Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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Follow Don Jr on twitter here.
“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit our surveillance page, the most important page on this site, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
DFT – Disney Loses $250 Million When Fans Fail To Pony Up $4,800 For Two Nights In Star Wars Themed Hotel
DFT – Fitch Warns It May Need To Downgrade US Banks Soon
DFT – Crude Stabilizes Off Data Pointing To Tighter Inventories
DFT – EU Gas Prices Moving Up
DFT – British Unemployment At Two-Year High
U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear challenge to warrantless pole camera surveillance. I do not know the exact legal details of the case. Maybe it is one of these bad cases make bad law things. But I do know two things. One, Justice Louis Brandeis has held inherent in the Fourth Amendment is a “Right to be left alone.” Clearly this violates that. If the “government” has no evidence you are involved in a crime, they should not be able to move every asset they have to swarm you and document every moment of your life just out of curiosity. And two, every member of the Supreme Court has seen the surveillance, and knows about it. Justice Antonin Scalia, even spoke of it to friends. (Just for fun, try to find an article on google about what you would think would be the biggest news in the nation – a member of the Supreme Court saying he was under illegal surveillance.) So they all know. They could have swatted it down here, but they did not, and mark my words, if I were up there, the swat-down would have been epic. If they were real, it would have been epic too. It makes me think the odds are they are under control of some sort. Or at least enough of them are to make sure they never take a case like this.
US researchers have been able to reconstruct a “recognizable version” of a Pink Floyd song based on the pulses of activity moving through a specific part of the brain’s temporal lobe in volunteers as they listened to the hit Another Brick in the Wall Part 1. Pretty soon they are going to be telling the GATE Kids, “I just want to scan your brain for a friend at the local college who is doing a research paper on how useless this data is. We just need the scan so he can prove it is useless and we could never use this brain-map against you.”
U.S. District Judge Tanya S. Chutkan – currently presiding over the Trump January 6th trial – previously worked at a law firm that represented Russia hoax dossier firm Fusion GPS and Burisma. Do you think if you went to law school and got all “A’s” you could have beaten her, and gotten hired there, and then gotten her judgeship, and ended up overseeing Trump’s trial? If you had tried and failed, would you have told yourself it must have been affirmative action, and not thought to yourself she was part of an intelligence network taking control by seizing those positions? That is how the whole system is structured.
Trump vows to release ‘irrefutable’ report exonerating him in Georgia election-tampering case.
Mark Meadows seeks to move Fulton County election case to federal court.
Trump and allies will be booked at Fulton County Jail, sheriff says.
Bolsonaro goes on trial over electoral fraud claims that could bar him from elections in Brazil.
From here: “Muskegon, Michigan’s city clerk, Ann Meisch, is a hero. She noticed something odd about a woman dropping over 8,000 completed voter forms at the city clerk’s office and did something about it. She made a phone call to the Muskegon Police Department and asked them to investigate.” Sounds like by chance they dropped off the ballots at the wrong moment, and encountered a non-Cabal employee.
Michigan probe into fraudulent voter registrations referred to FBI. We are saved! But seriously, just one person, who alone submitted 8,000 to 10,000 fraudulent registrations. And who knows if they did that ten or fifteen other times they were not caught, and if they were among 500 or 1,000 people doing that.
Emails show Hunter Biden hired specialists to quietly airbrush Wikipedia. One line he wanted out of his own profile was a line saying he worked for an NGO connected to the CIA. CIA may get everyone’s hands dirty, so they feel more bound to the conspiracy once they enter “society.” I was wondering how Hunter knew to set up his cameras, and record his most embarrassing moments on a computer so Cabal could have them, and would promote him. Having spent time as one of the people curating the most embarrassing moments of the most successful, might teach even the dullest crackhead, how it all works.
DeSantis has paid Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire over $110,000 for its AntiTrump coverage. Notice, though, there is more to it than that. If this site became wildly popular, and if I was willing to sell out the nation and Trump, that money would never flow here. I think Vox Day is bigger than Shapiro in real followers, and in traffic. And he will never be paid by any of these ticket-taker money laundering ops, even if he advances their cause. DeSantis needed some other piece of information from someone, some linkage with Shapiro, in order for this payment to be allowed to be made. I have no idea what that is, but I know it is out there. And likewise, Shapiro would have been anti-Trump anyway. The payment did not alter his behavior.
From here: Governor Ron DeSantis’s… Washington county chair Matt Wells… recently called Trump supporters “degenerates” and told leftist media outlets that he would not “piss on Trump if he was on fire.” Now, another of the Florida Governor’s picks… Ryan Frederick, who chairs the Never Back Down PAC in Adair County, Iowa… declared on X (formerly Twitter) that he “will resign as a county party chairman and probably not participate in the party apparatus again until people come to their senses,” if Trump is elected.
Christie pulls ahead of DeSantis in New Hampshire GOP primary: poll.
Biden’s op is not even trying, and obviously nothing Biden tweets actually comes from him:
All he does is repeat what comes out of his earpiece. In between pinching little girl’s nipples to inflict pain on them in front of everyone.
Disgraced FBI counterintelligence chief Charles McGonigal now faces up to FIVE YEARS in prison after pleading guilty to doing illegal work for Russian oligarch. To get that position, he would have to be plugged in, so either the op he was a part of lost control and the new op took him out, or in dealing with the Russians, he made a mis-step the conspiracy wanted to punish as an example to others, I would think.
Heart scarring observed in children months after COVID-19 vaccination: study.
It’s democracy in the dark without Nashville shooter manifesto’s release.
Immigrant shelter will cost NY taxpayers $20 million per month, $10k per migrant.
A [Hawaii] state official refused to release water for West Maui fires until it was too late.
Hawaii Governor reveals state plans “to acquire land” ravaged by wildfires. “I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost.”
Biden promises Maui fire survivors $700 per household — less than what is spent on Ukraine.
US Army fails to meet recruitment goals again.
Three military services now without Senate-confirmed heads for first time in history. Interesting. Keeping the positions open for Trump to full them?
Scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson says it’s ‘weird’ to differentiate between males and females in sports. With skills that benefit from autistic tendencies, like math, you never really know from someone’s appearance if they might be bright or not, so I never really judged this guy. But this is pretty much prima facie evidence he is an idiot who only was given that position because he took the ticket. And he was a wrestler, as I recall, so he knows, he is just outright lying here, for the conspiracy.
Soros to end ‘most EU operations’ in ‘radical shift.’ Sounds like Cabal has taken such control of EU governments that Soros’s op is no longer needed there.
Rape case ‘atrocity’ shocks France: Nation horrified as woman, 29, suffers sickening injuries after being sexually assaulted and tortured with a broomstick by 18-year-old migrant. What would Putin do if this were Russia? That is why we like Russia and Putin, and reject the conspiracy which has taken power in the West through election-rigging.
Russians program missiles to alter route mid-flight to evade air defenses, says air force spokesman.
Ukraine could give up territory to Russia — NATO official. Sounds like the best-case scenario for Cabal is shifting.
Judge in Hawaii stops ban on carrying guns legally in most places.
New Hampshire poll – Trump dominates, DeSantis slips to single digits behind Chris Christie.
The video, about 4 minutes:
Spread r/K Theory, because you do not want to go through life with dirty hands
Soros To End ‘Most EU Operations’ In ‘Radical Shift’
AfD Bavaria Chief Beaten Up In Organised Migrant Attack
I really hate to go there, but …
“DeSantis needed some (((other))) piece of information from (((someone))), some (((linkage))) with Shapiro, in order for this payment to be allowed to be made. I have no idea what (((that))) is, but I know it is out there.”
It’s the modern day version of kissing the ring.
Is Shapiro a Mason?
Shit. Shapiro as the front of a Mossad intel op, and the payment is a buyoff. That makes sense.
Chabad. Idk if Chabad is 1:1 with ISR intel or just one branch. Or independent. I think independent. But then Putin has ties to Chabad and is careful with ISR.
DeSantis is obviously being paid to run for president. He has a large family and no wealth built up.
He may have been tipped off that electoral politics is coming to an end, so burning his future as an elected politician is not a problem for him.
What makes no sense is why would anyone pay him off to run? That campaign is accomplishing nothing for the Cabal.
All roads lead to ZOG.
British Mandate in Palestine = ZOG
Vox talks about Shapiro. He’s been pushed from the outset. If you were an affiliate you had to take Shapiro’s column if you wanted Buchanan and Colture. This when he was the 14th read column at world net daily. Simple Heb nepotism or heavy cabal backers, take your pick.
I would be shocked if he is not an outright Mossad asset. The only question I would have is, does he think he is working for Mossad, or does he know that media-psyop branch of Mossad, like CIA, has been taken over by something else, and he really works for some much more massive power.
Or do the guys at that level not care? View it as above their paygrade, and just not even bother with it, so long as their bank account gets a deposit, and they can afford to feed their family?
I don’t know if you caught the rape (forced oral sodomy) of a 16 y.o. girl in Germany by a male Afghan asylum seeker, but he did it after returning from a visit to Afghanistan, and he avoided jail because the judge stated he was “well integrated” and only ordered to undergo aggression training.
Soros style Justice in action.
Tyson was born in Manhattan as the second of three children, into a Catholic family living in the Bronx.[3][4] His African-American father, Cyril deGrasse Tyson (1927–2016), was a sociologist, human resource commissioner for New York City mayor John Lindsay, and the first Director of Harlem Youth Opportunities Unlimited.[5][6]
Political HR bureaucrat, “community organizer” dad – NdGT wasn’t just some random talented black kid.
You get it
Tyson was cultivated for cabal since at least high school. I can’t remember the details but some years ago I looked into his past and saw numerous red flags. Too many mentors suddenly appearing, doors suddenly opening, etc
Ukraine could give up territory to Russia — NATO official.
It may look like concession, but it is not. Giving up territory is linked to joining NATO – which the Russians will not accept.
The Russians are not amused.
‘It’s democracy in the dark without Nashville shooter manifesto’s release.’
I’ve been genuinely curious about the case. Anybody know what “emotional disorder” she was supposedly suffering from?
penis envy
ha, it happens
It would be interesting to know if she had a therapist.
I mean, the weirdest thing about this, when you see it, is how many people will be around you, and they look totally normal, like they would have normal moral boundaries, and yet every day they show up to follow, harass, lend operational overwatch to shit, and they have to know this thing they work for is involved in everything from having promising college girls with too much morality raped, to 9/11. Some of the personal accounts I get in email, your blood pressure will be off the charts. Just totally innocent kids who could not even understand a Darwinian world, blindly happy and enjoying life, and then suddenly thrown in over their heads in the deep end of Darwinism. And each day these people get up, and pack a lunchbox, to get that day’s school shooter where they need to be.
I would never have believed it if I didn’t see the extent to which the laws mean nothing in the world right around me.
But yeah, there will be therapists out there, and not just a small, isolated handful, who look totally normal, you would think they would be totally empathetic and never even allow a school shooting to happen. But there must just be this entirely different person under that surface, and they get the right person in there, and they go right to work making it happen. I would not be surprised if it was a majority of them.
It is all so weird, you almost have to give consideration to the Kyle Odom shit, and wonder if they are all somehow something so grossly different they view the rest of the population like human scientists view lab mice or something.
Truth be told, I think I probably view lab mice as vastly more precious than many of the conspiracy view humans. Those dudes who jumped on that plane after 9/11 to strip out whatever was on it, knew exactly what happened that day. And as all of the nation was wishing they could have done something to stop that, those guys were probably bummed the 5th plane never got in the air.
The whole thing is just so weird.
A major part of the “mind control” experiments all the usual suspects have been doing for the past century is implanting “multiple personalities” that can be activated with various triggers. My theory is these “personalities” are not native to the human, but are demonic possessions or similar mechanism that cabal has been studying to weaponized demonic power.
It would explain the ability to make “normal” people do insane things that are out of character and beyond moral justification; the victims are taught to open the cockpit to a demon (disguised as therapy by a therapist), and the demon is told to wait until the activation phrase is launched to take control and enact evil.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. You have to understand that cabal is vastly ahead of you in terms of psyops. They’ve been studying the psychology of manipulation for centuries, they control the psychology departments of universities, and they also control the advertising and public relations firms that have refined manipulation to a level beyond your comprehension.
The CIA’s MKUltra stuff went on for decades, and only a small fraction of that was ever made public.
Most popular psychology is complete BS, as well. It’s thrown out there to confuse you so that when confronted with high level manipulation you don’t understand you immediately revert to what you know that they’ve introduced you to via mass media: hypnosis, brainwashing, “multiple personalities”, demonic possession.
There may be something to all of those things. In fact, there is. But when it comes right down to it, these people have an understanding of clinical and applied psychology that is several generations ahead of anything you’ll read in the popular press, and I’d argue far beyond what psychology majors have heard of.
I say this because I’ve been targeted for many years and had all kinds of street theater inflicted on me and had other people try to engage in what many would call “conversational hypnosis” and other forms of NLP based manipulation. Some of it has been quite advanced using multiple layers, implication, and a language of images and symbolism that I believe was wholly naturalistic but beyond my comprehension.
The only thing that saved me was my own level of knowledge in psychology that allowed me to detect some of these efforts.
Be very, very careful where you put your attention and who you give your attention to. Always keep skepticism high. If you believe these people are really summoning demons on you, you could end up in a more screwed up place than you would otherwise.
Manly P Hall has a great lecture entitled “Secret Powers and Why Would Should Not Use Them.” Sorry to disappoint all of you anti-Masonic lunatics out there who are hallucinating that Freemasons are engaged in “devil worship”, but Hall is absolutely clear that people should not in any way be messing with this stuff. Hall even highly criticizes many “success psychology” (auto-hypnosis, visualization) as well as high performance salesmanship tactics as being unethical and dangerous, which makes him more cautious about all of this than the majority of evangelical Christian ministers.
Interestingly, Hall indicates that a lot of this stuff is just people inflicting harm via overstimulated imaginations more than the reality of independent dark forces, as such. For Hall, all “black magic” is any activity whereby you seek to covertly or secretly harm others. This of course is by nature the heart of all cabal activity.
Worth watching:
It is weird. Ironic that one of the methods they use to unsettle us and prevent our effectiveness is their calling us normal people “weird”.
This morning, reading of a RINO Republican suggesting that they should avoid the controversy around the recent Trump indictments, my immediate reaction was that this guy is totally cut off from normal people. He has no idea what the “voters” feel or think, or what they experience. He lives in a Washington bubble. (The ONLY way these people have any power or influence at all is because of the God damned legacy media bathing them in an air of respectable authority.)
We have to recognize that we are rather insignificant persons, (well, most of us), living in a particular historical period, wherein more powerful persons are engaged in their own conflicts and agendas, and that our lives are not at the center of these agendas, and therefore most of us are of no real value to them. So we go on living a life which we consider “normal”, totally oblivious to operations of which we are not aware.
Two separate worlds.
On the other hand, Cabal HAS TO BE paranoid, and always operate at a high level of paranoid caution, because they engage in criminal activity to such a massive scale. What happens when an innocent bystander accidentally gets close to a criminal enterprise? They get watched. Tailed. Surveilled.
The shills and other losers challenge discussion of the surveillance by telling its victims that they are nobodies – they’re not that important. What a stupid thing to say. ANY witness to criminal activity is important to the criminals. And just like you and I are not omniscient, Cabal doesn’t know what they don’t know, and they’re ALWAYS desperate to find out.
I mean really desperate. As in “we all hang if that m—f— wins!”
My own targeting has been so brutal and so cruel, with the most gruesome betrayals coming from the people in society I should have been able to trust, I’m now at a point where I really don’t worry about something bad happening to this country. My entire family and life has been taken from me, and in the process I’ve seen what Americans are made of. The great bulk of them are just awful people. Millions and millions of people who gave up their most amazing cultural inheritance for cable TV. A nation of morons, sellouts, ignoramuses, and perverts who don’t admire John Wayne but instead look up to gangsters portrayed by Joe Pesci.
Are there some decent Americans in the bunch. Some, yes. Too bad for them that they live in a country that is an absolute menace to the world and humanity. These people are not their grandparents. They are not a nation of pioneers. They’re largely a bunch of scheming worms, gangsters, drug addicts, porn perverts, anti socials, hustlers, bullshit artists. And sorry, but I don’t blame the Jews for any of this.
I once loved this country, but I know it’s dead. The things I admire are of a.vanished civilization. It’ll be nice if Trump and the White Hats can take over, but this current population will just make a mess of things. And if Trump doesn’t take over, this country is too dangerous and too much of a threat to the rest of humanity.
you must live in the city
You have been gaslit, or you are gaslighting us.
I am sorry.
Hang tough. The trajectory is in our favor. I think we will all know freedom in our lifetimes. And having known this, real freedom will be magical.
Sen. Tuberville is blocking military promotions. “The hold comes in response to a Defense Department policy to pay the travel expenses of service members traveling to other states for abortions.” –
I knew the Marines couldn’t get a new Commandant confirmed, but until today I didn’t realize the Army and the Navy are also without a chief.
I’m glad someone finally had the balls to stick to his guns. Normally they’d offer him money for his district and he’d cave.
$17K is all it takes to hire an FBI Counterintel Chief? Interesting number.
Alternative: he just hates women and doesn’t think that women’s sports should exist.
Secondary alternative: he’s actually quite stupid.
He was so celebrated. I remember an episode of Stargate Atlantis that guest starred him and Bill Nye the pedo looking fake science guy. He’s now clearly an idiot that was promoted for taking the ticket.
Don’t forget the snappy name, that is about all he has…
I miss the days of Carl Sagan. I never cared for his anti-religious kick, but I always enjoyed Sagan’s humility and apparent joy in explaining things with a sense of wonder. Watching the delight he took in explaining the solar system to children, and the delight they took in listening, was good for the soul. Sagan was a product of University of Chicago in the days of Adler and Hutchison, and had clearly gone through their once grueling core curriculum.
Bill Nye, on the other hand, is an obnoxious Mr. Wizard. And NdGT? Just way too pompous and full of himself.
Sagan did have a lot of value. The current generation pretty much suck, but they’re all ticket takers. Only in Clown World are all of the experts wrong about everything, and few people notice it.
I’ve been following the Internet’s example and calling NdGT “Black Science Man”. Total diversity hire.
As long as they dont put women’s sports on TV, or promote that garbage, then I am fine with it.
What is the connection between hating women and recognising that women are not men’s equals in almost every aspect of life?
For the same reason recognising Ethnic differences is somehow hating them. It’s nonsensical. The implication is that all inequality is oppression.
it’s a commie thing: reluctance or refusal to wildly, enthusiastically celebrate and cheer for whatever stupid shit TPTB order you to think important is….. well, a thought-crime. Don’t really matter what it is: ‘Homo shit’, “Tranny crap’, ‘An ocean of wetbacks’, ‘Girl’s Sports’….whatever {{they}} think will be most humiliating for us. Soon to be punishable by death. (read AC’s news posts: {{they}} can now tell what song you’re thinking of just by looking at your brainwaves) And {{they’ll}} televise those executions, and make note of who & who don’t tune in. Watch it happen, muchachos.
Based if true lol
No he is keeping the narrative going, helping along the destruction of the West.
A broken clock is right twice a day.
I’m not so sure. He allied with Nazis before communists. I think he just wants power. He got his money breaking the bank of England. Now maybe he thinks he can use AfD to break Europe and get more power.
Quit posting context-free images.
AC, it would help the site to require images to be accompanied by some sort of text explaining why the image is relevant.
Sounds good.
Henceforth, all will have to post a quick caption with all images. Partly because from the backend I cannot see some images, so even if it is obvious, I may not be able to tell if it is bullshit or self-explanatory.
We are all getting tired of this obtuse Q-shit. The nation is burning, some sort of satanic cult is taking over, kids are being funneled to pedophiles by the CIA, and we are all under fire. Now is not the time for a fucking game of Charades. Talk or start shitting letters, I do not care. But don’t leave everyone scratching their heads wondering if this unintelligible post is the key to solving all of our problems, so maybe we should waste an hour trying to figure out what it meant.
Henceforth we assume that is enemy action wasting our time.
I will try to remember that.
But the few images I post without words tend to be self explanatory, memes with text, or just funny or cute pictures.
Obviously you have a history, and are not trying to derail anyone. But these series of photos, and it isn’t clear what they mean are, or even who they are sometimes, or where they came from, its getting tired.
I agree and understand.
I just want to comply with the new rule you had to make so nobody complains.
4chan is great for cute & funny pictures.
Label it.
Had a random “shower” thought:
Is the difficulty finding and keeping employees due to cell phone addiction?
Maybe these kids and some adults cannot deal with not using their phones 24/7?
Bolsonaro goes on trial over electoral fraud claims that could bar him from elections in Brazil.
AC, Bolsonaro’s, Milei and others “right wing populists” top advisor on social media knows about the book I wrote on electronic electoral fraud since at least 2023 04 08, or 8th april of this year, as he liked a comment I made to him on twatter telling him about my book about the fraud.
¿ What do you think about it? I ask you because you are a very gud nooticer
1.- Fernando Cerimedo: “Quiero ser el Magnetto de la derecha” | Noticias (
2.- Pablo Martin Villizzianto on X: “@FerCerimedo_ok Escribi un libro de 400 paginas sobre el tema, disponible en” / X (
I keep meaning to email you, but I am just swamped and each day I collapse into bed having forgotten to.
I wish I could feel qualified to give you helpful advice, but I barely know what I am doing or where it is going. I am mostly trusting God that this is the path.
The problem we have, is that right now we live in a giant intel op controlled by some sort of hyper-evil leadership.
As a result, one, we are not designed to function in this. If we wanted to succeed, we would give up all morals, molest children on camera, and try to help the people who did 9/11, and who have everyone under this hyper-intrusive surveillance. But it just isn’t possible. Which kind of dooms us to constantly trying to push back the tide.
Second, nothing is a meritocracy, and so doing things to do them right is kind of, if not destining you for failure, at least not helping you succeed. I see in your writing, you wrote a great book. You want to promote it well, and get people to see it. But I hate to say it, but I do not think that is the way to success.
The conclusion I have come to from all of this is, all of them are best treated like enemies. Don’t give a fuck what any of them think, are interested in, or do. Even Bolsonaro, I like, but there is no point in looking to link up with him. Most likely he is an asset of something, and if you are honest, and wouldn’t torture or harass some rando for them, you will be of no use to them, and they will keep you on the outside. I have no idea what Bolsonaro would be an asset of, hopefully “the good guys” whatever that is, but there are no guarantees.
Whatever it is, it controls him. And even if he loved your book, and was a huge personal fan of you, he will never make contact or acknowledge you, because he needs his group’s approval. I assume if pressed, and you were face to face, he would get squirrelly exactly like the family friend whose wife babysat me as a little kid got squirrelly when I asked him about the surveillance. I still do not know what that was, but in a second, this guy went from best friend who would give me the shirt off his back to scared shitless, and I was cut loose to fend for myself. At the end of the day, I do not think they have real friendships, like really burn in together on principle friendships. Maybe they can’t. It could be like a rule of joining to keep full control of them. So even if Bolsonaro were your Godfather, when it comes to this shit, you are on the outside for whatever reason, and he would cut you loose in a moment, and act like he didn’t know you. Who knows, he could be on tape molesting kids. I assume nothing about any of them.
I have found only one path rewarding here. Focus on finding your kind, and helping them where you can, and look to form a community of them. At the end of the day, they are the only people who are actually worth caring about, and they are the only people who will actually join with you.
And unfortunately we are not common. You will have to hunt around, and do it for years just to gather a handful. But so far that is the only way I have found you will actually make any sort of headway to something better than where you are. Of course, unfortunately there is not really good money in this. And actually impacting politics is difficult to put it mildly. Their system is quite well developed.
And again, you are a bright guy. It might not be too late to take a different path out of politics. They might even drop you somewhere with money, and you could have a family, or lead a semi-normal life. Because I can tell you, 100 percent, this path only gets weirder and weirder. I am not at the point the reptilians are killing their holographic skinsuit generators and revealing their true lizard faces to me in the produce aisle in the grocery store, but I am at the point I will not blink when they do. I really would say once more to you, I am pretty far down the path you are going down, and I am not sure this is the best path to take.
I know, you probably are hardheaded like me. It is what it is.
“The problem we have, is that right now we live in a giant intel op controlled by some sort of hyper-evil leadership…As a result, one, we are not designed to function in this…Second, nothing is a meritocracy, and so doing things to do them right is kind of, if not destining you for failure, at least not helping you succeed…The conclusion I have come to from all of this is, all of them are best treated like enemies. Don’t give a fuck what any of them think, are interested in, or do…
I have found only one path rewarding here. Focus on finding your kind, and helping them where you can, and look to form a community of them. At the end of the day, they are the only people who are actually worth caring about, and they are the only people who will actually join with you.
And unfortunately we are not common. You will have to hunt around, and do it for years just to gather a handful. But so far that is the only way I have found you will actually make any sort of headway to something better than where you are. Of course, unfortunately there is not really good money in this.
…you are a bright guy. It might not be too late to take a different path…They might even drop you somewhere with money, and you could have a family, or lead a semi-normal life. Because I can tell you, 100 percent, this path only gets weirder and weirder. I am not at the point the reptilians are killing their holographic skinsuit generators and revealing their true lizard faces to me in the produce aisle in the grocery store, but I am at the point I will not blink when they do. I really would say once more to you, I am pretty far down the path you are going down, and I am not sure this is the best path to take.”
This is world-class, unique advice. Great relevance to all those here who are truly awake to the Cabal and its overwhelming influence on our lives.
Tired here. Im already in politics, am a minor authority, 3 interviews, friends, contacts, even some local elites, two books on the subject, I need to keep on regulating the effort to achieve the most along an indefinite period of time, and stop being a fucking rat (stingy) with publicity for my books.
Also have to improve the english translation, which I haven’t touched, due to being distracted more than busy, and emotionally conflicted / neurotic, and generally tired.
May God bless you and keep you, Michael!
WEF – Working together against ordinary people.
“The Elite across the world trust each other more and more! The bad news is that in every single country the majority of people trusted the Elite less”
Stealing your democracy whether you trust them or not.
Also, didn’t Q give us the impression that all those CEOs resigning was a good thing?
How’s that working out for us so far?
From the article on Hawaii governator:
>>but we don’t want this to become a clear space where then people from overseas just come and decide they’re gonna take it. The state will take it and preserve it first.”
Do you not LOVE the in-your-face assumption that “government is good” (govern me harder daddy).
Can’t have private individuals taking this land…oh no…THE STATE WILL TAKE IT. What could possibly go wrong.
On the other hand, Hawaiians are sick of diversity.
Infrasonic Sound: The Black Noise Kinship of David Bowie and William S Burroughs
Did you know that David Jones is still with us? How many other “celebrities” faked their deaths? And, given the sophistication of his disguises, who was Bowie really working for?
Speechless. That’s Bowie.
Engineering students pull that prank on a regular basis- find the note of the building, set up a ?resonator? sound maker? on top of some structural bit, and then turn it on until visible cracks appear. There are reasons engineering buildings look like industrial shock containers. It’s about as common as Jello in the fountains prank that the English majors usually commit.
The professors worry more if the students (cough Chinese cough) don’t pull the prank. It shows a worrisome lack of out of the box thinking, lack of risk tolerance, and lack of teamwork.
That is completely made up.
“{turns out that H’aw’a’i’i’ fire needn’t have been so bad if only the FUCKING NATIVE H’AW’A’I’I’AN”” BUREAUCRAT woulda released WATER TO FIGHT IT sooner, but he was RELUCTANT TO DO THAT because that would inconvenience the l’o’ii’s (LOZL) of the Almighty Native farmers of the SACRED KALO PLANT (?) which is as everyone knows, is like supes totes important to THE PAGAN GODS OF H’AW’A’I’I’ and that was WAY more important to him than some crappy ol’ HOMES AND BUSINESSES and so it all burned up….}{Whoops! Whoopsie!}{Mistakes were made, and we all feel bad about it, but the important thing to remember here is NO ONE IS TO BLAME}{EXCEPT THE FUCKING HAOLES!!!!!!!}”
friends/families of the dead and devastated might step up to help him understand things differently going forward.
RE: RICO now on the table
SO they are going to violate the gentleman’s agreement and actually charge Trump with something that he can use against them when the tables are turned. I believe this is exactly what the more conservative Q followers predicted. I have long predicted that RICO will be used to break the entire Democratic party and shatter it’s power entirely. This opens the door.
“This September and BEYOND, you’ll see the sudden-lies of God…. Sudden Sudden-lies.”
Oasis Church – Merge & Surge | Tim Sheets
The Uniparty will not, I repeat, will not use these tactics against itself; especially, not against the ruling half of the Uniparty.
Isn’t totally random nature amazing.
looks freshly washed; undersea water nozzles with fire suppressant mix? looks kinda bubbly there…
X is seemingly working on adding government ID verification with Israeli digital ID company AU10TIX. To verify by ID, users will have to upload a selfie and a photo of their government ID. via @X_ALERTS_
Virtuous Pagans spreading virtue:
Afghanistan: China’s Huawei Agrees to Help Taliban Install CCTV Systems in All Provinces
In a meeting with Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, an official of Afghanistan’s Taliban-led government said, “we intend to activate the advanced camera system in every province of Afghanistan,” Ariana News reported on Aug. 15….
If you lived under the horror of aggressive cabal targeting in this country you would pray every day to live amongst the virtuous pagans where you could enjoy basic rights and humane treatment that is unavailable in the US.
Dream on, gongfei.
And don’t forget to collect your 50 cents.
We know surveillance and stalking is seamless in China.
calls Joe the ‘Manchurian Candidate…..
Trump needs to walk over in the debates and rip off creepy Joe’s mask.
That would be epic.
And have it be some weirdo nobody had ever seen before, trying to hide his face.
It’s the kind of thing he should have done long ago.
No more messing around, it’s time for shock therapy.