to be the Pope. The Pope is Catholic, he can be a horrible sinner and do terrible things but the one thing he will always do and has always done is protect the deposit of faith. Wake up people, these folks are brazen. They just shut down the entire world with their plandemic, you think that they wouldn’t interfere with a Conclave, what do you think they infiltrated all those faggots for, just for the scandal of it? NO.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

I tried posting a response to this earlier but it told me it was spam so I’m going to try to keep it shorter. Malachi Martin was part Jewish hence his OT first name, by his own report. He acted as a go between for the Jewish community in NY and some participants in Vatican II to get Nostra Aetate drafted. In an interview he claimed that during Christ’s Passion he was sodomized. That is not true and no Christian would ever make that claim, though I know who would. Windswept House was written purely to control Catholic opposition to what appeared to be the self-destruction of the Church. He wanted Catholics to believe that the mayhem was being caused by a rebellious infiltration, a “deep church” but that the weak pope still stood in the breach and we needed to just pray for him. Praying for a bad Pope and taking steps to oust an antipope and electing a valid one are two very different tactics, the latter being effectual and something that would end the plot against the Church. After watching these people shut down the entire world with their plandemic, does anyone actually doubt for a moment that they would not interfere with the valid election of the Roman Pontiff? He would be the ruler first taken out way back in 1958.

Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago

I wasn’t going to post about this but you’re correct. And Martin was involved with Henry Luce and the CIA at the time of Vatican II.

Very unsavory character.

His interviews with Art Bell were excellent radio though. Gotta give him that.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Francis was always a commie (the CCP has its fingerprints all over the covid scam) even before he was installed as Pope.
Biden is the same thing.
If they have doubles it is because they died or are too senile to be useful or some reason like that.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Re there is no evidence that the call to go forward with the covid operation was made before 2019.

Actually there is evidence. Put in on a search engine, the Anglo Saxon Mission explained by Bill Ryan. This is a presentation from 2010 regarding a meeting in the City of London in 2005 where it was stated that China would catch a cold and this would spread worldwide.

These people think in terms of decades and centuries, most don’t. Watch the presentation, it is excellent.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
1 year ago

Crooked Senator (but arent they all) Menendez’s wife hit and killed a pedestrian in 2018. She was not charged because, according to the police, he was jay walking. In front of his house. If an anon hit and killed someone, at the very least, you’re getting arrested and going to jail then probably convicted of vehicular manslaughter and off to prison for a few years. The cops on scene don’t immediately exonerate you of a crime anywhere ever, they take you away for interrogation. But if you’re the future wife of a scumbag senator the machine needs blackmail on, instead of being arrested and charged shady Egyptians give you a brand new Mercedes, you marry the senator, and set him up for a laughably amateur bribery scheme paid off in gold bars.

1 year ago

> Donald Trump is willing to serve as House Speaker.

The Speaker of the House has more political power than the President. That’s why Pelosi was able to block DJT at almost every point in his Presidency.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago


Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Only in the messed up clown world we live in.
POTUS has had all his powers stolen by the bureaucracy.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

FJB with DJT should be the GOP’s new SOP.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Diamond Dave X22 (which is what we call him) sez:
meh…maybe…but why would someone who has ALREADY been president and WILL (most likely) be president “settle” for Speaker?

Also…if he’s somehow speaker…won’t most people think that it was done through subterfuge rather than a legitimate process?

Don’t get me wrong, I would LOVE to see it, if only for the REEEEEEES…

On the other hand, my personal philosophy is that the “selection” in 2024 will be rigged EITHER WAY.

The deception is getting really tedious and tiresome…


1 year ago
English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

There was a murder in Liverpool England a few years ago, involving a taxi driver and organised criminal elements. The taxi driver spent a month sitting off near the victims address., gaining Intel. All of this movement and location and times recorded on his vehicles GPS.

How stupid are some people!

1 year ago

> ‘Electoral landslide’ is coming: Top pollster sees potential Trump blow-out of Biden next year.

Who people vote for, and how their votes are tallied, aren’t the same thing.

Another Dave
Another Dave
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Millions still don’t get this… or don’t want to get it.

Reply to  Another Dave
1 year ago

California law now forbids hand counted ballots in many races. Thanks, Gavin! barf

1 year ago

I was asked by a teenager ystdy what I thought about “flat earth theory”. Apparently, nothing I say makes any sense but it’s fun to listen to me. Fantastic. Thanks. Just great.

I told them what I actually thought: that the earth is like light and has properties of both “flatness” and “roundness”. And I really don’t care either way in the sense I don’t worry about it. Whatever. Light’s a particle and a wave. Ok. Fine. Cool. I can go back to wondering about the Arctic Urheimat and human/alien hybridization and Mu. And where all the money is being removed to and what’s the technological use of gold they are denying us.

But then I got thinking that what we see happening in the World of Men is probably both a particle and a wave.

DC is probably both totally dominated by Cabal and everything is fake and gay etc etc etc while DC is also at the same time just a bunch of incompetent greedy bastards backstabbing each other chasing clout and money and this is simply the result of nothing more than that.

What got me thinking this was my Cabal personally tailored internet feed tossed up an interview by some nerdy Euro music theorist discussing Captain Beefheart’s song Frownland from Trout Mask Replica. Turns out the whole thing was simultaneously completely bullshit chaos crap and incredibly self-aware laboriously produced technically difficult music. Idk.

And then I watched an interview with the drummer. And his story was basically “Yeah. That’s right. We were all incredibly serious and practiced for hundreds of hours under abusive and completely chaotic conditions with no money sleeping on the floor”.

And “Beefheart was completely musically ignorant but these things kept coming out of his head which we busted ass to make work and he was a psychopath”.

And of course they lived in Laureal Canyon(!) and Zappa was around. And anyone who has looked into that scene and Manson knows how Cabal MkUltra the whole music thing in LA was.

Idk. I was just struck by how everything might be true at the same damn time. A particle and a wave.

I can kinda see TPTB acting via that method.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Particle and wave is more garbage they have fed us.
Mathis has demonstrated the real nature of light and the experiments they misused to create the “particle and wave” garbage.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

It would be nice if all that was instituted again, I could really get behind music that mattered again.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

The whole Laurel Canyon thing (based on what I’ve studied so far) was satanic.

Wifeanon and myself are “flat-earth curious” (kind of like bi-curious but waaaaaay different).

I mainly wanna see what’s beyond Antartica. And let’s not forget the 1st remake of The Thing (Kurt Russell) where they show the alien craft frozen in the ice…

And then there’s the guy that claims that the moon is simply a reflection of the earth and it matches a lot of the continents but has WAAAAY more beyond our continents.

Nothing I’d stake my life on…but certainly interesting.

If you’ve made it this far, you know that most of history is probably a lie and “scientists” cannot be trusted. So there’s that.

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

Dont think the teenage gymnast assassin girls want you talking about no, “real nature of light

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Hiweareinhell
11 months ago

Any minute now, they will jump up on his neck and strangle him with their super strong thigh muscles, then hang him on a door knob with a red scarf.

Bruce Lee had nothing on the CIA gym girls.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  selbs
11 months ago

Beyond Antarctica and a “flat” earth… If you think about it, a ball with a larger diameter would have less curve. A ball of infinite diameter would have *no* curve = Infinite Plain. Why not? That gets rid of the falling off the edge conundrum.

Last edited 11 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
11 months ago

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” ― Frank Zappa

1 year ago

Martin Luther Kang Blvd.

comment image?quality=75&strip=all

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Or it could be that most streets named after King are in the ghetto. 13 do 50

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It’s just the way it is. No planning, no set up. Locals being locals.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Ooh…I love where you went there…heh heh.

I think when it’s over we will “see” (or read or study or it will be revealed or whatever) that these two constantly warring factions (white hats/black hats or whatever the HECK they are) were CONSTANTLY one-upping each other and doing things to purposefully piss each other off.

Meanwhile, we’re all stuck in the middle.

Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right
Here I am stuck in the middle with you

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Cris Rock said, “If you ever find yourself on Martin Luther King Blvd anywhere, RUN!”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
11 months ago
1 year ago

In re Hoyer and Pelosi

My first thought was that it was “against the Rules(tm)” but not against the Law.

It was a violation of The Rules Based Order and not Rule of Law.

So yeah, I think it’s significant.

DJT’s Faction now has a seat at the table in DC.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Trump can be Speaker and run for President simultaneously.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

ooh…I like where YOU’RE going too (see comment above)…great stuff tonight! Seriously though…what if there are more than 2 factions?

I cannot keep it straight in my head anymore…can we please just end it and we can go back to our lives?

Reply to  selbs
11 months ago

DJT, Chicago Supermob (Obama), Clintons, Bushes, California and AZ mafia. Those are the big ones.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Donald Trump is willing to serve as House Speaker

This is of magnitude ten. DEFCON 100. Big deal. The only problem I can see is they do not have enough votes in the Senate to impeach. If they can, somehow, have him emplaced as President, with serious, determined, action he can stop the steal.

“If” they pull this off, the House needs to put in place stringent regulations on who can vote. Even if they try to steal the Senate and the Presidential elections the stringent House voting rules will make plain to everyone the stupidly outsized the difference in the vote between the House and the other elections that are not controlled and with oversite, the corrupt elections can be overturned. If you know or are part of people who have any input on this, read this link and the ones from it to see how to completely take over the country and boot out the deep State in a very short time using the basic Constitutional laws that we already have here,

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. already has a good start on one of my tactics to get the deep State under control, with her putting forward the idea to cut Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s salary to $1. Though, I would make it $0 and would extend the lack of funding to all government contracts of any sort.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’ve recommended here Brian Tuohy’s book “The Fix is In”, and his website,, on sports being fixed with a heavy focus on the NFL. The site is probably being wound down, but its worth going through the earlier posts and the books.

Tuohy’s argument is that these are not athletic contests, they are entertainment, and they are scripted. But once you understand that argument, you never watch a NFL (or college football) game the same way again. It becomes what the writers have scripted to happen next. And this is representative of society in general.

General's Addition
General's Addition
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Have you seen the siloing function operate in real time?

What’s clever about one implementation of it is that many browsers incorporate a hidden feature to store long-term browser information that functions like cookies, but persists indefinitely (at least until you forcibly remove it).

That allows the silo to form around people who look for certain things or who have been identified as wanting to submit “problematic” queries.

Eventually this behaviour becomes so extreme that certain “search engines” begin to produce zero results for nearly any submitted query, whether it’s “problematic” or staggeringly banal.

Then as those people stop trying to query those things, with the assumption being that they’ve moved on to the “next new thing”, the silo around a specific thing disappears partly so that it doesn’t seem like it ever existed.

But it did exist, and it came into existence to keep any “next new thing” that certain parties deem unsuitable for widespread knowledge from being widely known.

If the silo needs to exist again, the same conditions that caused it to exist the first time cause it a second time, a third time, and any additional times as appropriate to requirements.

This practice will eventually be called “algorithmic gaslighting”.

Last edited 1 year ago by General's Addition
Reply to  General's Addition
1 year ago

Seems legit. Algorithmic Gaslighting. Yup.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Too many sketchy play calls that kill drives, or random penalties that aren’t so random. While I can still appreciate the athleticism of NFL players on a highlight reel, the scripted or manufactured aspects turn me and my television off.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

The UK premier league is hideously corrupt. Just last weekend there were several blatant referee decisions against Liverpool FC that were simply shocking. Even normies were astonished.

The UK is probably the most corrupt country in the world.

Reply to  English Tom
1 year ago

what killed the EPL for me was when Liverpool were on a mad tear right before rona “happened” and they threw the game to lowly Watford. the looks on the Reds’ faces lined up before the match gave it away. then rona came, and the kneeling, which went on for years…well, that was it for me. it’s a positive, now less bullshit to waste my time on.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

YES! So…as a child of the 70s, I remember “pro wrestling”, heh heh. Now surely (we thought), it’s fake, but NO OTHER SPORTS ARE FAKE…RIGHT???? RIIIIIIIIGHT?

Man…this is SO funny how appropriate your comment is to my life. I was JUST standing in Costco the other day watching some stupid pre-game or post-game or whatever the heck game NFL craptastic “show”. And you have all the huge perfectly muscular spokespersons on the show talking about ALL the players and ALL the teams and ALL the games…and the sound was off so I was just watching the antics of these bobble-heads.

And it struck me like a ton of bricks: it’s all fake. These idiots are all talking AS THOUGH IT IS REAL. And by golly…I feel SORRY for the rubes who are glued to this crap and actually FALL FOR IT?

I remember during my own personal awakening that “sportsball” is a waste of my time (for various reasons), I ran across folks using the term “sportsball” and I was offended. Because gosh…why can’t I spend a few hours on a Sunday afternoon relaxing with my snacks and watch some really fit grown men smash each other in an attempt to get at the ball and/or carry said ball down a field to cross over a line and we all cheer? Seriously…I was all-in on sportsball.

But slowly and surely…as I began to wake up to all the OTHER shenanigans I ALSO began to see how absolutely ridiculous “sportsball” actually is. Grown men making their ENTIRE LIFE WORK to be a few years scrambling after various types of “balls” (hmmm…men have balls…and they chase after balls) and they make (we think?) ridiculous amounts of money and there is a ridiculous amount of money in the advertising and the beer sales and the this and the that.

And then I ran across someone who said: ANYTHING (and they meant ANYTHING) that involves a large amount of money is: rigged.






(anything I’m leaving out?).

Reply to  selbs
11 months ago


Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  selbs
11 months ago

You left out organized religion. Which would be any religion since the Axial Age began the Advent of “belief systems” created to facilitate trade and empire, where there is a large amount of money. A bit of looking shows that AC is spot on in his tracing things to the Akkadians, who took over from the Sumerians. Who are they now? We’re not allowed to talk about that, according to Mr. DeSantis👻

Last edited 11 months ago by Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  selbs
11 months ago

Same here. Except it was MLB. Then after I too started to wake up to reality, I saw how absurd it all was. It’s all theater. My eff it moment was after the Astros blatantly cheated their way to a World Series win in 2017. Only to be followed up by the Red Sox in 2018. Prior to that there were moments I questioned it, but I still wanted to believe it was real. Detroit in ’06 committing 3 errors in Game 1, for example. Or Texas being 1 strike away from winning it all in 2012. How the hell, I thought, could professionals at that level, make such simple mistakes. Especially since they’ve all been in similar situations before, coming up through college, Minor Leagues, etc. That’s a lot of baseball to have played just to get to that “moment” and screw it all up. The 2017 season was when it all clicked for me. I quit cold turkey and am much happier. It doesn’t consume all my free time like it did before. And that’s exactly what TPTB want. They don’t care what flavor of bullshit we choose. As long as we choose one. Or several. Just don’t think for yourself. That’s why I come here every day. And have been probably since AC started. AC shows us the world as it really is and what we need to pay attention to. Not the bs Cabal wants us wasting our time on. Thanks AC and please keep up the good work.

Reply to  selbs
11 months ago

Church organizations

1 year ago

Son of Buc-ee’s co-founder charged with secretly recording people taking showers, having sexPolice in Texas have arrested the son of a co-founder of the Buc-ee’s convenience store franchise and charged him with covertly recording people using bathrooms, taking showers and having sex at properties he or his family own.
Mitchell Wasek, 28, faces more than two dozen counts of felony invasive visual recordings in Travis County, according to Austin NBC affiliate KXAN. He posted a $10,000 bond shortly after he was taken into custody on Tuesday.
Son of Buc-ee’s co-founder charged with secretly recording people taking showers, having sex – Washington Times

Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

Or…this private business that’s doing great with its customers needs to be brought down for some Cabal corporation that isn’t doing so great in the truck stop sector.
No way to know for sure except businesses that explicitly proclaim Christ is King. Gab for instance, or at least Torba’s good

Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

Right? It could be they want to take Buc-ees down a notch so someone else can rise, or just smear their name because they represent something wholesome or good, and we know they can’t stand that.

Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

I’ve never been to a Buc-ees, but I know people who plan their vacations around stopping at one. Not sure if that makes them good, but taking them down will probably affect people.

Reply to  Stephanie
11 months ago

Going to take more than this. Bucees is practically a religion here in Texas.

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
1 year ago

Having had a slight affiliation with the founder and knowing his background and vision, I am inclined to believe this is the case.

Reply to  Stephanie
1 year ago

Buc-ees, itself, is a chain that has heavy surveillance cameras all over their properties. They watch customers. They watch staff. They watch every till. On one hand, high pay, on the other, working for that high pay. Buc-ees also tends to lose employment lawsuits and unfair labor practices lawsuits.

He might just be a trustafarian brat, but it’s in the DNA of the company he was raised in.

1 year ago

Lindsey Ladybugs Graham says if Republicans want border security they will have to support more funding for Ukraine.

Well, since you were going to fuck us over on border security whether we voted more money there or not, your terms are acceptable.
No money for either.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

True. Let Zelensky cook.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Man, y’all are firing on ALL cylinders tonight. It is a pleasure reading all of the comments. This place is growing and becoming an awesome place to hang out.

Plus, I love your lawyer/lawfare commentary. I’m convinced that the marketplace of the future will be US helping US (each other) out in various aspects of life (kind of like Atlas Shrugged but with the Holy Spirit thrown in…).

Anyway…thank you for your contributions man…they are appreciated.

Reply to  selbs
1 year ago

It’s not worth it for me to go back and get a JD, and my state doesn’t allow people to Read the Law ( or I would probably be a lawyer now. That sort of marketplace would likely just let me sit for the bar, and I would be an actual lawyer.

1 year ago

I thought this was a really really good poast about the tectonic changes happening globally via the phys gold trade:

“The Western Gold Futures market & GLD’s primary function is to soak up Gold demand. There are people & institutions who want exposure to the “Gold price” but do not necessarily require the delivery of physical Gold. The Western paper Gold market soaks up this demand so that it doesn’t go into the actual physical Gold market. The West is sophisticated in its manipulation of markets. The Western paper Gold market fundamentally has manipulation built in.”

In the effort to “de-dollarize” (which is really just exiting US Liberal System), nations are acquiring phys gold for numerous reasons.

One under-appreciated one is that transition to a trans-national unit of account technically requires (probably) that all participating nations have a certain phys gold to GDP ratio.

The acquiring nations want to keep the price of phys gold low during accumulation obviously. And are doing so as surreptitiously as possible.

But this poast points out how The West (Global Finance) uses paper gold to drive the price of physical gold lower than demand by “soaking up” that demand outside phys gold.

As two commenters point out, this system allows Global Finance to fund their own purchases of phys gold and to settle any issues with USDs after shorting the price of the paper down to a very low level.

It’s a bit of a zugzwang for Finance.

We may see wars for physical Gold in the near future again (Iraq and Libya already kinda).

NOTE: to add to the ambiguity. There’s evidence via what appear to be slips in the media that European govs have been working slowly and “secretly” towards this golden ratio for decades.

NOTE: this obv means there is massive global demand for phys gold and upward pressure on price being diverted by what is essentially the issue with Bitcoin: custody.

1 year ago

The wife of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, Elena, spent more than $1 million on Cartier jewelry in New York — The Nation writes.

Since ancient times, jewelry was wealth that you could carry on you or hide from your enemies. This is part of the plan to steal from the cabal.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

This is why expensive watches are a thing among the jet setting rich. Suitcase full of cash? Easily seized by customs. Wearing your wealth on your wrist, come right in. Then they give locals in these foreign countries one of the many from their “personal collection.” Much harder to trace than cash.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

When the local Ukraine folks are firmly pressed to the wall, these people will be given the Marie Antoinette boot. Maybe it’s time to confiscate Z’s mansions & yachts like what is happening to the Russian Oligarchs.

1 year ago

The Biden administration announced they waived 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow border wall construction on Wednesday, marking the administration’s first use of a sweeping executive power employed often during the Trump presidency. This is strange. Unless he has in all the assets they need, and now needs to establish himself as doing something for 2024.

Or, it is interfactional, and a competing faction is outpacing them on infiltration.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Trump was right again. I do so love to see liberals eat crow, or sh*t. Hats off to the governors that transferred the illegals to the sanctuary cities. So funny to see them squirm now.

Reply to  bigD
1 year ago

I love to see people get what they wanted all along. I notice it’s much harder for them to virtue signal when they’re waist deep in it.

1 year ago

Yeah. I’m going with Biden Faction submitting on The Big Beautiful Wall and Hillary popping up in the media doing her thing and Pelosi and Hoyer getting evicted at the same time McCarthy gets the boot is a sign DJT Faction attained positional dominance in the great chess match.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

in recent speech, he alluded to fixed in five months. not two weeks.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Time for the Great PayBack

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Literal clown show.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Seda Vacante

1 year ago

Apparently White House got rid of the dog who has bitten secret service agents. I pity the dog….it’s probably going thru some kind of mental breakdown. It must sense the secret service agents hate Biden and maybe the dog senses that Biden himself is evil pedophile.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The dog is for show. The image of a pet lover. FJB

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

It’s always the people, not the dog.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
11 months ago

There are medical records of USSS protection having to get stitches for the bites.

1 year ago

Well, that thread got nuked off 4chan pretty quick–less than 2 hours

Vox post: has links to fantastic memes of Rockwell paintings updated for modern world

Luckily, some of it archived before the nuke (please feel free to delete my previous comment, as no longer works/got nuked.

This is the save:

1 year ago

“The Weight of Time” by the outcast Jewish Author Israel Shaker .
No longer avalible on Amazon Books but available at the below link.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Excellent book

1 year ago

God in heaven, the “scientists” are now using “global warming” and “climate change” at the same time as concurrent phenomena.

“The thickness of the so-called perpetual snow is affected by wind and precipitation,” Luc Moreau, a glaciologist from the Edytem laboratory in Chamonix, explained. He emphasized that the current decrease in the thickness of the “cap” is not directly related to global warming, because the snow hardly melts at such an altitude. However, it can be interpreted as a consequence of climate change. “Given the lack of precipitation over the last two winters and the two heat waves of 2022 and 2023, the measured height is consistent with the climate we have had over the last two years,” he said. “It is also a result of the drought caused by warming in Europe and especially in the Alps.”

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Global warming causes global cooling. Everyone knows this!

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

‘Electoral landslide’ is coming: Top pollster sees potential Trump blow-out of Biden next year.

Trump was destroying Biden in 2020 until the vote counting was stopped in multiple states, and the pallets of ballets began arriving in the dead of night.

1 year ago
General's Addition
General's Addition
1 year ago

“Your boyfriend has been stabbed repeatedly by a homeless black schizo, he’s bleeding out. You have no emotional reaction.”

Does the girlfriend breathe OK as long as you don’t unplug her?

1 year ago

Toxic owner=Toxic dog
comment image

1 year ago


In a recent development, Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) announced that former President Donald Trump is endorsing Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) for Speaker of the House.

1 year ago

Interesting information:

comment image

Reply to  Farcesensitive
11 months ago

This is why I’m not especially worried about a hot civil war. We are willing to die for the cause, and they are not.

1 year ago

Conversation with a friend:


What is Trump’s play with endorsing Jordan? Seems like this makes the house a stalemate as no one can reach the minimum votes needed. All the rest of the RINO’s will go for Scalise, unless he bows out


Maybe he wants to prolong the period with no Speaker and then step in and offer to be Speaker so it doesn’t look like he was eager?
If something does take out Biden and the camel he doesn’t want it to look like his plane to take the Presidency?
I’m grasping at straws trying to understand

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I just say to myself: “I don’t have the necessary facts”.

DJT Faction decided to displace another Faction from that position on the board. Why now? Why that position?

We can’t know.

1 year ago

Makes you go Hmmm…

Man facing charges in court starts crying when he recognizes the judge from middle school

1 year ago

“Zelensky’s wife gives a brief glimpse into what it is like to be an agent of Cabal:”

Is being a Cabal Asset where “Resting Bitch Face” comes from? She has to be the Undisputed Champion of RBF… Wow!

11 months ago

Twitter (X) address? Am unable to find it.