r-Selection Equals Peak Retardation

They can’t even feel confident that they can get 40 names reproduced correctly:

A new war memorial will have no names inscribed on it in case errors are included.

The new installation will commemorate 40 soldiers from Tidworth, Wiltshire, who have died in battle since 1914.

Chris Franklin, town mayor, said the memorial committee’s decision to “omit the names” seemed to be “purely based on it being too much of a risk”.

How could you ever hope to have idiots like this send a man to the moon, where one mistake means everyone dies? How would you feel as an astronaut, sitting on the launch pad, knowing that the entire mission requires a few hundred thousand math equations be done correctly, when your civilization doesn’t put 40 names on a memorial because they are fairly certain they will misspell a few? And everything on your rocket was done by the lowest bidder of that bunch. This is pretty much putting the kibosh on any future great accomplishments where things have to be done right.

This is what happens in r-selection. When individuals grow up in an environment where making mistakes has no consequence, they stop doing things right consistently because they don’t have to. Get caught cheating? No problemo. Go to another university, if you even get kicked out of the University you are at, which you probably won’t. You don’t even have to cheat right.

This is amygdala atrophy. This is the Idiocracy. Only apocalypse can save us now.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Methinks space will be the ultimate permanent K-selected environment given that in space there is constant resource scarcity.

9 years ago

It’s even worse than that-just turn on the tv for 5 minutes {or less} and you’ll see the idiocracy in all it’s splendor.