The hateful rhetoric of leaders like Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is the latest, ugliest example. Mr. Patrick was ebullient on Tuesday night after it became clear that Houston voters had decidedly rejected a broad equal rights ordinance that opponents maliciously and misleadingly characterized as a boon for cross-dressing sex offenders.
“It was about protecting our grandmoms and our mothers and our wives and our sisters and our daughters and our granddaughters,” Mr. Patrick said as he thanked a crowd of joyful supporters who nodded and cried “Amen!”
The ordinance would have allowed biological men to use women’s bathrooms, simply because they “identified” as women. The Times goes on to say,
Opponents of the law, led by Jared Woodfill, a Houston lawyer and a Texas Republican Party leader, started a well-funded campaign that equated supporting it with allowing men to use women’s public restrooms for deviant purposes. Their fearmongering, blasted on yard signs, bellowed from church pulpits and dramatized in a television ad, suggested that sexual deviants were waiting for the ordinance to kick in to sneak up on unsuspecting women in bathroom stalls.
This is completely unfounded. There are no documented cases of peeping Toms or rapists taking advantage of anti-discrimination ordinances that have extended legal protections to transgender Americans in recent years.
Apparently they don’t keep up on the news at the NY Times:
The administration at the University of Toronto was recently enlightened on why two separate washrooms are generally established for men and women sharing co-ed residencies.
The University is temporarily changing its policy on gender-neutral bathrooms after two separate incidents of “voyeurism” were reported on campus September 15 and 19. Male students within the University’s Whitney Hall student residence were caught holding their cellphones over female students’ shower stalls and filming them as they showered.
A biological man claiming to be ‘transgender’ so as to gain access to and prey on women at two Toronto shelters was jailed “indefinitely” last week after being declared by a judge a “dangerous offender.”
Pro-family leaders are pointing out that this is exactly the type of incident they warned of as the Ontario government passed its “gender identity” bill, dubbed the “bathroom bill,” in 2012.
Christopher Hambrook, 37, leaned on the ever expanding legal “rights” offered to people who “identify” with the sex opposite their biology. Under the name “Jessica,” he was able to get into the women’s shelters, where he sexually assaulted several women in 2012, the Toronto Sun reports.
I’m sure the public editor will devote a page to this gross lie by the Social Justice Assholes in the NY Times, and offer a full apology. (Where the fuck did all these chirping crickets come from?)
The best response to this was uttered by a Freeper, who said something to the effect that, “If women are supposed to have no problem with a biological man whom they don’t identify with in their restroom, why can’t the biological man have no problem with using a bathroom with other biological men with whom he doesn’t identify with?”
Liberals are r-strategists, and thus have an expectation that every urge they have must be satisfied. Here, they simply expect women to give in to their demands that they accept men in their restrooms. Any opposition to this triggers the leftist’s amygdalae. To the lefitst, this triggering is unnecessary, and thus it must be being done with malice and hatred.
People often write of selfishness and self-absorption, viewing it as willfully ignoring the wishes or interests of others. In reality, it is most often an amygdala that is overly triggerable and which yields an outsized aversive stimulus, beneath which all other aspects of a circumstance are totally buried and thus unnoticeable. From a theoretical standpoint, it is easy to dismiss responsibility for such selfishness, but from a practical standpoint there is simply no living with it. Either the individual must become acclimated to and tolerant of adversity, or you simply must eliminate all interactions with them.
Sadly, leftists will never willingly train themselves to become tolerant of any sort of adversity. The only way their brains will be developed to tolerate the autonomy of others is by the force of apocalypse.
Apocalypse cometh™
[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]
The unconscious embrace of a “no limits” world is part of the Jungian archetype of “flight,” where people subconsciously feel so freed of Earthly limits (natural laws) that they expect in their deepest thoughts to be able to spread their arms and rise into the sky, effortlessly.
Real world exhibits of this exist, too, in the financial world. In 1964 silver was removed from US coinage and in 1971 the Nixon administration ceased to honor gold payments in international monetary flows. These events cut “the dollar” loose from any fixed mooring, such that the mass mind could flit from dollars/oz of gold or silver to dollars/bbl of oil, or dollars/acre of farmland, or dollars/Euro, dollars/tire, dollars/pair of shoes, dollars/share of IBM, etc., etc., always moving but never actually comparable to anything else at the same time.
This was a necessary precondition to seeing mass, maniacal optimism turn into a positive feedback loop, a once-in-several-centuries asset mania based on issuing a virtual (in both senses) ocean of IOU-dollars-sometime-down-the-road to underpin dollar prices that spiraled upward into the outer atmosphere.
Today a man (XY chromosomes in every cell of his body) is “freed” from this biological fact by his “embrace” of his being a woman simply by stating it (a magical incantation, as it were) and others are obligated (increasingly on force of law) to give his magic spell full reality by treating him as a woman in all aspects of their interaction, no matter how far removed. This is the same mass delusion as is establishing, by groupthink consensus, that a firm producing no profits is “worth” hundreds of millions, if not many billions of dollars.
We are all flying upward, freed of gravity, and anyone who tries to fight against being dragged skyward (due to fear of what happens when the delusional spell is broken and gravity suddenly reasserts) is figuratively and increasingly physically beaten into silence and submission.
In 1841 Charles Mackay published a book people often cite by title, yet its importance is grossly underappreciated. Modern references to “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” almost always involve discussions of finance, but in fact the great financial manias it discusses (Tulipmania, John Law’s Mississippi Scheme and the South Sea Bubble) are only part of the mass insanities addressed. The others have much more in common with today’s social manias, such as mainstreaming LGBT follies most notably including the transgender phenomenon as a subset of other body dysmorphias and related psychological rejection of reality.
A society in the grip of a “popular delusion” expresses its fantasies across the spectrum of collective behavior. This leads me to see that the end of this multi-decade fantasy will arrive simultaneously across that same spectrum.
This is off topic, but what do you think of China’s now-repealed one-child policy? Surely it must relate to r/K.
I think they were trying to avoid overpopulation and K-selection early on, but now they are thinking about billions of young men with no women and a lot of irritation, as well as having to demand too much of the younger generations to support the elderly in their old age.
One funny aspect of r-selection is that it all ends up being living in the moment at the expense of the future. When the future comes, they look for some way to put off the consequences, and live n the moment at the expense of the future all over again. Eventually it will all come due.
“…Liberals are r-strategists, and thus have an expectation that every urge they have must be satisfied…”
As I read this I came up with a good riposte to their increasingly wilder and wilder behaviors we should respect. “Society is not bound to respect your every urge or perversion”. Puts them outside of the group.
We’re drowning in rabbit shit.