News Briefs – 06/25/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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DFT – Micron Invests $825 Million In New Indian Factory

DFT – Mexico Lays 50% Tariff On White Corn Imports To Block GMO Imports

DFT – Musk To Begin Training For Cage Fight With Zuckerberg If Fight Is Arranged

DFT – Ford Explorer Recall Being Investigated By NHTSA

DFT – China No Longer The Primary Source Of Global Metal Demand

I wanted to talk briefly about espionage, and the wife-placement program the US domestic intelligence operation run by Cabal/CIA/FBI/whoever seems to run in the US.

Over at Vault-Co, Tex tells another story from his life as a target in another paid post, which without revealing too much, reveals one of his significant others was found by a friend in a rare picture he allowed to be taken of him years back, despite the fact she lived on the opposite side of the country at the time the picture was taken, and would have had to travel 2200 miles to be in this rare image of him. For new readers, we have detailed the phenomenon on Twitter lately of spouses finding that, strangely, their significant others are turning up in the background of photos of them, taken years before they ever met.

It jogged a memory for me of an article I read years back. To this point we have assumed these people were in these photos because they were initially part of the surveillance team assigned to that person, and at some point, years later, probably due to their familiarity with the target, they get assigned to date, and maybe even marry and have kids with the target, since by that point, they are best positioned to know the target’s psychology, and best able to manipulate them most effectively. An alternate hypothesis I have entertained is the surveillance is looking for mates, and just has inside information on who has the IQ to warrant being a target. Knowing that, they want to have kids with that higher IQ individual, probably with a cynical view all relationships are fake after spending decades following around cheaters and the like, as they themselves compulsively lie to and deceive everyone they meet. If everything is fake, you might as well have a kid who can do calculus.

However it is worth considering, they may have been picked much earlier by the command as infiltration agents, based on more complex criteria. Tex’s girl was obviously not in that picture by accident, nor would she have been a regular surveillance operator, living 2200 miles away.

The article I read years back interviewed a CIA Case Officer who recruited agents overseas, and he recounted how he went about recruiting agents. He said he never simply approached a potential agent, like some functionary in a government office with access to papers he wanted. He said the recruitment process was quite long, drawn out, and arduous, as first surveillance had to track the target and identify all of their regular haunts. A delicatessen he got a morning coffee at, the supermarket he shopped at, the billiards club he went to after work to blow off steam with friends, the bar he stopped by at the end of the week. Then the Case Officer would subtly insert himself into the target’s environment, extraordinarily gradually. He would get to the delicatessen and buy a coffee before the target arrived, and walk out before the target got to the front door. Far enough away that he would not be noticed by the target, but just close enough he would enter the target’s subconscious. He would do that everywhere, and over six months, he would gradually work closer to the target until he was on line in front of him buying coffee, talking loudly to someone, bumping into him at the billiards hall and apologizing, asking him for a cigarette at the bar. He said this work was critical in his experience, as cold approaches of a target he neglected this work with, would almost always fail. But if he did this, his recruitment percentages skyrocketed.

My impression was a cold approach by someone the target never saw activated amygdala and Anterior Cingulate Cortex with the novelty and violation of expectation of seeing a person they never saw before approaching them. In that mode, the brain was much more likely to focus on the threat of taking documents, or agreeing to take money from something like the CIA to betray their homeland. But if he could gradually create familiarity, the amygdala and ACC would be in a lower level of activity when approached, and recruitment would be much more likely. He probably would time it for when the target had a few drinks, and maybe offered him some candies before it, just to trigger dopamine, activating the prefrontal cortex and shutting off the amygdala even more fully.

So my main point is, these people may be purposely getting themselves into those pictures, and be in that background because whatever this is, already chose them as close-infiltrators, and it is in the middle of that infiltration process. That way when you finally meet your infiltrator, your amygdala and ACC will not be in high gear and ultra-susceptible to any little warning flags the infiltrators set off, like revelations of information they should not have had access to, or panicked responses at some (to you innocuous) incident which they think potentially exposes them as working from ulterior motives, as part of an organized group targeting you for deception and subversion.

I thought it interesting, and important, to understand the mechanism. If you pay close attention to your environment, you may need to be even more aware of the threats posed by the people who have slowly weaseled their way into the background of your life.

A cabal of Political Action Committees comprises a “shady trial lawyer pipeline” in which the PACs make nearly all of their donations in support of Democratic candidates using money channeled from the beneficiaries of open-ended, ambiguous “sweetheart contracts” with the public sector, intended to provide “consumer protection.”

Biden business received $5.1 million within 10 days of Hunter Biden’s WhatsApp text while ‘sitting’ next to Dad.

Hunter Biden’s attorney blames his ADDICTION for WhatsApp message invoking dad Joe in business deal which led to $5 million payment from China – and insists his actions have ‘no connection to anyone in his family.’

The chief accountant at Ukraine’s Burisma Energy, who offered to provide US authorities with damning evidence regarding financial crimes involving Joe and Hunter Biden, has been found dead before she could testify. She was the wife of former Burisma owner Mykola Lisin, who also died under suspicious circumstances during the Obama administration, when Joe Biden and Hunter were making a killing in Ukraine.

“The dam is starting to break” on the Biden family corruption, multiple New York Times best-seller author Peter Schweizer said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday.

Donald Trump: ‘Biden Crime Family’ corruption ‘100 times bigger than Watergate.’

Former President Donald Trump rolled out a possible new campaign slogan Saturday night at the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference in Washington, D.C.: ‘I’m being indicted for you.’

Aaron Berman, a 17-year veteran of the CIA who already held a senior position in Facebook’s “misinformation” team during the 2020 election, has been promoted to “Head of Elections Policies” at the company now known as Meta.

Democrat mayor Eric Adams ships border crossers out of NYC after blasting Republican states for similar policy.

Iowa Senator Joni Ernst introduced a bill last week titled “Why does the IRS Have Guns Act,” which would prohibit the IRS from buying or storing guns and ammunition, transfer all IRS firearms to the General Services Administration so they could be auctioned off to licensed gun dealers to reduce the national debt, and move the agency’s Criminal Investigation Division to the control of the Justice Department. Never pass, but adds to the psyop that we are all under attack from all quarters, which for some reason is important now.

Two House Republicans Reps. Don Bacon (R-NE) and Mike Turner (R-OH) defected from their party, voting to kill two National Defense Authorization Act amendments that would have defunded diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in the military, causing their failures in 29-30 in a committee markup.

28 year old Dominican basketball player who previously blamed COVID vaccine for giving him myocarditis dies of heart attack.

A white undercover cop claims his colleagues of color refused to give him backup during violent confrontations with suspects because of his race, forcing him to quit the force in fear for his life. Never default to the mechanisms they feed you. This could be race. But it could also be Cabal getting rid of a detective who it did not want on the job because he was not compromised. Note that his area of policing – drugs, is likely run by Cabal as a profitable subsidiary.

I am wondering if these next stories are how Cabal tries to institute a voluntary self-lockdown among the population, so people cannot talk face to face – the only way you can be sure Cabal is not fucking with your communications. Cabal doesn’t have the virus, but they do have 50,000 mentally-ill knife slashers who cannot be held on bail, who can enforce a lockdown more effectively, with greater violence than the government. It kind of makes me wonder just how big the national “Truman Show” domestic surveillance/intelligence agency is, and how extensively it is, to some degree or other, “Truman Show’ing” regular people. That is made much easier, if people rarely go outside their homes. I read one New York Post article, and all of these were being served in the sidebar:

Unsuspecting straphanger sucker-punched in wild Brooklyn attack.

NYC straphanger stabbed during fight over subway seat.

MTA conductor injured by unhinged hammer-wielding assailant in subway attack.

A teen slashing victim of a knife-wielding maniac in New York City, who slashed three innocent women in the subways on Sunday, said the creep stared her down before the attack.

Disturbing video shows another bloody NYC subway slash victim chasing her own attacker through a train as straphangers appear to just go about their business.

Another homeless man ‘casually and callously’ smoked K2 after killing yet another NYC subway passenger.

Some people in New York do get punished, for being decent citizens who acquire a firearm to defend themselves from these violent attacks.

San Francisco DA Brooke Jenkins will NOT charge suspect who shot and injured six people in rolling gun battle between two cars that spanned more than a mile along waterfront.

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison hints he could use AG powers to ensure Target keeps Pride merch on shelves.

Drag queens and LGBTQ activists marched through a Manhattan park on Friday as part of a weekend of Pride celebrations, with a chant of: ‘We’re here, we’re queer and we’re coming for your children.’

People are complaining  Coca Cola is skimping on carbonation. There is nothing they are not making cheaper and crappier.

An anon on 8Chan gives a small window into what things could be like:

My grandfather was a volunteer with Ar?js Kommando. In 1982 shortly before his death I visited my relatives in Jelgava and asked him about the war. I was just a child, but what he told me I’ll never forget.

His unit were police battling armed criminal gangs and communist terrorists. One of the gangs was a pedophile gang kidnapping children. They had no idea what they were getting into.

They staked out the the gang’s hiding place and saw people going in for what appeared to be a religious ceremony. They were supposed to just watch and identify the people involved, but when they heard the screaming of a child being raped or tortured one of the men couldn’t control himself and went in, they had to arrest everyone there.

It had been a Satanic ritual. The child was raped and exsanguinated in a sacrifice. Everyone they arrested was a communist Jew. A treasure trove of documents were recovered, most were membership lists and plans for terrorist attacks, but some were talking about exterminating the Amaleks. The main plan seemed to be to take control with a communist dictatorship and execute all of the Amalek for minor crimes. If that failed they’d be propagandized into being hated by everyone in the world. There was even a plan to exterminate them through immigration of African males and breeding them out of existence.

Most of the Satanists did not talk they were simply content to being executed for their monstrous crimes. One was willing to talk, because “no one will believe you” he admitted the Amalek are “The Isrealites, the Europeans, You!” They raped the child because “Moloch demands it” real satanists mutilate children’s genitals. It separates the serious from the fakers, there is no higher evil than defiling a child. “Only once you’ve proven yourself can Lucifer grant you his power to control the minds of the goyim.”

As he put down these monsters at Rumbula, they did not beg for mercy. They offered prayers to Moloch and claimed to have “already won.” He said it felt as if God himself was pulling the trigger. That the world was just that much brighter and more hopeful when they were done. They left out most of this from the reports, everyone was just a communist or communist supporter.

I thought him a crazy old man of course. My relatives said he was never quite right after the war. I mostly forgot about him. Moloch? Amalek? I’d never heard of any of this nonsense before.

Then when Podesta’s emails were leaked and Pizzagate happened I fucking shit myself. It all made sense. It’s all real. The Nazis were literally fighting against the devil and the devil won. We’re living in hell.

After a report was published claiming that a bribery charge against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was collapsing, the Likud leader’s political allies showed their support of him on Thursday evening, attacking the corruption trials against him. He seemed ahead of Trump on this repeating timeline they have, of a leader deposed, politically attacked, charged with crimes, restored to power, and then exonerated of all crimes. Somewhere behind Trump is Bolsonaro.

Macron suggests international taxation system to subsidize the green agenda.

Major breakthrough for global tax at Paris summit. What it looks like they think they can pull off is a global tax on the carbon produced by international shipping, which will be used to fund the UN and make it self-sufficient as a global government.

Facial recognition tech deployed at Chinese gas stations — people on social credit blacklist can’t refuel.

Video of Prigozhin talking with Russian military leaders in Rostov. Doesn’t look like he is rebelling against government, so always possible Western media is blowing things out of proportion, too.

Body Language Ghost looks at Prigozhin’s video above and Putin’s speech. Only really interesting because she notes how Putin speaks of betrayal of his nation, and loyalty to Russia, as if it is important to consider, while in the west, none of our leaders ever really emphasize you should be loyal to your nation, and indeed, most of the time we are being told loyalty to nation is morally wrong and selfish, and the morally correct action is to betray America for someone else’s interest.

Moscow is preparing for war and battening down the hatches as soldiers build outposts and military vehicles flood the streets ahead of the expected arrival of Russia’s Wagner militia forces.

Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin said Saturday he has ordered his fighters to halt their march on Moscow and return to their bases in Ukraine to avoid bloodshed.

The Kremlin has forged a deal with Wagner Group boss Yevgeny Prigozhin to defuse the mercenary group’s uprising on Saturday. In exchange for Prigozhin’s exile to Belarus, the mercenary leader won’t be prosecuted, according to a Kremlin spokesperson.

Another take:

This guy, who actually knows his stuff, says Russia may wipe out Kiev and all decision-making centers there soon, including taking out Zelensky:

Today Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made an announcement… Russia believes that the Ukrainian armed forces now intend to cover their failed counter-offensive in the Donbas by using US-supplied Himars multiple launch artillery and UK-supplied Storm Shadow cruise missiles, possibly in the longer range domestic version, to attack the Crimea. If this happens, says Shoigu, Russia will consider both the United States and Britain to have fully entered the war as co-belligerents.

Plants perform quantum mechanics feats that scientists can only do at ultra-cold temperatures, near absolute zero.

Trump Speaks at the Faith and Freedom Coalition: Road to Majority Conference starting at 2:18:20:

Spread r/K Theory, because you are under attack, or at least you are supposed to feel that way

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Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
1 year ago

Interesting view on the Russian coup …

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

Most of the Satanists did not talk they were simply content to being executed for their monstrous crimes. One was willing to talk, because “no one will believe you” he admitted the Amalek are “The Isrealites, the Europeans, You!”

I have long suspected this ever since I discovered that the Ashkenazi/Khazars were known in ancient times as the “name stealers”: they would prey upon traveling merchants by hosting them, feeding them a good meal, drugging/poisoning them; and then stealing their identities and going on in their stead to complete any transactions and stealing the proceeds from those transactions (the merchants were not known in the lands they had been traveling to).

Remember: they stole the name Jew and, by deception, caused it to be equated with Judean and Judahite, even in the bible translations; and they adopted the religion of the Pharisees :Judaism, which had already co-opted the true Hebrew religion: Do you understand this you foolish Judaeo-Zio-Christians; will you not understand you are participating, even agreeing to, your own genocide?

Once they stole the name, they had to kill the true-named: the true Israelites the ten northern tribes along with the true Judahites who migrated with them into Europe then England, the North American continent, and then to Australia. From the blessing of Jacob upon Joseph’s sons, England has the blessing of the population ( great numbers) and the land; from Judah they have stolen the oracles: the tanak/Hebrew bible, replacing it with the Talmud and its mysticism; and they have stolen the scepter promised to the Judahites through David by marrying into the royal bloodlines of the Israelites(containing the true Judahites); and, by interbreeding with the British royal bloodlines, they have stolen the very throne upon which Christ will sit when he returns (yes, God has kept His promise that a descendant of David will never lack from his throne, even until the coming of Christ).

The Jews also know that the new name which was given the Israelites is CHRISTIAN; so they must infiltrate, corrupt, and destroy Christianity; and they have been mostly successful: get it yet, you foolish Judaeo/Zio/Israel First- Christians?

As for the bloodlines of the Israelites, the Christians, the Jews, that is the Kharaians/Ashkenazim, the People of the Snake (they worship and identify with the snake) have opened their collective mouths — the Great Dragon’s mouth — and have let loose a great flood: the overwhelming flood of migrants loosed against the Israelites, the Christians, in Europe, England, the North American continent, and Australia.

Do you get it yet you foolish Judaeo-Christians or are you going to continue in your obdurate worship of the Jew; will you be as the goblins of European fairy tales who can be mindlessly led at night by leading them with a lit lantern; who then are unable to move away from the lantern once it has been set upon a tree stump? [Ah, who knew Grimm’s Fairy Tales would come in so handy with a metaphor for the Judaeo-Christian?]

Last edited 1 year ago by teo toon
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie — behold, I will make them to come and worship at thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Revelation 3:9

1 year ago

“The Nazis were literally fighting against the devil and the devil won. We’re living in hell.”

I couldn’t agree MORE! Exact-a-mundo! Europeans need to get awake–we are Amalek–to be destroyed! As Patton said, we fought on the wrong side!

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

Or, as Churchill said, “We stuck the wrong pig.”

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Churchill was the greatest villain of the time.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

You speak German but your kids are not raped and enslaved. Deal or no deal?

1 year ago

Have read the NY Post since 1970, and continue to read it daily.

It has been “Cabal messaging for dummies” for years now. The crudest, most blunderbuss approach is taken.

The Post is nor far removed from the bluntest, least disguised form of Cabal manipulation, which makes it a valuable portal of insight.

Reply to  Tonawanda
1 year ago has a similar role.
I find it fascinating. Especially the comments following the political and sociological articles. It’s lock step messaging and narrative setting.
It has no obvious means of funding, other than some crappy merchandising they do with partners, who are all in on the cabal financing, too.
Even one of the founders, Xeni Jardin, was tied up an MIT research group and their leader’s connection to Epstein and his island from a CDAN blind. The comments from the blind are now gone, unfortunately. And he misnamed her, Xeni Hardin.
Try bringing this up on boingboing, though. Boom. Banned.

Like coming here, I find that site excellent training.

Last edited 1 year ago by opratal
Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  opratal
1 year ago

I used to read boingboing when it was a stapled together zine. Later I think it morphed into Mondo 2000 which read some of.

The original boingboing was very techotopian type stuff.

1 year ago

In re that 8chan post on Latvian Ajas Kommando

Latvia is playing a sig role somehow in the UKR conflict.

Obv Latvia is a small country. Nevertheless they have had the second highest amount of advisors in UKR. Second only to London.

London plus Latvia have had almost all the advisors.

There have also been numerous reports of fires and industrial accidents in Latvia recently. Much like here in the US.

Operation Kaskad (Cascade) is almost certainly real.

1 year ago

” on 8Chan gives a small window into what things could be like:


I realize that many readers of anti-Cabal sites really admire the SS, if only on the enemy of my enemy is my friend grounds, but most of the evidence aligns with the SS, the Nazis, the Japanese at the time, and the other fascists being the earlier version of the Satanist, pedophile, run medical expiriments on humans, creeps. The Axis was just an earlier attempt at what they are trying now.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Control both sides to manipulate the outcome is their favorite game.
They even tell you about it in things like the Star Wars Prequels.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Nobody should ever fall for the good cop/bad cop. Thinking the Nazis were the opposites therefore the good guys is classic disinfo. The Nazis were the servants of hell in every instance, their “god” was also Moloch. Read THE LIFE AND DEATH OF ADOLPH HITLER (Schicklgruber) for the truth about “Der Fuhrer.” He was a methhead who raped his niece and got around 100 million people killed in his stupidity. With heroes like these who needs villains. This former vagrant was a draft dodger who left for England to sleep on his brother Aleph’s couch. He was so despised when he was returned to serve in his unit they made him a message runner because of the likelihood he would be killed and kept him away from the other soldiers. They wrote his own unit found him so wretched, pathetic and crazy they had to get rid of him to salvage their morale. Nothing is as fabricated in fake demonic history.

Last edited 1 year ago by TexasArcane
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  TexasArcane
1 year ago

I dunno, Tex. There’s nothing wrong with basing an opinion on reading one book, but it will only ever be an opinion — especially when there are many books and also many facts that tend to prove otherwise. Those books haven’t always been available, not to mention that the opinionated tend to never read them and after all, who has time to read everything? I an NSDSP / NS supporter, but until about the Waco era, I was the other way around and it took a couple of years if serious investigating and thinking to change my mind.
Your main point here — know it or not — is that dichotomies prevail in our world. They do not. Trichotomies rule. Refer to the Law of Threefoldness. I think Hilaire Belloc covered this pretty well. If not, then examine the nine Digit-Roots and how they may be arranged into a “magic square, with the Odd, Even, and “Trine” numbers arranged to perfectly illustrate the Law of Three.
Yeah, two of those Trine numbers are Odd and one is Even. I’d post an illustration here, if I could.

Reply to  TexasArcane
1 year ago

Ya mean that he was so retched and horrid that he solved Germany’s unemployment in a couple of years, handed out money and housing to Germans who created families, encouraged vacations, and had the whole country humming?
Yep, those are hallmarks of someone that is crazy, retched and pathetic.
And strewth cobber where did those 100million deaths occur? Germany, Austria and Poland had a combined 89million in 1940.
As Lionel Putz would say – there’s the truth-shaking head, and the truth – nodding.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Hitler’s Economic Miracle = Morganthau Plan.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Adolph Hitler modeled the SS on the Jesuit Order.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Because Hitler was a good Catholic boy and Jesuit asset. The Vatican plan was to get Germany (Rome’s long time enemy, all the way back to the Roman empire days) to destroy itself and to destroy Russia. And since WW2, Germany has been controlled by Rome and they’ve sucked Germany dry to prop up the useless Catholic economies of Spain, Italy, and so forth.

It was a brilliant plan. They killed millions of Germans and Russians.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You just lie, huh? Such a weird way to be.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Hitler was not really a fan of Christianity. He did pay lip service to Christians, as most Germans were at the time, mostly early in his political career.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Look at the long term result of Der Fuhrer. Also his orders to destroy all the infrastructure to end the German people. You know them by their fruits. Hitler was neither a nice guy nor even a good guy. He was the evil resulting from evil and two evils don’t turn out good. I’m not an apologist for the Nazis and not the Allies either. The allies should have stayed out of it. The worst is that Britain would fall and I guarantee you it would look a lot better than it looks now.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“Adolph Hitler modeled the SS on the Jesuit Order.”

And Wile E. Coyote was modeled on Churchill.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

I think so too. See my post above.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

Both the Axis and the Communists. 2 wings of the same bird. Only Stalin purged much of the wicked himself too.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It sure is looking that way.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“…Stalin purged much of the wicked himself…”

I used to think Stalin was an idiot for purging all the officers in the USSR Army, which is the general consensus. I thought that until I found out all the officers were put in place by Trotsky. It then made perfect sense. Stalin was getting rid of the Jews and their lackeys.

AC says it’s foolish to concentrate on the Jews. Stalin had it figured out, get rid of the Jews, and their lackeys.

Likely, Putin has just done the same by putting up a false flag of rebellion to out the lackeys. I hope the $6 billion, or whatever the CIA put up, was split with Putin. They made him RICH.

1 year ago

Its frustrating, but Russia and any other counter-cabal will remain on the defensive at least through 2024. Cabal has a ridiculous amount of resources and hasn’t shot its bolt yet. It only started getting pushback in 2022, and not much.

1 year ago

The thing that convinced me my gut reaction of “this is a goofy psyop” was how the avg RUS reponded.

They all wanted pictures on the Wagner tanks! And were chatting with the Wagner “rebels”!.

And reportedly some Wagner guys had to step in and politely remind the crowd to “respect this very serious thing we are doing and stand over there please”. Lol.

It was kinda like how when two family members who love each other bicker all the time. Everyone rolls their eyes, some goof on them, some ignore, some try to get them to stop doing it in public. Hahahahah

This was so goofy I wonder if it wasn’t a total failure. But idk because slavs are incomprehensible to me.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Then the Case Officer would subtly insert himself into the target’s environment…

I suggest that this could be one reason why those future spouses just happen to be in the photos. A woman is assigned some man as a target, so she is familiarized with his patterns of life, vacation plans, whatever, then simply inserts herself (or is inserted, by her boss) into the pattern, not knowing when the initial contact is going to happen. But she’s there, prepared for it, doing what’s necessary to catch his eye. And when that contact is finally made, the hapless target believes he’s the one who initiated it.
Later on, it becomes part of the couple’s storybook romance mythology.
Obviously, these are evil people. Their narcissism might be why they decide to to subtly invade the picture frame before they’ve ever formally met the target. Like how Satan loves to flex by putting his symbols all over our pop culture. “I’m so much smarter than you, I even unveiled my plan beforehand; but you were too dense to understand it.”
Your theories have made me review portions of my life I normally don’t think about, in ways I never would have thought. It pisses me off most of the time; but I should thank you for the perspective.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

This post and the one you made above on this subject in the news section are really excellent, AC. Even better than your usual commentary which is always very good.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

How do they know what we are/what we’ll be/that we are different? I’ve got a hypothesis that seems less farfetched every day.
In the end times, God puts a “seal” on the foreheads of 144.000 Israelites He has set aside/anointed (Rev. 7). Because of that seal, the enemy is forbidden from tormenting those men (Rev. 9:4).
The mark of the Beast looks like the enemy counterpart to the seal, and identifies those who accept it as targets for special wrath (Rev. 14:9-11).
With all that in mind, it’s not preposterous to consider that certain people are marked with some kind of spiritual bullseye from a young age; that powers and principalities target them and mobilize their human assets to harass them, sabotage them, etc.
Ultimately, we are not wrestling against flesh and blood.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Baptism: an adult (age of agency), conscious acknowledgment of God the Father and God the Son; it is even more powerful than infant baptism

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

Like Baptism?

I am not crazy, but you may be
I am not crazy, but you may be
Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

I guarantee you that the demons and any other of Satan’s minions know almost immediately when they come into the presence of the redeemed, even those whose actual redemption is a future event. I agree that they are marked in some way.

I have always felt that one is immortal until God’s purpose for you/in you is fulfilled. His will is never thwarted.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
1 year ago

It is indeed baptism. It is why my denomination practices pedobaptism. God’s seals for His people, like circumcision, are for His believers AND their dependants. It isn’t salvation (that’s baptism in the Holy Spirit) but it serves as a sign that this child is protected by the church and the brethren. Whenever we baptize an infant, the congregation also swears to assist the parents in the nurture of that child spiritually.
I don’t take oaths frivolously, and these oaths are starting to pile up on me (praise God. Put me in coach.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

You killed the predator animals as a child.
They would have fed prey animals to them instead.
That’s the difference.
They are wolves, we are sheepdogs.

When we kill an animal for meat it is a sad necessity, they kill for the pleasure of killing and leave the carcass to rot.
We only do that to their kind of animal.

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

How do they know what we are/what we’ll be/that we are different? I’ve got a hypothesis that seems less farfetched every day.

In the end times, God puts a “seal” on the foreheads of 144.000 Israelites He has set aside/anointed (Rev. 7). Because of that seal, the enemy is forbidden from tormenting those men (Rev. 9:4).

The mark of the Beast looks like the enemy counterpart to the seal, and identifies those who accept it as targets for special wrath (Rev. 14:9-11).

With all that in mind, it’s not preposterous to consider that certain people are marked with some kind of spiritual bullseye from a young age; that powers and principalities target them and mobilize their human assets to harass them, sabotage them, etc.

Ultimately, we are not wrestling against flesh and blood.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

pretty easy to convince a class of people that are desperate for some kind of validation of their miserable exsistence to spy on others. Getting paid is just that much more awesome for the little parasites

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

While I believe there IS a spiritual component to their selection, I think it also is very likely to do with Tex’s notion of Neanderthal DNA and the ability to actually think. More and more it seems clear that the ability to think beyond the consensus, and to move beyond trained algorithmic flow chart type analysis is really limited to maybe 10% of the population. Maybe. Probably more like 5%. And it’s not the same as IQ, though it likely is correlated. But I’d suspect that anyone who has the genuine ability to think AND who is inclined to the Good, the True, and the Beautiful AND who is independent gets marked for special treatment. Because at that point you have an individual who has the potential to see through the matrix, to object to the matrix with the very fiber of their being, and commit to working against it.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yes. I think it’s largely an issue of temperament. They do not like independent thinkers and deeply moral people. Because to really be a cabal operator, you need to be obedient, motivated by greed, and be sufficiently amoral. You need to demonstrate, however, a high willingness to submit to the Code or the rules of the group.

It’s like the curious thing about “outlaw” motorcycle groups (all cabal): for as “outlaw” as they insist they are, these groups have very, very rigid codes of conduct and all sorts of rules. Some quite arbitrary.

No independent, moral person joins a motorcycle gang and just accepts that kind of authority.

Secondly, they really have it out with people with high levels of creativity or artistic talent. Because that talent can create artifacts that inspire, educate, and capture attention. Such people need to be constantly on the ropes and struggling to survive, or kept busy with a quarrelsome wife. They must be isolated from all sources of support.

Now there are some intelligent cabal operators. Some fiercely intelligent. My observation about most of them that I’ve met, however, is that these people

1) have no taste. they are esthetically blind as a bat. They only care about bling and new shit and their idea of a “nice house” is basically a gaudy McMansion. No sense of subtlety or proportion. If they do have any of those traits, they are tightly controlled through their greed and immorality. If they have a useful skill, they might have a cabal wife to keep them under wraps.

Something I’ve noticed in many of them is even when they wear expensive clothes there’s some mismatch or something ridiculous about them causing them to look goofy. Silk hat on a pig effect.

2) Completely amoral. Even the ones who seem nice or show traces of basic courtesy and friendliness. The big thing with being an effective cabal operator is that you’re willing and enthusiastic about engaging in the worst possible crime: betrayal.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Great comment. Thanks. Your bit on Cabal Operators having no sense of taste really resonated with Ann Barnhardt’s teachings on Diabolical Narcissism. If you’ve never read or watched her stuff on this before, it’s worth your time:

1 year ago

This article explained on June 1, 2023 why the Oceangate event will occur.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Excellent article and site.Thank you.

1 year ago

People are complaining Coca Cola is skimping on carbonation. There is nothing they are not making cheaper and crappier.

I had to look this up. I don’t actually know everything.
CO2 is a byproduct of nitrogen and ammonia production from natural gas. So this is downstream from the fertilizer shortage, which is a result of Germany suicidally giving up Russian gas.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

CO2 is important to the Dutch greenhouse industry. I expect those F1 gen seeds are going to rise in price.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

The lack of carbonation began years ago mate.
Nice try though.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Crown is subservient to the Vatican. It has been since the Norman Conquest. Remember, the Pilgrims fled England to get away from Vatican control. The current conquest of America is the Vatican’s crushing of Protestantism. And they’ve been remarkably successful.

The Counterreformation never ended.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They join the order of St. John.
Order of Saint John (chartered 1888)

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Both Crown and Vatican are run by your “elder brothers in…” oh, nevermind… run by The Fews.
As for the Vatican controlling the Crown after 1066, go look up Law Prof Judith A. Shapiro’s watershed article from 2006, Georgetown University: “The Shetar, a Jewish Law Becomes The Law of the Land.”

Jew done it. Vatican put them up to it. Cough, cough, and the Vatican was founded by who? (It rhymes with who and also with few.)

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
1 year ago

Catholics, through replacement theology, literally became the Synagogue of Satan.

1 year ago

On this Russian ‘coup’, the better resources has been Simplicius The Thinker.
He covers the bases and seems to have solid sources.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Yes. Very good. My go to list is:



Simplicus76 substack

Big Serge’s substack.

Martyanov (smoothiex12 on blogspot)

@armchairwarlord also v good

@squatsons too

1 year ago

FBI-staged protest at Sacramento PRIDE.event.

Why are the Jesuit faggs at FBI not staging their fake mass shooting?

Pride month is almost over.

Are too many eyes on them?

Are they getting nervous at their field offices?

Are they being tailed?

1 year ago

I don’t know how this fits. So, I told you about my mom? Driving halfway across the country because a voice in her head told her to? And then meeting a kind stranger that took her into their house, and she starts back up again? This happened repeatedly.

Okay, I met a man at a church I went to for a very short time. The man was attractive, wealthy, polished. We went to dinner a few times. He told me his previous girlfriend had attended a bible college- one my mother was familiar with. The young woman heard a “voice of God” telling her to move to a particular city, get a particular job, get an apartment, and then go to this one outing- where she met this man. The voice told her this man was for her, planned by God. Okay, this man was wealthy. He was a millionaire from a tech company that he owned. He was also talented in his area of creativity. He also had a particular fetish. This woman, at the ‘voice of God’ went along with his fetish. He never married her. With considerable anguish, after a few years, like, ten years of her life- prime marriageable age to mid-thirties and not marriageable anymore, in any way, due to his fetish and the age range of marriages for this city- she broke up with him. What was written in the Bible, versus what the voice asked of her, were at odds. Very, very, very at odds.

I think of all the Pentecostal and Evangelical and Mormon girls, the serious ones, who pray, and listen for the ‘voice of God’- and fast, and are, at this point, probably hungry, sleep deprived, longing for holiness, and they hear a ‘voice.’ And then they do what it says. Or the ‘voice’ that sometimes people hear in AA meetings.

My mother is now old, and frail, and does not hear the ‘voice of God’ anymore. She thinks I am worldly, hardened, and probably going to hell, since I have not heard that voice, nor obeyed the voice that I’m not hearing. I’d like to point out that the ‘voice of God’ she heard told her to starve her children, abuse her children, and chase after married men. Wealthy married men.

You notice how it’s always thin, attractive, smart, sweet girls hearing the voice. Fat, ugly types never hear a voice.

This man, who wasn’t particularly depraved at the beginning of all this, did have one fantasy. They acted it out, to the point a decade later, the participants are nearly all the people in his life. He decided to sell his company and move to a different town, and go to a church, since his girlfriend kept going to church the whole time. I think, so what was he supposed to be doing, otherwise, in those ten years? Let me stress, talented, creative, millionaire. I’m thinking, not wasting time? Not dedicated to depravity? Influencing culture?

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

1 John 4 tells us explicitly not to trust every spirit as coming from God, but to test them. I doubt this voice would have passed the test.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

It’s why I don’t go to Pentecostal churches, even though I think they’ve got some good points. They hear voices. My mom had people at her various churches praying for one man to leave his wife for my mom. My mom claimed the wife was a witch. That poor wife. She’s got four children, and a husband of decades, and now this woman has come to town, and is professional, and slinky, and is going to national conventions with the man, syrupy southern voice talking about how she understands professional pressures, and this business.

She called me once, laying across the doorstep of one of her target’s hotel room, at some ungodly early hour of the morning, weeping about how hard it was, that he would not let her in his room, into his heart, into his life. The man had a wife and children.

I mean, there are so few rules, so very,very,very few rules- don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t steal, don’t commit adultery, don’t murder. There’s ten laws, but really, for how to deal with people? Five laws. It doesn’t even say “Don’t be rude” or “Don’t be racist.” or “Don’t be unsupportive.” “Don’t wear bright pink tank tops and hot pants when going out on Friday nights.”

So, a boring, plain vanilla, mainline Protestant church is going to have a pastor. And that pastor is going to have a bishop. And that bishop is going to have to answer to some national committee. And, one hopes, for the most part, that they are not nuts, not corrupt, not stupid. The congregation is going to audit the pastors, and the finances, and there’s just, there’s structure. You can’t go free range weirdo. Or, Baptist, and you are apprenticed, more or less, to elder pastors. No bishop, yet some structure. The congregation audits the pastorate. The congregation debates important spiritual topics. Like, five gay pastors cannot hijack an entire congregation. They certainly try, but they are not guaranteed success.

When I found out what my husband was up to, I called her for advice. Chronic illness, four children, no job for decades. I needed to know how to navigate against a mistress. My children got one last year of stability. I don’t know that many people can consult with actual enemies, for that war.

I don’t think regular women necessarily look at their husband, middle aged nice guy, and think about the lengths some women will got to take him. I don’t even know if it’s the guy, or her lifestyle. I know some women literally would not let my mother into their house, even if they were neighbors, because they saw what she’d done. She moved, but it was a lesson I saw. I’d only just found her – adoption. I don’t know if this happened to her repeatedly, or if this neighborhood was different. I can’t tell. Media shows people being understanding, and staying friends, and girl power extended to supportive adulterous women.

I know my husband told me I was a judgey bitch for cutting off friends if they ever took on adultery as a hobby. I just…’s poison.

Also, jinkies. It’s summer time and all the churches in town have their banners out for VBS. That is, about half the churches have rainbow flags out, and the other half have banners for Vacation Bible School, which is a gift to the children. It’s a really stark divide.

Reply to  wooderson
1 year ago

My mom had people at her various churches praying for one man to leave his wife for my mom. 

In other words, praying for God to tear apart what He (in his will) put together for life. I have no doubt you would at least get a rebuke in my church for that, and if you did it at an official prayer meeting after being rebuked, you might end up under church discipline.

The congregation is going to audit the pastors, and the finances, and there’s just, there’s structure.

I’ve been through plenty of babbler churches as a child, and I hate them as well. The funny thing is what I hate the most is “the worship is whatever the pastor decided when he woke up. Last week was 3 hymns an a half hour sermon. Now it’s one hymn, 2 hours of sermon, and another 4 hymns.”
There’s also the issue of apostolic succession. Most of these “pastors” are self ordained. They don’t have an actual connection back to the apostles through ordination. Martin Luther might be unfavored by the Romans, but he was ordained through the Roman church and has apostolic succession.
I love the PCA Book of Church Order. I love our Constitution (the Westminster Confession and Larger Catachism). I attend Presbytery when I can (even though I’m not a voter) and watch some of our national General Assembly. Church is something you do, not feel. As for the babblers, remember the apostle Peter (who I think of as a the football coach of the apostles.)

These are wells without water, clouds carried by a tempest, for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.
For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. 

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I’m thinking, so… group goes to psychiatrists or therapists. These men, they take the drugs, and look weird.

These women are in smaller subcultures that avoid psychiatrists, for the most part. This means they avoid depression drugs- and this means they aren’t fattening up on depression meds. And, no breakouts on their skin from birth control pills. I mean, I don’t know that the two cultures- secular and fundamentalist- really get how physically different they look from each other. Even hair styles- lefties dye their hair wild colors. Religious keep their hair natural, for the most part. One eats home food- it’s hard to get fat on homemade food- and one eats doordash and ubereats and has binge/purge trauma cycles.

Or, for that matter, how they approach relationships? Like, marriage good, marriage and babies, highest good? Versus, handbag good, designer handbag, highest good?

And then, I mean, my introduction to pentecostal churches is my biological mother, and her pastor who, conveniently (married, multiple children, successful) shows up at her house every single day, and the real estate magnate that “hears the voice of god” to give her a rent free house on the beach, and on from there. The “voice of god” saying go after a married, successful, rich doctor- with a wife with four children. And….and………and……….

And now she is old, and can’t hear that voice, and wonders what happened.

That’s just her. So, the other woman catering to the fetish millionaire, didn’t sound strange. It just sounded like pentecostal hijinks. But, AC keeps showing up with all these ways that something malignant influences people with high tech gadgets. I would think taking beautiful young girls and corrupting them with their own faith would be a pleasure to something so evil.

1 year ago

There’s a belief in our larger community about predictive programming and also the notion of an “occult belief” that satan must unveil his plans to us before acting on them.

Honestly, I think it’s more subtle. First, they want to create emotions associated with different scenarios so that when that scenario unfolds in real life, you respond with the desired emotional response.

But going deeper, I think a lot of this is effectively comms to their minions. Just as comments here read news stories and think, “oh dear, they are planning on an alien invasion” we have to understand that their own people are drawing similar conclusions. A lot of cabal comms is about telling their own people what to expect and how to react, all in a completely deniable way.

Id say that the purpose of Hollywood and msm is purely comms for cabal. Every aspect of it, from casting to plots to dialogue to even commercials is scripted to have its desired effect on both the marks (us) and their own foot soldiers.

1 year ago

Beat down some FBI agents provocateur in Portland, demasking several of them.

1 year ago

Patriot front feds exposed. Read the comments.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They should have taken photos of all of them and posted them, thereby ruining there careers.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The entire thing is highly suspect. It’s hard to know exactly who is behind this and what kind of response they are hoping to achieve. Just always remember that in Clown World nothing is as it appears.

1 year ago

This is the BEST video on the internet right now.

– Pro-America Patriot rally ongoing
– Feds show up dressed as “Nazis”
– Patriots force Feds out of rally
– Unmask the Feds, who PANIC
– The “Nazis” cry, tremble in fear
– Cops rush to save Feds

WATCH:— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) June 25, 2023

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

If Benny Johnson is for it, it’s a glow operation. Both of those groups glow in the dark. I love how the “patriots” have their matching hats, t-shirts, and handkerchiefs. Funny, did anyone get arrested for assaulting any of the feds? Yeah, just like January 6th.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

comment imagecomment image
Check this out. The dude here commenting is from “Whidbey Island”. You know the island where the guy took the pictures of the MISSILE launch. Naval base there as well.
.comment image

1 year ago


1 year ago

1 year ago

 thought it interesting, and important, to understand the mechanism. If you pay close attention to your environment, you may need to be even more aware of the threats posed by the people who have slowly weaseled their way into the background of your life.”

Everyone needs to read that above section again, Really pour over he details of how the agent describes inserting himself into someone’s life.

All the major infiltrators I know came in gently. A few started working where I work just to make a vague presence in the background. It’s a slow, insidious process. We had neighbors work their way in after being our neighbors for many years. But it’s clear that they were sent in to ultimately befriend us. And they were incredibly patient.

For kids in school, watch out for the kid you met in very early grades who seems to come in and out of your life. By the time you get to high school, your guard is so down that you don’t suspect a thing.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It’s designed to mimic natural random relationships with just a little extra added.
It’s very hard to spot and if you do look out for it you will spoil real relationships you might have had. (better to look out for it anyway but there is no avoiding being harmed in some way)