Stefan Molyneux Interviews Bill Whittle on r/K Theory

I haven’t even gotten to look at this yet, but it is so important I wanted to get it up fast. Stefan Molyneux interviews Bill Whittle about r/K Theory on Freedomain here:

Stefan is already well known to many of the readers here. He has been named one of the ten most influential people in the alternative media, but all the raves about his show and the awards it has won are too numerous to fully list here, so if you have a few minutes to review them all, visit this page. Through his Freedomain Radio show he hosts the “largest and most popular philosophical conversation in the world,” literally, on which he discusses everything from liberty, to psychology (which he is quite brilliant in), to crypto-currencies.

His show runs solely on viewer donations, contributed here, and book sales (here on Amazon), so it can discuss anything without fear of boycotts, or other SJW mischief.

By supporting this, Stefan has given r/K an enormous shot in the arm, and we should all be enormously grateful to him. I know I am.

On the other side of the interview, everybody here knows Bill Whittle, and the hard work he does for freedom. Every video he produces is a knife through the heart of leftism, and they are amazingly enthusing to watch. Bill funds his efforts through memberships at his website, at http://, and through sales of his book, Silent America: Essays from a Democracy at War

Bill has been a tireless advocate for r/K Theory, and without his efforts, I’m not sure the readership here would be one tenth what it is now.

Now I’ve gotta go check this out.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Fame's Blond
9 years ago

You know your blog and readers but I think this blog has earned its readership on the basis of the content and owes nobody anything. I first heard of r/K at Heartiste. But most of what I read comes through the two aggregators, neorxn and curiaregis. So I found you and r/K via that mechanism. And to me, r/K is best defined, exampled, and explained here.

Through this blog, I do see many issues via r/K lenses. Heartiste had a series of posts on “friend zoned betas” and I saw the women that do this, use betas for provisioning and care, then jump in the sack with a passing cad boy, are r women that do not act as K. So I thought “another reason to get away from them”. Jayman re-mentioned the Sailer data that “Married women vote Republican”. He said it was more complicated than that. I immediately thought, “No, conservative, K-selected women are married”. So, all that came from you. I heard r/K, wolves, rabbits and though yeah, yeah I get it. But you take it a big step farther and add in the mental processes, add in narcissism, relate it all to liberals and liberal leaders in a way nobody else even comes close.

So to me, in this subject r/K- You the man.

9 years ago

I watched this earlier today, it is a very good interview. Bill is well-spoken and articulate, and Stefan is very insightful with many points of his own about the r/K dichotomy. Bill does a good job of emphasizing the altruistic and selfless aspects of K, including caring for the sick and sacrificing one’s own interest for the tribe. For example, failure is good in a way because it allows the stronger wolf who beat you to propagate his stronger genes which benefits the pack/tribe. For humans, it’s like failure provides a way to learn, improve, and somehow find satisfaction even if you’re not on top, the best, or perfect?

Readers who would like to watch Stefan’s discussion of r/K may do so at these videos, an excellent introduction to the ideas:

Gene Wars series from Stefan Molyneux:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

9 years ago

While the collective’s direction matters, it is foreordained. Nothing in nature that involves movement occurs in a single direction forever. All must therefore be cyclical. This axiomatically means that there is no altering the fact that success sows the seeds of failure.

The key then is, as individuals, to ignore the larger world and simply do what we as individuals should and must do. Be the best persons (husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, neighbors) we can be and simply let the rest of the world go the way it goes.

Life. LIFE is the key. Be pro-life (your life.) Love your life, love the lives of your loved ones. Protect them. Cherish them. All the rest falls into place.

Reply to  dc.sunsets
8 years ago

Exactly so!!

9 years ago

This is an off topic comment though when I saw this photo recently of Quentin Tarantino thought
it was a great example of the frozen anxious face of older narcissists.

Reply to  LadyVigilant
9 years ago

Interesting, do you see this kind of face often? I sometimes see older individuals that perpetually have a smile or frown frozen on their faces and I’ve wondered what the cause of that is.

9 years ago

Well done, AC! This video is recognition of the good work you have done so far. Hopefully it´s just the start of a trend that will see r/k become a household word.

Curt Doolitlte
9 years ago


I’d originally felt uncomfortable with the use of the r/K metaphor over the more descriptive and causal female primate vs male primate reproductive strategy. But it’s growing on me for its illustrative power. I’ll try to get to the book this month.

Glad to see you using a more scientific and empirical, and a less rational and moral argument structure.

If this embrace of science over rationalism is sustainable long enough, then we’ll succeed in cleansing cosmopolitan libertinism from the Libertarian movement, and unite libertarian and conservative wings once again. 🙂

Curt Doolittle
The Philosophy of Aristocracy
The Propertarian Institute
Kiev, Ukraine