News Briefs – 07/07/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Tesla Offers Rebates On Top Of Price Cuts In China

DFT – Shell CEO Notes Cutting Oil And Gas Production Would Be Dangerous

DFT – GSK’s Malaria Vaccine To Be Rolled Out In Africa

DFT – German Banking Giants Sued By Gazprom

DFT – China Says Metal Export Restrictions Just The Beginning

I was thinking about the no-inner-monologue people, and the following meme I saw on 4Chan popped into my mind:

There are two ways to examine the fact your wife is absconding with the kids. One, is the deep intellectual route – wonder why, and debate with yourself where it all went wrong, understand what she was thinking, figure out if she would be justified or if she is wrong, understand where your failures were, or, you can ignore everything, and just be an emotion recognition engine, and find something which feels the same to think about.

You can see how the first path requires the use of language to process the more complex issues. The marriage failed. There is no arguing that. Even if it was the wife’s fault, you selected her, so it still kind of falls on you, and there are ways you can avoid it in the future, if you can fully understand the past and how your decisions, in part led to where you are. The second path really does not require language, which is kind of why it is funny to us. It doesn’t consider anything, except the fact this feels just like “Endgame.”

And moreover, you can see how the second path is highly dependent on what you have seen. Present the right images to manipulate that emotion-recognition engine, and it cannot reason its way out of it, it is just an emotional Rube Goldberg, following the paths it has been shown. If the guy in the meme had been tricked into emotionally investing in a story where the loss of those people was a great thing – the beginning of new opportunities, a new adventure in freedom, I will bet he would see himself as “Hawkeye,” freed at last to battle the Evil Dr Chaos, and preserve the infinity stones for the legacy of the children who would never know his sacrifice. I think we are looking at this meme, and laughing, because this was a person with no inner monologue, and the thought process that created appears so ridiculous to us when encapsulated in that meme as to be hilarious.


Just a quick thought-experiment refutation to those who say it is the British Crown. If the King were the dominant power, I suspect that instead of America being psyoped into becoming a “nation of immigrants” from all of Europe following the Revolution, the King would have made sure his elevated agents in the US created a meme of us welcoming only the British immigrants, with whom we shared a common history and language, but not foreigners who could not understand us with our fundamentally “British” history and common language. The King would not have wanted French spies, and Italian spies, and German spies entering and infiltrating the US, being supported and elevated economically by their nation’s intel agencies with bogus businesses, and eventually run for office. The king would have wanted only his spies dong that. But instead, we began as a nation of immigrants from all of Europe, because Cabal was behind all of the royal houses, and maintained assets in all of Europe, and it was the quickest way to fill us up with infiltrators working for the real power – some kind of non-state actor which was behind the governments all throughout Europe, and for whom, at the time, every European nation was the same as every other. I do not doubt the King’s intelligence network from the colonies and the Revolutionary War was the first seed. But the truth was it was never the King’s network and the King was just a puppet himself. It could be the Vatican, though I think running the Vatican would be a lot of bullshit, and that would have been farmed out by whoever really ran things, so they could focus on the money, and the overall plan. Just a random thought.

Declassified JFK documents reveal Swedish man predicted JFK’s assassination, 10 days beforehand said ‘within two weeks President Kennedy would be assassinated on a trip among his own people.’ Interesting, because you have this  massive non-state intel op, where people know stuff. Could be this was the one person who got loose lips while drunk, and blabbed to this guy, and millions more knew but didn’t say anything. I remember a guy who worked for some investment bank in the World Trade Center saying on 9/11, when he was coming into work, he thought it was a Muslim holiday as all the Muslim food cart guys who ran carts all around the Twin Towers were all gone. They were likely static surveillance posts, brought over as CIA immigrants, who were assigned to track people around the Twin Towers, and on 9/11, they knew not to bother coming to work, because the network knew what was going to happen. They all probably got up and flipped on the TV to watch the show.

QAnon leader Michael Protzman dies in Rochester after dirt bike accident. Obviously we never heard of him. You want to say he was made up by the media, or a Deep State Cabal production, blown out of all proportion. And yet what if he was not? What if he was a big figure, as big as Vox Day, and somehow we were all silo’d off from him, and NEVER EVEN HEARD Of HIM, because he existed in a parallel dimension on the internet which we have never laid eyes on? What if there are thousands like that, all effectively isolated from each other, in different internets? Could assuming that, researching it, and pulling at those strings, reveal some mechanism by which we are all isolated online, in our own unique internets, where some people who might be huge in a neighboring parallel internet, do not even exist in our’s? Might this death be the faint reverberations in our world of some explosion in another parallel  dimension of the internet multiverse? I am sure they are splitting us up and serving us different internets. The only question is, how insane is the program to do this which they have created, and how completely has it identified how to keep us separated?

White House cocaine was found near the Situation Room and NOT in the West Wing visitor entrance: Drug story changes for the SECOND time as Secret Service now says dime bag was found in a more ‘secure’ location.

Experts were baffled by the Biden administration invoking the Hatch Act when asked whether President Biden or his son owned the cocaine found at the White House. WH officials are claiming since it is campaign season, they cannot discuss the allegations under the law, since it could affect the election. Which means it is Hunter’s coke, and Hunter has once again fucked over his dad’s Presidency.

Oddsmakers have identified Hunter Biden as the favorite in the White House cocaine mystery.

House Oversight chair James Comer issues warning to Biden: ‘More disturbing findings’ have emerged. Sounds like more bank records with more bribes. They are reviewing it, will make it public in a few days.

Missing Biden corruption whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft released a 14 minute video to The New York Post on Thursday detailing damning allegations against the President Joe Biden and his family in a massive international bribery scheme filmed in an undisclosed location while on the run from the Biden regime and Department of Justice.

Congressman on intelligence committee says aliens ‘have the technology to turn humans into charcoal briquettes’ and Government has been covering up UFO existence since 1890.

For two days Bannon Warroom frequent guest, Attorney Mike Davis, has been trying desperately to defend his friend, RNC Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon, for her participation in a California GOP scheme to support Ron DeSantis with proportional delegates, to drain support from Trump, who would get all delegates under the winner take all rules. They finally backed down, probably because DeSantis now doesn’t stand a chance. He is now Ted Cruz, and nobody will remember who he is in 2028, beyond the fact he opposed Trump for the Deep State.

Ron DeSantis has just 12% support in Tennessee GOP Presidential Primary.

Trump begins to sour on ‘spotlight hound’ Kari Lake for VP. Excellent.

Trump aide Walt Nauta pleads not guilty in classified documents case.

The State Department reportedly postponed its regularly scheduled meeting with Facebook representatives on Wednesday following a court decision on Tuesday that restricted talks between Biden administration officials and social media firms.

Disinformation researchers fret about fallout from judge’s order. Lots of these articles out there, worried this may hamper Democrat chances in 2024 unless it is dealt with.

British passenger freaks out and screams at passengers, then goes for the door when two men take him down.

Comes on the heels of this woman who freaked out, saying the man next to her “wasn’t real,” before demanding to deboard, and she got in no trouble. Two interesting aspects. Some woman who seemed uninvolved, tells her at 3:47 here, “I’m a licensed attorney, so just Be Careful. And there is the fact she, in the course of the scene, struck a Baphomet-As-Above-So-Below-pose with her hands, which seems intentional, and makes some wonder if it was all acted out:

Accused Philadelphia gunman Kimbrady Carriker, 40, reportedly made “disturbing” posts on social media before allegedly killing five people and injuring two others in a mass shooting during the holiday weekend. I would assume he was being psyoped at this point, since I suspect most transgenders have let “them” in their head. The real question is, who are these weird people who seem so normal in appearance, and yet their alter egos are basically entirely focused on setting off everything from mass casualty terrorist attacks, to school shootings, as they spy on everyone? It is tough to even describe how weird it is to see them in the flesh, knowing they are cool with 9/11, and supportive of something which is really just pure evil. It just does not compute when you see them.

Nearly two weeks ago, members of the House Freedom Caucus took a vote to oust Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., from the ultraconservative group. It’s still unclear whether that vote was successful. They voted her out, but they have not told her, and they are not making moves to remove her, and are acting like she is still in.

Delaware House candidate who would be first trans Congress member rakes in $414K in five days. I have done this long enough to know, if anyone here who is not in the conspiracy were to try exactly what this guy is doing, you would never make any cash. No media would mention you. Nobody would open their wallet to you. All of this is an artifice.

Bank blocks account for parents’ organisation opposed to child transgenderism.

How did the U.S. become one of the top child sex consumers? I will bet we would all be blown away if we knew the stats on pedophilia among upper-level politicians, the elites of business, and “high-society.” The country is run by an Intel op and Intel ops run things through blackmail, pedophilia chief among the sources.

City of Philadelphia sues primary distributors of ghost guns, Polymer80, Inc. and JSD Supply.

Biden taps notorious neocon & Iraq war architect to head foreign propaganda ops. He has the same faggy satanic eyebrows Michael Aquino had:

Harvard and Yale scientists investigate new condition dubbed ‘Long Vax’: Debilitating suite of symptoms linked to Covid shot that last months and resemble Long Covid.

Lancet study on Covid vaccine autopsies finds 74% were caused by vaccine – study is removed within 24 hours.  Study is here.

Average life expectancy of gays is less than 50 years old? Yikes.

Transgender military members are exempt from fitness and weight standards.

Nearly HALF of tap water in U.S. is laced with hormone-warping ‘forever chemicals’ linked to cancer and infertility, major government study finds – with worst-hit areas in Cali, Eastern Seaboard, Great Lakes and Great Plains.

Within a few hours of launching, Meta’s Twitter clone Threads was already secretly censoring users and not offering them the right to appeal.

Elon Musk is threatening to sue Meta over its new “Twitter killer,” Threads, a text-based app that resembles Twitter, accusing Meta of hiring dozens of former Twitter employees who still have access to the social media platform’s trade secrets.

A Colorado supermarket employee was fired after he recorded three men stealing approximately $500 worth of laundry detergent from the store on Father’s Day. A Cabal insurance scam?

NYC Mayor Eric Adams allegedly carries fake picture of a fallen cop in his wallet, shows it off to press: report.

Possible transcript of the Titan sub disaster leaks online. Nobody knows if it is real, but it portrays the sub possibly overweight, descending too fast, with a possible thruster malfunction, and then about 20 minutes spent  jettisoning ballast and a support frame to try and ascend, but the ascent is too slow, they can hear cracking, and then contact is lost. But nobody knows if it is real or where it came from.

Titan passenger says OceanGate CEO told them to SLEEP when the sub got stuck at bottom of Atlantic, because, he said, their battery had just gone “Kaput.”

Man in his 30s in stable condition after being stabbed on Toronto subway near Eglinton station. “Help me! Help me!” And all the rabbits flee. Of course if you tried to help, Cabal would screw you and the rabbits would flee and leave you hanging. The action starts about 37 seconds in:

Greece on edge: Army of Muslims march through Cyprus holding Qurans: shouting ‘Allahu Akbar.’

Riot update: French right-wing influencer tells followers “do nothing” — let the Republic fall as it’s intended to.

France passes bill to allow police remotely activate phone camera, microphone, spy on people.

France’s strict gun control laws are working well (to disarm law-abiding citizens while criminals loot, riot, and terrorize the innocent).

Arms sent to Kiev by Paris used by French rioters. Unclear if the weapons made their way to Ukraine, were sold off for cash on the black market, or if they never left France, and were just routed to rioters, who are probably Cabal.

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev found himself lectured by his Ukrainian guest Vladimir Zelensky on Thursday, after telling him that Sofia had no weapons to give Kiev for free.

Ukraine’s foreign exchange reserves stand at a record 39 billion dollars.

Ukraine’s military spy chief said on Thursday that the threat of a Russian attack on the vast Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant was receding, but that it could easily return as long as the facility remained under occupation by Moscow’s forces. Getting IAEA in there to confirm there were no explosives planted by Russia made Ukraine’s attack unable to be blamed on the Russians. Well-played.

US will send cluster munitions to Ukraine for use against Russia. Nobody in the US wants to do this, except the Cabal flunkies and their surveillance NPCs. I have to think Russia is waiting to reveal what is going on in America to Americans because they think something is coming, and they do not want to disrupt it. Russia could take all of this down now, with a few videos online showing people their kids are being targeted, and they are being watched in their homes, along with a membership roster of everyone involved. If they did, and we could finish what they started, there would end up being a friendly US government, honestly elected, which would view Russia like France saving us in the Revolutionary War, But as with Trump they are waiting.

Lindsey Graham has been vociferous in asking Ukraine be given cluster munitions. Russia has all the right enemies. This little homo degenerate coward wants to get all these innocent young warriors murdered while he is banging male escorts with money he would never get if he hadn’t signed onto a traitorous criminal conspiracy. So infuriating. And there is no way this asshole ever got honestly elected.

Pence: US will have to fight Russia if Ukraine defeated. The Cuckservative Neocons were always traitors.

A group of former U.S. national security officials have held secret talks with prominent Russians, including the Kremlin’s top diplomat, with the aim of laying the groundwork for negotiations to end the war in Ukraine, sources tell NBC News.

Ben & Jerry’s parent company Unilever loses $2.6bn in market capital after ice cream brand’s infamous July 4th tweet in which it called for Mount Rushmore to be returned to Native Americans.

Disney stock downgraded after studio lost $900 MILLION on last 8 movies.

Pride messaging down 40% from 2022 as boycotts explode.

Spread r/K Theory, because neocons shouldfight their own wars

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Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

The British Crown is the City of London, not the monarch,

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

City of London is the Temple Crown

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago


Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Lancet study on Covid vaccine autopsies finds 74% were caused by vaccine – study is removed within 24 hours. Study is here.

The archive is only a one page screenshot. A link to the archiving source leads to the Daily Skeptic; which leads to this:

Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine – Study is Removed Within 24 Hours

Following links further one gets to:
this page which has the study embedded; one can then download the study by clicking on the download icon on the pdf itself. Looks like things are being seriously scrubbed.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

>>Transgender military members are exempt from fitness and weight standards.
Then they are not really soldiers. They will either be battlefield sacrifices or they will be back-office personnel, but subject to promotions.

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

And God help you, their superior officer, if you DON’T promote the walking freakshows. “That just proves you’re a homophobe/whatever-the-fuck-that-thing-claims-to-be-phobe bigot”, and your career is over.

This is why the enemy’s first priority is **always** Personnel/H.R.

Reply to  anonymous
1 year ago

Personnel is policy.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

British monarchs, the Vatican, doesn’t matter. It appears that the current version of cabal is run by women/queers that love smelling their own farts.

Everything they do is so drama fueled.

Look at Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Instead of a measured masculine response we get the high school Stacey “OMG! Everybody better hate that bitch as much as we do or you’re next!” response. Utterly ridiculous and in no way does this behavior garner respect or loyalty among our allies. You can almost sense Xi and Putin looking at each other like “Get a load of this dumb broad.”

A prime example of the woman mind-set happened to me recently.
My former boss’s wife died so I sent flowers to her funeral. I mentioned this to my wife in passing.

HER: “I thought you hated him? You bitched the whole time you worked for him.”
ME: “I don’t hate him. He just was in the wrong position. He was not a good manager and I told him that. I told him he should go back to being a support tech.”
HER: “I would never have sent the flowers.”

Even after trying to get her to see the logic she just couldn’t grasp it.

Not even saying I handled it the best when I worked for him but we still spoke afterwards and were amiable.
Women are retarded about diplomacy is what I’m trying to say.

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

Women are resentful, bitter, spiteful creatures who are much more sadistic than many men realize. In general, they need to be regarded with caution.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This really hits home, AC, the maybe never even meeting real people or having real relationships. For me it dovetails with the article Tex had about not taking anyone serious since the age of 11. I spent my whole life just wanting to be left alone to do what I’m supposed to do and it’s been impossible because they just keep coming at you. Our lives have been robbed daily since we took the GATE tests that identified us as problems.

There’s a movie called The Lives Of Others about an East German Stasi operation, I don’t know if it’s been mentioned here before but it’s worth watching. After East Germany fell they had a program for everyone to see the surveillance files the government kept on them. I keep dreaming of this happening here. I know AC has mentioned this before, it’ll be a real life Purge that lasts a lot longer than one night.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Wow, yes. Dogs and cats were my best friends as a child. I thought I could talk to dogs, lol.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yes, when I was a child dogs and cats were my best friends. I used to think I could talk to dogs, lol. It’s almost like a telepathy thing. One time I was camping in a national park, drinking coffee in a chair by my tent just before the sun came up. A herd of deer were moving through the camp ground, spread out over a large area. One walked by so close to me I could have reached out and touched him. This deer was massive, towering over me, I was in awe as it passed by. I just sat there quiet drinking my coffee watching them, it was a magic moment. A couple minutes later someone a few campsites away unzipped their tent and instantly the herd ran away, leaping over a fence at the far end of the camp ground and disappearing into the woods.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I had always thought I was the only one like this.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yeah. All that. I def had the stomach stuff.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yeah. All that. And the stomach thing too. But that is new. “Kids like us” had the stomach thing?

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

Your wife’s spiteful opinion about how no one deserves flowers sent to their spouse’s funeral ad a sign of respect is probably because she secretly got annoyed by your grumbling. Thus being disrespectful was a form of pay back. She couldn’t help you with your problem. She got tired of hearing about it. She transferred that annoyance onto the guy to the point she couldn’t see the need to show respect for his bereavement.

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

| the high school Stacey “OMG! Everybody better hate that bitch as much as we do or you’re next!” response.

Nailed it. That’s EXACTLY what modern American politics has devolved into.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

>>Man in his 30s in stable condition after being stabbed on Toronto subway near Eglinton station.
Notice the victim and the attacker -primarily the attacker — are both filmed: the video recorder follows the fleeing rabbits; then videos the attacker as he leaves with the victim’s backpack.

  1. How does the photographer know to record victim (but no real head shot just the dropping of the cup: a signal?)?
  2. Why would the photographer know to wait for the attacker to disembark and record his departure with the victim’s bag?
  3. Was this an illicit or secret transfer of merchandise and the attack a distraction? Was the recording a confirmation of the successful deal.
  4. Was the violence a camouflage?
Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

Riot update: French right-wing influencer tells followers “do nothing” — let the Republic fall as it’s intended to.

Better yet, accelerate and fuel. Join in and direct the mob towards the clowns. Any local vocal vax fags or pro-immigrant pols get culturally enriched pronto.

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

You think these people don’t have orders and “no-go” areas where rioting will not be tolerated? They’re out on orders to cause chaos, they will know you’re an enemy because you’re not following the exact same orders they received.

The police and military are capable of stopping this. They don’t because they choose not to. You going out there will just end up with you being arrested and charged for the obvious crimes the actors are committing because you’re not an actor.

Reply to  Corn Pop
1 year ago

Operation Trust

1 year ago

AC, did you watch the funeral of Queen Elizabeth’s husband? His Masonic regalia was displayed. —The British Royal family and the whole of the British Aristocracy are Masons!—they are about race-mixing! They are beholden to the coming “utopia” which is prescribed by Jewish Messianism and Masonry is the vehicle for Jewish Messianism. That is why it is called the “Anglo-Zionist” Empire or Conspiracy–the leadership of the Anglo-Saxons are engrossed in this ideology and believe it! They are ALL on board. So the British king is attacking his own people. Jewish Messianism, this utopia, world gov. thing, makes everyone a traitor. Masonry has a very LONG history in the British Isles, Dr. Dee and Sir William Raleigh way back in the 1600s.

Post Grape Nuts
Post Grape Nuts
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Immigrants replaced poor native Whites with cheap labor and diluted their electoral power. This was done by Yankee and Southern elites to their own peoples.

The Yankees finally won the population battle and conquered the seceding South to establish the Yankee controlled American Empire.

It was the rise of Central Banking in the USA that finally tied the expanding American Empire to the collapsing British Empire and created the Anglo-American Empire.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

John Coleman was, I think, an American intelligence agent at one time. He wrote a book on “The Committee of the 300” which is the ruling body of the Anglo-Zionist Empire. Here is a speech from the sixties:

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’d say odds are good the British Crown has been a Cabal asset since either Cromwell or William and Mary at the latest. The Hanovers were absolutely Cabal assets, and Victoria’s marriage to Albert was wedding two massively influential bloodlines.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Is there anything more signature cabal than the Gunpowder plot? It could be something plucked right from the daily news today. And they celebrate their successful skit to this day.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

It’s almost like having a Monarch doesn’t do anything to stop cabal.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Except Jesus who has command of his Angels to harvest all rebels.

The Gospel is to ensure that the maximum no of subjects are gathered into his Kingdom before total polarization. Then Jesus will conduct a full purge.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Parable of Wheat and Tares.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Why do they topple Monarchs then?

Not a leading question. But they seem to topple Monarchs as a forst step.

And they have absolutely sought to limit the office of President here in the US. Even when Cabal held the office.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Because a Monarch gives the people a central focus for blame and replacement.
A properly designed republic does the same thing and makes the replacement easier.

They now prefer to rule from the shadows with distributed points of authority that can all point to the others as the real problem.
That’s why they loaded the Constitution with “checks and balances” but made it very hard to remove any of the office holders before their term is up. (the only real check)
Just look who has the most power in the systems they created, the unelected bureaucrats and judges, then the Senators with 6 year terms, followed by the President with a 4 year term.
They make sure that even if we manage to get a movement going to throw the bums out it has no real effect and then energy dissipates.
If you overthrow a king or remove an elected dictator you replace him with someone who can instantly reverse the hated policies and fire the entire government to be replaced with people opposed to the old policies.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Attila Hildmann (*1981) is another big Qanon guy you’ve never heard of, just because his language / culture isn’t Anglo. Funnily enough, he started out as a “diversity is our strength” poster boy, a Turkish kid adopted by a German couple, and became famous as a vegan celebrity chef and cookbook author who got invited to lots of TV shows.

But then …

Hildmann spread conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.[15] In June 2020, Hildmann shared antisemitic conspiracy theories, calling himself a German nationalist and saying that Jews wanted ‘to exterminate the German race’.[5]
Hildmann claimed in August 2020 during the closure of the Pergamon Altar in Berlin, caused by COVID-19, that satanic rituals were performed at night and that the altar was a “centre of global satanists and Corona criminals”.
In November 2020 Berlin police searched his home and confiscated six computers as well as several cellphones, after taking over investigations from Brandenburg authorities. An arrest warrant for slander, harassment and incitement to racial hatred […] was finally issued in February 2021, but Hildmann had been absent from his home for several weeks at this time. […] Hildmann moved to Turkey in early 2021, evading prosecution in Germany.[1]

I can’t condone some of the things he said and did, but what’s interesting is how much he makes even the most radical Twitter bros look like controlled opposition gatekeepers.

There was a collective online hunt for Hildmann (by the ‘Hildbusters’) – where exactly in Turkey was he hiding out? He was finally located because someone identified the floor tiling from a vet’s office where he had taken his cat and posted a picture to social media.

I think he didn’t have Turkish citizenship at first, and he would have been extradited because of that, but then he suddenly did – as if the Turkish government had given it to him out of spite – “he’s one of ours, fuck you Germany.”

1 year ago

Re: ‘Trump’s souring on Lake’ being excellent. Would you please expand on this?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Makes sense. Thanks.

1 year ago

“Average life expectancy of gays is less than 50 years old”

As with used cars, it’s not the year that counts, but the mileage.

Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

Not the healthiest lifestyle. Remember the conversations about parasites on here?

Reply to  Jimmy
1 year ago

Not the healthiest lifestyle. Remember the discussions about parasites we had here not long ago

1 year ago

“House, M.D.” was one of the biggest TV show a few years back, not just in America, but globally.

Satanism for the masses.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Doctor House was a cynic, and probably a sociopath and mild narcissist, not a Satanist. Some of you people are far too prone to see occult symbols and such behind everything. Their entertainment usually is not that overt. The real danger is not some Freemasonic symbols hidden in the background. It’s anti-life values that are thrust front and center in all the dialogues and situations.

Cabal isn’t trying to get people to overtly worship satan. They are trying to fill your head with distractions, hopelessness, despair.

Beyond that, House was a one of the best programs on TV in this century. You can watch it without fearing that you’re worshipping the prince of darkness.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Part Number
Part Number
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Cringe atheism/scientism for the masses, perhaps.

1 year ago

Note on the comments.

I usually log in using Firefox on a Macbook. Sometimes I will use my phone. Yesterday I went here about midday and there were 14 comments. This morning, about 7 AM, I went to the site using my phone and the links for July 7th were up, but for July 6th there were still only 14 comments. I thought that was odd because there is usually more than 14, and more than one comments drop.

About 9 AM I went back using my Macbook and browser, and on July 6th 32 comments are showing. So this is more evidence that something is messed up with the comments.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

It has to do with comment volume each day as well as how often AC approves them. I get them through RSS. I’ve come to hate it when I do one last sweep of my information feeds at 10 PM and find AC approved 80 more comments that I have to read before I can go to bed.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago


1 year ago

‘Trump begins to sour on ‘spotlight hound’ Kari Lake for VP.’

It didn’t occur to me to wonder who his running mate should be. Any suggestions?

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

The running mate should be a credible President. However, as Robert Barnes pointed out, there has to be something off putting to the establishment so they are not tempted to impeach or assassinate the President to get the running mate. He says Kamala Harris fulfills this role for Biden. However, you don’t have to go the Harris/ Quayle/ Agnew route and just get someone more MAGA than Trump.

Its also historically been proven that putting your main primary opponent on the ticket is a really bad idea, so that rules out DeSantis right off the bat.

I am the opinion that Pence was really the best Trump could do in 2016. There just weren’t that many nationalist or populists pols. In the GOP, it was country club and MIC Republicans all the way down. Its to Trump’s credit that the party started changing in 2018. Pence had been a former Governor and Congressman, so was qualified, and had been willing to ruffle some feathers. Pence’s problem is his large family. It makes him really vulnerable to bribery. Sessions was too old, as it turned out with his tenure in the Cabinet, and really there was no one else.

Glenn Youngkin would probably make a decent President, at least administratively, but the establishment would prefer him to Trump, so that has to be ruled out. My top three are Senator Josh Hawley (probably the best and most consistent Senator on MAGA issues), Senator Ron Johnson (anti-establishment on pharma), and Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa (consistent Trump supporter who went against the establishment on the lockdowns). Johnson gives a slight electoral advantage of having won three statewide elections in Wisconsin. Any of the three would probably be good presidents. I don’t think anyone else should be seriously considered.

However, I am leaning more towards that there won’t be an election, and it will probably be called off due to war before it gets to announcing the running mate time. But Trump needs to go through the drill just in case.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

DJT will pick a woman or a black. He believes in shoring up those demographics and he likes promoting women to positions of responsibility.
1. Kari Lake (the article is a red herring)
2. Rep. Byron Donalds
3. NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson
4. Gov. Sarah H. Sanders
The wild card in this situation is what happens if/when the Romneys kick Trump out of the debates and primaries while the Dems ostracize RFK Jr: Small but not-impossible chance of a third-party ticket with DJT/RFK.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

Trump will select Devin Nunes as his running mate.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Patrick Little

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Chris Christie then. Nobody likes him, but he could be useful next to DJT as a gate-keeper, staring down the one son-in-law. (chuckle)

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

I can’t suggest anyone because I have no way to know who is cabal controlled.
But it needs to be someone who is much more hardline than Trump, both to dissuade assassination and to set up the next move in the right direction when Trump is done.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Depends on who Trump wants to say FU to. Would FU Hillary and McCain (posthumously) to pick Sarah Palin. Palin becomes first woman President. McCain crew that blamed McCain’s loss on Palin get to kiss Palin’s ass if they want Presidential favors.
Could pull a Reagan and select Speaker McCarthy. Old “Read my (lying) lips” made Reagan’s Presidency seem like a golden age. I’m sure McCarthy as President would perform the same service for Trump’s legacy.
My guess is Trump’s team will anoint someone we never heard of with impeccable credentials. Someone seen as the exact opposite of Pence. Trump doesn’t need a VP candidate to shore up the ticket. Just someone not seen as a FUp like Pence.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think Tulsi Gabbard is an excellent choice. Very mediagenic, anti-war, very much liked by people on the left who’ve become highly disenchanted with the DNC. She could swing some votes in that traditionally go democrat that would never consider voting for Trump.

Conservatives will bicker over minor points such as her thoughts on guns or whatever. But it’s all stupid as the VP has no power in regards to any of these issues at all.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Like George Washington or Benjamin Franklin? Sounds okay to me.

But again, I don’t see her being able to influence much as VP if she was under a strong president. Her best function would be diplomacy and PR, where she has the ability to reach people Trump cannot.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

She’d be my pick too.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Rhodes Scholar, Tulsi Gabbard is a filthy British spy.

It won’t end well for her, or for any Rhodes scholars. They are on a list.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’m unable to find any evidence that Tulsi was a Rhodes Scholar.

The other criticisms that I’ve heard about Tulsi, such as her participation in CFR stuff or WEF stuff come down to this: you simply cannot change the system without having people willing to enter the belly of the beast.

Even Donald Trump attended WEF events while President.

Tulsi ran for Congress, she got into the system, she could see first hand how it all worked. It’s a view far, far beyond what any of us could hope to obtain by reading blog posts.

I’m quite sure Tulsi is legit. If there’s such a thing was the White Hats, I’m quite sure Tulsi is one of their projects because she has the power to break apart the left. Tulsi holds very little threat to the patriotic right.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

He should just pick some random guy from a red state. Would be the ultimate “F you” to the establishment, less risk of backstabbers, etc.

Of course even Trump played by the “big club only” rule, and brother, us every men ain’t in it.

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

Alex Jones (only mostly joking)

Reply to  Maniac
1 year ago

For me it is Kris Kobach. As coup insurance. DJT has said the VP doesn’t matter electorally.

DJT has been very standoffish with Kobach. But Kobach is second only to DJT in being hated by GOP donor class.

The GOP went full mobilization against him and Kobach finally managed to win.

DJT has to go coup insurance. Like Putin with Medvedev. Or W with Quayle. Or Biden with Kamala.

1 year ago

This is a very long palladium magazine article. I saved it to my computer as a PDF file, and the PDF came out to 17 pages. And its dense:

So it takes a long time to read. The author is listed as follows:

“Harold Robertson is an asset class head and institutional investor at a multi-billion dollar pool of capital.”

He probably knows the subject. And the subject is an in depth look at the mechanisms of how corporations implement diversity hiring policies.

Basically they are co-ordinated activities of outside groups, which use various legal and pressure tactics to take control of a corporation’s hiring from the actual corporation. And yes, the objective is more to exclude white males than to really help “minorities” (and women).

And the end, he writes about how the effect is to exclude talented people from being hired by corporations and government agencies, with the result that they begin to self-destruct. He doesn’t quite, in the essay, get to AC’s conclusion that these things are both very much the goal.

1 year ago

Who has been shorting on all the woke-related stock declines?

Fink could be a hide-in-plain-sight “business adviser” with his own secret, private “mutual fund” which has learned all the necessary lessons from Madoff. All of it “legitimate” (if you believe in nonsense), and in the tradition of crudely “sophisticated” financial fraud going back a long time.

1 year ago

[…] Posted on July 7, 2023 by mobiuswolf News Briefs – 07/07/2023 […]

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

QAnon leader Michael Protzman dies in Rochester after dirt bike accident. Obviously we never heard of him. You want to say he was made up by the media, or a Deep State Cabal production, blown out of all proportion. And yet what if he was not? What if he was a big figure, as big as Vox Day, and somehow we were all silo’d off from him, and NEVER EVEN HEARD Of HIM, because he existed in a parallel dimension on the internet which we have never laid eyes on? What if there are thousands like that, all effectively isolated from each other, in different internets? Could assuming that, researching it, and pulling at those strings, reveal some mechanism by which we are all isolated online, in our own unique internets, where some people who might be huge in a neighboring parallel internet, do not even exist in our’s? Might this death be the faint reverberations in our world of some explosion in another parallel dimension of the internet multiverse? I am sure they are splitting us up and serving us different internets. The only question is, how insane is the program to do this which they have created, and how completely has it identified how to keep us separated?

An Anon friend responds:

^^^ THIS ^^^

A thousand times, this!!!

It doesn’t stop at the Internet. I surmise (just a surmise) that the Internet is easy to “beam-split” because the absolute energy in a digital signal is extremely tiny (the power dissipation of a typical signal over an Ethernet cable would be in the microwatts or lower, same for most Wifi signals), and digital signals have extremely high fidelity (very robust against noise/signaling errors). But I speculate that it’s not some magic property of electrical signals that they can be “beam-split” into parallel universes in this way, rather, I speculate that it’s a function of energy dissipation. If you have access to the gigawatts required (and are willing to expend them), I speculate that there exist mechanisms that will permit the “beam-splitting” of macroscopic features. In particular, I believe they are doing this to human brains, and this is how they are actually operating what is referred to as “the Simulation” (which I am convinced is, indeed, part of the actual Great Deception of prophecy). The “Simulation”, such as it is, is 100% absolutely human in origin…. “the Machines” or “aliens” or “DMT machine-elves”… these are all propaganda meant to misdirect away from the true cause and origin: unbridled human wickedness. I’m not guessing about the origin!”

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

That’s entirely possible. But, the strength of leaderless movements like Gamer Gate, the Q thing, the Bud Light boycott, etc. means they don’t have a leader to act as a single point of failure. “They” are desperate to create a leader for the movement so they can take him out in the hopes the entire thing will fall apart. They’re constantly trying to do that. They manufacture a leader nobody has heard of or don’t pay attention to, then start calling him a racist or homophobe and take him out.

But If they really are siloing parts of the Internet or even reality, I’m happy to be trapped in this one with the rest of you.

1 year ago

I watch Chris Yoon on Youtube and saw this guys video on the sidebar. He read a book that The Watchers movie was based on. Very interesting and I think you guys will understand.

Reply to  Pojar
1 year ago

Synchronicity! I just started watching this guy a couple of days ago.

Anonymous the eighth
Anonymous the eighth
1 year ago

Found that the clotshot study 48 pg. PDF is here:

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

“Ben & Jerry’s parent company Unilever loses $2.6bn in market capital after ice cream brand’s infamous July 4th tweet in which it called for Mount Rushmore to be returned to Native Americans.”

The link actually takes you here:

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
1 year ago

AC, videos have not been working lately. Anyone else have the same issue?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

They work for me.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago

“The only question is, how insane is the program to do this which they have created, and how completely has it identified how to keep us separated?”

We could travel a lot and use different browsers on unique devices, with an altered browsing pattern. Then report the results here.

I recently travelled to the inter-Mountain west from the Gulf coast and did that. All of the news stories seemed more upbeat. No chan browsing though. Also, it may help to make friends in different ‘silos’, this (much like life) is an extroverts game.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Oh, the ADL made an enemies list a while ago. It was all the hate think Twitter accounts. The thing is, they had all been silo’d. So, like, even people with podcasts would only have a few thousand listeners. And the next podcast would have a few thousand listeners. Each of the accounts would have a few thousand followers. They were all paranoid about fed infiltrators and fakers- as they should be, it turned out. Baked Alaska and Douglas Mackey. BA is still walking around being a trainwreck, and a decent man with statistics skills is in jail.

The list was, quite helpfully, done on a spreadsheet- with numbers, Twitter names, and I think a section that had their specialty?

The ADL really did not think this through. Everybody on the list started networking, and meeting each other online. They were vouched for, basically, as bad thinkers. They didn’t have to prove anything.

This gets better! The ADL did not make as big a splash as they wanted. Normal people do not care about one obscure social media platforms microscopic count names. It was early Trump, so Twitter was the Kardashians and a few cranky people. Nobody had really heard of it.

So, they published an expanded list of bad-thinkers. I’m not kidding. I don’t know how that the main Twitter accounts that made it onto the list met up. I know smaller accounts were offended that they had not been put on the list. Larger accounts started getting deplatformed across all of social media. The thing is- at that point, they had private contacts with other, less controversial accounts. The other, less controversial accounts would let Twitter know all the places an account had been deplatformed.

Then, the larger accounts made memes about being punished. “Punished Trump” is from that visual shorthand. Then accounts, and I’m guessing, bulletin boards, started figuring out how to not trigger Twitter bans.

Even better, they figured out how to bring use the punishment. Twitter had already done this thing of shadowbanning accounts. You had to find one account, and then vine-swing from one account to the hidden accounts, across hops, guessing at associations. The shadowbanned accounts, rather than getting upset, used the overhead shadowbanning as camouflage netting- they could move around ideas, check in with each other, and in very real ways, no one could overhear them.

Then, they figured out how to trigger the automatic banhammer. They used it against people who were used to always being in the clear. There would swarm accounts that called for war until the pro-War account lost it, and said something awful. The swarmers would all delete their account, and the pro-War creep would be left with some appalling Tweet, just out there, hanging in social media space, no context, just evil, gaseous, stinky, revolting statements.

The “bad guys” had classes- “Hold the line. Accept being called a Nazi, and hater” because they were grown men trying to keep young men from getting ground up in a pointless war for neocon state department schemers.

It was literally the most bizarre six months- the “Nazis” were for peace and protecting young men by any means necessary- and the “peaceful Democrats” were baying for war and bloodshed.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Wooderson
1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

If someone wants privacy on the internet they would need to develop an idiosyncratic system. Personally I hate the targeted advertisement. My strategy is to use as many different devices which are almost obsolete. With chromebooks, set it up with a discarded gmail ID and always browse as guest. Chromebooks are obviously subsidized by security agencies.

Note that it is now almost impossible to create an online account without giving a text message capable phone number. A good long term strategy is to accumulate as many phone numbers as you can afford.

Have multiple email accounts and phone numbers and assign them for different usage. Be the person that orders things for all your friends and family. Pick one email address for the family and friends to give when pressured. Pick one cell phone number to give when pressured. Write all the information needed to work this system in one or more pocket notebooks.

Develop an individual cockney slang for all your private communications. It’s an effective technique for small groups. Note the pedophiles got tagged by talking about cheese pizza in a suspicious manner.

It might be possible to uncover surveillance by suggesting different slang to different people or groups and seeing who uses it. Use different first names and different middle initials and see what shows up in your junk mail. Misspell your name when it doesn’t matter. Never give a correct birth day, birth month, or birth year unless required by law or common sense.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
1 year ago
Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

These people will never acknowledge the aliens are demonic entities; such would make them confront the fact that God is and is answerable to.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Goybean Oil
1 year ago

But what about global warming?

1 year ago

Average life expectancy of gays is less than 50 years old? Yikes.”
Always has been a self correcting problem.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Except it’s not, because homosexuals reproduce by raping kids.

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Except for subsidies for their treatment.

1 year ago

According to this link, community-organized stalking (“Zersetzung”) as practiced by the Stasi “…is the psychological method of continuous deceptions which causes the suffering rather than physical pain….”
The primary point of gangstalking may be the mental pain itself, disrupting the target, as AC indicates. It may serve other purposes (e.g. blackmail gathering, information collection) only incidentally.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

As a target, I can say it’s quite effective. I can’t see into the future. I live in an arbitrary, insane reality where cause and effect don’t really work. I have no idea what is going to happen next. My mind is unable to work on creative projects and instead spins in circles wondering what in the hell is going on.

It’s pure torture. All done without any kind of oversight or judicial review. I’ve never been convicted of any crime. Only been to court once where a fabricated charge was dismissed.

And my entire life has been stolen. Friends, family, memories, dreams are all gone. It’s a horror story.

1 year ago

“But instead, we began as a nation of immigrants from all of Europe.”

Not really. The diverse immigration to the USA came in waves over a hundred year period after our Revolution. Catholics, Jews, Germans, Italians, Scandinavians, all came later, after protestants did the settling and fought for independence.

We began our Revolution as a de facto British Colony filled with protestant English, many of them indentured servants. However, similar to Cromwell’s position, they largely rejected Monarchy and the Church of England, and of course, the Roman Church.

All the Royal Houses of Europe, including the British Crown, were created by intermarriage with the Patrician class of the Holy Roman Empire, and hence all are cousins with Roman roots.

Not a single Catholic signed our very Protestant Declaration of Independence. In fact there were very few Catholics in the 13 colonies at all. That doesn’t stop American Catholics from pretending that somehow Columbus settled America, when he never set foot on it.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’m sorry, but that simply isn’t true. Maryland was founded as a colony for English Catholics, who were just as persecuted in Britain as the Pilgrims. Charles Carroll, the last surviving man to sign the Declaration, was a committed practicing Catholic. Two Catholics signed the Constitution: Thomas Fitzsimons of Pennsylvania and Daniel Carroll of Maryland. Fitzsimons advocated for the end of slavery and taxing imports and exports. Carroll advocated for limiting powers granted to the federal government and reserving those powers not mentioned in the Constitution for the state or the people. Daniel’s brother (and Charles’ cousin) John Carroll was appointed as the first bishop in America in 1789.
Revisionist history doesn’t do anyone any good, particularly anti-Catholic bigoted revisionist history.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

One Catholic did.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That doesn’t stop American Catholics from pretending that somehow Columbus settled America, when he never set foot on it.

Yep. John Cabot discovered the North American Continent,

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Another Catholic basher, or maybe it’s just the same anonymous asshole every time. all of the hate I see for Catholics on the internet and media just convinces me that it is the Church founded by Jesus Christ. Anything this hated by this fallen world must be True.

Reply to  Max Barrage
1 year ago

You know, you really don’t need to be dishonest about this. No one here is bashing all Catholics. The people here pointing out the obvious truth about the Catholic Church (and I can guarantee there is more than one of them) are pointing out that Catholic Church is corrupt.

I honestly look at lay catholics as little more than victims.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Please point out where j was dishonest, anonymous retard. You could accuse me of being wrong or misguided, but you have no basis to call me dishonest.

1 year ago

comment image

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Got those Nast labial stinky smell lines

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

nasiolabio lines

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Juden rat

1 year ago

In re Miss Lindsey ‘Proud Fierce Brave Conservative Warrior’ Graham – Y’all know he was a military badass, right? A decorated member of the Fightin’ JAG Corps “Screaming Lawyers” brigade, “Graham was awarded a Bronze Star for meritorious motion-filing in the face of determined enemy action, bravely fighting through the loss of not one but two $48,000,000 combat xerox machines…” tee-hee, right? Yeah, but he got that Bronze Star. in 2014. 25 years after he retired from JAG. How many Bronze Stars have you guys got?

It ain’t who ya KNOW, it’s who ya….

PS – you boys know why so many military contracts/”combat xerox” weapons systems cost $47, 48, 49 million? That would be because congressional oversight kicks in at $50MM. When pondering Miss Lindsey’s political career, you might want to factor that in. How many medals for Valor and Bravery have YOU got??

LBJ was awarded a Silver Star for being a passenger in one (1) plane ride in a combat zone, 50 miles from the actual front, sippin’ bourbon and branch served to him by a steward in a warplane that a) was not fired upon by the enemy because b) they were flying in the other direction from where the enemy was known to be. How many Silver Stars you got, prole? Little Orphan Annie’s big bald blank-eyed benefactor was Daddy Warbucks. The War Daddy made his Bucks in ran from 1917-1918. When the archcriminal Chicago Railroad lawyer Abie Fuckin Lincoln kicked off his Civil Banker War, the troops found their warehouses were full of rifles that wouldn’t shoot and boots that disintegrated when walked in, that “their” government had paid Top Dollar for. It’s a very old hustle, muchachos: we call it Riding The Gravy Train.

Now tell me again how we can vote our way back to Freedom.

1 year ago

The Man in charge of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church is Jesus Christ. When He appointed Pope Saint Peter as His Vicar, he assured us that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. of course there is corrupt men in high places who did wrong with powers they are granted but to think the home of Gods One True Church could possibly be the origin place of satans evil cabal is totally ludicrous and inverted, AC!

Reply to  Cephas
1 year ago

No, Jesus most certainly is not running that show. The entire church is just a front for organized crime that teaches the average people in their societies to be compliant, obedient, and to rat out everyone in confession. It’s a very clever racket. And sure, it’s provided some comfort and spiritual guidance to some members. But the big draw of finding forgiveness and indulgences, and the very concept of Catholic guilt, means that people are being pressured to do things they know in their heart aren’t good. Which is why communion is so very important to that community.

But the church has always been oppressive, violent, murderous, thieving.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Please provide one solitary example of any breaking of the seal of Confession. We have had an evil fraud pretending to be the pope since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958. These filthy sneaky liars have set up a false council Vatican II and invalidated ordinations and Sacraments all over the place and I’ve thought, myself, why in the hell aren’t these sodomites breaking the seal of Confession left and right for decades? They aren’t. Are they trying to stay under the radar, are they under orders from the father of lies, are they prevented by God, because they can only do what He allows? I don’t know but you provide me one example bc it’ll be the first one I’ve heard of.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

As if you could polish a Roman turd.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Well, I guess the thing with surveillance, which is not the Church, is that they don’t need to listen to anyone confess what they already know about by watching everyone and listening to them and observing every keystroke all day every day. I’d almost imagine that these sodomites would break the seal for the same reason they do every other trucked up thing they do, which is to demolish the faith of believing Catholics. They don’t seem to do that and they also discourage the Sacrament of Confession to the point that barely any Catholic goes anymore at all. When the Pope is not Catholic, I can tell you this, that is not the Church you are looking at so I don’t know if the Church will get a Pope again before the end of time but the perverts squatting in Rome are bottom dwelling scum of the earth and not Church leadership.

Reply to  Cephas
1 year ago

Even Lucifer comes as an Angel of light. Communism is a Satanic imitation of Christ’s blessing of the “Meek” who inherits the earth for example.

Reply to  Cephas
1 year ago

The popes descend from the Roman Emperor, which is why he is the Pontif (pre-christian term) wears White as did the Emperor.

– White – Pope / Caesar

– Red – Cardinals / Generals

– Purple – Bishops / Senate

It was Emperor Constantine that requisitioned Christianity, banned all other branches and chose the cross as the symbol of Christianity.

Not certain he was particularly holy. But if not for the united catholic church, the world would have been muslim 1000 years ago.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You can’t understand Cabal without understanding that it is the Roman Empire re-constituted.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

No, it’s Ben and Jerry that rule the world.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

There’s a reason the Bible emphasizes Babylon.

1 year ago

Im not sure why all the myopia but the “English” Monarchs are German in Origin.
One of the greatest gaslights ever is the “English crown”. There is nothing English about them.
King George the Turd – was on the thrown in the 1770s was a product of the house of Hanover and the house of Prussian Saxe – Gotha – Altenburg.
Then think of the origin of Coudenhove and Kalergi
Start there.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

British Crown, German Kaiser, Russian Czar, Roman Ceasar, all are intermarried cousins. The Roman Empire occupied Europe. The Royal Houses come from that.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

The English people are German in origin.

The British monarch, if we are to believe what is told, are descended from Alfred the Great, whom invented England, and whose line goes back 1500yrs to the 6th Century AD.

That Saxon language, of Wessex (West Saxony) was german.

1 year ago

Re: Contaminated American tap water

Does anyone know a legit, practical work around? Bottled water that “guaranteed” isn’t just as bad? An off-the-shelf filtration/distillation system?

Last edited 1 year ago by Huck
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Maybe a reverse osmosis system is enough. You’d also have to get filters for the shower head.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Assuming it’s true and not just another doom and gloom lie to spread despair, Berkey filters (or similar) and very very rural well water is about as good as you’re going to get unless you want to find an isolated mountain spring or do your own mass rain water collection and distillation.

Just pray for protection and trust God will help you. More effective than any mortal method we have.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

We distill our drinking/cooking water.
Bob Villa: “A water distiller is one of the most effective ways that shoppers can ensure they’re drinking the purest water possible. Unlike a faucet water filter or even reverse osmosis, a distiller separates the water from any harmful chemicals through evaporation and condensation, resulting in purer H2O.”

This one is currently on sale for under $60:

Be sure to add back trace minerals:
One bottle will last a long time since you only use a few drops at a time.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thanks for the recommendation.

Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

Huck, I use a special filter and jug I bought from Japan. If you are keen and AC permits I will in a following post just put the name up and you can go from there.
You will need to keep track of the number of times you fill the jug because the filter clogs up with all the crap they put in our water systems, so the filtration slows down and you need to replace the cartridge.
The water tastes bloody good without all that crap in it.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Thanks, Dawg. I’d be interested in checking it out.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
Reply to  Huck
1 year ago

4 to 5 large activated carbon filters. Other than that, boiling and gathering the condensate, or just plain rainwater collection. PFAS is that bad.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

These “people” are insane at their cores: their reality is not the same as an ordinary person’s:

The Biden White House Wants to Block the Sun to Save the Planet by Jerome Corsi

Remarkably, the Biden White House has signaled its “great leap forward” into the global warming, aka climate change, hoax by endorsing a 2021 National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report calling for implementing various geoengineering schemes to block the amount of sunlight reaching Earth. The announcement came via a June 2023 report issued by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

But don’t worry we will get a “t-shirt” once we get to live in their reality. Linked from from Vox Popoli:
The World Economic Forum has declared that by 2030 fashion will become completely obsolete and all humans will be vegan, whether they like it or not. A newly resurfaced report written in 2019 states that humans will only be permitted to buy three items of clothing per year and will be prohibited from buying or consuming meat.
Schwab must have acquired a odd uniform fetish growing up in Nazi Germany during his first six years.

Last edited 1 year ago by Teo Toon
1 year ago

> He is now Ted Cruz, and nobody will remember who he is in 2028,

I’ll remember Cruz forever.

I remember when he pivoted from “Mr. Second Amendment” to “Reasonable gun control” during his 2016 campaign. Now he’s Mr. Gun Right again, and it’s very hard to find mention of his support for gun control on Google or Bing.

Which may be a clue as to who is supporting him.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Texas Senators, especially, specialize in that shit. “I’m Big John Cornyn, Notorious Globohomo whore, and together we’ll get that dang wall built!” And then they get re-elected forever.I hate to say it, but Texans nowdays are a buncha fuckin rubes. Steve and Sam woulda kicked rm outta the state.

Last edited 1 year ago by anonymous
1 year ago

> Trump begins to sour on ‘spotlight hound’ Kari Lake for VP. +

She has the makings of being “the Republican Kamala Harris.”

I’m not sure many of Trump’s supporters are that enthusiastic about a female for VP anyway. It smells like a PR thing that “election consultants” would suggest.

Given how his previous choices of “experienced politicians” and “government experts” turned out, I’d like to see him pick a complete outsider. Hell, hold a lottery. Buy a ticket for $10, maybe get to be Vice President.

Really, we couldn’t get anyone any worse than most VPs anyway.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

He’ll try to shore up his standing with the Suburban Soccer Mom niche.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

As a Suburban Soccer Mom, I can tell you that any female politician is a bad wife and a bad mother by nature of politicking and though I would never vote for a liberal, I’d abstain before voting for a female. I’d vote for Trump anyway but it won’t help him with anybody to run with a female.

1 year ago

> Sounds like more bank records with more bribes. 

Well, at least we know the Bidens aren’t owned by the Mob. One thing organized crime knows is how to launder money.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

It’s being revealed intentionally. The mob is but a tool of cabal and would gladly burn their own activity to serve the beast.

1 year ago

> Riot update: French right-wing influencer tells followers “do nothing” — let the Republic fall as it’s intended to.

…to be replaced with… some kind of socialist government? France tried that at least twice already. Another monarchy? They’re out of fashion now, but who knows.

We’ll probably see a new Fifth Republic. Or would that be the Sixth? I’ve lost track. It will be an entirely different government, of course, totally unlike the present one. So they would claim. But it would employ the old bureaucracy in its entirety, and most of the politicians would engage in a game of musical chairs.

“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

France has changed governments a *lot* in the past couple of centuries. The changeovers seem to happen when the general jackassery of the current government exceeds the tolerance of the citizentry to put up with it. I have a sneaking suspicion the average Frenchman wouldn’t mind introducing Macron to Mr. Guillotin’s invention.

1 year ago

> Ukraine’s military spy chief said on Thursday that the threat of a Russian attack on the vast Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant was receding, but that it could easily return as long as the facility remained under occupation by Moscow’s forces. 

This is the second? Third? time Zelensky has claimed the Russians were going to demolish one of the nuke plants.

Is anyone else having flashbacks to Jim and Tammy Faye on TV, begging their viewers to send money if they didn’t want the Lord to call them up to Heaven?

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Maybe he’s the Jim Cramer of geopolitical forecasts!

1 year ago

> Ben & Jerry’s parent company Unilever loses $2.6bn in market capital after ice cream brand’s infamous July 4th tweet in which it called for Mount Rushmore to be returned to Native Americans.

Ben & Jerry’s is hard Left; they’re also big sponsors of gun control and BLM.

I don’t think the Lakota would be interested in Rushmore. When they got screwed on the deal, they went off and started carving their own mountain. Crazy Horse is only fifteen miles away, and it’s *vastly* larger than Rushmore, or will be when it’s finished. They’ve had their contractors working steadily on it for 3/4 of a century now; it might take two or three times that to be complete. The Lakota don’t care; they’re operating on “Indian Time”.

1 year ago

How will the CIA ever recover?comment image

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Yes, I’m sure they happily chose to eliminate one of their horror toys out of the goodness of their hearts, and definitely did not just move them into some hidden storage facility to save for a rainy day.

You can tell they grew a conscience overnight because they also stopped funding a pointless war in Ukraine, stopped manufacturing cluster bombs and mines, and stopped drone striking civilians in countries we are not actively at war with. Oh wait!

Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

So they are going to use them under the cover of but we said we didnt have any!
As obvious as can be.
Where did all those cluster bombs come from do you think?!!!

1 year ago
Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Some random “deprogrammer therapist” says it, so it must be true. Smh

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Max Barrage
1 year ago

Just like “Nukes” then eh Max?

Hollywood/Gubmint told me they exist… so they must do eh?

Where’s YOUR Proof?

1 year ago


Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Rutter has resigned but will remain as caretaker till November.

If anything happens like a pandemic, elections will be cancelled

1 year ago

It’s not just men deforming themselves with bimbo training via the media. This is in the Daily Mail, but probably NSFW.

1 year ago

Russian Government Warns that Poland’s Participation in NATO Nuclear Sharing Program Could Start World War III

1 year ago

Calling Devin Nunes as Trump’s VP pick.