More on the Austrian Arms Race

They’ve increased the rate of licensing:

Weapon sales are soaring in Austria as citizens of the small Alpine nation become paranoid over the numbers of refugees crowding into their country…

‘Virtually all shotguns are currently sold out, because you need no permit for them’, said Thomas Ortner, spokesman for an arms dealer in Upper Austria…

Licence courses, in which applicants must demonstrate knowledge of firearms, used to take place every five weeks but they are now held weekly because of spiking demand.

This is a K-shift. Lots of other attitudes will begin to change along with that mental preparation to do violence. From reduced promiscuity, to more desire to rear children, to increased competitiveness, to decreased tolerance for government betrayal, it is all on its way – and the collapse hasn’t even happened yet, nor has the real violence started.

A Viennese sociologist, Roland Girtler, said: ‘Migration, in all of human history, comes with many worries.

‘Many see danger in these foreigners among them. But this fear is unfounded.’

This is a reflexive denial of an idea his brain literally can’t consider. If he tried to accept the idea that the migrants could pose a threat, his brain would melt down – it is just too painful. So it assuages the discomfort by saying, “But why would they do bad things if we are being nice to them?”

Sadly for him he won’t last long. Some stupid just needs Darwin to intervene.

There is one risk in all of this. At the level of the populace, are citizens who are beginning to turn K, even off of the minimal resource restriction we are seeing now. At the top of the leadership, resources are still flowing freely, and as a result the leaders are still heavily rabbitized. As the collapse unfolds, it is possible this will produce a serious divide. There will be a combination of an increasingly desperate, rabbitized leadership willing to resort to any level of totalitarianism to maintain their shielded position, and an increasingly desperate K-ified population willing to do anything to survive.

That growing divide could portend some real chaos on the European side. An epic economic collapse, mixed with the wildcard of insane Muslims demanding societal dominance, a criminal class running wild, desperate leaders willing to stomp down with totalitarianism to avoid dealing with the consequences of their own stupidity, and a population of angry wolves willing to set a match to it all. Europe may have a real mess on their hands.

I’d be arming up too over there, if I wasn’t armed to the teeth already.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Three things are suddenly in play –

1. Russia´s intervention in the Middle East
2. A looming financial collapse of epic proportions throughout the West
3. The Muslim migrant invasion of Europe.

My question is: What are the chances that they are all related and being orchestrated? What are the chances, for example, that the economic collapse will be deliberately triggered, that the Muslims will then begin hostilities on a Europe-wide scale; and that Russia will exploit the resulting chaos to seize the Saudi oilfields (giving them a virtual monopoly of worldwide supply) – to give but one potential outcome?

9 years ago

Violence is the only answer people respect. Sad but true

9 years ago

Just off topic but related.What do you think of the Mexican drug war? Would that be K-selection occurring in mexico? With the drug cartels and autodefensas(destroyed by the government) being the K-selected groups fighting it out?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

As a Mexican I would tend to agree with the above sentiments. I would add, however, that, as in all developing / 3rd World countries, life here is very hard for the vast majority of people. There are very few free resources, therefore k-selection is always in play.

9 years ago

[…] More on the Austrian Arms Race | […]