News Briefs – 08/03/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Russian Grain Exports Hit Record

DFT – Starbucks Reports Hot Results From Cold Drinks

DFT – As Producers Raise Prices, Inflation-Strapped Consumers Shrink Volumes

DFT – Fitch Downgrades Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac

DFT – Massachusetts Sees Dueling Ballot Measures Over Status Of Gig Workers

Trump attorney John Lauro to FOX News: “We will re-litigate *every single issue* in the 2020 election.”

Jack Smith indictment reveals Mike Pence took secret notes of conversations with Trump before January 6 – Lied to Trump supporters on Jan. 4.

Trump says he could face a combined 561 YEARS in prison from the left’s witch hunts.

Jack Smith’s prosecution of Trump has a major First Amendment problem, legal experts say.

Trump charged under anti-KKK law that bans highway disguises.

The Trump indictment criminalizes political dissent. From my perspective, seeing the surveillance, the whole thing is kind of puzzling. They could have kept the surveillance far more covert, to the point nobody knew it was there. They could have kept the elections rigged. Nobody would have believed it. They could have run the country efficiently and decently, while skimming off enough to live like kings, and they could even have killed here and there, and nobody would have known. Even now, they could just reveal what was going on, and punish whoever they wanted for the conspiracy, and then reconstitute it in the shadows. Instead we need all this show, played out like some movie. I do not know why, when it seems there are so many better ways.

Smith’s claim about no hacked election systems could boomerang on him during Trump case.

Some think this could be the start, but we have seen a lot of false starts:

Pence now implicitly admits he had the power to reject fraudulent votes on Jan 6th, but chose not to.

Rudy Giuliani is being sued by this woman. It is not pretty, but it is absolute top tier kek material. I confess I did not know that about the Jewish guys.

I find this fascinating:

Understand, as he is saying this, Giuliani has someone living next door who is listening to him live, on speakers in their home, probably multiple people who are all crowding around a TV to watch this, since it is the most interesting thing they have going on in their lives, which seem mostly spent hoping something interesting will go on in someone else’s life so they can watch. Obviously, like pedophiles gravitate to jobs which give them access to children, you can imagine who gravitates to jobs where they can watch moments like this. He may have the feed from in his home being pumped to a central command post assigned just to him. I would bet there are hidden cameras all throughout his house, just like Ed Buck’s. I would even be unsurprised if the command post looked like a scene from Gilbert Godfried’s telling of the joke The Aristocrats as all of this is going on. There could be five or ten people there, and they are recording him to boot for is permanent record. And moreover, the woman is likely one of them, which is why she was running tape too. Yes she has crazy eyes, and probably has limited options.  But she is under 65, not morbidly obese, and Rudy is like 90, beginning to look like Danny DeVito’s version of The Penguin, and he makes girls put up with him talking like this. He would have to be suspicious she was sent in. He could be a six foot four version of Tom Cruise, built like Jean Claude Van Damme, with Brad Pitt’s Game, and it would probably be a 90 percent chance she was sent in, though they would send a hotter woman then, at least, to make it plausible.

Maybe I am old fashioned, or somewhat square, but fondling the boobs of a domestic intelligence honeypot as you talk like this, under the watchful eyes of a group of enemies intruding in your home and looking to control you, so they can use you to betray the nation in outright acts of treason, feels like I wouldn’t have my priorities straight. Destroy the enemies first, and then maybe find a non-honeypot who wants a relationship like this. Just one of these things you see which feels weird, like something doesn’t fit. Either Rudy is a strange bird who has embraced an Ed Buck like life because he is afraid of having to perform violence to survive, or he is clueless about the surveillance.

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund told then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson that events surrounding the January 6th riots at the U.S. Capitol appear to have been a “cover up,” in never-seen-before interview footage published exclusively by The National Pulse. Interesting piece as he sounds as confused and as quizzical, and as open to nefarious intent by something hidden which controls things, as we do here. He sounds like one of us, and yet you have to ask, could I know more than him, in his position?

Blacklisted Chinese military manufacturer acquired U.S. stealth technology, CFIUS approval through relationship with Hunter and Joe Biden.

The FBI’s efforts to mislead a federal court in order to wiretap an adviser to the Trump campaign were more extensive than previously reported, according to classified documents described to RealClearInvestigations.

WWE boss Vince McMahon was raided by federal agents in response to a grand jury subpoena related to allegations of sexual misconduct. If he were a leftist crony, and not a Trump friend, it would not happen.

Chris Tigani, a Delaware businessman who served two years in prison for illegal campaign donations to Joe Biden, is speaking out to ensure Hunter Biden is held to the same legal standard that landed himself and other Americans who committed similar offenses behind bars. Hunter and Beau asked this guy to get together $75,000 for them, and Joe’s campaign guy told him to have his business’s employees contribute to Joe too, and then he would reimburse them later. Then DOJ swooped in, showed this guy had done this, and they took him off the gameboard for a few years. I would not be surprised if the command wanted the liquor store market this guy was serving, so they told Joe’s campaign guy, Hunter, and Beau to solicit him to do this, and then had their assets in DOJ take him out.

Hunter Biden trashed his $4.2million Venice Beach rental house with ‘rude and entitled’ wife Melissa, leaving the property in ‘disarray and disrepair’ and stiffing the owner for $80,000 in unpaid rent.

Vivek Ramaswamy gets asked: ‘Was 9/11 an inside job?’ You can see why they would not want me up there. By the time I am done, everyone would know it was an inside job, and they would be looking forward to where this would be going.

Mayor Eric Adams is tapping New York’s college students to assist thousands of migrants with their asylum claims, The Post has learned. Would you waste your time on this while in college, with everything else you had to do? This is Cabal assets helping Cabal assets

‘Concerning 911 call’ leads to Capitol Hill evacuation on Trump arraignment eve.

Video here of cops, who thought there may have been a mass shooter, ordering people out of the Capitol. Looks like if was a false alarm, but things like this can be covers to get people out of offices they want to bug or search, disrupt events, or do other things too.

Only one-third of conservative voters now trust FOX News.

Wikipedia is one of many tools used by the US liberal establishment and its allies in the intelligence community to wage “information warfare,” the site’s co-founder, Larry Sanger, has told journalist Glenn Greenwald, with evidence emerging as early as 2008 that CIA and FBI computers were editing files to spread propaganda.

Claim made in Congress that UFO’s once took control of Russian ICBMs, nearly caused WWIII.

Pressure is growing on the Vatican to shed light on whether it was aware of a UFO being retrieved from Italy in the 1930s, amid claims from a congressional whistleblower it helped the US get the craft.

The bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX has officially confirmed its plans to relaunch following the announcement that the government would drop a federal charge against its founder Sam Bankman-Fried.

Family-owned hardware store in California’s Bay area lost $700K in just one year due to retail theft.

Regional electricity providers tasked with keeping America’s lights on warned Tuesday that the Biden administration must delay the retirement of fossil fuel power plants to give renewables time to catch up — or else risk major energy shortfalls.

Driver says he was ‘trapped’ in hot Tesla after battery died. He said he couldn’t open doors, windows or even the glove box. There is a procedure to get out, but many do not study it.

US military moving troops so their kids have access to sex change treatment.

A University professor has claimed kids should be exposed to adult genitalia to prepare them for the possibility of seeing a naked trans person.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie said on Wednesday they were separating in an unexpected announcement that appeared to mark the end of the couple’s 18-year high-profile marriage.

Chinese children and teens will be cut off from accessing the internet at night and have their smartphone use curbed under new rules unveiled on Wednesday (Aug 2) aimed at fighting internet addiction.

Muslim missionaries accused of trafficking Amazon Indigenous boys to Turkey.

Reports from Niger about citizens raising Russian flags and chanting “Wagner” have been circulating in the week since its President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown in a coup.

Ukraine’s defense ministry signed an agreement with Turkish drone magnate Baykar Makina to build a service center for the repair and maintenance of drones in Ukraine, a ministry official said on Monday. It will last like ten minutes before Russia takes it out.

Between 20,000 and 50,000 Ukrainians have lost one or more limbs since the start of the war. To see the Bidens and Zelensky’s get filthy rich, beyond anyone’s dreams, as they do this to these kids, just infuriating.

Ukraine has selected transgender journalist Sarah Ashton-Cirillo to run its military’s English-language propaganda operations, local outlet Strana reported on Tuesday. Appropriate for Globohomo.

Ukrainian troops trained by the West stumble in battle.

Russian tank crew with the call sign ‘Alyosha’ to be awarded for destroying an entire Nazi armor group with only one tank.

Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced legislation Tuesday that would abolish the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for reportedly pushing issues such as abortion, gender equity programs and climate alarmism abroad.

The Fifth Circuit deemed our Mock v. Garland Pistol Brace Rule Lawsuit likely to succeed, reversed the District Court’s injunction denial, and instructed the Court to re-evaluate a nationwide injunction. It would seem this case should affect the whole SBR/SBS issue, and maybe even nuke the entire NFA, but I am not a lawyer, so I am probably wrong.

48 consecutive months of one million+ gun sales. That is a lot of fun being built up for someday.

Spread r/K Theory, because “Si vis pacem, para bellum”

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1 year ago

Re: Hardware store theft
In Costa Rica, where stealing is a national hobby, second only to laziness, the hardware stores have a front counter. You tell them what you want, they get it, that way the only ones who can steal are the employees.
Negromerica businesses will adapt or perish.

Reply to  Bobo
1 year ago

Do not invest in Costa Rica.

You’ve been warned.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Go away, false prophet.

Reply to  Bobo
1 year ago

Sometimes you don’t know what you want or need until you look at the shelves.

Reply to  Bobo
1 year ago

Shoplifting is a blip, an infinitesimal fraction of the institutionalized thievery practiced 24/7 by the white-collared Cabal minions in our governments, corporations and banks.

Reply to  Bobo
1 year ago

Same in Africa. Entire “shopping centers” are intermodal containers situated side by side. Some are even stacked two stories. Everything is behind the counter and sold through a slot in the metal bars. Many times the shopkeeper lives in the back half of the container.

Just Me
Just Me
1 year ago

“ Transsexual to lead English language propaganda for Ukrainian army – media”

Can’t fool me, that’s Gomer Pyle!

Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

surprise, surprise, surprise!

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago


Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

No, it’s Corporal Klinger.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

hah! yeah, the obviousness used to be funny.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
Reply to  Just Me
1 year ago

Dishonorable. What would Rurik say?

Cato the Uncensored
Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

It doesn’t help that America’s Mayor has a history of public flakiness, but I cannot fathom one of the A-List (former) US Attorneys not being aware of surveillance, especially from SDNY, where it has been used to parallel construct high-profile convictions for several decades.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

Giuliani knew she was a honey pot put in his orbit by bad actors. His coarse language was to let her know he knew who she was, while making her handlers think he was unaware and an easy mark.

Reply to  Cato the Uncensored
1 year ago

stalin was really dzhuga-shvilli. in georgian shvilli means son of. use phonics to get the rest of the way. giuliani is at least way back, jewtalian. phonics is yer friend and language can be fun. learn what (((they))) know.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago


1 year ago

The war on marriage, part 1a/2

There’s a new book out in Germany, “The End of Marriage. For a Revolution of Love.” by Emilia Roig.

“Marriage is sacrosanct in our society. Despite its institutionalization, it is romanticized and mythicized as the epitome of love. Yet marriage often exacerbates inequality for women and leads to financial dependence. Bestselling author Emilia Roig looks behind the facade of a patriarchal construct and points the way to a revolution of love.”

Emilia Roig (she/they) is the Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Intersectional Justice (CIJ), a non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing justice and equality for all. She was Faculty member of the Social Justice Study Abroad Program of DePaul University of Chicago from 2015 to 2020 and has taught graduate and post-graduate courses on Intersectionality Theory, Postcolonial Studies, Critical Race Theory, Queer Feminism and International and European Law […] . Prior to her PhD, she worked extensively on human rights issues at the International Labor Organisation (ILO) in Tanzania and Uganda, at the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Cambodia, and at Amnesty International in Germany. […]

DePaul is supposed to be Catholic? Note also the NGO work in Africa and SE Asia.

No English Wiki for her, but her German Wiki has a photo of her speaking at a Fridays for Future climate protest, because of course. And your rusty high school German might be good enough for reading her ‘early life’ section. Can you guess what you’ll find?

This woman isn’t a nobody, but got tons of media coverage and corporate heavy hitters as sponsors and clients.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


1 year ago

Miss Dunphy is pleasant to look at
And Rudy is a weak man taken in by his lusts
There’s absolutely no way he doesn’t know he’s being surveilled

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

she’s got a bit of rubber chicken face. like she got slapped by one. looks awful eager. def a grabbler.

1 year ago

The war on marriage, part 1b/2

“With the end of marriage I demand the end of an obsolete institution that produces and maintains the inequality and oppression of women in our society.”

This is one of the demands from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto, the abolition of the family. This project has been going on for a long time. (I digress, but one of Germany’s biggest 19th century writers, Theodor Fontane, got his first novel serialized by one of Berlin’s biggest newspapers when he was barely out of school. ‘Sibling Love’ was the title, so anti-family. He later was a war correspondent in the Franco-Prussian and got ‘mistakenly’ arrested for spying by the French.)

Roig is a divorced single mom of one boy and identifies as queer. Good luck to that kid.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“With the end of marriage I demand the end of an obsolete institution that produces and maintains the inequality and oppression of women in our society.”

And I demand an end to any State ordered payments for children that are not conceived in marriage. Let Women “choose” their oppression. If they do not wish to be oppressed, then, let them have their way.

And I demand an end to no fault divorce. Let them choose.

And I demand an end to marital rape charges. Let them choose.

And I demand that any Women who wants State supported child support that are not married must be sterilized to not have any more State supported children. This would NOT be enforced on Women who had a husband and lost the husband due to illness or accidents unless another child is conceived after the loss of the husband, but not in marriage. Let them choose.

And I demand any children that are conceived out of wedlock must go to separate “bastard” child schools to separate them from children of married couples. This would not apply to children who have lost their fathers or mothers by illness or accident after conception of the children if they were married during the time of conception. Let them choose.

Men have no problem with Women doing whatever they damn well please, generally. The problem is Women want to do what they damn well please with no duties for themselves but have Men pay for it.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

And the award for Post of the Year goes to…drumroll, please…

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

gets my vote

1 year ago

The war on marriage, part 2/2

Another person who tries to get us all to become atomized invididuals is Swiss-Jewish author Thomas Meyer. An advertising guy who got famous for his debut novel, a romcom about an Orthodox Jew and his romantic misadventure with a shiksa. Netflix turned this into a movie that got shown in Swiss cinemas. So this is at least a medium-sized fish in a small pond. He even has his own advice column in Switzerland’s biggest tabloid.

But part of his output is also a self-help book for couples that tells them to end their relationships. One might have good reasons to end a relationship, but sometimes the best course of action is to just power through a rough patch, yet he doesn’t talk about that. Very one-sided, an incomplete truth that is a lie.

This is from his very short biography on his website, translated from German:

“Thomas Meyer […] is an agent of world Jewry leading a cover existence as a novelist.”

Chutzpah, no?

For the successful LGBT marriage and baby adoption vote a few years ago, he wrote some ad copy:

“God speaks: […] When a man loves a man it makes me happy because love is superb (new Psalm 158) […] Adam and Eve, Adam and Adam, Eve and Eve: Everyone is welcome in paradise (new Psalm 161) […] Thou shalt gender (new Psalm 162).”

And a few other psalms like that. Rewriting the Bible. Chutzpah again. Or Cthulhu.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


1 year ago

“someone living next door who is listening to him live, on speakers in their home, probably multiple people who are all crowding around a TV to watch this, since it is the most interesting thing they have going on in their lives, which seem mostly spent hoping something interesting will go on in someone else’s life so they can watch. Obviously, like pedophiles gravitate to jobs which give them access to children, you can imagine who gravitates to jobs where they can watch moments like this. ”
Voyeurism should have been made a major felony long ago. No time like the present, I guess.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Clues that give away a residential listening post.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Death Penalty offense.

1 year ago

Came across an interesting use of 17 in the wild.
Tensions are at a high in Russia, more than 17 months into Russian President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.”

Kind of weird to say more than 17. Why not say more than a year or more than 12 or be more specific and say it in weeks? Also if this is a coded message I wonder what the message is. There’s been rumors for awhile now that the Ukraine/US might cause a nuclear disaster and blame it on Russia.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

87,000 new IRS agents armed to use deadly force.

187 = homicide code

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

well 17 months in and msm is now admitting it was a major fuckup and is kind of over.

Reply to  Ultra
1 year ago

In the cult of Pythagoras, the significance of 17 was due to its occurrence as the last number before a complete turn of the Spiral of Theodorus.
For the esoteric ‘Spiral of Progress’ crankers of High Cabal, 17 may then represent completion of a phase, or something like that.

Reply to  Reanderthal
1 year ago

Very nice catch. And Canto XVII of the Purgatorio is the center of the Divine Comedy. It deals with Love and Free Will. And Dante was a member of the Fideli de Amore which was a Templar affiliated organization of probably very great importance. And involved in the struggle btwn the Papacy and the HRE. Dante was most likely a proponent of technical Papal supremacy but de facto equivalent rank with the HR Emperor.

Dante was very much into Pythagoras.

1 year ago

> 48 consecutive months of one million+ gun sales.

That’d be one in seven people, depending on whose census figures you believe. (interestingly enough, various departments of the Fed count differently) More like one in five for actual American citizens.

And that’s just guns that changed hands through an FFL.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Guns are nice to have in an IED driven guerilla war

1 year ago
1 year ago

>The Trump indictment criminalizes political dissent. From my perspective, seeing the surveillance, the whole thing is kind of puzzling. They could have kept the surveillance far more covert, to the point nobody knew it was there. They could have kept the elections rigged. Nobody would have believed it. They could have run the country efficiently and decently, while skimming off enough to live like kings, and they could even have killed here and there, and nobody would have known. Even now, they could just reveal what was going on, and punish whoever they wanted for the conspiracy, and then reconstitute it in the shadows. Instead we need all this show, played out like some movie. I do not know why, when it seems there are so many better ways.

The enemy does not have mortal motives, but is supernaturally evil. The goal is the damnation of every human soul, farming of human suffering and driving people into hating God and Jesus Christ. Exposing surveillance is the first step (Satan’s minions and their machinations), exposing Satan as the ringleader in a supernatural war foretold by the Bible is the ultimate expose of the enemy.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Tricking the devil into showing himself.

1 year ago

Superconductor Breakthrough Findings Replicated, Twice, in Preliminary Testing

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Seems concocted. The Science!tistry-ists have finally learned to bring multiple conmen in different schools on board so all can obtain funding through fraud. No different from a halawa network or central banking.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The first replicators have now said that further analysis reveals it to be a dimagnetic semiconductor. It levitates, but from opposing magnetic fields and not from quantum locking. More importantly, it has electrical resistance.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago


1 year ago

In 2 days there are have been 4 studies that help explain LK-99’s potential superconducting abilities.

These simulations converge on key properties that suggest a new class of SC materials, and help explain quirks of TK-99 we’ve seen so far.

Here is the easy-to-digest summary so far:
(Reminder: still no experimental replication yet!!)
All studies converged on the fact that LK-99 has interesting electronic properties, formed by these ‘flat energy bands’ that can enable superconductivity through several different mechanisms.

– This effect relies on copper replacing lead atoms in the crystal, but it has to replace very specific lead atoms for the bands to appear, meaning it may be hard to synthesize with high purity (paper 1)

– The conduction pathways in the material may be one-dimensional, meaning they aren’t equal in all directions, and this could be why it doesn’t act as a perfect magnetic levitator but rather a semi-levitator. Also, other metals like gold could make LK-99 perform even better (paper 2)

– TK-99 appears to be much more robust to disorder, or randomness in the crystal, while retaining its superconducting properties. And, it appears the overlap of copper and oxygen electron orbitals might explain why this occurs at ambient pressures (paper 3)

– The most dramatic result of all is by the most distinguished author: the appearance of diamagnetism without superconductivity seems unlikely (paper 4).

More at:

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

black on black crime!

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

new refugees.

1 year ago

‘Only one-third of conservative voters now trust FOX News.’

Neocon tapeworms.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Sir Rupert Murdoch must be bummed.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

It’s prob down to 5% now.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

stats prob include compulsory viewing; airports and nursing homes

1 year ago

From my perspective, seeing the surveillance, the whole thing is kind of puzzling. They could have kept the surveillance far more covert, to the point nobody knew it was there. They could have kept the elections rigged. Nobody would have believed it. They could have run the country efficiently and decently, while skimming off enough to live like kings, and they could even have killed here and there, and nobody would have known. Even now, they could just reveal what was going on, and punish whoever they wanted for the conspiracy, and then reconstitute it in the shadows. Instead we need all this show, played out like some movie. I do not know why, when it seems there are so many better ways.”
Yes, it certainly amazes me how they’ve managed to screw up the bread and circuses that keep everyone in the dark.

Reply to  swiftfoxmark2
1 year ago

We screwed up their bread and circuses by releasing the internet to the general public.

Reply to  swiftfoxmark2
1 year ago

I just dont think they can keep up with their own bullshit

1 year ago

>48 consecutive months of one million+ gun sales. That is a lot of fun being built up for someday.

Audience poll: how many new gun owners do you know over the past few years? I keep hearing people say everyone is getting armed up, but my personal experience is that it’s people who already owned guns getting more and stocking up rather than noobs joining the party.

Any anecdotal experience to the contrary? Trying to get a real perspective, not rely on the media.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Lots of ppl don’t tell others they own a gun.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

My anecdotal experience matches yours

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Arming the invaders, is more likely. Arms caches being set up.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

On reflection, I think this is an excellent point. Yes, I have always assumed that most purchases were to the same segment. I would bet the modal gun owner has 4 weapons. But it may be as high a 10.

At the same time, a lot of people do not want it getting out that they themselves own a gun or guns. Which makes a great deal of sense.

Range usage increases greatly in line with these putchases and then dfops off. I think the single gun owners fire it a few times and just put it in the drawer of the nightstand.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

No, but we want to be able to arm friends and family. Once they figure it out.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I don’t know anyone in meatspace who *doesn’t* own a few guns.

1 year ago

Re: DFT – Starbucks Reports

I wish this had been an announcement of reduced sales at Starbucks. I remember when Starbucks launched nationally about 25 years ago. There was nothing to object to in those days as Starbucks built its business on good coffee, a clean hang-out space to socialize or work in, readily accessible bathrooms, and normal, pleasant staff. Everywhere in America welcomed Starbucks in with arms open wide for this unique private sector community service provider. Win-Win…Having completed its infiltration campaign of the nation the company then began its national subversion campaign from its vast network of local cafes. Suddenly, Starbucks was a loud vocal sponsor of liberal politicians, despite three-quarters of its cafes being located in traditional, conservative districts. It’s staffing policy went from normal part-timers – students and soccer moms – to a permanent, hand-picked DIE workforce of woke broken toys, the obese, tatted, dyed, and gender-confused.

The company’s vision and purpose was to subvert America from within its local social communities, just as the teacher’s union does within local schools, Democrat and RINO-affiliated politicians in local politics, etc. While we may still feel obligated to pay our local taxes to the political assholes who overlord us, or feel that home schooling is untenable, we don’t have to pay Starbucks for their local subversion office. Find an alternative to a company that hates you, or do without.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

That’s why I walk on by

1 year ago

Jack Smith’s prosecution of Trump has a major First Amendment problem, legal experts say.

The thing to remember about Jack Smith is that his last big conviction was overturned by the SCOTUS who voted EIGHT TO ZERO. He was completely poured out by them because they said that he used “expansive interpretations” of statutes that ignored constitutional restrictions.
Which is exactly what he is doing here.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

That could be the case; but there are no refunds for monies spent protecting oneself against unconstitutional lawfare.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

very true

1 year ago

Family-owned hardware store in California’s Bay area lost $700K in just one year due to retail theft.

Comms. Or at least BS.

This is a New York Post Article that claims a hardware store in San Francisco, which seems from the attached photo to be a big box store, loses $700,000 a year in theft of hardware.

This is not very believable. My guess is that a store that actually lost $700,000 a year in theft would either close, or take steps to prevent it, other than talking to a newspaper based on the other side of the country. They could hire a couple of armed security guards for less than $700,000 a year, for example.

The owner is interviews and claims that he loses $1800 a day in theft, and this is a guess. They don’t have an inventory control system? Anyway, $1800 multiplied by 365, because the store just has to be open 365 days a year, including Christmas, and they lose $1800 a day and are sure about that, comes out to $657,000 a year. So the reporter took the $1800 a day claim at face value, rounded up, and the store is open 365 days a year.

The back up the $1800 a day loss, they site that the store sells wire for $11000. I’m not a big purchaser of hardware, so I don’t know how common it is for stores to sell wire for $11000. I give them credit for coming up with a semi-plausible $1800 figure for the daily theft. If you are selling $11000 merchandise, I don’t know why you don’t have armed guards.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

You are spot on Ed. I have fixed bankrupt businesses for years. The numbers are BS, therefore the story is BS. Dont read anything else. Just another time waster story.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

“…sell wire for $11000…”

That’s nonsense. There’s no wire I know of that is carried in a hardware store that cost that much. You would need a forklift to haul out that much wire, or maybe a dump truck. I haven’t looked lately, but copper house wiring is over $100 for 250 feet 12/2 w grd. You couldn’t fill a cart with that and come $11,000. They have taken to caging the wire in my local home depot. I bet it’s not because they are losing that much, I bet it’s preemptive or to mind fuck us.

1 year ago

It would seem this case should affect the whole SBR/SBS issue, and maybe even nuke the entire NFA, but I am not a lawyer, so I am probably wrong.

It will leave the NFA/GCA in place. From the opinion:

No party disputes that the authority to administer and enforce the GCA and the NFA is vested in the Attorney General, see 18 U.S.C. § 926(a), 26 U.S.C. §§ 7801(a)(2)(A), 7805(a), who then delegated that authority to the ATF, see 28 C.F.R. § 0.130.

This particular case is entirely procedural, in that the ATF made a legislative rule (rather than a guideline) and didn’t follow the procedures required for that (because they would take too long, Trump would be back in office, and it would get shitcanned as soon as he is.)

1 year ago

US military moving troops so their kids have access to sex change treatment.

I think this one is probably also fake, but I’m not as sure about this as with the hardware store story.

So the actual story is that an Air Force spokesperson says that the Air Force will enroll families of airmen, whose children want to “gender transition”, in the Exceptional Family Program, allowing them to get assignments where they can more easily “transition”. That program is not really supposed to be used for this, but OK. Its the Air Force.

The story is published by a website called “American Military News”, which I have never heard of before. I did some research, and the founder, Kellen Guida (may have the name spelled incorrectly, but his info is on the site) was a tea party activist, based out of Northern Virginia, who founded the site in 2015. Media watchdogs rate the site as right of center and mostly accurate. Its slickly produced and obviously is well funded.

So I checked to see if a news organization that didn’t glow as brightly picked up the story. I went to the Air Force Times, and nothing posted about this today. I did a search on their site for “Exceptional Family Member” and several stories came up, the latest one from June, that are completely unrelated. I did a search for “gender transition”, and got a few stories, including one from 2017 (!) where the Air Force paid for gender transition surgery.

This story is plausible, but I’m suspicious that there is a concerted effort to make this stuff seem worse than it actually is.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Its about normalising the freakshow.
All these stories are fake…… euthansia stats, covid stats, GDP stats, employment stats. Anyone who knows numbers recognises this immediately.

1 year ago

“DFT – Fitch Downgrades Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac

Debt from these agencies are considered to be backed by the federal government, though that is not official. So their credit rating is the same as that of the federal government. If they were actually independent, they would be bankrupt.

Fitch attempted to downgrade the USA credit rating before, and was told to cut it out, and they did. If Moody’s or Standard and Poor does the downgrade, that is significant. Fitch is very much the #3 ratings agency, and sometimes does weird stuff and gets reined back in.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Looks to me like the key is that the rationale was (at least partially) the argumemts over the debt ceiling. So, to me, this looks like leverage over the MAGA GOP.

1 year ago

I talked about my brother? Oft evil…….that quote? That’s him. He’s a competent leftist. He’s friends with the BLM guys in his city. He took my children to one of their parades. He’s pro- union, pro-labor. They could have had a well-run lefty city, if they hadn’t messed him up so very, very young.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Today’s unions are pro-illegal labor, which is scab labor, so they are no longer unions.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Is he in a Union? Is he in a trade?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Yes, he’s in a union, now. He was in non- union industries, too. He rises to the top in any of his jobs, no matter how unlikely or low he begins. He’s just that good. He facilitates people he knows growing, too. Then he walks away, usually. Personal demons. I’m not saying that lightly.

I would leave him alone with the children because my- on paper, amazing right-wing, Christian, family man husband- had just turned out to be an all around liar, and had been planning to throw me and at least one child out of the house since the child was three years old. I’ve written about this, before. He got his fondest wish.

My brother protected my children when I could not, and when their father chose not to. He made a judgment call that going to events staged by people he knows and trusts would be okay. I am not going to question him on that.

Politics is how different families talk to each other. It’s not useful for within family. I’m not going to throw away my extremely conservative relatives when a Dem is in power, and I’m not going to boycott the lefty parts of my family because- they were there before any media person came up with any divisions.

And, smart people disagree about serious things. I can tell you that the lefties have news sources and information I don’t see, and the righties have different media sources. I’m not even sure we don’t log into the same websites and see different news. I mean, we know that newspapers change headlines, but keep their banner, in different cities.

The sides and interests have published books. The thing is, most non-fiction books sell about 10 copies? Five copies? So, in a print run of 500, and fake sales, has anyone normal actually read the book? There are books by the mile companies that sell complete bookshelves for people. Vox Day linked to a story about it. So, it’s possible to publish, and be a source of information for a very small group of people. If you get some reviews, some of your ideas filter out to the larger group. The serious information, the statistics, the studies, the leaps from warranted information to the value statement? That gets hidden in plain sight.

I am absolutely not going to argue between left and right because the first steps- the warranting of facts that both sides can agree on-is never established.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

The modern left is too insane to allow your children to be near.
Maybe your brother is not as bad, but he can’t be allowed to expose them to those who are that bad.
Tell him not to do that again.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

He lives in a different city. I would not have taken my kids to a demonstration. I’ve known people who do that sort of thing with toddlers. These were teenagers, and, like I said, he’s got custom BLM posters. He kept them out of the way, for the most part.

And, you get- my family has a substantial leftist wing? I’m the weirdo? I’m Christian, and I have children, and I liked raising my own children. They think I’m either mentally ill or mentally retarded or brainwashed. Or all of the above.

You get that the left is never really an atomized individual? They have message boards, and potlucks and parties and friends? I’m not sure the right has that. Toddler play groups. Non-profits. Government community things. Classes.

Like I said, he could be elected mayor. Part of that is showing up for everyone’s parade. Degenerates vote. I’m mostly relieved there wasn’t a Pride parade when he had my kids.

Protests, for leftists, at this point, are usually— did you ever watch Parks and Rec? The doomsday cult that would reserve the park for their doomsday concert once a year or so, and have a social? That’s what most protests are like, at this point. The Baby Boom is getting old. There’s sort of a form for the protest. There are, basically, professional protestors who ship themselves across the country. I guess it’s cheaper than going to music festivals.

There’s the drum circle people. There’s the puppets. There are people getting their denim jacket all dolled up with 34 pieces of flair ahead of time. Handmade buttons, fancy embroidery, new tee-shirts, fresh tattoos. Flags for the toddler stroller. I’m serious, they publish advice articles on how to take toddlers to protests. They advise that infants stay home, but everyone after that? Keep going until you’re the old woman in the purple and red hat ranting onstage about anything.

There’s the speeches from people who travel to give speeches. There’s the young actresses emoting: it’s an audience. They get to appear smart and courageous. It’s got that PBS production values feeling.

There were violent protests in my city with BLM. I can tell you that the people who live here in bad circumstances were not the protestors. The protestors terrified them. I was in the middle of that. It was awful. The locals did not do those protests. It was traumatizing for the locals, having strangers come in and throw bricks through windows where they lived and worked, or loot the stores they shop in.

Then there were the Antifa riots. It was date night for guys in black hoodies. It was almost ridiculous. It was actually kind of cute. Little short people who’d been dipped in midget sauce walking around holding hands, looking at the graffiti on the boarded up windows, or looking at the vitrines that were not boarded up. They had ice cream cones. We’re never going to get rid of Antifa as long as it’s a way for tiny little guys to get dates with girls who think they are manly, dangerous and awesome.

However, there were protest posters up, that were obviously commercial, on the George Floyd anniversary. Whomever was trying to gin up that protest was not from around here. Four color flyers- not cheap- taped up thoroughly, and level. Whomever did that, not a typical poster flyer person. It stuck out. I don’t know anyone who went to the anniversary protest. That was, honestly, one of the most disquieting things I’ve seen. It’s one thing to kind of get that George Soros wants to mess up your city, it’s another to see the professional operation in action. Four color posters cost money that local protestors do not have.

Honestly, if a protest goes violent, after decades of practice, a century, if I’m including working class people, instead of just college kids, it’s because someone wanted it to go poorly- the feds, the Soros agents.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

And, again, I was homeless. I’d been thrown out by my very alcoholic, very adulterous, husband on the last day of one of the kids’ high school. He had been waiting for this day since the child was three years old. “He is too hard to love.” Real quote. As for me, he’d never loved me. “You are just an incubator.” It’s why I have questions about this Cabal. Why did he marry me? He had options. I thought I had options.

I sent my kids to my brother- he paid for their airline tickets. I was desperate. I was homeless until my brother figured out a place for me to live. He paid my apartment deposit, first and last, and then furnished the apartment. Then he paid for the lawyer who got my children back. My brother is a hero to me and my kids.

I owe my brother so much. I’d vote for him. I don’t even care about policies.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

I wasn’t lecturing or hectoring you. Don’t do it to me.

It was an honest question. Not loaded or leading.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I apologize. I am sorry to have overdone the explanation.

At this point, I’m three years into a very contentious divorce. This means that literally every single decision I’ve made is construed in the worst light possible. I have to over explain every little detail to get possibly hostile people who are interested in me being destitute and homeless and stripped of my children to see my point of view.

My husband has, or had, a very good job, a very nice car, nice suits, a good physique. The police let him go when they stop him for speeding, or driving a child not in a carseat. He’s now involved in a large, established church. While none of that applies to me. I would have been living in a van, at best, except for my brother.

I mean, I’m still trying to puzzle out what happened for twenty years. What sort of man marries a woman he doesn’t like? I don’t get it. What sort of man has children that he plain does not love? Yet devotes himself to them for decades? I mean, planning on throwing your children and wife on the last day of high school of one of the kids is kind of nuts. Most people don’t do things like that.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

Why would you leave him alone with your children?

1 year ago

I posted on this at the end of yesterday’s comments, but I think it’s worth bringing up and discussing.

Let’s say they manage to bury Trump and we have another fake election or something even worse. What then?

Obviously there will have to be a doubling down. The dissent must be put down. And we as a society will have to move deeper into pure fiction and fantasy land. Combined with our obvious defeat in Ukraine, the coup in Niger, and the global receding of US power… how are these people going to shape the narrative?

Obviously they will need to crack down hard on anyone who says anything remotely nice about Putin or Russia. The entire myth of “democracy” will have to be more aggressively pushed. With anyone questioning the narrative more aggressively assailed as “insurrectionists” and “spreaders of disinformation.”

The economic pain and convulsions will continue. Who to blame it on?

At the very least, we are heading towards deep social and economic dysfunction, which is likely only to get worse while our diplomatic power weakens.

And it won’t just be Trump supporters treated poorly. Anyone who questions the narrative will have to be. And that means anyone trying to suggest a better path forward.

I don’t see how this can possibly end well. A huge section of the American population are absolutely delusional about the state of things, and it’s been shown that they are willing to violate the rights of and even use violence against anyone who doubts the official narrative.

And then there is the problem if Trump wins. So much of our society and I’d argue the majority of our civl servants are corrupt as hell. Uprooting this mess will prove impossible. And major cabal operatives on the local level will still own a lot of property and control a lot of tax revenues.

I don’t think we will see the traditional civil war people fantasize about. It will likely be something very new, very hybrid. But I don’t see an easy way out of this.

We all like to talk about how society might look if the surveillance is destroyed. But what if it isn’t? What kind of world does it necessarily lead to? East Germany STASI combined with Latin American filth and inequality combined with international humiliation combined with deep economic recession.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Triangulate your counter-surviellance.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Counter-surveillance destroys surveillance.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“The economic pain and convulsions will continue. Who to blame it on?”

This is what the White Supremacy campaign is about. The Bolshevik Jews running our country want to pass the blame for the coming shit-show to Whites.

They will reverse course on their “fellow White people” shtick and come out as Jewish people above reproach and just as harmed by those evil Whites as every other minority.

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The deaths of the microbiologists over a decade ago would indicate that they don’t want anyone to understand what they are doing. But it would also indicate that they’ve been working on this for a very long time, with only bits and pieces making it into the published literature.

These are some very bright people who have probably had the best scientific resources at their disposal, unlimited operational funds, and zero ethical restraints on their research. What they may have come up with is probably far beyond our ability to guess at in casual speculation and with limited knowledge of their terrain.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

holistic doctors and CBRN experts too…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’m still wondering what Q meant by this:

Nov 27 2022 20:06:20 (EST)
What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
Information is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Temple of the Holy Spirit


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Almost right after that post, I saw a sale on the Bookbub email for a book called “The God Code”, which talks about how atomic weight of the elements in the human body matches up to the gematria of the Hebrew number values for the letters in God’s name. It goes through that type of math where 15 becomes 1+5=6 and I’ve never been sure about that. But sure enough, using this logic, YHVH and the 4 main elements in the human body YHVG (carbon) match up. We have 75% of God’s name in our DNA, indicating we are made in His image but not equal to Him.

I’m sure I did a shitty job explaining it. The author of the book does it better.

Studying subjects like the Nephilim and Satanism, it seems like one of Satan’s major goals is to destroy the image of God in man. That’s part of the sons of God mating with the daughters of men. Also probably behind genetic experimentation, transhumanism, etc. I guess Satan thinks (or knows) if he perverts the image of God in man then man cannot be redeemed.

But it could also have referred to the Clot Shot and anything that follows it. Or he could have meant all of this.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

@Anonymous Conservative

Speaking of Q: Don Jr. was asked about their identity on his Rumble “Triggered” show today:

A revelation was apparently given publicly ever since the day after Roe v Wade was overturned about a dream received on February 28, 2020 that Don Jr. is the one who will reveal the Plan more fully when the time is right. It seems odd that now of all times that this question would be chosen for him to answer on his show:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

All of the fake virus and vaccine narrative is a cover for the real weapon they will use, are using, fentanyl and carfentanil.

Died suddenly = Murdered suddenly

A few grains in a drink, an apple, on a door knob.

“Must’ve taken the vax.”

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I think the heart stuff is real. Coming from the spike. It clogs up arteries and blammo! Heart attack time. My husband died a few months ago of massive clots in lungs. No vaxx for us. He was a chiropractor and I ran his office. We were exposed to plenty of boosted patients that shedded and caused us to get the COVID which was brutal. We never get sick since we are healthy AF.
Back in January he was exposed to a patient sick from a booster. We got lax in stopping them from coming in when sick. 12 hours later he is feeling weird. A week later he is dead from cardiac arrest from massive clots in both lungs. This is a bioweapon loosed on us. All the other hype is just hype but there is a very real danger for us non vaxxed given the right circumstances.
what they are not saying is that a lot of the sudden deaths are from these clots

Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago

I’m so sorry for your loss.

Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago

natto and serra; baby aspirin here and there. vit C. H2O.

1 year ago

Re “They could have run the country efficiently and decently, while skimming off enough to live like kings, and they could even have killed here and there, and nobody would have known.”
Is the following passage unfamiliar to anyone?
The recognition of our despot may also come before the destruction of the constitution: the moment for this recognition will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence – a matter which we shall arrange for – of their rulers, will clamor: ‘Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of discords – frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts – who will give us peace and quiet, which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives.’
But you yourselves perfectly well know that to produce the possibility of the expression of such wishes by all the nations it is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people’s relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES, by want, so that the GOYIM- see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.”
If it is unfamiliar, maybe you want to read the Protocols. It seems their despot is likely the prophesied antichrist.

1 year ago

Trudeau’s Divorce Leaves Nation In Shock That He Was Married To A Woman · Aug 2, 2023 · BabylonBee

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

CDAN had a post on how it was due to Sophie catching COVID from whomever she was having an affair with while on vacation.

But I suspect ppl pay for posts, so who knows which side wanted that out thrre.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

comment image?width=502&height=645

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Both those guys are effeminate and “pretty”. Aren’t the gays supposed to like sexual dimorphism in their partners?

Whatever is going on there is as disgusting as the B&W of Joe nuzzling Hunters neck.

1 year ago

P.S. to the ‘war on marriage’ posts

The current issue of Paris Match, the big French weekly, shows a 63 year old actress in a decidedly carefree pose. “People court me, but I prefer flying solo.”

Don’t have any friends or partners, anon. Be cool, anon. Be free, anon.

This isn’t just some quote they pulled from that interview. This magazine cover is another psyop attack to make us atomized individuals.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They want the lone wolves atomized.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Literal hypocrisy. Ever thing about her FAKE life is being supported by a massive organization. She’s never alone.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Nothing care-free about that schnoz. Toucan Sam avoids eye contact with her.

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago


1 year ago

The thing on slagging “The Jews.” Okay, so the timeline is modern Judaism came into being a century or so after Christianity? Most religions are fissile. Mormonism has three branches that I can think of, right off the top of my head. It’s only 100, 150, 200 ish years old? I’m vague on the chronology- it’s back when women wore long skirts and covered wagons were a thing. Judaism has almost two thousand years. That’s a lot of time to fracture.

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

the tenets of modern judaism have been a lot of their oral tradition for well over 2000 years

Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago

If you aren’t opposed to reading Tomes, then E Michael Jones The J*wish Revilutionary Spirit is excellent. Meticulously documented.

He is a devout Catholic and that may be a deal breaker. If it isn’t and you are interested in the topic, it’s great.

Alcoholics Anonymous Conservative
Alcoholics Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Meanwhile, K shift moments:
While having a dinner with a bunch of coworkers, all very strongly Democrat (I just keep my mouth shut, because either it’s all going to come crashing down at some point, and things will become self-evident, or else it continues on continuing on, in which case they won’t pay any heed)

One coworker, a guy, who listens to about every last normie Democrat current events podcast, made a comment about how sitcoms have featured helpless, buffonish men for decades, while a black female coworker (from the east coast) lamented that most men are useless with fixing things these days.

Baby steps? Maybe. Who knows. It seemed like something, however small.1


“A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.”

Mug America Great Again


TWO YEARS AGO… had to run into a local convenience store for something. older black woman there complaining about bidenomics fuel prices… and iffy availability. she said she didnt personally like trump but what was going on was insane. and she wanted trump back. and i agreed with her.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

The cattle won’t care until it personally affects them; they have no morals, no guiding principle, just self-obsession and fear.

It’s why waking up normies is a waste of time. They’ll just lockstep into whatever regime takes control the hardest. You cannot inspire them to see truth and be better because they are fundamentally incapable.

1 year ago

“Instead we need all this show, played out like some movie. I do not know why, when it seems there are so many better ways.”
It seems we have been given one large hypocrisy script. “Trump does X” and “Bad guys actually are guilty of”. Hopefully, we get to see what happens when Trump wins the election and then Biden actually tries to steal (part of the movie).” Are we going to get a “real” Jan 6th? And arresting of Trump on TV before he takes office? Seems like we are headed there.

1 year ago

it’s real money, and (((they))) want the lion’s share…

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Jack Smith’s prosecution of Trump has a major First Amendment problem, legal experts say.

So…we’re still pretending that the 1st Amendment is relevant? Or any of the Bill of Rights, for that matter?

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Liberals tend to view the Constitution as “a la carte” – they only acknowledge the parts that support whatever their current Narrative is.

I have often been amused at some “community leader” demanding gun control. He would doubtless be outraged if someone put a collar around his neck and force him to pick cotton. The Constitution is all one piece. If they can ignore Second Amendment, then they could hardly object if someone else ignored the Fifteenth Amendment.

1 year ago

Many of you have heard of Jimmy Dore. Left wing Bernie supporting comedian who covers a lot of political news. While a lefty, he calls out obvious bullshit. He was really vocal against the Russiagate BS.

Here he covers the corruption of the Trump indictments and the threat it poses to everyone. Good to see that even people on the left are waking up to what’s going on.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Dore is not a neo-lib.

The neo-libs have more control over the Left than the neo-cons have over the Right. To the extent there is no real Left in the US anymore.

Antifa, BLM, all the stupid podcasts ars all neo-lib fronts the same as Shapiro and his ilk and Fox News are neo-con fronts.

Bernie was a honey-trap for the nationalist Left (white males).

1 year ago

Do it Q. The comments are almost all our side.

1 year ago

 Even now, they could just reveal what was going on, and punish whoever they wanted for the conspiracy, and then reconstitute it in the shadows. Instead we need all this show, played out like some movie. I do not know why, when it seems there are so many better ways.”

Andrei Fursov suggests that the masters of the western elite are in the midst of a crisis. Obama and Hillary combined were to manage a transition into the next stage of things, a re-working of things to insure the status of the elite in an age of diminishing expectations. But Trump was a black swan event that screwed up their plan. A smooth transition couldn’t be completed. It required a dramatic escalation, including a stolen election, Jan 6, etc. They are now in an unstable and dangerous position and their only choice is to aggressively attempt to drive through it. They can’t go back, they can’t stand still. When you’re in an ambush, power through.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Head ’em off at the pass.

1 year ago
Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

That should be migrants becoming vigilantes….

1 year ago

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
The New Freedom (1913), Page 5, Section I: “The Old Order Changeth”, by Dr. Thomas Woodrow Wilson the 28th President of the United States.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


1 year ago

Young Men Lean Right as Ideological Gap Between Sexes Widens

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The real secret is women just follow the most influential voice in their life. That’s why they nuked the importance of fathers and male role models; replace dad or husband with [current satanic government figure] and the women will be biologically incapable of resisting the draw to support [current satanic government].

Young women are being poisoned because the enemy knows if they settle down with a respectable man, they’ll become redpilled naturally by his leadership.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


1 year ago

As for Ramaswamy, although he refuses to directly answer questions critical to determining whether he is a natural-born citizen, the public record provides enough information to make the call without his help.
We know that Ramaswamy was born in 1985. We know that his mother and father immigrated here from India about 40 years ago, according to information revealed in a Washington Post article from April 3, 2023. 
The process for becoming a naturalized citizen typically takes about five years. I worked for several years as an immigration attorney and can personally attest to the truth of this.
If we subtract 40 from 2023, we get 1983. If allow a range of two years on both sides of the estimated year of immigration of Ramaswamy’s parents — 1983 — that gives us a range of 1981-1985. Regardless of where the actual date of arrival in the United States falls, that range does not provide sufficient time for Ramaswamy’s parents to have completed the necessary steps for naturalization before his birth in 1985.

Following the Founders’ lead matters greatly. The provision they expressly included in the Constitution regarding this issue serves as a safeguard against constitutionally unqualified candidates seizing power, a pressing concern for every American, then and now. This holds true for anyone whose life and liberty might hang in the balance under the command of the individual named commander-in-chief of the U.S. military during a time of war.
Notably, the drafters of the Constitution felt no need to define the concept of natural-born citizen. The term “natural born citizen” finds its origins in the English concept of “natural born subject,” which finds its roots in Calvin’s Case, a 1608 legal decision.
Those labeled as natural born subjects were individuals whose allegiance to the king was innate, following the dictates of the “law of nature.” According to the court’s verdict, certain individuals owed allegiance to the king by the principles of natural law, entitling them to his protection even in the absence of a parliamentary decree.
During the colonial and early republic periods, those born under the British Crown could bear “double allegiance,” akin to the modern understanding of “dual citizenship.”
Our own Founding Fathers, most of whom were born within the territory controlled by the British Empire, were understandably apprehensive about the potential repercussions of divided loyalty, given they were fighting for their freedom from what many considered “the mother country.” In response, they enshrined the “natural born citizen” requirement in the Constitution as a guard against what Gouverneur Morris in the Constitutional Convention called “the danger of admitting strangers into our public councils.”
In his View of the Constitution of the United States, St. George Tucker eloquently explained the purpose of the provision:

That provision in the constitution which requires that the president shall be a native-born citizen (unless he were a citizen of the United States when the constitution was adopted) is a happy means of security against foreign influence, which, wherever it is capable of being exerted, is to be dreaded more than the plague. The admission of foreigners into our councils, consequently, cannot be too much guarded against; their total exclusion from a station to which foreign nations have been accustomed to attach ideas of sovereign power, sacredness of character, and hereditary right, is a measure of the most consummate policy and wisdom.

The source of the “natural born citizen” standard is known to us today. Swiss jurist Emerrich de Vattel defined that term in his book The Law of Nations, published in 1758 and which, according to Benjamin Franklin, “had been continually in the hands of the members of our Congress.” 
Book I, Chapter 19, Section 212 of The Law of Nations reads:

Natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see, whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country. [Emphasis added.]

De Vattel’s definition of “natural born citizen” and the benefits derived from distinguishing between “natural born citizens” and “citizens” were well known to our Founding Fathers and, in fact, the very name of that high standard was copied verbatim by them into Article II of the U.S. Constitution wherein the qualifications for president of the United States are set out.
To see that such a qualification was universally agreed to by the delegates at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, one need only look to the record of that convention and note that the requirement that the president be a “natural born citizen” was mentioned only twice and was agreed to “nem. con.,” a contraction of a Latin legal phrase meaning “without opposition.”
Finally, for those reading this article and ready to throw down the 14th Amendment card, read a little more before you do.
Senator Jacob Merritt Howard (R-Mich.) was the principal architect of the citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment.
During the debates on the proposed amendment, Senator Howard insisted that the qualifying phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” be inserted into Section 1 of the 14th Amendment being considered by his colleagues. Howard explained the need for the alteration:

This amendment which I have offered is simply declaratory of what I regard as the law of the land already, that every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, [or] who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.

Rationally, then, a person could not be “born in the United States” and be simultaneously a citizen and a “foreigner” or “alien” if the mere fact of nativity settled the question of citizenship!
Representative John Bingham also helped clarify the meaning of the “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” clause, declaring during the debate: “Every human being born within the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Emphasis added.)
It seems clear that the constitutional and legal history, as well as his own family history, demonstrate that although his policy positions seem to resonate with many Republicans, Vivek Ramaswamy is not constitutionally eligible to serve as president of the United States.

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Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Farsensitive’s post needs to be placed in the right hand column so as to be accessible to everyone.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Question: I know about the use of Vattel’s The Law of Nations during the Convention framing the Constitution; and that Vattel’s The Law of Nations was used against the English who using Black’s were impressing American sailors during the War of 1812; which means that at least up until March 1861 the United States were still under that system and its definitions; but now, Black’s legal system is the go-to; does this mean the United States is now and has been under a completely different system of laws and their meanings since 1871; are we now amenable to the British Crown?
Furthermore, as the D.C. government is a Corporation, doesn’t that mean the American Corporation answers to its owners — not to its people — said to be the King of England and/or the Vatican?
I am also aware of the concept of the Successor Contractor: the successor is responsible for fulfilling the original contract – the Constitution – and makes it its by-laws; yet it is far easier to change by-laws than it is to change the original contract; a fact made obvious when, in creating the new Corporation in 1871, the original 13th Amendment was dropped.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

That would be an occupation by a hostile foreign force through a coup.

True or false it doesn’t legitimize anything.